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我国冰冻圈变化的影响在气候变化背景下的识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全球气候变化对自然生态系统和人类社会系统的各个方面产生了很重要的直接影响,其中冰冻圈由于其脆弱性与灵敏性而首当其冲.同样,气候变化通过影响冰冻罔而对自然生态系统和人类社会系统产生很重要的间接影响.通过论述冰冻圈变化的影响,选取较为典型的领域,在时空尺度、作用机制以及影响过程等方面,对气候变化背景下我国冰冻圈变化的具体影响进行了识别.结果表明,气候变化的正面或者负面影响通过冰冻圈变化的作用之后可以加强或者削弱,从而为制定冰冻圈变化的适应对策提供科学依据.  相似文献   

冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性与适应研究体系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性与适应研究是以探索冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性概念为前提和基础,以冰冻圈变化的自然影响为链接点,以社会经济影响研究为突破,以脆弱性研究为桥梁与纽带,以应对与适应冰冻圈变化影响、风险为目的的冰冻圈科学领域的新兴研究方向。探讨了冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性概念,并以影响—脆弱性—适应为主线,针对冰冻圈变化的社会经济影响研究、脆弱性研究、适应研究内容及其关键科学问题、脆弱性评估模型、尺度问题进行了较为详细的阐述,初步搭建了中国冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性与适应研究体系。基于冰冻圈要素的多样性、变化影响的复杂性与显著的区域差异性,从2个梯度勾绘了冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性与适应研究格局与空间布局。中国冰冻圈及其变化的脆弱性与适应研究除深化冰冻圈变化的影响与脆弱性研究之外,应加强不同利益相关者协同设计、共同参与的冰冻圈变化适应应用研究,并关注冰冻圈灾害风险、渐变风险研究。  相似文献   

冰冻圈变化的适应框架与战略体系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冰冻圈变化的适应研究是冰冻圈科学领域的新兴研究方向, 是当今全球变化研究中自然科学与社会科学交叉融合研究的典型代表。文章阐述了冰冻圈变化适应研究的内容框架, 分析了目前国际冰冻圈变化适应研究的现状、 动态与发展趋势。在此基础上, 从理论探索与实践研究两方面, 详细介绍了中国冰冻圈变化的适应研究。在理论与方法研究方面, 中国冰冻圈变化适应研究2007年起步至今, 已建立了由冰冻圈变化影响(冰冻圈服务和冰冻圈灾害)-风险-恢复力-适应构成的中国冰冻圈变化适应研究理论与方法体系; 在实践研究方面, 从致利与致害两条线, 开展了冰冻圈服务与冰冻圈灾害风险研究; 从冰冻圈与人类圈交互视角, 开展了冰冻圈变化的脆弱性、 恢复力与适应典型案例研究。未来, 一方面需进一步完善和深化现有理论体系, 尤其是冰冻圈与人类圈相耦合的灾害风险、 脆弱性与适应定量评估方法; 另一方面, 既要针对不同冰冻圈问题, 加强案例研究, 又要拓展尺度, 深入宏观研究, 为国家和地方政府决策提供科学依据与对策建议。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

冰冻圈变化及其影响研究的主要科学问题概论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰冻圈变化及其影响日益显著并受到广泛关注。系统梳理了目前国际冰冻圈科学研究的主要关注热点,认为冰冻圈的变化机理、冰冻圈与气候相互作用、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应等构成了国际冰冻圈科学研究的4大科学问题。冰冻圈变化机理是冰冻圈科学研究的基础领域,冰冻圈与气候相互作用是当前着力加强的重点,冰冻圈变化的影响日益受到关注,但研究基础还较薄弱,冰冻圈变化影响的适应机制是尚处在萌芽状态的研究领域。围绕上述重大科学问题,紧抓冰冻圈变化过程中的动力响应与时空差异性问题,气候模式中冰冻圈过程的精细化描述问题,准确认识影响的时空尺度与程度问题和脆弱性评价方法和指标体系等科学问题,是寻求科学突破的关键。以全球的视野审视冰冻圈的变化过程,从有机耦合的角度探讨气候模式中的冰冻圈过程,以多因素、多过程综合与集成的手段辨析冰冻圈变化的影响,从方法创新上寻求科学评估冰冻圈变化脆弱性及适应性的突破途径,是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

正《冰川冻土》聚焦服务于冰冻圈科学及其分支学科,如冰川学、冻土学、寒区工程学、冰冻圈水文学、冰冻圈生态学等学科发展,重点报道冰川(冰盖)、积雪、冻土、海冰等关键冰冻圈要素的过程与机理、冰冻圈变化的影响与适应,以及相关的全球变化方面的基础研究和应用研究。重点关注具有创新性、高水平及对国民经济建设有重要意义的新思想、新观点、新理论和新方法,传播冰冻圈科学与可持续发展相关的科学知识,推动国内外学术交流,服务冰冻圈及其影响区域的经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

北极快速增暖背景下冰冻圈变化及其影响研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北极具有独特的地理位置和战略地位,是当前全球变化研究的热点区域之一。北极增暖是全球平均值的两倍以上,被称为“北极放大”现象。在北极快速增暖背景下,冰冻圈尤其是海冰显著萎缩,对北极乃至中纬度天气气候产生深远影响。对北极快速增暖背景下冰冻圈主要要素(包括海冰、冰盖、冰川、积雪和冻土)时空变化特征及未来预估进行了综述,同时总结了海冰变化对北极气候系统(大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈)以及中纬度极端天气气候事件的影响。指出当前北极冰冻圈变化研究受观测资料缺乏及模式模拟不确定等问题限制,其机理及对中纬度天气气候影响机制仍存在争议。未来还需要加强北极地区的综合监测,提高模式对北极气候系统物理过程的模拟能力,进行多模式、多数据、多方法的集成研究。  相似文献   

