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嵊泗列岛海域三种贻贝贝体框架性状对壳重的影响效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以嵊泗列岛海域2+龄厚壳贻贝同生群养殖个体、同域生长的1+龄紫贻贝同生群养殖个体以及混于厚壳贻贝和紫贻贝养殖筏架中的"杂交贻贝"为实验对象,以壳宽SW、壳长SL、壳高SH(BD)、OA(壳顶至韧带末端的直线距离)、OB(壳顶至壳背面最高点的直线距离)、OC(壳顶至壳后端最远点的直线距离)、OD(壳顶至壳高性状在腹缘的落点的直线距离)、AB(韧带末端至壳背缘最高点的直线距离)、BC(壳背缘最高点至壳后端最远点的直线距离)、CD(壳后端最远点至壳高性状在腹缘的落点的直线距离)为贝体框架变量,采用多元分析方法系统比较了三者贝体框架性状对壳重的影响效应。结果表明:(1)3种实验贝壳重的变异系数均大于各贝体框架性状,"杂交贻贝"各测定性状的变异系数均为最大,而厚壳贻贝和紫贻贝间则均接近;(2)3种实验贝各贝体框架性状与壳重的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01),三者中仅"杂交贻贝"各贝体框架性状间的相关系数也均达到极显著水平(P0.01);(3)经通径分析,厚壳贻贝被保留的3个贝体框架性状与壳重的复相关指数为0.868,它们对壳重的直接作用呈OCSHSW,紫贻贝被保留的2个贝体框架性状与壳重的复相关指数为0.700,它们对壳重的直接作用呈OCSW,"杂交贻贝"被保留的3个贝体框架性状与壳重的复相关指数为0.931,它们对壳重的直接作用呈SLSHOA;(4)经多元回归分析,得到了用于估算厚壳贻贝、紫贻贝和"杂交贻贝"壳重的回归方程。  相似文献   

为了解海域厚壳贻贝栖息和资源补充情况,探索资源持续利用,作者对福建台山列岛周边海域厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)资源进行潜水调查及样方采样分析,研究了该海域厚壳贻贝的分布密度、生物量、生物学特征;结合旁侧声纳和测深仪对海底面状地貌与海底地形进行扫测,并对海底表层沉积物进行采样分析,研究了厚壳贻贝生境底质特点、栖息覆盖率等。台山列岛海域调查结果显示岩礁面积共2.189822km2,厚壳贻贝平均密度151.33个/m~2、平均生物量6.89 kg/m~2,平均质量45.55 g/个。计算显示当其栖息覆盖率达到10%、20%、30%和40%时,该海域厚壳贻贝资源增长量分别为520、1 039、1 559和2 079 t/a。目前该海域年均采挖量约为762.8~1 125 t/a。据此,只有当厚壳贻贝覆盖面积达到该岩礁区域面积的20%~30%时,其资源量才能得到有效补充。剖面调查结果表明目前该海域厚壳贻贝覆盖率仅为12%~24%,由此可见,该海域厚壳贻贝资源将面临资源枯竭风险,为更有效地保护和持续利用厚壳贻贝资源,必须采取有效的管理对策措施。  相似文献   

为研究东海区厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)遗传多样性,以厚壳贻贝F mtDNA D-loop为标记,对浙江省舟山嵊山岛、宁波渔山岛、温州南麂岛、福建省宁德湾和莆田南日岛五个海区的厚壳贻贝群体进行了遗传分析。结果表明,厚壳贻贝各群体的遗传多样性差异不明显,在5个群体中,宁德群体的遗传多样性相对最丰富;将5个群体作为一个整体时,呈现出较高的单倍型多样性和较低的核苷酸多样性。对厚壳贻贝5个群体间的遗传分化系数(Fst)和基因流(Nm)进行检测,结果显示群体间Fst值都很低,但Nm值都很高(Nm绝对值1),表明5个群体间存在丰富的基因交流。但宁德群体与浙江沿海的3个群体(嵊山、渔山、温州)的Fst值相对较高,且差异显著(P0.5),表明宁德群体与这3个群体间出现遗传分化。本研究旨在为海洋经济贝类资源的保护管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

