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利用中尺度大气模式AREM与国际上比较成熟的海浪模式WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ进行双向耦合,应用管道通信技术建立区域中尺度大气-海浪耦合模式预报系统,充分考虑中尺度海-气间的相互作用,即大气低层风场驱动海浪并影响海浪状态变化,海浪通过与波龄密切相关的海表粗糙度和海洋飞沫来改变海气间动量、感热和潜热交换从而实现对大气的反馈.文中利用该耦合预报系统对发生在东南沿海的"威马逊"台风过程进行数值试验,重点分析海表粗糙度和海洋飞沫两个耦合因子对台风数值预报的影响.主要结论是:在台风高海况下,海浪引起的海表粗糙度和海洋飞沫的增加对台风数值预报影响均较为显著.海表粗糙度加大了海气间动量通量(摩擦作用),其阻碍台风的发展,但对台风路径预报影响不大;海洋飞沫贡献的感热和潜热为台风发展提供能量,从而使台风强度增强,降水显著增加,并使台风路径预报更加接近实况;两者共同的作用,使台风强度增强,台风路径预报也更为合理.  相似文献   

关皓  周林  王汉杰  宋帅 《气象学报》2008,66(3):342-350
利用中尺度大气模式MM5(V3)和第3代海浪模式WWATCH建立考虑大气-海浪相互作用的风浪耦合模式.在耦合模式中引入考虑波浪影响的海表粗糙度参数化方案,大气模式分量提供海面10 m风场驱动海浪模式分量运行,并利用海浪模式分量反馈的波龄参数计算海表粗糙度.利用耦合模式模拟南海的一次台风过程,通过3组对比试验,检验耦合模式对台风过程的模拟效果并研究大气-海浪相互作用对台风过程的影响.结果表明:耦合模式能够较好地模拟南海的台风过程,与非耦合大气模式相比,其模拟的台风强度略有增强,路径变化不大;耦合模式对台风过程中海表热通量及降水影响显著,在台风充分发展过程中,耦合模式模拟的海表热通量增强,台风螺旋雨带上尤其是台风路径的右侧,耦合模式模拟的降水强于非耦合模式;耦合模式较好地模拟了台风过程海浪场的分布和演变,与非耦合模式相比,其模拟的海浪场增强,与实际更为接近;考虑了海表粗糙度对波浪的依赖关系后,海浪场同时影响海表的动力过程和热力过程,从本次个例看,在台风发展初期,海浪对海表动力作用影响显著,其反馈作用使台风系统减弱,但在台风充分发展后,耦合系统中海表热通量增加,热力作用显著增强,海浪的反馈作用有利于台风系统的发展和维持.  相似文献   

热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋的眼墙非对称结构与其发展过程密切相关。在热带气旋移动过程中,非对称风场伴随着边界层内非对称摩擦而引起的辐合,影响着热带气旋眼墙内的对流分布。此外,风垂直切变作为影响热带气旋强度的重要因子,将上层暖心吹离表层环流,引起眼墙垂直运动的非对称,导致云、降水在方位角方向的非均匀分布。当存在平均涡度的径向梯度时,罗斯贝类型的波动可以存在于涡旋内核区域,影响眼墙非对称结构。海洋为热带气旋提供潜热和感热形式的能量,是热带气旋发展的重要能量来源,关于海洋如何影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的相关研究较少。文中着重回顾了热带气旋与海洋相互作用的研究成果,并提出海洋影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的机制。海洋对热带气旋最显著的响应特征是冷尾效应,该效应通过降低海表温度,减少海洋向大气输送的潜热和感热,从而影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构。此外,海浪改变海表粗糙度,通过边界层影响移动热带气旋的眼墙结构。  相似文献   

