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Various aquatic plants from Lake Qinghai, the largest inland saline lake in China, and terrestrial plants from the surrounding area were investigated for the distribution of n-alkanes and their δD values. The n-alkanes in the samples range from C15 to C33 with C preference index (CPI) values of 4.0–29.7. The n-C23 or n-C25 alkane is the dominant compound in the aquatic submerged plants. The aquatic emergent and terrestrial plants have an abundance maximum at n-C27, n-C29 or n-C31. The average chain length (ACL) values, ranging from 26.0 to 29.6, are closely related to the plant species. The n-alkanes from the aquatic plants have mean δD values of −169‰ to −121‰ and those from the terrestrial plants values of −173‰ to −109‰. The H isotopic composition (δD) and fractionation differ significantly among the plants studied. Comparison shows that additional evaporative enrichment of the lake water associated with saline lakes and humidity influence the δD values of the n-alkanes in aquatic and terrestrial plants, respectively. The mean δD values of n-alkanes in the plants decrease with increasing ACL value. The n-alkanes from the different types of plants are more depleted in D relative to environmental water and those from aquatic plants (with a mean value of −143‰) have a greater isotopic fractionation than terrestrial plants (mean value −113‰).  相似文献   

We measured molecular distributions and compound-specific hydrogen (δD) and stable carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) of mid- and long-chain n-alkanes in forest soils, wetland peats and lake sediments within the Dorokawa watershed, Hokkaido, Japan, to better understand sources and processes associate with delivery of terrestrial organic matter into the lake sediments. δ13C values of odd carbon numbered C23-C33n-alkanes ranged from −37.2‰ to −31.5‰, while δD values of these alkanes showed a large degree of variability that ranged from −244‰ to −180‰. Molecular distributions in combination with stable carbon isotopic compositions indicate a large contribution of C3 trees as the main source of n-alkanes in forested soils whereas n-alkanes in wetland soil are exclusively derived from marsh grass and/or moss. We found that the n-alkane δD values are much higher in forest soils than wetland peat. The higher δD values in forest samples could be explained by the enrichment of deuterium in leaf and soil waters due to increased evapotranspiration in the forest or differences in physiology of source plants between wetland and forest. A δ13C vs. δD diagram of n-alkanes among forest, wetland and lake samples showed that C25-C31n-alkanes deposited in lake sediments are mainly derived from tree leaves due to the preferential transport of the forest soil organic matter over the wetland or an increased contribution of atmospheric input of tree leaf wax in the offshore sites. This study demonstrates that compound-specific δD analysis provides a useful approach for better understanding source and transport of terrestrial biomarkers in a C3 plant-dominated catchment.  相似文献   

We analyzed the deuterium composition of individual plant-waxes in lake sediments from 28 watersheds that span a range of precipitation D/H, vegetation types and climates. The apparent isotopic fractionation (εa) between plant-wax n-alkanes and precipitation differs with watershed ecosystem type and structure, and decreases with increasing regional aridity as measured by enrichment of 2H and 18O associated with evaporation of lake waters. The most negative εa values represent signatures least affected by aridity; these values were −125 ± 5‰ for tropical evergreen and dry forests, −130‰ for a temperate broadleaf forest, −120 ± 9‰ for the high-altitude tropical páramo (herbs, shrubs and grasses), and −98 ± 6‰ for North American montane gymnosperm forests. Minimum εa values reflect ecosystem-dependent differences in leaf water enrichment and soil evaporation. Slopes of lipid/lake water isotopic enrichments differ slightly with ecosystem structure (i.e. open shrublands versus forests) and overall are quite small (slopes = 0-2), indicating low sensitivity of lipid δD variations to aridity compared with coexisting lake waters. This finding provides an approach for reconstructing ancient precipitation signatures based on plant-wax δD measurements and independent proxies for lake water changes with regional aridity. To illustrate this approach, we employ paired plant-wax δD and carbonate-δ18O measurements on lake sediments to estimate the isotopic composition of Miocene precipitation on the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

