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争斗残食已成为制约甲壳动物集约化养殖提质增效的瓶颈之一。甲壳动物的争斗行为受诸多外部因素影响,同时受机体生理代谢和基因调控。本文介绍了甲壳动物争斗行为的研究方法,概述了争斗行为的影响因素、生理代谢特征及基因调控等研究成果,提出了系统开展甲壳动物争斗行为量化的必要性及机制研究方向,以期为深入研究甲壳动物争斗行为奠定基础。  相似文献   

甲壳动物精子生物学的研究对于甲壳动物的人工繁育及遗传育种等工作有重要意义。本文归纳了甲壳动物精子生物学的最新研究进展,包括精子的形态结构、发生、活力、体外保存及顶体反应等方面,并对该领域今后的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

甲壳动物精子生物学的研究对于甲壳动物的人工繁育及遗传育种等工作有重要意义。本文归纳了甲壳动物精子生物学的最新研究进展,包括精子的形态结构、发生、活力、体外保存及顶体反应等方面,并对该领域今后的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

甲壳动物免疫机能的衡量指标及科学评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究甲壳动物免疫系统和免疫机理的重要目的之一是为开展甲壳动物免疫防病提供理论基础。甲壳动物免疫防病的研究,是当前水产养殖中比较活跃的一个领域。而选择一个合适的指标进行科学正确的评价甲壳动物免疫状况,则是有效开展免疫防病治病的前提。作者就目前用于衡量甲壳动物免疫机能的各种指标及其检测和科学应用做一综述。  相似文献   

徐启华  耿帅  肖晓  申欣 《海洋科学》2015,39(5):54-61
甲壳动物线粒体基因组蕴涵了物种进化历程中重要的遗传信息,如何有效地利用这些保留在基因组中的基因序列和基因顺序信息,是甲壳动物线粒体基因组研究的一个重点方向。为了进一步探讨甲壳动物稳定、可靠的系统发育关系,本文利用支持向量机的分类功能实现了甲壳动物线粒体基因组基因区与基因间区、编码区与非编码区的准确分类和预测,同时为了提高分类学习机的泛化能力,使用了交叉验证方法和粒子群算法优化选取支持向量机相关训练参数。通过MATLAB仿真分析的方法,对10种甲壳动物线粒体基因组序列的基因区和基因间区进行分类,以及对5种甲壳动物进行线粒体基因组序列中编码区和非编码区的分类,获得了较好的分类准确率。仿真结果表明本文方法是可行的和有效的,能够出色地应用于甲壳动物线粒体基因组序列的研究分析。  相似文献   

甲壳动物化学感觉研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从甲壳动物化学受体的形态、动物个体的行为反应以及化学感觉神经元的电生理三方面综述了甲壳动物化学感觉研究近20年的进展。水生动物,如甲壳动物特别是底栖甲壳动物,主要依赖化学感受器获得其生存环境的信息,从而表现出摄食、逃避捕食者、觅偶、交配、洄游等各种不同的行为反应。早期的研究主要是直观的行为观察和化学感受器的形态描述,内容偏重于动物的摄食习性和化学感受器的结构及其分布。随后电生理方法和电镜技术的引入,使化学感觉生理学的研究深入到细胞水平,发现了受体细胞的一些特性,如低自发放电频率、低阈值、调制、适应和去适应、范围分级等。另外,还提出了甲壳动物化学受体对化学信号的两种基本编码方式,即单线编码模式和交叉神经元模式。  相似文献   

九龙江口红树林区底栖动物的生态   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据1987年2、5、8、11月的调查资料,研究了福建九龙江口红树林区底栖动物生态。结果表明,该区共有底栖动物172种,主要由多毛类、软体动物和甲壳动物组成,以近岸广盐性种类占优势。平均生物量和栖息密度分别为48.03g/m~2和311个/m~2,以甲壳动物占优势;数量的季节变化显著;中潮区数量较大。潮汐、盐度和沉积物是影响本区底栖动物分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖甲壳动物数量动态变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用大型底栖生物调查研究方法,根据2000年2月-2002午11月共11个季度月在胶州湾10个站的综合调查资料,分析了胶州湾大型底栖甲壳动物的种类、生物量和栖息密度,并与1991年的调查结果进行了比较。结果表明,甲壳动物在胶州湾大型底栖生物中是仅次于多毛类的类群,本次调查共得到了大型底栖甲壳动物75种,其中端足类32种,占整个甲壳动物种数的42.1%;获得的甲壳动物平均栖息密度为39个/m^2,平均生物量为2.4g/m^2,均超过了1991年调查结果,这可能与近年来对胶州湾生物资源实施有效保护有关。胶州湾甲壳动物的数量分布与温度关系不明显,但盐度和初级生产力对其生物量和栖息密度影响较大。  相似文献   

