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We present a study on human perception of map complexity, with the objective of better understanding design decisions that may lead to undesirable levels of complexity in web maps. We compare three complexity metrics to human ratings of complexity obtained through a user survey. Specifically, we use two algorithmic approaches published by others, which measure feature congestion (FC) and subband entropy (SE), as well as our own approach of counting object types rather than individual objects. We compare these metrics with each other as well as with human complexity ratings for three maps of the same area from map providers Google Maps, Bing Maps, and OpenStreetMap. Each map design is assessed at three different scales (levels of detail). We find that (1) the FC and SE metrics appear to be adequate predictors of what humans consider complex; (2) object-type counts are slightly less successful at predicting human-rated complexity, implying that clutter is more important in perceived complexity than diversity of symbology; and (3) generalization choices do impact human complexity ratings. These findings contribute to our understanding of what makes a map complex, with implications for designing maps that are easy to use.  相似文献   

地图个性化认知是地图设计与地图可用性研究中的重要问题。本文以二维电子地图为例,针对不同样式地图原型对特定用户的认知适合度问题进行研究。以交叉组合设计的4种地图原型为素材进行单因素组内眼动试验设计,采用Tobii X120眼动仪获取目标点周围兴趣区内的首次进入时间、首次注视时间和首次鼠标点击时间等眼动(行为)参数,通过描述统计、方差分析等多元数理统计分析进行量化计算,发现地图样式对首次进入时间、首次注视时间、首次鼠标点击时间均有显著影响,说明用户对不同样式地图的认知效果在认知敏感程度、注意程度、信息加工速度方面都存在一定差异。而后,本文进一步寻求认知心理学理论依据,并绘制眼动热点图、统计均值图、折线图、雷达图等可视化图形,将上述结论进行直观表示。本文的研究工作表明,不同地图的认知效果因人而异,地图设计必须考虑用户的个性化认知特点。  相似文献   

针对地标显著度计算存在的因子不全、赋权主观的问题,提出了一种利用虚拟地理试验构建地标显著度模型的方法。以城市地标显著度模型求解为例,分析了地标视觉显著度影响因子(简称为视觉因子)及计算方法,构建了一种综合眼动追踪、视觉因子可控和可计算的虚拟试验环境。开展了眼动指标与地标显著度之间的关系求解试验,建立起二者的定量关系模型。以该模型为基础,开展了地标视觉显著度与视觉因子间定量关系的求解试验,通过试验数据拟合得到最终的地标视觉显著度模型公式。本文方法的核心是:在视觉因子可控可计算的虚拟环境中,使用眼动指标表征显著度值,通过地标认知试验及数据分析拟合得到显著度模型。该方法对于研究地标判别这类人与环境相互作用机制的问题具有独特的优势,可降低研究的复杂度,克服研究结果的难复现性。  相似文献   

在地图的色彩设计中,设计人员不仅要考虑色彩单独使用的效果,而且要考虑地图上各素的色彩配合,即各种色彩在图面上的整体感受效果。电子地图由于有极大的色彩选择空间,背景色不局限于白色,因而选色、配色比纸质地图更加复杂。用哪种简称颜色作为背景视觉效果较好?图面上各要素的色彩如何配合?针对这两个问题,作者设计了电子地图的一个色彩感受实验-色彩配合实验,利用自编的电子地图视觉感受测试构件(TEVP)进行了实验  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to gain better understanding of the way map users read and interpret the visual stimuli presented to them and how this can be influenced. In particular, the difference between expert and novice map users is considered. In a user study, the participants studied four screen maps which had been manipulated to introduce deviations. The eye movements of 24 expert and novice participants were tracked, recorded, and analyzed (both visually and statistically) based on a grid of Areas of Interest. These visual analyses are essential for studying the spatial dimension of maps to identify problems in design. In this research, we used visualization of eye movement metrics (fixation count and duration) in a 2D and 3D grid and a statistical comparison of the grid cells. The results show that the users’ eye movements clearly reflect the main elements on the map. The users’ attentive behavior is influenced by deviating colors, as their attention is drawn to it. This could also influence the users’ interpretation process. Both user groups encountered difficulties when trying to interpret and store map objects that were mirrored. Insights into how different types of map users read and interpret map content are essential in this fast-evolving era of digital cartographic products.  相似文献   

