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王伟  金贤锋 《测绘通报》2020,(12):58-64
新时代国土空间规划体系的顶层设计和“四梁八柱”建设及未来的智慧型国土空间规划需要数字化、信息化技术支撑。以空间数据获取与分析为主要特征的测绘地理信息,能为国土空间规划的编制、审批、修改和实施监督各环节提供有效的技术服务和基于数据成果的定制服务。而融合现状数据、规划数据、管理数据,实现统一“底图”、统一“底数”、统一“底线”、统一“底板”的国土空间规划“一张图”,以及支撑国土空间规划动态监测评估预警的国土空间规划“一张图”实施监督信息系统,是可感知、能学习、善治理和自适应的智慧型国土空间规划发展的重要保障。本文在梳理“五级三类”国土空间规划体系基本构成和特征的基础上,从技术体系和数据成果定制体系两个方面,研究了面向国土空间规划的测绘地理信息服务体系,展望了面向智慧型国土空间规划的测绘地理信息应用。  相似文献   

This article attempts to describe the role of tessellated models of space within the discipline of geographic information systems (GIS)—a speciality coming largely out of geography and land surveying, where there was a strong need to represent information about the land’s surface within a computer system rather than on the original paper maps. We look at some of the basic operations in GIS, including dynamic and kinetic applications. We examine issues of topology and data structures and produce a tessellation model that may be widely applied both to traditional “object” and “field” data types. Based on this framework, it can be argued that tessellation models are fundamental to our understanding and processing of geographical space, and provide a coherent framework for understanding the “space” in which we exist. This first article examines static structures, and a subsequent article looks at “change”—what happens when things move.  相似文献   

华一新  李响  王丽娜  张晶 《测绘学报》2015,44(2):220-227
个人地理标记数据是个人通过笔记本、平板电脑或者手机等设备发布的包含地理位置且与个人相关的文本、照片和视频等信息。本文针对个人地理标记数据的特点,提出了一种适用于地理标签数据的可视化方法——个人地理标记数据拓扑图,并设计和实现了核心算法。为了比较和评估该方法的效能,对"文本列表""普通地图"和"标记拓扑图"3种用户界面进行了可用性测试,并对测试数据进行了方差分析。测试结论表明,3种不同用户界面在查找个人地理标记数据的效率方面存在显著性差异,其中文本列表和标记拓扑图均优于普通地图,文本列表和标记拓扑图在查找时间上的差异并不显著,标记拓扑图在查找时间均值上略优于文本列表。  相似文献   

章力博  张继贤  韩文立  葛娟  沈晶  卢遥 《测绘通报》2021,(2):131-135,143
质量检查软件是质量检查的重要手段,是影响质量检查工作的重要因素。本文在分析测绘地理信息成果质量检查软件的现状和存在问题的基础上,结合现有的手段和新的技术,提出了由成果维、项目维、大数据维、智能维、历史维组成的“五维协同”下的测绘地理信息成果质量检查软件体系,分别阐述了测绘地理信息成果质量检查在各个维度下的工作内容,介绍了5个维度在业务流程和数据流动之间的关系,为测绘地理信息成果质量检查软件之后的研究内容、发展方向提供了思路。  相似文献   

Geodemographic classifications provide discrete indicators of the social, economic and demographic characteristics of people living within small geographic areas. They have hitherto been regarded as products, which are the final “best” outcome that can be achieved using available data and algorithms. However, reduction in computational cost, increased network bandwidths and increasingly accessible spatial data infrastructures have together created the potential for the creation of classifications in near real time within distributed online environments. Yet paramount to the creation of truly real time geodemographic classifications is the ability for software to process and efficiency cluster large multidimensional spatial databases within a timescale that is consistent with online user interaction. To this end, this article evaluates the computational efficiency of a number of clustering algorithms with a view to creating geodemographic classifications “on the fly” at a range of different geographic scales.  相似文献   

农业“一张图”构建与综合数据分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏兰芳  陈旭 《测绘通报》2021,(2):144-148
上海市农业“一张图”通过地理信息技术建立一个“虚拟农业农村地理环境”,以农用地块为基础,汇聚了多源的农业地理信息数据,形成了以农用地块为唯一识别码,在农用地块基础上挂接各种农业专题信息的丰富的农业地理信息大数据。为加强数据共享和应用,本文通过OGC标准服务接口和定制化空间信息服务接口为各业务系统提供统一的农业地理信息支撑服务,包括WMS服务和WFS服务。同时,通过农业综合大数据分析,可以为本市绿色农业发展及农业供给侧结构性改革提供数据支撑和技术支撑。  相似文献   