嵊泗列岛海域三种贻贝贝体框架特征的差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以壳长SL、壳宽SW、壳高SH(BD)、OA(壳顶至韧带末端的直线距离)、OB(壳顶至壳背面最高点的直线距离)、OC(壳顶至壳后端最远点的直线距离)、OD(壳顶至壳高性状在腹缘的落点的直线距离)、AB(韧带末端至壳背缘最高点的直线距离)、BC(壳背缘最高点至壳后端最远点的直线距离)、CD(壳后端最远点至壳高性状在腹缘的落点的直线距离)为贝体框架变量,采用多元分析方法系统比较了嵊泗列岛海域厚壳贻贝、紫贻贝和"杂交贻贝"贝体框架特征的差异,结果表明:(1)在所涉9项贝体框架特征指标中,紫贻贝与厚壳贻贝间无显著差异的指标仅为L5(OC/SL)和L7(AB/SL)(P0.05),而"杂交贻贝"各项指标则均与厚壳贻贝和紫贻贝具显著差异(P0.05),厚壳贻贝和紫贻贝变异系数大于10%的指标均仅为L7(AB/SL),而"杂交贻贝"则仅为L3(OA/SL);(2)厚壳贻贝与紫贻贝间的欧氏距离最短(P0.05),仅为0.160;厚壳贻贝与"杂交贻贝"间和紫贻贝与"杂交贻贝"间的欧氏距离相近(P0.05),分别为0.452和0.418;(3)经主成分分析,提取到的3个特征值均大于1的主成分,累计贡献率达82.928%,其中第一主成分、第二主成分、第三主成分可依次归为与滤食功能区水平剖面占比相关的贝体框架因子,与消化功能区水平剖面占比相关的贝体框架因子,和与消化功能区垂直剖面占比相关的贝体框架因子,通过第一主成分仅能较清晰地区分厚壳贻贝和"杂交贻贝";(4)采用逐步判别法,以判别贡献率较大的L1(SW/SL)、L3(OA/SL)、L4(OB/SL)、L5(OC/SL)、L6(OD/SL)和L7(AB/SL)为自变量,所建Fisher分类函数方程组可较清晰区分厚壳贻贝、紫贻贝和"杂交贻贝",三者的判别准确率依次为94.6%、94.6%和100%,综合判别准确率为96.4%。  相似文献   

浙江海岛邻近海域叶绿素a和初级生产力的分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对1990年春、秋季进行的浙江海岛海域叶绿素浓度和初级生产力的观测资料作了分析。结果表明,春季叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力均高于秋季。其空间分布基本上为浙南海区高于浙北海区高于浙中海区,表层叶绿素a浓度高于中层和底层。测区光强是叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的主控因子。在离岸较远的南麂列岛、台州列岛、中街山列岛和马鞍列岛等海域的叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力均高于受混浊水控制的近岸海岛海域。  相似文献   

为研究厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)生长海域微生物群落的结构与多样性特征,初步探究海域微生物群落及共生菌对贻贝生长的影响,分别采集舟山市东极镇庙子湖岛和嵊泗县枸杞岛厚壳贻贝养殖区和野生生长区海水样品,利用16S rRNA扩增子测序技术,比较分析不同海域微生物群落的组成及丰度特征以及微生物群落的差异;同时对厚壳贻贝体内的微生物进行了初步的分离鉴定。研究结果显示,嵊泗厚壳贻贝野生生长海域10 m水深的微生物丰富度显著大于5 m水深,东极厚壳贻贝养殖区海域10 m水深微生物丰富度也而明显大于5 m水深。东极和嵊泗厚壳贻贝的生长海域形成了较为稳定微生物群落结构,嵊泗海域主要优势菌群为十八杆菌属Octadecabacter、假交替单胞菌属Pseudoalteromonas、厌氧氨氧化菌属Candidatus_Portiera、沉积物陆丹氏菌属Loktanella和弧菌Vibrio;东极海域主要优势菌群为厌氧氨氧化菌属Candidatus_Portiera、海洋氨氧化古菌属Nitrosopumilus、蓝细菌聚球藻属Synechococcus和弧菌属Vibrio。PCA分析结果表明东极和嵊泗两个海域的厚壳贻贝野生生长区的微生物群落相似度明显低于养殖区的微生物群落相似度,且这种差异在嵊泗海域尤为明显。同时在贻贝体内分离出了假交替单胞菌、黏着杆菌以及弧菌,而这三种菌在海水样品中也大量存在,由此可初步判定这三类细菌能够随水流进入贻贝体内,并可能对贻贝的附着、生长以及防病等生理功能产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

