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A theoretical solution to the electromagnetic problem of a perfectly conducting half plane below a conducting overburden has been obtained. The VLF anomalies have been computed for different overburden conductivity and thickness and also for different dip angles of the half plane. In the computations the contribution to the secondary magnetic field from the electric Hertz potential has been neglected. The anomaly curves which are displayed as EM 16 readings, show a fairly complicated behaviour. This is mainly due to the phase shift and attenuation of the field caused by the conductivity of the overburden and the host rock. From the anomaly curves it is possible to define the apparent depth to the top of the conductor as the distance between the peak value and the cross-over of the real component. The apparent depth is usually larger than the actual depth, but it is possible to determine the actual depth to the conductor from the relation between the peak-to-peak anomaly and the apparent depth. When the peak-to-peak anomaly is fairly large, it is also possible to make estimates of the dip angle. However, a complete set of master curves will be a necessary tool for interpretation of VLF data when there is need to obtain more accurate estimates of the half plane parameters. In a specific case the theoretical calculations are shown to be in good agreement with measured data.  相似文献   

The VLF response of laterally inhomogeneous and anisotropic models is calculated numerically using the finite element method. Some results are presented for a slab model in terms both of the polarization parameters, i.e., the tilt angle and ellipticity of the magnetic polarization ellipse, and the amplitude ratio |Hz/Hx|. On the basis of both the ellipticity and the tilt angle, it is possible to discriminate between a poor conductor and a good one. The direction of the dip can be determined from the anomaly profiles of all diagnostic parameters. The effect of the conductive overburden is most noticeable on the ellipticity profile: one observes attenuation for a poor conductor and “negative attenuation” for a good conductor. The anomaly profiles for anisotropic cases are consistent with the ones of the isotropic cases.  相似文献   

The interpretation of airborne VLF data represents an important aspect of geophysical mapping of the upper few hundred meters of the Earth's crust, especially in areas with crystalline rocks. We have examined the ability of the single frequency VLF method to provide quantitative subsurface resistivity information using two generic models and standard airborne parameters with a flight altitude of 70 m and a frequency of 16 kHz. The models are long thin conductor (10 m thick, 10 Ω m resistivity and 1 km long) and a wider buried conductive dike (100 Ω m resistivity and 500 m wide). Using standard regularized inversion it turned out that for both models the conductivity of the conductors are underestimated and the vertical resolution is rather poor. The lateral positions of the minimum of the resistivity distributions coincide well with the true positions of the shallow conductors. For deeper conductors the position of the minimum resistivity moves from the edges of the conductor into the conductor. The depth to the minimum of the resistivity anomalies correlates well with the true depth to the top of the conductors although the latter is always smaller than the former.Interpretation of field airborne data collected at 70 m flight height resolved both small scale and large scale near surface conductors (conductance ∼1 S). Deeper conductors show up in the VLF data as very long wavelength anomalies that are particularly powerful in delineating the lateral boundaries of the conductors. Many of the VLF anomalies in the Stockholm area are dominated by these deep conductor responses with some near surface conductors superimposed. The deep conductors often follow topographic lows coinciding with metasediments. We interpret the frequent absence of near surface responses at 70 m flight height as a result of weak coupling between the primary VLF wave and the small scale (in all three dimensions) near-surface conductors.Radio magnetotelluric (RMT) ground measurements were carried out along a short profile coinciding with part of an airborne profile. Using data at 9 frequencies (14–250 kHz) small scale conductors in the upper few tens of meters, not identified from the airborne data, could be well resolved. Large scale deeper conductors could be identified by both methods at nearly the same positions.  相似文献   

A useful analysis of the mise-à-la-masse problem can be made by considering a perfectly conducting orebody in a piecewise uniform conducting earth. While the use of a perfect conductor is clearly an idealization of the true geological conditions it provides several advantages for the present purpose.
The electric field associated with the above model can be expressed in terms of a surface integral of the normal potential gradient over the boundary of the conductor, where the normal gradient satisfies a well-posed Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. This integral equation formulation remains unchanged when the conductor is arbitrarily located in the conducting earth, including the important case when it crosses surfaces of conductivity discontinuity. Moreover, it is readily specialized to the important case of a thin, perfectly conductive lamina.
Consideration of the boundary value problem relevant to a conductive body fed by a stationary current source suggests that under certain circumstances, equivalent mise-à-la-masse responses will result from any perfect conductor confined by the equipotential surfaces of the original problem. This type of equivalence can only be reduced by extending the potential measurements into or on to the conductor itself.
This ambiguity in the interpretation of mise-à-la-masse surveys suggests a simple if approximate integral solution to the mise-à-la-masse problem. The solution is suitable for modelling the responses of perfect conductors and could possibly be used as the basis of a direct inversion scheme for mise-à-la-masse data.  相似文献   

