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2008年5月12日龙门山发生了8.0级特大地震,仅仅时隔5年,在2013年4月20日,龙门山构造带南段又发生了M7.O级地震,说明该区域构造运动频繁发生,也因此成为地质地貌学家研究构造一地貌一水系的理想场所。构造活动对河流的发育、形态(纵剖面形态、平面形态、三维地貌)等有重要影响。基于DEM数据,本文提取了龙门山中段山前地区的湔江(R_1)、金河(R_2)、绵远河(R_3)、干河子(R_4)和安昌河(R_5)5条河流及其次流域,分别计算了5条河流的Hack剖面、河长坡降指标(sL参数)以及标准化坡降指标(SL/K)等构造地貌参数,并计算了这5条河流及其次流域的面积一高程积分值,对该地区的构造活动、地貌演化特征进行分析。研究表明:1)龙门山中段山前地区5条河流的Hack剖面皆呈上凸形态,表明龙门山中段山前地区处于构造抬升状态;2)该地区的sL参数主要反映的断裂构造活动信息,sL参数在映秀-北川断裂峰值最为明显,说明该地区该断裂的活动性最强;3)龙门山中段的5条河流面积一高程积分线接近凹形,该地区地貌演化整体上处于"壮年期"向"老年期"过渡阶段;4)龙门山中段山前地区构造活动性在空间上有差异性,该地区的中南段活动性较强,北段地区活动性较弱。  相似文献   

系统的地貌计量指标分析有助于理解造山带新构造活动特征与地貌演化。太行山地处中国第二、三地形阶梯的边界,具有重要的构造地貌意义。基于ASTER GDEM地形数据,对太行山按流域进行了面积高程积分、河长坡降指标(SL)和Hack剖面等地貌计量指标的分析,结合地层、构造等资料,探讨了太行山构造地貌演化特征。结果表明,在分析的11条河流中,7条河流的面积高程曲线(HC)呈S形,面积高程积分值(HI)在0.35~0.60之间,表明其地貌演化处于壮年阶段,4条河流的HC呈凹形,HI值小于0.35,表明其地貌已遭受强烈侵蚀改造,目前处于地貌演化的老年阶段;7条河流的Hack剖面呈上凸形态,均衡坡降指标值(K)偏高,表明流域所在区域新构造活动较为活跃,4条河流的Hack剖面近似直线,K值偏低,表明河流所在区域新构造活动性较弱;从整体上看,太行山的HI平均值为0.36,HC为接近凹形的S形,表明太行山地貌演化整体上处于"壮年期"向"老年期"过渡阶段;太行山新构造活动性(断裂活动)在空间上存在差异性,东部活动性较强,西部地区活动性相对较弱。   相似文献   

祁连山西段党河流域地貌特征及其构造指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党河流域位于祁连山西段,流域内发育有三危山断裂、阿尔金断裂、野马河断裂和党河南山断裂等.这些断裂晚第四纪新活动性明显,控制着区内的构造变形、山体隆升与河流水系地貌发育.流域地貌参数指标能够很好地反映区域构造变形特征,因而党河流域地貌的发育和演化过程也记录了该区构造活动的重要信息.本文基于GIS空间分析技术,利用SRTM-DEM数据,系统提取了研究区内水系网络并对其进行Strahler分级后,获取党河流域各级亚流域盆地共计554个,进而计算了各亚流域盆地的面积-高程积分(HI)值,并对HI值进行空间插值,获取党河流域HI值空间分布特征.通过对比区内各个地貌参数指标,发现其与构造活动具有很好的相关性和同步性,表明构造活动对于流域地形地貌发育具有强烈的控制作用.区内亚流域盆地的面积-高程积分值分布特征表明,HI低值区与第四纪断陷盆地的范围相一致,而HI高值区则与晚更新世以来主干断裂的逆冲活动山体隆升范围相一致,反映了该区山体隆升和盆地沉降作用的总体面貌.  相似文献   

ASTER-GDEM数据在大兴安岭北段地貌形态分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于ASTER-GDEM数据,利用彩色晕染、密度分割与GIS空间统计分析技术,结合地质资料,通过地形高程(平均高程、最大高程和最小高程)、地势起伏度、典型高程剖面及流域面积-高程积分等手段,对大兴安岭北段的地貌特征进行初步分析.分析结果表明,研究区主体呈现平原(台地)与丘陵地貌,地势相对平缓,呈北北东向延伸展布,存在多期隆升,受到北北东向区域构造控制,且遭受北西向构造活动改造;高程剖面揭示研究区存在多级剥夷面(或面状地貌面),最多可划分5级,且在各段、各坡向上发育特征不一,北北东向构造对地貌演化的控制作用强于近东西向构造,其活动强度上北段明显强于中、南段;面积-高程积分分析表明研究区地貌演化处于壮年期的晚期,山体处于隆升晚期或趋于稳定阶段,但北西向构造活动,形成大量狭长的新生沟谷.  相似文献   