Coastal salt marsh ecosystems contain strong environmental gradients that are anticipated to influence the D/H ratios recorded in the leaf waxes of salt-tolerant plants. We characterized the molecular and hydrogen isotopic composition of alkanes in plant and sediment samples as well as the D/H ratios of environmental and plant waters across an elevation and inundation gradient in a southern Californian, coastal salt marsh. We sampled the dominant salt marsh plant species: Salicornia virginica, Arthrocnemum subterminale and Jamuea carnosa (all succulents), as well as Monanthochloe littoralis and Limonium californicum (nonsucculents). Plant xylem water hydrogen isotopic compositions indicate a shift in source waters from meteoric influences at upland sites (δD value −20‰) to seawater dominated values (0‰) at lowland areas. We found leaf water D enrichment relative to xylem water ranging from mean δD values of +54‰ (upland) to +28‰ (lowland), interpreted as a reduction of transpiration with increasing inundation time. This has the effect of increasing the net fractionation between source water and leaf wax product across the environmental gradient from mean values of −101‰ (upland) to −134‰ (lowland), with an attenuated signal recorded in the δD values of plant leaf wax n-alkanes (−122‰ to −136‰). These results constrain the hydrogen isotopic composition of salt marsh organic matter that may contribute to marine carbon budgets of the Santa Barbara Basin, and further indicate the potential for plant leaf waxes to resolve paleoenvironmental change, including sea level change, in sediment cores from salt marsh ecosystems.  相似文献   

The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of Eocene and Miocene freshwater cherts in the western United States records regional climatic variation in the Cenozoic. Here, we present isotopic measurements of 47 freshwater cherts of Eocene and Miocene age from the Great Basin of the western United States at two different sites and interpret them in light of regional climatic and tectonic history. The large range of δ18O of terrestrial cherts measured in this study, from 11.2‰ to 31.2‰ (SMOW: Standard Mean Ocean), is shown to be primarily the result of variations in δ18O of surface water. The following trends and patterns are recognized within this range of δ18O values. First, in Cenozoic rocks of northern Nevada, chert δ18O records the same shift observed in authigenic calcite between the Eocene and Miocene that has been attributed to regional surface uplift. The consistent covariation of proxies suggests that chert reliably records and retains a signal of ancient meteoric water isotopic composition, even though our analyses show that chert formed from warmer waters (40°C) than coexisting calcite (20°C). Second, there is a strong positive correlation between δ18O and δD in Eocene age chert from Elko, Nevada and Salina, Utah that suggests large changes in lake water isotopic composition due to evaporation. Evaporative effects on lake water isotopic composition, rather than surface temperature, exert the primary control on the isotopic composition of chert, accounting for 10‰ of the 16‰ range in δ18O measured in Eocene cherts. From authigenic mineral data, we calculate a range in isotopic composition of Eocene precipitation in the north-central Great Basin of −10 to −14‰ for δ18O and −70 to −100‰ for δD, which is in agreement with previous estimates for Eocene basins of the western United States. Due to its resistance to alteration and record of variations in both δ18O and δD of water, chert has the potential to corroborate and constrain the cause of variations in isotope stratigraphies.  相似文献   

