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The Kopet-Dagh basin of northeastern Iran was formed during the Middle Triassic orogeny. From Jurassic through Miocene time, sedimentation was relatively continuous in this basin. The Shurijeh Formation (Neocomian), which consists of red bed siliciclastic sediments that were deposited in fluvial depositional settings, crops out in the southeastern part of the Kopet-Dagh basin. In addition to clastic lithofacies, non-clastic facies in the form of calcrete paleosols, were identified in this formation. The calcrete host rocks are mainly sandstone, pebbly sandstone. The calcrete in middle unit in the Shurijeh Formation consists of, from bottom to top: incipient calcrete, nodular calcrete, massive calcrete horizons. The maturity pattern of these calcrete gradationally increases from bottom to top in this unit. Lack of organo-sedimentary structure (mainly plant roots), diversity of calcite fabric, suggest that the studied calcretes have a multi-phase development: a short vadose phase followed by a long phreatic phase. These calcretes are neither pedogenic nor groundwater calcretes. Petrographic studies show that they are composed of micritic textures with a variety of calcite fabrics, microsparitic/sparitic veins, displacive, replacive fabrics, quartz, hematite grains. Cathodoluminescence images, trace elemental analysis (Fe, Mn increased, Na, Sr decreased) of calcrete samples show the effects of meteoric waters during the calcrete formation when water tables were variable. In this study, we conclude that evaporation, degassing of carbon dioxide are the two main factors in the formation of non-pedogenic or groundwater calcrete. The sources of carbonate were probably parent materials, surface waters, ground waters, eolian dusts, numerous outcrops of limestones that have been exposed in the source area during Neocomian time.  相似文献   

Recent caliche, including nodules, pisolites, crusts, internal sediment, speleothem deposits, and spherulites, has formed within the dolomitic Cretaceous Edwards Formation of central Texas. As weathering altered the host strata, rhombic crystals of calcite were precipitated concomitantly with dissolution of the dolomite, thereby forming nodules. The highly altered dolomite (i.e. pulverulite) was then removed and spar, internal sediment, and travertine accumulated in the internodular voids. Nodular masses of calcite and dolomite are the most prominent constituent of the caliche. Some of the nodules have a well developed concentric structure as well as other characteristics similar to hypersaline pisolites. Features which appear to be useful in distinguishing caliche from hypersaline pisolites are: regional geological setting, association with other caliche and palaeosoil deposits, types of fossils present, and the presence of rhombic calcite and/or bladed sparry calcite with triangular shaped cross-section. A brick-like calcite texture and relict aragonite rays characterize hypersaline pisolites. Incipient neomorphism of the nodules and pisolites has resulted in the development of a radial pattern of spar within these structures. Geopetal deposits of internal sediment, including terra rossa soil, inhibited spar growth in the upward direction; consequently, spar is much better developed on the undersides of pisolites. Crusts and travertine flowstone (speleothem) deposits are intimately associated with the nodular masses and internal sediment. The brecciated thin crusts and travertine flowstone are end products of the same processes. The crusts formed during times of periodic desiccation of the growing surface while the flowstone formed when water was relatively abundant. Spherulitic bodies within the caliche, commonly 1–2 mm in diameter, display a radial texture and yet are composed of single crystals of calcite. The structures are the product of neomorphosed Microcodium or Microcodium-like globular bodies.  相似文献   