海浪和海洋飞沫对“珊珊”台风影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘磊  费建芳  郑静  程小平 《气象学报》2011,69(4):693-705
台风是剧烈的天气系统,在开放的海上强风激起大浪,改变了海表粗糙度,同时,海浪顶端的白泡沫破碎,在海-气界面处会出现大量的海洋飞沫。基于共享内存的进程间通信技术应用到区域大气和海浪模式的耦合中,大气模式引入了Fairall和Andreas两种海洋飞沫参数化方案,对2006年珊珊台风进行了模拟对比试验,结果表明:耦合模式通过海-气相互作用,对台风的强度产生影响,由于耦合模式在海表粗糙度的计算上考虑了海表状况,使得耦合模式模拟的台风强度更接近实况,而对台风的移动路径影响不大;耦合模式中海-气相互作用主要通过动力因素来对台风产生影响,海表状况影响了海表粗糙度,从而使台风的动量输送发生变化,具体的台风强度增强还是减弱主要取决于海表状况与实况的符合程度;海洋飞沫参数化主要通过热力场的改变来影响动力场,Fairall方案中潜热通量和感热通量得到很大程度的加强,使得台风的热力结构得以改变,台风强度明显加强,从而影响了动力场结构;Andreas方案由于其界面通量算法在高相对湿度条件下计算界面通量时得到的量值较小,虽然高风速条件下感热通量加大,但总的潜热通量、感热通量较Fairall方案为弱,因此,模拟的台风强度不强;海洋飞沫参...  相似文献   

利用WRF(weather research and forecasting)模式模拟资料对2008年06号台风“风神”进行诊断分析,采用准地转PV-ω方程对台风外围中尺度对流系统较强的6月20日10时(世界时)的资料进行分析.通过PV-ω方程诊断了潜热、摩擦及干动力过程对台风次级环流的作用,结果显示潜热强迫产生的次级环流最强,摩擦强迫主要集中在边界层,而干动力过程则在台风中心附近产生影响.加入摩擦、潜热得到的准平衡流场能够描述70%左右的台风环流.环境垂直切变在台风中心附近强迫产生横向次级环流的垂直切变与环境垂直切变相反,次级环流会使得台风一侧的上升气流减弱而另一侧上升气流增强,从而使得台风不对称增强.同时,发现垂直切变可能在其最大垂直切变方向右侧激发台风外围中尺度系统.通过构造理想的准平衡的台风及叠加在其上的中尺度系统环流,选择不同的切变和环境平均气流,发现增大切变会使得强迫次级环流增强,而增大环境平均气流不一定能够使得强迫次级环流增大,反而可能使得强迫次级环流减弱.通过诊断发现由切变强迫次级环流造成的中尺度对流系统上方扰动可能是中尺度对流系统持续存在的原因.  相似文献   

薛霖  李英 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1107-1116
台风Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中迅速加强,登陆时达到其最大强度。利用中国气象局上海台风研究所最佳路径资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°资料及中尺度数值模式WRF,诊断分析台湾地形诱生的中尺度系统对台风Meranti迅速加强的影响。研究发现,Meranti在进入海峡过程中,台湾地形在台湾海峡内诱生出中尺度涡旋,激发中尺度扰动波列,加强台风环流内的垂直运动。台风水汽、热量的收支诊断表明,强烈的上升运动使热量和水汽向上输送,加强台风内的积云对流和潜热释放,使其强度增强。计算台湾地形诱生中尺度系统与台风间的动能交换发现,中尺度系统通过加强垂直运动向台风中高层输送涡动动能,使中尺度系统动能向台风动能转换,为Meranti的迅速加强提供能源。敏感性试验表明,如果台湾地形不存在,中尺度系统消失,台风的水汽、热量的向上输送和积云对流明显减弱,Meranti则不能达到迅速加强标准。  相似文献   

李青青  周立  范轶 《气象学报》2009,67(5):787-798
通过对2004年云娜台风高分辨率模拟结果的分析,发现在环境垂直风切变不是单一方向情况下,中尺度涡旋只在对流层低层的眼壁区域形成.这些涡旋中有的伴随气旋环流是闭合的,有的则为非闭合;并且有的伴随着小尺度对流上升运动,而有的则没有.进一步分析发现当环境入流与涡旋的出流相遇产生辐合时,或者入流受涡旋本身阻挡产生辐合时,小尺度对流上升运动随即发生.中尺度涡旋伴随着对流上升活动在眼壁中沿气旋方向移动,表现出涡旋Rossby波特征,当移动至垂直风切变矢量下风向时对流加强,加强的上升气流通过拉伸涡管使得相麻的涡旋环流也加强,通常对流在移向垂直风切变矢量上风向时逐渐减弱.反观在眼壁区域的对流层中上层,没有明显的中尺度涡旋活动,强对流活动主要集中在眼壁东南侧,并且强上升运动也呈现小尺度特征.眼壁区域中速度大于1 m/s的上升运动仪占14%,大于2 m/s的则小于7%,但速度超过1 m/s的向上的质量通量约占整个上升运动的30%,表明尽管这些小尺度强对流运动所占空间比例较小,却在眼壁质量输送中起着重要作用.另外,这些强上升运动核表现出正的浮力特征,大值浮力分布与上升运动核位置一致的特征也进一步说明眼壁中大量的垂直质量通量输送与只占很小范围的小尺度上升运动有关.  相似文献   