The δD values of water and clay collected from 0.6 to 5.5 km deep wells in 9 oil and gas fields within the Houston salt basin located in the northeast Texas Gulf Coast were used to reevaluate the temperature dependence of hydrogen isotope fractionation between mixed layer illite/smectite (I/S) and water, and the equations of Yeh (1980), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42:140-143) and Capuano (1992), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 56:2547-2554) for the calculation of αI/S-water, both of which are commonly cited in the literature. δD values of water and clay in the normally pressured and geopressured sections are different. In the normally pressured section (<2.6 km), δDwater is constant (−15 ± 1 (1σ)‰) while δDclay increases linearly from −59 to −43‰ with increasing depth. In contrast, in the geopressured section δDwater decreases linearly from −7 to −26‰ with increasing depth while δDclay is nearly constant (−36 ± 3 (1σ)‰). The opposite trends are a product of D/H exchange between clay and water in a water-dominated system within the normally pressured section and rock-dominated system in the geopressured section. Assuming hydrogen isotope equilibrium between sediments and enclosed pore water, the new δDwater and δDclay data were used to calculate the hydrogen isotope fractionation factor between I/S and water (αI/S-water), which showed a good fit to the equation derived by Capuano (1992), but not to the equation derived by Yeh (1980), both for the normally and geopressured data despite that both data sets are strikingly different. This suggests that hydrogen isotope equilibrium has been achieved in these two different regimes and that the equation by Capuano (1992) is valid and has wider applicability.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotopic compositions of individual lipids from Methylococcus capsulatus, an aerobic, methane-oxidizing bacterium, were analyzed by hydrogen isotope-ratio-monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The purposes of the study were to measure isotopic fractionation factors between methane, water, and lipids and to examine the biochemical processes that determine the hydrogen isotopic composition of lipids. M. capsulatus was grown in six replicate cultures in which the δD values of methane and water were varied independently. Measurement of concomitant changes in δD values of lipids allowed estimation of the proportion of hydrogen derived from each source and the isotopic fractionation associated with the utilization of each source.All lipids examined, including fatty acids, sterols, and hopanols, derived 31.4 ± 1.7% of their hydrogen from methane. This was apparently true whether the cultures were harvested during exponential or stationary phase. Examination of the relevant biochemical pathways indicates that no hydrogen is transferred directly (with C-H bonds intact) from methane to lipids. Accordingly, we hypothesize that all methane H is oxidized to H2O, which then serves as the H source for all biosynthesis, and that a balance between diffusion of oxygen and water across cell membranes controls the concentration of methane-derived H2O at 31%. Values for αl/w, the isotopic fractionation between lipids and water, were 0.95 for fatty acids and 0.85 for isoprenoid lipids. These fractionations are significantly smaller than those measured in higher plants and algae. Values for αl/m, the isotopic fractionation between lipids and methane, were 0.94 for fatty acids and 0.79 for isoprenoid lipids. Based on these results, we predict that methanotrophs living in seawater and consuming methane with typical δD values will produce fatty acids with δD between −50 and −170‰, and sterols and hopanols with δD between −150 and −270‰.  相似文献   

We analyzed the Se isotopic composition of black shales and related kerogen and sulfide fractions from the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se deposit, the La’erma Se-Au deposit and the Yutangba Se deposit in southern China to constrain metal sources and accumulation processes, both subjects of disagreement in the scientific community. Se at the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se polymetallic deposit displayed a restricted range of δ82Se values (−1.6‰ to 2.4‰ with a mean of 0.6‰) suggesting a major hydrothermal origin where aqueous Se was probably transported as H2Se, along with H2S, and precipitated directly as selenides or in sulfides. Se at the La’erma Se-Au deposit covers a larger range in δ82Se values (−3.8‰ to 5.4‰ with a mean of 0.3‰), suggesting Se redistribution following redox transformations, leading to kinetic isotopic fractionation. The largest Se isotopic variation so far in natural terrestrial samples was found in the Yutangba Se deposit, with δ82Se values varying from −12.77‰ to 4.93‰. On the basis of variations in Se isotopes in the deposit, along with other geological and geochemical evidence, the “redox model” (supergene alteration) explains the occurrence of native Se in the deposit. Overall, hydrothermal systems may be a potentially important Se source to form economic deposits in comparison to seawater sources. Significantly, our study indicates that either secondary hydrothermal or supergene alteration is a key factor in Se enrichment in black shales. Redistribution of Se, and probably other redox-sensitive metals like Mo, Cr and V, leads to isotopic fractionation which may be used to fingerprint such alteration/precipitation processes.  相似文献   

There is considerable debate about the mode and age of formation of large (up to ∼200 m long) hematite and goethite ironstone bodies within the 3.2 to 3.5 Ga Barberton greenstone belt. We examined oxygen and hydrogen isotopes and Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations of goethite and hematite components of the ironstones to determine whether these deposits reflect formation from sea-floor vents in the Archean ocean or from recent surface and shallow subsurface spring systems. Goethite δ18O values range from −0.7 to +1.0‰ and δD from −125 to −146‰, which is consistent with formation from modern meteoric waters at 20 to 25 °C. Hematite δ18O values range from −0.7 to −2.0‰, which is consistent with formation at low to moderate temperatures (40-55 °C) from modern meteoric water. REE in the goethite and hematite are derived from the weathering of local sideritic ironstones, silicified ultramafic rocks, sideritic black cherts, and local felsic volcanic rocks, falling along a mixing line between the Eu/Eu* and shale-normalized HREEAvg/LREEAvg values for the associated silicified ultramafic rocks and felsic volcanic rocks. Contrasting positive Ce/Ce* of 1.3 to 3.5 in hematite and negative Ce/Ce* of 0.2 to 0.9 in goethite provides evidence of oxidative scavenging of Ce on hematite surfaces during mineral precipitation. These isotopic and REE data, taken together, suggest that hematite and goethite ironstone pods formed from relatively recent meteoric waters in shallow springs and/or subsurface warm springs.  相似文献   

