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麻痹性贝毒(Paralytic shellfish toxins, PST)是一类分布广、危害大的海洋毒素。滤食性双壳贝类在摄食、消化产毒单胞藻和细菌等过程中积累代谢PST,并通过食物链进行传递,给人类生命健康和水产业带来不利影响。随着贝类基础生物学和养殖产业的发展,以及基因组学和毒素检测技术的不断进步,近年来,各国学者对贝类吸收、转运和代谢PST的规律有了更深入的认识,为养殖贝类食品安全风险防控提供了理论参考。为更全面了解贝类积累和利用PST的研究进展,本文从PST在双壳贝类中的分布、积累转化特征与分子机制等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

海洋酸化是当前全球面临的最为紧迫的环境问题之一,已显现出对海洋生物的严重影响。贻贝是我国重要的经济贝类之一,但目前尚缺乏海洋酸化背景下厚壳贻贝的分子响应相关研究。为此,对厚壳贻贝外套膜组织开展了急性酸化条件下的代谢组学分析,以期了解厚壳贻贝在酸化条件下,其外套膜组织的代谢物组成和含量变化。采用超高压液相色谱-串联质谱技术,结合代谢物数据库搜索和鉴定,从厚壳贻贝外套膜中鉴定代谢物总计7882种。与对照组相比,酸化处理后的厚壳贻贝外套膜组织中共有497种代谢物含量发生显著变化(P<0.05),其中,320种差异代谢物显著上调,177种显著下调。差异代谢物富集的代谢通路主要包括脂代谢、信号转导、维生素代谢、核酸代谢、氨基酸代谢以及ABC转运体。结合外套膜游离氨基酸组成分析以及抗氧化活性分析,推测厚壳贻贝通过激活尿素合成、增强细胞膜流动性以及加强渗透压调节和钙离子转运等方式来应对海洋酸化的威胁。上述研究为深入了解贻贝应对海洋酸化的分子策略,以及在海洋酸化大背景下的贻贝健康养殖奠定了基础。  相似文献   

海洋真菌广泛参与近海生态系统的物质循环和能量流动, 同时与海洋动物之间存在复杂的相互作用。贝类是我国主要的海水养殖生物, 为深入了解海洋真菌与贝类养殖的潜在关系, 选择厚壳贻贝养殖区海水及8种组织真菌为研究对象, 利用荧光定量PCR以及ITS rDNA高通量测序解析养殖厚壳贻贝各组织及所处海水环境的真菌群落丰度和结构特征。结果显示厚壳贻贝养殖区内和边缘海域的真菌丰度显著高于养殖区外围海域; 从贻贝养殖区和组织中共获得1 409个OTUs, 其中粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes) 在海水真菌群落为优势纲; 而在贻贝组织中, 锤舌菌纲(Leotiomycetes, 足20.13%、肾脏14.72%)、座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes, 鳃2.89%、后闭壳肌1.92%、血淋巴1.36%)、散囊菌纲(Eurotiomycetes, 性腺3.59%、足1.57%)和伞菌纲(Agaricomycetes, 性腺3.09%、消化腺2.71%、鳃2.50%)占据优势地位。多样性分析显示厚壳贻贝和海水间真菌群落存在显著性差异; Bray-Curtis相似距离分析显示贻贝真菌群落与养殖区内海水更为相似, 而与边缘和外围海水差距较大。厚壳贻贝不同组织间、不同区域海水间的Beta多样性差异主要来自物种替换; 贻贝与海水间真菌Beta多样性的差异主要来自丰富度差异。综上所述, 厚壳贻贝体内真菌具有组织差异性, 并且养殖活动改变了养殖区海水的真菌群落。研究结果将为贝类真菌资源、贝类-真菌相互作用及生态影响提供基础。  相似文献   