Triassic pisolites from the Calcare Rosso, Lombardy, Italy, were formed in a hypersaline vadose environment and now show alternating dolomite and calcite laminae. The calcite consists either of microsparite laminae with a brick-like fabric, or of a mass of mosaic crystals with the external form of square-ended rays.These features suggest that the original laminae and rays were aragonitic, like those of the Holocene supratidal pisolites of the Persian Gulf, which consist of alternating laminae of unoriented nannomicrite with Mg-rich mucilaginous material, and aragonitic fibers with radial orientation separated by mucilaginous films. It is suggested that the transformation to brick-like and ray textures passed through the following diagenetic path: (1) original formation of fibrous aragonite laminae; (2) local aggrading recrystallization of aragonite fibers to large square-ended rays during hypersaline phases; (3) dolomitization of Mg-rich mucilaginous nannomicrite laminae during hyposaline phases; (4) inversion of the aragonite fibers and rays to calcite on a piece-by piece basis that preserved the original textural details, when the pH or Mg/Ca ratio dropped.The brick-like and ray fabrics have not been found in laminae of continental freshwater pisolites because these were deposited as equant and stable crystals of low-Mg calcite. These textures consequently make it possible to establish the chemistry of the depositional and early diagenetic milieu for some ancient pisolitic rocks.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地是我国重要的含油气盆地,其中古近系沙河街组发育储集性较好的砾岩储层。通过对储层岩石薄片显微鉴定、物性分析、扫描电镜分析、阴极发光分析等,明确了沙河街组有利的砾岩储层的岩石学、储集性和成岩作用特征。砾岩类型多样,其中云质砾岩的储集性最好。砾岩储层物性较好,平均孔隙度为16.1%,平均渗透率为217.93m D。主要孔隙类型为原生孔,原生孔类型主要为砾石间残余原生孔和生物碎屑体腔孔,其次是溶蚀孔。砾岩储层成岩作用类型与砾岩填隙物成分关系密切,以砂岩为主要填隙物的成岩作用中有显著的长石溶蚀作用,以碳酸盐岩为主要填隙物的则具有多期白云石和方解石等胶结物,最有利的成岩作用是早期白云石衬垫和长石的溶蚀作用。  相似文献   

Calcite-rich soils (calcrete) in alluvium and colluvium at Solitario Wash, Crater Flat, Nevada, USA, contain pedogenic calcite and opaline silica similar to soils present elsewhere in the semi-arid southwestern United States. Nevertheless, a ground-water discharge origin for the Solitario Wash soil deposits was proposed in a series of publications proposing elevation-dependent variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcrete samples. Discharge of ground water in the past would raise the possibility of future flooding in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, site of a proposed high-level nuclear waste repository. New geochemical and carbon, oxygen, strontium, and uranium-series isotopic data disprove the presence of systematic elevation-isotopic composition relations, which are the main justification given for a proposed ground-water discharge origin of the calcrete deposits at Solitario Wash. Values of δ13C (−4.1 to −7.8 per mil [‰]), δ18O (23.8–17.2‰), 87Sr/86Sr (0.71270–0.71146), and initial 234U/238U activity ratios of about 1.6 in the new calcrete samples are within ranges previously observed in pedogenic carbonate deposits at Yucca Mountain and are incompatible with a ground-water origin for the calcrete. Variations in carbon and oxygen isotopes in Solitario Wash calcrete likely are caused by pedogenic deposition from meteoric water under varying Quaternary climatic conditions over hundreds of thousands of years.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the diagenesis of carbonate conglomerates in that it assesses the potential of conglomerates in refining the paragenetic history in complex structural areas, such as the Albanian foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt. Of major interest are stylolites (burial and tectonic) which are restricted to conglomerate fragments or which crosscut the conglomerate matrix. Based on the inferred age of stylolite development in relation to burial, uplift and tectonic history, and the Lower to Middle Miocene age of the conglomerates, the succession of diagenetic events was subdivided into several stages. The Poçem polymict transgressive carbonate conglomerate (Kremenara anticline, central Albania) was deposited in a shallow marine environment. These conglomerates are covered by intertidal rhodolithic packstones–grainstones. The stable‐isotope signature of these packstones–grainstones (δ18OV‐PDB = −1·0 to +0·7‰; δ13C = +1·0 to +1·4‰) plots is within the range of marine Early and Middle Miocene values. Shortly after deposition of the conglomerates, micritization, geopetal infill and acicular calcite cementation took place. A first calcite vein generation is interpreted as having formed from a Messinian brine during shallow burial. Burial stylolites developed during further burial in the Pliocene. These stylolites serve as an important diagenetic time marker. The post‐burial stylolite meteoric calcite vein cement probably precipitated during the following telogenetic stage. Karstification and calcite concretion precipitiation pre‐date overturning of the western limb of the anticline. Reopening of subvertical fractures and tectonic stylolites in the western limb of the Kremenara anticline, followed by oil migration, represents one of the latest diagenetic events. These fractures and stylolites provide major pathways for hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   

