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The energy equation was applied to four limited regions to investigate the basic mechanisms through which area-averaged eddy kinetic energy is maintained during the northern winter. The regions selected for this study are as follows: extratropical North Pacific (24.2°N–44.6°N, 130°E–150°W), tropical eastern North Pacific (0°–19.6°N, 170°W–110°W), South China Sea and. Bay of Bengal (0°–19.6°N, 80°E–140°E), and Timor Sea and eastern Indian Ocean (0°–19.6°S, 80°E–140°E). The zonally averaged upper flows over the first region were found to be barotropically stable. In contrast, they were barotropically unstable over the second region; namely, eddy motions over the tropical eastern North Pacific are maintained by receiving energy from zonal flows via barotropic interaction. The third and fourth regions are characterized by the importance of the conversion process between eddy available potential and eddy kinetic energy.Contribution No. 77-5, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, USA.  相似文献   

Ozonesonde data are matched with concomitant rawinsonde data to provide a direct determination of horizontal, meridional, flux of ozone by the transient eddies. Data are from 27 stations in 4 regions: Eastern and western North America, western Europe, and Japan. Results confirm the existence of significant northward flux near 40°N, 10–18 km, in winter and spring, as shown by previous investigators. However, areas of significant equatorward flux are found at high mid-latitudes, 10–16 km, over North America in winter and spring, and at all 3 Japanese stations, 10–18 km, in spring. Transient eddy fluxes are typically small in summer, and are also small throughout the troposphere and most of the middle stratosphere.  相似文献   

Analyses of evolutions of the kinetic and thermal energy associated with the major and minor stratospheric warmings in the winters of 1976–77 and 1975–76 respectively indicate that the predominant ultra-long waves in the stratosphere oscillated at periods of 10–20 days, whereas in the troposphere the predominant long waves oscillated at periods of 8 to 12 days. These tropospheric long waves are almost out-of-phase with the stratospheric ultra-long waves for the minor warming, but in-phase for the major warming. The kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow in the stratosphere for the minor warming is much greater than that for the major warming, indicating that the occurrence of a major warming depends on the magnitude of the kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow relative to that of the meridional convergence of the poleward flux of sensible heat. In both the major and minor warmings, most of the stratospheric eddy kinetic energy is contained in waves of wavenumbers 1 and 2, whereas the stratospheric available potential energy is primarily contained in waves of wavenumber 1. The kinetic energy associated with waves of wavenumber 1 appeared to be 180° out-of-phase with those of wavenumber 2, indicating that nonlinear transfer of kinetic energy occurred between waves of wavenumbers 1 and 2. The occurrences of wind reversals were accompanied by decouplings of the stratospheric and tropospheric motions, and blockings in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Summary From meteorological IGY data for the calendar year 1958, the mean meridional eddy transport of enthalpy was evaluated for the Southern Hemisphere. Levels chosen for the study were 1000, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 200, 150 and 100 mb. Data from 84 Southern Hemisphere and 25 equatorial Northern Hemisphere stations were used. Yearly mean quantities related to meridional eddy enthalpy flux were computed and analyzed.It was found that around 40° S there is a double-maximum zone of poleward, meridional, transient eddy enthalpy flux, the stronger transport occurring at 850 mb, and the weaker near 200 mb. The countergradient transient eddy flux regions in the low latitude mid-troposphere and in the middle and upper latitude lower stratosphere, found in previous Northern Hemisphere investigations, were observed to exist in the Southern Hemisphere also. The standing eddy heat transport, as expected, was very weak except at high latitudes where Antarctic continentality effected a large double-maximum poleward flux centered near the surface and in the lower stratosphere. The total vertically integrated enthalpy transport by the eddies was found to be poleward everywhere, reaching a maximum between 35° and 40° S.  相似文献   

Computations of the mean meridional motion field in the stratosphere are applied to ozone distributions to evaluate the associated ozone concentration changes. These changes are compared with those produced by photochemical and quasi-horizontal eddy processes. For the period January–April 1964 there is a cooperative action between the mean and eddy motions with mean subsidence in middle latitudes supplying ozone to be carried polawards and equatorwards by quasi-horizontal eddy processes. At low latitudes mean horizontal motions offset the eddy transport while at high latitudes mean rising motion is the offsetting term. The mean ozone flux through 50 mb, 3.5×1029 molecules sec–1, is comparable with the fluxes evaluated by other techniques.The spring maximum is thought to be due to a modulation of the energy supply to the stratospheric eddies which, in turn, force the mean motions. Longer-term changes are to be expected; for example during Ice Ages when increased tropospheric eddy activity is anticipated there should be higher total ozone.  相似文献   

