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China’s compartmentalized food safety supervision and administration system has long been blamed for recurring food safety incidents. In response, the State Council launched a major institutional reform that aimed to realize whole-chain-based food safety supervision and administration, to strengthen grassroots capacity and to adapt to a society that is complex, risk prone, open and pluralistic. According to the State Council’s mandate, the institutional restructuring at various local levels should have been completed by the end of 2013. However, there have been no systematic, open evaluations that have examined progress, effectiveness or effects. This study attempts to explore issues concerning evaluation of the institutional reform: how to understand the role of evaluation in the policy cycle? What are important evaluation questions in different phases of the policy cycle? How to identify evaluation priorities? Specifically, a target group effectiveness evaluation framework was established and applied in Guangzhou city to assess how local government departments responded to the three principal mandates of the State Council’s reforms: integration of mechanisms and functions, integration of resources, and the enhancement of regulatory capability. The results show that such an evaluation framework is a valid way to examine the main goals and components of the reform, but that the indicators and evaluation criteria need be made more context-specific.  相似文献   

To modernize food safety governance, we must carry out basic restructuring of its internal logic at the national level to reflect the features of contemporary Chinese society that shape food safety. This will entail establishing an overarching, macro-level conception of food safety that integrates “baseline safety”, “hub safety”, “co-constructed safety” and “endogenous safety”. These four dimensions of safety represent four fundamental requirements of food safety governance in modern Chinese society, which is a “risk society” (Beck 1992) and one that is also complex, open and pluralist. These requirements are: maximum legal liability, a unified, authoritative and efficient supervision system, a concept of social co-governance, and enterprises being the primary entities accountable for food safety. This article uses this analytical framework to interpret the basic contents of the newly revised Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, and uses a focus on social co-governance to present the institutional highlights of this law and the transformation of the internal logic of food safety governance.  相似文献   

Farmers are both the producers and consumers of food, and as such have a dual role in food safety: they both generate risks and are exposed to them. Based upon a survey of the food production and consumption habits of 140 farm households and long-term research in two villages in Yunnan province, this study found that rural families are highly dependent on the market for food production and consumption. In their role as consumers, farmers are aware of food safety risks and concerned about them, but their ability to protect themselves is limited. They do so primarily by avoiding certain products and growing as much of their own food as possible. At the same time, in their role as producers, farmers engage in practices, primarily the overuse and inappropriate use of fertilizer and pesticides, that are damaging to food safety and the environment. There is therefore a disconnect in their roles as consumers and producers that needs to be addressed if policy goals for improving food safety and reducing the use of agricultural chemicals are to be achieved. Farmers need more information about food safety risks related to the products they consume themselves, and technical guidance on the safe use of farm chemicals when growing food for market. However, such measures will not be effective unless the external pressures on farmers are also addressed, through consideration of market incentives to use farm chemicals and the impact of consumer demand.  相似文献   

Food is essential for human survival, but harmful, toxic substances in food damage and threaten human health. Food production is inseparable from the place where the food is produced; that is, from the geographical environment that consists of natural and human environments, two parts of a unified whole. China’s territory is vast and its geographical environment is complex and diverse. Food production patterns in different parts of the country vary significantly, as do local socio-economic and cultural conditions. Such differences have an enormous impact on food safety. Based on the geographical area where food is produced in China, this paper reveals the main environmental problems arising from industrial and agricultural production activities, and related risks for food safety and health. In concluding, we make some recommendations for countermeasures. The main food safety related environmental problems include the excessive application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; high background levels of heavy metals; discharge of wastewater and heavy metals; and excessive use of additives and antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding and aquatic products. All these issues can lead to huge risks for food safety and thus health. These are not simply scientific issues, but also political, economic and legal issues, as well as social problems that differ from region to region. Therefore, comprehensive studies are needed to identify risks to food safety and health hazards in different areas. Systematic and comprehensive risk assessments of health problems caused by changing ecosystems, environmental pollution, nutrition problems and lifestyle, and especially comprehensive risk assessments of regional environmental changes and health risks are needed. Measures based on an understanding of local conditions must be put forward to protect food safety and health, to strengthen multi-sectoral management, and to improve environmental quality  相似文献   