The Ordovician Daylesford Limestone at Bowan Park and the Fossil Hill Limestone at Cliefden Caves have diagenetic and pedogenic features of microkarst, paleosols and calcrete associated with subaerial disconformities in their stratigraphic sequences, all of which, as an ensemble, have global geoheritage significance. The original shelly limestones, lime mudstones, and coralline limestones have selectively dissolved to form vugular limestone whose cavities have filled with sparry calcite and/or crystal silt. The limestones also have been calcretised to develop massive and laminar calcrete and calcrete ooids. Below disconformity surfaces are bleached limestone, crystal-silt and spar-filled fossil moulds and enlarged moulds, micro-breccia-filled moulds and fissures filled with crystal silt, calcrete pellets and calcrete ooids. The disconformity surfaces are irregular or undulating interfaces between lithologies, fissures and fissure-fills, and calcrete. Above disconformities there are limestone lithoclasts, remanié fossils, calcreted limestone, veined limestone, calcrete ooids, laminated calcrete, lithoclast grainstone, or calcrete-ooid grainstone, and lithoclasts with fossils moulds filled with crystal silt and/or spar. The lithological, stratigraphic and possibly landscape differences, make the subaerial diagenesis/pedogenesis in the Daylesford Limestone subtly different to that of the Fossil Hill Limestone. Subaerial disconformities and associated diagenesis/pedogenesis, as recorded in these formations, are not widely reported globally nor well represented in Ordovician limestones. The microkarst features provide insights into the types of subaerial diagenesis/pedogenesis during the Ordovician and into climate, landscape setting, paleohydrology, and groundwater/rainwater alkalinity. Consequently, the story of the Ordovician microkarst, paleosols and calcrete ooids is unique and globally of geoheritage significance as examples of subaerial alteration in an ancient high-rainfall, tropical climate volcanic island environment in a tectonically active region.  相似文献   

冲积扇砂砾岩油藏是准噶尔盆地勘探热点,尤其是玛湖凹陷特大型砂砾岩油藏的发现,更加表明砾质冲积扇储层研究的必要。选取白杨河冲积扇为研究对象,对砾质辫状河型冲积扇内部片流带以及支撑砾岩的沉积特征和分布规律进行研究,结果表明:1)扇内片流带沉积介于扇根补给水道与扇中辫状水道沉积环境之间,与二者呈过渡接触,片流带规模可达千米级别,内部支撑砾岩的发育改善了片流带储层物性;2)识别出三类支撑砾岩,分别是片流支撑砾岩、沿层理面发育的支撑砾岩以及沟槽底部支撑砾岩,前两者均为超临界水流淘洗成因,后者则为径流改造成因;3)片流支撑砾岩发育于片流沉积,具有较好的成层性以及较高的线密度;沿层面发育的支撑砾岩发育于辫状沟槽沉积环境,形态受限于沟槽规模,可与交错层理砾岩匹配形成大规模优质岩相组合;沟槽底部发育的支撑砾岩发育于辫状水道底部,规模小但连通性好。综上,基于野外露头片流带以及支撑砾岩研究可以为井下砂砾岩油藏开发提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The Middle–Upper Siwalik Groups (Plio–Pleistocene) are exposed at Haripur-Kolar, Himachal Pradesh, India. The succession is 2800-m thick and has been subdivided into Unit M1 of the Middle Siwalik and four units U1–U4 of the Upper Siwalik Group, on the basis of facies associations, and type and degree of development of palaeosols. The available magnetostratigraphic ages for bases of Units U1, U3 and U4 are 5.5, 2.6 and 1.77 Ma, respectively. The top of the section has been dated as 19 ka.

Lithofacies association and palaeocurrent analysis indicates that the Middle and Upper Siwalik Groups were formed mainly by a basin transverse fluvial system. Two types of river systems, which differ in their size, can be documented in Unit-M1, Unit U1 and Unit-U2: one trunk river system similar to the modern Kosi and the other smaller river system, which formed tributaries to the former. The large rivers were mainly braided in nature. The Unit U3 and lower part of Unit U4 were deposited in the piedmont depositional system mainly by small braided streams and the upper part of the Unit U4 was deposited during a period of arid climate by sediment gravity-flows.

