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A survey of 176 authors who published in the Annals between 1988 and 1993 provides insights into why authors submitted their research to the journal, what support they received, and the impacts of the publication on their careers. Most decided themselves to submit their work, and one-third received support from research grants; cartographic assistance and graduate assistants were less important. The major benefits of publishing in the Annals were visibility in one's department, contact with other geographers, and requests for reprints. Most authors presented their ideas at professional meetings prior to submission. Promotion and salary Inc.reases were benefits for women, assistant professors, associate professors, and physical geographers. Authors considered their articles as original examinations that yielded new results, contributed to theory, stimulated debate, and helped bridge gaps inside and outside of geography. These results are useful in helping individual authors and for administrators in identifying the kinds of research support needed by authors publishing in the Annals.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to describe the noticeable similarities in the development of rural research and geography-close gender studies. Both research fields have developed greatly since 1970. Rural research has its roots in geography, while models and theories in gender research emanate from other disciplines. This article primarily treats the development of Nordic research and describes the development and different phases of each research field. The purpose is to draw attention to the parallel routes of development that characterize these fields, although in Swedish research they have not influenced each other much. Rural gender research, an area where the two research fields are interrelated, is the one exception. This focus, mainly developed by feminist geographers, has been largely invisible within the mainstream of both fields and has probably hindered new paths of development. Finally, I describe a route towards the development of a gender research based on the concept of space influenced by both fields of research.  相似文献   

We conducted a review and analysis of the references cited in articles published (1995–2004) in the journal Geomorphology and also solicited comments from the authors of the most-cited works on their major influences. Of the 31,696 unique works cited in the journal, only 22 were referenced at least 20 times, with the vast majority (92%) cited only once or twice. We divided the citations into the 10 most-cited books (i.e., complete volumes) and 10 most-cited papers (i.e., journal articles, book chapters, reports). A total of 23 different researchers were responsible for the 20 works, with one (Wolman) being an author or co-author of a quarter of them. Seven of the ten most-cited papers were based on work in the USGS in the mid-twentieth century, indicating a particularly fruitful time of geomorphic research and a particularly important cohort of scientists. Based on our citation analysis and author commentaries, we suggest that classic works in geomorphology are most likely to be those that provide useful knowledge and those that incorporate interdisciplinary perspectives.  相似文献   

Reproducibility is a cornerstone of science and thus for geographic research as well. However, studies in other disciplines such as biology have shown that published work is rarely reproducible. To assess the state of reproducibility, specifically computational reproducibility (i.e. rerunning the analysis of a paper using the original code), in geographic research, we asked geoscientists about this topic using three methods: a survey (n = 146), interviews (n = 9), and a focus group (n = 5). We asked participants about their understanding of open reproducible research (ORR), how much it is practiced, and what obstacles hinder ORR. We found that participants had different understandings of ORR and that there are several obstacles for authors and readers (e.g. effort, lack of openness). Then, in order to complement the subjective feedback from the participants, we tried to reproduce the results of papers that use spatial statistics to address problems in the geosciences. We selected 41 open access papers from Copernicus and Journal of Statistical Software and executed the R code. In doing so, we identified several technical issues and specific issues with the reproduced figures depicting the results. Based on these findings, we propose guidelines for authors to overcome the issues around reproducibility in the computational geosciences.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 1996 we undertook surveys to identify the status, perspectives, and contributions of women and men in physical geography and geosciences/geology, and to study the evolution of our fields. This paper presents the results of the physical geography survey, and considers the following questions: How have academic men and women physical geographers' professional development experiences differed? Do men and women in physical geography emphasize different research areas? Do their research methods differ from one another? Gender differences were identified most strikingly in rank and tenure status, research topics and methodologies, and professional satisfaction. Generational differences by academic rank were identified in professional satisfaction and in pull factors. Minor gender differences were found in dual career couple status, but this status had major effects on career choices and opportunities for both men and women. This paper is part of our larger project aimed at comparing and contrasting geoscience/geology and physical geography, and at including the earth sciences in gender and science studies that have long focused on mathematics, chemistry, biology, and physics.  相似文献   

华薇娜  张洁  刘芳  邓三鸿 《极地研究》2009,21(2):124-140
通过美国的核心期刊数据库,收集了中国作者自1982年以来在世界核心期刊上所发表的有关南北极研究方面的文章,在此基础上进行了基本的文献计量学分析,包括各年文献量、期刊、著者、地区、机构、研究主题、引文等,以期从一个侧面来反映中国南北极研究方面的科研生产率、核心机构、核心人员、核心期刊、主要的研究领域、具有国际影响力的研究成果、发展趋势等信息,便于人们通过定量数据来了解中国南北极研究的现状、布局和实力。  相似文献   

