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中国土壤有机碳库及其演变与应对气候变化   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
 通过综述和评价中国土壤,特别是农田土壤有机碳库(以下简称碳库)的现状与演变态势, 讨论其对我国应对气候变化的意义, 提出了我国土壤碳库及其演变与应对气候变化的基本国情是:1) 我国土壤背景碳储量较低且区域分布不均衡;2) 我国土壤固碳效应明显,未来固碳减排潜力显著;3) 技术和政策是实现和提高我国土壤碳汇、促进我国应对气候变化能力建设的重要途径。建议进一步加强对我国农田土壤固碳减排的研发投入, 完善农业应对气候变化的相关政策和鼓励措施体系,研究构建气候友好的新型农业,以期在提高和稳定农业生产力与应对气候变化能力上获得双赢。  相似文献   

中国土壤有机碳库及其演变与应对气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过综述和评价中国土壤,特别是农田土壤有机碳库(以下简称碳库)的现状与演变态势, 讨论其对我国应对气候变化的意义, 提出了我国土壤碳库及其演变与应对气候变化的基本国情是:1) 我国土壤背景碳储量较低且区域分布不均衡;2) 我国土壤固碳效应明显,未来固碳减排潜力显著;3) 技术和政策是实现和提高我国土壤碳汇、促进我国应对气候变化能力建设的重要途径。建议进一步加强对我国农田土壤固碳减排的研发投入, 完善农业应对气候变化的相关政策和鼓励措施体系,研究构建气候友好的新型农业,以期在提高和稳定农业生产力与应对气候变化能力上获得双赢。  相似文献   

中国湿地土壤碳库保护与气候变化问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 中国湿地分布广, 类型丰富, 但存在着垦殖率高、碳密度较低、围垦损失严重等问题。估计我国湿地土壤碳库达8~10 Pg, 占全国陆地土壤总有机碳库的约1/10~1/8, 过去50 a间的损失可能达1.5 Pg。围垦和过度放牧是我国湿地土壤退化和碳库损失的主要驱动因子。目前,湿地土壤碳库保护面临严峻的挑战,从应对气候变化和保护人类生存环境的战略高度切实加强湿地资源保护,可以为增强陆地生态系统碳汇、探寻温室气体减排的潜在途径提供技术支持。  相似文献   

中国湿地土壤碳库保护与气候变化问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国湿地分布广, 类型丰富, 但存在着垦殖率高、碳密度较低、围垦损失严重等问题。估计我国湿地土壤碳库达8~10 Pg, 占全国陆地土壤总有机碳库的约1/10~1/8, 过去50 a间的损失可能达1.5 Pg。围垦和过度放牧是我国湿地土壤退化和碳库损失的主要驱动因子。目前,湿地土壤碳库保护面临严峻的挑战,从应对气候变化和保护人类生存环境的战略高度切实加强湿地资源保护,可以为增强陆地生态系统碳汇、探寻温室气体减排的潜在途径提供技术支持。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳汇显著降低大气CO2浓度上升和全球变暖的速率,受人类活动和气候变化的影响,陆地生态系统碳通量具有强烈的时空变化,其估算结果仍存在较大的不确定性,不同因子的贡献尚不清晰。为此,利用遥感驱动的陆地生态系统过程模型BEPS模拟分析了1981—2019年全球陆地生态系统碳通量的时空变化特征,评价了大气CO2浓度、叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)、氮沉降、气候变化对全球陆地生态系统碳收支变化的贡献。1981—2019年全球陆地生态系统总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity,GPP)、净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)和净生态系统生产力(Net Ecosystem Productivity,NEP)的平均值分别为115.3、51.3和2.7 Pg·a-1(以碳质量计,下同),上升速率分别为0.47、0.21和0.06 Pg·a-1。全球大部分区域GPP和NPP显著增加,NEP显著上升(p<0.05)的区域明显少于GPP和NPP。1981—2019年,全球NEP累积为105.2 Pg,森林、稀树草原及灌木、农田和草地的贡献分别为76.4、15.8、9.4和3.6 Pg。CO2浓度、LAI、氮沉降和气候变化各自对NEP的累积贡献分别为58.4、20.6、0.7和-43.6 Pg,全部4个因子变化对NEP的累积贡献为39.8 Pg,其中CO2浓度上升是近40 a全球陆地生态系统NEP上升的主要贡献因子,其次为LAI。  相似文献   

