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Postsecular geographies seek to examine how place is linked with identity and how religious identities in turn can be accommodated in public space. Postsecular practices in urban contexts have been researched extensively, but they do not always fully engage with a relational approach to place‐making. This paper argues that through the place‐making practices seen at Virgin Mary statues in Dublin city, Ireland, a relational approach to examining postsecular practices and representations provides a more productive way to understand how the secular and the religious coexist in cities. The paper uses archival and contemporary data gathered from a sample of Marian statues in Dublin city to locate the relational geographies of the religious and the secular. By focussing on the ways that the statues remain uncontested within a changing urban landscape, the paper re‐examines the political significance of religious place‐making practices. It concludes that if geographies of religion in the postsecular city are to have a broader relevance to geography, they need a relational approach to place‐making.  相似文献   

试论宗教与地理学   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
李悦铮 《地理研究》1990,9(3):71-79
宗教地理学是人文地理学的一个分支,国外早已进行了这方面的研究,我国这方面的研究刚起步。作者试图从宗教与地理之间的关系进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

"This paper analyses population change in the Belfast Urban Area (BUA) [of Northern Ireland] between 1971 and 1991 in its socio-economic context to understand the nature of urban social change. Although considering religious factors as a cause of population change, the research compares the BUA with other urban areas and relates developments in Belfast to some literature on sociospatial polarisation and the ?underclass'.... The results suggest that population change is not driven by explicitly religious factors, the relationship between religion and socio-economic well-being has changed, and that changes in religious mixing and segregation occur in many contexts. The BUA is like other urban areas, albeit with unique features arising from the influence of religion."  相似文献   

全球化语境主导的城市研究中,多样和异质的宗教既是文化流动的重要构成,也是表征移民身份和理解其日常行为实践的重要维度。论文回顾了近30 a来宗教地理视角下对于西方城市空间研究的主要成果,从宗教空间和宗教信仰群体的行为实践2个方面梳理宗教嵌入城市空间的主要方式、过程及其对城市空间的影响,总结出了以下4个方面的主要研究内容:① 多种宗教场所在城市中不断涌现,其空间特征发生多样化变迁;② 功能多样的宗教公共服务设施在公共空间中的作用日趋重要;③ 宗教信仰群体的居住社区显现出明显的空间特征;④宗教信仰群体通过具体的行为表征身份和认同。此外,多元文化共存的语境下的宗教更被视为引发空间争议的新来源,成为分析城市社会关系的重要依据。学者们认为在多元文化主义的西方社会,异质宗教的本地嵌入过程使原本“隐匿的”宗教场所逐渐浮现成为城市中“可见的”空间。这种异质宗教在城市中的视觉表征不仅改变了原有的城市空间秩序,也对社会关系提出新的挑战,成为了引发广泛争议的新来源。然而, 国内人文地理学研究目前对上述话题鲜有涉及,期望本文所提供的西方研究进展对社会文化视角下理解中国城市全球化进程及其中的多元文化治理有所启示。  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers the relationship between the Irish language and ethnic identities in Northern Ireland. It suggests that the language is more than a relic feature of the cultural landscape, that it transcends traditional religious and political divisions, and is a vital component of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. However, it is a shared inheritance that needs careful nurturing, through a more comprehensive and integrated approach to language planning and policy formulation.  相似文献   

Principal components analysis (PCA) is a widely used technique in the social and physical sciences. However in spatial applications, standard PCA is frequently applied without any adaptation that accounts for important spatial effects. Such a naive application can be problematic as such effects often provide a more complete understanding of a given process. In this respect, standard PCA can be (a) replaced with a geographically weighted PCA (GWPCA), when we want to account for a certain spatial heterogeneity; (b) adapted to account for spatial autocorrelation in the spatial process; or (c) adapted with a specification that represents a mixture of both (a) and (b). In this article, we focus on implementation issues concerning the calibration, testing, interpretation and visualisation of the location-specific principal components from GWPCA. Here we initially consider the basics of (global) principal components, then consider the development of a locally weighted PCA (for the exploration of local subsets in attribute-space) and finally GWPCA. As an illustration of the use of GWPCA (with respect to the implementation issues we investigate), we apply this technique to a study of social structure in Greater Dublin, Ireland.  相似文献   

采用动态、辩证的观点对宗教空间进行了重新审视,通过女性穆斯林在广州先贤清真寺的空间实践,说明宗教空间不仅是被宗教经典和历史定义的神圣空间,也是穆斯林群体经由自身丰富的实践活动所不断进行意义再生产的日常生活空间。广州先贤清真寺的女性穆斯林移民群体在全球化的多元氛围中突破了原先家长制的宗教教育体制,转而从公共宗教生活中认知宗教,形成更加包容、进步的宗教观念,增加了自身的族群认同。另一方面,基于女性宗教空间开展的日常生活实践,则不仅为女性穆斯林群体融入新的城市生活提供了丰富的社会资本,更让一部分女性穆斯林成为全球贸易中的参与者。这些都有助于城市中女性穆斯林群体社会地位的提升。  相似文献   