Summary The mean zonal and meridional wind components of the northern hemisphere at different pressure levels for the summer season June–August have been determined and the mean meridional mass circulation has been computed as a function of latitude. From the mass circulation the meridional flux of moisture is computed for the latitudinal belt 0°–45° N. Using the horizontal divergence of this flux the average difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration from the earth's surface is evaluated.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of mesoscale eddies in the western tropical Pacific(6°S–20°N, 120°E–150°E)is investigated using a high-resolution ocean model simulation. Eddy detection and eddy tracking algorithms are applied to simulated horizontal velocity vectors, and the anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies identified are composited to obtain their three-dimensional structures. The mean lifetime of all long-lived eddies is about 52 days, and their mean diameter is 147 km. Two typical characteristics of mesoscale eddies are revealed and possible dynamic explanations are analyzed. One typical characteristic is that surface eddies are generally separated from subthermocline eddies along the bifurcation latitude(~13°N) of the North Equatorial Current in the western tropical Pacific, which may be associated with different eddy energy sources and vertical eddy energy fluxes in subtropical and tropical gyres. Surface eddies have maximum swirl velocities of 8–9 cm s~(-1) and can extend to about 1500 m depth. Subthermocline eddies occur below 200 m, with their cores at about 400–600 m depth, and their maximum swirl velocities can reach 10 cm s~(-1). The other typical characteristic is that the meridional velocity component of the eddy is much larger than the zonal component. This characteristic might be due to more zonal eddy pairs(two eddies at the same latitude),which is also supported by the zonal wavelength(about 200 km) in the high-frequency meridional velocity component of the horizontal velocity.  相似文献   

AVHRR satellite imagery of the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight during May 1993 revealed a large area of cold water over the shelf break and slope that appeared to spin up into a series of southward propagating anticyclonic eddies. The eddies had diameters of 35–45 km at the surface and moved southward at about 20 cm/sec. A radial TOYO CTD (to 50m) and ADCP velocity (to 400m) transect was conducted across the southern-most of these eddies. The upper 50 meters had minimum temperatures of less than 7°C and salinities of about 33 pss, characteristics similar to cold pool waters usually found over the continental shelf. ADCP velocity data from one of the eddies revealed anticyclonic flow extending to a depth of about 250m. The transport of cold pool water by the eddies was estimated to be 0.1 to 0.2 Sv which is of the same order as the annual mean alongshore transport of shelf water in this region. The origin of the deeper water within the eddy is unlikely to be the continental shelf because the shelf break is less than 100 m. The depth and velocity profiles along the TOYO transect were consistent with the constant potential vorticity eddy model of Flierl (1979) although the source of the eddy kinetic energy is uncertain. The cause for the exodus of cold pool water from the shelf, which extended northward to at least 38°N, is unclear but must involve the establishment of an alongshore baroclinic pressure gradient against the usual southwestward shelf flow. It is possible that the intrusion of Gulf Stream waters onto the shelf near Cape Hatteras was a precursor of this off shelf transport. The southern-most eddy was marked by high biological productivity and very high oxygen supersaturation. The phytoplankton bloom detected within the exported cold pool water, located over the continental slope, suggests a mechanism whereby production fueled by nutrients derived from the shelf can be locally exported into deep water.  相似文献   

Contrasting features associated with surplus and deficient precipitation years are studied to examine atmospheric circulation characteristics during the winter season viz., December, January February and March (DJFM) to assess the wintertime synoptic weather system affecting the western Himalayas. Large-scale balances of kinetic energy, vorticity, angular momentum, heat and moisture fields are analyzed. Winter circulations are studied over the domain 15°S–45°S and 30°E–120°E. This domain is considered particularly to illustrate the distribution of precipitation due to wintertime eastward moving synoptic weather systems called western disturbances. Surplus and deficient years of seasonal (DJFM) precipitation are identified using±20% departure from mean from uninitialized daily reanalysis data of fourty (1958–1997) years of the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), USA. The years 1965–1969, 1973 and 1991 are found to be surplus years and years 1962, 1963, 1971, 1977 and 1985 are found to be deficient years. Composites of these two categories are made. Comparative study is made using Students t-test of significance. Examining the aspects associated with energetics during the two extreme categories of winter seasonal precipitation years, higher heat flux convergence in excess years in the area of study of precipitation takes place. Diabatic heating shows cooling. Higher flux of convergence of kinetic energy and higher dissipation of kinetic energy are observed during surplus years.  相似文献   