Self‐localization is the process of identifying one's current position on a map, and it is a crucial part of any wayfinding process. During self‐localization the wayfinder matches visually perceptible features of the environment, such as landmarks, with map symbols to constrain potential locations on the map. The success of this visual matching process constitutes an important factor for the success of self‐localization. In this research we aim at observing the visual matching process between environment and map during self‐localization with real‐world mobile eye tracking. We report on one orientation and one self‐localization experiment, both in an outdoor urban environment. The gaze data collected during the experiments show that successful participants put significantly more visual attention to those symbols on the map that were helpful in the given situation than unsuccessful participants. A sequence analysis revealed that they also had significantly more switches of visual attention between map symbols and their corresponding landmarks in the environment, which suggests they were following a more effective self‐localization strategy.  相似文献   


We compared the ability of two legend designs on a soil-landscape map to efficiently and effectively support map reading tasks with the goal of better understanding how the design choices affect user performance. Developing such knowledge is essential to design effective interfaces for digital earth systems. One of the two legends contained an alphabetical ordering of categories, while the other used a perceptual grouping based on the Munsell color space. We tested the two legends for 4 tasks with 20 experts (in geography-related domains). We analyzed traditional usability metrics and participants’ eye movements to identify the possible reasons behind their success and failure in the experimental tasks. Surprisingly, an overwhelming majority of the participants failed to arrive at the correct responses for two of the four tasks, irrespective of the legend design. Furthermore, participants’ prior knowledge of soils and map interpretation abilities led to interesting performance differences between the two legend types. We discuss how participant background might have played a role in performance and why some tasks were particularly hard to solve despite participants’ relatively high levels of experience in map reading. Based on our observations, we caution soil cartographers to be aware of the perceptual complexity of soil-landscape maps.  相似文献   

探讨了线状地图符号的特点,从视觉变量出发针对线状地图符号的设计方法进行了理论研究,提出了线状符号多样化设计的思想。之后以应急专题地图符号为例,进行了应急专题地图线状符号的多样化设计,并通过眼动实验进行了验证。  相似文献   


Although the efficiency of label placement algorithms has been studied extensively, few studies considered the influence of the label designs on the efficiency of map readers. Labels are one of the most important elements on the map as they can provide more information than other symbols can. The design of the labels does have to stress the theme, shape and functionality of the associated objects, which results in a more efficient interpretation of the map content by the user. How the label designs can enhance the map readers’ efficiency (and thus the quality of the maps themselves) is the main objective of this study. A user study was conducted in which the participants were asked to locate a target label on a map. Different label designs were implemented across the trials. The participants’ reactions times were registered to measure their efficiency and statistically analysed using a one-way ANOVA. Two different users’ characteristics were considered: gender and expertise. Related to the size, shape, orientation and texture of the labels, a number of significant differences (P<0·05) and trends were located. Differences in efficiency between males and females, on the one hand, and between novices and experts, on the other hand, were also described statistically. Consequently, recommendations can be formulated regarding the design of labels in order to obtain more efficient maps, keeping in mind the map users’ characteristics.  相似文献   


Animations have become a frequently utilized illustration technique on maps but changes in their graphical loading remain understudied in empirical geovisualization and cartographic research. Animated streamlets have gained attention as an illustrative animation technique and have become popular on widely viewed maps. We conducted an experiment to investigate how altering four major animation parameters of animated streamlets affects people’s reading performance of field maxima on vector fields. The study involved 73 participants who performed reaction-time tasks on pointing maxima on vector field stimuli. Reaction times and correctness of answers changed surprisingly little between visually different animations, with only a few occasional statistical significances. The results suggest that motion of animated streamlets is such a strong visual cue that altering graphical parameters makes only little difference when searching for the maxima. This leads to the conclusion that, for this kind of a task, animated streamlets on maps can be designed relatively freely in graphical terms and their style fitted to other contents of the map. In the broader visual and geovisual analytics context, the results can lead to more generally hypothesizing that graphical loading of animations with continuous motion flux could be altered without severely affecting their communicative power.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):234-246

