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国外地震电磁现象观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文综合介绍了国外在地震电磁观测研究方面的进展和实例,结果显示地震电磁信号在地面和卫星观测记录中非常丰富.地面异常信号频带宽、分布范围广,时间上多集中于震前一个月或几天的时间段内出现.卫星地震电磁信号集中于ELE-VLF频段,时间上以震前几个小时为主,说明电磁信号具有明显的短临特性.我国地震电磁未来的发展方向应在现有的基础上,以超低频段为主,并发展地面与电磁卫星的三维立体联合观测,为地震短临预报服务.  相似文献   

地震电磁卫星载荷及现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
系统介绍了法国DEMETER电磁卫星搭载的电场测量仪、磁场测量仪、离子分析仪和高能粒子探测仪的科学目的、简单的工作原理、观测模式以及观测的物理量.同时介绍了国际现有运行的地震电磁卫星搭载的观测仪器,对空间-地面电磁观测系统进行了简要的讨论.这些资料将为我国地震电磁卫星计划的实施提供参考.  相似文献   

地震期间电离层扰动现象研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了大量的关于地震电离层扰动现象研究的最新进展,研究表明地震发生前的几天或者几个小时电离层扰动被观测到,电离层前兆是确实存在.但要将震前的电离层扰动作为地震短临预报的工具,还有许多值得我们去深入研究和解决的问题.应用空间技术开展大区域范围内电离层参数的实时观测,如用地震电磁卫星、GPS台网、并和地面电离层垂测仪观测相结合,建立“电离层地震前兆监测系统”,无疑会加速这项研究的进程.  相似文献   

我国地震电磁监测卫星总体技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震孕育和发生过程会引起震中附近上空的电离层异常,通过空间观测手段对由地震引起的空间电磁异常现象进行观测有着地面观测手段难以企及的优势.本文对我国地震电磁监测试验卫星科学任务进行了分析,在此基础上,给出了卫星的总体方案设计,并对卫星的工作模式、轨道和卫星构型进行了详细的论证、设计与分析,提出了满足地震电磁观测要求的卫星总体技术方案.  相似文献   

地震-电离层扰动探测技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了地震-电离层扰动机理的研究进展和主要的数据观测方法,总结了地震电磁卫星观测电离层扰动的应用发展情况以及基于卫星测量数据对异常辐射源定位的研究进展,介绍了无线电探测方法的实验情况和数据分析方法,为未来中国探测电离层扰动进行短临地震预测工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

众多研究结果表明,大地震前数小时至数十小时在电离层有低频电磁信号异常现象,所以,电磁方法对地震短临预测工作非常重要.自从1983年Larkina发表了对INTERCOSMOS-19卫星经过地震区域时记录数据的处理分析结果,发现震前和震后几十分钟至数小时内甚低频VLF(3~30kHz)电磁信号增强,可与陆基观测一起对电磁场和电离层进行立体监视,使地震电磁信号异常研究工作和地震短临预测工作进入了一个新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

人们把电磁现象作为一种可能的地震短临前兆进行观测研究。为探讨这种电磁现象的辐射机理,我们以随县500吨TNT人工爆破模拟天然地震,观测岩石破裂时可能产生的电磁现象。现将观测系统与观测结果简述如下。  相似文献   

地震的电磁前兆现象越来越受到人们的关注,地震电磁观测技术也在不断地得到发展和改进,已经由被动的观测发展到主动的观测,由地面局部的观测扩展到空间卫星全球范围的观测。文中介绍当前国内外在地震电磁观测方面的研究进展和实例,展望了我国未来地震电磁观测技术的发展。  相似文献   

基于卫星遥感热红外观测、钻孔倾斜和电磁扰动前兆观测的良好效果,论述卫星热红外与倾斜电磁结合地震前兆立体综合监测系统初步设想及可行性初步研究,阐述了系统的建设思路和技术构成,进行了系统创新点和技术难点分析,结论为该系统建设可行,具有良好地震预测效果。  相似文献   

