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Water quality assessment study of the three major rivers within the Cross River Basin have been carried out using cross plots, ionic ratio, correlation analysis, factor analysis and water quality index (WQI) based on the World Health Organization and world average data guidelines. The primary aim was to determine their suitability for domestic and irrigation uses, while the secondary aim was to determine the sources of the ions in the river water. The results showed that the water samples from the Cross River estuary generally had elevated values of dissolved ions as compared to the Calabar and Great Kwa Rivers. Cross plots, ionic ratios, correlation and factor analyses showed tidal influence, silicate weathering, nitrate pollution and dissolution of carbonate minerals from soil CO2 as the origin of the variables. Chemical indices including sodium adsorption ratio and residual sodium carbonate indicate that the river water of the study area are suitable for domestic and irrigation, while sodium percentage (Na %) indicate unsuitability for irrigation applications. The WQI values on the average indicate water of very poor to excellent quality. Generally in terms of quality for the different rivers, the Great Kwa River is best as compared to the Calabar River and Cross River estuary for domestic and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

黄河水质地球化学   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
在对1958—2000年期间黄河水系100个站点水质监测资料进行统计分析的基础上,研究了黄河主要离子的地球化学。结果表明,黄河流域各区河水总溶解性固体(TDS)含量的差异达2~3个数量级,TDS的总平均值为452mg/L,是全球河流均值的4倍。Na+、K+、SO42-和Cl-的含量是世界河流均值的10~20倍。相比之下,河水TDS含量的季节差异却不大,远不及与此呈反比关系的流量的季节差异。黄河洪水期的水量通常是枯水期的4~5倍,但枯水期河水的TDS通常只是洪水期的2倍,完全不同于世界其他大河。黄河的离子化学主要受沉积岩(尤其是富含碳酸盐矿物的黄土)化学风化作用和在干旱气候影响下水中溶解盐的蒸发浓缩和结晶作用的控制。近半个世纪来黄河河道径流量有显著减少的趋势,这与新修建的众多水库的蓄水有关,与此相适应,近半个世纪来黄河水质表现出明显的盐渍化过程,这一过程主要由含盐量高的农田灌溉回水所引起。  相似文献   

嘉陵江水资源的开发与防灾工程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
笔者首先从地学角度阐明长江流域的特大洪水泛滥在人类出现之前即已有之。所以,单靠维原有自然状态尚不跳以防止咱中及长江中下游洪灾;在上游设置具有足够调洪能力的水利工程也是必要的和紧迫的措施。根据四川盆地及其周转的水资源状况、工程地质条件和对环境工程地质问题的预测,笔者认为,在盆地北部边缘山区的嘉陵江(主要是涪江和渠江)上游修建拦蓄工程,不但可消除川中旱洪灾害,同时将大大地减轻长江中下游的洪灾威胁。为此  相似文献   

沉积环境对孢粉组合影响的探讨--以石羊河流域为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
西部干旱区小型内陆流域 (石羊河流域 )内三个地点孢粉分析显示不同地点全新世孢粉组合差异极大。三角域剖面孢粉组合完全以针叶树为主;洪水河剖面孢粉组合下部以旱生草本为主,上部以针叶树为主;终闾区表土孢粉组合中 90 %为旱生草本、灌木。其差异已远远超出气候环境变化所导致的差异。结合沉积相、沉积环境、孢粉在不同沉积环境中的传播、扩散特性的综合分析,笔者认为这种差异是沉积环境、搬运介质差异造成的。三角城剖面处于半封闭环境,接纳储存来自上游的所有沉积物的信息,孢粉组合反映的是流域上游祁连山上的植被状况。洪水河剖面下部冲积地层发育时,剖面处于开放环境,孢粉组合反映当地植被;上部湖相层发育时,剖面处于半封闭环境,孢粉组合的环境指示意义与三角城剖面一致。终闾区表土孢粉组合反映现代风媒环境终闾区植被状况。古环境重建不能仅从孢粉组合出发,必须结合沉积环境综合分析,否则,古环境重建的结果是不可靠的.  相似文献   