为研究台风过程对广西红树林净生态系统碳交换的影响,利用北海红树林生态观测试验站涡度相关系统观测的红树林碳通量和气象观测数据,分析台风"韦帕"登陆前后红树林净生态系统碳交换变化特征及其与气象因子的响应关系.结果表明:(1)红树林净生态系统碳交换碳汇峰值在台风登陆前递增并达到极值,台风登陆时碳汇峰值迅速降低,而在台风登陆后...  相似文献   

碳中和是指人类活动造成的碳排放与全球人为碳吸收量在一定时期内达到平衡,也称为净零排放 [1].《巴黎协定》第四条提出采取减排增汇措施以实现21世纪后半叶人为温室气体排放量与汇的清除量达到平衡 [2].越来越多的国家正将其转化为战略和行动,目前已有100多个国家提出碳中和目标承诺,并明确了碳中和时间表.2020年9月第7...  相似文献   

全球CO2浓度增加造成的全球变暖已成为人类亟需解决的问题,陆地生态系统在过去几十年一直扮演着重要的碳汇角色,吸收了30%左右的人类活动排放CO2。本文调研分析了陆地生态系统固碳速率空间估算方法,包括样地调查、通量监测、模型模拟、遥感估算等,梳理了各种估算方法的研究现状与进展。样地调查、通量观测等方法可以提供点尺度的固碳速率直接测量信息,但存在观测样本有限、空间代表性不足等问题。模型模拟方法可以从机理的角度描述陆地碳、水、能量循环,模拟预测陆地生态系统固碳速率的状态和变化。然而,在模型建立过程中,抽象和简化会引入结构与假设的不确定性,以及模型驱动数据引入的不确定性等问题是碳循环模型模拟方法面临的重大挑战。卫星遥感具有全球覆盖、分辨率精细、时间序列观测等优点,结合机器学习方法,为地球大数据驱动的全球碳源汇估算提供了新的研究范式。但是,当前各种固碳速率的监测方法还没有满足高度时空异质性的陆地生态系统固碳量监测需求,未来需要整合地面观测、模型模拟和卫星遥感等多种技术手段,提供区域和全球尺度的陆地生态系统碳汇精确估算方法体系和科学数据产品。  相似文献   

林业行业应对气候变化的措施和成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植树造林,发挥森林吸碳和固碳作用,加强天然林保护,提高森林的碳汇潜力两大方面,陈述了林业对减缓全球气候变化的贡献。同时介绍了国家林业局在气候变化的基础科学和应用科学研究领域,开展的卓有成效的工作;介绍了国家林业局陆地生态系统定位研究网络的基础建设、与气候变化有关的科学研究的立项与课题开展情况。最后,从探讨提高森林碳汇的方法、推进加强森林碳保护的措施、寻找林产品碳替代的途径等三方面,论述了今后一段时期林业行业在减缓气候变化中的重要任务,分析中国林业在继续增加森林面积和碳汇能力方面具有的潜力。  相似文献   

大气污染严重威胁了我国陆地生态系统的固碳能力,但随着减污降碳协同治理的快速推进,减缓大气污染将有利于提升陆地碳汇,并切实推动碳达峰碳中和目标的实现。为了更好地理解大气污染与生态系统固碳的关系,本文以主要空气污染物臭氧(O3)为例,基于田间控制实验的整合分析、剂量响应关系及机理模型三种评估方法综述了近地层O3污染对植被碳固定影响的最新进展。尽管不同作物种类以及品种、不同功能型木本植物对O3的响应有着显著的差异,且各种方法的评估结果也不尽相同,但目前O3浓度造成我国粮食作物减产、森林生产力降低已是不争的事实。持续升高的O3浓度将严重威胁我国陆地生态系统的固碳能力。利用我国作物和树木的O3剂量响应方程进行评估的结果表明,在CO2减排和O3污染协同治理下,预计2060年我国树木生物量和作物产量将比当前显著提高,增加陆地生态系统碳汇,助力碳中和目标。最后,对如何提高O3污染环境下植物固碳能力也进行了展望。  相似文献   

