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Ecohydrology of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: A Review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) are ecosystems that must have access to groundwater to maintain their ecological structure and function. In other words, the vegetation dynamics moisture dynamics, and water-salt balance in GDEs are significantly affected by and directly related to the groundwater. This work reviews the most recent research advances in the ecohydrology of GDEs from: ①the interactions between groundwater and vegetation, ②the interactions between groundwater and soil moisture dynamics in the vadose zone, the interactions between ground and ③surface-water systems, ④the interactions between groundwater and salt accumulation dynamics, ⑤the responses of GDEs to climate changes and human disturbances, and ⑥the ecohydrological modeling works toward sustainable management of GDEs. It is pointed out that several issues need to be taken into account in the managements of GDEs, i.e., how does the vegetation of GDEs response to fluctuations and decreases in the groundwater level, whether there is a catastrophic loss of the functions of GDEs, and what is the threshold value below which such a catastrophe may occur. The key to solving those issues lies in how to delineate the different ecohydrological processes occurred in the soil medium from the top of the ground surface to the water table. Therefore, observation and modeling efforts are needed and will be important research priorities in the future, especially for GDEs in arid environments. We also argued that four more difficulties should be addressed towards sustainable management of GDEs in future: ①how to identify GDEs in the field, and determine which habitats and species are reliant on groundwater for their persistence in the landscape, ②what groundwater regime is required to sustain the existence of GDEs, ③how to manage GDEs with limited social resources, and ④what measures of ecosystem function can be monitored to determine that management is effective?  相似文献   

Compensation pumping is used to alleviate deficiencies in streamflow discharge during dry seasons. Short-term groundwater pumping can use aquifer storage instead of catchment-zone water until the drawdown reaches the edge of the stream. The capacitance is a complex, dimensionless parameter of an aquifer system that defines the delayed effect on streamflow when there is groundwater pumping. This parameter is a function of aquifer hydraulic characteristics, pumping time, and distance between the well and stream edge; the latter can involve stream leakance and vertical leakance of an associated aquitard. Three typical hydraulic cases of combined water systems (major catchment-zone wells close to the stream and compensation pumping wells) were classified depending on their capacitance structure (i.e. the relationship between surface water and groundwater): (1) perfect hydraulic connection between the stream and aquifer; (2) imperfect hydraulic connection between the stream and aquifer; and (3) essentially imperfect hydraulic connection between the stream and the underlying confined aquifer. The impact of various hydraulic characteristics and engineering factors on stream depletion was examined by conceptual and numerical modeling. To predict the suitability and efficiency of a combined water system application, regression tests were undertaken on unit stream depletion and capacitance, and power dependencies were defined.  相似文献   


The Kosi Fan region of India and Nepal hosts a productive aquifer system. Regional hydrology is highly seasonal, and both groundwater and surface water are used for irrigation. Groundwater depletion is not currently occurring, but there is concern that plans to increase groundwater irrigation will reduce river baseflow, potentially affecting downstream water users. This study presents a model-based analysis of the impacts of groundwater withdrawal on dry-period streamflow and evaluation of management alternatives. A sensitivity analysis was performed in which a range of model parameters were tested around a best-estimate, base-case scenario. A high-reduction scenario was then developed which combined the factors that produced the greatest pumping-induced reduction in dry-season baseflow. Management strategies for 2.5, 5, and 10-km no-pumping buffers around the rivers were tested for the base-case and high-reduction scenarios. Simulations show that groundwater withdrawal equivalent to 30% and 60% of dry-season streamflow for the Kosi and Mahananda rivers, respectively, reduces the current dry-season flow by less than 4%. In the base-case scenario, simulated dry-season baseflow reduction is 1.8% and 2.6% for the rivers, respectively; these reduce to ~1% with a 2.5-km buffer zone. For the high-reduction scenario, dry-season baseflow reductions are 4.7% and 7.0% with no buffer; these reduce to 1.3% and 0.9% with a 5-km buffer for the Kosi and Mahananda rivers, respectively. The small reductions in baseflow relative to the total amount of pumping are due to a pumping-induced increase in rainfall recharge, thus the effects of additional pumping are mitigated.