Integration of fluvial lithofacies and pedofacies helps to identify two fluvial depositional systems from the modern Indo-Gangetic Plains. The Lowland System involved deposition on alluvial megafans and interfan areas, which resulted in sand-rich and mud-rich sequences with weekly developed soils. The Upland System allowed large tracts to act as high ground for thousands of years, thereby giving rise to sandstone poor intervals with moderately to strongly developed soils. Occurrence of moderately to strongly developed soils was controlled by uplifting and tilting of large tectonic blocks, without any relation to distance from the main channels. Rate of subsidence apparently controlled the occurrence of Lowland and Upland systems. Deposition of the Unit M1, Unit U1 and Unit U2 took place under Upland and Lowland systems, very similar to those identified from the modern Indo-Gangetic Plains. The warm and humid climate between 5.3 and 2.6 Ma led to the formation of red Alfisols with calcrete nodules at places. Slightly cooler and drier climate starting at about 2.6 Ma and approximately coinciding with the onset of global-scale glaciation, produced poorly developed yellow soil with common development of nodular calcretic horizon and calcitc material disseminated in the groundmass. At ca. 0.9 Ma, a probable significant change to still drier and cooler climate produced typical sediment gravity-flows in the piedmont system, that continued until at least up to 19 ka.  相似文献   

Carboniferous calcretes in the Canadian Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcrete palaeosols have been found in the Upper Carboniferous Canyon Fiord Formation of southwestern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. These calcretes were developed in fluvial and shallow marine sediments that accumulated within two adjacent subbasins, in which the tectono-sedimentary environment led to the deposition of five different sedimentary facies: (i) floodbasin sandstones; (ii) alluvial fan sandstones; (iii) alluvial fan conglomerates; (iv) braided fluvial sandstones; and (v) shallow marine limestones. Nodular/massive palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, nodular, massive and laminar horizons, occur within the floodbasin sandstone and alluvial fan sandstone facies. Plugged palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, plugged and laminar horizons, are restricted to the alluvial fan conglomerate facies. Massive/brecciated palaeosol profiles, consisting of cryptic, massive/brecciated and laminar horizons, occur essentially within the shallow marine limestone facies. The relationships between calcrete profiles and sedimentary facies suggest that profile types were controlled mainly by the texture and composition of the parent material: nodular/massive profiles are restricted to silicate-rich sandstone hosts, plugged profiles are restricted to carbonate-rich conglomerate hosts and massive/brecciated profiles are restricted to limestone hosts. Important relationships also exist between the maturity levels of nodular/massive profiles and sedimentary facies: profiles are generally mature in the floodbasin sandstones, invariably immature in the alluvial fan sandstones and absent from the braided fluvial sandstones. These different maturity levels were probably controlled mainly by exposure time, vegetation and substrate composition.  相似文献   

Calcrete (pedogenic Ca carbonate) is an important sampling medium for geochemical gold (Au) exploration in semi-arid and arid regions of Australia, because it is widespread, easy to sample and calcium (Ca) shows a strong positive correlation with Au, but not with base metals, in calcrete overlying buried Au mineralization. In this study we show that the formation of Au-anomalous calcrete can be biomediated through the activity of resident microorganisms, and may not simply be the result of passive nucleation on inactive cells or evapotransporative processes. Calcified microfossils are highly abundant in calcrete from the Barns Au-prospect in South Australia. These microfossils are morphological analogues of calcified cells and biofilms formed in laboratory experiments conducted with active bacterial cultures enriched from Au-anomalous calcareous sand from the Barns prospect. Calcium carbonates precipitated by these cultures consisted mostly of calcite, which is the main carbonate mineral in calcrete. Synchrotron micro-X-ray fluorescence (S-μXRF) mapping was used to assess the distribution of Au, Zn, Ca and other metals in Ca carbonates precipitated by active bacterial cultures. On a μm-scale the distribution of Au was heterogeneous in these Ca carbonates and differed from base metal distribution, thus mimicking the spatial separation of these metals observed in calcrete. The speciation of Au in Ca carbonates precipitated by active bacteria was measured using micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (μ-XANES) and resembled that observed in Au-anomalous calcrete closely. While metallic Au was observed in Au ‘hotpots’, ionic Au was detected in the halo surrounding the ‘hotspot’. In contrast, the precipitates produced in the presence of dead bacterial cells or by raising solution pH or pCO2, i.e., hydroxylapatite, portlandite and vaterite, respectively, did not reflect the mineralogy of calcrete. Gold distribution and speciation in vaterite, formed by raising pCO2, were homogenous and did not reproduce the variation observed in calcrete and Ca carbonates precipitated by active cells. Increasing the supersaturation with respect to Ca in solution by incremental drying of the medium produced only X-ray amorphous precipitates, or hydroxylapatite in the presence heat-killed cells. In conclusion, this study shows that active microbial processes that combine biogenic Ca carbonatogenesis with Au precipitation are likely to drive the formation of Au-anomalous calcrete.  相似文献   