在不同的环境风场作用下台风移动路径出现差异,导致海洋冷尾流呈现不同的响应特征,从而对台风强度产生影响。利用海气耦合模式进行理想试验,模拟研究了在均匀的东、西风场条件下冷尾流的响应特征,以分析台风强度出现差异的原因。研究结果表明,在均匀的东风环境场与β效应的共同作用下,台风路径呈西北方向移动,冷尾流沿台风路径呈非对称分布,右侧降温幅度大于左侧,并持续影响台风内核海气界面热通量的输送。而均匀的西风环境场抵御了部分β效应,使得台风东移北抬,当强度增强到一定程度后向西北方向移动,最大幅度的冷尾流出现在台风南侧,眼区热通量的输送受冷尾流影响较小。另外,在台风快速加强阶段,眼区范围内的潜热通量输送对台风加强更为关键。   相似文献   

登陆台风环流内的一次中尺度强对流过程   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2005年05号台风“海棠”登陆福建后,在外围云系里有1个明显发展的中尺度对流云团经过温州东部及北部地区,引起了强降水。通过分析这次中尺度对流系统的环流形势,得到该次中尺度对流系统的垂直结构特征,并对中尺度强对流系统的形成和发展机制进行研究。结果表明:台风东南急流在温州附近冷区边缘处低层受地形影响发生强烈辐合引起的垂直上升运动和冷暖空气相汇产生的对流不稳定性是台风环流内中尺度对流系统的主要形成机制;对流系统在暖湿空气和冷空气中心交汇处发展,西北侧的冷空气堆迫使暖湿东南气流沿西北倾斜的等熵面爬升,有利于倾斜对流系统的发展;低层条件不稳定区与中层条件对称不稳定区叠加,产生对流对称不稳定,在湿等熵面倾斜引起的涡旋发展的强迫机制下在中层产生范围较广的倾斜上升对流;由于等熵面的倾斜,大气水平风垂直切变或湿斜压性增加,进一步加强涡度的发展,使得对流系统向西北方向发展;另外,源于东南沿海,由台风东南气流输送的水汽为特大暴雨的产生提供了有利的热力条件。  相似文献   

引发暴雨天气的中尺度低涡的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年7月17—19日发生在山东的大到暴雨天气是由“海鸥”台风和副热带高压共同向山东输送水汽,与弱冷空气相互作用造成的。对流层低层的中尺度低涡是暴雨天气的直接制造者。利用常规观测资料和中尺度模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)的模拟资料对该中尺度低涡的结构及形成机制进行了分析研究。结果表明,数值模拟可以清楚地捕捉到中尺度低涡东移过程中有新的涡旋中心形成,并与原来的涡旋中心合并的过程,而不是简单的沿切变线东移。中尺度低涡形成在增温增湿明显、上升运动为主的对流区内;中尺度低涡形成后其中心转为下沉运动,对流区东移,降水区位于低涡的东北和东南象限。中尺度低涡上空近地面层的冷池、600~400hPa的弱冷空气堆、900~850hPa的弱风区及高低空急流耦合发展是中尺度低涡形成和发展阶段的重要特征。中尺度低涡减弱阶段,下沉运动变强,低空急流和高空出流都明显减弱。涡度方程的收支表明,对流层低层的散度项、倾侧项及对流层中层的水平平流项和铅直输送项是正涡度的主要贡献者。中低层的水平辐合、涡度由低层向高层的垂直输送都有利于中尺度低涡的形成和发展。倾侧项对中尺度低涡的形成也有重要贡献。中尺度低涡形成后期,低层辐合、高层辐散及垂直输送的减弱导致正涡度制造的减弱,从而使中尺度低涡减弱。  相似文献   