CNEM08一I电扰动仪的开发与研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于当代地震电磁扰动有关理论,地震临震前会引起地下电磁场发生变化,电磁扰动观测在地震监测预报工作中能够发挥较好的短临预报作用。本论文旨在开发研制基于地下交变电磁场数字化电扰动仪。CNEM08一I电扰动仪采用低功耗、高性能的工控机作为硬件平台,选取大容量存储器,对地下电磁场变化进行实时观测,连续数字化采集。编制了数据采集系统软件及与观测系统配套使用的分析系统软件,自动将采集数据通过网络传输到分析控制中心,同时对多个基站的观测数据进行显示、统计分析,可进行分段统计平均值、最大值、总量,可对异常进行统计分析。  相似文献   

地震监测预警和预测预报是当前地球科学及相关学科所面临的最艰巨的问题之一,是关系到人类社会安全与国计民生的亟待攻克的科学难题.为进一步提高地震预测科学研究水平,推进地震监测预测能力建设,我国于世纪之交提出了建立地震立体观测体系的战略发展思路,并希望突破三维地球物理场获取能力瓶颈,发展地球多圈层耦合模型,通过卫星观测获取全...  相似文献   

MDCB型地震前兆监测仪的临震信息浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用震前电磁波异常信息进行地震短临预报研究有着重要的意义,大庆地震台经过近两年多的观测及实际震例验证,基本说明了MDCB型地震前兆监测仪监测的时变曲线图、日变曲线图等七种图件与地震三要素密切相关的规律性以及使用MDCB型地震前兆监测仪资料进行地震短临预报的可行性和科学性。  相似文献   

云南地区强震电磁波异常特征及其预报意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李吾先  金明培  马骏康 《地震》2003,23(2):77-84
从1992年11月开始实施了中日地震电磁波观测和研究项目,该电磁波观测资料真实完整地观测记录到丽江等29次近震电磁波异常的发展过程;对29个地震的特征作了对比观测研究,表明地震电磁波异常有3种发展类型,与之对应建立了3种地震电磁波预报规则;初步提出利用地震电磁波预报地震的模式;分析、讨论TOA电磁波监泅系统的优越性,并在一定程度上对发展地震电磁波观测找到了有效的前兆信息观测方法和监泅系统。这将对地震电磁波的观测和研究以及对地震短临预报起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

地震与电磁辐射关系的定量分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
关华平  陈智勇 《地震》1996,16(2):168-176
利用河北省地震电磁辐射台网连续12a的观测资料,研究了地震强度与台站接收的电磁辐射的能量、周期、幅度的关系,并由此总结出5-6级中强地震和4.5-4.9级中等地震的短临预报指标。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItisknownthatChinaisanearthquake pronecountryintheworldandisalsoacountrysufferingmostsevereseismiccalamitiesintheworld .China’sterritoryoccupiesabout 1 1 4oftheglobalconti nentalarea ,whileabout 1 3ofglobalM≥ 7.0continentalearthquakesoccurredinCh…  相似文献   

本文利用模糊模式识别方法提出了地震短临预报的决策方法,借助于震害数据库及震害预测方法的完善和灾度划分标准的科学化,我们可以通过该方法对是否作地震短临预报进行合理化的决策  相似文献   

电磁扰动是近年来日益被关注的地震监测手段。分析了郑州晶微公司的电磁扰动监测仪在安徽、河南、山东和四川的9个电磁波台站的数据,结果表明,地震前确实存在各种形式、不同频段的电磁波辐射,其异常信息的研究对地震预测,特别是短临预测有一定的意义。  相似文献   

