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利用数值模拟结果,该研究探讨了超级台风‘玛莉亚’的对流爆发(CBs)特征及与快速加强(RI)的关系。发现,(1)切变相对象限的内核CBs表现为由顺切变到逆切变的气旋式旋转,这有利于台风快速加强;(2) CBs的突然增长为即将到来的RI提供了预示性特征信号,同时,台风玛莉亚的RI过程引发剧烈的深对流;(3)自对流层底向上的对流增长角度分析,发现对流爆发与边界层高对流有效位能,次级环流的向上深层发展,增强的动量通量辐合等有关。  相似文献   

本文利用包括海气耦合、气浪耦合及浪流耦合的完全耦合系统,着重研究了2006年“格美”(Kaemi)台风眼墙内的中尺度涡结构。中尺度涡作为影响台风眼墙非对称结构的内部因子,与风垂直切变密切相关,其发展过程受台风下垫面海洋状况的影响。在顺切变右侧,垂直气流逐渐增强,在顺切变左侧达到最大后逐渐减弱。当不考虑海表温度的冷涌反馈作用时,海气间的热通量输送较大,由此引起眼墙内的中尺度对流加强,但集中爆发区仍然位于顺切变方向,不受热通量输送变化的影响。当不考虑海浪对海表粗糙度的影响时,在较小的海表粗糙度条件下,眼墙非对称性减弱,使得中尺度对流涡在切向方向上的分布较为均匀。  相似文献   

浙江沿海登陆台风结构特性的多普勒雷达资料分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用浙江省新一代多普勒雷达组网资料,选取在浙江东南沿海近乎同一地点登陆的3个台风进行研究。从登陆前6 h到登陆后7 h,对比分析3个台风在登陆前后的雷达回波和降水结构时空变化特征。利用单多普勒雷达四维变分风场反演技术,对温州多普勒雷达探测资料进行了风场反演。结合利用雷达回波强度资料,对3个台风登陆前后1 h在云岩、昌禅等地造成特大暴雨的中尺度对流系统的三维结构及其演变特征进行了详细分析。结果表明,台风强度与其螺旋云带中的对流单体密切相关。台风强度愈强,其中低层环状平均回波强度就愈强,对流活动也就愈旺盛,降水强度也愈大。台风登陆前,回波(雨带)从眼墙向外围传播。台风登陆后,随着台风外围回波(雨带)明显减弱,台风眼墙回波(雨带)则明显增强,台风眼区逐渐被强回波所取代,使台风登陆后眼墙的平均雨强比登陆前增大。台风登陆后1 h,由于低(高)层水平辐合(散)增强,强对流回波中倾斜的上升(下沉)气流明显增大,使对流运动更加活跃,造成登陆后1 h的降雨量显著增强。台风强度与登陆后1 h降雨量的增强幅度成正比。台风强度越强,垂直风切变就越大,垂直切变风速大值区与最大降雨区有较好的对应关系。台风登陆后1 h,垂直切变风速的明显增加对登陆台风螺旋雨带中的中小尺度对流的加强和维持起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

利用WRF(weather research and forecasting)模式模拟资料对2008年06号台风“风神”进行诊断分析,采用准地转PV-ω方程对台风外围中尺度对流系统较强的6月20日10时(世界时)的资料进行分析.通过PV-ω方程诊断了潜热、摩擦及干动力过程对台风次级环流的作用,结果显示潜热强迫产生的次级环流最强,摩擦强迫主要集中在边界层,而干动力过程则在台风中心附近产生影响.加入摩擦、潜热得到的准平衡流场能够描述70%左右的台风环流.环境垂直切变在台风中心附近强迫产生横向次级环流的垂直切变与环境垂直切变相反,次级环流会使得台风一侧的上升气流减弱而另一侧上升气流增强,从而使得台风不对称增强.同时,发现垂直切变可能在其最大垂直切变方向右侧激发台风外围中尺度系统.通过构造理想的准平衡的台风及叠加在其上的中尺度系统环流,选择不同的切变和环境平均气流,发现增大切变会使得强迫次级环流增强,而增大环境平均气流不一定能够使得强迫次级环流增大,反而可能使得强迫次级环流减弱.通过诊断发现由切变强迫次级环流造成的中尺度对流系统上方扰动可能是中尺度对流系统持续存在的原因.  相似文献   