We have developed a quantitative model of CO2 and H2O isotopic mixing between magmatic and hydrothermal gases for the fumarolic emissions of the La Fossa crater (Vulcano Island, Italy). On the basis of isotope balance equations, the model takes into account the isotope equilibrium between H2O and CO2 and extends the recent model of chemical and energy two-end-member mixing by Nuccio et al. (1999). As a result, the H2O and CO2 content and the δD, δ18O, and δ13C isotope compositions for both magmatic and hydrothermal end-members have been assessed. Low contributions of meteoric steam, added at a shallow depth, have been also recognized and quantified in the fumaroles throughout the period from 1988 to 1998. Nonequilibrium oxygen isotope exchange also seems to be occurring between ascending gases and wall rocks along some fumarolic conduits.The δ13CCO2 of the magmatic gases varies around −3 to 1‰ vs. Peedee belemnite (PDB), following a perfect synchronism with the variations of the CO2 concentration in the magmatic gases. This suggests a process of isotope fractionation because of vapor exsolution caused by magma depressurization. The hydrogen isotopes in the magmatic gases (−1 to −‰ vs. standard mean ocean water [SMOW]), as well as the above δ13CCO2 value, are coherent with a convergent tectonic setting of magma generation, where the local mantle is widely contaminated by fluids released from the subducted slab. Magma contamination in the crust probably amplifies this effect.The computed isotope composition of carbon and hydrogen in the hydrothermal vapors has been used to calculate the δD and δ13C of the entire hydrothermal system, including mixed H2O-CO2 vapor, liquid water, and dissolved carbon. We have computed values of about 10‰ vs. SMOW for water and −2 to −6.5‰ vs. PDB for CO2. On these grounds, we think that Mediterranean marine water (δDH2O ≈ 10‰) feeds the hydrothermal system. It infiltrates at depth throughout the local rocks, reaching oxygen isotope equilibrium at high temperatures. Interaction processes between magmatic gases and the evolving seawater also seem to occur, causing the dissolution of isotopically fractionated aqueous CO2 and providing the source for hydrothermal carbon. These results have important implications concerning fluid circulation beneath Vulcano and address the more convenient routine of geochemical surveillance.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorite ALH84001 contains ∼1% by weight of carbonate formed by secondary processes on the Martian surface or in the shallow subsurface. The major form of this carbonate is chemically and isotopically zoned rosettes which have been well documented elsewhere. This study concentrates upon carbonate regions ∼200 μm across which possess previously unobserved magnesium rich inner cores, interpreted here as rosette fragments, surrounded by a later stage cement containing rare Ca-rich carbonates (up to Ca81Mg07Fe04Mn07) intimately associated with feldspar. High spatial resolution ion probe analyses of Ca-rich carbonate surrounding rosette fragments have δ18OV-SMOW values as low as −10. These values are not compatible with deposition from a global Martian atmosphere invoked to explain ALH84001 rosettes. The range of δ18O values are also incompatible with a fluid that has equilibrated with the Martian crust at high temperature or from remobilisation of carbonate of rosette isotopic composition. At Martian atmospheric temperatures, the small CO2(gas)-CO2(ice) fractionation makes meteoric CO2 an unlikely source for −10 carbonates. In contrast, closed system Rayleigh fractionation of H2O can generate δ18OH2O −30, as observed at high latitudes on Earth. We suggest that atmospheric transport and precipitation of H2O in a similar fashion to that on Earth provides a source of suitably 18O depleted water for generation of carbonate with δ18OV-SMOW = −10.  相似文献   