大别山构造地貌的DEM初步分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,利用航天飞机雷达地形测量(SRTM)数据,构建了大别造山带地区的数字高程模型(DEM),对大别山地区的构造地貌进行了模拟解译分析.研究表明,大别山在造山带走向和垂直走向的方向上都是中间高、两边低,两边地势低的部位发育断陷盆地.SRTM DEM地貌图显示,郯庐等大断裂地貌特征明显,断裂构造严格控制了水系的发育,大别山水系多呈格子状分布,在地貌上主要表现为河流的大角度转弯以及主支流近直角交汇;由于本区地壳沿断裂作差异性升降运动,造成地堑谷、断块山和断陷盆地并存的地貌特点.本文统计分析了坡度与高程之间的相互关系,并提取了夷平面信息.   相似文献   

岷江水系流域地貌特征及其构造指示意义*   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
晚新生代以来发育岷山构造带内部的岷江水系流域盆地,无论是流域盆地内的新生代沉积记录,还是其流域地貌所呈现的典型特征,都深刻指示了青藏高原东缘地区的新构造活动。文章基于数字高程模型(DEM)数据空间分析技术,利用最新获取的高精度SRTM-DEM数据,系统提取了岷江水系中上游流域汇水盆地以及67个亚流域盆地的典型地貌参数,如流域面积、河流长度、分支比等。通过对流域地貌参数以及纵向河道高程剖面等的统计分析,认为岷江水系东西两侧具有截然不同的地貌特征,东侧流域盆地主要表现为面积小、河流长度短、分支比低以及河流梯度大等特征。由于岷江水系东西两侧地层岩性的对称发育以及整个岷江流域盆地对气候因素具有同一的响应特征,所以亚流域盆地典型参数特征指示了岷江水系两侧晚新生代构造活动的差异性,反映并印证了岷江断裂东西两侧晚新生代以来的不均衡抬升。晚新生代以来岷山构造带的快速隆起以及龙门山构造带内部差异活动是造成岷江水系东侧各支流发育程度低,东西两侧亚流域差异地貌特征形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

作为一种描述地形起伏特征的数据模型,数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)通过有限的地形高程数据实现对地形曲面的数字化模拟(即地形表面形态的数字化表示),为研究地表的演化过程提供了数据基础。文章归纳梳理了DEM在基本地形因子、流域地貌特征、古地貌面的重塑、构造地貌发育模式、地貌分类与制图以及地形特征提取算法等领域的应用现状。总的来看,DEM研究对象以陆地为重点,以河流地貌和山地地貌为主要内容;研究过程从早期对地貌形态的定性描述向多种地貌参数的半定量、定量分析转变;研究尺度空间上从某个小流域到整个造山带,时间上从数小时向百万年扩展。构造地貌演化时间序列的不确定性、地貌参数获取的复杂性、地形模型算法的多样化以及DEM生成过程中的误差因素,这些均影响构造地貌定量分析结果的准确度,因此在归纳梳理已有研究成果的同时,对DEM在构造地貌研究领域的应用进行了一些思考。   相似文献   

数字高程模型(DEM)在构造地貌研究中的应用新进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
简要介绍了数字高程模型(DEM)的基本概念,系统总结了近些年来DEM空间分析技术在构造地貌研究中的最新进展,列举并讨论了DEM相关数据和技术在典型地貌特征分析和宏观构造地貌演化研究中的典型应用实例.数字高程模型(DEM)理论和数据精度的不断发展和提高,DEM及其空间分析技术与相关地学研究手段相结合的复合分析,必将为构造地貌研究实现定量化提供强有力的技术支持.  相似文献   