“天地图”是国家地理信息公共服务平台,“天地图”旅游是基于“天地图”的旅游地理信息服务平台。“天地图”旅游频道以“天地图”2.0的地理信息数据为基础,聚合国家旅游局的权威旅游信息资源,拥有丰富、全面、权威、可靠、精准的综合旅游信息,并将旅游资源与在线地图服务紧密结合,实现了各类旅游信息的空间定位、分类表达和查询检索,向公众提供专业、特色的基于空间位置的旅游地理信息服务。本文介绍以天地图为基础平台的旅游地理信息服务系统设计,实现国家级、省级、市级旅游信息资源的服务聚合与协同,向用户提供旅游地理信息“一站式”服务。  相似文献   

一站式地理大数据智能化平台构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文基于地理大数据体系,探讨了“GIS+BI”的研究思路,通过对地理大数据的采集、存储、管理、共享、关联分析和可视化展示,建立一种新的地理信息数据管理和分析模式,满足国情监测、基础测绘、地籍调查、资源审计等多元应用需求。并以“地理大数据仓库”为建设理念,构建数据生态模型,建成一个“标准统一、信息全面、富有活力、随需而变、方便易用”的以地理大数据为核心价值的一站式地理大数据智能化平台,实现地理大数据可视化、动态化的智能分析,快速响应,最大限度地发挥数据的价值,让数据成为生产力。  相似文献   

张淑玲 《测绘通报》2019,(9):112-114
“数字衡阳”市县一体化大数据与地理信息公共服务云平台建设项目,实现了市县地理信息一体化管理、共享和协同服务,制定了完整的市县一体化标准体系,创新了基础地理信息数据生产和管理机制,创建了基于标准体系的“一键成图”技术。大幅提升了地理信息共享应用的效益,降低了县级地理信息应用技术门槛,为全国其他地区数字城市建设提供了可借鉴、推广的经验。今后将进一步实现数据成果在各行各业的快速应用,产生更好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

The extension of the functional capacity of geographic information systems (GIS) with tools for statistical analysis in general and exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) in particular has been an increasingly active area of research in recent years. In this paper, two operational implementations that combine the functionality of spatial data analysis software with a GIS are considered more closely. They consist of linkages between the S-PLUS software for data analysis and two different GIS implementations, the ArcView desktop system, which is mostly vector-oriented, and the primarily raster-based Grassland open GIS environment. We emphasize conceptual and technical issues related to the software implementation of these approaches and suggest future directions for linking spatial statistics and GIS. Received: 14 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 May 1999  相似文献   

The field of GIS (S for Systems, Sciences, Services, and Studies) is at a cross‐road in the early 2010s. Aiming to link the multiple visions for the next phase of GIS development, this article suggests that the emerging open GIS should serve as a guiding concept. Contextualized in the broader literature of open science, this article proposes open GIS should include eight dimensions related to data, software, hardware, standards, research, publication, funding, and education. For the GIS community, open GIS offers four exciting opportunities: (1) technology‐driven opportunities for addressing challenges posed by the (spatial) big data deluge; (2) application‐led opportunities for confronting the problems of a rapidly changing planet; (3) curiosity‐inspired, crowd‐powered opportunities for the development of an open and geographic citizen science; and (4) education‐focused opportunities for implementing the vision of a spatial university. Although there are academic, legal, social/political, and environmental impediments for the practice of open GIS, open GIS will become increasingly important in shaping our research and educational agendas in the future.  相似文献   

GIS是地理信息服务的有效工具和手段。本文基于开源GIS软件Geoserver和Leaflet,首先,介绍了它们的特点和优势,阐述了地理信息服务的规范;然后,提出了构建与调用地理信息服务的体系框架,研究了服务构建和调用等关键技术;最后,基于烟台市地图数据进行实验,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

Geospatial Agents, Agents Everywhere . . .   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of the related terms “agent‐based”, “multi‐agent”, “software agent” and “intelligent agent” have witnessed significant growth in the Geographic Information Science (GIScience) literature in the past decade. These terms usually refer to both artificial life agents that simulate human and animal behavior and software agents that support human‐computer interactions. In this article we first comprehensively review both types of agents. Then we argue that both these categories of agents borrow from Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, requiring them to share the characteristics of and be similar to AI agents. We also argue that geospatial agents form a distinct category of AI agents because they are explicit about geography and geographic data models. Our overall goal is to first capture the diversity of, and then define and categorize GIScience agent research into geospatial agents, thereby capturing the diversity of agent‐oriented architectures and applications that have been developed in the recent past to present a holistic review of geospatial agents.  相似文献   

黑龙江省第一次地理国情普查已全面展开,其目的是全面掌握黑龙江地理国情现状,系统掌握全省自然、人文地理要素的现状和空间分布情况。黑龙江省是资源大省,除煤、木、粮、油、机外,旅游资源也十分丰富。作为连接中原与黑龙江地区的水陆大通道,黑龙江冰雪丝绸之路比西北丝绸之路早了1000多年,且一直繁荣了几千年,存有大量的历史遗迹,但近百年来却鲜为人知。充分利用基于现代测绘地理信息技术获得的地理国情数据和信息,恢复和开辟黑龙江冰雪丝绸之路旅游带,对弘扬黑龙江历史文化,宣传黑龙江意义重大,功在当代,利在后世。  相似文献   