This paper explores the usefulness of a biographical approach in studying Irish rural youth migration. There have been calls recently for an approach to migration study that involves conceptualizing migration as part of individual biographies as well as social structures. However, there is little research that explicitly adopts a biographical approach. This paper presents the theoretical underpinnings, methodological issues and findings of a recent study that was guided by the principles of a biographical approach to migration. The study was an exploration of life-path formation among Irish rural youth from the 1970s to the 1990s. The paper focuses on the three key elements of a biographical approach to migration, and relates them to Irish rural youth migration. Firstly, migration is considered as part of an individual's biography, and the methodological implications of this are explored. Secondly, it is argued, drawing on the research in Ireland, that migration decision-making is a multilayered process. In the case of Irish rural youth migration, a biographical approach highlights the complexity of migration decision-making, revealing the tensions and struggles that lie behind each move, and thus raises questions over the tendency towards simplification of the migration process. Finally, it is argued that migration is a cultural phenomenon, but that this assertion needs careful qualification. This paper problematizes the role of culture in migration processes by untangling the systems of competing discourses of migration that underlie societal norms regarding migration, thereby challenging the view of migration as "normal" for particular societies or cultures.  相似文献   

In the Philippines, a Catholic social movement for local development and broad structural transformation, referred to as Basic Ecclesial Communities, offers a counter‐narrative to state development. Predicated on the power of networked local groups, the Diocese of San Carlos has taken the original concept and rescaled it, operating a variety of social‐action programmes at the diocese level. The focus of this paper is a unique partnership between the diocese and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which has produced a number of measurable positive changes in under‐serviced areas. We remain uncertain, however, about the extent to which the church is cooperating with, or being co‐opted by, the military as it enters into partnership, and many members of the clergy share our scepticism. In this paper we draw upon Gramsci's concept of passive revolution (1971) as a means to conceptualize both the efforts of the church to reform society from within, and the reaffirmation of the hegemonic discourse that seems inevitable.  相似文献   

黄嘉玲  何深静 《热带地理》2014,34(3):308-318
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of whether there is an alternative to asking a direct religious question in the 2001 Census through a systematic review of alternative methods of quantifying religious populations. After establishing the limited availability of direct information on religion, the paper considers the application of an inferential method for estimating religious populations based on data from the 1994 Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities (NSEM). Except for the monoreligious Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations, evidence of substantial spatial variation in the association between ethnicity and religion severely limits application of the method below national level. Using the religiously diverse Indian population of outer London as a case study, the NSEM is investigated to see whether the incorporation of other ?predictors? of religion as weighting variables improves sensitivity of the method to this variation. In a second method, logistic regression is employed to develop predictive models of religious affiliation for application to census microdata. Based on these two applications, it was concluded that very little of the variation in the religious geography of Indians in outer London can be inferred from measured characteristics in the census. However, this does not necessarily imply support for inclusion of a religion question in the 2001 Census. It was suggested that it may be more appropriate and cost effective to define and solve the need for data locally.  相似文献   

Academic study of the relationships between geography and religion constitutes a long‐established subfield of cultural geography. The tradition is particularly strong in the United States where the seminal work of the Berkeley School stimulated a wealth of research on mapping the religious landscapes of North America. Religion has received far less attention within British human geography, due, in part, to the marginal position of religion within cultural geography and, in particular, to the absence of reliable, comprehensive data on religious affiliation. The present research overcomes these ideological and methodological obstacles to advance knowledge of the geography of religion in the United Kingdom. Employing data from the latest Census of Population, embedded within an established tradition of mapping geographies of religion, the research provides detailed analysis of the geography of religious affiliation in Scotland at the advent of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

古人对于环保问题十分重视,这在宗教方面表现为,宗教教义及宗教思想中有不少相关的论述:《圣经》中有着朦胧的环境保护意识;道教经典《太平经》中有具有拟人化特征的环保思想;佛教对于人与自然的关系也具有一定深度的认识。宗教环保思想的历史渊源可以上溯至宗教的起始阶段——原始宗教时期,早在原始宗教中就已经存在自然崇拜、动植物崇拜。通过对于宗教的四要素中的核心要素——宗教教义要素所赖以产生的现实基础的剖析可以看出,这些环保思想和崇拜行为是与当时的社会生产力发展水平、科学发展水平、人类的认识能力,尤其是人类生存和发展对于自然物的依赖等因素有密切关系。  相似文献   

