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We provide a rationale for the technique of revaluating the natural-resource potential which is built upon the natural crop yield of Ukrainian lands obtained, with the observance of rotation cropping and by implementing the complex of mechanical tillage operations without fertilizer application. An assessment is made of Ukraine’s natural-resource potential within the context of three physical-geographical countries, four zones, three subzones, and 14 krais.  相似文献   

The role of the natural-resource factor in the integration processes for a group of countries in North-east Asia is considered. An analysis is made of the similarity and the differences of the natural-resource potential in these countries, based on the coefficient of mutual complementability. A typology of the resources according to the degree of mutual complementability is developed.  相似文献   

The construction of a comprehensive observation platform for natural-resource elements would provide data support for studies of dynamic changes in various natural resources, and could serve the needs of natural-resource management and the construction of ecological civilization during a period of global change. As the second-largest inland river basin in NW China, the Heihe River Basin (HRB) lies in the central part of the Silk Road Economic Belt, consequently, pilot studies of resource management in the basin are urgently needed. This paper describes the construction of a comprehensive natural-resource elements observation network in the HRB to meet requirements for natural-resource management, based on natural-resource and Earth-system science. Based on current observations and research, thirteen observation stations were established in different river basins through integration with existing stations, reconstruction and upgrading, and new construction. The main types of land-surface resources in the HRB (grassland, forests, rivers, lakes, deserts, wetlands, and farmland) were included in the observation network constructed for the monitoring of natural-resource elements. Long-term, continuous, and stable observation can yield key data concerning coupling processes, trends of change, and rates of change in natural resources. This is of great significance in improving cognitive ability, scientific management, and strategic decision-making regarding natural resources in the HRB, and can provide a reference paradigm for the observation of and research into natural resources in other basins.  相似文献   

Although 97% of U.S. farms are “family-owned,” little research examines how gender and sexual relationships – inherent in familial dynamics – influence farmers’ practices and livelihoods. Gender and sexual dynamics – shaped by race and class – affect who is considered a farmer, land management decisions, and access to resources like land, subsidies, and knowledge. We use feminist and queer lenses to illuminate how today’s agricultural gender and sexual relations are not “natural,” but when left uninterrogated are constructed in ways that harm women and queer farmers while limiting potential to develop sustainable practices. Women and queer farmers also resist, “re-orienting” gender and sexual relations in ways that expand possibilities for achieving food justice and ecological sustainability. We offer “relational agriculture” as a tool for making visible and re-orienting gender and sexual relations on farms. Relational agriculture brings sexuality into food justice and demonstrates the centrality of gender and sexuality to agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

The specific natural-geographical system of the Upper and Middle Amur basin, including the right-bank area (PRC) is investigated. The system is characterized by a single-type landscape and geological structure, and by mineral resources similar in composition. An analysis is made of the natural-resource potential, and the strategic directions of its economic utilization with due regard for the trans-boundary factor are predicted.  相似文献   

The problems related to mapping and comprehensive assessment of natural resources in Perm Krai from the perspective of their rational management are considered. A technique of territorial regionalization is described from the viewpoint of the magnitude of resource potential at three scale levels: human settlements, municipal districts, and administrative okrugs. Some optimization techniques for the procedure of recomputing and mapping the results obtained are proposed.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲芦苇湿地生态修复效果评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于黄河三角洲芦苇湿地退化现状及所实施的生态修复工程,以正负参照系选取了4块不同修复年限的样地,从湿地生态系统的环境质量、结构与功能的角度构建了湿地修复效果评价指标体系,利用层次分析法确定各指标权重,利用模糊综合评价法对黄河三角洲盐渍化芦苇湿地的修复效果进行定量评价。结果表明:黄河三角洲芦苇湿地4年修复期的样地评价得分为4.01,2年修复期的样地评价得分为3.16,对应评价结果分别为"优"和"良"的等级。相比负向对照,修复区的水体指标和土壤指标参数显著改善,而植被生物量和密度与自然样地还有较大差距,说明生物群落的建立需要更长的时间;同时,湿地水资源管理是该区芦苇湿地生态修复工程的关键,应根据芦苇不同生长期的需水量,制定合理的抽灌制度,达到洗碱脱盐和植被建群的双重目的。  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic case studies from Madagascar, this research shows that multiple marine conservation projects have institutionalized inequitable access to marine recourses along gendered lines. Despite discursive and institutional shifts toward more “collaborative” and “community-based” conservation programing, there is a deficiency of women’s nominal as well as effective participation in community management organizations. This research shows that conservation organizations’ focus on proximate drivers of marine resource use, or a politics of picking the “low-hanging fruit,” over ultimate drivers such as global commodity chains, places disproportionate emphasis on marine spatial enclosures and restricting specific, and gendered, harvest methods. To address gender bias concerning access to and control over natural resources, we must go beyond the rhetoric of “community involvement” to address gendered inequalities in conservation decision making, and whose interests are served by conservation projects.  相似文献   

