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The recently introduced adaptive composite map projection technique changes the projection to the geographic area shown on a map. It is meant as a replacement for the commonly used web Mercator projection, which grossly distorts areas when representing the entire world. The original equal-area version of the adaptive composite map projection technique uses the Lambert azimuthal projection for regional maps and three alternative projections for world maps. Adaptive composite map projections can include a variety of other equal-area projections when the transformation between the Lambert azimuthal and the world projections uses Wagner’s method. To select the most suitable pseudocylindrical projection, the distortion characteristics of a pseudocylindrical projection family are analyzed, and a user study among experts in the area of map projections is carried out. Based on the results of the distortion analysis and the user study, a new pseudocylindrical projection is recommended for extending adaptive composite map projections. The new projection is equal-area throughout the transformation to the Lambert azimuthal projection and has better distortion characteristics then small-scale projections currently included in the adaptive composite map projection technique.  相似文献   

The Equal Earth map projection is a new equal-area pseudocylindrical projection for world maps. It is inspired by the widely used Robinson projection, but unlike the Robinson projection, retains the relative size of areas. The projection equations are simple to implement and fast to evaluate. Continental outlines are shown in a visually pleasing and balanced way.  相似文献   

何光强    刘云刚   《地理学报》2022,77(4):818-834
地缘政治理论的提出和发展深刻烙印了地图的影响。在地缘政治发展史中,不同地图投影既服务于各思想家的理论提出,也深入到各思想家在不同时期对自身理论的动态修正。地图投影到底是如何参与到地缘政治理论构建过程中的?本文在既有地缘政治地图研究的基础上,从空间性和文本性两大地图基本属性出发,通过阐释并沟通地图的空间分析与话语分析功能,探讨地图投影与地缘政治理论构建间的关系。一方面,地图投影变形抽象后的心象地图框架为构建地缘政治理论提供了空间依托;另一方面,地图投影通过地图变形在复杂情境中聚集了丰富的文本性含义。在地图投影各层次文本性的互文(互补性叙事)下,新的地图话语得以产生并渗透进心象地图,具象式推动了地缘政治理论核心概念的生成和逻辑关系的构建。综合考虑麦金德的地图观影响,本文对麦金德“心脏地带”地缘政治思想变迁各阶段(1904年、1919年、1943年)地图投影透视的分析验证了该关系框架的解释力。这启示该分析框架在其他地缘政治理论研究中的潜在适用性,更期待在百年变局和复兴全局等交织下的复杂情境中,基于地图投影创新互文下的中国地缘政治理论构建。  相似文献   

The design of new map projections has up until now required mathematical and cartographic expertise that has limited this activity to a small group of specialists. This article introduces the background mathematics for a software-based method that enables cartographers to easily design new small-scale world map projections. The software is usable even by those without mathematical expertise. A new projection is designed interactively in an iterative process that allows the designer to graphically and numerically assess the graticule, the representation of the continents, and the distortion properties of the new projection. The method has been implemented in Flex Projector, a free and open-source application enabling users to quickly create new map projections and modify existing projections. We also introduce new tools that help evaluate the distortion properties of projections, namely a configurable acceptance index to assess areal and angular distortion, a derived acceptance visualization, and interactive profiles through the distortion space of a projection. To illustrate the proposed method, a new projection, the Cropped Ginzburg VIII projection, is presented.  相似文献   

Tissot’s indicatrix or ellipse of distortion is a diagram that is the projection of an infinitesimal circle on the original surface. It is normally an ellipse of which elongation depends on the amount of distortion caused by map projection. It provides a medium for analyzing existing projections and developing new ones. The ellipse can be scaled and depicted on the map for visualization purposes. This paper presents an alternative approach, in which the projection of a finite small circle on the sphere is used. Its projection is normally an ellipse that can be very close to Tissot’s indicatrix, and is called quasi indicatrix, here. Its parameters can be derived from the forward projection equations without using partial derivatives. Therefore, it is a useful and practical approach from a programmer’s point of view. The quasi indicatrix approach is also numerically tested on Aitoff–Hammer projection with a set of points. The indicatrix parameters obtained by using this approach deviate 0.5% from the ground truths at most, being the average less than 0.2%.  相似文献   