The vadose zone is the zone in between the land surface and above the groundwater table at vertical profile with partial water saturation and under the unsaturation condition, which constitutes the connections among atmospheric water, surface water and groundwater. Soil moisture migration in the vadose zone is a rather complicate process, which controls the rates of groundwater depletion and recharge, and has close hydraulic connections with highly frequent water transfers on the interfaces among the irrigation farmland, sand dunes, wetlands, lakes, and other landscape types. Recent development on soil moisture migration simulations and the application of tracer techniques, geophysical techniques and other geological methods in the vadose zone research, the factors affecting soil moisture migration and groundwater recharge,and soil moisture migration effects on moisture exchange between different landscapes were reviewed in this paper. Several suggestions on the future research were presented here: ① An intense field observation and research database should be initiated and constructed to determine the soil hydraulic parameters, and quantify the influence of moisture migration in vadose zone on the groundwater recharge; ② The proposed observations and researches should learn from the “Critical Zone Observatory”, and focus on the coupling of the soil moisture migration, solute transport and groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Finding the location of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) is important in determining the extent of restrictions that need to be placed upon the abstraction of groundwater. Remote sensing was combined with geographical information system (GIS) modelling to produce a GDE probability rating map for the Sandveld region, South Africa. Landsat TM imagery identified the areas indicating the probable presence of GDEs and GIS assisted in their delineation. Three GIS models were generated: a GIS model predicting landscape wetness potential (LWP model) based on terrain morphological features; the LWP model was modified to highlight groundwater generated landscape wetness potential (the resulting GglWP model); and a groundwater elevation model was interpolated, combining groundwater level measurements in boreholes in the region with digital elevation model data. Biomass indicators generated from Landsat were classified and combined with the GIS models, followed by field verification of riverine and wetland GDEs. The LWP model provided the most accurate results of the three models tested for GDEs in this region.
Zahn MünchEmail:

Aquifers provide water, nutrients and energy with various patterns for many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are increasingly recognized for their ecological and socio-economic values. The current knowledge of the processes governing the ecohydrological functioning of inland GDEs is reviewed, in order to assess the key drivers constraining their viability. These processes occur both at the watershed and emergence scale. Recharge patterns, geomorphology, internal geometry and geochemistry of aquifers control water availability and nutritive status of groundwater. The interface structure between the groundwater system and the biocenoses may modify the groundwater features by physicochemical or biological processes, for which biocenoses need to adapt. Four major types of aquifer-GDE interface have been described: springs, surface waters, peatlands and terrestrial ecosystems. The ecological roles of groundwater are conditioned by morphological characteristics for spring GDEs, by the hyporheic zone structure for surface waters, by the organic soil structure and volume for peatland GDEs, and by water-table fluctuation and surface floods in terrestrial GDEs. Based on these considerations, an ecohydrological classification system for GDEs is proposed and applied to Central and Western-Central Europe, as a basis for modeling approaches for GDEs and as a tool for groundwater and landscape management.  相似文献   

A three-dimension flow model based on the hydrogeological conditions within the influent zone of the Yellow River in Henan Province, Yuanyang, China, was set up using FEFLOW. The interaction of the Yellow River and the groundwater was simulated under various pumping scenarios. For the planned water supply area, simulation results indicate that, within 10 years’ pumping at a rate of 4.86′108m3/a, the shallow groundwater flow and infiltration from Yellow River will be stabilized . After 10 years pumping, the infiltration will increase to 3.22′108m3/a ?and take approximately 70% of the pumping water.  相似文献   

A three dimensional steady-state finite difference groundwater flow model is used to quantify the groundwater fluxes and analyze the subsurface hydrodynamics in the Akaki catchment by giving particular emphasis to the well field that supplies water to the city of Addis Ababa. The area is characterized by Tertiary volcanics covered with thick residual and alluvial soils. The model is calibrated using head observations from 131 wells. The simulation is made in a two layer unconfined aquifer with spatially variable recharge and hydraulic conductivities under well-defined boundary conditions. The calibrated model is used to forecast groundwater flow pattern, the interaction of groundwater and surface water, and the effect of pumping on the well field under different scenarios. The result indicates that the groundwater flows regionally to the south converging to the major well field. Reservoirs and rivers play an important role in recharging the aquifer. Simulations made under different pumping rate indicate that an increase in pumping rate results in substantial regional groundwater level decline, which will lead to the drying of springs and shallow hand dug wells. Also, it has implications of reversal of flow from contaminated rivers into productive aquifers close to main river courses. The scenario analysis shows that the groundwater potential is not enough to sustain the ever-growing water demand of the city of Addis Ababa. The sensitivity and scenario analysis provided important information on the data gaps and the specific sites to be selected for monitoring, and may be of great help for transient model development. This study has laid the foundation for developing detailed predictive groundwater model, which can be readily used for groundwater management practices.  相似文献   