Observations of mesospheric winds over a period of four years with the partial reflection radar at Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E), India, are presented in this study. The emphasis is on describing seasonal variabilities in mean zonal and meridional winds in the altitude region 70–98 km. The meridional winds exhibit overall transequatorial flow associated with differential heating in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. At lower altitudes (70–80 km) the mean zonal winds reveal easterly flow during summer and westerly flow during winter, as expected from a circulation driven by solar forcing. In the higher altitude regime (80–98 km) and at all altitudes during equinox periods, the mean zonal flow is subjected to the semi-annual oscillation (SAO). The interannual variability detected in the occurrence of SAO over Tirunelveli has also been observed in the data sets obtained from the recent UARS satellite mission. Harmonic analysis results over a period of two years indicate the presence of long-period oscillations in the mean zonal wind at specific harmonic periods near 240, 150 and 120 days. Results presented in this study are discussed in the context of current understanding of equatorial wave propagation.  相似文献   

Summary The wavenumber-frequency spectra of the meridional flux of angular momentum at 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 60° and 70°S, at 500 mb, show a definite domain of wave interactions between the zonal and meridional components of the velocity at various latitudes. In middle latitudes, the spectral band of the meridional flux of angular momentum is oriented from a region of low wavenumbers and low frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and negative frequencies assigned for waves moving from west to east. In low latitudes, however, the spectral domain is confined to a narrow band centered near the zero frquency.In contrast to the meridional flux of angular momentum in the Northern Hemisphere in which the intensity in winter is about twice that in Summer, in the Southern Hemisphere the meridional flux shows same intensity for all seasons.In the Southern Hemisphere, most of the meridional flux of angular momentum is directed toward the south pole and is accomplished by the eastward moving waves. In the Northern Hemisphere, however, most of the meridional flux is directed toward the north pole and is contributed by the stationary waves.The National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80302, (USA).  相似文献   

Summary One of the main results of the rotating cylinder experiments ofFultz andHide is that the general flow regime in them is essentially determined by the ratio of the angular velocity of the fluid motions (relative to the cylinder) to that of the cylinder itself. Extending these results to the atmosphere of the sun, leads to the hypothesis that the layer in which spots are imbedded should exhibit a non-axially symmetric pattern, of theRossby type.The fluid motions, characteristic of such a general circulation pattern, are mainly along spherical surfaces, and have a wavelike (eddy) appearance similar to the planetary waves in the upper troposphere of the terrestrial atmosphere. These eddies transport momentum along these spherical surfaces from regions of relatively lower angular velocity to regions of higher velocity. Tracers (e.g., sunspots) imbedded is such a flow would show a correlation between their proper motions in latitude and longitude, such that spots moving equatorward will tend to have larger longitudinal motions (toward the west limb), and vice versa.Analysis of ten years (1935 to 1944) of Greenwich spot data shows a consistent, and (statistically) very significant correlation of spot group proper motions, in the proper sense. These results provide strong support for the existence of large-scale waves which are some modest fraction of the solar circumference, but larger than the sunspot groups. Moreover, these waves transport angular momentum (up the gradient of angular velocity) toward the equatorial regions from higher latitudes across at least the entire sunspot zone. It is not known, however, whether these eddies are the primary (or only) source of momentum to maintain the equatorial acceleration of the sun. However, if this source were shut off, and all other processes continued unabated, this layer of the sun between latitudes ±20° would reach solid rotation in about 51/2 rotations.Because this eddy transport of momentum is counter to the gradient of angular velocity, there is an implied transformation of the kinetic energy of the eddies into the kinetic energy of the mean east-west flow. Of possibly even more interest, however, might be the possibility of transfers of kinetic energy between eddies of all different scale sizes extending down the entire spectrum to include sunspot groups and the spots themselves. Moreover, some eddy size(s) in this layer is likely to be primarily responsible for a conversion of potential to kinetic energy.A result of subsidiary interest is the systematically higher value of solar rotation (at all latitudes) derivable from this data, which includes all spots which survive for at least two days. In contrast to the work of previous authors who used only long-lived spots, the result obtained when many small spots are used, indicates perhaps a variation of the rotation rate with height in the solar atmosphere.The results provide no evidence to indicate the existence of significant meridional circulations (latitudinal driffs).  相似文献   