利用台风路径资料及GPM多星集合降水反演产品(IMERG),分析了“利奇马”台风快速增强(RI)事件的平均降水率、降水(>0 mm·h^-1)和短时强降水(>20 mm·h^-1)的覆盖率随时间的演变。进一步,将RI事件分为RI启动前0~24 h、RI启动期、RI持续期、RI结束前0~24 h,和RI结束后0~24 h等阶段,分析平均降水率、降水和短时强降水发生频率的空间分布。研究结果表明:(1)在整个RI事件中,平均降水率和短时强降水发生频率较高的区域主要集中在台风中心西北方位,但其面积和位置随阶段转换而变化;(2)在RI启动前0~24 h,降水覆盖率的高值区由台风内核逐渐扩大至台风外围,而平均降水率和短时强降水覆盖率在RI启动后才明显增强;(3)在RI启动前0~12 h到RI结束前0~24 h的4个阶段,平均降水率和短时强降水发生频率的高值区都出现在台风移动方向的正前方。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-Interim再分析资料、中国气象局台风最佳路径资料、 NOAA逐日最优海表温度(OISST)、Himawari-8卫星观测资料以及中国地面自动气象站观测资料等,分析了台风“米克拉”近海强度预报的难点,并研究了导致“米克拉”在台湾海峡南部快速增强的环境因子,探讨了“米克拉”在较强环境风垂直切变下快速增强过程中对流非对称分布特征。结果表明:(1)台风“米克拉”在较强200—850 hPa环境风垂直切变下在台湾海峡南部海域发生了快速增强,并以峰值强度在福建登陆,非常少见,造成预警时间短,强度预报难度大;(2)有利的海洋热状况和大气环流环境条件,如中国南海北部海温异常偏高,南亚高压南侧东风急流与“米克拉”相互作用引起的强烈高层出流以及强劲稳定西南季风气流带来的充沛水汽输送,均对台风“米克拉”在台湾海峡南部海域快速增强起重要作用;(3)台风“米克拉”快速增强过程中,传统业务主要关注的200和850 hPa之间的环境风垂直切变较强,但从环境风的垂直结构分析发现切变主要集中在对流层中、高层,而中、低层切变较小,且中、高层环境风垂直切变对台风增强的抑制作用相对中、低层...  相似文献   

利用欧洲中心ERA-Interim逐6 h再分析资料(水平分辨率0.125°×0.125°)、NOAA逐日海表温度资料(水平分辨率0.25°×0.25°)、日本HMW8卫星逐时黑体亮温TBB (水平分辨率0.05°×0.05°)资料对对流非对称台风"天鸽"近海急剧增强原因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)"天鸽"是在其对流呈非对称分布的前提下发展起来的,近海急剧增强过程其对流也呈非对称分布。"天鸽"强度增强时,TBB一波非对称振幅逐渐减小,非对称程度减弱。(2)南海北部28.5~30℃异常偏暖的海表温度有利于"天鸽"快速增强,是"天鸽"近海急剧增强的原因。(3)"天鸽"近海强度变化与南亚高压、副热带高压的强度变化呈正相关系,"天鸽"近海急剧增强发生在200 hPa南亚高压加强东移,同时500 h Pa副热带高压加强西伸、低层西南季风加强的有利条件下。200 hPa南亚高压反气旋环流加强东移导致台风上空向西南方向出流加强,台风中心南侧高层辐散与低层辐合的显著加强及其导致的非对称分布的强对流的发展,是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因之一。200hPa南亚高压加强东移与低层西南季风加强同步导致环境风垂直切变明显增大,对"天鸽"内的对流分布和台风强度均有重要影响,环境风垂直切变低于阻碍台风发展的阈值(12.5 m·s~(-1))是台风急剧增强的一个重要条件。(4)"天鸽"强度的快速加强与副热带高压加强西伸和西南季风加强造成的台风内部的非对称环流结构密切相关,"天鸽"水平风速的非对称分布导致台风中心附近正涡度增大,水平风速非对称分布变深厚引起台风中心附近正涡度大值区向对流层中上层伸展,也是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因。  相似文献   