基于ASTER-GDEM数据, 运用GIS空间分析统计技术, 通过对数字地形高程、地表起伏度、地表坡度等地貌参数的统计和条带剖面及面积-高程积分等数字地貌分析, 结合前人的区域地质资料及野外实地调查和验证, 对藏南羊卓雍错地区的构造地貌特征进行了初步分析, 旨在为研究区的盆地地貌格局演化分析提供依据。研究结果表明, 研究区构造地貌总体为一近东西向盆地, 最高海拔7515 m, 最低海拔2581 m, 属于高海拔-极高海拔区域; 流域内以平原和丘陵地貌为主, 平均起伏度为314 m, 平均坡度19°, 地势起伏较小, 发育有三级层状地貌; 盆地边缘受断裂的控制, 构造现象发育, 线性影像特征明显。其东、西部分别受桑日-错那断陷带和亚东-露谷断陷带所围限, 具有多期构造活动特征。盆地南北两侧受绒布-哲古断裂和邛多江断裂控制较弱。受构造活动和地表水流综合作用的影响, 盆地内部地貌已进入老龄化阶段。   相似文献   

山西霍山山脉河流地貌定量参数及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河流地貌形态定量研究是了解构造活动与地表过程耦合作用的重要途径之一.霍山山脉位于山西地堑系中部,介于临汾盆地和太原盆地之间,以发育霍山山前断裂带和1303年洪洞Ms8级地震而著名,通过分析跨断裂带及周边的48条河流的纵剖面形态、SL参数、Hack剖面、面积高程积分曲线以及HI值等,得到以下认识:1)跨断裂带的河流,其纵剖面在断层两侧的形态具明显差异,反映其受断层活动控制,而其他河流,除极少部分在上游存在局部陡变外,纵剖面为近似下凹的指数曲线形态显示近均衡状态;2)河流的HI值及积分曲线显示了霍山地区新生代以来整体处于强抬升弱侵蚀状态,即所有河流均处于壮年或幼年期;3)48条河流一致上凸的Hack剖面也表明霍山地区新生代以来处于强烈的构造抬升阶段,跨断裂带的Hack剖面形态以陡变下降而区别与其他河流的近似圆弧形;4)跨断裂带河流的SL/K参数在断层附近出现异常高值,反映了SL/K参数与断层垂直差异运动的相关性,周边其他河流的SL/K参数反映了没有差异运动的准均衡状态,局部的异常高值可能对应不同基岩的抗风化能力差异.河流地貌定量参数与构造环境存在显著的相关性,河流地貌定量参数特征揭示霍山山前断裂带在新生代以来的强烈垂向运动特征.  相似文献   

To increase the understanding of uranium transport in the environment and in the presence of steel corrosion products, the interaction of U(VI) with natural magnetite has been studied. Sorption studies have been carried out using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The XPS results clearly indicate the reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) on the surface of magnetite facilitated by electron transfer between the Fe and U, leading to a coupled oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III).  相似文献   

Time-resolved U(VI) laser fluorescence spectra (TRLFS) were recorded for a series of natural uranium-silicate minerals including boltwoodite, uranophane, soddyite, kasolite, sklodowskite, cuprosklodowskite, haiweeite, and weeksite, a synthetic boltwoodite, and four U(VI)-contaminated Hanford vadose zone sediments. Lowering the sample temperature from RT to ∼ 5.5 K significantly enhanced the fluorescence intensity and spectral resolution of both the minerals and sediments, offering improved possibilities for identifying uranyl species in environmental samples. At 5.5 K, all of the uranyl silicates showed unique, well-resolved fluorescence spectra. The symmetric O = U = O stretching frequency, as determined from the peak spacing of the vibronic bands in the emission spectra, were between 705 to 823 cm−1 for the uranyl silicates. These were lower than those reported for uranyl phosphate, carbonate, or oxy-hydroxides. The fluorescence emission spectra of all four sediment samples were similar to each other. Their spectra shifted minimally at different time delays or upon contact with basic Na/Ca-carbonate electrolyte solutions that dissolved up to 60% of the precipitated U(VI) pool. The well-resolved vibronic peaks in the fluorescence spectra of the sediments indicated that the major fluorescence species was a crystalline uranyl mineral phase, while the peak spacing of the vibronic bands pointed to the likely presence of uranyl silicate. Although an exact match was not found between the U(VI) fluorescence spectra of the sediments with that of any individual uranyl silicates, the major spectral characteristics indicated that the sediment U(VI) was a uranophane-type solid (uranophane, boltwoodite) or soddyite, as was concluded from microprobe, EXAFS, and solubility analyses.  相似文献   