数字省信息共享平台的设计与实现   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
数字省、数字城市建设是数字地球的重要方面和基础,具有现实意义和价值,可操作性高。在进行数字省建设过程中,迫切需要各部门之间的信息共享,特别是大比例尺空间基础信息和公共基础信息。信息共享平台将在各部门建立分布式的网络分中心,对各部门现有的数据库进行规范化、网络化和空间化改造,建立信息共享体系。本文以福建省政务信息共享平台为例,详细分析了数字省信息共享平台的总体结构设计、模块功能设计及实现过程,并就系统实现过程中的体会及今后发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

地理学在新冠肺炎疫情早期防控中的学术响应及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重大公共卫生突发事件如新冠肺炎等对区域人类活动有着深刻影响。作为以空间分析和人地关系为主要方法和对象的地理学,在疫情早期防控中的角色贡献以及未来趋势是迫切需要总结和讨论的重要议题。基于2020年1月20日~2月28日的文本数据,着重总结地理学者以及地理学视角下关于疫情的相关研究,地理学在疫情传播与扩散、区域规划与应急、数据与决策支撑等疫情早期防控方面做出了积极贡献,总结归纳了手机信令、百度迁徙数据等移动定位大数据与人工智能、数据挖掘、语义识别等新一代技术方法在疫情防控中发挥的支撑作用,反思提出未来应该在学科理论和防控措施方面,进一步优化风险预测模型、强化应急规划治理、加强国际合作及多学科数据交叉集成共享,从而提升应对重大公共卫生事件的科学性、主动性和高效性,为后疫情时期经济社会管理与空间治理提供科学支撑和依据。  相似文献   

我国食物安全研究进展及展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
保障我国食物安全是我国一切建设发展的前提和基础。在我国农业基础资源日益紧缺以及加入WTO 的 国情下, 食物安全面临着新的机遇与挑战。本文回顾了食物安全概念的演变过程, 综述了我国在自然基础资源与食 物安全、食物安全现状及其评价、国际贸易和经济全球化对食物安全的影响以及食物安全预警和管理等方面的研 究进展, 并对未来我国食物安全研究进行了展望。研究表明: 今后我国食物安全研究应在以下方面需要加强: 在研 究内容上, 不仅重视食物数量保障, 更应注重食物质量安全、食物资源可持续利用和综合食物安全风险评价与预警 等方面; 在研究视角上, 不仅重视宏观食物安全研究, 更应重视微观食物安全; 在研究方法和手段上, 应当充分运用 现代科学技术, 如网络技术、空间模拟技术以及3S 技术等, 进一步加强综合食物安全的定量和动态研究。  相似文献   

赵欣 《世界地理研究》2022,31(4):762-772
南海渔业开发为维护我国渔业利益和海洋权益发挥了重大作用,近年来急速衰退的渔业资源和不断升温的冲突态势亟须寻找治理革新的突破口。基于此,首先从南海渔业资源环境特点、南海渔业资源开发利用历史沿革与现状,辨析南海渔业时空格局,指出南海渔业资源环境具有跨越国家界线的互通性、整体性与相互依赖性,且周边国家和地区对南海渔业高度依赖,并已经造成资源环境严重衰退。其次通过对南海渔业冲突和南海渔业资源治理所面临的挑战的梳理,指出引发南海渔业冲突的条件今后很可能更加普遍,亟需南海各方共同面对渔业可持续性危机,而南海地区面临的渔业资源环境退化、系统认知不足、区域协作有限等共性挑战与利益诉求,可成为促进区域合作的纽带。最后以区域渔业资源治理为抓手,提出了构建南海命运共同体的建设思路:从推动绿色水产养殖、增强资源环境修复、深化科研共享等方面开展务实的渔业资源治理合作;在区域、国家、地方层面完善跨尺度的海洋治理措施落实体系,协同提升国家层面的顶层涉海涉渔政策设计,强化地方、私营部门和公民个人在南海区域共建中的作用;从建立健全区域组织和完善区域海洋法制推动构建区域层面合作治理体系。  相似文献   