Responses of a multifrequency, multicoil airborne electromagnetic (AEM) system were modelled numerically for 3D electrical conductors embedded in a resistive bedrock and overlain by an overburden of low to moderate conductivity. The results cover a horizontal coplanar coil configuration and two frequencies, 7837 Hz and 51 250 Hz. The models studied are single or multiple, poor conductors (conductance lower than 0.1 S) embedded in a host rock of high but finite resistivity (5000 Ωm) and overlain by a layer of overburden with finite thickness and low to moderate conductivity (conductance up to 2 S). On the basis of the modelling results, limits of detectability for poor conductors have been studied for the various model structures. The results indicate that the anomaly from a steeply dipping, plate-like conductor will decrease significantly when the conductor is embedded in a weakly conductive host rock and is overlain by a conductive overburden. However, an anomaly is obtained, and its magnitude can even increase with increasing overburden conductivity or frequency. The plate anomaly remains practically constant when only the overburden thickness is varied. Changes in overburden conductivity will cause the plate-anomaly values to change markedly. If the plate conductance is less than that of the overburden, a local anomaly opposite in sign to the normal type of anomaly will be recorded. Another major consequence is that conductors interpreted with free-space models will be heavily overestimated in depth or underestimated in conductance, if in reality induction and current channelling in the host rock and overburden make even a slight contribution to the anomalous EM field. The lateral resolution for the horizontal coplanar coil system was found to be about 1.7 times the sensor altitude. Similarly, the lateral extension of a horizontal conductive ribbon, required to reach the semi-infinite (half-space) behaviour, is more than three times the sensor altitude. Finally, screening of a steeply dipping plate, caused by a small, conductive horizontal ribbon, is much more severe than screening of the same plate by an extensive horizontal layer.  相似文献   

The response of two-dimensional, inclined, sheet-like conductors with, low conductance values to plane wave electromagnetic fields in the very low frequency (VLF) range has been evaluated by using a numerical technique. The conductance values of the conductors considered are appropriate for those produced by water and/or clay-filled fracture and shear zones in the Precambrian crystalline rocks of the Canadian Shield. The surrounding host rock was assumed to be, resistive with resistivities in the 1–10 k.m range to reflect the high resistivities over the shield areas. No overburden was assumed in this analysis.The results of the computations are presented in the form of characteristic interpretation diagrams to interpret ground VLF data in the field, where facilities for direct numerical modelling may not be available. A method for interpreting ground VLF data using such characteristic diagrams has been proposed in this paper which requires a prior knowledge of the host rock resistivity and the inclination of the conductor. These two parameters may be derived from a VLF resistivity survey and from appropriate filtering of the VLF tilt angle response. The interpretation method was applied to a ground VLF anomaly obtained at a research site near Atikokan in NW Ontario, which yielded an interpretation compatible with information from geological mapping.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 51888.  相似文献   

In a weathered environment estimates of depth and conductance of metallic sulphide dykes from conventional anomaly index diagrams for a vertical half-plane in air have to be corrected, besides the usual corrections, for: 1. moderate conductivity of the host rocks, and 2. finiteness of strike length S and depth extent D. Model experiments have been carried out to evaluate the response variation of a vertical planar conductor with varying depth extent and strike length for both insulating and conductive surroundings. The results indicate: 1. A conductor with finite depth extent (D/L < 2.5) or strike length (S/L < 5.0) in an insulating medium yields a lower estimate of conductance (mineralization) and a greater depth. 2. A moderately-conductive host rock enhances the anomaly and rotates the phase so that the conductor appears to be more resistive (less mineralized) and shallower. The results have practical significance since in weathered surroundings a highly-mineralized body of finite size could be missed, or misjudged, because of low estimates of conductivity and depth.  相似文献   