2011-2015年《地理学报(英文版)》引证指标分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于信芳  赵歆 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1262-1268
依据美国科技信息研究所公布的《期刊引证报告》、Web of Science数据库、Springer数据、来稿刊稿统计等资料,检索并分析了2011-2015年《地理学报(英文版)》的稿件来源、刊稿量、网络下载量、影响因子、被引频次、被引期刊、施引期刊和高被引论文等主要载文和引证指标。2011-2015年间,该刊国际来稿比例由26.5%增加到47.9%,影响因子由2011年的0.832提高到2015年的1.923。通过对该刊近5年发展状况的全面分析,为期刊未来发展方向提供科学决策依据,为我国地理学期刊质量提升提供参考。  相似文献   

我国红树林湿地研究进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
黄初龙  郑伟民 《湿地科学》2004,2(4):303-308
红树林湿地是分布于亚热带、热带滨海地区的典型湿地,具有其它湿地类型所不具备的特殊的演化过程,形成独特的水文、土壤和植被特征。由于人类活动的影响,近年来,我国红树林湿地出现了面积锐减、生态系统结构简化、生物多样性降低、生态功能退化等严重问题,使红树林湿地的可持续利用面临严重挑战。从湿地生态、湿地功能及湿地开发利用、保护与管理等方面评述我国红树林湿地生态系统的研究现状,探讨我国红树林湿地未来研究的主要科学问题,进而明确红树林湿地可持续利用研究的方向和途径。  相似文献   

旅游产业集群研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王润  刘家明 《地理科学进展》2012,31(10):1407-1412
产业集群理论提出之后, 各行各业中产业集群研究逐步繁荣, 旅游产业集群也是其中之一。迄今为止, 国内旅游产业集群涉及概念与类型、形成条件、发展评判、形成机理等研究主题, 与学术研究形成鲜明对比的是, 旅游度假区、旅游产业集聚区等产业集群的案例研究滞后。本文根据国内外关于旅游产业集群的主要文献资料, 按照定义与内涵、成因与机制、竞合关系与联系网络、区域影响的逻辑顺序进行梳理与归纳, 并结合产业集群理论发展现状及国内外旅游产业集群研究对比, 提出了旅游产业集群研究与其他产业部门集群研究及国际旅游产业集群研究的差距, 最后提出国内旅游产业集群亟需加强研究的方面。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金项目资助的地貌学研究现状与效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
程维明  刘樯漪  申元村 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1255-1261
通过对2010-2015年国家自然科学基金资助下地貌学研究项目的总体状况、项目类型、依托单位、研究区域、人才队伍、研究热点、成果产出、获奖及社会效应等方面的分析,归纳概括地貌学的研究现状与态势等。结果表明:近5年来,地貌学获得的资助项目呈上升趋势,相关研究不断深入,各类研究团队显著壮大;研究系统已由高等院校为主逐渐发展成高等院校与科研机构并行的格局;不同地域地貌学研究的发展程度、研究对象及热点问题均表现出一定的区域不均衡性;构造、河流水文、黄土、冰川、风沙等是目前中国地貌学研究的主体方向。从资助项目的研究成果和产生效应来看,地貌学研究得到恢复和较快速发展,发表论文的数量和质量稳步提升,资助项目成果获奖层次高、社会效益显著。  相似文献   

杜芳娟  周越  庄淑蓉  叶仕安 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2243-2259
西南地区以其独特的地理现象一直为国内外地理学者所关注。通过对《地理学报》创刊以来85年间西南地区研究的载文分析,可以管窥其研究脉络,并予未来研究以启示。结果表明:① 232篇论文囊括了地理研究的若干主题,但以地貌、气象气候、综合自然地理和生态环境发文量最大,而城市、民族、交通、健康则关注较少;② 研究经历了传统区域研究、任务带学科、承上启下和多元化发展4个阶段;③ 论文在数量和内容上的阶段性变化,既受国家时事格局影响,也受地理学科研究范式发展变化影响;④ 《地理学报》有关西南地区的载文具有很高的研究水平,无论是在学术视野还是研究方法手段上,区域的自然、人文、社会经济与生态环境等诸多研究都站在了学术研究前沿,代表了学界对西南地理的研究情况;⑤ 但西南地理研究论文增长速度远赶不上《地理学报》载文量增长,外来研究机构占比很大,本土力量弱;相较自然地理,人文地理研究也少而弱。可见,西南地理研究当从新区域地理视角重新审视这一地区传统与现代的碰撞、边界的接触与冲突和区际的联系与竞争,继续成就西南地区重要的地理意义。  相似文献   

