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The release of irradiation-produced noble gas isotopes (38ArCl, 80KrBr, 128XeI and 39ArK) during in vacuo crushing scapolite has been investigated and is compared to quartz. Three thousand crushing strokes released 98% of fluid inclusion-hosted noble gas from quartz. In comparison, 3000 crushing strokes released only 4% of the lattice-hosted 38ArCl from a scapolite gem. In vacuo crushing released lattice Ar preferentially relative to lattice Kr or Xe and prolonged crushing released 88% of the lattice-hosted noble gas in 96,000 crushing strokes. We suggest fast diffusion pathways generated by crushing are an important noble gas release mechanism and we demonstrate two applications of prolonged in vacuo crushing on irradiated scapolite.Firstly, scapolite molar Br/Cl and I/Cl values are shown to vary over a similar range as crustal fluids. The Cl-rich scapolite gem from Hunza, Pakistan has Br/Cl of 0.5–0.6 × 10−3 and I/Cl values of 0.3–2 × 10−6, that are similar to fluids that have dissolved evaporites. In contrast, three out of four skarn-related scapolites from the Canadian Grenville Province have molar Br/Cl values of 1.5–2.4 × 10−3, and I/Cl values of 11–24 × 10−6, that are broadly consistent with skarn formation by magmatic fluids. The fourth Grenvillian scapolite, with only 0.02 wt% Cl, has an exceptionally elevated molar Br/Cl value of up to 54 × 10−3 and I/Cl of 284 × 10−6. It is unclear if these values reflect the composition of fluids formed during metamorphism or preferential incorporation of Br and I in Cl-poor meionitic scapolite.Secondly, the Grenvillian scapolites give plateau ages of between 830 Ma and 400 Ma. The oldest ages post-date regional skarn formation by 200 Myr, but are similar to feldspar cooling ages in the Province. The age variation in these samples is attributed to a combination of factors including variable thermal history and the presence of mineral sub-grains in some of the samples. These sub-grains control the release of 39ArK, 38ArCl and 40Ar* during in vacuo crushing as well as the samples 40Ar* retentivity in nature. Scapolite is suggested as a possible analogue for K-feldspar in thermochronologic studies.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Qiu and Wijbrans (2006) [Qiu, H.-N. and Wijbrans, J. R. (2006). Paleozoic ages and excess 40Ar in garnets from the Bixiling eclogite in Dabieshan, China: new insights from 40Ar/39Ar dating by stepwise crushing. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta70, 2354-2370.] analyzed Ar-isotopes extracted by crushing garnets from the Dabie Shan Bixiling eclogite and claimed to have constrained a pre-Triassic (∼450 Ma) episode of UHP metamorphism from primary fluid inclusions.However, in the absence of careful sample characterization and stepped heating analyses, the reported ages are more easily explained as experimental artifacts related to Ar extracted from either mineral inclusions or the interface sites between mineral inclusions and the garnet matrix: Dabie Shan garnets commonly contain mineral impurities such as K-rich omphacite and/or K-feldspar.If Dabie Shan UHP metamorphism is of the generally accepted Triassic age (210-240 Ma), the apparent age of a phengite sample in equilibrium with the garnet can be explained by the presence of an extraneous 40Ar component with mean 40Ar/36Ar value of ∼5000. This value is similar to the composition of extraneous 40Ar in other eclogite facies terrane.  相似文献   

The argon isotope systematics of vein-quartz samples with two different K-reservoirs have been evaluated in detail. Potassium is hosted by ultra-high-salinity fluid inclusions in quartz samples from the Eloise and Osborne iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits of the Mt Isa Inlier, Australia. In contrast, K is hosted by accidentally trapped mica within lower-salinity fluid inclusions of a sample selected from the Railway Fault, 13 km south of the Mt Isa copper mine, Australia. Imprecise apparent ages have been obtained for all of the samples studied and conclusively demonstrate that quartz fluid inclusions are retentive to Ar and have not leaked over billions of years. IOCG samples that host K in fluid inclusions only, have K/Cl values of <1 and the ages obtained represent the maximum ages for mineralization. In contrast, the Railway Fault samples that include accidentally trapped mica have K/Cl values of ?1. Excess 40ArE plus Cl hosted by fluid inclusions, and radiogenic 40ArR plus K, are strongly correlated in these samples and define a plane in 3D 40Ar-36Ar-K-Cl space. In this case, the plane yields an ‘excess 40ArE’ corrected age of ∼1030 Ma that is 100’s of Ma younger than nearby Cu-mineralization at Mt Isa. The age is interpreted to reflect 40Ar-loss from the accidentally trapped mica into the surrounding fluid inclusions, and is not related to the samples’ age of formation. The initial 40Ar/36Ar value of fluid inclusions is widely used to provide information on fluid origin. For the IOCG samples that host K in fluid inclusions only, the initial 40Ar/36Ar values are close to the measured values at every temperature of stepped heating experiments. For samples that include accidentally trapped mica, the correction for post-entrapment radiogenic 40ArR production is significant. Furthermore, because 39ArK present in accidentally trapped mica crystals is released at different temperatures to radiogenic 40ArR lost to the surrounding fluid inclusions, intra-sample 40Ar/36Ar variation cannot be reliably documented. The results demonstrate that noble gas analysis is readily applicable to Proterozoic, or older, samples but that if K-mineral impurities are present within quartz the abundance of K must be determined before calculation of mean 40Ar/36Ar values that are representative of the samples’ initial composition.  相似文献   

