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植物化石记录了丰富的古气候和古环境信息,为研究地史时期气候变迁、古环境重建提供了依据。2018年在甘肃白银宝积山盆地中侏罗统窑街组采集到了屈囊蕨属植物叶片化石。通过对当前标本的宏观形态学特征研究,将其归于山西屈囊蕨(Gonatosorus shansiensis)。屈囊蕨属在中国发现的化石记录较少,该属化石在甘肃宝积山盆地为首次发现。现生蚌壳蕨科植物生长在温暖潮湿的环境中,推测甘肃宝积山盆在中侏罗世为温暖潮湿的环境。屈囊蕨属植物在中侏罗世的分布区为华北地区和西北地区中部,到早白垩世逐渐转移到东北地区,反应出逐渐向北推进的演化趋势。  相似文献   

Zosterophyllum(工蕨属)是早期陆生植物的代表性类群之一,全球广泛分布。Z.australianum(澳大利亚工蕨)产自华南和澳大利亚,是东北冈瓦纳古植物地理区系的典型分子。文中描述了产自贵州都匀包阳剖面蟒山群中的Z.australianum新材料。该标本的孢子囊具短柄,呈椭圆形或扇形,宽2.6~4.1 mm,高可达3.9 mm,加厚带宽约0.6 mm,紧密螺旋排列形成孢子囊穗,与云南文山早泥盆世坡松冲植物群中的Z. australiaunum极为相似。依据目前对Z. australianum时代延限的认识,并结合蟒山群其他植物属种的发现(如Adoketophyton subverticillatum),推断该群下段的时代为早泥盆世布拉格期。Z. australianum在蟒山群中的发现,扩展了该植物的地理分布范围,反映出蟒山群中的植物组合与坡松冲植物群存在一定联系。  相似文献   

Zosterophyllum(工蕨属)是早期陆生植物的代表性类群之一,全球广泛分布。Z.australianum(澳大利亚工蕨)产自华南和澳大利亚,是东北冈瓦纳古植物地理区系的典型分子。文中描述了产自贵州都匀包阳剖面蟒山群中的Z.australianum新材料。该标本的孢子囊具短柄,呈椭圆形或扇形,宽2.6~4.1 mm,高可达3.9 mm,加厚带宽约0.6 mm,紧密螺旋排列形成孢子囊穗,与云南文山早泥盆世坡松冲植物群中的Z. australiaunum极为相似。依据目前对Z. australianum时代延限的认识,并结合蟒山群其他植物属种的发现(如Adoketophyton subverticillatum),推断该群下段的时代为早泥盆世布拉格期。Z. australianum在蟒山群中的发现,扩展了该植物的地理分布范围,反映出蟒山群中的植物组合与坡松冲植物群存在一定联系。  相似文献   

对福建永安市下白垩统坂头组保存较好的真蕨类营养叶化石枝脉蕨Cladophlebis进行了叶片形态及角质层微细构造特征的分析, 该化石至少二次羽状分裂, 末二次羽轴粗, 小羽片小, 全缘, 排列紧密, 中脉明显, 侧脉密集, 多数一次分叉; 上表皮无气孔器, 细胞轮廓不清晰, 偶见表皮毛; 下表皮具气孔器, 呈纵向带状排列; 表皮细胞长方形或呈条带状; 垂周壁加厚, 较直; 平周壁波状突起; 气孔器近圆形, 具明显拱盖, 保卫细胞弱角质化, 副卫细胞分化不明显.对当前化石小羽片解剖学特征的分析填补了该属植物化石叶片角质层微细构造特征的空白, 进一步将其与现生紫萁Osmunda joponsica以及部分真蕨类化石的表皮特征进行对比, 结合宏观形态和角质层特征的分析及其与相似种类的比较, 将永安的标本命名为一新种, 永安枝脉蕨Cladophlebis yonganensis Dai et B. N. Sun, sp. nov., 并且推断当前化石代表了某一类已经灭绝的真蕨类植物.   相似文献   