Pellets and ooids are widespread and locally abundant in mature calcrete profiles in the Argus Range, California; near Wickieup, Arizona; and in Kyle Canyon, Nevada. Most concentrations of pellets and ooids either overlie laminar calcrete at various levels in the calcrete profile or fill subhorizontal fractures in the petrocalcic horizon. In all three profiles the petrocalcic horizon has been thickened by the pelletal, chemically deposited fracture fillings. Pellets range from 0.02 to 8.0 mm in diameter and consist principally of micritic calcite and sepiolite. Ooid coatings are chiefly calcite and opal or calcite and sepiolite. The pellets represent small concretions, some of which grew by accretion, either in void space or by displacing adjacent sediment, and the others of which were formed by cementation of pellet-shaped bodies of porous micrite. Ooid coatings with opal or sepiolite may have been deposited as a gel with sufficient strength for surface tension to thin the coatings over angular corners of nuclei so as to increase the roundness and sphericity of the particles. Major problems in calcrete genesis are (1) the cause of subhorizontal fractures and the mechanism for widening a fracture as sediment accumulates in it and (2) what determines the deposition of calcite, sepiolite, and opal as pellets and ooid coatings or as laminar layers.  相似文献   

Detailed information on semi‐arid, palustrine carbonate–calcrete lithofacies associations in a sheetwash‐dominated regolith setting is sparse. This is addressed by studying the Lower Limestone of the Lameta Beds, a well‐exposed Maastrichtian regolith in central India. The general vertical lithofacies assemblage for this unit comprises: (a) basal calcareous siltstones and marls with charophytes, ostracods and gastropods; (b) buff micritic limestones associated in their upper parts with calcretized fissure‐fill sandstones; (c) sheetwash as fissure‐fill diamictites and thin pebbly sheets, locally developed over a few metres; and (d) sandy, nodular, brecciated and pisolitic calcretes at the top. The sequence is ‘regressive’, with upsection filling of topographic lows by increased sheetwash. Lateral lithofacies change is marked, but there are no permanent open‐water lake deposits. In topographic lows close to the water table, marshy palustrine or groundwater calcretes formed, whereas on better drained highs, brecciation and calcretization occurred. Prolonged exposure is implied, suggesting that shrinkage was the main cause of brecciation. Evidence for rhizobrecciation and other biological calcrete fabrics is sparse, contrasting with the emphasis on root‐related brecciation in many studies of palustrine lithofacies. Stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) values are consistent with the palustrine limestones being fed from meteoric‐derived groundwater with a strong input of soil‐zone carbon. There is overlap of both δ18O and δ13C values from the various palustrine and calcrete fabrics co‐occurring at outcrop. This suggests that, in groundwater‐supported wetlands, conversion from palustrine carbonate to calcrete need not show isotopic expression, as the groundwater source and input of soil‐zone carbon are essentially unchanged. Cretaceous–Tertiary δ18O and δ13C values from palustrine lithofacies and associated calcretes appear to be strongly influenced by the inherited values from lakes and wetlands. Hydrologically closed lakes and marine‐influenced water bodies tend to result in low negative palustrine δ18O and δ13C values. During brecciation and calcretization, the degree of isotopic inheritance depends on whether or not alteration occurs in waters that are different from those of the original water body or wetland. Marked biological activity (e.g. rhizobrecciation or root mat development) during calcretization may lower δ13C values where C3 plants are abundant but, in shrinkage‐dominated systems, δ13C values will be largely inherited from the palustrine limestones.  相似文献   