动力因子对2006“碧利斯”台风暴雨的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用2006年登陆台风"碧利斯"暴雨过程高分辨率数值模拟资料, 结合湿热力平流参数、广义对流涡度矢量垂直分量、水汽螺旋度、热力螺旋度、散度垂直通量、热力散度垂直通量、热力切变平流参数和 Q *矢量散度等8个动力因子, 对"碧利斯"台风暴雨进行诊断分析。结果指出:(1)8个动力因子在"碧利斯"台风强降水区均表现为强信号, 其中, 水汽螺旋度、热力螺旋度、散度垂直通量、热力散度垂直通量等动力因子与降水强度的相关系数均达0.99以上, 与总云水物质的相关系数也均达0.97以上, 而热力切变平流参数与上述二者的相关系数最低, 达0.5左右;(2)8个动力因子中, Q *矢量散度随降水强度先增大后减小, 与"霰融化成雨水造成雨水增长"微物理过程随降水强度的变化相似, 热力切变平流参数随降水强度呈现"增大—减小—再增大"的变化特征, 而其他6个动力因子均呈现单调增长趋势, 与"雨水碰并云水造成雨水增长"微物理过程随降水强度的变化相类似;(3)总体看来, 水汽螺旋度、热力螺旋度、散度垂直通量、热力散度垂直通量4个动力因子与降水强度及雨水收支相关的总的云微物理过程转化率对应更好, 因此, 对降水的指示意义也更好。  相似文献   

薛霖  李英  许映龙  王蕾  戴高菊 《大气科学》2015,39(4):789-801
台风在趋近大陆过程中强度一般衰减, 但Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中却迅速加强, 且在登陆福建时达到最强。采用中国气象局台风资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料及台湾雷达资料, 结合中尺度数值模式WRF(The Weather Research and Forecasting Model)开展台湾地形敏感性试验, 研究Meranti进入台湾海峡过程中的结构变化及迅速加强机理。结果表明:台湾地形是Meranti迅速加强的一个重要影响因子。Meranti北上过程中, 一方面通过台湾岛地形分流作用及其背风坡效应在台湾海峡内诱生中尺度涡旋, 形成正负相间的涡度分布, 激发出与台风相关的扰动波列。地形强迫抬升及扰动波列可加强垂直运动和积云对流, 有利于台风对流发展。另一方面, 台湾地形还通过改变环境气流使台风高空辐散场加强, 环境风垂直切变减小, 形成有利于台风发展的环流背景。比较不同高度台湾地形试验中台风动能收支发现, 台湾地形激发的扰动波列和积云对流增强了次网格尺度系统与台风间能量的交换, 成为Meranti登陆前迅速加强的主要动能源。  相似文献   

利用1981—2018年CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和OA Flux3潜热通量数据,分析了盛夏海南岛台风累积动能(Accumulated Cyclone Energy,ACE)气候特征及异常年大气环流形势和相关物理量特征。结果表明:1981—2018年盛夏海南岛ACE呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,同时具有明显年代际特征,2010年后存在准2 a显著周期。盛夏ACE偏高(低)年,西太副高偏大(小)偏强(弱)偏西(东),其南侧伴有偏强(弱)的季风槽,台风北侧对流(不)活跃;低层防区内存在异常气旋式切变(反气旋式环流),海南受偏东(西)异常气流影响,有利(不利)于对流、水汽等向台风环流并入而加强(削弱)台风,120°~130°E越赤道气流(不)活跃;菲律宾以东至南海高空抽吸作用偏强(弱),盛行异常上升(下沉)运动,且环境风垂直切变偏小(大);东海—日本海潜热通量偏小(大),热带西太平洋及南海低层为水汽辐合(散)区。  相似文献   