Water resources use is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle, especially in arid inland of Northwest China, groundwater movement and circulation processes are closely related to the surface water, while recoverable and renewable groundwater mainly comes from the conversion of surface river water, and there is extensive transfer among rainfall, surface water and groundwater. Human activity, in particular, large-scale water resources exploitation and development associated with dramatic population growth in the last decades, has led to tremendous changes in the water regime. There are misuse and wastage of surface water with traditional multi-channel irrigation for most rivers, which in turn leads to over-exploitation of groundwater to augment supplies. This situation has been exacerbated by rapid population growth and socio-economic development, with decreased irrigational systems return to groundwater due to the irrigation system in the middle reaches of rivers in the Hexi region becoming better. The investigations of this study revealed that over the last decades, man-made oases have developed rapidly in various inland river basins. With the increasing human demand for water, the contradiction between water demand and water supply is becoming increasingly acute and the amount of groundwater usage significantly increased. Notwithstanding the annual surface water from mountains is relatively stable in the Hexi region, the recharges of groundwater have been reduced by 11.1%, with a maximum reduction of 50% in the Shiyang River basin. Groundwater abstraction increased by approximately six times, particularly in the Shiyang River basin, groundwater abstraction exceeds recharge by 4.1×108 m3 year−1 in recent decades. Consequently, the groundwater level has declined widely by 3–16 m, with a maximum decline of 45 m in several groundwater observation wells in the Minqin basin on the lower reaches of the Shiyang River basin. These cause serious human activity-induced environmental problems, such as water-quality deterioration, vegetation degradation, soil salinization and land desert desertification, etc. It is suggested that modernized irrigation technology and new regulation to cover water resources management and allocation with the river basins are urgently needed to achieve a sustainable development. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the development of water resources on the environment in arid inland river basins in Northwestern China, which were analyzed by comparing the three main river basins (i.e., the Shuilei, the Heihe and the Shiyang River basins) with different water resources development cases.  相似文献   

黑河干流上中游径流变化及其原因分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
根据黑河干流出山径流控制站莺落峡、中游的高崖和正义峡等水文站的径流和区域内的气象资料,以及中游的地下水位资料,对黑河上中游来水的年际变化和年内分配,径流沿程变化规律及其影响因素进行分析研究。结果表明: ①黑河干流出山径流自1945年以来整体上呈小幅增加趋势,其年内最大径流月份在进入21世纪后,由7月份推后至8月份,主要受降水的影响; ②高崖和正义峡断面的水量自1977年以来呈微弱增加趋势,前者增幅略大于后者;由于中游社会经济发展引起用水增加,莺落峡至高崖区间的耗水量以每年近850×104 m3的增量变化,而高崖至正义峡区间灌溉回归水和地下水补给河道的水量与区间灌溉引水和其他耗水量基本持平; ③地下水的超量开采一定程度上减缓了黑河干流统一调度的压力,但不利于流域水资源的可持续利用。该研究成果对于今后黑河水资源科学配置、合理调度具有一定的参考和指导作用。  相似文献   

塔里木河水质盐化及改善途径   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木河在1958年前是一条淡水河,河水的矿化度在各段及不同季节均未超过1.0g/L,现全河段各月平均矿化度除8月洪水季节<1.0g/L,其余各月都在1.0g/L以上。上游阿拉尔水文站平均每年有5个月为1~3g/L,4个月为3~5g/L,2个月超过5g/L,最高5月份达到6.3g/L.阿拉尔的淡水所占比例不足年平均径流量的35%.下游卡拉全部为微咸水。造成塔里木河水矿化度升高的原因,除气候干旱、蒸发强烈、土壤含盐量高等自然因素外,主要是灌溉、排水不合理,上游三条主要支流灌溉引水增加,使补给干流的淡水资源量由1960年前的50.0亿m3减少到1990年后的42.0亿m3;与此同时大量农田排水泄入塔里木河,每年带入盐量达467.4万t.要改善塔里木河水质,必须减少农田排水泄入,实行咸、淡分流,退耕还林;并在源流区适度开发地下水,使三源流向塔里木河输水量每年不少于46.0亿m3。  相似文献   

