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随着经济的发展,越来越多的人在海岸带地区生活和工作,由此带来的一系列资源利用和环境污染问题,也给海岸带带来了巨大的压力,协调海岸带地区经济发展和生态维护之间的关系已成为全球可持续发展的巨大挑战之一.ICM已经成为解决海岸带资源利用与生态环境矛盾的有效工具,而EBM理念的融合对ICM的实施产生了积极的效果.在简要介绍厦门ICM体制的基础上,重点介绍其将EBM理念应用于ICM的具体做法和典型案例.  相似文献   

论厦门市海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
杨圣云  周秋麟 《台湾海峡》1997,16(4):490-497
本文在分析厦门市海洋管理现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了厦门海岸带综合管理的指导思想;并在海岸带综合管理体制,协调机制,立法与执法,海洋资产资产化管理,海洋资源与海洋环境监测监督与评价,海洋管理信息系统,财政支持机制,公众海洋意识教育和参与海洋管理等方面提出了海岸带综合管理对策。  相似文献   

厦门海岸带资源与管理战略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张聪义 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):228-234
本文分析了厦门海岸带资源现状和管理中存在的问题。厦门海岸带管理素来以行为的基础,实施行业管理。这种管理机制已经难以解决海岸带过度开发、环境恶化、资源开发利用与保护之间的矛盾等日益严重的问题。新型的海岸带资源管理是一种较为全面的管理方法,致力于建立综合管理体制,其中考虑到各行业部门对海岸带及其资源可能造成影响的各种活动,同时综合考虑社会、经济、环境和生态等问题,从而平衡和优化经济发展、公共利用和环境  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理(Integrated Coastal Mamgement,ICM)是一个用以制定政策和管理战略,以解决海岸带资源利用冲突,控制人类活动对海岸带环境影响的一个持续的、动态的过程。从更深一层次上说,海岸带综合管理就是要通过对海岸带经济、社会、资源和环境复合系统进行系统分析和系统设计,  相似文献   

以生态系统管理为工具开展海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从海岸带和海岸带综合管理的几大特征出发 (包括海岸带的中心地带———海 陆生态交错带、海岸带综合管理需要解决的主要问题———生态环境危机、海岸带综合管理的管理对象———社会 经济 自然复合生态系统等方面 ),提出生态学应成为海岸带综合管理的主要科学依据,海岸带综合管理应遵循并且充分运用生态学的理念和方法;文章通过对生态系统管理与海岸带综合管理的比较分析,指出生态系统管理正是生态学中有助于海岸带综合管理的最佳工具,海岸带综合管理应以生态系统管理为基础,并进一步阐述了生态系统管理在海岸带综合管理规划中的具体运用.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护是当前全球面临的最重要问题之一,本文分析了我国海洋生物多样性面临的主要威胁,并对生物多样性丧失的原因进行了分析。在以上研究的基础上,基于海岸带综合管理(ICZM)的理念,提出了海洋生物多样性保护管理中急需解决的问题,主要包括海洋生物多样性保护管理的指导思想、管理机构机制、管理边界、海洋生物多样性评价技术、海洋生物多样性保护规划技术和基于GIS的管理决策支持系统等。  相似文献   

"21世纪是海洋世纪",构建台湾海峡经济区,海西港口群应充分发挥资源优势,实现自身合理配置与协调发展的基础上,有计划地寻找与台湾对口产业的互补合作机会,争取实现两岸港口及相关资源的整合。海西港口群具有良好的先天性优势,但也存在许多不容忽视的问题。ICM(海岸带综合管理)作为解决海岸带资源利用冲突的有效工具,其理念与方法,对于港口管理同样适用。文章运用ICM的理念,分析海峡西岸港口群发展存在的问题,对提高港口群的综合实力,实现港口群的可持续发展,促进两岸经济一体化提出建议和措施。  相似文献   