Deforestation has contributed significantly to net greenhouse gas emissions, but slowing deforestation, regrowing forests and other ecosystem processes have made forests a net sink. Deforestation will still influence future carbon fluxes, but the role of forest growth through aging, management, and other silvicultural inputs on future carbon fluxes are critically important but not always recognized by bookkeeping and integrated assessment models. When projecting the future, it is vital to capture how management processes affect carbon storage in ecosystems and wood products. This study uses multiple global forest sector models to project forest carbon impacts across 81 shared socioeconomic (SSP) and climate mitigation pathway scenarios. We illustrate the importance of modeling management decisions in existing forests in response to changing demands for land resources, wood products and carbon. Although the models vary in key attributes, there is general agreement across a majority of scenarios that the global forest sector could remain a carbon sink in the future, sequestering 1.2–5.8 GtCO2e/yr over the next century. Carbon fluxes in the baseline scenarios that exclude climate mitigation policy ranged from −0.8 to 4.9 GtCO2e/yr, highlighting the strong influence of SSPs on forest sector model estimates. Improved forest management can jointly increase carbon stocks and harvests without expanding forest area, suggesting that carbon fluxes from managed forests systems deserve more careful consideration by the climate policy community.  相似文献   

Vegetation population dynamics play an essential role in shaping the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems.However,large uncertainties remain in the parameterizations of population dynamics in current Dynamic Global Vegetation Models(DGVMs).In this study,the global distribution and probability density functions of tree population densities in the revised Community Land Model-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(CLM-DGVM) were evaluated,and the impacts of population densities on ecosystem characteristics were investigated.The results showed that the model predicted unrealistically high population density with small individual size of tree PFTs(Plant Functional Types) in boreal forests,as well as peripheral areas of tropical and temperate forests.Such biases then led to the underestimation of forest carbon storage and incorrect carbon allocation among plant leaves,stems and root pools,and hence predicted shorter time scales for the building/recovering of mature forests.These results imply that further improvements in the parameterizations of population dynamics in the model are needed in order for the model to correctly represent the response of ecosystems to climate change.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of a change in the economic system on carbon balance at a national scale, a balance of the carbon influx and effluxes was prepared for forest ecosystems in Poland for 1988, and was repeated for 1990. The year 1988 was the first year of drastic economic changes (and severe crises) in Poland. Two entirely different approaches were used to estimate the carbon influx into a forest ecosystem. The forest inventory approach was based on data from conventional measurements of merchantable timber in forests, whereas the carbon flux and allocation approach was based on the estimate of net photosynthetic productivity of forest ecosystems to calculate the carbon influx. Results from both approaches were within the range 1.17 to 5.77t C/ha/yr which most likely defined lower and upper limits for the carbon influx into forest ecosystems in Poland. On the national scale, the carbon influx into Polish forest ecosystems was estimated by the forest inventory approach to be about 12.8 Mt C/yr. This result was similar for both years. Efflux of carbon from Polish forest ecosystems resulted almost entirely from the decay of logging residues. The efflux in 1990 (3.82 Mt C/yr) was about 26% lower than that in 1988. Storage of the carbon in Polish forest ecosystems (including an estimate of the carbon pool in forest soils) was 1.8% greater in 1990 (2518 Mt C) than in 1988, when it equalled 2473 Mt C.  相似文献   

A process-based approach to modelling the effects of land use change and climate change on the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems was applied at global scale. Simulations were run both with and without land use change. In the absence of land use change between 1700 and 1990, carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems was predicted to increase by 145 Pg C. When land use change was represented during this period, terrestrial ecosystems became a net source of 97 Pg C. Land use change was directly responsible for a flux of 222 Pg C, slightly higher but close to estimates from other studies. The model was then run between 1990 and 2100 with a climate simulated by a GCM. Simulations were run with three land use change scenarios: 1. no land use change; 2. land use change specified by the SRES B2 scenario, and; 3. land use change scaled with population change in the B2 scenario. In the first two simulations with no or limited land use change, the net terrestrial carbon sink was substantial (358 and 257 Pg C, respectively). However, with the population-based land-use change scenario, the losses of carbon through land use change were close to the carbon gains through enhanced net ecosystem productivity, resulting in a net sink near zero. Future changes in land use are highly uncertain, but will have a large impact on the future terrestrial carbon balance. This study attempts to provide some bounds on how land use change may affect the carbon sink over the nextcentury.  相似文献   