从行政分权到跨域治理:我国地方政府治理方式变革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从集权到分权再到伙伴关系,从统治到治理再到跨域治理,西方发达国家地方政府治理方式呈现出螺旋式发展路径。我国的分权化改革打破了计划经济体制下地方政府被动羸弱的状态,在激发了地方政府发展经济的动力的同时,引发了"地方政府企业化"倾向,形成了分割的"行政区经济"。市场化改革在引入和整合体制外社会经济资源的同时,也导致政府与市场结合成"不受约束"的增长联盟,反而削弱了政府的权威。跨域治理理念旨在强化政府组织、市场组织和社会组织之间的资源整合,鼓励各种治理组织的参与,以共同应对跨行政区、跨部门、跨领域的公共事务。该文结合我国地方政府的实际情况,认为通过以下途径可以实现地方政府跨域治理:1)分权与赋权相结合,引进并整合体制外的社会经济资源,把决策权力向企业、社区和非营利组织转移;2)统筹协调各治理组织间的关系,促进城市政体内的权力平衡,以利益协调为基点,促使治理规则由支配性规则向共识性规则转变;3)综合运用行政化手段和市场化手段调整地方政府间关系,实现府际合作,促使地方政府由竞争型政府向合作型政府转变。  相似文献   

王韬  刘云刚 《地理科学进展》2022,41(6):1097-1108
地图是地理学的基本语言,也是空间分析必不可少的工具。但长期以来,地图一直被视为一种客观中立的科学成果。受批判地理学的启发,批判制图学/GIS应运而生,其目标是阐明制图实践中所嵌入的话语、权力关系,挑战地图表征中未经检验却被认为是理所当然的假设。经历40余年的争论与磨合,这一研究领域初现轮廓,批判制图学/GIS大致形成2个研究方向:解构路径主要从制图主体身份和地图知识生产过程2个方面出发,分别剖析制图术与国家治理密不可分的联系及其内在的权力作用机制;建构路径主要借助协作制图和反制图手段以实现地图数据的再生产。国内批判制图学/GIS研究刚刚起步,需要继续吸收批判地理学成果,开展不同历史时期、不同类型地图的解构研究,也需要加强建构路径与解构路径的深度弥合,并面向公众开展更加开放、公正的地图应用研究,将研究成果积极应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

Concerns for river health in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) area and shifting priorities for water use have led to a significant process of water reform over the last decade. The MDB area, also known as the food bowl of Australia, produces much of the country's food and is home to a significant portion of the population. A long-term drought, historical over-allocation of water for irrigation and climate variability have led to mounting concerns about the long-term viability of the rivers. While the reform process has resulted in the Commonwealth government taking control of the rivers from the States, it has also been influenced by changes in governments and consequent shifts in water allocation priorities from a privileging of agriculture to a broader approach encompassing economic, environmental and social concerns. This had led to uncertainty for the people and communities in the Basin and some confusion between the various layers of governance structures. This paper presents the results of exploratory research conducted with key, high-level stakeholders involved in water reform to examine their perceptions of the evolving water policy process. Despite agreement amongst stakeholders that returning water to the environment to ensure river health is critical, our research reveals significant tensions between stakeholders concerning the evolving process, particularly centred on the potential social outcomes and fairness and equity. This suggests the need for more integrated and transparent governance structures, attention to levels of trust between partners and a common vision that incorporates environmental, economic and social goals.  相似文献   

基于本体(Ontology)的空间信息互操作与集成方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着Semantic Web技术的发展,基于Ontology的空间信息服务是分布式网络环境下异构空间信息资源共享与互操作实现的可行途径.在对空间信息共享与互操作发展历程、Ontology的基本理论及国内外基于Ontology的空间信息共享与互操作研究现状进行系统全面总结概括的基础上,提出了Ontology驱动的空间信息共享与互操作系统的体系框架、服务流程,并提出了今后研究的重点.基于该服务框架构建的信息系统能将分散在Internet上的各种空间资源信息动态地集成在一起,实现分布式环境下异构空间信息资源的共享与互操作.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen what could reasonably be called an explosion in the number of food-related crises in China. Food safety issues represent a national crisis threatening the physical and psychological health of Chinese citizens, despite the repeated adoption of stringent food safety laws and regulations. This project, based on a stratified random sample of 337 households in Nanjing, assesses perceptions related to different food safety concerns and issues among urban residents and explores differences in perceptions across social strata as defined by socioeconomic and demographic variables using principal component analysis and standard statistical tests.  相似文献   

