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This paper identifies contrasting environmental discourses on bushfire from the public debate that followed the Victorian fires of 2002–03. Submissions to the inquiry into the 2002–03 Victorian bushfires provide a particularly rich source of documentation. It is argued that environmental events such as bushfire only become political issues, or problems, when they are constituted as such through environmental discourse. Through the analysis, three contrasting discourses on bushfire are identified—here labelled the ‘conservationist’, ‘ruralist’ and ‘wise use’ discourses. In examining how different ‘constructions’ of bushfire have led to conflict, each discourse is shown to consist of a range of actors who draw on shared storylines. Having established a better understanding of the different attitudes, beliefs, interests and values that underpin debates about bushfire, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the prospects for compromise among the discourses and the potential for improved land and fire management outcomes.  相似文献   

Creative cities contribute much to the cultural economies and identities of a nation, shaping imagination and talent, and contributing to the sense of livability and place. Artists, designers, crafters, tinkerers, and even small-scale manufacturers are at the heart of urban rejuvenation in cities such as Brooklyn in New York, and Newcastle and Melbourne in Australia. Increasingly this activity is referred to in the public realm via the media, including social media, through the all-encompassing term ‘making’. Yet in much public policy, this activity is framed through previously held notions: artists, culture, and the precincts associated with this life. I explore this disjuncture by focusing on a case study of Australia’s largest city, Sydney, to interrogate the current schism between public and policy discourse. I share findings about the role of discourse, community consultation, and timing in policy development to argue that valuing making in cities requires commitment to continual community consultation to ensure policy currency, with makers as key stakeholders in this dialogue. Furthermore, the intersection of policy domains is required to prevent isolating making into one policy area. I highlight implications for the imagining of creative cities.  相似文献   

In 1992, Puerto Rico's governor and police superintendent incorporated the National Guard with local police in a militarized battle against crime. Mano dura contra el crimen (strong arm/iron fist against crime) policies led to the gating of 82 public housing communities in the island. Simultaneously, privileged private communities organized and petitioned municipalities to retrofit their neighbourhoods with gates in the name of safety. These enclosures followed the privatized management of all public housing communities in the island only a few years before. Based on ethnographic research, I examine the sociospatial outcomes of these policies, how they reframe community participation and deploy a discourse of self‐responsibility that distributes power unequally across private and public housing communities. While in the privileged communities these policies have cultivated community leaders and invigorated social life as residents take control over public space, the gates in the communities of the poor reflect a skeletal structure of democracy. Private management companies impose increasingly restrictive regulations in attempts to organize the community and the only recourse to participation is to engage in small acts of everyday resistance, from apathy to subversion. As part of larger neoliberal tendencies to retrench the ‘public’ in favour of the ‘private’, the mano dura policies curtail democracy as the voices of the poor are silenced and the scope of efficacy of the rich expands.  相似文献   


The objective of the article is to show how the demonstration project and battery ferry Ampere has contributed to a greening of public ferry procurement in Norway. Building on theories on demonstration projects in transition studies and institutional work, the author argues for a more integrated focus than hitherto on the dynamic interplay of materiality, organization, and discourse in demonstration projects, and how the agency of actor networks and the materiality connected to demonstration projects can affect institutional change accompanying transition processes. This is done by conceptualizing Ampere as a ‘performing project’: a complex of discursive and organizational strategies of framing and lobbying deployed by the actor networks connected to it and its materiality. Methodically, the author draws on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The results suggest that Ampere’s ‘performance’ has contributed to changes in national and regional ferry procurement practices and been vital for an emerging maritime battery niche.  相似文献   

Evidence from questionnaires completed by members of five rural women's organisations in 1994 and 1995 (three traditional and two younger organisations) clarifies the motives women have, and the identities they assume, in joining these organisations. The older organisations attract women who wish to make a commitment to their community but newer organisations attract women who see themselves as farmers, or as employees and professionals in the agricultural industry. This represents a major shift in gender dimensions of rurality that has taken place during the last twenty years or so. It indicates a ‘mobilisation’ of rural and farm women who seek to participate fully - in their productive role and in the public sphere - in the attempt to maintain the viability of family farms and rural communities. The role that organisations for men and women play in constituting the meaning of gender is discussed.  相似文献   

