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本研究测定双线舌鳎Cynoglossus bilineatus (Lacepède,1802)、长钩须鳎Parapla gusia bilineata (Bloch,1787)和短钩须鳎Paraplagusia blochii( Bleeker,1851)3种舌鳎亚科鱼类的线粒体(mtDNA)控制区全序列,并与舌鳎亚科其它4种及鲽形目其他科的5种鱼类mtDNA控制区结构和序列进行了比较分析.结果显示,3种舌鳎鱼类的线粒体控制区全长从655~1 155 bp,长度差异明显;舌鳎亚科鱼类控制区结构与其他鲽形目鱼类相似性很低,保守区系列中只能识别出CSB-A和TAS.碱基组成比较发现这3种舌鳎鱼类的AT含量比鲽形目其它鱼类要高.分析认为上述事件可能都是由该类群鱼类控制区的快速进化导致的.所有3种舌鳎的控制区在5'端都存在串联重复序列,每个重复单元中都存在类似于TAS的相关序列,并且重复序列可以形成非常稳定的二级结构.这2种特征为形成线粒体重复序列的非正常延伸机制(Illegitimate elongation model)提供了新的证据,同时,推测了这些舌鳎鱼类重复序列可能的延伸过程.  相似文献   

渤海湾半滑舌鳎及焦氏舌鳎的鱼卵和仔稚鱼的形态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
半滑舌鳎Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther和焦氏舌鳎C.joyneri Günther 均隶属于舌鳎科Cyonglossidae的舌鳎属Cynoglossus,系广泛分布在我国近海的底层鱼类。它们具有一定的经济价值。其中半滑舌鳎是该属中个体较大的种类,最大体长可达800毫米以上。素有名贵鱼类之称。惟产量不高。该类鱼多栖息在海湾水域,洄游距离短,活动范围小,是适合增养殖的对象之一。 关于这两种舌鳎的早期形态资料迄今尚未  相似文献   

6种舌鳎亚科鱼类ITS1序列长度多态性及系统分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用核糖体第一内转录间隔区(ITS1)对舌鳎亚科(Cynoglossinae)6种鱼类进行系统分析,发现舌鳎亚科ITS1区具有明显的序列长度多态性(404—744bp),序列长度分为三种类型,分别为404—405bp、462—463bp以及741—744bp,同一长度类型的不同种类间序列高度相似,平均遗传距离分别为0.00248、0.00217和0.00169,而不同类型间序列差异显著,平均遗传距离最小为0.38453。分析表明,序列长度多态性可能与物种分化时间有关。采用NJ(neighbour-joining)法及MP(maximum parsimony)法构建分子系统树,结合形态学特征及GenBank中的线粒体DNA序列进行分析,表明紫斑舌鳎(Cynoglossus purpureomaculatus)与短吻三线舌鳎(C.abbreviatus)可能为同物异名。另外,舌鳎属(Cynoglossus)的中华舌鳎(C.sinicus)与须鳎属(Paraplagusia)的日本须鳎(Paraplagusia japonica)聚为一支,舌鳎属中三线舌鳎亚属(Areliscus)的长吻红舌鳎(C.lighti)与拟舌鳎亚属(Cynoglossoides)的少鳞舌鳎(C.oligolepis)聚为一支,与形态分类学的观点不一致,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

塞拉利昂近海经济虾类数量与分布初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据塞拉利昂近海16条生产船1年(a)生产日志资料(1995-07~1996-06),分析了2种经济虾类[红对虾(Penaeusnotialis)、大西洋仿对虾(Parapenaeopsisatlantica)]的产量分布,指出红对虾主要分布于以2区,44区,85区为中心的3个渔场,主要虾汛时间为6~8月,大西洋仿对虾主要分布于84区,96区,97区,主要虾汛时间为11月。同时,还对2种虾类的月平均单船产量进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

根据塞拉利昂近海16条生产呈年的生产日资料(1995.7~1996.6),分析了近海渔场皇刺龙虾「(Panulirus ergius)」的渔获产量与分布,指出皇刺龙虾主要分布于以10区,54区,84区及96区为中心的四个沿岸渔场,虽然其产量相对较低,但由于其较主同的经济价值,仍可作为主要兼捕对象,其主要捕捞时间为6月、9~11月。同时,还对皇刺龙虾的月平均单船产量进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