在“一带一路”倡议下,中国与土库曼斯坦的投资合作成为“中国—中亚—西亚经济走廊”建设的重要内容。土库曼斯坦油气资源丰富,已成为各国投资商的重要关注点。不过,该国较为封闭,相关数据资料相对匮乏。在此背景下,本文基于土库曼斯坦自然资源、经济、社会文化和投资管理等条件,借助熵权法对土库曼斯坦各州和直辖市的投资环境进行了综合评价。研究表明,自然资源是各州和直辖市投资环境演变的核心推动力量,同时投资管理特征和经济发展也发挥重要作用,社会文化特征的影响则不显著。因此,由于资源在空间上分布不均衡,土库曼斯坦各地区的投资环境也存在较大差异,从而导致油气资源不足的地区对投资管理形成较大依赖。总体来看,巴尔坎州和莱巴普州投资环境较好,而马雷、达沙古兹等地区仍有待提高。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparative spatial analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation in the context of the concept of a green economy with the use of two quantitative factors that characterize the well-being of the population: the payroll fund and the total wage fund and own revenues of the regional budgets per capita. The key environmental and economic indicators used in this study are the indicators of eco-intensity for regional economic systems. They show the particular negative impact on the environment “produced” by the regional economy per unit of economic result. The following characteristics of the region’s socio-ecological system are considered: the volume of atmospheric pollutant emissions in terms of 1000 rubles of the regional payroll fund and in terms of 1000 rubles of own income to regional budgets. The study revealed a high degree of heterogeneity of Russia’s regions in socio-environmental characteristics. It is shown that not only does the population of many natural resource and industrial regions live in conditions of increased anthropogenic pressure (both total and specific), but it also is not provided with additional resources of “collective well-being” through its own budget income, in spite of the unfavorable ecological and natural conditions. It is concluded that carbon regulation aimed at developing a low-carbon economy should not focus on identical quantitative indicators for the whole country.  相似文献   

Decentralisation, the transfer of powers to a lower level of government, is thought to encourage more efficient and equitable management of natural resources. Participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) is considered critical to create positive outcomes of decentralisation. Here we examine aspects of civil society participation in decentralised management using the case of Brazil's water resources management. Several Brazilian states have enacted reforms mandating watershed committees in which the participation of civil society is either encouraged or required. However, actual participation of civil society is not yet well understood. To assess participation, we collected qualitative data on watershed districts in three Brazilian states (Bahia, Paraná and São Paulo). Our findings reaffirm the importance of the state in establishing a transparent legal framework to encourage participation and in defining “civil society”. The ability of civil society leaders to obtain and deploy local environmental knowledge, which frames environmental issues in new geographical scales, is useful to achieve the efficiency and efficacy objectives of decentralisation. However, by “upscaling” political activities beyond decentralisation's new territories, CSOs could make decentralisation irrelevant to local environmental issues.  相似文献   


Fire, either natural or man-caused, has influenced the pattern of vegetation in numerous areas over the earth. Factors that contribute to potential damage to either the vegetation and/or environment are examined. Since the extent of damage varies, a fire can be destructive or useful. The use of “prescribed” fire in land management accomplishes several desired objectives, one of which is the perpetuation of certain fire-climax vegetation types, such as pines and some grasses. In those pine-forested areas where fire is regularly used in management, a related benefit is the reduction of hazardous natural fuels, which results in fewer catastrophic wildfires. Air pollution due to forest burning is also considered.  相似文献   

The dynamics of social vulnerability are of key interest to many government agencies and departments. Identifying the geographic distribution of vulnerability within regions, and analysing how localised areas of social need change over time, is a key information requirement for decision-making, and the resultant allocation of resources. Typically, the delineation of areas for the determination of social vulnerability occurs using a combination of political and census boundaries. In many instances, the boundaries of these areas align to natural geographic features such as rivers or lakes. In other cases, a boundary is aligned to a man-made structure such as a road. The boundary may also be arbitrarily positioned based on some measure of distance and not align to any physical feature. In this research, we identify the various boundary types present in a political region. Using two measures of social vulnerability, we assess these boundaries as barriers to the continuity of social vulnerability. From our results, we identify motorways/highways and watercourses as potential barriers. We find no significant effects with lesser road structures suggesting there is no “wrong side of the street”. These results have implications for decision-makers and emphasise the need to recognise the “softness” of boundaries, and consider the relationships between areas, when allocating resources.  相似文献   