青藏高原及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪地层中广泛分布的漂砾层、杂砾岩、含砾板岩等是一套特殊的冰海相沉积岩,称为冰海杂砾岩,前人已对它的成因环境做了初步的研究,但没有获得统一的结论。本次以青藏高原羌塘南部冈玛错地区冰海杂砾岩的砾石为研究对象,观察它们的野外特征和镜下特点,并对与冰海杂砾岩互层产出的石英砂岩做了粒度分析。结果表明,冰海杂砾岩是在冈瓦纳大陆冰川呈消融状的情况下,冰阀搬运沉积的产物。通过碎屑锆石和岩性对比,初步认为冰海杂砾岩的物源为冈瓦纳大陆,并简单论述了冰海杂砾岩各类砾石的可能来源。以上研究成果为探讨冈瓦纳大陆的沉积环境提供了依据。  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Juniper Ridge Conglomerate (JRC) near Coalinga, California, provides a rare, high-quality exposure of a submarine channel to overbank transition. The facies architecture of the JRC comprises a thick, predominantly mudstone sequence overlain by a channellized conglomerate package. Conglomeratic bounding surfaces truncate successions of interbedded turbiditic sandstones and mudstones both vertically and laterally. Thick-bedded, massive sandstones are interbedded with conglomerates. Facies architecture, palaeocurrent indicators, slump features, sandstone percentages and sandstone bed thickness trends lead to the interpretation that these elements comprise channel and overbank facies. A vertical sequence with conglomerate at the base, followed by thick-bedded sandstone, and capped by interbedded turbiditic sandstone and mudstone form a fining-upward lithofacies association that is interpreted as a single channel-fill/overbank system. Three similar lithofacies associations can be related to autocyclic processes of thalweg migration and submarine fan aggradation or to allocyclically driven changes in sediment calibre.  相似文献   

为了探讨陆相断陷盆地厚层砾岩的沉积特征、成因机制和控制因素,寻找有利勘探目标,以滦平盆地西瓜园组中段厚层砾岩为研究对象,运用沉积学理论,结合测井、录井、岩心、薄片和测试结果,对厚层砾岩的岩相及岩相组合、沉积构造和电性进行分析。研究表明,西瓜园组中段厚层砾岩具有被黑色页岩包裹的特征,即顶、底部与黑色页岩突变接触。岩心中大量的黄铁矿和部分敏感元素指标反映了缺氧的强还原环境,表明其为深水环境中的砾岩体。基于不同成因,共识别出滑动、滑塌2种重力流类型。滑动沉积主要包括6种岩相、5种岩相组合,以主滑动面、次滑动面、高角度层理,以及层内小型正断层和逆断层为主要识别标志;滑塌沉积包括6种岩相、4种岩相组合,以滑动面、滑塌变形构造、包卷层理、泄水构造、变形砾以及部分原生层理(粒序层理)为主要识别标志。根据滑动面的发育位置、自然伽马曲线和声波曲线的幅度变化特征,可以划分出4期滑动沉积。西瓜园组时期滦平盆地的边缘坡折带、物源供给和一定的触发机制共同控制深水滑动、滑塌型重力流的形成,结合控制因素和沉积特征建立陆相断陷湖盆陡坡带滑动-滑塌型重力流的发育模式。  相似文献   

综合岩心观察、薄片鉴定、砂砾岩厚度及百分含量等资料,对东营凹陷北带沙四段砂砾岩的沉积特征、成因类型及沉积演化模式进行了系统研究。结果表明,东营凹陷北带沙四段砂砾岩储层中块状层理、粒序层理、平行层理、叠覆冲刷构造、交错层理发育,同时变形构造、泥岩撕裂屑、重荷模和火焰构造常见。碎屑颗粒表现为无分选-中等分选、棱角状-次棱角状到次圆状的近物源沉积特征。岩相类型以块状层理砾岩相、递变层理砾岩相、递变层理砂质砾岩相、交错层理砾质砂岩相、平行层理砾质砂岩相、块状层理砾质砂岩相、块状砂岩相、平行层理砂岩相、块状层理砂岩相、变形层理砂岩相、泥质撕裂变形砂岩相、薄层透镜状或压扁层理砂岩相为主。综合古地貌、砂砾岩沉积特征及沉积机制等,认为东营凹陷北带沙四段主要发育近岸水下扇、湖底扇和扇三角洲等成因类型的砂砾岩扇体。在沉积演化上,沙四下亚段沉积时期,胜坨地区和民丰地区发育近岸水下扇沉积,利津地区发育扇三角洲沉积,扇体规模较小,横向连续性较差;沙四上亚段沉积时期,胜坨地区和民丰地区广泛发育近岸水下扇-湖底扇沉积,利津西部地区发育扇三角洲沉积,扇体规模较大,横向连片发育。  相似文献   

新疆库木库里盆地砂(砾)岩型铜矿位于东昆仑造山带西段,含矿地层为古近系渐新统石马沟组、新近系中新统石壁梁组与上新统红石梁组。铜矿带东西长约170km,南北宽10~60km。已发现铜矿体20多条,矿化体70多条。铜矿化主要受构造、岩性、岩相古地理、古气候等因素控制。矿床属陆相砂砾岩型铜矿。  相似文献   

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