Microbially mediated in situ reduction of soluble U(VI) to insoluble U(IV) (as UO2) has been proposed as a means of preventing the migration of that radionuclide with groundwater, but preventing the oxidative resolubilization of U has proven difficult. We hypothesized that relatively slow rates of U(VI) bioreduction would yield larger UO2 precipitates that would be more resistant to oxidation than those produced by rapid U(VI) bioreduction. We manipulated U(VI) bioreduction rates by varying the density of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 added to U(VI) containing solutions with lactate as an electron donor. Characterization of biogenic UO2 particles by extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed that UO2 nanoparticles formed by relatively slow rates of U(VI) reduction were larger and more highly aggregated than those formed by relatively rapid U(VI) reduction. UO2 particles formed at various rates were incubated under a variety of abiotically and biologically oxidizing conditions. In all cases, UO2 that was formed by relatively slow U(VI) reduction was oxidized at a slower rate and to a lesser extent than UO2 formed by relatively rapid U(VI) bioreduction, suggesting that the stability of UO2 in situ may be enhanced by stimulation of relatively slow rates of U(VI) reduction.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐东道海子剖面的孢粉分析及其反映的环境变化   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
根据乌鲁木齐河尾闾湖泊东道海子剖面的高精度孢粉分析,结合磁化率、烧失量和粒度分析资料,以剖面中含泥炭灰黑色粘土质粉砂层做的8个14C测年数据为基础,讨论了天山北麓古尔班通古特沙漠南部边缘的环境演变。研究认为:4500aB.P.以来该区域的植被是以荒漠为主的,但是1170B.C.以来,气候出现6次较大波动,1170~460B.C.,250~640A.D.和680~1645A.D.时段,气候相对冷湿,出现过荒漠草原,在这3个时段植物种类较多,覆盖度高,也是东道海子的高湖面时期,与气候的冷期对应;相反,在460B.C.~250A.D.,640~680A.D.和1645A.D.以来时段,属荒漠阶段,湖泊的水位相对下降,属中湖面期,与气候的暖期对应  相似文献   

We have determined 238U/235U ratios for a suite of commonly used natural (CRM 112a, SRM 950a, and HU-1) and synthetic (IRMM 184 and CRM U500) uranium reference materials by thermal ionisation mass-spectrometry (TIMS) using the IRMM 3636 233U-236U double spike to accurately correct for mass fractionation. Total uncertainty on the 238U/235U determinations is estimated to be <0.02% (2σ). These natural 238U/235U values are different from the widely used ‘consensus’ value (137.88), with each standard having lower 238U/235U values by up to 0.08%. The 238U/235U ratio determined for CRM U500 and IRMM 184 are within error of their certified values; however, the total uncertainty for CRM U500 is substantially reduced (from 0.1% to 0.02%). These reference materials are commonly used to assess mass-spectrometer performance and accuracy, calibrate isotope tracers employed in U, U-Th and U-Pb isotopic studies, and as a reference for terrestrial and meteoritic 238U/235U variations. These new 238U/235U values will thus provide greater accuracy and reduced uncertainty for a wide variety of isotopic determinations.  相似文献   

林朝  张庆文 《铀矿地质》1989,5(2):117-120
本文对选用低能γ射线测定铀矿中的~(235)U、~(238)U、~(226)Ra、~(232)Th含量进行了讨论,提出了一种对样品进行自吸收校正的简单准确方法,对铀矿样中的~(235)U、~(238)U、或~(235)U/~(238)U比值测定获得了较高的分析精度和准确度。  相似文献   

天山北坡乌鲁木齐河年径流总量的树轮重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1993年和2003年采集并研制的15个天山云杉树轮宽度年表,重建了新疆天山北坡乌鲁木齐河357年的年径流总量.影响树木生长的水文气象因子对河水流量的影响具有3~5年的滞后,基于3个树轮差值年表的重建方程可解释器测流量资料总方差的69.4%,使我们可以重建出1633 ~1989年的年径流总量.重建流量序列具有11个丰水期和11个枯水期,以及59.5年,47.6年,3.72 ~ 3.84年和3.45 ~3.50年的变化准周期,且在1639年和1709年发生过从丰水到枯水的突变,持续最长的枯水期达13年.流量重建结果可为诊断现代极端的洪旱事件提供长期的流量变化背景资料,并使我们有可能发现对水资源管理系统具有重要影响的过去持续洪旱期.  相似文献   