石谦  郭卫东  杨逸萍 《台湾海峡》2002,21(3):379-386
科学技术支持是海岸带综合管理取得成效的基础,引导科学研究为海岸带管理服务应注重协调好管理部门与科研单位、科研单位之间、学科之间、理论成果与应用等诸多关系。厦门通过建立科研界与行政管理界的联系渠道、联合开展海岸带综合管理的科学研究、建立海岸带专家组等途径,形成了科研为海岸带综合管理服务的协调机制,促进了科研与管理的合作,为海岸带综合管理决策与行动提供科学依据,有效地促进了海岸带综合管理进程。  相似文献   

为促进我国海岸带的可持续发展,助力海洋强国和海洋生态文明建设,文章综合运用奎德模型和琼斯模型,从问题进入政府、政府内部行动、政府处理问题和项目回到政府4个环节,比较分析阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的制定、执行和效果,并提出可供我国借鉴的经验。研究结果表明:对于阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的对比分析主要包括海岸带面临的问题、政策目标、法律法规和项目规划制定、执行机构建立、人力资源培育、经济资源投入以及政策效果和问题;阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔在人文环境和自然环境方面与我国有相似之处,其海岸带综合管理经验对我国具有参考价值,主要包括提高海岸带综合管理的公众参与度和公众海洋生态环境保护意识、注重政策项目评估、保证项目资金供给充足、合理划分政府部门的权责范围以及协调海岸带经济社会发展与生态环境保护的关系。  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(3):452-458
本文阐述了东亚海区海岸带综合管理实践如何从地方性的示范发展到区域性的合作管理框架,如何实现海洋和海岸带资源的可持续利用.文中着重突出了厦门市政府在维持环境保护和经济发展的平衡,启动和实施海岸带综合管理,以及与沿海国在国际合作方面的经验,总结了厦门实施海岸带综合管理的主要经验,包括多部门间综合协调机制、海岸带综合管理法律框架、科技支撑体系的建立,海洋功能区划、环境剖面和战略环境管理计划的制定,以及实现海上联合执法等等.同时阐述了东亚海域环境管理区域合作计划(PEMSEA)与澳大利亚合作伙伴之间的关系在推动沿海城市的国际合作中将起到的作用.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):685-695
The Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) project in Xiamen, which started in the mid-1990s, is considered a successful example of ICM implementation. Now on its second cycle, the project has achieved significant results and received positive feedback from various international organizations.ICM, in general, has proven to be a workable environmental management scheme, and it has been replicated elsewhere in China and in other countries. However, it should be noted that ICM programs need to employ strategies aimed at strengthening human resources and institutional capacities. This paper discusses the establishment of the International Training Center for Coastal Sustainable Development and its role in disseminating the experiences and expertise of the Xiamen ICM site, the advancement of public education on ICM with the implementation of the Community-Based Conservation Management Cooperative Program of the Canadian International Development Agency; and the expansion of professional education in ICM through a Joint Masters Program in Environmental Management with the University of San Francisco. These three programs have been highly successful in developing ICM capacities at different levels (i.e. awareness of policymakers, public awareness and professional education), and they contribute to the formulation, design and implementation of successful ICM initiatives. As such, the formulation and implementation of partnerships in education programs are deemed crucial for Xiamen's success and in its role as one of the training bases for ICM in East Asia.  相似文献   