文章收集了428份由公共部门发布的粤港澳大湾区协同发展政策,根据政策主体拓扑关系测度城市间的大湾区协同政策供给强度,绘制基于协同发展政策关系的大湾区空间联系格局,结果发现:1)单向惠港惠澳的政策措施是当前主要的政策供给方向;2)政策供给高度集中于公共服务与产业领域;3)区县及以下层级和地方专业部门尚未充分进入大湾区协同发展政策网络;4)港、澳、广、深四大中心城市与大湾区其他主体间的政策关系与空间联系方式各异;5)大湾区城市间的政策联系在都市圈尺度内互动频密,跨都市圈政策联系相对松散。最后,提出以下建议:粤港澳大湾区可进一步加强邻域城市、邻域区县、专业部门间以及广深2个中心城市之间的双向政策联动,统筹对港、对澳政策,使得政策供给进一步适应大湾区的治理结构。  相似文献   

One of the characteristics of food safety regulation in China is the separation of agricultural food products (agro-food) from other kinds of food. To this end, a Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products (LQSAP) was enacted to provide for official control at the stage of primary agro-food production. With the enactment and revision of the Food Safety Law, one change in the legislative arrangement is the extension of the scope of this new law to cover the marketing of agro-food and the use of agricultural inputs. However, safety regulation at the stage of primary production of agro-food is still subject to the Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products. It is also important to note that thee LQSAP refers both to agro-food and to agricultural products for non-human consumption; and that it provides rules both for safety assurance and for quality promotion. In the context of intensified official control to ensure food safety and diverse consumer needs for food of higher quality, a revision of the Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products has been initiated. This article describes the goals of this legislation, its institutional arrangements and the directions the revisions are taking in order to provide a better understanding of food safety regulation in China in general and agro-food regulation in particular.  相似文献   

中国特色新型城镇化理论内涵的认知与建构   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
改革开放以来,中国快速城镇化既推动经济社会大发展,也面临巨大挑战。跨学科视野下,围绕城镇化问题的争论和持续研究对国家新型城镇化规划产生重要影响,也标志着中国城镇化方向的重大调整。但对中国特色新型城镇化的科学认知和理论挖掘仍不充分。本文归纳了中国城镇化发展的简要历程,指出半城镇化、特殊国情、复杂因素及治理体系交织的中国城镇化特征,阐明了中国城镇化对世界的巨大贡献,论述作为最显著的人文空间过程的城镇化对人文与经济地理学的学科意义,并解读了新型城镇化认知与建构的4个方面理论内涵:人本性、协同性、包容性和可持续性。伴随结构主义向人本主义发展理念的转变,新型城镇化应逐步实现从“人口城镇化”到“人的城镇化”的转变,其中有6个关键议题:人的城镇化与基本公共服务均等化、城镇化城乡综合过程与协同研究、资源环境承载与气候变化适应下的城镇化、多样化区域模式、城镇化人文社会空间效应及机制、大数据与技术方法创新。本文尝试构建中国特色的新型城镇化理论内涵的认知框架,以期为新型城镇化理论研究和政策实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The mobile food service practice is one of multiple survival strategies adopted by poor urban households in Cameroon to maintain and expand the base of subsistence incomes, especially in the current surge of economic crisis. Though a fast-growing informal sector enterprise, it is still at an artisanal stage in urban Cameroon, creating an urgent need for a supportive policy environment that could have measurable positive impacts on improving the productivity, welfare and income levels of the micro-entrepreneurs. This study looks at the mobile food service practice in Kumba, Cameroon, in terms of its basic characteristics, the locational factors influencing its socio-spatial distribution, the critical success factors (CSFs) determining customer choices, and its impacts on the local environmental resources and quality of urban life. The mobile food service practice creates employment, generates income, and acts as a food energy-support instrument to the urban poor and local economic activities operating in Kumba. The vendors, who are mostly women, can make incomes that are 405 per cent of the national minimum wage and, thus, contribute financially towards the education, health and survival of their families. The paper provides some recommendations on ways to improve the efficiency of this sector so as to achieve sustainable economic and social development and to enhance empowerment thereof.  相似文献   

