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贵州省望谟县2011年6月6日暴发了特大山洪泥石流,其中暴雨中心所在的打易镇多处暴发泥石流。短历时强降雨激发了沟床起动类型的泥石流。本文通过对贵州望谟河流域群发泥石流的调查,得出该流域的66条沟中,22条沟无沟床起动类型泥石流暴发,25条沟暴发沟床起动类型泥石流,还有19条沟无法确定是否有沟床起动类型泥石流暴发。在前期工作基础上,提出了地质条件和降水条件因子的改进方法;并在前期工作的3大条件(地形条件、地质条件和降水条件)之间的关系基础上,由贵州望谟群发泥石流数据得出改进沟床起动类型泥石流的临界值,提出了泥石流的预报模型。本文模型在我国西南地区的泥石流验证中非常成功,为泥石流的预报提供了一个新方法。预报模型中的地形因子和地质因子还可以判断泥石流流域的暴发频率,为正确地判断泥石流流域的特征打下了基础。预报模型也可以估算泥石流的暴发规模,为定量地预测泥石流危害范围提供了依据。  相似文献   

余斌  朱渊  王涛  朱云波 《水科学进展》2015,26(3):347-355
针对沟床起动型泥石流的诱发因素为高强度短历时的降雨,提出10 min降雨强度是这类泥石流暴发的关键。在1 h预报模型的基础上,基于云南蒋家沟的多年泥石流观测资料,修正了1 h预报模型的降雨参数,并得到了10 min降雨预报模型。10 min降雨预报模型在中国西部的其他流域,如云南浑水沟、贵州望谟县打易区域泥石流沟、四川三滩沟、四川雅安陆王沟和干溪沟、甘肃柳湾沟、甘肃马槽沟等流域的验证中,取得了较好的结果。10 min降雨预报模型是部分建立在泥石流的形成机理上的模型,并不是完全的统计模型,因此该模型也可以用于其他地区的沟床起动类型泥石流预报。  相似文献   

研究目的】泥石流灾害是白龙江流域分布广泛并常引起群死群伤的重大地质灾害,准确评价泥石流活动规模及其危险度,是泥石流危险性预警预报的前提,合理构建危险性预报模型是泥石流防灾减灾的关键。【研究方法】本文以研究区历史泥石流案例和对应降雨资料为基础数据,采用统计分析方法,通过分析形成泥石流关键地质环境条件及其相互关系,构建了白龙江流域潜在泥石流危险度定量评价模型,提出了两类泥石流危险级别临界判别模式。【研究结果】结果表明:(1)以泥石流活动规模、沟床平均比降、流域切割密度、不稳定沟床比例为判断因子的泥石流危险度动态定量计算模型,能快速准确预测未来不同工程情景和降雨频率工况下泥石流危险度;(2)影响降雨型泥石流发生的地形条件由流域面积、10°~40°斜坡坡度面积比、沟床平均纵比降等组成,降雨条件主要由泥石流爆发前的24 h累积降雨量、触发泥石流1 h降雨量或10 min降雨量等组成;(3)依据30条典型泥石流沟危险度计算结果,获得泥石流危险性临界判别值,提出了降雨型潜在泥石流危险性1 h预报模型(Ⅰ类)和10 min预报模型(Ⅱ类),其中Ⅰ类模型高危险度以上泥石流预测精度大于87.5%,Ⅱ类模型中等危险度以上泥石流预测精度大于80%,而两类预报模型验证准确率为83.3%。【结论】研究成果为泥石流精准预警预报提供了技术支撑,对建立中小尺度泥石流实时化预警系统具有一定参考意义。创新点:通过确定与泥石流相对应关键地质环境因子,构建了泥石流危险度动态定量评价模型,依据泥石流危险性1 h和10 min临界判别模式可准确实现潜在泥石流预警预报。  相似文献   

文中通过模型试验,对试验现象中泥石流启动模式和堆积特征进行观测,研究了贺兰山苏峪口泥石流的形成受沟床坡度、土体含水率、粗颗粒含量三个因素影响的状况,初步探讨了贺兰山东麓泥石流在三个因素影响下的变化情况,试验结果表明:三个因素对泥石流影响由大到小分别是粗颗粒含量,沟床坡度、土体含水率;且粗颗粒含量越低、沟床坡度越大、含水率越高越容易发育泥石流。细颗粒含量较高时,泥石流的类型为沟道侵蚀型,粗颗粒含量较高时,泥石流类型为堵溃型。  相似文献   