全球气候变化通过改变环境、自然资源、经济等诸多方面对美国产生广泛的影响。美国全球变化研究计划(USGCRP)主要为美国乃至全世界提供帮助来理解和预测气候变化、环境响应机制等相关的科学知识,预测气候变化或气候变异引起其他的变化,为应对气候变化的相关政策和风险管理提供理论依据。研究主要包括理论基础研究、综合观测研究、模型预测研究,为决策者提供相关产品等。2011年年末NSF如期对USGCRP进行了完善,并率先发展和制定了USGCRP战略新计划。从NSF对USGCRP的资助力度来看,2012年度预算比2011年预算增加了33%,即106.05百万美元,2012年度的重点研究领域为:  相似文献   

Proterozoic basement-hosted unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin (Saskatchewan, Canada) were affected by significant uranium redistribution along oxidation–reduction redox fronts related to cold and late meteoric fluid infiltration. These redox fronts exhibit the same mineralogical and geochemical features as the well-studied uranium roll-front deposits in siliclastic rocks. The primary hydrothermal uranium mineralisation (1.6–1.3 Ga) of basement-hosted deposits is strongly reworked to new disseminated ores comprising three distinctly coloured zones: a white-green zone corresponding to the previous clay-rich alteration halo contemporaneous with hydrothermal ores, a uranium front corresponding to the uranium deposition zone of the redox front (brownish zone, rich in goethite) and a hematite-rich red zone marking the front progression. The three zones directly reflect the mineralogical zonation related to uranium oxides (pitchblende), sulphides, iron minerals (hematite and goethite) and alumino-phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals. The zoning can be explained by processes of dissolution–precipitation along a redox interface and was produced by the infiltration of cold (<50°C) meteoric fluids to the hydrothermally altered areas. U, Fe, Ca, Pb, S, REE, V, Y, W, Mo and Se were the main mobile elements in this process, and their distribution within the three zones was, for most of them, directly dependent on their redox potential. The elements concentrated in the redox fronts were sourced by the alteration of previously crystallised hydrothermal minerals, such as uranium oxides and light rare earth element (LREE)-rich APS. The uranium oxides from the redox front are characterised by LREE-enriched patterns, which differ from those of unconformity-related ores and clearly demonstrate their distinct conditions of formation. Uranium redox front formation is thought to be linked to fluid circulation episodes initiated during the 400–300 Ma period during uplift and erosion of the Athabasca Basin when it was near the Equator and to have been still active during the last million years. A major kaolinisation event was caused by changes in the fluid circulation regime, reworking the primary uranium redox fronts and causing the redistribution of elements originally concentrated in the uranium-enriched meteoric-related redox fronts.  相似文献   

Feldspar minerals are thermodynamically unstable in the near-surface environment and their surfaces are well known to react readily with aqueous solutions, leading to incongruent dissolution at low pH values, but congruent dissolution at neutral and high pH values. Interactions with mineral surfaces are an important control on the environmental transport of trace elements and detrital feldspars are abundant in soils and sediments. However, the interactions of metal ions in solution with the reacting feldspar surface have not been widely explored. The interactions of Pb(II), U(VI) and Np(V) ions with the feldspar surface have therefore been studied. Lead is taken up by the microcline surface at pH 6 and 10, but no uptake could be measured at pH 2. There was measurable uptake of Pb(II) on the plagioclase surface at pH 2, 6 and 10. Uptake always increased with pH. In most conditions, Pb(II) reacts through cation exchange process although, at high pH, a discrete phase, probably hydrocerrusite, is observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to precipitate on the plagioclase surface. Supersaturation with hydrocerrusite in these conditions is expected from thermodynamic calculations. Uptake of uranyl ion , generally through surface complex formation, could only be measured at pH 6 and 10. At pH 6 and an initial U(VI) concentration above 21.0 μM, precipitation of becquerelite (Ca[(UO2)3O2(OH)3]2·8H2O), identified by AFM and characterised by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, is observed on plagioclase. The U(VI) concentration range in which becquerelite precipitation begins (dissolved U(VI) 1-5 μM) is consistent with that predicted from thermodynamic modelling. On plagioclase feldspar, secondary ion mass spectrometry showed diffusion of uranium into the altered surface layer. Uptake of the neptunyl ion (Np(V)) was found at pH 6 and 10 for microcline and at pH 2, 6 and 10 for plagioclase, and was generally lower than uptake of U(VI). By combining batch sorption experiments with imaging and surface analysis, and thermodynamic modelling, it has been possible to gain a mechanistic insight into the reactions of the feldspar surface with metal ions in solution.  相似文献   

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