Hornblende from samples of amphibolite and granitic gneiss, collected within a single outcrop in the central Adirondacks, yield significantly different 40Ar*/39Ark dates of 948 ± 5 and 907 ± 5 Ma. Assuming that this terrane cooled slowly following high-grade metamorphism and that the samples have experienced the same thermal history, the difference in dates apparently reflects a corresponding difference in blocking temperature for diffusion of radiogenic argon in these hornblende samples.The Fe/(Fe + Mg + Mn) of the hornblende samples are 0.8 and 0.6, the higher ratio corresponding to the younger 40Ar*/39Ark date. Transmission electron microscopy observations indicate that both hornblende samples are homogeneous and devoid of any exsolution, but contain zones of fibrous phyllosilicates ~0.1 to 2 μm wide parallelling (100) and (110). These alteration zones probably formed during post-metamorphic cooling as a result of the migration of fluids through the hornblendes, and are obvious pathways for argon escape from hornblende. As these features are more abundant in the hornblende sample with the younger40Ar*/39Ark date and higher Fe/(Fe + Mg + Mn), they may influence the argon blocking temperature by effectively partitioning the hornblende grains into diffusion domains of varying size.Biotite from the granitic gneiss yields an 40Ar*/39Ark date of 853 ± 2 Ma, with a mildly discordant stepheating spectrum that in part reflects the degassing of submicroscopic inclusions precipitated during alteration of the host biotite. Plagioclase from the amphibolite yields a 40Ar*/39Ark integrated date of 734 ± 3 Ma. All the 40Ar*/39Ark data are consistent with postmetamorphic cooling rates of 1° to 5°C/Ma.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring noble gas isotopes (40Ar, 36Ar, 84Kr and 129Xe) and halogens (Cl, Br, I) have been determined simultaneously in irradiated quartz vein samples by noble gas mass spectrometry. Quartz vein samples were collected from the potassic and propylitic alteration zones of six porphyry copper deposits (PCD): Bingham Canyon, Utah; and Silverbell, Ray, Mission, Pinto Valley and Globe-Miami in Arizona. In addition, analyses of 3He/4He have been obtained from sulphide minerals hosted by the quartz veins at Silverbell, Ray, Pinto Valley and Globe-Miami.The majority of PCD fluids studied have Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios that overlap those of fluids included in mantle diamond, suggesting that the salinity had a juvenile origin. The high I/Cl (121 × 10−6 mole, M) in samples from the propylitic zone of Silverbell is attributed to the presence of sedimentary formation water.3He/4He ratios have R/Ra values in the range 0.3 to 1.72, and provide evidence for the involvement of a crustal component in addition to mantle volatiles. 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from meteoric values of ∼317 in the propylitic zone of Bingham Canyon, and 323 in the skarn alteration of Mission up to 3225 in the potassic zone of Pinto Valley. Fluids in both the potassic and propylitic alteration zones of every deposit are a mixture of a low salinity end-member comprising meteoric water and air, and a high salinity end-member consisting of a mixed mantle and crustal fluid.The 40Ar/Cl ratio of fluid inclusions at Pinto Valley (∼10−4 M) is similar to values obtained previously for mantle fluids. The 40Ar/Cl value is two orders of magnitude lower at Bingham Canyon, where a depleted 36Ar concentration (0.2 × 10−6 cm3/g) below that of air saturated water (ASW), and a range of highly fractionated noble gas compositions (F84Kr = 13 and F129Xe = 160) indicate that boiling and pulsed fluid flow have occurred.  相似文献   