白雪  乔观民  李加林  梅思雨  马仁锋 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2010-2018
以浙江省新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊案例数据库为基础,运用SPSS24.0进行数据挖掘和ArcGIS10.2进行空间分析,发现:① 浙江省病例新增人数时间变化符合泛泊松分布函数,男女易感染率差异不大,典型症状为发热、咳嗽和肺部影像学病变。② 病例感染率具有明显的空间聚集性,总体呈现为“一带四心”格局,“一带”为台?温沿海铁路带的县级地域单元,“四心”为宁波海曙区(11.02/10万),湖州秀洲区(4.29/10万),杭州上城区(4.06/10万)和江干区(4.80/10万),杭州桐庐县(5.78/10万)。③ 核密度集聚中心呈现北?南?北转移的态势,整体呈现“多核多心”“主核固定,多心演化”“单一主核,多心消退”和“疫情消退”4个阶段的空间演化特征。④ 浙江省的扩散率总体呈现先上升后下降态势,空间差异明显,风险管控视角分为5类地区。⑤ 根据疫情演化与传染特征,提出疫情4阶段治理策略,解决公共卫生问题的根本是推动生活圈建设,打造健康城市。  相似文献   

Since the colonisation of Aotearoa / New Zealand by Pakeha, Maori have been stereotypically imagined as the Black Other. One of the principal mechanisms for the continued perpetuation of this racialised discourse is the representation of ‘race’ through stereotypes in the media. ‘New’ cultural geography provides a theoretical foundation to interrogate stereotypical (re)formations of Maori identity. I conclude that the use of the stereotype in the (re)formation of Maori identity further demarcates and constrains Maori within the perennial position of the Black Other. Only through a retheorisation of difference (which moves beyond the construction of the Maori ‘race’ through stereotypes), can the impact of racialisation be effectively resisted.  相似文献   

胡宇娜  马鑫涛  刘继生  刘永伟 《地理科学》2022,42(11):1954-1962
通过爬取GPS轨迹记录平台的轨迹数据,采用季节强度指数、核密度分析、近邻分析等方法对山东长岛游客时空行为进行相似性探讨,研究表明:① 年内,在气候要素影响下,海岛型目的地季节强度指数更高;日内,轨迹数量的“双峰”结构和轨迹长度的“三峰”结构都表明游客出行时间和轨迹长度有强相似性和集中性,且行程结束时间相对更晚;② 空间上,交通的不可直达性和时间的限制性造成游客在岛屿选择上高度集中,空间轨迹相似度很高,呈现典型的“轴状”和“环状”集聚结构,“向海”和“亲海”特征突出;③ 游客在海岛上的流动形成典型的等级分层结构和节点分散分布特征,重要节点对旅游流网络的控制作用明显;④ 与其他类型目的地相比,景区的核心作用在海岛上不够突出,受景区进入率不高的影响,游客在旺季期间与本地居民在公共交通设施和公共休闲空间的使用上重叠率较高,是造成旅游旺季部分路段和休闲空间过度拥挤的核心原因。  相似文献   

何光强 《地理科学》2019,39(5):714-725
在地图投影变换影响下,得益于多样化的地图服务,二战期间美国地缘战略空间观念经历了从孤立主义向干涉主义的转变,推动了美国的参战与具体战略展开。这一空间逻辑在战时地图投影的选择上表现为从圆柱投影下的二维“矩形世界”向等距方位投影下的“圆形世界”和正射投影下的三维“球体世界”“鸟瞰世界”转变,折射出空中时代下的全球一体观。通过不同投影下“地图空间”的调整,二战期间美国地缘战略空间观念逐渐接近现实地球空间,这无疑增强了美国参战的合理性和战略决策的正确性。作为认知话语和实践话语的统一,地图投影通过地图服务反映并参与到了二战的地缘政治发展进程。伴随着美国地缘战略空间观念的变迁,美国也由此从世界舞台的边缘走向国际体系的中心。在当前中国和平崛起和全球地缘调整的大背景下,地图投影创新也为今后的地缘关系研究提供了诸多启示。  相似文献   