Convective burst(CB) characteristics at distinct stages of a rapidly intensified Typhoon Mujigae(2015), are investigated based on a 72-h simulation. The spatial features show that almost all CB elements develop in the eyewall. The number of CBs in the inner-core region within a 100 km radius—which account for a large proportion of the total CBs, with a sharp increase about 6 h before the onset of rapid intensification(RI)—provides some indication of the RI of the typhoon. The CBs during pre-RI and RI are examined from dynamic and thermodynamic viewpoints. The combination of lower-level convergent inflow and upper-level divergent outflow pushes a relay-race-like transmission of convective activity, favorable for the development of deep convection. A double warm-core structure is induced by the centripetal outflow sinking and warming associated with CBs, which directly accelerates RI by a sudden decrease in hydrostatic pressure. By utilizing the convection activity degree(CAD) index derived from the local total energy anomaly, a correlation formula between CBs and CAD is deduced.Furthermore, an intense CAD(ICAD) signal threshold(with a value equal to 100) to predict CBs is obtained. It is verified that this ICAD threshold is effective for estimating the occurrence of a CB episode and predicting RI of a typhoon. Therefore,this threshold may be a valuable tool for identifying CB episodes and forecasting rapidly intensified typhoons.  相似文献   

Diagnostics are presented from an ensemble of high-resolution forecasts that differed markedly in their predictions of the rapid intensification(RI)of Typhoon Rammasun.We show that the basic difference stems from subtle differences in initializations of(a)500-850-h Pa environmental winds,and(b)midlevel moisture and ventilation.We then describe how these differences impact on the evolving convective organization,storm structure,and the timing of RI.As expected,ascent,diabatic heating and the secondary circulation near the inner-core are much stronger in the member that best forecasts the RI.The evolution of vortex cloudiness from this member is similar to the actual imagery,with the development of an inner cloud band wrapping inwards to form the eyewall.We present evidence that this structure,and hence the enhanced diabatic heating,is related to the tilt and associated dynamics of the developing inner-core in shear.For the most accurate ensemble member:(a)inhibition of ascent and a reduction in convection over the up-shear sector allow moistening of the boundary-layer air,which is transported to the down-shear sector to feed a developing convective asymmetry;(b)with minimal ventilation,undiluted clouds and moisture from the down-shear left quadrant are then wrapped inwards to the up-shear left quadrant to form the eyewall cloud;and(c)this process seems related to a critical down-shear tilt of the vortex from midlevels,and the vertical phase-locking of the circulation over up-shear quadrants.For the member that forecasts a much-delayed RI,these processes are inhibited by stronger vertical wind shear,initially resulting in poor vertical coherence of the circulation,lesser moisture and larger ventilation.Our analysis suggests that ensemble prediction is needed to account for the sensitivity of forecasts to a relatively narrow range of environmental wind shear,moisture and vortex inner-structure.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋快速增强阶段的风速分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用联合台风预警中心的最优路径(best-track)资料,筛选出西北太平洋地区快速增强和非快速增强两类热带气旋样本。利用美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)的多平台热带气旋表面风分析资料,对比分析了两类样本的风速和涡度的分布特征。结果显示,快速增强的热带气旋样本通常结构更紧凑,最大风速较大,最大风速半径较小,台风内区的风速较大。在涡度上表现为快速增强热带气旋样本内区的涡度和涡度梯度较大。对两类样本进行t检验,结果显示两类样本内区的切向风差异明显,说明热带气旋的内区风速分布与其发展之间存在密切联系。其物理机制可能是:当存在较大的内区涡度梯度时,涡度隔离机制有利于对流单体向涡旋中心汇聚,此外较大的涡度意味着较大的惯性稳定度,有利于非绝热加热向热带气旋动能的转换,二者共同作用有利于热带气旋的快速发展。   相似文献   