钟业喜  鲍曙明 《热带地理》2014,34(5):591-598
基于中国宗教场所数据,以市为研究单元,以佛教、道教、伊斯兰教和基督教为研究对象,应用数理统计和空间分析相结合的方法,剖析了以宗教场所为代表的中国宗教版图分布的时空变化,揭示了中国主要宗教的分布规律及发展趋势。结果表明:建国后特别是改革开放以来,中国宗教得到了长足发展;中国宗教场所发展不平衡,不同宗教间、不同区域间发展差异较大;不同宗教采取的扩张模式和扩张策略有所不同,主导了宗教空间格局的时空演化,优势宗教区域空间格局变化明显;汉族地区和少数民族地区形成了不同的宗教景观;不同宗教存在过度集聚和急剧扩张现象;不同区域的不同宗教亦呈现了不同的发展模式。  相似文献   

新文化地理学视角下的国外宗教地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在文化全球化大背景下,宗教地理研究具有越来越重要的现实意义。国外宗教地理学研究在新文化地理学思潮的影响下,促生出许多新的议题和研究方向。本文依循于人文地理学中地方、景观、现代性和尺度这4 个重要概念,梳理了国外近10 年宗教地理学研究的新进展。发现其研究议题主要集中于日益重视对“非正式神圣”场所的探讨;基于人本主义研究范式下的神圣地依恋研究;随着跨国主义兴起的宗教移民身份和认同研究;宗教文化景观所暗含的政治和象征性意义的解读;宗教的多尺度分析,以及神圣与世俗间的互动分析等等。在总结国外宗教地理研究的新态势的基础上,对宗教的定义、宗教地理学与宗教性地理学的辩证关系、宗教地理学的研究趋势等进行了探讨和反思,以期为中国包括民间信仰在内的广义宗教地理的本土研究提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

试论德宏宗教文化旅游开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教文化既是人类文化的重要组成部分,又是旅游资源的重要组成部分,无论古今中外,人文旅游景观中的宗教文化内容都是游客为之注目的亮点。在新阶段,德宏州的旅游业要得到较大发展,就不能忽视宗教文化对旅游业的影响。在挖掘德宏州宗教文化旅游资源的基础上,初步探讨如何对德宏州宗教文化旅游资源进行开发利用的问题,对旅游业的发展具有重要的意义;而旅游业的发展,也有利于宗教文化的继承、传播、交流和研究,从而提出了建设德宏孔雀湖宗教园,将宗教文化打造为德宏旅游特有的一张名片。  相似文献   

刘爱利  涂琼华  刘敏  刘福承 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1781-1794
遗产地旅游开发中的商业化现象越来越普遍,成为遗产保护与旅游实践中亟待解决的关键问题。尤其是具有特殊文化意义的宗教型遗产地,其旅游开发的商业化既影响了遗产资源的保护与可持续发展,也对游客的旅游体验产生了消极影响。在对相关研究进行总结回顾的基础上,选取嵩山少林寺为典型案例,从商业化阶段、产业链形态、旅游景观变迁、旅游世俗化影响等方面,对商业化的演化过程进行刻画与解读;通过利益相关者的视角,对商业化的形成机制进行分析和总结。提出的旅游商业化演化过程和形成机制的研究视角,对客观认知中国宗教型遗产地的商业化开发状态,指导宗教型遗产地的可持续发展,具有重要的现实作用。  相似文献   

This article combines geographical studies of both the Internet and religion in an analysis of where and how a variety of religious practices are represented in geotagged Web content. This method provides needed insight into the geography of virtual expressions of religion and highlights the mutually constitutive, and at times contradictory, relationship between the virtual and material dimensions of religious expression. By using the spatialities of religious practice and contestation as an example, this article argues that mappings of virtual representations of material practices are important tools for understanding how online activities simultaneously represent and reproduce the material world.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect accessibility has on General Practitioner (GP) utilisation rates at the sub-national level for Ireland. Specifically, the aim of this paper is to estimate whether there is an urban–rural differential in GP utilisation rates. We do this by simulating micro-level healthcare data. Using this synthetic data, simple logit models are employed to estimate the likelihood that individuals in different jurisdictions will attend a GP surgery. These individual logit estimates are then inputted into a spatial interaction model to highlight areas with low GP accessibility given their health status. The policy implications of these results are discussed in relation to both the healthcare literature and current Irish healthcare policy.  相似文献   

Drawing on a pragmatic approach, this paper provides an analysis of government support for organic farming in Ireland. Varying levels of encouragement and programmes are provided to farmers in their conversion from conventional to organic production, and in their maintenance of organic production. As support policies vary across regions and are linked to European Union legislation, it is challenging to document the many types of support in place. This paper investigates relevant technical, financial, and policy support available to organic farmers in Ireland. As an exploratory study, it develops an assessment of Ireland within eight key categories of organic agricultural support: policy, leadership, technical support, financial support, research, education and information, marketing and promotion, and future outlook. Information and data from the Irish Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (DAFF), the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc), and other government and semi-governmental agencies were utilized to assess the level of support in each category. This assessment provides key findings which will allow policymakers, organizations and citizens to better understand the current situation and set a path for the future development of organic farming in Ireland.  相似文献   

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