王永良 《海洋科学》1983,7(3):42-42
中国动物学会下属的甲壳动物学会成立暨学术讨论会于1982年12月在杭州市举行。来自全国55个科研机构、高等院校及水产单位的112名代表出席了会议。 会议共收到学术论文124篇。各方面的论文采用大会报告和分组报告形式进行了交流。8位专家分别在大会上作专题报告,这些报告回顾了国内外甲壳动物研究的历史和现状,总结了我国甲壳动物研究工作  相似文献   

乐清湾口海域春秋季甲壳动物的群落结构特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2012年春季和10月在乐清湾口海域开展渔业资源调查所获甲壳动物资料,对乐清湾口海域的甲壳动物的种类组成、优势种、物种数量分布、生物多样性和群落结构相似性等群落结构特征及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出34种甲壳动物,隶属于2目17科23属,春季优势种仅有三疣梭子蟹1种,秋季为日本、口虾蛄、中华管鞭虾、三疣梭子蟹4种,两季优势种更替较显著;秋季物种数较春季丰富,调查水域中心区域物种数较多;秋季甲壳动物生物多样性指数高于春季;甲壳动物群落结构与海洋环境密切相关。乐清湾口海域的甲壳动物以季节性的广温低盐种类为主,该海域位于河口,受瓯江径流影响较大;春季受瓯江径流淡水水团影响,物种较少,而秋季受交汇水团影响,物种丰富;春秋季组内并无明显规律,地形、水深和水系等外部因素对甲壳动物群落结构影响较大。  相似文献   

郑重 《台湾海峡》1990,9(2):148-160
本文全面、扼要地叙述了节肢动物的滞育研究动态,论述了各发育期的滞育情况及环境因子影响,评述了Andrewartha提出的有关滞育发生的生理机制假说,并在此综合论述的基础上提出了8个今后的研究课题。  相似文献   

栖息于潮间带的海生动物中,营底内生活的种类占很大的比例。这类动物以独特的生活方式适应或克服潮间带的各种不利条件而得到生存和繁衍。从报道来看现代海洋底内动物泂穴的研究具有多方面的意义。如某些潮间带底内动物的鉴定,仅以外部形态作依据显然不够,还需以其他生态资料,如粪便、洞穴、卵块等作参考。有些潮间带动物的地理分布范围与其营底内生活有关,它们可以借助洞穴的保护而渡过寒暖不适的气候。更重要的是这方面研究能对古生态学和地史学问題的探讨提供科学依据。有很多种潮间带底内动物洞穴、排出物和爬行痕迹等被作为“生活遗迹”而保存在化石中,因此这类化石的沉积岩层实际上已成为该类动物生存发展年代的记载。但是,在岩层古生态学分析研究中,比较困难的是如何区别古代生物居住、死亡或埋藏的地点,这个同题涉及到对沉积物形成的地点和过程的确定,进一步就可用这些资料来研究古代海岸变迁和海面的升降。就潮间带底内动物的居住和死亡地点(埋藏与死亡地点也可以不同)来说,有的可能一致(如某些不太活动的种类),有的则不一致(如贝类),作为古生态学依据,各具其长短,贝类无洞穴化石,其贝壳可成为化石,但埋藏与生活地点往往不一致;蟹类的优点是洞穴能成化石,其上并留有爬行痕迹;洞穴化石的埋藏与动物原来生活地点一致(亦有个別情况不一致)。早在地史年代就已有不少虾蟹类遗体及生活迹迹化石被发现:因此,现代潮间带蟹类洞穴的研究不仅对认识或鉴定古代甲売类动物有价值,而且对进一步鉴定种类、寻找演化线索和促进古生态学的发展都具有重要意义。 青岛潮间带在我国北方沿岸潮间带中颇具代表性。潮汐是规则的半日潮。 著者曾于1954-1964年,选以下四个点进行了调查:1,沧口潮间带,位于胶州湾内东北区中部,座东向西,坡度小的泥质和泥沙质滩涂;2.沙子口潮间带,位于青岛以东,为沙质滩涂;3.湛山湾潮间带:位青岛以东近郊,为沙质滩涂;4.大黑澜潮间带,位于胶州湾口,为岩石岸滩。每月进行二次大潮采集,每一采样点取两个定量(50×50厘米)样品和若于定性补充样品。从1963年5月至1964年9月,结合甲壳类生态进行了专题调查,本文就是根据上述调查,在软底质滩涂所获11种蟹类材料总结的,对所见各种蟹类的洞穴均经现场观察、测量并作了详细记录和拍照。对同一种蟹类洞穴的形态在不同地点和时间内所出现的变化也给予了特别的注意。 本文定稿过程中征得了山东海洋学院李嘉泳及本所曾呈奎,刘瑞玉、郑执中、吴宝铃、齐钟彦、马绣同等同志的修改意见,文中插图、照片由王兴虞、宋华中同志给予帮助,在此一并表示感谢。  相似文献   