汶川地震后,地震灾区泥石流具有暴发临界雨量小,规模大,危险性高的特点。在考虑降雨和地震作用下,采用灰色关联法分析北川县72条泥石流沟的泥石流规模、流域面积、主沟长度、流域相对高差、流域切割密度、不稳定沟床比、年均降雨量和地震烈度8个影响因子的权重,在此基础上建立震区泥石流危险性评价模型并进一步对其进行危险性评价。结果表明:影响因子中,年均降雨量和地震烈度所占权重最大; 运用本文模型得到的评价结果与刘希林模型基本一致,但危险度值相对提高,其中有7条泥石流沟危险度提高一个等级。  相似文献   

赵彦波  游勇  柳金峰  陈兴长 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1751-1755
沟床冲刷深度是泥石流灾害防治工程设计最重要的参数之一,但到目前为止,关于黏性泥石流沟床冲刷的研究较少,沟床冲刷深度还没有权威可信的计算方法,是泥石流防治工程设计急需解决的技术问题。详细分析了黏性泥石流及可能冲刷沟床运动过程中受力情况,推导出黏性泥石流沟床最大冲刷深度计算公式。公式表明黏性泥石流沟床冲刷深度随泥石流泥深、泥石流重度和沟床纵比降及沟床堆积土体黏性的增大而增大,随沟床堆积土体内摩擦角的增大而减小。与现有计算方法相比,公式基于严格理论推导,计算结果更为精确,可用于计算已发生泥石流地区的不同频率的泥石流的冲刷深度,并举例说明了计算公式的实用价值,其结果为泥石流防治工程设计提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

汶川震区北川9.24暴雨泥石流特征研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
2008年9月24日汶川震区的北川县暴雨导致区域性泥石流发生,这次9.24暴雨泥石流灾害导致了42人死亡,对公路和其他基础设施造成严重损毁。本研究采用地面调查和遥感解译方法分析地震与暴雨共同作用下的泥石流特征,获取的气象数据用于分析泥石流起动的临界雨量条件。本文探讨了研究区泥石流起动和输移过程,并根据野外调查,分析了泥石流形成的降雨、岩石和断层作用,特别是强降雨过程与物源区对泥石流发生的作用。根据应急调查发现北川县境内暴雨诱发的泥石流72处,其分布受岩石类型、发震断层和河流等因素控制。根据对研究区震前和震后泥石流发生的临界雨量和雨强的初步分析,汶川地震后,该区域泥石流起动的前期累积雨量降低了14.8%~22.1%,小时雨强降低25.4 %~31.6%。震区泥石流起动方式主要有二种,一是由于暴雨过程形成的斜坡表层径流导致悬挂于斜坡上的滑坡体表面和前缘松散物质向下输移,进入沟道后转为泥石流过程;二是消防水管效应使沟道水流快速集中,并强烈冲刷沟床中松散固体物质,导致沟床物质起动并形成泥石流过程。调查和分析发现沟内堆积的滑坡坝对泥石流的阻塞明显,溃决后可导致瞬时洪峰流量特别大。研究结果表明了汶川震区已进入一个新的活跃期。因此,应该开展对汶川地震区的泥石流风险评估和监测、早期预警,采取有效的工程措施控制泥石流的发生和危害。  相似文献   

强震区侵蚀-溃决型泥石流的动力特性定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄勋  唐川 《工程地质学报》2017,25(6):1491-1500
强震作用导致流域内松散物源、微地貌及水文环境发生剧烈变化,致使强震区泥石流的形成机制和活动规律区别于普通泥石流。从启动判别、沟床侵蚀和溃决放大效应等3个方面入手,利用物理模型和数值模拟,定量分析了强震区泥石流启动-流通-堆积全过程的动力特性。结合案例验证了强震侵蚀-溃决型泥石流的力学机制。分析表明,泥石流沟床侵蚀是外部应力增加、内部强度衰减和松散物质基础3种机制的综合结果,沟道堰塞体溃决导致泥石流流量被瞬间放大,进而反馈到侵蚀机制中,导致泥石流规模剧增。红椿沟8·14泥石流案例验算显示,H02、H03堰塞体溃决导致泥石流流量放大至800.80m3·s-1,沟床侵蚀物质总量达34.72×104m3,约占总规模的50%。  相似文献   