厚壳贻贝是我国东部沿海重要的经济贝类之一,自然环境中栖息范围不甚明确。本文于2014年7月间利用水下摄像的手段,调查和分析了渔山列岛不同断面上厚壳贻贝的自然分布特征。结果表明:渔山列岛潮下带5条断面的生态类型差异显著,不同断面栖息的优势种也不相同;断面间厚壳贻贝的栖息密度均值为37.04~185.80 ind/m2,其中断面A的栖息密度最低,断面E的栖息密度最高,断面C和断面D的栖息密度相差不大,但是不同调查样方内厚壳贻贝的栖息密度从0~388.89 ind/m2不等;厚壳贻贝主要分布在水深3~9 m的水层中,其中以水深5~8 m的水层中最为密集,约占总栖息密度的90%以上;在水深8 m的区带上,厚壳贻贝的栖息密度为160.19 ind/m2,当水深小于1 m和大于11 m时,厚壳贻贝分布极少;经双因素方差分析表明,厚壳贻贝栖息密度在不同断面(F=57.011,P<0.01)和不同水层(F=66.495,P<0.01)中的差异均极显著,断面和水层的交互作用(F=10.483,P<0.01)对厚壳贻贝的自然分布也有极显著差异;经检验,厚壳贻贝栖息密度(A)的自然分布与水深(D)呈正态分布,可以用高斯方程拟合,R2的取值范围为0.8753~0.9997;利用聚类分析发现,调查样方被明显的分为3组,体现了水深在厚壳贻贝自然分布中的显著作用。  相似文献   

海洋真菌广泛参与近海生态系统的物质循环和能量流动, 同时与海洋动物之间存在复杂的相互作用。贝类是我国主要的海水养殖生物, 为深入了解海洋真菌与贝类养殖的潜在关系, 选择厚壳贻贝养殖区海水及8种组织真菌为研究对象, 利用荧光定量PCR以及ITS rDNA高通量测序解析养殖厚壳贻贝各组织及所处海水环境的真菌群落丰度和结构特征。结果显示厚壳贻贝养殖区内和边缘海域的真菌丰度显著高于养殖区外围海域; 从贻贝养殖区和组织中共获得1 409个OTUs, 其中粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes) 在海水真菌群落为优势纲; 而在贻贝组织中, 锤舌菌纲(Leotiomycetes, 足20.13%、肾脏14.72%)、座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes, 鳃2.89%、后闭壳肌1.92%、血淋巴1.36%)、散囊菌纲(Eurotiomycetes, 性腺3.59%、足1.57%)和伞菌纲(Agaricomycetes, 性腺3.09%、消化腺2.71%、鳃2.50%)占据优势地位。多样性分析显示厚壳贻贝和海水间真菌群落存在显著性差异; Bray-Curtis相似距离分析显示贻贝真菌群落与养殖区内海水更为相似, 而与边缘和外围海水差距较大。厚壳贻贝不同组织间、不同区域海水间的Beta多样性差异主要来自物种替换; 贻贝与海水间真菌Beta多样性的差异主要来自丰富度差异。综上所述, 厚壳贻贝体内真菌具有组织差异性, 并且养殖活动改变了养殖区海水的真菌群落。研究结果将为贝类真菌资源、贝类-真菌相互作用及生态影响提供基础。  相似文献   

采用16S rRNA基因测序技术,对我国东南沿海4个地理群体的厚壳贻贝遗传结构及遗传变异进行研究。通过对4个厚壳贻贝群体共83个个体的线粒体16S rRNA基因进行测序,获得1个长度为305bp的同源序列,共检测到150个多态位点,多态位点比例达49.18%。83个个体中共检测到28个单倍型,单倍型多样性指数(Hd)为0.810,核苷酸多样性指数(Pi)为0.09602,平均核苷酸差异数(K)达27.846。结果表明,我国东南沿海厚壳贻贝群体具有较高的遗传多样性水平。遗传结构检测结果表明,舟山群体、温州群体、宁德群体间的遗传距离小,遗传分化系数(Fst)为-0.0141—0.0059之间,群体内部无显著分化(P>0.05),而福州群体与其它群体间遗传距离较大,为0.215—0.217之间,遗传分化系数(Fst)也较大,为0.6217—0.6319之间,存在极显著的遗传分化(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