在分析四川盆地资源、农业问题特殊性与可持续农业相互作用的基础上 ,阐述了对可持续农业的理解及四川可持续农业发展的途径。可持续农业是资源、环境、经济粮食协调发展的农业体系 ;是一种开放的动态平衡的大农业 ;其前提是“发展” ,核心是“协调” ;由传统农业向可持续农业转型应有一个过渡时期。四川盆地可持续农业发展的通用途径是突破紫色母质资源的培育、水资源的合理利用两个薄弱环节 ,发挥资源的整体优势 ;建立复合型农业结构 ,提高农业的综合水平 ;建立永续利用的资源支持系统和以后续技术为中心的综合管理体系 ,保证可持续农业的健康发展。最后针对盆地的干旱、水土流失、冬水田问题提出了解决的技术途径。  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues on adaptive water management under the impact of climate change. Based on a set of comprehensive indicators of water system, a decision making approach of multi-objects is developed and applied to quantify water adaptive management for the demands of water sustainable use, water environmental protection and eco-water requirement under the climate change. For this study in China, two key indicators are proposed, namely (1) the water resources vulnerability (V) that was represented by integrated sensitivity (S) and resilience (C) of climate change impact on water resources, and (2) the sustainability of socio-economy and water environment, marked by DD, that is integrated scaler of socio-economic development (EG) based on the amount of GDP and the water environment and relative eco-system quality (LI). To find a reasonable solution for adaptive water management, a multi-objective decision making model of adaptive water management is further developed and the multi-objective model was transformed into an integrated single optimization model through developing an integrated measure function, called as VDD=DD/V. This approach has been applied to adaptive water resources planning and management for case study of China with new policy, called as the strict management of water resources based on three red line controls, i.e., the control of total water use by the total water resources allocation, the control of lower water use efficiency by the water demand management and the control of the total waste water load by water quality management in the Eastern China Monsoon Region that covers major eight big river basins including Yangtze River, Yellow River, Haihe River and Huaihe River. It is shown that the synthetic representation of water resource vulnerability and socio-economic sustainability by the integrated objective function (VDD) and integrated decision making model are workable and practicable. Adaptive management effect of the criterion compliance rate and water use efficiency are more appreciable through new water policy of the three red line controls, which can reduce 21.3% of the water resources vulnerability (V) and increase 18.4% of the sustainability of socioeconomy and water environment (DD) for the unfavorable scenario of climate change in 2030.  相似文献   

吴军  叶颖  陈嘉平 《热带地理》2021,41(4):723-733
在经济全球化竞争下,尺度重组已成为中国调控空间发展的重要跨界治理手段,以实现吸引资本流动、培育区域经济发展动能的目的。同城化地区作为一种城市区域尺度,其跨界治理机制逐渐成为区域一体化的重要议题。文章以国内同城化进程相对成熟的广佛同城为例,从尺度重组的视角探讨其跨界治理演变,研究发现广佛同城化进程经历了两个阶段的尺度重组:从“行政区”尺度到以广佛高质量发展融合试验区为代表的“功能区”尺度。新阶段治理机制在治理主体上增加了功能平台管委会和市场主体,强化以功能区为引导、以全周期为理念的规划建设运营机制,在激励机制上转向政策争取与制度红利共享,可视为广佛原有治理机制的经验保留和渐进式改革。广佛为适应不同阶段发展运用尺度重组策略推进治理创新的探索,能为粤港澳大湾区乃至全国其他都市圈同城化地区跨界治理提供参考。  相似文献   

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