海洋中的部分微藻能够产生藻毒素,导致鱼、贝类等养殖动物染毒或死亡,甚至危及人类健康和海洋生态安全。近20年来,随着对有害藻华(harmful algal bloom,HAB)问题关注程度的不断提高和研究手段的快速发展,对我国近海有毒藻和藻毒素的认识也在不断深入。本文针对几类常见的藻毒素,从贝类中藻毒素污染状况、毒素来源、有毒赤潮发生情况等方面,对我国已开展的相关研究工作进展进行了综述。大量研究表明,麻痹性贝毒毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins,PSTs)和腹泻性贝毒毒素(diarrhetic shellfish toxins,DSTs)是我国近海最为常见的藻毒素,广东沿海、福建沿海、长江口邻近海域、海州湾、北黄海和渤海秦皇岛近岸海域贝类沾染藻毒素的问题比较突出,中毒事件也时有发生。麻痹性贝毒主要来自有毒的亚历山大藻(Alexandrium spp.),大田软海绵酸(okadaic acid,OA)和扇贝毒素(pectenotoxins,PTXs)等腹泻性贝毒毒素则主要来自有毒鳍藻(Dinophysis spp.)。近年来,随着孢囊分离与培养方法的不断完善及藻毒素分析技术的快速发展,在我国近海发现了越来越多的有毒藻和藻毒素。在对文献进行综合分析的基础上,简单探讨了有毒藻与藻毒素对我国沿海海产品食品安全的影响及风险,以及未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国近海有毒藻和藻毒素问题的研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于仁成  罗璇 《海洋科学集刊》2016,51(51):155-166
海洋中的一部分微藻能够产生藻毒素,导致鱼、贝类等养殖动物染毒或死亡,甚至危及人类健康和海洋生态安全。近20年来,随着对有害藻华(Harmful algal bloom, HAB)问题关注程度的不断提高和研究手段的快速发展,对我国近海有毒藻和藻毒素的认识也在不断深入。本文针对常见的几类藻毒素,从贝类中藻毒素污染状况、毒素来源、有毒藻藻华状况等角度,对我国当前相关研究工作进展进行了综述。大量研究表明,麻痹性贝毒毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins, PSTs)和腹泻性贝毒毒素(diarrhetic shellfish toxins, DSTs)在我国近海最为常见,其中,麻痹性贝毒主要由有毒亚历山大藻(Alexandrium spp.)产生,产毒藻种常见于南海海湾、福建沿海、长江口邻近海域、海州湾、北黄海和秦皇岛近海等,中毒事件也时有发生。常见的大田软海绵酸、扇贝毒素等腹泻性贝毒毒素多由鳍藻(Dinophysis spp.)产生,我国近海贝类沾染藻毒素的现象也非常常见。近年来,随着高效液相色谱和质谱技术的发展,在我国近海发现了越来越多的有毒藻和藻毒素。在对文献进行综合分析的基础上,简单探讨了有毒藻与藻毒素对海产品食品安全的影响及风险,以及未来研究发展方向。  相似文献   

军事海洋生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在大量检索和分析科学文献的基础上,综述了海洋生态系统及其生物组分与海上军事活动的相互关系.在海洋生态对军事活动的影响方面,赤潮等海洋生态异常以及生物集群、海洋生物噪声、海上发光、海洋附着生物等正常生态现象对于军事活动的判断和决策具有重大影响;海洋有毒有害生物则对于海上作战人员的健康和安全造成直接的威胁.在军事活动对海洋生态影响方面,分析了备战阶段、战争期间以及战后的影响,其中在战后影响方面详细分析了直接影响和间接影响.指出,开展海洋环境和生态研究无疑对于战备、战争过程中回避重大生态损害和战后修复均具有重大的意义.  相似文献   

在大量检索和分析科学文献的基础上,综述了海洋生态系统及其生物组分与海上军事活动的相互关系。在海洋生态对军事活动的影响方面,赤潮等海洋生态异常以及生物集群、海洋生物噪声、海上发光、海洋附着生物等正常生态现象对于军事活动的判断和决策具有重大影响:海洋有毒有害生物则对于海上作战人员的健康和安全造成直接的威胁。在军事活动对海洋生态影响方面,分析了备战阶段、战争期间以及战后的影响,其中在战后影响方面详细分析了直接影响和间接影响。指出,开展海洋环境和生态研究无疑对于战备、战争过程中回避重大生态损害和战后修复均具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