Super Typhoon Haiyan (1330), which occurred in 2013, is the most powerful typhoon during landfall in the meteorological record. In this study, the temporal and spatial distributions of lightning activity of Haiyan were analyzed by using the lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network, typhoon intensity and position data from the China Meteorological Administration, and horizontal wind data from the ECMWF. Three distinct regions were identified in the spatial distribution of daily average lightning density, with the maxima in the inner core and the minima in the inner rainband. The lightning density in the intensifying stage of Haiyan was greater than that in its weakening stage. During the time when the typhoon intensity measured with maximum sustained wind speed was between 32.7 and 41.4 ms?1, the storm had the largest lightning density in the inner core, compared with other intensity stages. In contrast to earlier typhoon studies, the eyewall lightning burst out three times. The first two eyewall lightning outbreaks occurred during the period of rapid intensification and before the maximum intensity of the storm, suggesting that the eyewall lightning activity could be used to identify the change in tropical cyclone intensity. The flashes frequently occurred in the inner core, and in the outer rainbands with the black body temperature below 220 K. Combined with the ECMWF wind data, the influences of vertical wind shear (VWS) on the azimuthal distribution of flashes were also analyzed, showing that strong VWS produced downshear left asymmetry of lightning activity in the inner core and downshear right asymmetry in the rainbands.  相似文献   

热带气旋过程中海-气界面热量交换   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为探索热带气旋与海洋相互作用,采用国家海洋局南海分局Marex(马瑞克斯)数据浮标实测资料,计算了1986年南海的7个热带气旋海气界面热量交换值.结果表明:热带气旋海气界面热量交换强烈,主要贡献来自潜热通量;热带气旋环流内水温、气温均是下降趋势,气温下降更为明显;夏季热带气旋环流内,感热通量会出现负值,海面有效反射辐射通量出现减弱现象;秋季热带气旋环流内,感热通量和海面有效反射辐射通量显著加强;在热带气旋环流内,海面吸收的短波辐射通量均出现减弱现象;热带气旋环流内受到冷空气影响时,感热变得相当重要,热带气旋表现为对海洋的响应为主.  相似文献   

Super Typhoon Haiyan(1330), which occurred in 2013, is the most powerful typhoon during landfall in the meteorological record. In this study, the temporal and spatial distributions of lightning activity of Haiyan were analyzed by using the lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network,typhoon intensity and position data from the China Meteorological Administration, and horizontal wind data from the ECMWF. Three distinct regions were identified in the spatial distribution of daily average lightning density, with the maxima in the inner core and the minima in the inner rainband. The lightning density in the intensifying stage of Haiyan was greater than that in its weakening stage. During the time when the typhoon intensity measured with maximum sustained wind speed was between 32.7 and 41.4 m s-1, the storm had the largest lightning density in the inner core, compared with other intensity stages.In contrast to earlier typhoon studies, the eyewall lightning burst out three times. The first two eyewall lightning outbreaks occurred during the period of rapid intensification and before the maximum intensity of the storm, suggesting that the eyewall lightning activity could be used to identify the change in tropical cyclone intensity. The flashes frequently occurred in the inner core, and in the outer rainbands with the black body temperature below 220 K. Combined with the ECMWF wind data, the influences of vertical wind shear(VWS) on the azimuthal distribution of flashes were also analyzed, showing that strong VWS produced downshear left asymmetry of lightning activity in the inner core and downshear right asymmetry in the rainbands.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensity and rainfall asymmetries in Tropical Storm(TS)Bilis(2006)have been analyzed based on TRMM/TMI-estimated surface rainfall data,QuikSCAT wind fields,850-and 200-hPa winds of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis,precipitation data at 5-min intervals from automatic weather stations over mainland China,and the best track data of TS Bilis(2006). The results show that the simultaneous and 6-hour-lagged correlation coeffcients between VWS and storm intensity(the minimum central sea level pressure)are 0.59145 and 0.57438(P0.01),respectively.The averaged VWS was found to be about 11 m s-1 and thus suppressed the intensification of Bilis(2006). Distribution of precipitation in Bilis(2006)was highly asymmetric.The azimuthally-averaged rainfall rate in the partial eyewall,however,was smaller than that in a major outer rainband.As the storm intensified,the major rainband showed an unusual outward propagation.The VWS had a great impact on the asymmetric distribution of precipitation.Consistent with previous modeling studies,heavy rainfall generally occurred downshear to downshear-left of the VWS vector both near and outside the eyewall,showing a strong wavenumber-one asymmetry,which was amplified as the VWS increased.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Air-sea interaction plays an important role in theglobal seasonal to inter-annual climate variability,most notably, the El Ni?no and Southern Oscillation(ENSO) phenomenon (Webster and Lukas, 1992). Be-cause of its widespread impacts on …  相似文献   