An innovative approach to solve the problem of lowering water table was carried out in a quarry lake south of the city of Milan (northern Italy): the project, based upon pumping out water at a rate of 1,000 L/s can be considered a strategic medium to long-term solution to hinder the rise of groundwater level interfering with underground structures (foundation, construction, subway) in urban areas. The basic idea is to pump a high groundwater rate as close as possible to the stagnation point of the piezometric depression located in the city. After a pilot-test was carried out in November 1998, experimental activities started in July 2001 and lasted one year; water withdrawal was discharged into artificial channels used in agricultural practice. Maximum drawdowns measured in the quarry lake by the monitoring network resulted in more than 5 m, and a significant drawdown was registered up to 1.5 km of distance from the quarry in the important historical site of Chiaravalle Abbey, threatened by groundwater rise. The results of this pumping activity confirm the importance of the project, its lower cost compared with traditional solutions (such as drainage by wells) and remarkable effects on the improvement of surface water quality. A groundwater model was implemented to evaluate further scenarios of discharge rate and pumping location, too.  相似文献   

A semi-distributed groundwater recharge model is presented, which estimates water-table fluctuation and water-balance variables. The model is expressed by the water-balance concept linking atmospheric and hydrogeological parameters to different water uses (industrial, agricultural, domestic, etc). It was calibrated and validated using 5 years of data collected in the Dogo Plain in Japan. A 3-year dataset, from 2000 to 2002, was used in the calibration, while a 2-year dataset, from 2003 to 2004, was used for the validation. Calibration of the model was achieved by the shuffled complex evolution automatic optimization of model parameters to match simulated results with measured water-table depth. Square roots of relative error (R2) are 0.88 and 0.90 for calibration and validation processes, respectively. Monthly evolution of water storage change was then estimated and the water-table drawdown in different pumping scenarios was simulated. Finally, the groundwater-pumping amount planned by the government for future sustainable groundwater utilization was evaluated. The government-planned groundwater-pumping amount is feasible in most regions while the midstream region should be paid more attention. This study offers a scientific basis to control and prevent depletion of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Sustainable groundwater management on the small island of Manukan,Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Numerical models are capable of simulating various groundwater scenarios and relate it towards groundwater management. This paper focuses on numerical modeling and water balance approaches in the search for a sustainable management plan in Manukan Island. The impacts of pumping and recharge rates represented by groundwater scenarios were investigated by means of hydraulic heads, chloride concentrations and water balance components. Overpumping and inconsistency in recharge rate are the stresses shown in Scenario A. Scenario B involved with reduction pumping rate by 25% has shown an increase in groundwater levels, chloride concentration and groundwater storage. Scenario C showed the most promising finding compared with Scenarios A and B. Highest hydraulic heads, lowest chloride concentration (1,552.2 mg/L) and positive groundwater storage (254.3 m3/day) were obtained in Scenario C. Chloride concentration in pumping wells still exceeds World Health Organization International Standard limit in Scenario C which illustrates an additional water treatment is needed. Nevertheless, in view of a compromise groundwater management plan in study area, Scenario C is the best plan so far to protect the groundwater resources in the study area. More understanding of the artificial recharge method (percolation tank) and study site by means of modeling studies is needed. Additionally, further progress is needed in obtaining the water usage data from each part to determine the best pumping rate. A sustainable groundwater management plan is crucial to maintain the natural resources and social benefits as well as to protect the ecological balance of Manukan Island.  相似文献   

Control of sea-water intrusion by salt-water pumping: Coast of Oman   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A shallow alluvial coastal aquifer in the Batinah area of Oman, with sea-water intrusion that extends several kilometres inland, has been studied experimentally, analytically and numerically. The water table is proved to have a trough caused by intensive pumping from a fresh groundwater zone and evaporation from the saline phreatic surface. Resistivity traverses perpendicular to the shoreline indicated no fresh groundwater recharge into the sea. Using an analytical Dupuit-Forchheimer model, developed for the plain part of the catchment, explicit expressions for the water table, sharp interface location and stored volume of fresh water are obtained. It is shown that by the pumping of salt water from the intruded part of the aquifer, this intrusion can be mitigated. Different catchment sizes, intensities of fresh groundwater pumping, evaporation rates, water densities, sea level, incident fresh water level in the mountains and hydraulic conductivity are considered. SUTRA code is applied to a hypothetical case of a leaky aquifer with line sinks modeling fresh water withdrawal and evaporation. The numerical code also shows that pumping of saline water can pull the dispersion zone back to the shoreline.  相似文献   