何光强 《地理科学》2019,39(5):714-725
在地图投影变换影响下,得益于多样化的地图服务,二战期间美国地缘战略空间观念经历了从孤立主义向干涉主义的转变,推动了美国的参战与具体战略展开。这一空间逻辑在战时地图投影的选择上表现为从圆柱投影下的二维“矩形世界”向等距方位投影下的“圆形世界”和正射投影下的三维“球体世界”“鸟瞰世界”转变,折射出空中时代下的全球一体观。通过不同投影下“地图空间”的调整,二战期间美国地缘战略空间观念逐渐接近现实地球空间,这无疑增强了美国参战的合理性和战略决策的正确性。作为认知话语和实践话语的统一,地图投影通过地图服务反映并参与到了二战的地缘政治发展进程。伴随着美国地缘战略空间观念的变迁,美国也由此从世界舞台的边缘走向国际体系的中心。在当前中国和平崛起和全球地缘调整的大背景下,地图投影创新也为今后的地缘关系研究提供了诸多启示。  相似文献   

针对多种地图投影间自由变换的需求 ,综合对比地图投影变换的主要方法及其特点 ,该文认为反解变换是解决多种投影间投影变换的最佳途径。以此为基础 ,具体探讨了地图投影变换计算机实现的主要过程 ,讨论了地图投影体系、投影参数、算法优化和误差控制等投影变换计算机实现中的关键问题  相似文献   

Volume 111 Index     
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):264-265

Concepts related to alternative map projections can be difficult to explain to students given the diversity and complexity of available projections. Students frequently have trouble understanding how distortions caused by the choice of a projection can affect map readability and comprehension. Programs available for personal computers now provide geography and cartography instructors with a method for interactively educating students concerning the distortions associated with alternative map projections. Such software can be incorporated into laboratory assignments in introductory geography courses or in more advanced courses that deal with map design or thematic cartography.  相似文献   

The accuracy of old maps can hold interesting historical information, and is therefore studied using distortion analysis methods. These methods start from a set of ground control points that are identified both on the old map and on a modern reference map or globe, and conclude with techniques that compute and visualise distortion. Such techniques have advanced over the years, but leave room for improvement, as the current ones result in approximate values and a coarse spatial resolution. We propose a more elegant and more accurate way to compute distortion of old maps by translating the technique of differential distortion analysis, used in map projection theory, to the setting where an old map and a reference map are directly compared. This enables the application of various useful distortion metrics to the study of old maps, such as the area scale factor, the maximum angular distortion and the Tissot indicatrices. As such a technique is always embedded in a full distortion analysis method we start by putting forward an optimal analysis method for a general-purpose study, which then serves as the foundation for the development of our technique. Thereto, we discuss the structure of distortion analysis methods and the various options available for every step of the process, including the different settings in which the old map can be compared to its modern counterpart, the techniques that can be used to interpolate between both, and the techniques available to compute and visualise the distortion. We conclude by applying our general-purpose method, including the differential distortion analysis technique, to an example map also used in other literature.  相似文献   