经济社会发展对基础地理信息数据提出越来越高的需求,测绘地理信息技术日新月异的发展,也使快速更新基础地理信息数据成为可能。为实现江苏省测绘地理信息局"1∶10000基础地理信息数据苏南及苏中部分地区2年更新一次、其他地区3年更新一次"的目标,需要提高基础地理信息数据的生产效率。本文对江苏省"十二五"基础测绘1∶10000DLG第二轮数据更新方法进行论述。  相似文献   

崔先国  毛定山 《测绘科学》2008,33(6):139-140
求解任意两个简单多边形间的最大距离,在几何图形计算中,一直是一个基本问题。在对多边形自身的特性以及两多边形间关系进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一个基于折线凸包的单调性的简单多边形间最大距离的求解算法。根据封闭折线内部所具有的特性,把封闭折线拆分成两个断开的折线,使一条折线在另一条折线左边。两个多边形分别被拆分成四条折线,两个分为一组。分别求出每组中两条折线的凸包,利用凸包的单调性可以快速地找出两个距离最远的顶点,其中较大的是两个简单多边形间的最大距离。算法的时间复杂度是线性的。  相似文献   


Conceptually, the theory and implementation of “map projection” in geographic information system (GIS) technology is difficult to comprehend for most introductory students and novice users. Compounding this difficulty is the concept of a “map projection file” that defines map projection parameters of geo-spatial data. The problem of the “missing projection file” appears ubiquitous for all users, especially in practice where data is widely shared. Another common problem is inadvertent misapplication of the “Define Projection” tool that can result in a GIS dataset with an incorrectly defined map projection file. GIS education should provide more guidance in differentiating the concepts of map projection versus projection files by increasing understanding and minimizing common errors. A novel pedagogical device is introduced in this paper: the seven possible states of GIS data with respect to map projection and definition. The seven possible states are: (1) a projected coordinate system (PCS) that is correctly defined, (2) a PCS that is incorrectly defined, (3) a PCS that is undefined, (4) a geographic coordinate system (GCS) that is correctly defined, (5) a GCS that is incorrectly defined, (6) a GCS that is undefined, and (7) a non-GCS. Recently created automated troubleshooting tools to determine a missing map projection file are discussed.  相似文献   

Popular and professional interest in maps and map-making has never been greater. Despite this engagement, introductory skills courses in “map use” have largely disappeared in undergraduate geography and cartography programs at US universities, with research indicating that both map-use course enrollments and the existence of such courses themselves are on the decline. While the map-use course and its content may have been replaced by, repackaged as, or incorporated into an integrated geographical information systems-cartography–remote sensing foundations course, how do we ensure that an understanding of maps and their unique characteristics is not lost in the mix? This essay describes a recent course redesign experience incorporating information literacy, technology fluency, and spatial thinking principles to maintain map-use concepts, skills, and appreciation in an introductory geographic information science and technology (GIS&T) foundations course, meeting both GIS&T and general education curricular goals.  相似文献   

白华艳  陈月明 《测绘通报》2022,(11):162-165
面向测绘地理信息产业发展高端化,高职院校如何培养技能人才成为当前研究的热点。通过开展企业调研,企业对地理信息系统技术及应用(87.5%)、无人机测绘技术(84.7%)、工程测量(79.2%)技能较为重视,学生普遍缺乏测绘及GIS软件操作与应用(68.1%)、测绘仪器使用和维护(65.3%)、操作无人机进行信息采集与处理(56.9%)能力。本文提出“岗课证赛”融通的测绘地理信息人才培养模式,把企业岗位任务、职业认证及技能大赛的能力要求融入课程,使学生具备掌握与未来职业岗位需求相吻合的技能,适应测绘地理信息产业发展高端化。  相似文献   

The volume and potential value of user generated content (UGC) is ever growing. Multiply sourced, its value is greatly increased by the inclusion of metadata that adequately and accurately describes that content – particularly if such data are to be integrated with more formal data sets. Typically, digital photography is tagged with location and attribute information that variously describe the location, events or objects in the image. Often inconsistent and incomplete, these attributes reflect concepts at a range of geographic scales. From a spatial data integration perspective, the information relating to “place” is of primary interest. The challenge therefore is in selecting the most appropriate tags that best describe the geography of the image. This article presents a methodology based on an information retrieval technique that separates out “place related tags” from the remainder of the tags. Different scales of geography are identified by varying the size of the sampling area within which the imagery falls. This is applied in the context of urban environments, using Flickr imagery. Empirical analysis is then used to assess the correctness of the chosen tags (i.e. whether the tag correctly describes the geographic region in which the image was taken). Logistic regression and Bayesian inference are used to attach a probability value to each place tag. The high correlation values achieved indicate that this methodology can be used to automatically select place tags for any urban region and thus hierarchically structure UGC in order that it can be semantically integrated with other data sources.  相似文献   

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