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地质学   3篇
  2007年   2篇
  1987年   1篇
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Vandenberghe, Jef, Bohncke, Sjoerd, Lammers, Wim & Zilverberg, Liesbeth 1987 03 01: Geomorphology and palaeoecology of the Mark valley (southern Netherlands): geomorphological valley development during the Weichselian and Holocene. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 55–67. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The actual area of the Mark valley is limited by the borders of an Early Weichselian erosion phase. The subsequent accumulation has resulted in the formation of a Weichselian Pleniglacial terrace which has been deeply dissected by Late Glacial erosion. The present alluvial plain is formed by Late Glacial and Holocene infilling. The maximum incision of the Late Glacial fluvial phase was reached slightly before 11,780 B.P. and involved locally dry conditions which have given rise to aeolian activity during this period (Older Dryas). On the deepest parts of the Pleniglacial terrace, a backswamp environment was established until the end of the Alleröd. At the beginning of the Younger Dryas the river invaded the terrace but shortly afterwards aeolian activity progressively increased. At the climax of the Younger Dryas, deep seasonal frost or local permafrost characterized the Mark valley.  相似文献   
Results of a detailed petrographic and stable isotope study illustrate that sedimentological differences and eogenetic dissolution/precipitation processes controlled porosity distribution within carbonate turbidites of the Ionian basin (central Albania). Based on lithology characteristics and porosity distribution observed in outcrop, individual turbidite beds can be subdivided into four distinct intervals, i.e. from base to top: (A) a non‐porous wackestone/floatstone or packstone followed by (B) porous packstone–grainstone that grades into (C) wackestone and (D) non‐porous mudstone with pelagic foraminifera. Wackestone interval C is characterized by an alternation of porous and non‐porous laminae. Changes in turbidity current flow regime controlled the initial presence of matrix micrite giving rise to both matrix‐ and grain‐supported lithologies within turbidite sequences. These are non‐porous and porous, respectively. Four eogenetic diagenetic processes (dissolution, cementation, neomorphism and compaction) acted shortly after deposition and modified primary porosity characteristics and distribution. Alteration by meteoric water is excluded based on the continuous burial until the Oligocene of the studied deep marine carbonates. Moreover, the stable isotope data with values between −2·1‰ and +0·7‰ for δ18OV‐PDB and between +1‰ and +3‰ for δ13CV‐PDB, favour alteration by marine‐derived pore‐waters. Compaction and aggrading neomorphism occurred dominantly in intervals characterized by higher matrix micrite content, i.e. the floatstone base and the wackestone–mudstone upper turbidite part. Framework‐stabilizing cementation occurred dominantly in the packstone–grainstone middle part of the turbidite beds. In the latter porous lithologies, matrix micrite was not compacted because of the grain fabric and the framework‐stabilizing cements. Here, neomorphism of micrite into microrhombic euhedral calcite occurred and microporosity was preserved.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the diagenesis of carbonate conglomerates in that it assesses the potential of conglomerates in refining the paragenetic history in complex structural areas, such as the Albanian foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt. Of major interest are stylolites (burial and tectonic) which are restricted to conglomerate fragments or which crosscut the conglomerate matrix. Based on the inferred age of stylolite development in relation to burial, uplift and tectonic history, and the Lower to Middle Miocene age of the conglomerates, the succession of diagenetic events was subdivided into several stages. The Poçem polymict transgressive carbonate conglomerate (Kremenara anticline, central Albania) was deposited in a shallow marine environment. These conglomerates are covered by intertidal rhodolithic packstones–grainstones. The stable‐isotope signature of these packstones–grainstones (δ18OV‐PDB = −1·0 to +0·7‰; δ13C = +1·0 to +1·4‰) plots is within the range of marine Early and Middle Miocene values. Shortly after deposition of the conglomerates, micritization, geopetal infill and acicular calcite cementation took place. A first calcite vein generation is interpreted as having formed from a Messinian brine during shallow burial. Burial stylolites developed during further burial in the Pliocene. These stylolites serve as an important diagenetic time marker. The post‐burial stylolite meteoric calcite vein cement probably precipitated during the following telogenetic stage. Karstification and calcite concretion precipitiation pre‐date overturning of the western limb of the anticline. Reopening of subvertical fractures and tectonic stylolites in the western limb of the Kremenara anticline, followed by oil migration, represents one of the latest diagenetic events. These fractures and stylolites provide major pathways for hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   
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