Concentrations and isotopic ratios of dissolved noble gases, 36Cl, δD and δ18O in water samples from the ultra-deep gold mines (0.718 to 3.3 km below the surface) in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were investigated to quantify the dynamics of these ultra deep crustal fluids. The mining activity has a significant impact on the concentrations of dissolved gases, as the associated pressure release causes the degassing of the fissure water. The observed under saturation of the atmospheric noble gases in the fissure water samples (70-98%, normalized to ASW at 20°C and 1013 mbar) is reproduced by a model that considers diffusive degassing and solubility equilibration with a gas phase at sampling temperature. Corrections for degassing result in 4He concentrations as high as 1.55 · 10−1cm3STP4He g−1, 40Ar/36Ar ranging between 806 and 10331, and 134Xe/132Xe and 136Xe/132Xe ratios above 0.46 and 0.44, respectively. Corrected 134(136)Xe/132Xe and 134(136)Xe/4He-ratios are consistent with their production ratios, whereas the nucleogenic 4He/40Ar, and 134(136)Xe/40Ar ratios generally indicate that these gases are produced in an environment with an average [U + Th]/K-content 2-3 times above that of crustal average. In two scenarios, one considering only accumulation of in situ produced noble gases, the other additionally crustal flux components, the model ages for 14 individual water samples range from 13 to 168 Ma and from 1 to 23 Ma, respectively.The low 36Cl-ratios of (4-37) · 10−15 and comparatively high 36Cl-concentrations of (8-350) · 10−15 atoms 36Cl l−1 reflect subsurface production in secular equilibrium indicating an age in excess of 1.5 Ma or 5 times the half-life of 36Cl.In combination, the results suggest residence times of the fluids in fissures in this region (up to 3.3 km depth) are of the order of 1-100 Ma. We cannot exclude the possibility of mixing and that small quantities of younger water have been mixed with the very old bulk.  相似文献   

The effects of deformation on radiogenic argon (40Ar) retentivity in mica are described from high pressure experiments performed on rock samples of peraluminous granite containing euhedral muscovite and biotite. Cylindrical cores, ∼15 mm in length and 6.25 mm in diameter, were drilled from granite collected from the South Armorican Massif in northwestern France, loaded into gold capsules, and weld-sealed in the presence of excess water. The samples were deformed at a pressure of 10 kb and a temperature of 600 °C over a period 29 of hours within a solid medium assembly in a Griggs-type triaxial hydraulic deformation apparatus. Overall shortening in the experiments was approximately 10%. Transmitted light and secondary and backscattered electron imaging of the deformed granite samples reveals evidence of induced defects and for significant physical grain size reduction by kinking, cracking, and grain segmentation of the micas.Infrared (IR) laser (CO2) heating of individual 1.5-2.5 mm diameter grains of muscovite and biotite separated from the undeformed granite yield well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 311 ± 2 Ma (2σ). Identical experiments on single grains separated from the experimentally deformed granite yield results indicating 40Ar loss of 0-35% in muscovite and 2-3% 40Ar loss in biotite. Intragrain in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages (±4-10%, 1σ) of deformed muscovites range from 309 ± 13 to 264 ± 7 Ma, consistent with 0-16% 40Ar loss relative to the undeformed muscovite. The in situ UV laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages of deformed biotite vary from 301 to 217 Ma, consistent with up to 32% 40Ar loss. No spatial correlation is observed between in situ40Ar/39Ar age and position within individual grains. Using available argon diffusion data for muscovite the observed 40Ar loss in the experimentally treated muscovite can be utilized to predict average 40Ar diffusion dimensions. Maximum 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by UV laser ablation overlap those of the undeformed muscovite, indicating argon loss of <1% and an average effective grain radius for 40Ar diffusion ?700 μm. The UV laser ablation and IR laser incremental 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating 40Ar loss of 16% and 35%, respectively, are consistent with an average diffusion radius ?100 μm. These results support a hypothesis of grain-scale 40Ar diffusion distances in undeformed mica and a heterogeneous mechanical reduction in the intragrain effective diffusion length scale for 40Ar in deformed mica. Reduction in the effective diffusion length scale in naturally deformed samples occurs most probably through production of mesoscopic and submicroscopic defects such as, e.g., stacking faults. A network of interconnected defects, continuously forming and annealing during dynamic deformation likely plays an important role in controlling both 40Ar retention and intragrain distribution in deformed mica. Intragrain 40Ar/39Ar ages, when combined with estimates of diffusion kinetics and distances, may provide a means of establishing thermochronological histories from individual micas.  相似文献   