中国村镇居民跨区域出行与乡村地域系统调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鹏军  于昭  贾雨田 《地理科学》2020,40(4):498-508
村镇居民出行特征是反映乡村生活质量的关键指标,是乡村地域系统的主要组成要素,也是乡村交通规划的重要依据。采用2016年住建部全国小城镇调查的村镇居民调查数据,分析中国31个省(自治区、直辖市)(未含港澳台地区数据)119个建制镇的村镇居民的跨区域出行规律,揭示村、镇、县、市之间相互联系特征,并应用多水平有序逻辑斯蒂回归模型(Meologit),分析个体社会经济属性、小城镇服务设施供给、区位和对外交通便利性对村镇居民跨区域出行频率的影响。分析结果表明,乡村地区传统地域系统正在发生变化,虽然“村--县”等级结构模式依然是主体,但“村-县”和“镇-市”的联系在增强;对村庄居民来说,县城一级服务地的服务和商品的重要性凸显;乡村居民跨区域出行特征存在地区差异,东部沿海和西部大城市周边的村镇居民的出行频率高于中部地区,平原和丘陵地区居民出行频率高于山地、高原地区,地区间差异随出行目的地等级提高而更加明显;随着“村村通公路”的基本全覆盖,地理区位和交通设施条件不再是影响居民城乡联系的主要因素,居民的高品质生活出行需求、收入增加和小汽车拥有率提升等因素对居民跨区域出行的影响在增强,通过“大修大建”乡村公路来促进城乡联系的传统做法需要进一步深思。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

The paper is part of an analysis of the European Union ‘poverty programmes’ using discourse analysis as a research methodology. A focus on the weaning potential of keywords demonstrates some of the instabilities in the concept of ‘social exclusion’ as it appears in European Union policy documents on ‘poverty’.  相似文献   

China’s rapid urbanization has created large scale of population migration, resulting in many villages being dominated by “left-behind” women, and weak governance of those collectively owned resources. The situation has required these women to take up the functions of decision-making and governance as a remedial mechanism as well as a new path. Based on a case study in a typical hollowing-out village in central China, this paper explores an example of left-behind women’s collective action to prevent the over-exploitation of community and resources. It finds out that although traditionally excluded from public activities and marginalized, the “left-behind” women were able to mobilize and enhance collective action. When empowered, they are growing fast with endurance and courage, and as capable as anyone of defending the common-pool resources. It suggests that the left-behind women offer a new governance option for those population hollowing out rural areas.  相似文献   


Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

We examine how normative constructions of ‘the creative city’ have entered into Australian planning discourses. Although welcoming a place-based approach, critical consideration is given to how the misappropriation of ‘place making’ in creative city revitalisation plans may enhance rather than address processes of social marginalisation. A Foucauldian framework is employed, exploring the notion of the social production of power through discourse. We draw on a case study of Wentworth Street, a key urban space in Port Kembla, the industrialised district of Wollongong, New South Wales. The study focuses on various ideas of a common place-making theme of the ‘urban village’ evoked by planners, the media and a targeted local resident group (here elderly Macedonians) for a street positioned in ‘crisis’ because of declining infrastructure, services and its association with crime, drugs and prostitution. The case study demonstrates that marginalisation and exclusions are products of creative city strategies and wider, more oppressive urban discourses. But we also demonstrate that despite becoming normative in the texts of planning policies, discourses of place and identity always remain multiple, negotiated, and contradictory.  相似文献   