RogerG.Barry 《冰川冻土》2002,24(5):523-525
The cryosphere is an integral part of the global climate system, however, many aspects of the cryosphere have not been fully covered within WCRP. Issues relating to potential changes in the climate cryosphere system become more and more important in order to describes research and coordination initiatives required to integrate fully studies of impact and response of the cryosphere to climate change. The article also indicates the recent progress of CliC, and its future plan.  相似文献   

自然科学基金资助下的我国冰冻圈科学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷疏影  丁永建 《地球科学进展》2010,25(10):1091-1100
冰冻圈是指地球表层水以固态形式存在的圈层,包括冰川、冻土、积雪、海冰、河冰、湖冰等.作为一门新兴学科,冰冻圈科学研究其各组成部分的形成机理、演化规律、与其他圈层之间的相互作用,以及对经济社会的影响.在全球变暖背景下,冰冻圈研究受到前所未有的重视,成为气候系统研究中最活跃的领域之一,也是当前全球变化和可持续发展最关注的热点之一.中国是中低纬度地区冰冻圈最发育的国家,中国冰冻圈变化的气候效应、环境效应、水资源效应和生态效应非常显著,因此,对国家西部发展战略有重大意义.我国冰冻圈科学的发展与国家自然科学基金项目的支持息息相关,许多前瞻性、先导性、基础性的项目源自于基金项目的支持.国家自然科学基金在引领冰冻圈研究新领域和人才培养两方面起到了奠基和推动作用.着重回顾了在自然科学基金资助下我国冰冻圈科学的发展历程.  相似文献   

Society could sustain the impact of climate change by adapting to the change and mitigating risks from adverse effects of increasing changes, so that it can continue maintaining its prospect and improving wellbeing. Nevertheless, climate change is more or less affecting society's functions at different scales, including both individuals and communities. In this review, we discuss the relationship between society and climate change in China from the aspects of the needs at different socioeconomic developing stages. The relationship as well as the current spatial pattern and future risks of the climate change impacts on societies are summarized. The complexity of social and climatic systems leads to the spatial heterogeneity of climate impacts and risks in China. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration between climate adaption, poverty alleviation and Nature-based Solutions (Nbs). That could provide decision makers with more comprehensive train of thoughts for climate policy making.  相似文献   

Society could sustain the impact of climate change by adapting to the change and mitigating risks from adverse effects of increasing changes, so that it can continue maintaining its prospect and improving wellbeing. Nevertheless, climate change is more or less affecting society's functions at different scales, including both individuals and communities. In this review, we discuss the relationship between society and climate change in China from the aspects of the needs at different socioeconomic developing stages. The relationship as well as the current spatial pattern and future risks of the climate change impacts on societies are summarized. The complexity of social and climatic systems leads to the spatial heterogeneity of climate impacts and risks in China. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration between climate adaption, poverty alleviation and Nature-based Solutions (Nbs). That could provide decision makers with more comprehensive train of thoughts for climate policy making.  相似文献   

Society could sustain the impact of climate change by adapting to the change and mitigating risks from adverse effects of increasing changes, so that it can continue maintaining its prospect and improving wellbeing. Nevertheless, climate change is more or less affecting society's functions at different scales, including both individuals and communities. In this review, we discuss the relationship between society and climate change in China from the aspects of the needs at different socioeconomic developing stages. The relationship as well as the current spatial pattern and future risks of the climate change impacts on societies are summarized. The complexity of social and climatic systems leads to the spatial heterogeneity of climate impacts and risks in China. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration between climate adaption, poverty alleviation and Nature-based Solutions (Nbs). That could provide decision makers with more comprehensive train of thoughts for climate policy making.  相似文献   

Society could sustain the impact of climate change by adapting to the change and mitigating risks from adverse effects of increasing changes, so that it can continue maintaining its prospect and improving wellbeing. Nevertheless, climate change is more or less affecting society's functions at different scales, including both individuals and communities. In this review, we discuss the relationship between society and climate change in China from the aspects of the needs at different socioeconomic developing stages. The relationship as well as the current spatial pattern and future risks of the climate change impacts on societies are summarized. The complexity of social and climatic systems leads to the spatial heterogeneity of climate impacts and risks in China. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration between climate adaption, poverty alleviation and Nature-based Solutions (Nbs). That could provide decision makers with more comprehensive train of thoughts for climate policy making.  相似文献   

Society could sustain the impact of climate change by adapting to the change and mitigating risks from adverse effects of increasing changes, so that it can continue maintaining its prospect and improving wellbeing. Nevertheless, climate change is more or less affecting society's functions at different scales, including both individuals and communities. In this review, we discuss the relationship between society and climate change in China from the aspects of the needs at different socioeconomic developing stages. The relationship as well as the current spatial pattern and future risks of the climate change impacts on societies are summarized. The complexity of social and climatic systems leads to the spatial heterogeneity of climate impacts and risks in China. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration between climate adaption, poverty alleviation and Nature-based Solutions (Nbs). That could provide decision makers with more comprehensive train of thoughts for climate policy making.  相似文献   

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