Most behavioral studies on hermaphroditic fishes have focused on small‐sized species, which are tractable for research. Although many species of large hermaphroditic fishes are important fishery resources, their proximate mechanisms (visual, chemical and/or behavioral cues) in the social regulation of sex change have not been determined. Determination of these would inform resource management and aquaculture. In order to get closer to understanding the proximate mechanisms underlying the social regulation of female‐to‐male sex change in large hermaphroditic fishes, this study reports situations that induced female‐to‐male sex change in black‐spot tuskfish, Choerodon schoenleinii, a species of large protogynous fish, in massive laboratory tanks. The situations differed in the possibility of male‐to‐female tactile contact and in the group sex ratio, enabling us to infer plausible proximate mechanisms underlying sex change induction. Tactile contact between individuals is suspected to be closely related to the incidence of female‐to‐male sex change in C. schoenleinii. Visual and chemical cues alone may be insufficient to inhibit such sex changes. Male‐to‐female tactile contact may have an important influence on female‐to‐male sex change, i.e., inhibition of this sex change, in this species. The effect of sex ratio of a social group on the incidence of sex change may be due to the relative frequency and intensity of male tactile contact with each female, which may vary with the number of females. In the absence of a dominant male, tactile contact among females may affect the incidence of sex change, as well as determine which individuals change sex.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to characterize the benthic life strategies of Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Penaeidea), Parapenaeus longirostris (Crustacea: Penaeidea) and Nephrops norvegicus (Crustacea: Astacidea) on the basis of biochemical composition (proximate chemical composition, total lipids, glycogen and cholesterol contents), and its response to biological and environmental factors (sex, maturation, reproduction, food availability and depth) into account. The specimens were collected at depths between 200 and 600 m off the Portuguese south coast (Algarve). The nektobenthic species (A. antennatus and P. longirostris) showed higher protein, lipid, cholesterol and glycogen contents, and lower moisture content in the muscle than the benthic–endobenthic species (N. norvegicus). Consequently, the energy content of the nektobenthic species was also higher. Principal component analyses were used to assess the relationship between the different biochemical contents and to relate them to the biotic and abiotic factors. Depth seems to have the most important role in the observed trends of the biochemical composition. The increase of the ovarian lipid levels occurs as a result of the maturation process. The highest values were obtained in mature N. norvegicus females. The differences can be due to maternal investment (lipid metabolism of the female is geared to the provision of egg lipid), since N. norvegicus produce large lecithotrophic eggs. The biochemical differences observed in the three species did not seem to be due to distinct trophic strategies, but instead were a consequence of depth, which may have a significant interspecific effect on food intake. It was also evident that reproductive cycle has profound effects upon the biochemistry of the three species. Gonadal maturation has large associated energy costs due to the increase in biosynthetic work. Moreover, the biochemical composition would be influenced by or synchronized with seasonal feeding activity or food availability.  相似文献   

In crustaceans, the male sexual dif ferentiation and maintenance are specially regulated by androgenic gland(AG). However, little is known about the genes involved in the regulation process.RNA-Seq was performed on AG with ejaculatory duct(AG_ED) and ejaculatory duct(ED) as control in Eriocheir sinensis, one of the most important economic and ?shery crabs with typically sex dimorphism. A total of 925 unigenes were identi?ed as dif ferentially expressed genes(DEGs) and the expression of nine genes randomly selected was con?rmed by qRT-PCR. 667 unigenes were up-regulated in AG_ED, being supposed to be AG preferential genes. Among them, the full length of i nsulin-like androgenic gland factor( IAG) cDNA named as Es-IAG was obtained as a logo gene of AG, which together with the genes i nsulin-like receptor( INR), and s ingle insulin binding domain protein( SIBD), might constitute the sex regulation pathway. Several sex related genes were identi?ed, and their function will have to be investigated. Also,the identi?cation of j uvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase 1( JHEH1), ecdysteroid 22-hydroxylase( DIB) and e cdysone receptor( ECR) preliminarily clari?ed the molecular regulation mechanism of eyestalk-AG-testis axis, which plays important roles in molting and reproduction. The results will enhance our understanding for the molecular basis of the AG involved in male sex regulation in crabs.  相似文献   