We develop a systematic approach for the measurement of overall socioeconomic benefits associated with an integrated coastal management (ICM) program. The analytical framework includes multiple marine industry sectors (e.g., ocean shipping and commercial fisheries) as well as environmental sectors (e.g., coastal erosion). The net benefit measure captures both economic and environmental effects. We apply our analytical model to Xiamen, China, using empirical data from 1992 to 2001. Results of the case study show that the implementation of ICM program in Xiamen has led to a significant increase (over 40%) in annual socioeconomic benefit from its marine sectors. Thus, the Xiamen ICM program has been effective in achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management (ICM) is a management process used by stakeholders in decision making to determine how coastal areas will be used and what activities can take place in them. While many ICM Programs are national government initiatives, some ICM Programs are ‘decentralized’, managed by community groups or local governments. This paper describes the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP), an ICM Program in Atlantic Canada, and the Xiamen ICM Program, in Xiamen, China, and discusses their major differences. The most important difference between the two ICM Programs is that ACAP is a community-based program that uses a multi-stakeholder approach and consensus decision making, while the Xiamen ICM Program is managed by a coordinating office within a local government. After comparing the two programs, some general lessons learned about decentralized ICM from these case studies are noted. It is concluded that the appropriate use of either model for ICM depends on the cultural, economic and political environment of the program. However, stakeholder involvement, scientific consultation and the use of a detailed management plan are important components of any decentralized ICM program.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities that can arise when implementing ecosystem-based management (EBM) in tropical nations. EBM creates a new series of challenges, problems, and opportunities that must be considered in light of existing governance and management frameworks in a local context. The paper presents five case studies from different parts of the tropical world, including Oceania, insular and continental Southeast Asia, East Africa, and the Caribbean, which illustrate that the implementation of EBM in watershed and marine ecosystems offers a new series of challenges and opportunities for its inclusion with existing forms of environmental governance and management. The paper suggests that EBM is best thought of as an expansion of customary management (CM) and integrated coastal management (ICM), rather than a paradigm shift, and that it has certain benefits that are worth integrating into existing systems when possible. The paper concludes that the cultural and institutional context of CM as well as the experience, technical skills, and legal basis that serve ICM programs are logical platforms from which to build EBM programs. Some guidelines for creating hybrid management regimes are suggested. In sum, declining marine species and ecosystems require urgent action, necessitating utilization of existing paradigms such as ICM and CM as a foundation for building EBM.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(6-7):483-501
Integrated coastal management (ICM) is accepted world-wide as a comprehensive, multi-sectoral integrated approach to the planning and management of coastal areas. ICM is particularly suited to the island member countries of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) because of their size, the interconnectedness of the coast and terrestrial areas and the high degree of association and community involvement with the management of coastal systems. With the exception of the highly migratory pelagic fish stocks, the narrow natural resource base of many Pacific islands make them particularly vulnerable to inappropriate development and mismanagement. Fortunately, the governments of many Pacific Island countries (PIC) have become aware of the benefits of integrated coastal management and are looking at ways of making it an established practice. This paper uses the framework of ICM to illustrate some of the author's experience of coastal management within the South Pacific region. Within the ICM framework, a range of tools and techniques are available to manage coastal problems. The success of any approach depends on the scale and magnitude of the problems to be addressed and the availability of information, institutional support and commitment from all stakeholders. The way in which programmes are conducted and implemented is particularly important. Top down initiatives may work at the regional level but tend to fail at the national and community level unless there are other incentives to support them. On the other hand, bottom up, process driven initiatives have enjoyed more success at the community level. Demand-based approaches have tended to be very successful at all levels, whether they be at the community, country or regional levels, particularly where all of the interested parties can collaborate and contribute to finding solutions to their problems.  相似文献   

The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami wrought environmental damage beyond the normal framework of integrated coastal management and has implications for coastal management in Asia-Pacific in the post-tsunami phase. Fieldwork conducted on the coasts of four tsunami-affected countries in 2005 and 2006 identified several “practitioner-type” issues that would have implications for ICM policy. These include the loss of land with accompanying land tenure problems; the safety zone in conflict with the buffer zone; the need for better integration of livelihoods restoration with the rehabilitation of coastal ecosystems; and the inclusion of tsunami mitigation in the larger framework of climate change mitigation. A discussion of these issues and future role of ICM would provide a fresh perspective to policy-practice of ICM. A proposal is made to study various development pathways of selected coastal villages as they recovered in the post-tsunami phase.  相似文献   

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