一、利用现状世界海洋鱼类虽有1万种以上,但作为捕捞对象的鱼类仅有200余种。其中,产量超过100万吨的只有11种,属鳀科、鲱科、鳕科、金枪鱼科、鲭科、鲹科、鲽科、胡瓜鱼科鱼类。产量在50~100万吨的有12种,15~50万吨的有48种。1989年主要11种经济鱼类的产量总和为3606.3万吨,约占世界海洋鱼类总产量的42.1%,这11种鱼类的分布如下: (1)狭鳕广泛分布于北太平洋,主要渔场在朝鲜湾、北海道水域、鄂霍次克海和白令海以及加利福尼亚以北的美洲沿岸一  相似文献   

根据塞拉利昂近海 16条生产船一年的生产日志资料 (1995年 7月~ 1996年 6月 ) ,分析了近海渔场渔区产值分布 ,指出 2区、4 4区、84区、97区为主要的经济渔区 ,主要渔汛时间为 6~ 8月。同时 ,还对渔获物的结构组成及渔轮的月平均单船产值进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

大头鳕和半滑舌鳎是我国重要的两种经济鱼类,本论文以大头鳕和半滑舌鳎基因组DNA为模板,对RAPD分析中的DNA模板浓度进行了优化,确定最适浓度。并分别筛选出20条和18条扩增结果稳定性好、多态性强的随机引物用于大头鳕以及半滑舌鳎的RAPD遗传变异分析。  相似文献   

本文旨在查明目前黄河口水域鱼类浮游生物的种类组成和数量变化,为进一步研究鱼类资源早期补充、种群动态以及制定合理的渔业资源养护措施提供基础资料。根据2013年8月、2014年5月在黄河口及其邻近水域进行的鱼卵、仔稚鱼的调查数据,研究了该水域5、8月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成、数量分布,分析了鱼卵、仔稚鱼优势种数量分布与水温、盐度等环境因子的关系。研究表明,本次调查获得鱼卵25 613粒,隶属于12科13属15种(未定种1种);仔稚鱼369尾,隶属于4科7属9种(未定种1种)。5月鱼卵优势种为日本鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa chefuensis)和斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus),密集区分布在黄河口北部近岸海域,分布在密集区的种类以日本鳀和赤鼻棱鳀为主;8月鱼卵优势种为短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)和多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama),其鱼卵主要集中分布于北部近岸海域,南部水域的部分站位也有鱼卵密集,密集区内的种类以短吻红舌鳎和多鳞鱚为主。5月仔稚鱼优势种为矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)和赤鼻棱鳀等,仔稚鱼主要集中分布于黄河口南部海域,密集区以赤鼻棱鳀和矛尾虾虎鱼为主;8月仔稚鱼数量极少,无明显优势种。Pearson相关分析表明,除5月赤鼻棱鳀鱼卵数量与表层水温呈显著正相关外,其他优势种鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量与表层水温、表层盐度均无显著相关性。与历史同期调查结果相比,该水域5、8月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布均发生了一定的变化。带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)和鳓(Ilisha elongate)等传统经济鱼类的鱼卵、仔稚鱼少见,以日本鳀、赤鼻棱鳀和斑鰶等小型中上层鱼类为主要优势种;黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)、皮氏叫姑鱼(Johnius belangeri)等鱼卵、仔稚鱼密度低。  相似文献   

探究引起半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther)发病死亡的原因及其病原菌的药敏特性,为生产中有效防治该病提供理论依据。于2018年从天津市某养殖场患病半滑舌鳎中分离得到3株优势菌,回归感染实验证实菌株PSC0601对半滑舌鳎具有致病性。通过肉眼观察可见半滑舌鳎腹腔严重肿胀,腹部两侧肌肉出血,解剖后可见半滑舌鳎肠道、肝脏等组织器官亦有大量出血。经API鉴定系统和16S rDNA序列分析鉴定该菌株为美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种(Photobacterium damselae subsp.damselae)。该菌在绵羊血平板上呈现β型溶血,人工回归感染实验结果显示该菌对半滑舌鳎的半数致死量(LD_(50))为1.5×10~(4 )CFU/g。对48种抗菌药物的药敏实验结果表明,菌株PSC0601对氟苯尼考、氯霉素、阿莫西林、阿奇霉素、壮观霉素、头孢哌酮等20种药物具有较高敏感性。研究结果表明,美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种对半滑舌鳎具有较强致病性,可导致肝脏、肠道等器官发生出血性坏死,引发鱼类死亡。本文通过对该菌的药物敏感性进行研究,以期对鱼类养殖过程中由该菌引起的爆发性疾病提供药物防治理论依据。  相似文献   