受陆源排污、渔船作业及海水增养殖自身污染等共同影响所导致的养殖海域污染加剧、生态环境恶化等一系列问题,将严重威胁养殖贝类的质量,并制约着我国海水贝类养殖业的健康持续发展。针对这一问题,文章结合正在开展的我国海洋公益性行业科研专项,对我国重点海域贝类养殖环境安全评价及其监控体系技术研究作一分析和探讨,并简要介绍了该公益项目的立项背景、研究内容和目的,同时指出现阶段我们必须阐明海洋环境对养殖贝类质量的影响,并将环境因素纳入到养殖贝类质量监控过程之中,开发全新的贝类养殖环境安全评价和监控体系技术,才是保证未来海水贝类养殖业持续、健康发展的必然之路。  相似文献   

在全球变暖的背景下, 海水温度不断升高、海洋暖化逐渐加剧, 高温严重影响着海洋生物的各种生命过程, 但对于海洋双壳贝类如何应对热应激的研究仍然不足。为此, 开展了以18 °C (CT)为对照组在26 °C (ST)和33 °C (HT)下对厚壳贻贝消化腺组织进行了急性热胁迫下的代谢组学分析,以便于研究其代谢反应。采用LC-MS/MS技术, 并结合生物信息分析手段对差异代谢物进行筛选, 并分析确定相关的代谢通路的变化, 共有2 532种代谢物在厚壳贻贝消化腺中被鉴定。KEGG富集分析用于探索差异代谢物的潜在代谢途径, 共有29条代谢通路被显著富集, 与对照组相比, ST组显著富集于牛磺酸和次牛磺酸代谢、神经活性配体-受体相互作用、鞘脂类代谢和视黄醇代谢等代谢通路; HT组显著富集于酪氨酸代谢、亚油酸代谢、丙氨酸新陈代谢、酪氨酸代谢、色氨酸代谢、苯丙氨酸代谢等代谢通路。研究结果显示, 厚壳贻贝消化腺主要通过调节色氨酸代谢、酪氨酸代谢、鞘脂代谢、苯丙氨酸代谢、氧化磷酸化, 脂肪酸、赖氨酸降解等信号通路应对热应激, 从而帮助维持身体内部环境的稳定状态。上述研究为多视角探究厚壳贻贝耐热机制与应对环境中温度变化的适应性进化提供理论基础。  相似文献   

近年来我国绿潮灾害频发,滤食性贝类对浒苔的生物防控是潜在的防控策略之一。本研究基于实验室内可控实验,探究了长牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)和紫贻贝(Mytilusedulis)对浒苔微观繁殖体的滤食作用,并在江苏如东紫菜养殖区进行了长牡蛎和紫贻贝离底式平挂养殖试验。室内滤除实验结果表明,牡蛎和贻贝均可有效截留浒苔微观繁殖体,平均截留速率分别为6892和1589ind/(ind·h),部分被截留的颗粒失去萌发活性,有效滤除速率为3980和574ind/(ind·h)。现场养殖实验结果表明,长牡蛎和紫贻贝可在紫菜养殖区生长存活,每天约能滤除水体中63.7万个浒苔微观繁殖体。研究证实了两种贝类对微观繁殖体的有效滤除能力及江苏浅滩进行牡蛎和贻贝养殖的可行性。养殖方式的进一步的优化改进,以及研究江苏浅滩其他滩涂贝类对浒苔的防控潜力,还需进一步深入开展。  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish toxins(PSTs) are notorious neurotoxins that threaten public health and food safety worldwide.Although PST monitoring programs have recently been established throughout China, the profiles and variation of PSTs in important commercial clams(e.g., Mactra veneriformis, Ruditapes philippinarum, and Meretrix meretrix) along the Jiangsu Province coastline remain largely unexplored. In this study, a validated hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry(HILIC-MS/MS) method was used to examine PST profiles and levels in 540 clam samples from natural production areas along Jiangsu Province coastline during2014–2016. Although the PST levels(≤6.38 μg saxitotoxin equivalents(eq)/kg) were consistently below European Union regulatory limits(≤800 μg saxitotoxin eq/kg) during this time period, saxitotoxin, decarbamoylsaxitotoxin,and gonyautoxins 1 and 4 were detected, and nearly 40% of the samples were saxitotoxin-positive. The PST levels also varied significantly by seasons, with peak values observed in May during 2014–2016. This is the first systematic report of PSTs in clams from Jiangsu Province, and additional research and protective measures are needed to ensure the safety of clams harvested in this area.  相似文献   