Boron isotope compositions (δ11B) and B concentrations of rains and snows were studied in order to characterize the sources and fractionation processes during the boron atmospheric cycle. The 11B/10B ratios of instantaneous and cumulative rains and snows from coastal and continental sites show a large range of variations, from −1.5 ± 0.4 to +26.0 ± 0.5‰ and from −10.2 ± 0.5 to +34.4 ± 0.2‰, respectively. Boron concentrations in rains and snows vary between 0.1 and 3.0 ppb. All these precipitation samples are enriched in 10B compared to the ocean value (δ11B = +39.5‰). An empirical rain-vapour isotopic fractionation of +31‰ is estimated from three largely independent methods. The deduced seawater-vapour fractionation is +25.5‰, with the difference between the rain and seawater fractionations principally reflecting changes in the speciation of boron in the liquid with ∼100% B(OH)3 present in precipitations. A boron meteoric water line, δD = 2.6δ11B − 133, is proposed which describes the relationship between δD and δ11B in many, but not all, precipitations. Boron isotopic compositions of precipitations can be related to that of the seawater reservoir by the seawater-vapour fractionation and one or more of (1) the rain-vapour isotopic fractionation, (2) evolution of the δ11B value of the atmospheric vapour reservoir via condensation-precipitation processes (Rayleigh distillation process), (3) any contribution of vapour from the evaporation of seawater aerosols, and (4) any contribution from particulate matter, principally sea salt, continental dust and, perhaps more regionally, anthropogenic sources (burning of biomass and fossil fuels). From the δ11B values of continental precipitations, a sea salt contribution cannot be more than a percent or so of the total B in precipitation over these areas.  相似文献   

Bulk chemical compositions and oxygen isotopic compositions were analyzed for 48 stony cosmic spherules (melted micrometeorites) collected from the Antarctic ice sheet using electron- and ion-microprobes. No clear correlation was found between their isotopic compositions and textures. The oxygen isotopic compositions showed an extremely wide range from −28‰ to +93‰ in δ18O and from −21‰ to +13‰ in Δ17O. In δ18O-δ17O space, most samples (38 out of 48) plot close to the terrestrial fractionation line, but 7 samples plot along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral (CCAM) line. Three samples plot well above the terrestrial fractionation line. One of these has a Δ17O of +13‰, the largest value ever found in solar system materials. One possible precursor for this spherule could be 16O-poor planetary material that is still unknown as a meteorite. The majority of the remaining spherules are thought to be related to carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Molybdenum (Mo) isotope studies in black shales can provide information about the redox evolution of the Earth’s oceans, provided the isotopic consequences of Mo burial into its major sinks are well understood. Previous applications of the Mo isotope paleo-ocean redox proxy assumed quantitative scavenging of Mo when buried into sulfidic sediments. This paper contains the first complete suite of Mo isotope fractionation observations in a sulfidic water column and sediment system, the meromictic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland, a small alpine lake with a pronounced oxygen-sulfide transition reaching up to H2S ∼ 200 μM in the bottom waters (or about 300 μM total sulfide: ΣS2− = H2S + HS + S2−). We find that Mo behaves conservatively in the oxic zone and non-conservatively in the sulfidic zone, where dissolved Mo concentrations decrease from 14 nM to 2-8 nM across this transition. Dissolved Mo in the upper oxic waters has a δ98Mooxic = 0.9 ± 0.1‰, which matches that of the riverine input, δ98Moriver = 0.9 ± 0.1‰. In the deeper sulfidic waters, a subaquatic source delivers Mo at 1.55 ± 0.1‰, but the dissolved Mo is even heavier at δ98Mosulfidic = 1.8‰. Sediment traps in the sulfidic zone of the lake collect particles increasingly enriched in Mo with depth, with δ98Mo values significantly fractionated at −0.8‰ to −1.2‰ both near the chemocline and in the deepest trap. Suspended particulates in the sulfidic waters carry lighter Mo than the ambient dissolved Mo pool by ∼0.3-1.5‰. Sedimentary Mo concentrations correlate with total organic carbon and yield Mo levels which are two orders of magnitude higher than typical crustal values found in rocks from the catchment area. Solid-phase Mo in the sediment shows a slightly positive δ98Mo trend with depth, from δ98Mo = 1.2‰ to 1.4‰ while the pore waters show dramatic enrichments of Mo (>2000 nM) with a relatively light isotope signature of δ98Mo = 0.9-1.0‰.These data are explained if Mo is converted to particle-reactive oxythiomolybdates in the sulfidic waters and is fractionated during removal from solution onto particles. Isotope fractionation is expressed in the water column, despite the high sulfide concentrations, because the rate of Mo removal is fast compared to the slow reaction kinetics of thiomolybdate formation. However, elemental and isotopic mass balances show that Mo is indeed quantitatively removed to the lake sediments and thus the isotopic composition of the sediments reflects sources to the sulfidic water. This efficient Mo drawdown is expected to occur in settings where H2S is very much in excess over Mo or in a restricted setting where the water renewal rate is slow compared to the Mo burial rate. We present a model for the Mo isotope fractionation in sulfidic systems associated with the slow reaction kinetics and conclude that quantitative removal will occur in highly sulfidic and restricted marine systems.  相似文献   