This paper focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic and interactive maps in relation to the user. A label placement method with an improved algorithmic efficiency is presented. Since this algorithm has an influence on the actual placement of the name labels on the map, it is tested if this efficient algorithms also creates more effective maps: how well is the information processed by the user. We tested 30 participants while they were working on a dynamic and interactive map display. Their task was to locate geographical names on each of the presented maps. Their eye movements were registered together with the time at which a given label was found. The gathered data reveal no difference in the user’s response times, neither in the number and the duration of the fixations between both map designs. The results of this study show that the efficiency of label placement algorithms can be improved without disturbing the user’s cognitive map. Consequently, we created a more efficient map without affecting its effectiveness towards the user.  相似文献   

In remote sensing, thematic map comparison is often undertaken on a per-pixel basis and based upon measures of classification agreement. Here, the degree of agreement between two thematic maps, and so the difference between the pair, was evaluated through visual and quantitative analyses for two scenarios. Quantitative assessments were based on basic site-specific measures of agreement that are used widely in accuracy assessment (e.g. the overall percentage of pixels with the same class label in each of the two maps and the kappa coefficient of agreement) as well as an information theory based approach that allows the degree of mutual or shared information to be assessed even if different classification schemes have been used to produce the maps. The results indicated that in the first map comparison scenario, focused on labelling, there was a fair degree of correspondence between the maps but with an overall difference in information content of ∼42%. In the second comparison scenario, focused on change in time, considerable change had occurred with a change in class label for ∼42% of the pixels. It was also apparent that global assessments masked local scale changes.  相似文献   

在标签地图应用日益增加的背景下,亟需开展标签权重表达策略的评估研究。引入眼动跟踪方法,针对常用于标签地图权重表达的一种等差字大策略进行评估。实验设定无目的自由浏览和有目的阅读分析两个应用场景,布置标签选取、识别/搜索、记忆和主观评价任务,统计分析被试完成以上任务的眼动数据和其他衍生数据,结果显示:(1)不同大小的标签在信息凸显性、视觉吸引力、权重记忆以及识别/搜索时的搜索效率、阅读效率和认知负担方面并未表现出明显差异性;(2)文字大小处于上游的标签相比处于下游的标签更加容易被识别/搜索,被试的兴趣度更高,但并不意味着文字越大的标签越容易被识别/搜索,被试的兴趣度越高;(3)采用等差字大策略的标签地图总体评价良好。该研究有助于地图设计者进一步了解等差字大策略的特点。  相似文献   

电子地图载负量是衡量电子地图在满足清晰易读条件下所能表达地物要素多少的重要量化指标。本文通过定量分析影响电子地图载负量的图面负载度、图面压盖度和色彩对比度,提出一种基于视觉感受的电子地图载负量计算方法。该方法从矢量数据出发,在精确计算图面负载度的基础上,首次以图面压盖度和色彩对比度作为权值参与计算,得到电子地图载负量。最后,基于地理信息平台TerraGIS对该方法进行了嵌入试验,获得不同图面负载度、图面压盖度和色彩对比度的实验地图载负量计算结果并将其与传统方法下的计算结果进行对比。又基于眼动仪的视觉感知试验,对不同实验地图下的用户平均眼动时间进行显著性差异分析,并结合热点图结果,分析了该方法计算得到的载负量结果的合理性,从而证明了该方法的科学性与实用性。  相似文献   

We report on how visual realism might influence map-based route learning performance in a controlled laboratory experiment with 104 male participants in a competitive context. Using animations of a dot moving through routes of interest, we find that participants recall the routes more accurately with abstract road maps than with more realistic satellite maps. We also find that, irrespective of visual realism, participants with higher spatial abilities (high-spatial participants) are more accurate in memorizing map-based routes than participants with lower spatial abilities (low-spatial participants). On the other hand, added visual realism limits high-spatial participants in their route recall speed, while it seems not to influence the recall speed of low-spatial participants. Competition affects participants’ overall confidence positively, but does not affect their route recall performance neither in terms of accuracy nor speed. With this study, we provide further empirical evidence demonstrating that it is important to choose the appropriate map type considering task characteristics and spatial abilities. While satellite maps might be perceived as more fun to use, or visually more attractive than road maps, they also require more cognitive resources for many map-based tasks, which is true even for high-spatial users.  相似文献   