 The circulation of the Southern Ocean is studied in the eddy-resolving model POP (Parallel Ocean Program) by an analysis of zonally integrated balances. The TEM formalism (Transformed Eulerian Mean) is extended to include topography and continental boundaries, thus deviations from a zonally integrated state involve transient and standing eddies. The meridional circulation is presented in terms of the Eulerian, eddy-induced, and residual streamfunctions. It is shown that the splitting of the meridional circulation into Ekman and geostrophic transports and the component induced by subgrid and Reynolds stresses is identical to a particular form of the zonally integrated balance of zonal momentum. In this balance, the eddy-induced streamfunctions represent the interfacial form stresses by transient and standing eddies and the residual streamfunction represents the acceleration of the zonal current by density fluxes in a zonally integrated frame. The latter acceleration term is directly related to the surface flux of density and interior fluxes due to the resolved and unresolved eddies. The eddy-induced circulation is extremely vigorous in POP. In the upper ocean a shallow circulation, reversed in comparison to the Deacon cell and mainly due to standing eddies, appears to the north of Drake Passage latitudes, and in the Drake Passage belt of latitudes a deep-reaching cell is induced by transient eddies. In the resulting residual circulation the Deacon cell is largely cancelled and the residual advection of the zonal mean potential density is balanced by diapycnal eddy and subgrid fluxes which are strong in the upper few hundred meters but small in the ocean interior. The balance of zonal momentum is consistent with other eddy-resolving models; a new aspect is the clear identification of density effects in the zonally integrated balance. We show that the wind stress and the stress induced by the residual circulation drive the eastward current, whereas both eddy species result in a braking. Finally, we extend the Johnson–Bryden model of zonal transport to incorporate all relevant terms from the zonal momentum balance. It is shown that wind stress and induction by the residual circulation carry an eastward transport while bottom form stress and the stress induced by standing eddies yield westward components of transport. Received: 26 June 2001 / Accepted: 2 November 2001  相似文献   

Summary The wavenumber-frequency spectra of the meridional transport of sensible heat at 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 60°, and 70°S, at 500 mb in the Southern Hemisphere, show a definite spectral domain for the transport at various latitudes, which is dominated by the wave motion of the meridional component of the velocity. In middle latitudes, the spectral band of the meridional flux of sensible heat is oriented from a region of low wavenumbers and low frequencies to a region of high wavenumbers and negative frequencies assigned for waves moving from west to east. In low latitudes, the spectral band is confined to a narrow band centered near the zero frequency. It is found that most of the meridional transport of sensible heat at 500 mb in the Southern Hemisphere is accomplished by waves of medium wavelengths moving from west to east in middle and high latitudes. The meridional flux of sensible heat at 500 mb in the summer of the Southern Hemisphere is about three times that in the summer of the Northern Hemisphere. However, the meridional flux of sensible heat at 500 mb is about the same in the winter of both hemispheres. In the Southern Hemisphere practically all the meridional flux of sensible heat is associated with the moving waves in all seasons, whereas in the Northern Hemisphere the stationary waves contribute about 40% of the transport in winter.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of the axisymmetric component of the flow in the atmosphere is investigated by means of a steady-state, quasi-geostrophic formulation of the meteorological equations. It is shown that the meridional variations in the time-averaged axisymmetric variables can be expressed as the sum of three contributions, one being due to the eddy heat transport, another to the eddy momentum transport, and a third to the convective-radiative equilibrium temperature which enters the problem through the specification of a Newtonian form of diabatic heating. The contributions by the large scale eddies are evaluated through the use of observed values for the eddy heat and momentum transports.The contributions from each of the three forcing mechanisms to the temperature and zonal wind fields are invstigated individually and found to be of about equal importance. The sum of the three contributions are also presented for the temperature, the zonal wind, the stream function associated with the mean meridional circulation and the corresponding vertical motion. Although the results fail to reproduce the main observed features of the lower stratosphere, they are found to be in good agreement with observations in the middle latitude troposphere. At any pressure level, for example, the computed mean zonal wind has a jet-like profile and the axis of the jet is found to slope to the south with height, as observed in the atmosphere.Based in part on a thesis submitted by the first author as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan. — Publication No. 194 from the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, The University of Michigan.  相似文献   

The results of numerical models or of new observational programs are checked by comparing them with past observations. Also, it is desirable that the eddy diffusion coefficients used in two-dimensional models be derived from the same data set as the circulation statistics which the model outputs are checked against, so that all results refer to the same atmospheric conditions. For the first time, the three components of the eddy diffusion matrix, from 30–60 km, 80°N–10°S are computed, together with the means, variances and covariances of the wind and temperature through the same region using the same data set for 1960–76 and the same handling and analysis methods for all variables. Horizontal diffusivities,K yy , are obtained from the variance and integral time scale of the meridional wind speed. The present values are generally smaller than past estimates, presumably because temporal variations longer than a month have been removed in this work. Estimates ofK yz are based on the tentative assumption that the diffusivity is proportional to the slope of isentropic surfaces, and estimates ofK zz are based on the assumption that small-scale gravity waves are primarily responsible for vertical mixing.  相似文献   