The magnetometric resistivity (MMR) method uses a sensitive magnetometer to measure the low-level, low-frequency magnetic fields associated with the galvanic current flow between a pair of electrodes. While the MMR anomalies of simple structures such as dikes and vertical contacts have been determined analytically, there is a lack of systematic information on the expected responses from simple three-dimensional bodies. We determine the characteristic anomalies associated with square, plate-like conductors, which are excellent models of many base metal mineral deposits. The anomalies of plates of finite size are determined numerically using an integral equation method. A plate is subdivided into many sections and the current flow within each section is solved by equating the electrical field within each section to the tangential electrical field just outside it. When the plate size is small in relation to either the depth or the transmitter spacing, the shape and amplitude of the anomaly produced is closely approximated by a current dipole model of the same length and depth. At the other extreme, a large plate is represented by a half-plane. The dipole and half-plane models are used to bracket the behaviour of plates of finite size. The form of a plate anomaly is principally dependent on the shape, depth and orientation of the plate. A large, dipping plate near the surface produces a skewed anomaly highly indicative of its dip, but the amount of skew rapidly diminishes with increased depth or decreased size. Changes in plate conductivity affect the amplitude of the anomaly, but have little effect on anomaly shape. A current channelling parameter, determined from the conductivity contrast, can thus be used to scale the amplitude of an anomaly whose basic shape has been determined from geometrical considerations. The separation into geometrical and electrical factors greatly simplifies both the interpretation and modelling of MMR anomalies, particularly in situations with multiple plates. An empirical formula, using this separation, predicts the anomaly of two or more parallel plates with different conductances. In addition, the relation between the resolution of two vertical, parallel plates of equal conductance and their separation is determined. The ability of the integral equation method to model plate-like structures is demonstrated with the interpretation of an MMR anomaly in a survey conducted at Cork Tree Well in Western Australia. The buried conductor, a mineralized graphitic zone, is modelled with a vertical, bent plate. The depth to the top of the plate, and the plate conductance, is adjusted to fit the anomaly amplitude as closely as possible. From the modelling it would appear that this zone is not solely responsible for the observed anomaly.  相似文献   

The applied potential, or mise‐à‐la‐masse, method is used in mineral exploration and environmental applications to constrain the shape and extent of conductive anomalies. However, few simple calculations exist to help gain understanding and intuition regarding the pattern of measured electrical potential at the ground surface. While it makes intuitive sense that the conductor must come close to the ground surface in order for the lateral extent of the potential anomaly to be affected by the dimensions of the conductor rather than simply by the depth, no simple calculation exists to quantify this effect. In this contribution, a simple method of images solution for the case of a sphere of constant electrical potential in a conducting half‐space is presented. The solution consists of an infinite series where the first term is the same as the method of images solution for a point current source in an infinite half‐space. The higher order terms result from the interaction of the constant potential sphere with the no‐flux boundary condition representing the ground surface and cause the change in the shape of the potential anomaly that is of interest in the applied potential method. The calculation is relevant to applied potentials when the conductive anomaly is limited in all three space dimensions and is highly conductive. Using the derived formula, it is shown that, while the electrical potential at the ground surface caused by the sphere is affected even when the sphere is quite deep, the ratio of the potential to the current, a quantity that is more relevant to the applied potential method, is not affected until the centre of the sphere is within two radii of the ground surface. An expression for the contact resistance of the sphere as a function of depth is also given, and the contact resistance is shown to increase by roughly 45% as the sphere is moved from great depth to the ground surface.  相似文献   

The Normalized Full Gradient (NFG) method was proposed in the mid–1960s and was generally used for the downward continuation of the potential field data. The method eliminates the side oscillations which appeared on the continuation curves when passing through anomalous body depth. In this study, the NFG method was applied to Slingram electromagnetic anomalies to obtain the depth of the anomalous body. Some experiments were performed on the theoretical Slingram model anomalies in a free space environment using a perfectly conductive thin tabular conductor with an infinite depth extent. The theoretical Slingram responses were obtained for different depths, dip angles and coil separations, and it was observed from NFG fields of the theoretical anomalies that the NFG sections yield the depth information of top of the conductor at low harmonic numbers. The NFG sections consisted of two main local maxima located at both sides of the central negative Slingram anomalies. It is concluded that these two maxima also locate the maximum anomaly gradient points, which indicates the depth of the anomaly target directly. For both theoretical and field data, the depth of the maximum value on the NFG sections corresponds to the depth of the upper edge of the anomalous conductor. The NFG method was applied to the in-phase component and correct depth estimates were obtained even for the horizontal tabular conductor. Depth values could be estimated with a relatively small error percentage when the conductive model was near-vertical and/or the conductor depth was larger.  相似文献   