Colour impairments influences access to geographical information which is usually represented by colour maps. Three dimensions of colour: Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV), are intuitive and most critical visual variables in map design. In this paper, we specifically focus on colour deficiency of red-green colour impairments. A controlled experiment was designed and conducted to explore how three colour dimensions (HSV) affect the abilities of people with normal colour vision or with red-green colour impairments to distinguish colours in maps. An eye-tracking approach was applied to quantify the accuracy and response time by capturing user eye movements to analyse the effectiveness and efficiency. In this study, we used one section of the administrative map of Hebei Province to test participant responses to area features. Differences of effectiveness and efficiency across normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments were compared. Multiple comparisons among Hue, Saturation and Value were analysed. Results show that for both normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments, Hue is the most differentiable than Saturation and Value. Saturation and Value are at the same level to be differentiated and more difficult to be distinguished. Guidelines of designing maps for both normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments were derived. The results of this study can be helpful to improve the map designs for colour deficiency.  相似文献   

地图图例位置的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图例是人们阅读地图的重要工具,是地图使用者认知地图内容的钥匙。针对目前地图图例设计尚未标准化的问题,分析现阶段地图图例位置的设计情况,总结了地图图例位置的设计缺陷,并通过地图使用者对地图上不同位置图例的眼动测试,获取地图使用者读图时的视觉信息,提出地图图例位置的放置原则。  相似文献   


This research examines how people subjectively perceive the disclosure risk of a map using original data collected in an online survey with 856 participants. The results indicate that perceived disclosure risk increases as the amount of locational information displayed on a map increases. Compared to point-based maps, perceived disclosure risk is significantly lower for kernel density maps, convex hull maps, and standard deviational ellipse maps. The results also revealed that perceived disclosure risk is affected by map scale and the presence of information of other people on a map. For geomasking methods, perceived disclosure risk decreases as aggregation level increases and as relocation distance increases. However, aggregation methods (point to polygon) are more effective in preventing the re-identification of individuals when compared to relocation methods (point to point). Lastly, the perceived disclosure risk of a map that displays socially-vulnerable people is significantly higher than that of a map that displays non-vulnerable groups. Specifically, a map displaying the private locations of elementary school students has the highest perceived disclosure risk. Based on the results, a set of geoprivacy protection guidelines for mapping people’s private locations to minimize people’s perceived disclosure risk is proposed. Implications for mapping infectious diseases like the COVID-19 are also discussed.  相似文献   


Cartographers believe that experience plays a central role in high-order map reading tasks. The effect of experience on topographic map reading was tested in an experiment in which subjects viewed ten maps while their eye movements were recorded, and answered questions on absolute and relative heights. Experienced readers performed better on the questionnaire test, especially for the relative height portion. For maps that had distinctive relief features, experienced readers had shorter fixation durations (indicating less processing difficulty) and higher numbers of fixations (indicating greater attention) to areas containing absolute heights. Visual search by experienced readers was apparently guided by familiar patterns of contour lines that they had developed through experience.  相似文献   

当前示意性地图表达主要针对公共交通网络,缺乏对道路地图示意性表达可用性评估研究。本文选取景区和街道两个典型道路场景,采用最新的自动示意化方法生成示意地图,以主观问卷调查结合客观眼动试验的方式,评估道路地图示意性表达的可用性。试验结果表明:①示意性表达能够提升道路地图的简化度、清晰度及用户满意度,尤其对于原始道路形状较为复杂的情况;②示意地图中路径形状简化会造成不同路径感知长度差异的改变,从而影响到人们路径抉择行为;③对于路径示意性结果增加了道路网密集程度的情况,会降低示意地图认知效率。本文研究成果有助于道路地图自动示意性表达规则完善和方法优化,能够进一步提升地图示意性表达的实用性。  相似文献   

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