2012年8月18日四川省彭州市龙门山镇地区遭受50年一遇的暴雨,引发大规模群发性泥石流灾害,其中以高架子沟最为突出,导致银厂沟内居民生活和交通严重受损。本文据现场调查和航空影像解译,分析高架子沟流域、物源特征的基础上讨论该次泥石流的演化过程、启动方式及灾害机理。结果表明:高架子沟在震前是一条非泥石流沟,震后流域内物源丰富,泥石流形成及演化过程为:地震-滑坡、崩塌-降雨-泥石流,其成灾启动过程包括启动阶段、加速阶段、下切拉槽阶段、堆积四个阶段,启动模式为沟床启动型。该泥石流形成过程中,"消防水管效应"使沟道水流快速集中,并强烈冲刷沟床中的松散堆积体,导致沟床固体物质移动形成大规模的泥石流灾害。  相似文献   

绵竹清平8·13群发泥石流成因、特征与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2010年8月13日凌晨,5·12汶川地震极重灾区绵竹市清平乡发生群发泥石流灾害,27条沟谷发生泥石流,占泥石流沟总数的69.4%,其中以文家沟泥石流最为严重。在调查基础上,分析了8·13特大群发泥石流的成因、特征和发展趋势,并提出了灾后规划重建中的地质安全问题。从成因上看,8·13特大群发泥石流是5·12汶川地震和强降雨共同作用的结果;从特征上来看,泥石流呈现出暴发空间的群发性、启动过程的复杂性、发生过程的持续性,成灾过程的链式性、危害形式的多样性、泥石流规模的放大性和泥石流隐患的隐蔽性等7个方面的特征;清平乡各沟8·13泥石流冲出方量约占物源总量的10%~50%,泥石流存在进一步频发、群发的态势,建议在灾后规划重建的过程中,应全面科学评估清平乡泥石流灾害的链式效应和地质环境容量问题,将地质灾害的防治同规划重建密切结合。  相似文献   

Many debris flows were triggered within and also outside the Dayi area of the Guizhou Province, China, during a rainstorm in 2011. High-intensity short-duration rainfall was the main triggering factor for these gully-type debris flows which are probably triggered by a runoff-induced mechanism. A revised prediction model was introduced for this kind of gully-type debris flows with factors related to topography, geology, and hydrology (rainfall) and applied to the Wangmo River catchment. Regarding the geological factor, the “soft lithology” and “loose sediments” in the channel were added to the list of the average firmness coefficient for the lithology. Also, the chemical weathering was taken into account for the revised geological factor. Concerning the hydrological factor, a coefficient of variation of rainfall was introduced for the normalization of the rainfall factor. The prediction model for debris flows proposed in this paper delivered three classes of the probability of debris flow occurrence. The model was successfully validated in debris flow gullies with the same initiation mechanism in other areas of southwest China. The generic character of the model is explained by the fact that its factors are partly based on the initiation mechanisms and not only on the statistical analyses of a unique variety of local factors. The research provides a new way to predict the occurrence of debris flows initiated by a runoff-induced mechanism.  相似文献   

浅层滑坡诱发沟谷泥石流的地形和降雨条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
余斌  王涛  朱渊 《水科学进展》2016,27(4):542-550
2011年贵州省望谟县打易镇的大范围浅层滑坡诱发的沟谷泥石流提供了研究这类泥石流地形和降雨条件的机会。在地质条件一致和小区域内的降雨条件基本一致的情况下,地形条件就是这些泥石流暴发与否的唯一决定因素。对比一些重要的地形因素与泥石流暴发的关系,得出了由流域面积、沟床纵比降和25°~45°山坡坡度面积比组成的泥石流综合地形因子T。在地形因子T的基础上,研究获得了由前期降雨量、1 h降雨强度、年平均降雨量等组成的降雨因子R。由地形因子T和降雨因子R获得的临界条件P可以判断该区域的泥石流暴发。由于研究工作部分基于泥石流的形成机理,研究成果还可用于其他区域的泥石流形成预测,为泥石流的预测预报提供了一个较好的方法。  相似文献   