太原西山煤田一种新的科达根及其生态意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西太原西山煤田太原组7号煤层煤核中一种科达植物根部化石——太原无髓根(新种)Amyelon taiyuanense Wang et Tian,sp.nov.,它有别于无髓根属其它的已知种,其主要特征是:a.内部皮层具板状厚角组织并通气组织化;b.具外皮层,其细胞的径向壁发育,有栓质化加厚带;c.皮层可以较长时期留存。它与现代一些红树植物如红树属Rhizophora、白骨壤属Avicennia、柱果木属Conocarpus等根的皮层中的通气组织非常相似。而这些红树植物均生活于海边的咸水或半咸水沼泽中。因此,本属种所代表的科达值物的生活环境可能也是滨海咸水或半咸水泥炭沼泽。沉积环境分析的结果证明上述推断是正确的。   相似文献   

Sphenopteris(楔羊齿属)叶化石在全球晚古生代地层中广泛出现,但该属的系统分类位置及演化特征仍有待深入探讨,而且只有极少数种的表皮及气孔微细构造得到揭示。笔者在甘肃永昌乌拉尔统山西组中发现了2种形态保存较好且具有角质层的楔羊齿,分别是 Sphenopteris yongchangensis sp. nov.(永昌楔羊齿—新种)和Sphenopteris nystroemii (弱楔羊齿)。前者小羽片呈扇形,基部连合,侧脉分叉1次,气孔作椭圆状且为两面生; 后者小羽片呈梭形且顶端钝圆,侧脉分叉1次并达缘,气孔分布于脉间区。经对比,文中报道的2种楔羊齿可能属皱羊齿目(Lyginopteridales)。此外,统计了Sphenopteris在晚古生代的269个化石记录,结合该属的形态学、解剖学特征和分布记录,探讨了其多样性演化和古地理分布,结果表明: 宾夕法尼亚亚纪至乌拉尔世,Sphenopteris广泛分布于全球中低纬度地区,呈现出高度变异和分化; 自晚泥盆世至二叠纪,Sphenopteris型叶化石在中国自华南向华北迁移演化,说明其多样性特征不仅与湿润气候密切相关,而且与其古地理分布相耦合。  相似文献   

对浙江天台中新统下南山组6块叶片压型化石——天台润楠Machilus tiantaiensis Ding S. T. et Sun B. N. sp. nov.,并对其叶结构和表皮构造特征进行了详细的研究.其主要特征为:叶椭圆形,全缘,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,侧脉羽状;表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状,单细胞毛基多集中于脉络区;气孔下生式,气孔器短平列型,副卫细胞1~2个.通过与现生植物进行对比分析,发现当前标本的叶结构和表皮构造特征与樟科润楠属(Machilus)十分一致.利用PAST(palaeontological statistics)软件对我国润楠属68种植物叶片的形态特征进行聚类分析,结果表明当前化石与M. pingii Cheng ex Yang最为接近;角质层分析也表明二者的表皮构造最为相似.利用化石与其现存最近亲缘种M. pingii的气孔比率,恢复了天台晚中新世的古大气CO2体积分数为407.9×10-6.此外,依据现生润楠属主要分布于亚洲东南部和南部的热带、亚热带地区,推断天台地区中新世的古气候较为温暖湿润.   相似文献   

由“真动物”构成的动物界(不包括海绵)通常被划分为双胚层动物、原口动物和后口动物3个亚界。寒武纪大爆发经历了爆发的前奏—序幕—主幕3个阶段,其中后两个阶段处于早寒武世初期(依次以小壳化石的首次辐射和澄江动物群爆发为代表),另一个则发生在“寒武前夜”(即前寒武纪末期),以伊迪卡拉生物群为代表。这次独特的三幕式大爆发分步完成了动物形态演化谱系树(简写为TOA)的成型。已有化石证据显示,动物树的3大主体或3个亚界的起源及其早期辐射分别发生于寒武纪大爆发这3个主要阶段。澄江化石库中发现的早期后口动物亚界涵盖了该亚界中所有6大分支(棘皮类、半索类、头索类、尾索类、脊椎类和绝灭了的古虫类)的原始类群,澄江动物群时代标志着寒武纪大爆发的顶峰,完成了动物树框架的成型,从而宣告了寒武纪大爆发的基本终结。其学术重要性超越了中寒武世的布尔吉斯页岩,因为前者位于动物树形成的“源头”,而后者仅代表此后的“一段流程”。在动物演化历史上4个最具转折意义的重大创新事件(即多细胞动物起源、两侧对称动物起源、后口动物起源和脊椎动物起源)中,第一个发生在伊迪卡拉纪甚至更早的时期,其余3个则可通过梅树村化石群和澄江化石群观察到其完成的主体过程。已灭绝的古虫动物门,是初具鳃裂构造的原始分节动物,作为由原口动物向后口动物过渡的一个珍稀“缺环”,很可能代表着后口动物亚界的一个根。古囊类兼有两侧对称的古虫类和一些原始棘皮动物的镶嵌体征,最可能代表棘皮动物的一个根。在早寒武世动物演化谱系中,后口动物的"顶端类群"的代表是被誉为“第一鱼”的昆明鱼目,目前已知包括昆明鱼、海口鱼和钟健鱼,它们具对眼、脊索与串珠状脊椎软骨共存的原始脊椎,?  相似文献   