Mating behavior strategies of brachyuran crabs are flexible depending on the habitat and social context. We evaluate pre-copulatory guarding in Neohelice granulata and describe the unusual copulatory behavior. Laboratory experiments were conducted to test whether factors such as male size, presence of burrows, a male-biased operational sex ratio (OSR) and female mating history affect the copulation duration in two different study areas. Females initiated a searching behavior approximately 20–26 h before they became receptive by assessing large male burrows and displaying a courtship behavior (“flirting”) in its entrance. Once the female entered inside the male burrow, pre-copulatory guarding was observed until the female became receptive and successful copulation occurred immediately after. This species shows some very unusual copulatory behavior involving eyestalk grasping not seen in any other varunid crab. The copulation duration was independent of male size and the presence of burrows, although it was dependent on the study area, the OSR and the female mating history. Thus, copulation duration is a flexible character in this species which varies with habitat and biological factors such as mating history and sex ratio.  相似文献   

综述了养殖比目鱼生殖及其调控机理研究的最新进展,包括雌鱼卵巢发育及其外源激素和光温调控,雄鱼精巢发育及其外源激素和光温调控,性别分化的温度决定机制,早期性别鉴定方法等.旨在为我国比目鱼的养殖和研究提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Sperm reserves are costly to produce and so the development of different sperm allocation strategies may be advantageous. Knowledge of sperm allocation strategies is important from an evolutionary perspective because they contribute to characterize mating systems. However, population differences in sperm allocation strategies of the same species have rarely been assessed. Here, we studied the male sperm allocation strategies in two different populations of Neohelice granulata in Mar Chiquita Lagoon (MCL) and San Antonio Oeste (SAO), Argentina. We found that the quantity of ejaculate transferred by N. granulata males depended on different factors such as male size and female receptivity duration, while it was independent of female size, at both study areas. Regarding the operational sex ratio factor, the amount of ejaculate transferred depended on it in MCL but not in SAO. Thus, Ngranulata males may have the capacity to regulate the quantity of ejaculate transferred based on individual factors such as their own size and female receptivity duration, and population factors such as operational sex ratio, which varies in the two populations studied.  相似文献   

In Toulon Bay (France), very high phosphatase activities have been found in the zooplankton fraction>90 microm. This work was intended to specify their origin. For that purpose, larvae, juvenile and adult Crustacea (Copepods: Calanoids, Cyclopoids, Branchiopods: Cladocera, and Cirripeds) were isolated. Their activities were measured using paranitrophenyl phosphate dissolved in sea water in order to calculate Km (the enzyme half saturation concentration) and Vmax (the reaction rate when the enzyme is saturated with substrate). Vmax were referred to protein contents of the isolated organisms to calculate specific activities. For all zooplankton groups high and low affinity phosphatase activities were found. The low affinity enzyme was responsible for at least 70% of the total phosphatase activity. Its specific activity was higher for larvae than for copepodites and adults. In Cirriped nauplii this activity was particularly high with values which were several hundred times higher than that in other Crustacea. These enzymes had optimum pH close to 8.4, magnesium requirement and were competitively inhibited by orthophosphate. Experiments with intact and lysed Cirriped nauplii confirmed that living organisms had only a weak external activity and showed that most of the activity of these larvae was primarily intracellular.  相似文献   

为探讨虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)性别决定和雌雄同体形成的分子机制,利用兼并引物,以闭壳肌基因组DNA为实验材料,扩增和克隆了虾夷扇贝Dmrt基因的DM结构域,雌性、雄性和雌雄同体3种性别共获得2个具有不同DM序列的克隆,序列长度均为141bp,分别命名为Py Dmrt3和Py Dmrt4。Py Dmrt3在3种性别类型中均有克隆,而雄性中还克隆出Py Dmrt4。结果表明,在虾夷扇贝不同性别中,Dmrt基因家族的成员可能会有不同;雄性py Dmrt3的DM结构域核苷酸和氨基酸变异频率高,其次是雌雄同体,雌性的较保守,与其他软体动物DM结构域比对,该基因家族在进化上仍然高度保守,由此推测,部分雄性可能是发生了性逆转的雌雄同体,这种较高的变异性可能也是雌雄同体的一个特点,Py Dmrt4可能参与调控雄性性别的形成。  相似文献   

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