Two different initialization schemes for tropical cyclone(TC) prediction in numerical models are evaluated based on a case study of Typhoon Lekima(2019). The first is a dynamical initialization(DI) scheme where the axisymmetric TC vortex in the initial conditions is spun up through the 6-h cycle runs before the initial forecast time. The second scheme is a bogussing scheme where the analysis TC vortex is replaced by a synthetic Rankine vortex. Results show that although both initialization schemes can help improve the simulated rapid intensification(RI) of Lekima, the simulation employing the DI scheme(DIS) reproduces better the RI onset and intensification rate than that employing the bogussing scheme(BOG).Further analyses show the cycle runs of DI help establish a realistic TC structure with stronger secondary circulation than those in the control run and BOG, leading to fast vortex spinup and contraction of the radius of maximum wind(RMW).The resultant strong inner-core primary circulation favors precession of the midlevel vortex under the moderate vertical wind shear(VWS) and thus helps vortex alignment, contributing to an earlier RI onset. Afterwards, the decreased vertical shear and the stronger convection inside the RMW support the persistent RI of Lekima in DIS. In contrast, the reduced VWS is not well captured and the inner-core convection is weaker and resides farther away from the TC center in BOG,leading to slower intensification. The results imply that the DI effectively improves the prediction of the inner-core process,which is crucial to the RI forecast.  相似文献   

In this study, the dependence of tropical cyclone (TC) development on the inner-core structure of the parent vortex is examined using a pair of idealized numerical simulations. It is found that the radial profile of inner-core relative vorticity may have a great impact on its subsequent development. For a system with a larger inner-core relative vorticity/inertial stability, the conversion ratio of the diabatic heating to kinetic energy is greater. Furthermore, the behavior of the convective vorticity eddies is likely modulated by the system-scale circulation. For a parent vortex with a relatively higher inner-core vorticity and larger negative radial vorticity gradient, convective eddy formation and radially inward propagation is promoted through vorticity segregation. This provides a greater potential for these small-scale convective cells to self-organize into a mesoscale inner-core structure in the TC. In turn, convectively induced diabatic heating that is close to the center, along with higher inertial stability, efficiently enhances system-scale secondary circulation. This study provides a solid basis for further research into how the initial structure of a TC influences storm dynamics and thermodynamics.  相似文献   

A 2-km resolution simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Morrison microphysics was employed to investigate the rainwater microphysical properties during different stages of Typhoon Usagi(2013) in the inner-core and outer region. The model reproduced the track, intensity, and overall structure of Usagi(2013) reasonably. The simulated raindrop size distribution showed a rapid increase in small-size raindrop concentration but an oscillated decrease in large-size ones in the inner-core region, corresponding well with the upward motion. It was found that there existed two levels(1.25 and 5.25 km) of maximum number concentration of raindrops. The ice-related microphysics at high levels was stronger than the warm-rain processes at low levels. The larger raindrops formed by self-collection in the inner-core suffered from significant breakup, but the raindrops outside the eyewall did not experience evident breakup. Model results indicated that the dominant terms in the water vapor budget were the horizontal moisture flux convergence(HFC) and local condensation and deposition. The evaporation from the ocean surface(PBL) was ~10% of the HFC in the inner core, but up to 40% in the outer region as the air therein was far from saturation. Furthermore, water vapor in the outer region was obtained equally through evaporation from the cloud and inward transportation from the environment. An earlier start of cloud microphysical processes in the inner-core region was evident during the intensification stage, and the continuous decreasing of condensation in both the inner-core and outer regions might imply the beginning of the storm weakening.  相似文献   

利用NCEP的1°(纬度)×1°(经度)全球最终分析资料和JTWC(Joint Typhoon Warning Center)最佳路径资料,对2002~2011年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)非减弱阶段快速加强(Rapid Intensification,RI)和缓慢加强及强度稳定(Non-RI)过程中,TC环境场及其内部各区域水汽分布和输送特征进行统计分析,揭示水汽因子对TC随后24 h强度变化的影响,为TC强度突变的趋势预报提供依据。结果表明:对流层低层900 h Pa层半径3~10纬距区域平均相对湿度(RH_3-10)能明显区分RI与Non-RI过程,说明西北太平洋TC强度变化对水汽的敏感高度较大西洋更接近洋面;RI初始时刻的RH_3-10显著大于Non-RI,而水平水汽通量(F_all)则弱于Non-RI,说明RI开始时刻TC环境表现为高水汽含量和较小的水汽输送,而随着RI过程TC内强对流发展对水汽的消耗,水汽含量明显减小故水汽通量则出现增强;RI和Non-RI过程水汽因子的分布和输送在TC内核区和外雨带差异明显,初始时刻RI过程净水汽获得区域大于Non-RI。相关性分析同样表明,适宜的相对湿度和水汽通量是非减弱阶段RI的有效潜势预报因子。  相似文献   