The impact of gravel excavation on a groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDE) in a glacial outwash plain was determined using a combination of time-series stable isotopic measurements (??2H and ??18O) and a numerical flow model of lake?Cgroundwater interaction. Isotopic analyses of the lake and groundwater indicated a shift from a dominance of evaporative enrichment to more meteoric conditions, confirming the hypothesis of increased recharge following forest clearing and gravel extraction from an esker on the outwash plain. The effect of these land-use changes on source water for the GDE was quantified by simulating the lake water budget, seepage, and groundwater conditions for a period spanning pre- and post-mining activity. Enhanced cycling of shallow groundwater, driven by increased recharge in the gravel excavation area, was predicted to cause annual groundwater discharge pulses greater than baseline conditions for the groundwater-fed lake. The additional groundwater discharge represents approximately 4% of the annual lake budget, increasing the flushing rate of the lake. The influence of regional groundwater conditions, represented by variation of water table gradient and outwash hydraulic conductivity, and an alternative excavation location were investigated in a sensitivity analysis. Simulation results illustrate that a simple groundwater capture zone analysis for the GDE could be used to determine a location for gravel excavation that would reduce impact on GDE water source.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge of processes determining groundwater quality is an important precondition for the solution of various ecological and water management problems. In areas with highly fluctuating groundwater levels, time-limited access, local pollution sources or temporary interactions between surface water and groundwater, a temporary groundwater sampling technique could be of advantage. Furthermore, depth-specific sampling is of high value for investigating groundwater pollution related to seepage or surface water infiltration. A stainless steel core probe has been developed to obtain groundwater samples and to measure the hydraulic head distribution at various defined depths. The sampling technique is applicable only for non-volatile water constituents. An advantage of the core probe is that it can be driven into soil or sediments using ordinary low cost percussion equipment. The probe enables hydraulic head measurements and water sampling over vertical intervals of 0.3 m. Results from field experiments using the stainless steel core probe were in good correspondence with results from groundwater sampling at nearby observation wells. In the upper layer of the aquifer, the intrinsic spatial change in concentrations of sulphate, chloride and other water constituents is a function of distance between observation points and groundwater surface. Results indicate strong effects of a fluctuating groundwater level on groundwater quality at certain depths.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000400   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring of regional groundwater levels provides important information for quantifying groundwater depletion and assessing impacts on the environment Historically,groundwater level monitoring wells in Beijing Plain,China,were installed for assessing groundwater resources and for monitoring the cone of depression.Monitoring wells are clustered around well fields and urban areas.There is urgent need to upgrade the existing monitoring wells to a regional groundwater level monitoring network to acquire information for integrated water resources management.A new method was proposed for designing a regional groundwater level monitoring network.The method is based on groundwater regime zone mapping.Groundwater regime zone map delineates distinct areas of possible different groundwater level variations and is useful for locating groundwater monitoring wells.This method was applied to Beijing Plain to upgrade a regional groundwater level monitoring network.  相似文献   

The effects of constant-head pumping on a well over a period of 1 year have been monitored and the results used in the research of a potential alternative for the attainment of sustainable yield. Sustainable yield is frequently related to the response of drawdown during a pumping test at constant-rate, which sometimes involves a difficult choice of conceptual model to be used to analyse the pumping results. The experiment, carried out on a well that taps a fractured aquifer in Italy, recorded the aquifer’s response to pumping, compared with the response of springs. From the trends in discharge variation with time, the period and magnitude of the recharge and the stored water volume at the beginning of the depletion period can be evaluated, and the discharge rate during the same depletion period can be predicted. A sustainable yield can be derived based on the water volume extracted during the depletion period rather than on the prediction of drawdown over a long time. The experiment also highlights the stability of water quality extracted from the well, and where this criterion is important, in some cases, the constant-head pumping can represent an alternative method of groundwater exploitation.  相似文献   