杨兰  徐嘉辉  陈诺  李钢  周俊俊  牛晓璇 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1523-1533
拐卖犯罪的时间跨度长、社会危害性高,会对受害者造成一生的记忆创伤。未成年人作为弱势群体,极易受到拐卖犯罪的侵害。早前拐卖的相关研究主要集中在法学和社会学领域,基于地理学视角的研究起步较晚,且缺少针对犯罪高发区云南省的研究。为此,文章基于公益平台“宝贝回家”网站的数据资料,运用数理统计、空间分析等方法,从未成年受害群体视角探究云南省拐卖犯罪的时空格局及影响因素。研究发现:1)来自乡村的被拐未成年人占总体的77%,从乡村拐入乡村的拐卖数量最多;同时,被拐未成年人整体趋于低龄化,呈现较强的低龄男童偏好以及大龄女童偏好。2)1958—2019年云南省拐卖未成年人数量在时间上呈现“倒V型”波动特征,高发期为1994—2005年,其时间演变受特殊历史事件、国家政策和打拐活动等的影响。3)空间上,云南省东部犯罪总量较高,扩散速率较快,其中曲靖、昆明、昭通为热点区域;县域尺度上,官渡区、昭阳区、盘龙区、西山区、五华区、镇雄县、宣威市的被拐未成年人数量占总数的49.5%;同时,过半案件发生在居住场所附近,封闭式公共场所附近案件发生量最少。4)影响因素上,自然因子对拐卖犯罪的影响力度最小,人口因子对犯罪快速增长期影响显著,社会和经济因子对犯罪高发期和低发期的作用显著。  相似文献   

The open-ended interview is gaining widespread acceptance within human geography as a research method. Frequently, such interviews can provide researchers with a richer account of events than can larger scale, standardized statistical approaches. However, researchers using interviews as part of their information gathering practices need to be aware of the social relations within which the interviews are conducted. In this paper I argue that gender relations are an important dynamic shaping the interview process which can significantly influence the sorts of data obtained using this particular research methodology.  相似文献   

该文旨在描述十年来我国"信息社会的地理学"发展的大体轮廓。依据主题词选择、领域选择、期刊选择和论文选择的标准,以国内地理期刊上发表的96篇论文为研究对象,并按期刊、主题词、研究方法、研究区域进行分类分析,进而从7大领域综述我国"信息社会的地理学"的研究内容。研究发现,十年来我国"信息社会的地理学"呈现出研究不断深化、领域和主要内容全面化、研究方法和研究区域多样化的特点,据此探讨其研究趋势以引导未来的研究。  相似文献   

中国风沙物理研究五十年(Ⅰ)   总被引:60,自引:33,他引:27  
董治宝 《中国沙漠》2005,25(3):293-305
2005年中国沙漠研究已经走过了50a的历程,作为沙漠科学重要组成部分的风沙物理学研究在中国亦有50a的历史了。本文较为详细地全面回顾了20世纪50年代中后期至90年代后期中国科学院知识创新工程实施之前我国风沙物理研究所做的主要工作和取得的成就,以期对相关的研究者有所帮助。这一时期的工作可以分为两个阶段。20世纪50年代中后期至60年代中期为理论准备和野外观测积累阶段,引进西方和前苏联在风沙物理学方面的研究成果,配合我国防沙治沙实践的需要开展野外观测研究。研究手段以大面积考察、半定位试验观测和定位试验为主。研究成果体现在风沙移动规律的初步认识、沙丘移动规律、中国沙丘活动的总体规律、防沙措施的布设原则和风沙运动理论的初步探讨等几个方面。1967年我国第一个风沙环境风洞建成使用,使风沙物理学的实验研究成为可能。自20世纪80年代开始同时向微观领域深入和向宏观领域扩展,风沙颗粒运动学、风沙流、风沙地貌动力、土壤风蚀和防沙原理等风沙物理学的主要领域得到了全面发展,在一些前沿探索领域亦有重要成就。  相似文献   

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