南海主要珊瑚礁水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1998年3~5月和1999年5~6月在西沙和南沙的12座珊瑚礁水域渔业资源专业调查资料以及1998年2月~1999年12月在南沙群岛水域进行的渔业资源监测调查资料,分析讨论了南海珊瑚礁水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布。专业调查结果:捕获软骨鱼类14属16种,渔获量计64尾2 844.1kg,优势种为大眼角鲨、鼬鲨、日本燕、侧条真鲨、灰六鳃鲨;监测调查表明南沙珊瑚礁水域的软骨鱼类在全年均可捕获,产量的变动主要与捕捞努力量相关。综合2种调查知:软骨鱼类在南海珊瑚礁水域总体分布范围较广,单鱼种在各个岛礁表现出一定的地域分布性;南海珊瑚礁区捕获软骨鱼类的主要作业方式为延绳钓和大型流刺网。  相似文献   

To understand small-scale fisheries in Mexico, the spatial and temporal distribution of the landed catch of several species was analyzed, including abalone, clams, snails, octopus, squids, lobsters, shrimps, blue crabs, sharks, rays and finfish along the 349 km of the Gulf of Ulloa coast. Data reported by fishers from 1998 to 2009 on catch volume and value per group of species and per fishing locality, together with the number of landing events, were used to define fishing zones and the relative importance of each fishery. Finfish turned out the primary fishery in the region, but the other fisheries showed relevant spatial changes that should be considered when establishing management goals and fishing regulations according to resource availability, fleet efficiency, processing capacity, commercialization of fishing products and profit distribution.  相似文献   

Signs of changing marine ecosystems due to increasing human use of marine resources are recognised worldwide. Legislation and regulations are often at the core of fisheries management and harvesting control. However, these are ineffective without the respective compliance, often requiring an effective surveillance and enforcement in support of conservation success. Limpets are a popular seafood and traditionally collected and consumed in the Azores, Northeast Atlantic, leading to a fisheries collapse in the 1980s and the subsequent implementation of limpet protected zones (LPZs) and seasonal fishing closures. A roving creel survey was used in two islands of the Azores to assess the level of compliance with the existing regulations. Results indicate that shore-based limpet collection is mainly influenced by environmental conditions, including wave height and tide, and general temporal constraints, including time of day, day type, and season. A high level of non-compliance with spatial (i.e. about 40% of the harvesting events inside no-take zones) and temporal conservation measures was observed. Harvesting effort in the closed and open season was not significantly different. Recently new regulations for limpet harvesting were implemented in the Azores, extending recreational harvesting techniques to snorkelling but potential long-term effects are unknown. This study shows how on-site recreational fishing survey methods can assist managers to assess the level of illegal fishing and support the development of adaptive conservation strategies for vulnerable inshore species.  相似文献   

Two predominant currents, the warm Kuroshio Current and the cold Oyashio Current, meet in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The dynamics of physical oceanographic structures in this region, including frontal zones and meandering eddies, result in a highly productive habitat that serves as a favorable feeding ground for various commercially important species. Neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartramii, is an important oceanic squid, which is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean. Based on the catch data collected by Chinese squid jigging fleets and relevant environmental data, including sea surface temperature(SST) and fronts(represented by gradients of SST and thermocline) during 1998–2009, the variations of oceanic fronts and their influence on the fishing grounds of O. bartramii were evaluated, and the differences in distribution of fishing grounds of O. bartramii in 2000 and 2002 were compared by describing the differences in vertical temperature between 0–300 m. It was found that the preferred horizontal temperature gradient of SST for O. bartramii tended to be centered at 0.01–0.02°C/nm, which attracted nearly 80% of the total fishing effort, and the preferred horizontal temperature gradients at the 50 m and 105 m layers were mainly located at 0.01–0.03°C/nm, which accounted for more than 70% of the total fishing effort during August–October. The preferred vertical temperature gradient within the 0–50 m layer for O. bartramii tended to be centered at 0.15–0.25°C/m during August and September and at 0.10–0.15°C/m in October, implying that the mixed surface layer was distributed at depths of 0–50 m. It was concluded that the vertical temperature gradient was more important than the horizontal temperature gradient in playing a role in forming the fishing ground. The results improved our understanding of the spatial dynamics of the O. bartramii fishery.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of fishers from two fishing communities with differing use histories and involvement in the long-standing (16 yr) multiple use Mafia Island marine protected area (MIMP), Tanzania. A randomly distributed questionnaire indicated that 94% of fishers believed that without the MIMP, there would be overfishing, dynamite use, destroyed habitats, and few fish. Fishers were more positive about core zones (no-take fishery closures) than general use zones (areas allowing selective fishing) as a consequence of increases in fishing pressure. Those that reported increased catches and sizes of fish since the creation of the MIMP were more likely to agree with present zone locations and more positive in general about fisheries and conservation planning. Most thought that fish size and gear restrictions were preferable to permanent closures. Perceptions differed among communities and gear users. Community and gear type explained 46% of the variance in responses about the perception that fisheries and conservation are compatible goals. Somewhat surprisingly, these effects were more important than catch increases or involvement in MIMP-related activities. The differences in perception between communities may be partly attributed to different fishing histories. Multiple-use zoning provides a means to identify and resolve conflicts and achieve what are likely universal objectives for fisheries sustainability and conservation.  相似文献   