Summary A series of numerical experiments on an f plane are conducted using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model, version 3 (MM5) to investigate how environmental vertical wind shear affects the motion, structure, and intensity of a tropical cyclone. The results show that a tropical cyclone has a motion component perpendicular to the vertical shear vector, first to the right of the shear and then to the left. An initially axisymmetric, upright tropical cyclone vortex develops a downshear tilt and wavenumber-one asymmetry when embedded in environmental vertical wind shear. In both small-moderate shears, a storm weakens slightly compared to that in a quiescent environment. The circulation centers between 300 hPa and the surface varies from 20 km to over 80 km. The secondary circulation becomes quite asymmetric about the surface cyclone center. As a result, convection on the upshear-right quadrant diminishes, limiting the upward heat transport in the eyewall and thus lowering the warm core and leading to a weakening of the storm. In strong vertical shear (above 12 m s−1), the vertical tilt exceeds 160 km in 48 h of simulation and the secondary circulation on the upshear side is completely destroyed with low-level outflow. The axisymmetric component of eyewall convection weakens remarkably and becomes much less penetrative. As a result, the warm core becomes weak and appears at lower levels and the storm weakens rapidly accordingly. This up-down weakening mechanism discussed in this study is different from those previously discussed. It emphasizes the penetrative role of eyewall convection in transporting heat from the ocean to the mid-upper troposphere, maintaining the warm core structure of the tropical cyclone. The vertical shear is found negative to eyewall penetrative convection.  相似文献   

A new mesoscale air-sea coupled model (WRF- OMLM-Noh) was constructed based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and an improved Mellor-Yamada ocean mixed-layer model from Noh and Kim (OMLM-Noh). Through off-line tests and a simulation of a real typhoon, the authors compared the performance of the WRF-OMLM-Noh with another existing ocean mixed-layer coupled model (WRF-OMLM-Pollard). In the off-line tests with Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Program’s Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE) observational data, the results show that OMLM-Noh is better able to simulate sea surface temperature (SST) variational trends than OMLM -Pollard. Moreover, OMLM-Noh can sufficiently reproduce the diurnal cycle of SST. Regarding the typhoon case study, SST cooling due to wind-driven ocean mixing is underestimated in WRF-OMLM-Pollard, which artificially increases the intensity of the typhoon due to more simulated air-sea heat fluxes. Compared to the WRF- OMLM-Pollard, the performance of WRF-OMLM-Noh is superior in terms of both the spatial distribution and temporal variation of SST and air-sea heat fluxes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate air-sea interactions during the life cycle of typhoons and the quantificational effects of typhoon-induced SST cooling on typhoon intensity, a mesoscale coupled air-sea model is developed based on the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 and the regional ocean model POM, which is used to simulate the life cycle of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a tropical depression to a typhoon followed by a steady weakening. The results show that improved intensity prediction is achieved after considering typhoon-induced SST cooling; the trend of the typhoon intensity change simulated by the coupled model is consistent with observations. The weakening stage of Typhoon Chanchu from 1200 UTC 15 May to 1800 UTC 16 May can be well reproduced, and it is the typhoon-induced SST cooling that makes Chanchu weaken during this period. Analysis reveals that the typhoon-induced SST cooling reduces the sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the typhoon's vortex, especially in the inner-core region. In this study, the average total heat flux in the inner-core region of the typhoon decrease by 57.2%, whereas typhoon intensity weakens by 46%. It is shown that incorporation of the typhoon-induced cooling, with an average value of 2.17℃, causes a 46-hPa weakening of the typhoon, which is about 20 hPa per 1℃ change in SST.  相似文献   

通过引人中尺度对流运动对海表湍流通量的贡献,改进了大气环流模式GAMIL1.0的海气湍流通量参数化方案.利用1979年1月至2000年12月的观测海温资料驱动GAMIL1.0模式,研究了海气湍流通量参数化改进对大气环流年际变化模拟效果的影响.结果表明:采用改进的海气湍流通量参数化方案,模拟的热带海表湍流热通量得到增强,...  相似文献   

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