In this paper the applicability of an approximate Boundary Element Method to uniform half-plane elastodynamic problems is investigated. This method employs the concept of images to construct approximate fundamental solutions for the half-plane and does not require any half-plane surface discretization. The method is formulated in the frequency domain for the case of harmonic disturbances or the Laplace transform domain for the case of transient disturbances. In the latter case a numerical inversion of the transformed solution is necessary to obtain the time domain response. The proposed method can be used as an alternative to boundary element methods that either utilize the infinite plane fundamental solution and thus require a half-plane surface discretization, or employ the exact half-plane fundamental solution, which even though leads to no surface discretization, is of a very lengthy and complicated form. Two characteristics numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method and study its advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

Integrated geophysical surveys using vertical electrical sounding (VES), very low frequency (VLF) EM, radiation counting, total magnetic field and self-potential (SP) measurements are carried out to characterize the geothermal area around a hot spring in the Nayagarh district, Orissa, India that lies in the East Indian geothermal province. The study was performed to delineate the fracture pattern, contaminated groundwater movement and possible heating source. VES interpretations suggest a three- to four-layer structure in the area. Resistivity survey near the hot spring suggests that weathered and fractured formations constitute the main aquifer system and extend to 60 m depth. Current flow measured at various electrode separations normalized by the applied voltage suggests that fractures extend to a greater depth. Detailed VLF study shows that fractures extend beyond 70 m depth. VLF anomaly has also very good correlation with the total magnetic field measured along the same profiles. Study results suggest that a gridded pattern of VLF survey could map the underground conductive fracture zones that can identify the movement of contaminated groundwater flow. Therefore, precautionary measures can be taken to check further contamination by delineating subsurface conducting structures. Self potential (SP) measured over the hot spring does not show a large anomaly in favor of the presence of a sulphide mineral body. A small positive (5–15mV) SP anomaly is measured which may be streaming potential due to subsurface fluid flow. A high radiation is measured about four kilometers from the hot spring, suggesting possible radiogenic heating. However, the exact nature of the heating source and its depth is not known in the area. Deep resistivity followed by a magneto-telluric survey could reveal the deeper structures.  相似文献   

Theoretically exact type curves are presented to show the effect on response shape of changing dip, strike, transmitter-receiver separation, depth of burial and target conductance. Relatively small dip variations produce a marked asymmetry in response shape. For steeply dipping conductors, strike can be determined from the cross-over width of the anomaly. The curves illustrate the dynamic character of the transient process, and suggest how the spatial disposition and quality of large sheet conductors might be inferred from the extent of peak-amplitude displacement with time, and rate of eddy-current diffusion. A generalized interpretation scheme is proposed based on dimensionless response characteristics which will facilitate the rapid determination of conductor dip, conductance and depth of burial for any time regime.  相似文献   

A portable low-power Very Low Frequency (VLF) transmitter using a large square loop antenna has been designed, assembled and tested by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for geological studies of fracture patterns in igneous rock masses. Standard laboratory equipment, consisting of a signal generator, a 1100-W power amplifier and several high-power tuning capacitors, was used for the purpose. Field tests at the Chalk River facilities of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited have demonstrated a remarkable similarity between survey results obtained using the VLF signals from the local loop transmitter and from distant US Navy VLF transmitters. The local loop was used to simulate the fields from navy stations NAA in Cutler, Maine and NSS in Annapolis, Maryland. Conductor axes, mapped by using these navy stations, and by using the loop antenna yielded almost identical results. A survey was also done in the same area with the local loop placed in such a manner that the direction of the VLF field was at 45° to the field directions from NAA and NSS. In this case, the same conductor axes were located with only minor shifts in position, indicating that conductors whose axes lie within 45° of the direction of the primary horizontal magnetic field are mapped. Thus, it is probably sufficient to have two sources with orthogonal VLF fields to map all VLF conductors in an area. Since in most areas at least one navy VLF station can be used, the local loop transmitter can be used to generate a signal at right angles to the direction from the navy transmitter to allow a more complete VLF survey coverage.  相似文献   

A new integral-equation program for calculation of the E-polarization response allows modeling of VLF for plane wave or line source input, e.g., magnetotellurics and Turam responses. The anomalous conducting body is modeled by a number of square cells, each of individual size and resistivity, and with arbitrary position in the host medium. This provides a high degree of flexibility and allows for simulation of rather complex conductivity structures. The computation time has been drastically reduced by using techniques such as digital filtering and fast Fourier transformation. The interpretation of a measured Turam profile and the influence of galvanically channelled currents in the conducting body is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present discussion on the origin of highly conducting layers in the middle and lower crust, water (brines) and graphite are widely accepted as the two most promising explanations. In this review, petrophysical and petrological aspects are summarized aiming at an understanding of how the indispensable interconnectedness of these highly conducting phases within a normally insulating rock matrix may be established and maintained under conditions of the upper and the lower crust. Accordingly, interpretation of conductivity models will be conclusive in cases of conductance values reaching several thousand S for layers at deeper crustal level since they can not be explained other than by the existence of metaanthracitic or graphitic rocks. In cases of low to moderate conductance values as often observed, e.g., at the transition zone from the upper to the lower crust, interpretation may remain ambiguous and may need further multidisciplinary investigations.  相似文献   