黄海中南部近岸海域春季鱼类浮游生物群落空间格局研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
根据2015年春季在黄海中南部近岸海域进行的鱼类浮游生物大型浮游生物网水平拖网数据,采用生态多样性指数和多元统计分析等方法,研究了该海域鱼类浮游生物的种类组成和群落空间格局及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,本次调查共采集到鱼类浮游生物35种,其中鱼卵21种,仔稚鱼23种。鱼类浮游生物隶属于8目18科34属,优势种为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、鲬(Platycephalus indicus)、鱼衔属(Callionymus spp.)和小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)。其中,鳀和鱼衔属主要分布于海州湾渔场海域,鲬主要分布于吕泗渔场海域,小黄鱼多分布于吕泗渔场北部海域。生态类型包括半咸水型、沿岸型和近海型种类。聚类分析表明,鱼类浮游生物群落可划分为以鱼衔属、鳀为优势种的站位组A(主要分布于海州湾海域)、以小黄鱼、黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等为优势种的站位组B(主要位于江苏沿岸海域)和以鲬为优势种的站位组C(主要位于江苏沿岸-近海海域),以站位组B的群落物种多样性指数和均匀度指数最高。各站位组的鱼类浮游生物的生态类型和适温类型组成不同,这与其所处的海域生境有关。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响春季黄海中南部鱼类浮游生物群落空间结构的主要环境因子为水深和表层温度。同时也受洋流、底质类型等多种因素的综合影响。研究结果初步揭示了黄海中南部近岸海域鱼类浮游生物群落的空间格局,可为今后科学制定该海域水产种质资源保护区、资源量化管理等资源养护管理措施提供科学依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   

黄海夏季不同取样网具渔获物组成比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据 2 0 0 0年夏季双拖渔船和“北斗”号专业调查船对应站位拖网调查资料 ,进行了两种不同取样网具情况下渔获物组成的比较分析 ,结果表明 :渔船的单位扫海面积渔获量、几种重要种类的长度范围、平均个体长度、5 0 %选择长度、重量计优势度均高于“北斗”号 ,而渔获种类数则少于“北斗”号 ,且两者种类组成相似性较低 ,仅为 0 .4 5 8;而且“北斗”号的底层、近底层鱼类和无脊椎类占总渔获量的比例高于渔船 ,这主要是由于渔具的选择作用造成的。结果说明应用渔船针对渔业生产进行的渔业资源监测 ,对带鱼、小黄鱼、鱼等重要生产种类是适合的 ,能够反映其资源量状况 ,但对群落结构、生物多样性等生态系统水平上的研究却存在着明显的不足  相似文献   

How users perceive the performance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is fundamental for the social acceptance of these zones. Moreover, their perceptions may be relevant for monitoring the effects of MPAs on extractive activities. This study analyzes artisanal fishers' perceptions of the performance of a north-western Mediterranean coastal MPA, which encompasses two no-take zones (NTZs). Three viewpoints have been considered: the effect on the personal activity of fishers, the effect on the local fishery and the effect on the ecosystem. In order to test the hypothesis that biomass export (spillover) - which had previously been evidenced from the two NTZs - may influence fishers' perceptions of NTZ effects, fishers' perceptions were compared with both declared and observed fishing activity over an one-year period.The results show that negative perceptions of NTZs are either nil or are negligible. Most fishers are aware of the beneficial effects of NTZs on ecosystems and fisheries. However, they remain to be convinced of the beneficial effects of the NTZs on their own activity. For instance, the proximity of a NTZ appears never to be involved in the choice of a fishing spot. This partial lack of correspondence between scientific expectation and fishers' perceptions is discussed in the light of fishing habits in the zone adjacent to NTZs, and takes into account fishing grounds, targeted species and seniority (defined as the number of years the fisher has been fishing within the MPA). All three factors appear to influence fishers' perceptions. For example, having a positive perception about a NTZ and spending more time fishing in the adjacent zone are habits that can be associated with fishers with less seniority. Fishers' perceptions obviously indicate the social acceptance of the MPA and are an essential monitoring tool for MPA managers. However, perceptions cannot be seen as a substitute for scientific monitoring, as both approaches are clearly complementary.  相似文献   

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