基于中国台湾地区主持的侵台台风之飞机侦察及下投式探空仪观测实验(Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the Taiwan Region,DOTSTAR)获得的高分辨率下投式探空仪探测资料,分析了2003年9月—2012年8月所有发生在中国台湾地区附近海域的台风型大气波导事件,遴选出一次由0920号超强台风“卢碧”引起的强台风型海上大气波导过程作为研究对象。利用欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)再分析资料(水平分辨率0.125°×0.125°),对此次波导的生成原因进行了分析;基于WRF模式比较了不同初始化方法对台风强度、尺度和周围台风型大气波导的模拟能力。结果表明,此次强台风型大气波导发生在台风环流西北侧外围的弱下沉运动区,其形成与850 hPa高度附近北方强干空气平流导致湿度随高度锐减密切相关。在数值模拟中运用台风动力初始化方法,可以有效改进台风强度、路径和尺度的模拟效果,进而有利于改善台风型大气波导尤其是波导层所在高度的模拟效果。台风外围出现的大气波导通常以悬空波导为主,模拟效果与台风螺旋雨带和内核尺度的模拟关系密切,而与台风强度和眼墙结构关系不大。中尺度数值模式WRF具有模拟台风型大气波导的能力,是研究台风型大气波导的有力手段。   相似文献   

YI Bingqi 《大气科学进展》2010,27(5):1014-1024
The climatology of near-equatorial typhoons over the western-north Pacific are fully investigated using the JTWC (Joint Typhoon Warning Center) typhoon record from 1951 to 2006. The result shows that there are seasonal and decadal variations, as well as a distinctive spatial distribution, of such events. Among them, Typhoon Vamei is an example of a near-equatorial typhoon that occurred near Singapore in December of 2001. Using the WRF (Weather and Research Forecast) model, we attempt to find out how the well known ``wind surge" of this event contributes to the development of Typhoon Vamei. It is found that the strong wind surge not only helps to provide advection of positive vorticity to Vamei between 800 and 500 hPa, but also increases the convective instability of the lower troposphere, and thus helps to induce convective outbreaks and rapid intensification. Furthermore, sensitivity experiments show that terrain and the land-sea distribution have very limited effects on the formation of Typhoon Vamei in the simulation, but an adequate Coriolis parameter ($f)$ is still needed for the development of Vamei.  相似文献   

The impact of assimilating Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) radiance observations on the analyses and forecasts of Hurricane Maria (2011) and Typhoon Megi (2010) is assessed using Weather Research and Forecasting Data Assimilation (WRFDA). A cloud-detection scheme (McNally and Watts 2003) was implemented in WRFDA for cloud contamination detection for radiances measured by high spectral resolution infrared sounders. For both Hurricane Maria and Typhoon Megi, IASI radiances with channels around 15-μm CO2 band had consistent positive impact on the forecast skills for track, minimum sea level pressure, and maximum wind speed. For Typhoon Megi, the error reduction appeared to be more pronounced for track than for minimum sea level pressure and maximum wind. The sensitivity experiments with 6.7-μm H2O band were also conducted. The 6.7-μm band also had some positive impact on the track and minimum sea level pressure. The improvement for maximum wind speed forecasts from the 6.7-μm band was evident, especially for the first 42 h. The 15-μm band consistently improved specific humidity forecast and we found improved temperature and horizontal wind forecast on most levels. Generally, assimilating the 6.7-μm band degraded forecasts, likely indicating the inefficiency of the current WRF model and/or data assimilation system for assimilating these channels. IASI radiance assimilation apparently improved depiction of dynamic and thermodynamic vortex structures.  相似文献   

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