In the article the author looks back the hard development course and great progress in earth quake science and technology in China during the last near a half of century and expounds the following 3 aspects: (1) The strong desire of the whole society to mitigate seismic disasters and reduce the effect of earthquakes on social-economic live is a great driving force to push forward the development of earthquake science and technology in China; (2) To better ensure people‘ s life and property, sustainable economic development, and social stability is an essential purpose to drive the development of earthquake science and technology in China; and (3) To insist on the dialectical connection of setup of technical system for seismic monitoring with the scientific research of earthquakes and to better handle the relation between crucial task, current scientif ic level, and the feasibility are the important principles to advance the earthquake science and technology in China. Some success and many setbacks in earthquake disaster mitigation consistently enrich our knowledge regarding the complexity of the conditions for earthquake occurrence and the process of earthquake preparation, promote the reconstruction and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring, and deepen the scientific research of earthquakes. During the last 5 years, the improvement and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring have clearly provided the technical support to study and practice of earthquake prediction and pre caution, give prominence to key problems and broaden the field of scientific research of earth quakes. These have enabled us to get some new recognition of the conditions for earthquake oc currence and process of earthquake preparation, characteristics of seismic disaster, and mecha nism for earthquake generation in China‘s continent. The progress we have made not only en courages us to enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation, but also provides a basis for accelerating further development of earthquake science and technology in China in the new century, especially in the 10th five-year plan. Based on the history reviewed, the author sets forth a general requirement for develop ment of earthquake science and technology in China and brings out 10 aspects to be stressed and strengthened at present and in the future. These are: upgrade and setup of the network of digitized seismic observation; upgrade and setup of the network for observation of seismic pre cursors; setup of the network for observation of strong motion; setup of the laboratories for ex periment on seismic regime; establishment of technical system for seismic information, emer gency command and urgent rescue; research on short-term and imminent earthquake predic tion; research on intermediate- and long-term earthquake prediction; research on attenuation of seismic ground motion, mechanism for seismic disaster, and control on seismic disaster; ba sic research fields related to seismology and geoscience. We expect that these efforts will signifi cantly elevate the level of earthquake science and technology in China to the advanced interna tional level, improve theories, techniques, and methods for earthquake precaution and predic tion, and enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation.  相似文献   

Based on the case studies and statistical analysis of earthquake-related ionospheric disturbances mainly from DEMETER satellite, ground-based GPS and ionosounding data, this paper summarizes the statistical characteristics of earthquake-related ionospheric disturbances, including electromagnetic emissions, plasma perturbations and variation of energetic particle flux. According to the main results done by Chinese scientists, fusing with the existed study from global researches, seismo-ionospheric disturbances usually occurred a few days or hours before earthquake occurrence. Paralleling to these case studies, lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere (LAI) coupling mechanisms are checked and optimized. A thermo-electric model was proposed to explain the seismo-electromagnetic effects before earthquakes. A propagation model was put forward to explain the electromagnetic waves into the ionosphere. According to the requirement of earthquake prediction research, China seismo-electromagnetic satellite, the first space-based platform of Chinese earthquake stereoscopic observation system, is proposed and planned to launch at about the end of 2014. It focuses on checking the LAI model and distinguishing earthquake-related ionospheric disturbance. The preliminary design for the satellite will adopt CAST-2000 platform with eight payloads onboard. It is believed that the satellite will work together with the ground monitoring network to improve the capability to capture seismo-electromagnetic information, which is beneficial for earthquake monitoring and prediction researches.  相似文献   

地电阻率观测在地震前兆观测中具有重要的地位,大量的观测资料表明,多数中强地震前地电阻率出现了异常变化,而快速地发现、甄别地电阻率的变化是地震前兆信息还是干扰,高效率地做好地电阻率资料日常处理工作是前提。由此,依据地电阻率理论和有关规定,基于V isualC++6.0平台,开发了一款关于ZDSB或ZD8B I地电仪产出的地电阻率资料日常处理软件,旨在介绍本软件算法的理论原理、设计思路及实现方法,并结合陇南中心地震台地电阻率观测资料给出了相应的应用实例。应用表明,研发的该软件可以将地电阻率资料日常处理工作系统化,将日常处理工作中大量繁杂的手工操作自动化,能及时地对资料的异常变化做出初步判定,快速地为地震预测部门提供依据。  相似文献   

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