The equation of groundwater flow in marine island aquifers in which there is time-independent, spatially-variable recharge and pumping is solved in closed form for rectangular, circular, and elliptical island geometries. The solution of the groundwater flow equation is expressed in terms of the elevation of the phreatic surface within the flow domain. The depth of the seawater-freshwater interface below mean sea level follows from the Dupuit–Ghyben–Herzberg relation. The method of solution presented in this work relies on expanding the hydraulic head and forcing function (recharge and groundwater extraction) as Fourier series that transforms the two-dimensional Poisson-type flow equations into second-order ordinary differential equations solvable using classical theory. The important case of constant recharge (without groundwater extraction) leads to solutions in which the hydraulic head is expressible as the product of a flow factor equal to the squared root of the ratio of recharge over hydraulic conductivity times a geometric factor involving island shape parameters and flow boundary conditions. Estimability conditions for the hydraulic conductivity are derived for the cases of constant recharge and spatially variable recharge with pumping.  相似文献   

This study applies an optimal procedure to identify the spatial distribution of groundwater hydraulic conductivity for a confined aquifer in north Taiwan. The parameter structure is determined by the number of zones, zonation pattern, and an uniform hydraulic conductivity associated with each zone. The proposed optimal procedure uses the Voronoi diagram in describing zonation and applies simulated annealing algorithm to optimize its pattern and associated hydraulic conductivity. Three criteria are defined to stop the searching process, including the residual error, the parameter uncertainty, and the structure error. Observation hydraulic heads in years 2000 and 2001 and hydraulic conductivity value from pumping tests are used. The results show that the parameter structure with five zones conforms to the three criteria and, thus, is recommended for future groundwater simulation for the study site. Different heuristic algorithms may also play the role of simulated annealing to optimize the parameter structure. However, which optimization algorithm is more efficient is not discussed and requires further study.  相似文献   

Groundwater formation within arid and super-arid deserts is discussed through comparative analysis. Although fresh groundwater is being formed in both types of deserts, mainly from infiltrated surface runoff, in arid deserts, infiltration is currently taking place, whereas in super-arid areas, it occurred mainly in the Pleistocene pluvial epoch. Groundwater discharge conditions are also different. In arid deserts, the discharge occurs mainly through transpiration by phreatophytes, which form phyto-hydrogeological ecosystems where the dominant factor is an interaction between groundwater and vegetation, with transpiration reaching over hundreds of mm/year and the thickness of the groundwater evaporation zone extending over 10 m. Active subsurface water exchange does not favor the preservation of Pleistocene fossil groundwater. Super-arid deserts, however, have an extremely scarce vegetative cover (low, if any), physical evaporation, a thin zone of evaporation influence, and slow water outflow. Favorable conditions therefore exist for the preservation of relict low-mineralized waters. Furthermore, arid and super-arid deserts differ by types of groundwater accumulation and horizontal and vertical zonalities. In arid deserts, hydrogeological problems are connected with the anthropogenic influence upon groundwater, and with control on rational use of surface water and groundwater. In super-arid deserts, the basic problem is depletion of fossil groundwater.  相似文献   

Groundwater is inherently susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic activities and remediation is very difficult and expensive. Prevention of contamination is hence critical in effective groundwater management. In this paper an attempt has been made to assess aquifer vulnerability at the Russeifa solid waste landfill. This disposal site is placed at the most important aquifer in Jordan, which is known as Amman-Wadi Sir (B2/A7). The daily-generated leachate within the landfill is about 160 m3/day and there is no system for collecting and treating this leachate. Therefore, the leachate infiltrates to groundwater and degrades the quality of the groundwater. The area is strongly vulnerable to pollution due to the presence of intensive agricultural activity, the solid waste disposal site and industries. Increasing groundwater demand makes the protection of the aquifer from pollution crucial. Physical and hydrogeological characteristics make the aquifer susceptible to pollution. The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination in the study area was quantified using the DRASTIC model. The DRASTIC model uses the following seven parameters: depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact on vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. The water level data were measured in the observation wells within the disposal site. The recharge is derived based on precipitation, land use and soil characteristics. The aquifer media was obtained from a geological map of the area. The topography is obtained from the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan, 1:50,000 scale topographic map. The impact on the vadose zone is defined by the soil permeability and depth to water. The hydraulic conductivity was obtained from the field pumping tests. The calculated DRASTIC index number indicates a moderate pollution potential for the study area.  相似文献   

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