The La Crocetta mine near Porto Azzurro (Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy) is an important producer of raw material for the ceramic industry. Exploitation focuses on a pervasively sericitized porphyritic aplite of the Tuscan Magmatic Province, locally known as "eurite", which underwent significant potassium enrichment during sericitic alteration. Eurites are located along the hanging wall of the Elba Centrale Fault, a low-angle extensional lineament of regional significance. A later carbonatization stage, apparently associated with high-angle extensional tectonics, locally overprinted the sericitized facies. It is expressed by carbonate ± pyrite ± quartz veins, with adverse effects on ore quality. Sericitization was accompanied by addition of potassium, and loss of Na (± Ca, Fe). Rubidium was not enriched along with potassium during sericitization, contrary to what would be expected for interaction with late-magmatic fluids. New 40Ar–39Ar data from eurites provide an isochron age of about 6.7 Ma for the sericitization, whereas the age of the unaltered protolith is ca. 8.8 Ma. Field evidence indicates the Elba Centrale Fault to be the main channel for the hydrothermal fluids. On the other hand, the involvement of heat and/or fluids contributed by the Porto Azzurro pluton, which crops out in the La Crocetta area, is ruled out by field, geochemical and geochronological data (40Ar–39Ar age of Porto Azzurro =5.9 Ma, i.e. significantly younger than the sericitization event). Fluid inclusion studies suggest that sericitization was associated with a low-temperature (<250 °C) hydrothermal system. Fluids were locally boiling, of variable salinity (4–17 wt% NaCl equiv.), and contained some CO2 (XCO2≤0.027). Their ultimate source is not unequivocally constrained; meteoric and/or magmatic contributions may be possible. Low-salinity (≤2.6 wt% NaCl equiv.), low-temperature (<250 °C) fluids are associated with the late carbonate veining. They are considered to be of dominantly meteoric nature because of their low salinity. In summary, sericitization at La Crocetta is regarded as the product of a detachment fault-related, low temperature hydrothermal system, resulting from the structurally controlled focusing of meteoric and possibly magmatic fluids. Hence, potential targets for exploration for similar resources are represented by aplitic bodies located in the hanging wall of Elba Centrale Fault. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-002-0279-2.  相似文献   

贵州晴隆锑矿床成矿流体He-Ar同位素地球化学   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
陈娴  苏文超  黄勇 《岩石学报》2016,32(11):3312-3320
晴隆锑矿床是华南中生代低温成矿域右江盆地Au-Sb-As-Hg矿集区内的大型锑矿床,成矿时代约150Ma。本文以该矿床矿石矿物辉锑矿中的流体包裹体为测试对象,研究了成矿流体的He和Ar同位素地球化学。研究表明,成矿流体的~3He/~4He为0.13~0.46Ra(Ra为空气的3He/4He值,1.4×10~(-6)),~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar为305~327,He、Ar同位素组成具有一定程度的正相关;成矿流体由两个端元组成:一是含地壳He的低温饱和空气的雨水,二是含地幔He的高温流体。含地幔He的高温流体可能来自右江盆地下部的侏罗纪壳幔混合成因花岗岩浆,这种岩浆的形成机制与华夏地块侏罗纪与钨锡成矿有关的花岗岩具有相似性。晴隆锑矿床以大气降水为主的成矿流体的加热、循环并浸取矿床围岩"大厂层"下伏地层中的成矿元素而成矿,受深部壳幔混合成因花岗岩浆释放出的含幔源He和岩浆S的热流所驱动。  相似文献   