For the first time 18O and 13C values from carbonates and D values of individual n-alkanes were used to reconstruct palaeohydrological conditions in a lagoon at the southern margin of the Central European Zechstein Basin (CEZB). A 12-m core covering the complete Ca2 interval and adjacent anhydrites (A1 and A2) was analyzed for 18O and 13C values of dolomitized carbonates and D values of individual n-alkanes. 18Ocarb values (+2 to +5 vs. VPDB) were strongly influenced by evaporation and temporal freshwater input into the lagoon. The 13Ccarb values (–1 to +4 vs. VPDB) were controlled mainly by changes in primary production. Both isotopic ratios show an inverse relationship throughout most of the core, contradicting diagenetic alteration, since 13Ccarb values are not altered significantly during dolomitization. Assuming a temperature range of 35–40 °C in the lagoon, 18Ocarb values of +2.5 to +8 (vs. VSMOW) for the lagoonal water can be reconstructed. The lagoon may have desiccated twice during the Ca2 interval, as indicated by very high 18Ocarb and low 13Ccarb values, coinciding with increasing amount of anhydrite in the analyzed sample. These events seem to reflect not just local but a regional intra-Ca2 cyclicity. Measured D values of the short-chain n-alkanes, namely n-C16 and n-C18 which are widely used as indicators for photosynthetic bacterial and algal input, reflect the isotopic composition of the lagoonal water. Assuming constant fractionation during incorporation of hydrogen into lipids of –160, an average D value of +70 (vs. VSMOW) can be reconstructed for the lagoonal water, accounting for very arid conditions. The long-chain n-alkanes n-C27, n-C28, n-C29 and n-C30, thought to be derived from the leaf waxes of terrestrial higher plants, were shown to be depleted in D relative to the short-chain alkanes, therefore indicating a different hydrogen source. Terrestrial plants in arid areas mainly use water supplied by precipitation. By using a smaller fractionation of –120 due to evaporation processes in the leaves, reconstructed values vary between –74 and –9 (vs. VSMOW). These values are not indicating extremely arid conditions, implying that the long-chain n-alkanes were transported trough wind and/or rivers into the lagoon at the Zechstein Sea coast. Dwater values, reconstructed using the n-C16 alkane and 18O water values, independently reconstructed on the same sample using the temperature dependant fractionation for dolomites are good agreement and suggest high amounts of evaporation affecting the coastal lagoon. Altogether, our results indicate that hydrogen isotopic ratios of n-alkanes give information on their origin and are a useful proxy for palaeoclimatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Unraveling the factors controlling the carbon chemistry and transport of carbon within extant karst systems has important implications concerning the assessment of time-series δ13C records of speleothems. Here we report the results of a 3-year study of total dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC] and δ13CDIC from cave waters at DeSoto Caverns (Southeastern USA) that offer valuable insight on carbon transport and the accompanied isotope fractionations from end-member sources to speleothems.[DIC] and δ13CDIC values of cave waters range from 0.2 to 6.0 mM and 2.7 to −12.9 (‰ VPDB), respectively. [DIC] and δ13CDIC of “seasonal drips” show seasonal, albeit noisy, variability and are inversely related (δ13CDIC = −2.49[DIC] + 0.64, r2 = 0.84). A shallow pool fed by multiple drips shows a bimodal δ13CDIC distribution with an isotopically heavier mode during winter (−4‰ to −5‰ VPDB) relative to summer months (−9‰ to −10‰ VPDB). A multi-year trend of decreasing water availability during the study period is not reflected in a response of cave water carbon chemistry suggesting that rainfall amount may not be a significant controlling factor of the carbon chemistry. Coupled cave air winter ventilation/summer stagnation and varying CO2 fluxes through the soil horizon and epikarst exert the strongest influence on seasonal [DIC] and δ13CDIC variability. Measured values of high [DIC] and low δ13CDIC from cave waters collected during the summer/early fall closely approximate isotopic equilibrium conditions. Conversely, low [DIC] and high δ13CDIC values during winter/early months indicate kinetically enhanced isotopic fractionations within the cave waters. The kinetically enhanced isotopic fractionation of partitioned between degassed CO2 and precipitated CaCO3(1000lnα[(CO2-HCO3)+(CaCO3(AR)-HCO3)]/2) is greater by about a factor of two (−6.7 ± 0.3‰) relative to the same isotopic fractionation under equilibrium conditions (−3.1‰).On the basis of 14C mass balance and paired 14C-U/Th measurements we estimate that on average about ∼23% of C delivered annually by the drips to the aragonite stalagmites is derived from 14C-dead dolomite cap while the remainder of ∼77% is derived from 14C-live biomass. δ13C measurements of aragonite (n = 12) sampled from the tips of active speleothems during the summer months are consistent with theoretical aragonite δ13C values calculated using the shallow pool summer/early fall data thus confirming the δ13C seasonality in both drips and coeval aragonite. δ13C values of an active stalagmite section spanning the last 200 years show a normal distribution with a mean of −7.1 ± 1.2‰ (n = 81) and a mode of −7‰ to −8‰ that are statistically indistinguishable from the annual mean and mode of all dripwaters. Thus secular time-series δ13C records of stalagmites at DeSoto Caverns with resolving power >10−1 year will likely carry the imprints of drip annual means that record climate-driven δ13C seasonal biases.  相似文献   