麻痹性贝类毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins,PSTs)是由某些甲藻产生的一种高毒性神经毒素,在海洋环境中分布广、危害大,可对水产养殖和人类健康造成重大危害;PSTs毒素的毒性大小随种类和结构的不同有较大差异。迄今,国内外学者针对PSTs的来源分布、迁移转化、生物合成及其影响因素等开展了大量的调查研究,但目前对于藻细胞产毒的生物合成途径、遗传学特征及其环境调控机理等研究仍处于起步阶段。PSTs的生物合成过程不仅与藻细胞自身生长阶段有关,还会受到光照、温度、营养盐等多种环境因素的影响,环境条件的改变会引起藻细胞毒素组成和含量发生不同程度的变化。近年来,研究人员应用基因组学和蛋白质组学技术,发现了产生PSTs的典型甲藻——亚历山大藻(Alexandrium)细胞内与PSTs毒素生物合成相关的某些基因或蛋白质,对我们更清晰地了解亚历山大藻产生PSTs毒素的机制具有重要意义。本文综合以往的研究报道,对亚历山大藻中PSTs的生物合成与转化及其主要影响因素进行了总结,以期为产毒有害藻华的防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Bivalve shellfish such as oysters and mussels can concentrate human pathogens when grown in areas impacted by municipal wastewater. Under EU regulation this risk to consumers is controlled by determining the sanitary quality of bivalve shellfish production areas based on the concentration of Escherichia coli present in shellfish flesh. The authors present a modelling approach to simulate an uptake of E. coli from seawater and subsequent depuration by Mytilus edulis. The model that dynamically predicts E. coli concentration in the mussel tissue is embedded within a 3-D numerical modelling system comprising hydrodynamic, biogeochemical, shellfish ecophysiological and the newly proposed microbial modules. The microbial module has two state variables, namely, the concentrations of E. coli in water and in the mussel tissue. Novel formulations to calculate the filtration rates by mussels and the resulting uptake of bacteria are proposed; these rates are updated at every computational time step. Concentrations of E. coli in seawater are also updated accordingly taking into account the amounts ingested by mussels. The model has been applied to Bantry Bay in the south-west of Ireland. The results indicate that the model is capable of reproducing the official classification of shellfish waters in the bay based on monthly sampling at several stations. The predicted filtration rates and ratios of E. coli in water and mussels also compare well with the literature. The model thus forms a tool that may be used to assist in the classification of shellfish waters at much greater spatial and temporal detail than that offered by a field monitoring programme. Moreover, it can also aid in designing an efficient monitoring programme. The model can also be utilised to determine the contribution of individual point sources of pollution on the microbial loading in mussels and, when incorporated into an operational framework, it can provide a short-term forecasting of microbial contamination in a shellfishery. Also, the model can be easily extended to include other shellfish and pathogen species.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HAB) may impose a serious threat to aquatic lives and human health. We determined the effects of a toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (clone ATCIO1, isolated from Hong Kong coastal waters) on the energy budget, quantified as scope for growth (SFG), and the growth rate of the manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum and the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. To quantify the SFG, clams and mussels were dosed with different amounts of toxic A. tamarense for 6 days, resulting in different toxin burdens in the tissues. Clearance rate, absorption efficiency, and respiration rate were subsequently measured in these toxin containing bivalves. Clearance rate significantly declined at the highest toxin burden in the clams only, while there was no significant difference in the clearance rate among different treatments for the mussels. The respiration rate of either bivalve was not significantly affected by toxin accumulation in the tissues. In contrast, the absorption efficiency of both clams and mussels decreased, in a concentration-dependent manner for mussels but not for clams, when the tissue accumulated the toxins. With an increase in paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin burden, SFG in both clams and mussels was significantly reduced, primarily because of the decrease of absorption efficiency. The growth rate of juvenile clam R. philippinarum, measured as an increment in tissue dry weight over a 15 d exposure period, was significantly lower during their feeding on toxic dinoflagellate than the growth rate of clams feeding on the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. The juvenile mussel P. viridis, however, exhibited similar growth rates after feeding on the toxic dinoflagellates and the nontoxic diatom. This study showed that SFG can provide a sensitive and integrated measure of the effect of HAB on the physiology of bivalves. Clam R. philippinarum may be more sensitive, in terms of their energy budget, to PSP toxin accumulation than the mussel P. viridis.  相似文献   