为了满足K-Ar定年中K和40Ar*分析的质量监控及Ar-Ar法样品在反应堆照射时中子通量监测的需要,我国氩同位素年代学工作者研制了一个K-Ar法年龄标准物质ZBJ角闪石,它采自北京房山花岗闪长岩体。它的40Ar-39Ar阶段加热分析结果表明:40Ar*在矿物晶格中保存均匀稳定,年龄谱平坦,39Ar析出量高达97%。这些证据充分表明该黑云母结晶以后未受过热扰动,40K-40Ar*同位素计时体系封闭良好。坪年龄为133.3±0.6Ma,总气体年龄为134.4±1.4Ma,36Ar/40Ar-39Ar/40Ar反等时线年龄为133.2±0.8Ma,40Ar/36Ar初始值为297.6±4.8,此值与(40Ar/36Ar)a大气氩丰度比(295.5±0.5)处于同一范围,表明样品不含过剩氩。这几个年龄值的一致性,说明该样品具有良好的均匀性和稳定性,它作为K-Ar和Ar-Ar法地质年龄标准物质是适合的。ZBJ角闪石均匀性检验结果表明:在0.05显著性水平下经统计学方法检验,证明K和40Ar*的F分布值小于F临界值,说明该样品是均匀的。国内8个实验室参加了ZBJ角闪石K含量和40Ar*含量的定值分析,经统计学方法检验,结果显示全部定值数据都服从正态分布并具等精度。在置信概率为0.95时,40Ar*和K含量的相对标准偏差都小于1%。两个特性量值定值分析结果的一致值(认定值)和不确定度分别为:40Ar*=(2.464±0.018)×10-10mol/g,K=(1.027±0.008)%,K-Ar年龄(标准值)=133.3±1.5Ma(2σ)。此标准物质纯度为98.1%,粒度为0.15~0.30mm,总重量为740g,缩分成最小样品单元共100瓶,每瓶7.4g,可供我国K-Ar和Ar-Ar法同位素年代学实验室使用37年。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):541-550
Since the late 1980s, it has been hypothesized that the wide range of apparent argon ages seen within single K-feldspar samples might be due to a distribution of diffusion domain sizes within the mineral. To test and apply this idea, an analytical technique that combines conventional laboratory degassing experiments (resistance heating) with numerical inversion procedures has been developed to extract cooling history information from feldspars. A key part of the method involves careful control of temperature in the laboratory to constrain the diffusion parameters of the feldspar samples. In our study, we have K-feldspar data from single crystals that mimic the types of data seen in classic resistance heater fusion experiments. Our step-heating data are based on using a continuous argon-ion laser with no direct control on temperature. However, with only a single added free parameter in the model, we show that it is possible to analyze this data in the multi-domain style, and make some simple inferences on the nature of the cooling history of the Carion pluton in central Madagascar. The Carion granitic pluton in central Madagascar was intruded into warm continental crust following orogenic events related to the final amalgamation of Gondwana. U-Pb SHRIMP dating of the pluton yields an emplacement age of 532.1 ± 5.2 Ma followed by relatively slow cooling as constrained by 40Ar/39Ar ages on hornblende, biotite and K-feldspar. Four hornblende samples yielded a mean 40Ar/39Ar age of 512.7 ± 2.6 Ma. A biotite sample yielded an age of 478.9 ± 1.0 Ma and modeled K-feldspar ages show cooling from 350° C at 466 Ma to 100° C by 410 Ma. Collectively, the data suggest that the pluton cooled from 850° C at 532.1 ± 5.2 (U-Pb zircon) Ma to 500° C at 512.7 ± 2.6 Ma (40Ar/39Ar hornblende), or approximately 18 °C/Ma slowing to ∼4 °C/Ma between 512 Ma and 478 Ma and finally to about 3°C/Ma between 478 and 410 Ma.  相似文献   

Forty-four biotite samples collected about a lithologic contact between pelite and amphibolite were analyzed for 40Ar/39Ar and demonstrate the importance of bulk Ar diffusivity and system geometry—factors not usually considered in the interpretation and collection of 40Ar/39Ar age data. The resulting 40Ar/39Ar apparent ages range from 11.30 ± 0.05 Ma to 17.90 ± 0.10 Ma. The ages (and excess argon contents) are spatially and lithologically correlated. The pelite samples all yield ages clustering around ∼12 Ma, the age expected for cooling through biotite closure (∼360°C) in this region of the Alps. Ages in the amphibolite biotites are older, showing a smooth trend between 15 Ma at the contact with the pelite to 18 Ma, 34 cm from the contact. This data shows that characterization of the Ar closure age for biotite in a given system should not rest on a single sample, as otherwise irresolvable differences in age between samples within the same outcrop can exist. A generalized mechanistic model for excess argon is presented. The presence (or absence) of excess Ar depends on an intrinsic system parameter, τT, the transmissive timescale, which is the characteristic time for 40Ar to escape through the local intergranular transporting medium (ITM) to some sink for argon. To prevent buildup of geochronologically significant excess 40Ar, τT must be very short relative to the true closure age of the mineral. A FORTRAN code including radiogenic Ar production, diffusive loss of Ar from biotite, and bulk Ar diffusion through the ITM has been developed. Application of numerical modeling suggests that the time-averaged effective bulk diffusivity, DeffAr, in the biotite-amphibolite rock during early retrograde cooling is 2.2 ± 1.0 × 10−8 m2/yr (assuming steady state conditions) - the first such measurement available. Numerical modeling also provides information about the transmissivity and geologic history specific to the field site, including a drop in DeffAr at 15.5 ± 1.0 Ma. The timing of this drop is related to coincident rheological changes and the onset of rapid exhumation of the nappe stack.  相似文献   