Kaolinite, gibbsite and quartz are the dominant minerals in samples collected from two outcrops of a Cenomanian (∼95 Ma) laterite in southwestern Minnesota. A combination of measured yields and isotope ratios permitted mass balance calculations of the δD and δ18O values of the kaolinite in these samples. These calculations yielded kaolinite δD values of about −73‰ and δ18O values of about +18.7‰. The δD and δ18O values appear to preserve information on the ancient weathering system.If formed in hydrogen and oxygen isotope equilibrium with water characterized by the global meteoric water line (GMWL), the kaolinite δD and δ18O values indicate a crystallization temperature of 22 (±5) °C. A nominal paleotemperature of 22 °C implies a δ18O value for the corresponding water of −6.3‰. The combination of temperature and meteoric water δ18O values is consistent with relatively intense rainfall at that mid-paleolatitude location (∼40°N) on the eastern shore of the North American Western Interior Seaway. The inferred Cenomanian paleosol temperature of ∼22 °C is in general accord with published mid-Cretaceous continental mean annual temperatures (MAT) estimated from leaf margin analyses of fossil plants.When compared with results from a published GCM-based Cenomanian climate simulation which specifies a latitudinal sea surface temperature (SST) gradient that was either near modern or smaller-than-modern, the kaolinite paleotemperature of 22 °C is closer to the GCM-predicted MAT for a smaller equator-to-pole temperature difference in the mid-Cretaceous. Moreover, the warm, kaolinite-derived, mid-paleolatitude temperature of 22 °C is associated with proxy estimates of high concentrations of atmospheric CO2 in the Cenomanian. The overall similarity of proxy and model results suggests that the general features of Cenomanian continental climate in that North American locale are probably being revealed.  相似文献   