The interaction between a planetary wave damped by cooling to space and the zonally averaged circulation in the middle atmosphere is examined for a steady-state situation in middle latitudes. Quasi-geostrophic scaling of Type 2 is assumed (i.e. the space scales are planetary and the superrotation is small).A set of mean equations is derived for this scaling which is complementary to the set of perturbation equations previously studied. The mean equations show that a planetary wave induces a mean meridional circulation which is balanced by an eddy momentum forcing function and a mean diabatic heating which is balanced by an eddy heat flux forcing function. The vertical eddy fluxes enter the forcing at the same order as the horizontal eddy fluxes.An analytical wave solution is found for the case of an atmosphere in constant superrotation. The eddy fluxes and forcing functions are evaluated for this special case. It is found that they are very sensitive to the values of the radiative damping coefficient and the superrotation. Since the damping coefficient depends on the ozone concentration and the intensity of the solar ultraviolet flux, the results suggest that changes in these quantities can strongly modify the wave-mean flow interaction in the middle atmosphere. Possible implications for climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

Jon Albretsen 《Ocean Dynamics》2007,57(4-5):287-304
We perform eddy-permitting to eddy-resolving simulations of the Skagerrak/northern North Sea with a terrain-following numerical ocean model. We demonstrate that realistic representations of freshwater input are not required when the focus is on modelling mesoscale structures such as meanders and eddies. To arrive at this conclusion, we analyze the results using a recently developed energy diagnostic scheme to study the sensitivity to realistic representations of the lateral freshwater flux provided to the area from the Baltic Sea and by the major rivers. The scheme is suitable for analysis of growth of instabilities, and it has four basic instability processes prominent. We recognize both horizontal and vertical shear instabilities. There are two processes where average potential energy is converted to eddy kinetic energy, and they are related to the mean gradient in surface elevation and the mean lateral density gradient, respectively. The latter process is known as frontal instability. We demonstrate that the change in the eddy kinetic energy field is small, despite the large variations in the hydrographic properties from experiment to experiment. Moreover, generation of eddy activity appears at the same locations and with approximately the same strength regardless of actual representations of freshwater input. Furthermore, we find that vertical shear instability dominates the energy conversion processes in the Norwegian Coastal Current. Finally, we find that the areas off the northwest coast of Denmark recognized with enhanced eddy kinetic energy level is not caused by instability processes but eddy–eddy interaction rooted in variations in the sea level.  相似文献   

Evaluations of radiosonde soundings over North America and Europe, measurements aboard commercial airlines, and permanent ozone registrations at nineteen ground-based stations between Tromsö, Norway, and Hermanus, South Africa, yield three belts of higher ozone intrusion from the stratosphera and maximum values of the annual means at about 30°N, at between 40°–45°N and at about 60°N. A marked decrease of the annual mean values of the tropospheric ozone is detected towards the equator and the pole, respectively.In the northen hemisphere the maximum of the annual cycle of the tropospheric ozone concentration occurs in spring at high latitudes and in summer at mid-latitudes.For the tropical region from 30°S to 30°N a strong asymmetry of the northern and southern hemisphere occurs. This fact is discussed in detail. The higher troposphere of the tropics seems to be a wellmixed reservoir and mainly supplied with ozone from the tropopause gap region in the northern hemisphere. The ozone distribution in the lower troposphere of the whole tropics seems to be controlled by the up and down movements of the Hadley cell. The features of large-scale and seasonal variation of tropospheric ozone are discussed in connection with the ozone circulation in the stratosphere, the dynamic processes near the tropopause and the destruction rate at the earth's surface.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of total ozone over India and its vertical distribution in theatmosphere during 1964–1969 was studied using Dobson spectrophotometer data at a network of six stations in India, Srinagar (34°N), New Delhi (28°N), Varanasi (24°N), Ahmedabad (23°N), Dum Dum (22°N), and Kodaikanal (10°N). The annual and seasonal variations show a clear phase-shift in the occurrence of the ozone maxima and minima as one proceeds from higher to lower latitudes in the tropics. In the northern stations (north of 25°N) the increase in total ozone during the course of the annual variation is caused by the fractional increase in all layers from the ground to 28 km, the main contribution coming from 10–24 km. Above 28 km the concentration changes roughly in accordance with photochemical production.In lower latitudes (south of 25°N) an increase in total ozone amount during the annual cycle is caused by a gradual increase in all the layers from the ground to 36 km above which the variation is negligible.  相似文献   

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