边缘型旅游地的开发建设是中国旅游业转型升级时代面临的重要命题。随着区域经济一体化的推进和消费者消费理念的转变,一些边缘型旅游地开始逐渐成长为区域旅游发展的"潜力区",研究空间与研究意义日益凸显。以具有典型边缘性特征的宣城市为实证,从区位空间、旅游资源、旅游形象、旅游交通和旅游经济等角度剖析其多重边缘化特征,探讨边缘化形成的主要机制。地处省际交界区、地域特征典型性不足是边缘化形成的自然诱因,周边核心旅游地遮蔽效应显著是边缘化形成的空间致因,经济支撑能力薄弱是边缘化形成的经济制因,政策惠及偏少是边缘化形成的人为促因。边缘型旅游地应实施多元比附、突出个性差异、完善要素建设的发展路径。  相似文献   

I argue that scientific disciplines are esteemed, supported, and patronized largely to the degree to which they are perceived as providing a “return” on invested societal resources. This “return” takes the form of scholarly products that help answer deep human questions or otherwise materially benefit members of the society whose resources they are. Such a view implies that disciplines exist in a “market” in which members compete for these limited resources by delivering products seen as valuable. In such a market, disciplinary relevance and survival are ultimately tied to decisions individual scholars practicing within the disciplines make about which research they pursue, the greater the perceived “return” the better for the long‐term health of the discipline.  相似文献   

河川径流还现计算是准确反映区域水资源状况的基础,同时也是水资源规划和决策的重要依据.选取甘肃省洮河流域李家村、红旗2个代表水文站长系列径流资料作为基础数据,在还原计算的础上,对洮河流域径流进行还现计算,同时对径流变化特征进行研究.结果 表明:1956—2016年洮河流域李家村、红旗多年平均实测径流量分别为39.52×1...  相似文献   

日本国家尺度生物多样性综合评价概况及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈平  田竹君  李曌  刘朋 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1130-1139
作为生物多样性公约缔约国,日本通过制定并修订生物多样性国家战略、颁布《生物多样性基本法》等政策加强生物多样性保护。2008年,日本成立生物多样性综合评价委员会,应用DPSIR概念模型建立综合评价指标体系,由14项原因评价指标和16项状态评价指标构成,共计30项评价指标;使用行政统计、国土资源调查、环境监测及科学研究等104种数据,对1950s以来50 a间日本全境的生物多样性状况进行了综合评价。日本生物多样性综合评价的管理特征和综合特征十分突出。评价方式是利用已有调查和监测数据(定量数据),分析因果关系,得出趋势结论,提出相应对策,为一种定性和定量相结合的趋势分析之综合评价方法。评价区域分为森林、农田、城市、陆地水域、沿岸和海洋、岛屿(离岛)六大生态系统类型区,分析了造成日本生物多样性损失的四次大的危机。探讨了其对中国生物多样性评价工作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自然、经济和社会构成的复合生态系统为旅游资源的赋存和开发提供条件,而丰富的旅游资源不仅能够促进旅游业发展,也为推动社会经济发展和自然环境保护提供了重要力量.运用线性加权法、耦合协调度模型和趋势分析等方法探究了云南省16个州市旅游资源与生态安全耦合协调发展现状及其障碍因子,研究发现:①尽管云南87.50%的州市旅游资源与...  相似文献   

吕海萍  池仁勇  化祥雨 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1649-1658
以中国31个省域为空间样本,运用趋势面、引力模型和探索性空间数据分析法研究中国创新资源协同空间联系的动态变化特征,通过构建创新资源协同势能与区域经济增长空间面板计量模型,实证探讨创新资源协同空间联系与区域经济增长关系。研究结果表明:2003~2014年中国各省域创新资源协同状况整体呈现“东南高,西北低”的空间分布特征;创新资源协同空间联系呈现显著的区域不平衡性,空间网络结构分布格局变化显著:从简单雏形逐渐发育为“鸡爪型”、多核心复杂化的“网络型”空间结构;创新资源协同势能呈现显著的空间正相关,主要向东部沿海地区集聚;实证结果显示中国区域经济增长存在显著的空间溢出效应,创新资源协同空间联系对区域经济增长表现出显著的促进效应,可以通过直接效应、间接效应和总效应空间溢出促进区域经济增长。  相似文献   


I argue that scientific disciplines are esteemed, supported, and patronized largely to the degree to which they are perceived as providing a “return” on invested societal resources. This “return” takes the form of scholarly products that help answer deep human questions or otherwise materially benefit members of the society whose resources they are. Such a view implies that disciplines exist in a “market” in which members compete for these limited resources by delivering products seen as valuable. In such a market, disciplinary relevance and survival are ultimately tied to decisions individual scholars practicing within the disciplines make about which research they pursue, the greater the perceived “return” the better for the long-term health of the discipline.  相似文献   

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