极区位于高纬度地区,极区航海图投影采用墨卡托投影时,图上极区附近变形较大,在极点处变形达到无穷大;采用极球面投影时,图上恒向线不是直线;心射切面投影不是正形投影,不能直接在图上量取方位和距离;兰伯特正形投影图上,经度是由角度表示,而不是真的经度;采用横轴墨卡托投影时,几乎所有的经线以及纬线在图上为曲线。以上常用的海图投影不利于船舶在极区安全航行,也不利于航海人员进行海图作业。针对此问题,将构建的伪经纬线网与经纬线网进行转换,通过Matlab得到基于伪经纬线网的横轴墨卡托投影图,此图具有类似于墨卡托海图的特点,图上极区变形失真小,图上伪经纬线的特点可方便极区海图作业。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Regular grid sampling structures in the plane are a common spatial framework for many studies. Constructing grids with desirable properties such as equality of area and shape is more difficult on a sphere. We studied the distortion characteristics of recursive partitions of the surface of the globe starting with the octahedron and icosahedron polyhedral models. We used five different methods for mapping from the polyhedral model to the surface of the sphere: the Gnomonic projection, Fuller's Dymaxion projection, Snyder's equal area polyhedral projection, direct spherical subdivision, and a recursive polyhedral projection. We increased partition density using both a 4-fold and a 9-fold ratio at each level of recursive subdivision by subdividing to the 8th level with the 4-fold density ratio (65 536 cells per polyhedral face) and to the fifth level with the 9-fold density ratio (59 049 cells per polyhedral face). We measured the area and perimeter of each cell at each level of recursion for each method on each model using each density ratio. From these basic measurements we calculated the range and standard deviation of the area measurement, and the mean, range, and standard deviation of a compactness measurement defined as the ratio of (the ratio of the perimeter to the area of the cell) to (the ratio of the perimeter to the area of a spherical circle with the same area). We looked at these basic measurements and their statistics using graphs of variation with recursion level, sums of squares analyses of variation, histograms of the distributions, maps of the spatial variation, and correlograms. The Snyder projection performed best in area distortion and the Gnomonic projection performed best in compactness distortion. The Fuller projection and the Sphere method had moderate distortion in both area and compactness relative to the worst methods. There was little difference in distortion performance between partitions using the 4-fold density ratio and those using the 9-fold density ratio. Partitions based on the icosahedron performed better for all statistics than those based on the octahedron.  相似文献   

以基于面向对象的方法实现地图投影转换模块设计,探讨该方法在地图投影转换中以及具体投影转换模块的设计及实现,在VC6.0平台下通过相关接口的建立以及地理坐标系和投影坐标系两大主要类的设计和扩充,实现地理坐标系间、投影坐标系间或两者间的投影转换.该模块有利于快速、高效编程的实现,并具有扩展性强和易于维护等优势.  相似文献   

Despite incontrovertible scientific evidence to support a round Earth, GIS software implementation typically models the Earth with flat map projections. This choice has consequences that vary from mild to severe. This paper explores solutions that range from moderate measures to correct for map projection errors to radical revisions of standard practice that place all calculations on the ellipsoid. On examination, the best practice requires a distinct projection choice for each geometric operation. Multiple reasons, from the technical to ethical, justify revised practices and increased vigilance for the errors induced by inappropriate projections.  相似文献   

吴忠性 《地理学报》1989,44(1):101-104
现在有些地图有这样的要求,即在一幅地图中,投影中心附近比例尺应较大,边缘部分可以较小,甚至相差几倍,以能详细地显示投影中心附近的地物。为了解决这个问题,曾有^拟定了辐射一变比侧尺投影,即自投影中心向四周辐射以显示其变化。本文在说明了辐射一变比侧尺投影的基础上,阐明了多焦点投影,其投影中心有若干个,各向其四周辐射,这就能更好地显示各地地物的变化。  相似文献   

The reprojection of image data causes the loss or duplication of original pixel values. This research investigated the feasibility of using the sinusoidal projection for global image database construction. Specifically, reprojection accuracies were tested with geographic latitude and longitude coordinates, and the Hammer‐Aitoff, Eckert IV, Mollweide, and sinusoidal projections. Reprojections between these five global projections and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and referencing system were performed using fifty‐four sample datasets. A statistical analysis of categorical accuracy, a measure describing the omission of pixel values during reprojection, was conducted. Geographic coordinates and the sinusoidal projection both showed very high accuracy rates (100.0 percent and 99.5 percent respectively) when sample datasets were reprojected from UTM. The geographic coordinates, however, showed very low accuracy (65.3 percent) when sample datasets were reprojected to the UTM projection, while the sinusoidal projection showed the highest accuracy (98.4 percent). The results strongly suggest that the sinusoidal projection is very accurate and efficient for building global image databases.  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of geographic information systems (GIS) in the evaluation of the accuracy of early maps through a case study of The Map of the Prefectural Capital of 1261. The evaluation of the accuracy of early maps is an important aspect of the study of the history of cartography, but no standard methodology has been generally accepted. The purpose of this paper is to assess the positional accuracy and the relative relations of the spatial objects on The Map of the Prefectural Capital using GIS. The procedure of the study includes identification of locations of the points and features of The Map of the Prefectural Capital on a modern base map, digitization of the early map and the modern base map, overlays of the digitized early map and modern base map, and an analysis of the absolute and relative distortion of the early map. The results of the analysis show that The Map of the Prefectural Capital of 1261 is reasonably accurate considering the technical ability of the thirteenth century, although it contains a considerable amount of positional displacement. In contrast to the amount of positional displacement, the relative relations among the objects are depicted much more precisely.  相似文献   