The classification of 2 532 new settlements in the Census of India 2011 as ‘urban’, and specifically as ‘Census Towns’, has brought small and emerging urban centres back into the purview of urban studies and urban development in India. Taking this to be a point of entry, this article seeks to explore how the urban has been framed and approached from different and competing epistemological standpoints in the Indian context. First, it attempts to outline the different epistemologies of the urban in India, which may be seen as competing traditions because of the unequal stakes they have claimed so far in public and policy discourse. Then, it presents two brief case studies of Census Towns from the state of West Bengal to put forth new questions in this regard. The case studies illustrate significant gaps and discrepancies between the lived experience of the urban and its representation in dominant epistemological frameworks such as the official census. I argue that the historical development of various settlement systems, which constitutes the core narrative of urbanization in India, cannot be understood in all its complexity through mere census extracts or aerial images, but requires engagement with rich, embedded epistemologies that have taken shape within these settlements.  相似文献   

Services of general interest fulfill people's daily needs and are important for their well-being. In Germany, interacting socioeconomic and demographic processes currently lead to a spatial concentration of such services. Rural areas are particularly affected, resulting in a deterioration of living conditions. Nevertheless, although in the media and in policy these processes are intensely discussed against the background of the German political and scientific discourse on ‘Daseinsvorsorge’, little is known about their dimensions. However, such knowledge is important for both policy and scientific policy advice, as ‘Daseinsvorsorge’ is a key concept in German spatial planning discourse, rooted in the normative political goal of guaranteeing comparable living conditions throughout Germany. This goal includes the aim of ensuring a sufficient offering of services indispensable for life throughout the country. One subject area where a spatial concentration can be observed is retail food sales. As a consequence, especially in rural areas, the network of food shopping locations becomes more wide meshed. Against this background, the German petrol-sector claims that in rural regions, petrol station shops (PSS) might replace a missing local food retailer. Based on the data from an accessibility analysis of petrol stations, supermarkets and discounters, together with considerations on the assortment of PSS, the article analyses the potential of such shops to fulfill this function in rural Germany through the lens of ‘Daseinsvorsorge’. The analysis reveals the following: (1) PSS still mainly serve impulse shopping needs, offering only a very limited assortment of staple foods; (2) in the majority of regions with no supermarket or discounter accessible by foot, PSS are also not accessible by foot; and (3) by car, the picture is very similar. Considering these points, it can be concluded that in Germany, PSS cannot at this time fully replace a missing local retail trade, especially in rural areas.  相似文献   

This study examines skateboarding as a transgressive activity in different inner Newcastle public spaces, highlighting the way certain places are constructed, and the values and meanings attached to them. Skateboarding has been sanctioned in some places, but is considered to be inappropriate in others, resulting in the implementation of skating restrictions in specific areas. Transgressive conduct is different from the norm and appears to be ‘out of place’. However, labels of ‘in’ and ‘out’ of place are too simplistic, because transgression is more nuanced and can simultaneously operate at multiple scales. Some skateboarding activities and locations are seen as more legitimate than others, and so a skater can be both ‘in place’ and ‘out of place’ at the same time. Problems and inconsistencies in the regulation of public space are revealed, because although skateboarding may be illegal in some places, the regulations are blunted by limited enforcement, justified by distinctions between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ skateboarding.  相似文献   

The Department of Geography at the University of Oslo has for some time been the place for cross-national and comparative research concerning structural economic change and industrialization. Attempts are being made to submit economic and industrial development in selected countries to causal analysis by means of ‘retroduction’ (as construed in a recent work by Anthony Sayer 1984): to search for factors which have compounded to produce what are conventionally described as economic growth and stagnation, a ‘tertiarization’ or ‘quaternarization’ of the labour force, public sector growth, industrialization, ‘de-industrialization’ and ‘re-industrialization’, to name some topics covered by actual and planned research. The editor of the NGT has kindly given me the opportunity to present in brief my own ‘macro-geographic’ studies in this field, to use a term which suggests their methodological resemblance to ‘macro-geography’, or ‘historical social analysis’ (Skocpol 1984). (See also the contribution of B. T. Asheim (1988) in this issue of NGT, ‘Macro-geography II: Technological change and capitalist development’.) I will therefore spend a few pages on two research projects.  相似文献   

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