The Zhujiachong eclogite in the south‐eastern Dabieshan ultra‐high‐P terrane has been overprinted during retrograde metamorphism, with the development of garnet‐amphibolite mineral assemblages in most rocks in the outcrop. This study is focused on providing age constraints for the retrograde amphibolite facies and greenschist facies mineralogy by 40Ar/39Ar dating. By applying a novel approach of combining three different techniques for extracting argon: laser stepwise heating of single grains and small separates, a spot fusion technique by UV‐laser ablation microprobe on polished sections and an in vacuo crushing technique for liberating radiogenic argon from fluid inclusions, it is demonstrated that an internally consistent thermal history can be derived. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that phengite formed before 265 Ma, probably during the ultra‐high‐P event. Ages associated with amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism range from 242 to 217 Ma by the analyses of amphibole. Ages of c. 230 Ma were found for the symplectite matrix that formed during retrogression from eclogite pyroxene. Late stage hydrothermal activity leading to the formation of coarse‐grained paragonite and fluid inclusions in vein amphibole was dated at c. 200 Ma. These age results agree well with the mineral crystallization sequence observed from thin‐sections of the retrograded eclogite: phengite → paragonite and amphibole in matrix → amphibole in the corona.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal treatment of closely sized muscovite aggregates in a piston-cylinder apparatus induced 40Ar loss that is revealed in 40Ar/39Ar step heating spectra. Age spectra and Arrhenius data, however, differ from that expected from a single diffusion length scale. A numerical model of episodic loss assuming the presence of multiple diffusion domains yields excellent fits between synthetic and actual degassing spectra. We used this model to isolate 40Ar loss from the grains that remained intact during hydrothermal treatment at 10 kbar permitting calculation of diffusion coefficients in the temperature range 730-600 °C. Diffusion data generated in this manner yield an activation energy (E) of 63 ± 7 kcal/mol and frequency factor (Do) of 2.3  cm2/s. Experiments at 20 kbar yield diffusivities lower by about an order of magnitude and correspond to an activation volume of ∼14 cm3/mol. Together, these parameters predict substantially greater retentivity of Ar in muscovite than previously assumed and correspond to a closure temperature (Tc) of 425 °C for a 100 μm radius grain cooling at 10 °C/Ma at 10 kbar (Tc = 405 °C at 5 kbar. Age and log (r/ro) spectra for the run products show strong correlations indicating that muscovites can retain Ar diffusion boundaries and mechanisms that define their natural retentivity during vacuum step heating. This may permit the application of high resolution, continuous 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology to low grade, regionally metamorphosed terranes.  相似文献   

Ar40 diffusion in a natural, non-perthitic orthoclase has been studied isothermal heating experiments between 500° and 800°C under both vacuum and hydrothermal (2 kbar) conditions. The sample is a one-phase K-feldspar without detectable chemical of structural inhomogeneities as verified by heating experiments, chemical and microprobe analyses, and cell refinements. The orthoclase does not disorder detectably and is stable for the duration of the heating interval. Diffusion coefficients were calculated using an isotropic model for spherical grains. Agreement of diffusion coefficients obtained on grain-sizes which differed by a factor of four indicate that the effective dimension for Ar40 diffusion is the actual particle size. A series of experiments at 700°C show that Ar40 loss may be described by the ideal spherical model and that the diffusion coefficient does not change with time. The Arrhenius relation is obeyed with a single activation energy and the diffusion coefficients are described by: D = (0·00982) exp — (43800/RT). Agreement of experiments conducted under vacuum and hydrothermally (up to 2 kbar) indicate that pressure and H2O do not significantly affect Ar40 loss. Relatively small amounts of alkali exchange between the feldspar and hydrothermal salt solutions do not affect the loss behavior.The simple behavior obtained for this orthoclase is attributed of the use of a simple technique within the region of sample stability and to the homogeneous nature of the feldspar. Effects due to sample instability and to the use of perthites are discussed. The new data are compared to those for homogeneous feldspars showing that the orthoclase gives diffusion coefficients which are as low as those sanidine. It is suggested that perthitization of feldspars in nature may reduce the effective grain size for diffusion and thereby allow diffusional loss of Ar40 at relatively low temperatures.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing technique is applied for the first time to date garnet from ultra-high-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) eclogites. Three garnet samples from the Bixiling eclogites analyzed by 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing yield regular, predictable age spectra, and a clear separation between excess 40Ar and concordant plateau and isochron ages. All three age spectra begin with high apparent ages followed by step by step decreasing ages, and finally age plateaux with apparent ages in the range from 427 ± 20 to 444 ± 10 Ma. The data points constituting the age plateaux yield excellent isochrons with radiogenic intercept ages ranging from 448 ± 34 to 459 ± 58 Ma, corresponding to initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios from 292.1 ± 4.5 to 294.5 ± 6.7, statistically indistinguishable from the modern air. The high initial ages are interpreted to derive from secondary fluid inclusions containing excess 40Ar, whereas the plateau ages are attributed to gas from small primary fluid inclusions without significant excess 40Ar. The plateau ages are interpreted to approximate the time of garnet growth during initial UHPM metamorphism. Phengite analyzed by laser stepwise heating yielded a complicated two-saddle age spectrum with a scattered isochron corresponding to age of 463 ± 116 Ma and initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 1843 ± 1740 indicative of the presence of extraneous 40Ar within phengite. These concordant isochron ages measured on minerals diagnostic of eclogite grade metamorphism strongly suggest that Dabie UHPM eclogites were first formed in the early Paleozoic, during the same event that caused the Qinling-Northern Qaidam Basin-Altyn Tagh eclogites.  相似文献   