为了研究紫贻贝与厚壳贻贝种间杂交的核相变化,并评估其杂交优势,本实验以两种贻贝亲本为材料建立了4个交配组合,分别为:紫贻贝自交组EE(Mytilus edulis♀×M.edulis♂)、厚壳贻贝自交组CC(Mytilus coruscus♀×M.coruscus♂)、正交组EC(M.edulis♀×M.coruscus♂)和反交组CE(M.coruscus♀×M.edulis♂)。通过Hoechst 33258染色、荧光显微观察的方法,对4个交配组从受精、减数分裂到卵裂的核相变化过程进行了观察,并对孵化后幼虫到稚贝期的生长情况进行了记录。结果表明:正反交组的受精细胞学过程与自交组较为相似,但第二极体排出时间延长。对各实验组子一代早期的生长和存活研究表明:浮游阶段,杂交组幼虫生长优势不明显;附着变态后,正交组EC在壳长及壳高等生长指标的杂交优势表现明显,且正交组(EC)大于反交组(CE)。自交组的受精率、孵化率、成活率均高于杂交组。  相似文献   

The South African coastline has been invaded by numerous alien species. Rare pre-invasion (1980) and post-invasion datasets (2001 and 2012) exist for Marcus Island, a small land-tied island in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. These snapshot datasets of the island’s intertidal invertebrate community were complemented with monitoring across seasons, from 2014 to 2016. Invertebrate communities were compared among the summers of 1980, 2001, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to assess interannual differences, while invertebrates and algae were monitored quarter-annually to assess seasonal changes. In addition, the population dynamics of the alien mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were monitored. Differences in invertebrate communities between consecutive summers were significant but much smaller than changes induced by the arrival of alien species. Invertebrate and seaweed communities differed among years and shore zones but not among seasons, whereas species diversity differed among years, seasons and shore zones, with zones having the strongest influence. The invasion by M. galloprovincialis, and ensuing spatial and temporal variability in its recruitment, emerged as the most important factor influencing community composition, overshadowing interannual and seasonal changes. This work highlights that the impacts of alien species can be distinguished from natural variability by combining long-term monitoring with surveys at finer temporal scales. This is an important step in extending our understanding of the impacts of marine alien species.  相似文献   

Biological invasions continue to increase around the world, with impacts on many coastal marine systems. Here we review the South African marine invasion literature which, despite the field being relatively new, has grown to have significant presence in both the local and international arenas. Of the 79 papers reviewed, 70% focused on the establishment and spread of alien species, with modes of transport and introduction largely overlooked. An emphasis was also apparent towards field studies, in particular survey work, with few experimental studies. The overwhelming majority of papers focused on a single species, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, reflecting the scale of this invasion and the tractable nature of rocky shores as study systems. With the exception of this one species, the impacts of marine alien species have rarely been quantified. We suggest that future research extends the taxonomic coverage of present work and develops a better understanding of the mechanisms of introduction, establishment and spread of marine alien species. Through an experimental approach, the drivers of altered ecological patterns and processes resulting from invasions should be addressed, providing insight into associated impacts. This approach will maintain the local applicability and international relevance of South African marine invasion research.  相似文献   

Concerns about the environmental impacts of mariculture have grown in recent years in response to the rapid expansion of the industry. The blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) is the main product of shellfish mariculture in the Northeast Atlantic and Baltic Sea, with approximately one third of the harvest cultured using suspended longlines within sheltered marine areas. The main aim of this study was to examine the interactions, and assess the impacts (if any) of mussel suspension culture on the seabird and seal community, employing a simultaneous study of culture and control sites. The study spanned a 20-month period (from November 2001 to August 2003) and encompassed six sites in Bantry Bay (Southwest Ireland).There was no significant difference in species richness between mussel and control sites. Similarly, species diversity did not significantly differ between the mussel and control sites although control sites were generally more diverse than mussel sites, the latter particularly dominated by large numbers of Laridae.Significantly higher numbers of Phalacrocoracidae, Laridae and Alcidae were recorded in mussel sites than in control sites. However, no significant difference was found between Gaviidae or common seal (Phoca vitulina) numbers in mussel and control sites. Seasonal patterns of abundance were similar in mussel and control sites, with peak numbers of most species groups occurring in spring.Mussel suspension culture does not appear to have an adverse effect on the abundance of seabirds or common seals in this area. The safe perching platforms provided by suspension culture floats, combined with a number of other factors, contribute to an increased abundance of a number of seabird species, particularly Laridae. The possible interactions between vertebrate predators and mussel suspension aquaculture are discussed and possible explanations for the increased seabird abundance observed in these areas are offered.  相似文献   