A terrestrial biogeochemical model (CASACNP) was coupled to a land surface model (the Common Land Model,CoLM) to simulate the dynamics of carbon substrate in soil and its limitation on soil respiration.The combined model,CoLM CASACNP,was able to predict long-term carbon sources and sinks that CoLM alone could not.The coupled model was tested using measurements of belowground respiration and surface fluxes from two forest ecosystems.The combined model simulated reasonably well the diurnal and seasonal variations of net ecosystem carbon exchange,as well as seasonal variation in the soil respiration rate of both the forest sites chosen for this study.However,the agreement between model simulations and actual measurements was poorer under dry conditions.The model should be tested against more measurements before being applied globally to investigate the feedbacks between the carbon cycle and climate change.  相似文献   

农田生态系统是受人为活动强烈控制和干扰的系统,对其碳源/汇的评价是全球碳循环研究的热点.首先概括了以涡度相关法为手段的中国农田生态系统碳通量的研究进展,重点总结了中国农田生态系统碳通量的时间变化、驱动机制和模型模拟等方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对今后中国农田生态系统碳通量研究提出了建议,认为长期观测与研究、多因子协同作用、模型开发与尺度推绎、数据质量监控和评价是今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

CO2 fluxes were measured continuously for three years (2003?C2005) using the eddy covariance technique for the canopy layer with a height of 27 m above the ground in a dominant subtropical evergreen forest in Dinghushan, South China. By applying gapfilling methods, we quantified the different components of the carbon fluxes (net ecosystem exchange (NEE)), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) in order to assess the effects of meteorological variables on these fluxes and the atmospherecanopy interactions on the forest carbon cycle. Our results showed that monthly average daily maximum net CO2 exchange of the whole ecosystem varied from ?3.79 to ?14.24 ??mol m?2 s?1 and was linearly related to photosynthetic active radiation. The Dinghushan forest acted as a net carbon sink of ?488 g C m?2 y?1, with a GPP of 1448 g Cm?2 y?1, and a Reco of 961 g C m?2 y?1. Using a carboxylase-based model, we compared the predicted fluxes of CO2 with measurements. GPP was modelled as 1443 g C m?2 y?1, and the model inversion results helped to explain ca. 90% of temporal variability of the measured ecosystem fluxes. Contribution of CO2 fluxes in the subtropical forest in the dry season (October-March) was 62.2% of the annual total from the whole forest ecosystem. On average, 43.3% of the net annual carbon sink occurred between October and December, indicating that this time period is an important stage for uptake of CO2 by the forest ecosystem from the atmosphere. Carbon uptake in the evergreen forest ecosystem is an indicator of the interaction of between the atmosphere and the canopy, especially in terms of driving climate factors such as temperature and rainfall events. We found that the Dinghushan evergreen forest is acting as a carbon sink almost year-round. The study can improve the evaluation of the net carbon uptake of tropical monsoon evergreen forest ecosystem in south China region under climate change conditions.  相似文献   

The paper quantifies the role of Indian forests as source or sink of carbon. The model used in the study takes into account the growing stock, additional tree organs, dead biomass, litter layer and soil organic matter, harvesting and harvesting losses, effects of pests, fire etc., allocation of timber to wood products, life span of products including recycling and allocation to landfills. The net carbon balance calculated as the net source or sink of the forest sector was assessed for the year 1993–94. The study isimportant in view of the obligation placed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on the signatory nations to provide a periodic update of carbon budget in the atmosphere. For the available data and the underlying assumptions, the results of the carbon budget model indicated that the Indian forest sector acted as a source of 12.8 TgC (including accumulation of carbon in the dead biomass) for the year 1994. The results obtained reinforced the notion that an integrated approach is required in order to evaluate the forest sector's influence on the global atmospheric carbon levels. The model used in this study has the advantage that all the factors determining the carbon budget can be integrated and altered to determine their influence. The study also throws light on the issues that stand in the way of preparing through carbon budget for developing countries like India.  相似文献   

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