现生铁角蕨Asplenium Linn.种类繁多,广布于热带—温带地区,以热带—亚热带为分布中心。确切的Asplenium Linn.化石最早出现于东亚和俄罗斯远东地区的下白垩统地层中,是西伯利亚—加拿大区白垩纪的新生分子。根据吉林延边地区下白垩统长财组发现的铁角蕨化石的营养羽片和生殖羽片标本,在原位孢子研究基础上,通过与现生铁角蕨植物繁殖器官的对比,确认当前材料属于Asplenium Linn.;并进一步与国内外相关属种进行比对,建立了一个新种——长财铁角蕨(新种)(Asplenium changcaium Sun et Liu, sp. nov.)。该新种原位孢子的研究为深入探讨铁角蕨属乃至铁角蕨科的系统演化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Zosterophyllum longa sp.nov.is reported from the Lower Devonian Pingyipu Formation, Jiangyou District,northern Sichuan of China.This new plant has vertically elongate sporangia differing from all known species of Zosterophyllum,demonstrating morphological variations in Zosterophyllophytina.New materials of Zosterophyllum yunnanicum from the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation,Qujing District,eastern Yunnan of China show that fertile axes of this species are anisotomous or pseudomonopodial or K-shaped in branching.Sometimes fertile lateral axes are very short and bear an axUlary axis at the dividing point.Distinct thickening occurs along the whole margin of a sporangium,with sporangial lobes undeveloped.The evolution of Zosterophyllum is tentatively discussed.A biostratigraphic method of Gerrienne and Streel is introduced and applied to dating of the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation,which is considered as of the late Pragian-early Emsian.  相似文献   

河北兴隆煤田巨厚煤层的地层归属   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈芬  钟蓉 《现代地质》1993,7(1):1-8,T002
限据海水进退规程、植物化石、火山碎屑岩分布及煤层发育等情况进行对比,华北地台北部晚古生代普遍存在的巨厚煤层应归属太原组。  相似文献   

A new pollen organ, Bayeritheca hughesii gen. et sp. nov. with in situ Eucommiidites pollen grains, is described from the Cenomanian of Bohemia in Central Europe. It is based on a single lignified specimen which is the largest Eucommiidites -producing pollen structure described so far. It shows whorls of microsporangiate units attached to a massive main axis forming a cone-like structure. Each microsporangiate unit forms distally an angular head bearing trichomes and centrally arranged mucronate tubercles. The head is attached to a short stalk. Proximal sides of heads display radially arranged synangia. Each synangium contains an unknown number of pollen sacs with numerous Eucommiidites pollen grains.Bayeritheca is the only genus of Erdtmanithecales in which synangia instead of sporangia are found. Bayeritheca differs from Eucommiiditheca Friis & Pedersen in the whorled arrangement of microsporangiate units, which are densely spaced forming a cone-like structure. It differs from Erdtmanitheca Pedersen, Crane & Friis in the elongate shape of the whole organ, slender main axis, shorter pollen sacs, and different Eucommiidites pollen.  相似文献   