Conductivity models were compiled in two geological provinces with thinsediments. The first province is the margin of the Precambrian East EuropeanPlatform. The second one is the Phanerozoic Rhenish Massif as a part of CentralGermany Hercinicum. In both provinces, a conducting layer was revealed at thebase of the upper crust by the magnetotelluric soundings. Its depth is around10 km in the East European Platform and around 15 km in the Rhenish Massif.The conductance of the layer reaches a few tens of Siemens in the first provinceand is almost an order of magnitude greater in the second one.A good correlation between the conductor and a seismic wave-guide (low-velocityzone) exists at the base of the upper crust. Simultaneous decrease of both electricalresistivity and seismic velocity, suggests an increase of porosity and permeability inpresence of saline water. The depth of rheological weak layer in the PhanerozoicRhenish Massif corresponds to the commonly accepted depth of the thermallyinduced brittle/ductile transition. Contrary similar layer in the Precambrian EasternEuropean Platform is much shallower than the thermally induced transition. Somenew mechanism should be considered.  相似文献   

本文提出了能提高异常体分辨能力,同时得到绝对电导率的地面磁电阻率数据三维反演方法.磁电阻率响应用准直流的低频磁场代替;数值模拟由频率域电场满足的Helmholtz方程出发,采用三维交错网格有限差分法;长直导线源作为发射源,其中源的计算包含在背景场中;结合地面磁电阻率数据各分量的特点,选择y分量进行反演研究;反演采用三维非线性共轭梯度反演技术,为了提高异常体的深度分辨能力,进行迭代重构反演;用印模法对初始模型进行重构,采用的是辅模型在浅部,元模型在深部的组合方式.从合成数据和实际数据的反演结果可以得到以下的认识:(1)由频率域麦克斯韦方程组出发,低频磁场数据反演可以直接得到电导率,而不是相对电导率之比;(2)采用印模法组合初始模型,进行迭代重构反演,可以提高地面磁电阻率数据反演对异常体的分辨能力,确定埋深位置,同时不会丧失对于浅部异常体的分辨能力;(3)在结合印模法的地面磁电阻率数据三维反演中,深部异常体的分辨能力受地表不均匀导电体影响较小;(4)确定印模深度可以采用上一次重构反演结束时的模型变化量,通过相邻两次重构反演结束时的模型变化量之差来确定迭代重构是否终止.因为静磁场与重力场在数学上的相似性,本文的反演方法可以被运用到重力场等位场的地面数据的反演中.  相似文献   

In the quantitative data interpretation for HLEM induction prospecting, a vertical half-plane model in an insulating medium is widely employed. For this assumption to be valid, the steeply dipping massive sulphide dykes must have large strike lengths and depth extents, but small thickness. We report investigations, using the laboratory scale-modelling method, on the response variation of large vertical conductors as the thickness is varied. We conclude that a steeply dipping large dyke can be approximated by a half-plane model only if its thickness is less than half the skin depth. An inductively thick conductor produces larger amplitudes and relatively higher quadrature compared to a thin conductor, even if both have the same induction number.  相似文献   

Summary The paper describes equipment designed to study the effect of a conducting hostrock/overburden on the electromagnetic anomaly of sulphide ore bodies embedded therein. The model was constructed strictly according to the theory of electromagnetic similitude so as to constitute a direct reading reproduction of the field vectors. The experiments were conducted at a fixed, crystal-controlled frequency of 100 kHz using mainly a graphite sheet immersed in a dilute hydrochloric acid solution of predetermined conductivity to simulate vein and manto type of ore deposits surrounded by a partially conducting zone. Both the inphase and quadrature components of the anomaly were measured in terms of the primary field after elimination of the regional anomaly by means of a measuring bridge and a compensator. A comparison of the anomaly profiles obtained over the ore model when it is held in air with those obtained for corresponding situations inside a conducting solution shows a general enhancement of response [1–3].  相似文献   

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