The number of alien species in the Mediterranean Sea is increasing rapidly, but few attempts have been made to evaluate impacts on specific habitat types. The present study investigated alien biodiversity in Mediterranean marine caves, both by contributing new records of Eastern Mediterranean cave aliens, and by reviewing the scattered existing literature; the main goals were to highlight potential impacts and investigate the importance of cave environments for the expansion of alien species. Seven new alien species were found in marine caves of the Aegean and Ionian seas, raising the total number of aliens reported from Mediterranean marine caves to 56 species, classified as molluscs, cnidarians, bryozoans, polychaetes, crustaceans, macroalgae, fishes and tunicates. Most cave aliens (66%) were recorded from the Southeastern Levantine coasts, specifically from Lebanese caves. Shipping and Lessepsian migration have been suggested as the main pathways of alien introduction into caves of the Mediterranean Sea. The comparison of alien cave biodiversity with the updated Mediterranean alien inventory (32 species added to the latest inventory) showed similar patterns and trends for species richness, biogeographical origin and major introduction pathways, corroborating previous findings on the high local representativeness of Mediterranean cave biodiversity. Alien species seem to have invaded mostly the entrance and semi‐dark zones of shallow and/or semi‐submerged caves and tunnels, whereas only a few have reached the dark inner sectors or caves of the anchialine type; thus, the unfavourable cave environment seems to be naturally protected from impacts related to opportunistic invasive species, at least to a certain point. Currently there is no research confirming any direct impacts of alien biota on the native cavernicolous one. However, some issues have emerged, implying potential threats that need to be further explored: (i) the presence of a considerable proportion of aliens in most studied marine caves of the Southeastern Mediterranean basin, (ii) the recently observed population explosion of alien cave‐dwelling fishes in the same area, (iii) several indications that alien diversity in marine caves is much higher than we know today. Quantitative surveys and monitoring schemes are needed in order to evaluate potential effects of alien diversity on cave community structure and the role of marine caves as stepping stones for its expansion in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

紫贻贝养殖产业的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面系统地了解中国紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)养殖产业情况,作者从养殖产量、养殖面积、进出口贸易、养殖生产等方面概述了紫贻贝产业现状,对中国紫贻贝养殖业的种质资源、苗种生产方式、养殖生产流程、养殖方式等进行了综述,并针对紫贻贝养殖中存在的问题,从种质资源、养殖模式、设施设备、食品安全控...  相似文献   

Carmen-Pia  Günther 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):117-130
Abstract. The development of temporary Mytilus edulis beds and their associated macro fauna was studied on an intertidal sand flat in the German Wadden sea during 1986 by comparing mussel beds with bare sandy areas of the same tidal elevation. Macro fauna samples We taken with a 100 cm2 corer (penetration depth 27 cm, mesh size 0.5 mm, 5 parallel samples).
Numbers of taxa and diversity were higher in the mussel beds compared to the sandy areas. The abundance of macro fauna organisms decreased with the age of the mussel bed, whereas the relative abundance of species was not strongly affected. Hydrobia ulvae , oligochaetes, and Heteromastus filiformis dominated the macro fauna inside as well as outside the mussel beds. Among the lower ranks of dominance changes in species composition were observed due to increasing densities of opportunistic polychaetes.
About six weeks after the establishment of the mussel beds a higher abundance of Capitella spp., Polydora ligni, Tharyx marioni , and nemerteans occurred within the mussel beds while other species such as Hydrobia ulvae and Pygospio elegans showed a significantly lower abundance compared to the adjacent flat. Macoma balthica as well as Mya arenaria were not affected by the alteration of a bare sand flat to a mussel bed. O-group Carcinus maenas reached their highest abundance in the mussel beds (over 1000 indiv. m-2). In contrast juvenile Crangon crangon preferred the bare sand flat. After destruction of the mussel beds by an early autumn storm, species abundance and composition was similar to the situation before the mussel beds had become established.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is the most significant invasive alien marine species in South Africa and, although not normally found subtidally, has recently been observed colonising heads and stipes of the kelp species Ecklonia maxima in False Bay. We quantified this invasion and explored its ecological implications. Transects laid across kelp beds revealed that 10.34% of kelp individuals surveyed bore canopy mussels, with kelp heads (10.07%) being far more commonly infected than stipes (0.27%). Twenty kelp individuals with infected heads and 20 with infected stipes were separately collected for more-detailed examination. Wet mass of mussels on these kelp heads ranged from 2.5 to 2 462 g (median 86.4 g, interquartile range 14.8–353.8 g) and that of mussels on the stipes from 7.6 to 3 492 g (median 595.5 g, interquartile range 194.0–955.0 g). Mussel clumps consisted mostly of individuals <40 mm in length. Mussel clumps supported a rich biota of 80 invertebrate and 13 algal species. Larger clumps supported more epibiotic species, and those on stipes more species than those of comparable mass on kelp heads. The mussels and their associated epibiotic species negatively affected kelp buoyancy, but rarely enough to overcome natural buoyancy. Some kelp individuals that had been toppled by the weight of mussels and their epibiotic species, however, were encountered in situ. Implications of this invasion include large increases in animal biomass and species richness in the kelp canopy, plus reductions in kelp buoyancy and increased hydrodynamic drag on infected kelps, increasing their probability of being uprooted. Uprooted kelp individuals can raft long distances, potentially transporting both native and alien species to distant sites.  相似文献   