Bulk separates of porphyroclastic phengite, neoformed phengite and their mixtures from the Tan-Lu HP mylonites overprinted on the Sulu UHP rocks were analyzed with the 40Ar/39Ar step heating method. Two samples of the neoformed phengite from ultramylonite give 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 209.9±1.8 Ma and 214.3±1.8 Ma, which are interpreted as representing cooling times of the TanLu sinistral faulting, and provide geochronological evidence for the syn-orogenic faulting of the Tan-Lu fault zone. The results show that the phengite formed during the retrograde eclogite-facies mylonitization was not contaminated with excess argon and can be used for dating the deformation. Argon closure in previous K-bearing minerals with excess argon under a retrograde HP dry condition is considered to be the reason for lack of excess argon incorporation in the neoformed phengite. Five porphyroclastic phengite samples yield 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from 666±12 Ma to 307.1±3.3 Ma, which are interpreted as being contaminated with excess argon. Two mixture samples with plateau ages of 239.4±2.1 Ma and 239.3±2.0 Ma show upward-convex age spectra caused by the mixture of older porphyroclastic phengite with excess argon incorporation and younger neoformed phengite without excess argon incorporation. It is demonstrated that excess argon introduced from the previous UHP metamorphism is still preserved in the pre-existing phengite after the Tan-Lu eclogite-facies mylonitization. The intense deformation under HT and HP conditions cannot erase excess argon in the previous phengite totally due to restricted fluid activities. These porphyroclastic phengite previously contaminated with excess argon cannot be used for dating the later HP deformation. This indicates that deformation under a HP dry condition does not play an important role in removing previous 40Are in phengite.  相似文献   

The Rameka Gabbro, emplaced 367 Ma ago, experienced a well documented reheating on intrusion of the Separation Point Batholith 114 Ma ago. 40Ar39Ar age spectrum analyses of hornblende from the Rameka Gabbro show diffusion gradients which provide information on the 40Ar boundary concentration during reheating.Three samples of hornblende exhibit age spectra that conform to a model of 40Ar loss by diffusion, implying a zero 40Ar boundary concentration during heating. The calculated 40Ar loss from these samples, together with a model of heat flow in the aureole, provide estimates of diffusion coefficients of 40Ar in Mg-rich hornblende which correspond to an activation energy, E, of ~60 kcal-mol?1 and a frequency factor. D0, of ~ 10?3 cm2-sec?1. When combined with laboratory diffusion results, these data yield a well defined diffusion law (E = 63.3 ± 1.7 kcal-mol?1, D0 = 0.022 +0.048?0.010cm2-sec?1).The age spectra of the eight other samples record steep gradients of excess 40Ar over the first few percent of gas release. Although this effect causes high apparent conventional K-Ar ages, the plateau segments of many sampes still record the crystallization age of 367 ± 5 Ma. These measurements show that the excess 40Ar phase developed locally in the intergranular regions of the gabbro, following intrusion of the batholith. on time scales that varied from 104 to 106years. The minimum average 40Ar36Ar ratio of this component was found to be 1300 ± 400. The partial pressure of Ar was at least 10?2 bars in some places.A single 40Ar39Ar age spectrum analysis of plagioclase reveals a ‘saddle-shaped” release pattern with a minimum at 140 Ma.In conjunction with theoretical diffusion models and a diffusion law, 40Ar39Ar age spectrum analysis of hornblende that has experienced a post-crystallization heating can provide close estimates of the maximum temperature of the thermal event as well as both age of crystallization and reheating.  相似文献   