Topographic maps are powerful tools for the purpose of identifying land use and cover change (LUCC) as they are among the most reliable representations of past landscapes for the time prior to the existence of aerial photography. In light of the increased availability of historical maps, we argue that there is a need for a standardized process to assess map comparability in a systematic way in order to avoid, or at least minimize, the detection of spurious landscape changes due to incompatible map series. A full understanding of map quality, background and error distributions is fundamental to attain reliable LUCC results. The conceptual framework presented in this study considers the context, distortion and cartographic generalization of topographic maps. Furthermore, it includes an approach to homogenize the level of generalization of landscape elements (e.g. forests) from maps with different scales. To demonstrate its application, we assessed the comparability of seven topographic maps from Canton Zurich covering a time span of 336 years (1664–2000). Overall, for the maps of Canton Zurich, a wall-to-wall comparison of forest cover based on the topographic maps presented here can be problematic for the oldest map from 1664. Based on the results, a wall-to-wall comparison with the later maps is not recommended, due to its substantial distortion. Yet, after re-generalization of natural landscape elements, such as forests, a comparison based on landscape indices is possible, even for the oldest map. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that maps from the mid-19th century onward possess an acceptable level of accuracy. This framework can be applied to a wide range of maps at regional, national, or global levels, providing the opportunity to look at land cover history over multiple centuries.  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet and the digital revolution have meant increased reliance on electronic representations of information. Geospatial information has been readily adapted to the world of cyberspace, and most Web pages incorporate graphics, images, or maps to represent spatial and spatialized data. But flat computer screens do not facilitate a map or graph experience by those who are visually impaired. The traditional method for compensating for nonvisual access to maps and graphics has been to construct hard‐copy tactile maps. In this article, we examine an electronic accommodation for nonvisual users—the haptic map. Using new and off‐the‐shelf hardware—force feedback and vibrotactile mice—we explore how touch can be combined with virtual representations of shapes and patterns to enable nonvisual access to onscreen map or graphic material.  相似文献   

南大洋海冰分布是南极考察过程中影响破冰船航行的重要因素,也是南极研究的重要内容之一。目前国际上不同机构发布的南大洋海冰分布图,大多是球面投影,不能直接用于主流的瓦片地图发布。将极方位立体投影海冰图转换为目前主流的网络墨卡托投影地图,并利用合适的图像重采样方法,按照不同级别比例尺进行瓦片切割和编号存储,最终实现海冰影像地图的发布共享是本文的主要研究内容。笔者对不同的图像重采样方法进行了比较,分析了最邻近点采样方法、双线性内插和双三次卷积重采样方法的优劣,针对本文的研究优选双线性内插方法进行影像地图瓦片的切割,并最终叠加融合在Google地图上,实现了Google底图、准实时海冰影像图与破冰船走航位置的集成显示,为雪龙船的冰区航行提供了重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

Land use information over large areas is increasingly important for many studies related to environment in general and global change in particular. Yet there is a dearth of methodological knowledge in this area, especially regarding the practical task of producing land use maps. In this article, a systematic land use mapping approach is developed, based on land cover maps that in turn are produced through remote sensing. The concept is based on the recognition of varying strengths of land cover (LC) – land use (LU) relationships, from the thematic and spatial points of view. Several categories of relationships are identified, ranging from direct (case 1) to multiple/complex (case 4), and appropriate mapping strategies are discussed for these cases. Using a mapping study in Lebanon, it is shown that the principles embodied in this approach correspond to issues and conditions in real mapping situations. Finally, the concepts are translated into a series of steps through which the method can be applied to large areas, taking into consideration the specific requirements and constraints of each case. The final land use map represents an acceptable compromise between accuracy, level of detail, and cost.  相似文献   

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