地表水与地下水相互转化是中国西北干旱内流盆地水循环的显著特征,转化机制研究是盆地水循环规律认知和水资源可持续管理的重要基础。以我国西北干旱内流河黑河流域中游的张掖盆地和盐池盆地为研究区,建立了黑河主干河道时变水平衡模型和地表水地下水耦合数值模型,研究了长周期水文变化和人类活动双重影响下地表水与地下水转化机制,得到如下认识:(1)补给条件由以天然条件下河流渗漏为主的线状补给演变为以河流与引水渠道渗漏的线状补给和灌区田间入渗面状补给,排泄条件由以泉水溢出和天然湿地排泄演变为以泉水溢出与地下水开采为主的排泄。(2)张掖盆地黑河干流河道入渗段和溢出段大致以G312 大桥为界,亦称为地表水与地下水转化的转折点。莺落峡—G312 大桥段为悬河渗漏段,河道入渗补给主要受控于进入河道的实际过水量。其中,莺落峡—草滩庄段河道入渗补给率为28.20 %;草滩庄—G312 大桥段河道入渗补给量与河道过水量的关系可用分段函数表达,河道过水量大于或等于0.37×108 m3/mon时呈幂函数关系,小于则呈线性函数关系。G312 大桥—正义峡段为地下水溢出段,其中G312大桥—平川大桥段地下水溢出量约占全部溢出量的70%,溢出峰值出现在高崖水文站下游约6 km处,其单长溢出量可达0.46 m3/(s·km)。(3)研究区是一个相对完整的河流—含水层系统,近31年来经历了连枯和连丰的水文变化,地下水补给排泄条件及与地表水转化机制均发生了相应的变化。地表水与地下水转化最强烈的地区为张掖盆地中部的黑河—梨园河倾斜平原。1990—2001 年连枯期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,以河道入渗和渠系渗漏为主的补给量平均以0.06×108 m3/a速率减少,农田灌溉面积增加导致灌溉用水增加,地下水开采量显著增加,地下水水位逐年下降,储存量累计减少5.77×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均减少0.16×108 m3/a;而2002—2020 年连丰期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,河道入渗量呈增加趋势,地下水总补给量平均增加0.15×108 m3/a,灌溉面积继续扩大,农灌开采量随之增加,以河道入渗量增加为主导,地下水水位持续上升,储存量累计增加5.45×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均增加0.08×108 m3/a。总之,补给和排泄条件变化较大,地下水储存量先减后增,地下水溢出总量变化较为平缓,反映了该区巨厚含水层系统的巨大调蓄功能。(4)位于张掖盆地东部的诸河倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于地表水开发过度,补给量锐减。黑河侵蚀堆积平原地下水水位基本稳定。30 多年来盐池盆地倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于移民开垦导致地下水过量开采。(5)内流盆地天然悬河入渗段是珍贵的地下水补给通道,无论连枯期还是连丰期,河道实际过水量是河道渗漏补给量的关键,保护上游天然河道和一定的河道实际过水量是内流盆地水资源可持续管理的关键。  相似文献   

The relationship between surface water and groundwater not only influences the water quantity, but also affects the water quality. The stable isotopes (δD, δ 18O) and hydrochemical compositions in water samples were analysed in the Second Songhua River basin. The deep groundwater is mainly recharged from shallow groundwater in the middle and upper reaches. The shallow groundwater is discharged to rivers in the downstream. The runoff from upper reaches mainly contributed the river flow in the downstream. The CCME WQI indicated that the quality of surface water and groundwater was ‘Fair’. The mixing process between surface water and groundwater was simulated by the PHREEQC code with the results from the stable isotopes. The interaction between surface water and groundwater influences the composition of ions in the mixing water, and further affects the water quality with other factors.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations in water chemistry and contaminant sources were investigated in six major rivers in South Korea that vary widely in drainage area and length. The dissolved-load content of the rivers varied seasonally, and some dissolved ions such as Cl? and NO3 ? showed large spatial differences in all of the rivers. The water type changed from Ca–HCO3 in the upper reaches to Na–Cl–NO3 in the lower reaches, indicating anthropogenic contamination in the lower reaches. Compared with two relatively pristine rivers (the Sumjin and Mankyung rivers), the other four rivers, which flow through agricultural and urban areas, registered much higher Cl? and NO3 ? concentrations. Statistical analysis showed that seasonal and spatial variations in water chemistry occurred in all the rivers. The nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of dissolved nitrate indicated that the rivers flowing through urban and agricultural areas were significantly affected by manure, sewage, or both.  相似文献   

基于我国河西内陆河流域有关水文、气象台站的观测数据,对1960年代以来河西走廊的石羊河、黑河、疏勒河三大内陆河水系上游山区降水变化特征、趋势及区域时空变化差异进行了分析.结果表明:受全球变暖的影响,石羊河、黑河、疏勒河流域上游的降水量年代际、年际及季节性的变化总体上呈增加的态势,但不同区域降水增幅存在着一定的差异.其中,1960年代,位于祁连山东部的石羊河水系上游山区、中部的黑河水系上游山区及西部的疏勒河水系上游山区普遍少雨;1970年代,石羊河山区降水偏多并持续至今,黑河、疏勒河水系上游山区则降水偏少;1980年代,三大水系上游山区均多雨;1990年代的黑河、疏勒河山区和2000年代的三大水系上游山区均多雨;2010年以来,黑河山区降水偏少,石羊河与疏勒河山区降水均偏多.相对而言,位于祁连山西部山区的疏勒河水系上游年降水量与夏季降水量的增长较为显著.  相似文献   