The Qinshui basin in southeastern Shanxi Province is an important base for coalbed methane exploration and production in China. The methane reservoirs in this basin are the Carboniferous and Permian coals. Their thickness is strongly controlled by the depositional environments and the paleogeography. In this paper, sedimentological research was undertaken on the outcrop and borehole sections of the Taiyuan and Shanxi formations in the Qinshui basin and the basin-wide lithofacies paleogeography maps for these two formations have been reconstructed. The Taiyuan Formation is composed of limestones, aluminous mudstones, siltstones, silty mudstones, sandstones, and mineable coal seams, with a total thickness varying from 44.9 m to 193.48 m. The coal seams have a thickness ranging between 0.10 and 16.89 m, averaging 7.19 m. During the deposition of the Taiyuan Formation, the northern part of the basin was dominated by a lower deltaic depositional system, the central and southern parts were dominated by a lagoon environment, and the southeastern corner was occupied by a carbonate platform setting. Coal is relatively thick in the northern part and the southeastern corner. The Shanxi Formation consists of sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and coals, with the limestones being locally developed. The thickness of the Shanxi Formation is from 18.6 m to 213.25 m, with the thickness of coal seams from 0.10 to 10 m and averaging 4.2 m. During the deposition of the Shanxi Formation, the northern part of the Qinshui basin was mainly dominated by a lower deltaic plain distributary channel environment, the central and southern parts were mainly an interdistributary bay environment, and the southeastern part was occupied by a delta front mouth bar environment. The thick coals are distributed in the central and southern parts where an interdistributary bay dominates. It is evident that the thick coal zones of the Taiyuan Formation are consistent with the sandstone-rich belts, mainly located in the areas of the northern lower deltaic plain and southeastern barrier bar environments, whereas the thick coal zones of the Shanxi Formation coincide with the mudstone-rich belts, located in the areas of the central and southern interdistributary bay environments. Translated from Journal of Palaeogeography, 2006, 8(1): 43–52 [译自: 古地理学报]  相似文献   

阳泉矿区煤系地层形成于海陆交互相的过渡环境,其煤层的形成、赋存、厚度变化、分布均受沉积环境的控制和影响。根据分析成煤环境、预测煤层赋存变化情况,为煤炭资源补勘和开采生产提供指导  相似文献   

Abstract: Two zosterophyll plants are described from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) Xitun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan, China. Xitunia spinitheca gen. et sp. nov. has stalked sporangia laterally attached on the axis in a helical arrangement. Sporangia are dorsoventrally flattened and composed of two unequal valves; the adaxial valve is round in face view, while the abaxial valve is larger than the former, triangular or wedge-shaped, and radially bears long spiny appendages along the distal margin. Xitunia shows new variation of sporangial morphology within the zosterophylls. Zosterophyllum minorstachyum sp. nov. has K-shaped branchings at the basal parts and small-sized terminal spikes, which consist of round to elliptical sporangia arranged helically. This paper provides new data on the diversity of plant types during Lochkovian when rare vascular plants were reported. As for various species of Zosterophyllum in South China, their apparent evolutionary trend of features from the Late Silurian to Early Devonian (Emsian) is discussed.  相似文献   

贵州上三叠统瓦窑组海百合化石群中的一新种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王柏艳  白志强  郝维成  孙元林  江大勇 《现代地质》2002,16(3):231-236,T003,T004
在贵州省关岭地区上三叠统瓦窑组地层中发现了保存完好的海百合化石群。化石保存在瓦窑组近底部的深灰色—灰黑色泥质灰岩层面上 ,与海百合共生的有菊石、双壳类和牙形石等海洋生物。海百合化石数量丰富 ,保存完好 ,经鉴定分属于创孔海百合属 (Trauma tocrinusW hrmann ,1889emend .Mu ,194 9)的许氏创孔海百合 (Traumatocrinushs櫣iMu ,194 9) ,关岭创孔海百合 (TraumatocrinusguanlingensisYu ,2 0 0 0 )和新铺创孔海百合(Traumatocrinusxinpuensissp .nov .)。其中 ,新铺创孔海百合 (Traumatocrinusxinpuensissp .nov .)为一新种 ,该种成年个体较大 ,茎板厚度分 5级 ,各级茎板排列顺序为 (1为一级茎板 ;2为二级茎板 ,以此类推 ) :1、 5、 4、 5、 3、 5、 4、 5、 2、 5、 4、 5、 3、 5、 4、 5、 2、5、 4、 5、 3、 5、 4、 5、 2、 5、 4、 5、 1,一级茎板数与二级茎板数之比为 1/ 3。第一个粗羽枝分出在三级腕的第 3块腕板上。据其骨骼排列的精密程度 ,推测该种海百合适合于水动力较弱的海洋环境  相似文献   

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