The alien Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia inhabits several coastal environments worldwide. This species can form dense mats where individuals attach through byssus threads, thus altering the structure, functioning and biodiversity of the native communities. We investigated the feeding preference of different predators on this alien species in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. To do this, a mesocosm experiment was conducted using two crab species (the Mediterranean green crab Carcinus aestuarii) and the Say mud crab Dyspanopeus sayi, and one gastropod, the banded dye-murex Hexaplex trunculus as predators of A. senhousia with or without byssus mats. Our data suggest that C. aestuarii is a more effective predator against A. senhousia than D. sayi, and that H. trunculus is almost ineffective. A possible implication of this result is the potential use of the native crab C. aestuarii for limit the formation of the byssus mats, thus mitigating their potential negative effects on the native communities.  相似文献   

肠道细菌对厚壳贻贝稚贝附着的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨肠道细菌形成的微生物被膜对贝类附着的作用,从厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)成体肠道中分离10株肠道细菌,调查厚壳贻贝肠道细菌形成微生物被膜特性,分析微生物被膜密度、细菌种属与厚壳贻贝稚贝附着之间的相互关系。所有肠道细菌均可有效促进稚贝附着。其中,Paracoccus sp.1微生物被膜诱导的稚贝附着率最高(61%),且微生物被膜膜厚较厚,细菌分布较密集;仅5株肠道细菌Roseovarius sp.1、Winogradskyella sp.1、Tenacibaculum sp.4、Bacillus sp.5和Nonlabens sp.1的被膜密度与附着显著相关(P0.05)。系统发育分析发现肠道细菌诱导附着率与其种属无关。本研究表明源于厚壳贻贝成贝肠道细菌可以促进其稚贝的附着,说明肠道细菌对厚壳贻贝的生长发育具有一定的作用。本研究结果为深入探讨肠道细菌与厚壳贻贝相互作用和推动该种规模化养殖提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) have been introduced into the Wadden Sea (North Sea), where they settle on native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.), which represent the only extensive insular hard substrata in this soft-sediment environment. As abundances of C. gigas rose, some mussel beds became increasingly overgrown with oysters, whereas others did not. Field experiments revealed that recruitment of C. gigas was higher in the lower intertidal than in the upper subtidal zone, that it was higher on conspecifics than on mussels, and that it was not affected by barnacle epigrowth except when settling on mussels. Mussel recruitment is known from inter- and subtidal zones. It occurred equally on oyster and mussel shells but showed a clear preference for barnacle epigrowth over clean shells. Assuming that settlement and recruitment are key processes for species abundances on the North Sea coast, it is predicted that the positive feedback in oyster settlement will lead to rapid reef formation of this invader at the expense of mussel beds. Mussels, however, may escape competitive exclusion by settling between or on the larger oysters especially when barnacles are abundant. Experimental patches with mussels were more often covered by fucoid algae (Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili Nienburg) than patches with oysters, and oyster recruitment was poor underneath such algal canopies. Thus, fucoids may provide the native mussels with a refuge from the invading oysters and the two bivalves may coexist, provided food is not limiting.  相似文献   

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