Meteorite “finds” from the terrestrial hot deserts have become a major contributor to the inventory of Martian meteorites. In order to understand their nitrogen and noble gas components, we have carried out stepped heating experiments on samples from two Martian meteorites collected from hot deserts. We measured interior and surface bulk samples, glassy and non-glassy portions of Dar al Gani 476 and Sayh al Uhaymir 005. We have also analyzed noble gases released from the Antarctic shergottite Lewis Cliff 88516 by crushing and stepped heating. For the hot desert meteorites significant terrestrial Ar, Kr, Xe contamination is observed, with an elementally fractionated air (EFA) component dominating the low temperature releases. The extremely low Ar/Kr/Xe ratios of EFA may be the result of multiple episodes of trapping/loss during terrestrial alteration involving aqueous fluids. We suggest fractionation processes similar to those in hot deserts to have acted on Mars, with acidic weathering on the latter possibly even more effective in producing elementally fractionated components. Addition from fission xenon is apparent in DaG 476 and SaU 005. The Ar-Kr-Xe patterns for LEW 88516 show trends as typically observed in shergottites - including evidence for a crush-released component similar to that observed in EETA 79001. A trapped Ne component most prominent in the surface sample of DaG 476 may represent air contamination. It is accompanied by little trapped Ar (20Ne/36Ar > 50) and literature data suggest its presence also in some Antarctic finds. Data for LEW 88516 and literature data, on the other hand, suggest the presence of two trapped Ne components of Martian origin characterized by different 20Ne/22Ne, possibly related to the atmosphere and the interior. Caution is recommended in interpreting nitrogen and noble gas isotopic signatures of Martian meteorites from hot deserts in terms of extraterrestrial sources and processes. Nevertheless our results provide hope that vice-versa, via noble gases and nitrogen in meteorites and other relevant samples from terrestrial deserts, Martian secondary processes can be studied.  相似文献   

Fluid origins in the sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn class of ore deposit have been investigated in three deposits from Scandinavia; Laisvall, Vassbo and Osen. The deposits studied are hosted by autochthonous Cambrian sandstones that preserve a near original structural relationship to the underlying Precambrian basement, enabling the role of basement interaction to be assessed.Mineral samples have been collected from across the paragenetic sequence: sphalerite, galena, pyrite, fluorite and barite, of impregnation and related joint-hosted mineralization. Fluid-inclusion halogen (Cl, Br and I) and noble gas isotope (40Ar, 36Ar, 84Kr) compositions were determined simultaneously by noble gas mass spectrometry of irradiated sample splits. Complementary He isotope analyses are obtained from nonirradiated splits of the same samples.3He/4He values at Laisvall and Osen are highly radiogenic, 0.02 Ra, and the 4He/40Ar* ratio extends to values greater than the crustal production value of 5, characteristic of low-temperature crustal fluids. At Vassbo, a slightly elevated 3He/4He ratio of 0.1-0.3 Ra is compatible with a very minor mantle component (1%-4%) suggesting a distal source for the basinal brine-dominated fluid.Br/Cl molar ratios 3.2-8.2 × 10−3 are greater than the present seawater value of 1.54 × 10−3 and correspond with I/Cl molar ratios in the range 64-1600 × 10−6. The upper limits of both the I/Cl and Br/Cl values are amongst the highest measured in crustal fluids. Together, the data indicate acquisition of salinity by the evaporation of seawater beyond the point of halite saturation and subsequent fluid interaction with I-rich organic matter in the subsurface. The data are compatible with the independent transport of sulfate and sulfide and indicate that fluids responsible for joint-hosted mineralization were distinct to those responsible for impregnation mineralization.All three deposits preserve fluids with 40Ar/36Ar in the range of 6,000-10,000 and fluid inclusion 40Ar* concentrations of >0.02-0.05 cm3cm−3. Fluid-inclusion 4He concentrations are also extremely elevated with maximum values of ∼0.1 cm3cm−3 in Laisvall fluorite and sphalerite. The high 40Ar/36Ar values, together with the high 4He and 40Ar* concentrations, result from a very long premineralization crustal residence time on the order of 100-200 Ma.Together, the noble gas and halogen data are compatible with a Caledonian mineralization event (∼425 Ma) caused by mixing of two or more, long-lived, hydrothermal basinal brines and pore fluids at the sites of mineralization. The data suggest negligible recharge of the basinal brines by meteoric water and indicate extensive fluid-basement interaction before mineralization. The similar noble gas composition of each deposit, suggests that similar processes operated at all three deposits and favors a single-pass fluid-flow model for mineralization.  相似文献   

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