Winter seasonal concentrations of dissolved rare earth elements (REE) of two major river systems (the Wujiang River system and the Yuanjiang River system) in karst-dominated regions in winter were measured by using a method involving solvent extraction and back-extraction and subsequent ICP-MS measurements. The dissolved REE concentrations in the rivers and their tributaries are lower than those in most of the large rivers in the world. High pH and high cation (i.e., Na+ + Ca2+) concentrations of the rivers are the most important factors controlling the concentrations of dissolved REE in the river water. The dissolved load (<0.22 μm) REE distribution patterns of high-pH river waters are very different from those of low-pH river waters. The shale (PAAS)-normalized REE patterns for the dissolved loads are characterized by light REE-enrichment and heavy REE-enrichment. Water in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River generally shows light REE-enriched patterns, while that in the middle and lower reaches generally shows heavy REE-enriched patterns. The Yuanjiang River is heavy REE enriched with respect to the light REE in the same samples. Water of the Wuyanghe River draining dolomite-dominated terrains has the highest heavy REE-enrichment. Most river water samples show the shale-normalized REE patterns with negative Ce and Eu anomalies, especially water from Wuyanghe River. Y/Ho ratios show that the water/particle interaction might have played an important role in fractionation between HREE and LREE.  相似文献   

黄河流域地下水资源及其开发利用对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄河是中国第二大河并以其含沙量特大和下游的“地上悬河”而闻名于世。黄河上游的盐碱、沙害,中游的水土流失和下游悬河段的洪涝、干旱和断流等灾害使黄河的生态环境极其脆弱。针对流域内缺水和水质问题,对流域水资源、城市工农业的供需水量平衡、地下水的开发潜力等进行了预测。通过基流分割计算和同位素技术的应用,研究了区内地下水和地表水之间的水循环规律及地下水对黄河的贡献。最后,对黄河流域地下水可更新能力及地下水可持续开发利用的对策进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

白涛  慕鹏飞  张明 《水科学进展》1990,31(2):194-202
黄河是世界上含沙量最高的河流,其上游沙漠宽谷河段的冲沙输沙效应受来水来沙和地形条件变化等影响。为研究高含沙河流在低温条件下的输沙效应,通过引入水温因子,建立了黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段巴彦高勒站的输沙率模型。基于First Optimization平台的通用全局优化算法率定参数,验证了输沙率模型,量化了高含沙河流的低温输沙效应。结果表明:① 水温越低(1~7 ℃),河道输沙率越大,表明水温对河道输沙率的影响主要表现在低水温时期;② 任意一种工况下,水温1 ℃时河道输沙率约为25 ℃时的2.5倍;③ 低水温(5 ℃)较常温(16.6 ℃)下的河道输沙率提高了40.7%,在黄河上游开河低温期进行大流量冲沙输沙是水沙调控的最佳时机。研究成果以期为黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段低水温高效冲沙输沙和其他寒区高含沙河流的治理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