在汶川震区沟道型泥石流中,普遍存在一种窄陡沟道类型,窄陡沟道型泥石流具有沟道纵坡陡、平均宽度窄、流域面积小的地形特点,在震区容易瞬间汇流形成大规模突发性泥石流灾害。结合四川省都汶高速沿线2013年“7·10”特大群发性泥石流,重点以窄陡沟道型的磨子沟泥石流为实例,针对该泥石流对都汶高速、岷江等造成的冲击淤埋及堵塞问题,通过现场调查泥石流形成条件和发育特征,采用大型流体动力学计算软件CFX模拟再现50年一遇暴雨频率下此类窄陡型泥石流的动力学过程,分析其危险范围、评价其冲击都汶高速桥梁,堵塞岷江,淹没岷江两岸居民安置点的破坏性影响,为提出针对性的泥石流防治工程措施提供依据。  相似文献   

浙江省地形复杂,山地面积大,暴雨频繁,尤其近年来受台风影响,泥石流等山地灾害频发。本文通过浙江省泥石流的调查成果,综合分析区内泥石流发育特征。通过分析,浙江泥石流主要有如下独特的发育特征:沟床比降大,相对高差小,两侧山坡坡度大,流程短,流域面积小等;地质构造上:泥石流主要发育在全-强风化的火山碎屑岩区域,沿深大断裂成带状分布;泥石流三区特征:三区分界不明显,尤其流通区和堆积区难以区分等。本文初次系统分析总结了浙江省泥石流发育特征,对浙江省泥石流形成机理、泥石流防灾减灾等的进一步分析研究提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

A dramatic increase in debris flows occurred in the years after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in SW China due to the deposition of loose co-seismic landslide material. This paper proposes a preliminary integrated model, which describes the relationship between rain input and debris flow run-out in order to establish critical rain thresholds for mobilizing enough debris volume to reach the basin outlet. The model integrates in a simple way rainfall, surface runoff, and concentrated erosion of the loose material deposited in channels, propagation, and deposition of flow material. The model could be calibrated on total volumes of debris flow materials deposited at the outlet of the Shuida catchment during two successive rain events which occurred in August 2011. The calibrated model was used to construct critical rainfall intensity-duration graphs defining thresholds for a run-out distance until the outlet of the catchment. Model simulations show that threshold values increase after successive rain events due to a decrease in erodible material. The constructed rainfall intensity-duration threshold graphs for the Shuida catchment based on the current situation appeared to have basically the same exponential value as a threshold graph for debris flow occurrences, constructed for the Wenjia catchment on the basis of 5 observed triggering rain events. This may indicate that the triggering mechanism by intensive run-off erosion in channels in this catchment is the same. The model did not account for a supply of extra loose material by landslips transforming into debris flow or reaching the channels for transportation by run-off. In August 2012, two severe rain events were measured in the Shuida catchment, which did not produce debris flows. This could be confirmed by the threshold diagram constructed by the model.  相似文献   

水力类泥石流起动机理与预报研究进展与方向   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水力类泥石流是泥石流的一大类型,一旦暴发可造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,因而其起动机理和预报是泥石流学科的前沿课题。尽管国内外研究在该领域取得了显著进展,但是由于该类泥石流起动机理的复杂性,已有的预报模型和其实用性仍然有相当的差距。概述了水力类泥石流起动与预报的国内外研究进展,提出未来该研究方向的主要研究内容。未来研究内容应该包括从环境地质学、地貌学和水文学角度认识水力类泥石流的起动成因和过程及相应的临界条件;研究以水文学为主线的水力类泥石流的起动机理和模型,并提出水力类泥石流的起动水文参数临界条件;建立以临界流量法和分布式水文模型为理论依据的水力类泥石流的预报途径和方法。该研究对加强水力类泥石流起动机理及预测预报的创新性研究和促进学科发展具有重要的科学价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Debris flows are more frequent in central Taiwan, because of its mountainous geography. For example, many debris flows were induced by Typhoon Herb in 1996. The Chi-Chi earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3, which took place in 1999 in central Taiwan, induced many landslides in this region. Some landslides turned into debris flows when Typhoon Toraji struck Taiwan in 2001. This study investigates the characteristics of the gullies where debris flows have occurred for a comparison. Aerial photos of these regions dated in 1997 (before the earthquake) and 2001 (after the earthquake) are used to identify the occurrence of gully-type debris flows. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is applied to acquire hydrological and geomorphic characteristics: stream gradient, stream length, catchment gradient, catchment area, form factor, and geology unit of these gullies. These characteristics in different study regions are presented in a statistical approach. The study of how strong ground motion affects the debris flows occurrence is conducted. The characteristics of the debris flow gullies triggered by typhoons before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake are quantitatively compared. The analysis results show that a significant transformation in the characteristics was induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake. In general, the transformation points out a lower hydrological and geomorphic threshold to trigger debris flows after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The susceptibility of rock units to strong ground motion is also examined. The analysis of debris flow density and accumulated rainfall in regions of different ground motion also reveal that the rainfall threshold decreases after the Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