在人类的生产生活过程中,排出的各种废弃物通过各种途径进入并在海洋累积起来,使海 洋中的贝类生存环境日趋恶化.本文根据国内外关于环境污染因子在海洋贝类体内的生物累积方面的研究成果,介绍累积性环境污染因子(重金属、石油烃、典型有机物)在贝类体内的生物累积(包括吸收,转运,累积等生理过程)以及毒理危害的研究进展.  相似文献   

利玛原甲藻(Prorocentrumlima,P.lima)是全球广泛分布的有害赤潮藻类,也是腹泻性贝毒(DiarrheticShellfish Toxins,DSTs)的主要产生藻之一,其产生的DSTs给海洋环境、渔业及人类健康带来了严重的危害。研究发现,全球范围内不同P.lima藻株的产毒能力具有显著差异,多种环境因子如营养盐、盐度、光照等因素均会对P.lima的产毒能力产生影响,从而决定了不同区域贝类中DSTs的风险。本文比较分析了全球范围内P.lima的产毒差异,并重点解析了环境因子对其产毒能力的影响,对于全球范围内P. lima产毒能力差异及影响因素形成了较为系统的科学认知,对未来开展P. lima海洋生态学及食品安全研究具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为探究在自然环境中虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis体内麻痹性贝毒(PSTs)的净化过程,从黄海北部大窑湾海域采集了受PSTs污染的虾夷扇贝,将其转移至黄海的棋盘磨水域,该水域未曾有PSTs污染的报道。本研究采用高效液相色谱-荧光检测法(HPLC-FLD)检测30天净化过程中虾夷扇贝体内PSTs的组分和水平。研究结果发现,在第9天,虾夷扇贝软体中的PSTs的含量下降到一个相对较低的水平。而且,初期扇贝体内PSTs的净化率高于后期。扇贝各组织器官中PSTs含量分析发现,消化腺中的PSTs含量最高,这对于人类健康和扇贝养殖具有重要的意义。在本研究中还发现,虾夷扇贝的死亡率与PSTs的水平有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The single-cell microgel electrophoresis assay or the comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage of dispersed crude oil on sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). Sea urchins were exposed to 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil in a continuous flow system, while the mussels were exposed to 0.015, 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil. Sea urchin coelomocytes and mussel haemocytes were sampled after 4 and 5 weeks exposure, respectively. In the sea urchin coelomocytes, there was a significant concentration-related increase in the percentage of DNA in comet tail. In mussel haemocytes, there was a significantly higher percentage of DNA in comet tail for all treatments compared to the control. The responses were concentration-related up to 0.06 mg/L oil. The two highest exposure concentrations of mussels were not significantly different from each other. These results indicate that the comet assay can be used for biomonitoring of DNA damage in marine invertebrates following oil contamination.  相似文献   

Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) poses a significant threat to the safe consumption of shellfish in the southern Benguela ecosystem. The accumulation of DSP toxins was investigated in two cultivated bivalve species, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the mussel Choromytilus meridio-nalis, suspended from a mooring located off Lambert's Bay on the west coast of South Africa. The dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata, a known source of polyether toxins associated with DSP, was common through most of the study period. The toxin composition of the dinoflagellate was dominated by okadaic acid (OA) (91%), with lesser quantities of the dinophysistoxin DTX-1 (6.5%) and pecteno-toxin PTX-2 (2.4%), and traces of PTX-2sa and PTX-11. The mean cell toxin quota of D. acuminata was 7.8 pg OA cell–1. The toxin profile in shellfish was characterised by a notably higher relative content of DTX-1. The study showed the average concentration of DSP toxins in the mussels to exceed that in the oysters by approximately 20-fold. The results indicate a need to establish species-specific sampling frequencies in shellfish safety monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

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