Sediments from 28 saline and hypersaline (salinity 13.6-149.2) ponds on Christmas Island (Kiritimati), in the Central tropical Pacific Ocean, were investigated for the effect of salinity on the D/H ratios of lipid biomarkers. Hydrogen isotope ratios (expressed as δD values) of total lipid extracts, and individual hydrocarbons heptadecane, heptadecene, octadecane, octadecene, diploptene, and phytene from cyanobacteria, became increasingly enriched in deuterium as salinity increased, spanning a range of 100‰, while lake water δD values spanned a range of just 12‰. Net D/H fractionation between lipids and source water thus decreased as salinity increased. Isotope fractionation factors (αlipid-water) were strongly correlated with salinity, and increased in all compound classes studied by up to 0.0967 over a salinity range of 136. Differences in the hydrogen isotopic composition of lipids derived from three biosynthetic pathways (acetogenic, mevalonate, and non-mevalonate) remained similar irrespective of the salinity. This suggests that the mechanism responsible for the observed αlipid-water-salinity relationship originates prior to the last common biosynthetic branching point, the Calvin Cycle. We propose that a decrease in the exchange of intra- and extra-cellular (ambient) water resulting from down-regulation or closure of water channels (aquaporins) within cyanobacterial cell membranes, and subsequent isotopic enrichment of the intracellular water, likely resulting from metabolic reactions. These findings imply that caution must be exercised when attempting to reconstruct source water δD values using lipid δD values from environments that may have experienced salinity variations. On the other, hand our results can be used to establish a paleo-salinity proxy based on lipid δD, if additional constraints on source water δD values can be made.  相似文献   

The distributions of n-alkanes and their hydrogen isotopic composition (δD) in surface and core sediments from the saline Qinghai Lake were measured to assess whether or not biological source information was recorded in the δD values of n-alkanes. The results indicate that the n-alkane distributions between shallow water surface and core sediments were similar, and closer to those of terrestrial herbaceous plants from the Qinghai Lake surrounding areas, rather than the aquatic plants living in the lake. The n-alkanes in the surface and core sediments had similar mean δD values, ranging from −185‰ to −133‰ and −163‰ to −142‰, respectively. The mean δD values of n-alkanes in the sediments showed that the even n-alkanes were heavier in D compared with the odd homologues.  相似文献   

The formation of authigenic Ca-rich rhodochrosite (ACR) in sapropelic sediments of the Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea, is governed by deepwater renewal processes whereby saline water from the North Atlantic flushes the brackish anoxic Baltic Deeps. The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of these Mn-carbonates suggest that ACR formation takes place just below the sediment surface and that dissolved compounds from the deepwater column, such as water and bicarbonate molecules, were incorporated in ACR during authigenesis. Porewaters near the sediment surface display δ18O values of −5.4‰ (VSMOW) and are generally depleted in 18O, compared to the oxygen isotopic composition of water in equilibrium with Mn-carbonate solid solutions (ACR δ18O values are −4.6‰). This suggests that early burial diagenetic processes significantly modify the initial isotopic composition of water during Mn-carbonate formation. The reduction of sulfate having δ18O values of +8.4‰ accounts for a permanent enrichment of porewater 18O and observed δ18O values at depth equal to −4.6‰. However, this process does not explain the observed disequilibrium in the oxygen isotopic composition between water and ACR close to the sediment surface where Mn-carbonate formation takes place. Based on isotopic mass balance calculations, we suggest that MnO2 with δ18O values of +8.9‰ released oxygen enriched in 18O into the anoxic porewaters close below the sediment surface. This process should occur after oxygenation events during deepwater renewal when MnO2 accumulates at the surface of anoxic sediments. Manganese carbonates formed in these waters display δ18O values of ∼1.0‰ heavier than values expected solely from the initial deepwater composition. This quantitatively explains the discrepancy between paleosalinities calculated from ACR δ18O based on Mn-carbonate/water isotopic equilibrium fractionation and direct observations for the same period. Our results emphasize the important role of microbial MnO2 reduction during rhodochrosite authigenesis and suggest that Mn(II) activity, rather than alkalinity, is the limiting component for sedimentary Mn-carbonate formation.  相似文献   

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