泥石流堆积物作为泥石流发育最终的产物,含有大量与泥石流发生过程和发育特征相关的信息,能够反映泥石流灾害程度和活动强度。研究表明,泥石流堆积物颗粒具有明显的自相似性和无标度区间,运用分形理论,计算泥石流堆积物颗粒分布的分维数。分析分维数与主沟长度、泥砂补给段长度比、主沟平均比降、流域最大相对高差和松散物源量的关系,结果表明分维数与各因素之间存在较强的非线性响应关系。以乌东德库区泥石流实测数据为例,以上述的5个因素作为输入单元,建立了泥石流堆积物分维数支持向量机预测模型,并对分维数进行了预测,其预测结果的最大误差为1.25%,说明预测值与实测值吻合度较高。综合表明支持向量机预测模型能够较好地模拟和泛化数据,是一种行之有效的泥石流堆积物分形维数预测方法,可用于不具备筛析条件的泥石流堆积物粒度分布特征的预测与研究,进而可为研究泥石流的形成机理、类型、危险度和堆积物的形成演化特征及物理力学性质提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

Several giant debris flows occurred in southwestern China after the Wenchuan earthquake, causing serious casualties and economic losses. Debris flows were frequently triggered after the earthquake. A relatively accurate prediction of these post-seismic debris flows can help to reduce the consequent damages. Existing debris flow prediction is almost based on the study of the relationship between post-earthquake debris flows and rainfall. The relationship between the occurrence of post-seismic debris flows and characteristic rainfall patterns was studied in this paper. Fourteen rainfall events related to debris flows that occurred in four watersheds in the Wenchuan earthquake area were collected. By analyzing the rainfall data, characteristics of rainfall events that triggered debris flows after the earthquake were obtained. Both the critical maximum rainfall intensity and average rainfall intensity increased with the time. To describe the critical conditions for debris flow initiation, intensity–duration curves were constructed, which shows how the threshold for triggering debris flows increased each year. The time that the critical rainfall intensities of debris flow occurrences return to the value prior to the earthquake could not be estimated due to the absent rainfall data before the earthquake. Rainfall-triggering response patterns could be distinguished for rainfall-induced debris flows. The critical rainfall patterns related to debris flows could be divided on the basis of antecedent rainfall duration and intensity into three categories: (1) a rapid triggering response pattern, (2) an intermediate triggering response pattern, and (3) a slow triggering response pattern. The triggering response patterns are closely related to the initiation mechanisms of post-earthquake debris flows. The main difference in initiation mechanisms and difference in triggering patterns by rainfall is regulated by the infiltration process and determined by a number of parameters, such as hydro-mechanical soil characteristics, the thickness of the soil, and the slope gradient. In case of a rapid triggering response rainfall pattern, the hydraulic conductivity and initial moisture content are the main impact factors. Runoff erosion and rapid loading of solid material is the dominant process. In case of a rainfall pattern with a slow triggering response, the thickness and strength of the soil, high hydraulic conductivity, and rainfall intensity are the impact factors. Probably slope failure is the most dominant process initiating debris flows. In case of an intermediate triggering response pattern, both debris flow initiation mechanisms (runoff erosion and slope failure) can play a role.  相似文献   

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