白涛  慕鹏飞  张明 《水科学进展》2020,31(2):194-202
黄河是世界上含沙量最高的河流,其上游沙漠宽谷河段的冲沙输沙效应受来水来沙和地形条件变化等影响。为研究高含沙河流在低温条件下的输沙效应,通过引入水温因子,建立了黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段巴彦高勒站的输沙率模型。基于First Optimization平台的通用全局优化算法率定参数,验证了输沙率模型,量化了高含沙河流的低温输沙效应。结果表明:①水温越低(1~7℃),河道输沙率越大,表明水温对河道输沙率的影响主要表现在低水温时期;②任意一种工况下,水温1℃时河道输沙率约为25℃时的2.5倍;③低水温(5℃)较常温(16.6℃)下的河道输沙率提高了40.7%,在黄河上游开河低温期进行大流量冲沙输沙是水沙调控的最佳时机。研究成果以期为黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段低水温高效冲沙输沙和其他寒区高含沙河流的治理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Huangshui River,an important tributary in the upper reaches of the Yellow River,has been regarded as a mother river which gestates Qinghai civilization in China.This paper presents the results of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic and water chemical analyses for the summer and winter Huangshui River water to study its seasonal recharge and major dissolved solutes.Characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes suggest that precipitation in the Qilian Mountains is the original recharge of the Huangshui River.However,in winter,the basic flow of the Huangshui River only depends on spring recharge and spring water originates from melt and infiltration of bottom layer glaciers.In summer,besides spring water,much rainfall directly recharges the Huangshui River,thus making its flux increase greatly.Water chemistry shows that the processes affecting dissolved solutes in the Huangshui River are also different between summer and winter.In summer,major ions in the river water are dominantly derived from carbonate and evaporate dissolution and anthropogenic inputs.In winter,carbonate dissolution decreases greatly while anthropogenic inputs play a much more important role for dissolved solutes in the river.Hence,further measures should be taken to lay stress on the winter Huangshui River water in order to protect the environment of the Huangshui River and reduce effects of dissolved solutes on,or prevent their pollution toward the upper Yellow River.Moreover,some measures also need to be introduced to prevent the possibility of water eutrophication caused by agricultural activities or stock raising in summer.  相似文献   

This research investigated anthropogenic inputs and chemical weathering in the upper reaches of the Datong River Basin,a tributary of the upper Yellow River,NW China.Multiple approaches were applied to data from 52 water and12 soil samples from the Muli,Jiangcang,and Mole basins to estimate the chemical component concentrations and to analyze hydrochemical characteristics,distribution patterns,and origins in this coal mining-affected river basin.Coal mining has enhanced the weathering of the lithosphere in the study region.The total dissolved solids in the river range from145.4 to 701.9 mg/L,which is higher than the global average for rivers.Ion concentration spatial distributions increase around mining areas.River geochemistry is mainly controlled by coal mining activity,carbonate weathering,and silicate weathering,with variances of 33.4%,26.2%,and 21.3%,respectively.Ca~(2+),Mg~(2+),and HCO_3~-are mainly due to the dissolution of carbonate minerals (calcitedolomite);Si and K~+are mainly from potassium (sodium) feldspar weathering;and Na~+and SO_4~(2-)mainly from coal mine production.A conceptual model of the river water ion origins from the study area is presented and management implications for improving the adverse effects of coal mining are proposed.These results provide an important standard reference for water resource and environmental management in the study region.  相似文献   

分析了甘肃省主要河流的泥沙分布情况,水土流失地区主要分布在黄河流域.对地表水、地下水环境质量和主要河流水资源质量进行了评价,甘肃境内长江流域河流水质较好,内陆河流域次之,黄河流域河流矿化度和总硬度均最高.甘肃省水污染重点河段主要分布在重点工业区、人口密集城镇和造纸等高污染行业区,水资源保护的任务十分繁重.通过水环境质量分析评价,为河流水环境保护及流域生态环境保护提供科学的决策依据.  相似文献   

张和军  孟庆伟 《地下水》2006,28(1):29-32
黄河下游冲积平原区地下水的开发利用,以开采浅层地下水为主,其质量问题日益成为人们关心的焦点。本文在对大量水样资料分析的基础上,从污染评价、饮用水评价、农业灌溉用水评价、工业锅炉用水评价及综合评价等五个方面对黄河下游(河南段)地下水质量进行了评价。  相似文献   

A study was carried out in a strip of a river in the dry and rainy seasons to assess the effect of farming along river banks on the quality of water in rivers. The results showed that there was an increase in the concentration of nitrate in the water downstream in both the rainy and dry seasons. In both rainy and dry seasons, the total nitrogen in the soil was highest (p<0.01) in the middle section. Significant seasonal differences (p<0.01) were observed for phosphate in water, being higher in the dry season. In the soil, the concentration of phosphate showed significant sectional differences (p<0.01) in the rainy season with the highest concentration observed in the lower section (1.74±0.01mg/l) and the least in the upper section (1.02±0.01g/l). However, in the dry season, the highest concentration was obtained in the middle section (1.69±0.01mg/l) and the least in the upper section (1.15±0.02 mg/l). The results suggest that the farms along the riverbanks have an impact on the water quality of the water in the river. It is therefore recommended that there should be close monitoring of the activities of the farms on riverbanks to minimise their impacts on the natural ecosystems that they interact with. Frequent monitoring of the water quality in the rivers relative to the farming estates should be done.  相似文献   

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