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本文全面总结分析了国内外关于红树林在消浪(波)弱(缓)流、抵御风暴潮灾害、防风,以及减轻海啸灾害和适应海平面上升等领域的研究进展。结果表明,100 m宽度的红树林带可消减13%~66%的海浪波高,每千米宽度的红树林带可将风暴潮最高水位消减4~48 cm,数百米宽度的红树林可以使海啸引起的淹没深度降低5%~30%。红树林植被密度、植被带的宽度、植被形态特征、地形与高程等因素是影响其减灾功能的关键因素。红树林减灾作用机理研究和定量评估方法主要包括基于现场观测数据分析、物理模型试验和数值模拟3类方法。众多学者开展了红树林对水体流动的拖曳力系数研究,模拟了红树林中的水体运动的波流运动模型。然而,目前红树林减灾功能的现场观测数据仍然偏少,物理模型试验和数值模型中采用的红树模型较为简单,对不同种类红树林的复杂特征以及植被柔性作用的考虑尚显不足,需要进一步研究。此外,红树林保护修复应该充分考虑生态和减灾协同增效的因素,构建基于自然解决方案的海岸综合防护体系,提出红树林生态系统修复的优化布局。  相似文献   

王强  刘睿  梁丙臣 《海岸工程》2022,41(2):95-104
本文提出了一种倾斜挡浪板式桩基透空型防波堤,通过物理模型试验对规则波作用下防波堤的消浪性能进行了研究。试验中观测了桩基透空型防波堤迎浪侧和背浪侧波面的变化过程,探讨了不同入射波浪条件下防波堤挡浪板的开孔率ε和布置形式B对其消浪性能的影响,分析了防波堤的反射系数Kr、透射系数Kt以及波能耗散系数Kd随着相对波高H/D和相对堤宽W/L的变化关系,并从波浪能量分布的角度分析此种防波堤的消浪机理。研究结果表明,单层挡浪板的开孔率自30%降低至10%,平均透射系数可减小约24.3%,平均耗散系数可增长约12.8%;双层挡浪板防波堤的反射系数取决于前排挡浪板的开孔率,透射系数取决于挡浪板组合中的最小开孔率。  相似文献   

黄雯  王巍巍  加攀星  姜天华 《海洋工程》2022,40(3):69-74,92
跨海大桥桥墩基础施工若采用双壁钢围堰,则在其外壁进行开孔可有效减小波浪力,有利于降低钢围堰的制作造价和提高基础施工的安全性。以某跨海大桥基础施工采用的双壁圆形钢吊箱围堰为研究对象,引入波浪力折减系数Kd对消波效果进行评价,采用数值方法着重分析波浪参数和围堰自身结构设计参数对消波效果的影响规律。结果表明:Kd随波陡增大呈先快后缓的增大趋势,波陡超过0.032后,消波效果基本不再变化;随着相对水深的增大,Kd呈先减小后增大并趋缓的规律,在相对水深d/L约为0.455时取得最小值;Kd随开孔率的增大呈线性减小,开孔率越大,消波效果越好。随着双壁间距s的增大,Kd总体上呈减小趋势,且减小速率先快后慢;双壁间距较小时,开孔的消波作用较弱。开孔率和双壁间距两种因素间存在耦合作用,两者越大,其耦合作用也越强。围堰设计中可适当增大开孔率并选取合适的双壁间距以得到最佳消波效果。  相似文献   

在试验水池中,开展了波浪在岛礁地形上演化问题的研究。首先在实验水池中建立了西太平洋某岛礁地形的模型,然后采用改进的JONSWAP谱,由造波机产生不同周期、波高的随机波浪。试验中观察到了不同类型畸形波生成的过程及不同波面形态的畸形波。对偏度、峰度及水深与畸形波要素Hm/HsHm表示波列中的最大波高, Hs为有效波高)的关系进行了详细的分析,同时,对畸形波波高Hfr与偏度的关也进行了分析。通过对试验结果分析,发现峰度与畸形波要素i>Hm/Hs呈正相关, Hfr增大时相应的偏度也会呈现增大的趋势。此外,水深的变化剧烈时(如斜坡、海山位置)有助于畸形波的发生。  相似文献   

根据Kjeldsen对畸形波的定义:波高大于有效波高的2倍(H/H1/3>2),基于实测波浪资料,统计分析了江苏射阳海域和广东南澳海域的畸形波个数和波浪要素。江苏射阳海域畸形波发生概率为0.005 7%,广东南澳海域畸形波发生概率为0.007%。用Rayleigh分布、双参数Weibull 分布和MER分布对实测数据得到的特征波高进行了拟合,研究了海域内畸形波发生的概率分布。拟合结果表明:MER分布更适合描述两个海域畸形波的发生概率,两个海域畸形波的发生概率均高于Rayleigh分布和Weibull分布。在测量数据期间,台风在海域过境可能增加畸形波的发生概率;同时两个海域的双峰谱占比为22.7%和5.8%,可能也是导致畸形波发生概率增加的原因之一。  相似文献   

采用边界条件造波法与人工阻尼消波法开展波浪数值模拟时,存在自由面抬升现象,导致波浪模拟精度略有损失。为解决上述问题,提出了一种基于单方向阻尼源项的数值消波方法,通过采用VOF模型在大、小两种波陡条件下开展波浪数值模拟进行了验证,并进一步研究了阻尼系数与密度依赖性对波浪模拟精度的影响。结果表明,单方向阻尼源项能够显著降低平均自由面高度,有效抑制平均自由面抬升,进而提高波浪模拟精度。阻尼系数及密度依赖性的优取值与波陡条件有关,且阻尼系数的影响大于密度依赖性。  相似文献   

红树林防护溃坝态海啸波冲击集装箱消能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来海啸灾害频繁发生,对海工建筑物造成巨大损失。在以往的海啸事件中,红树林对海啸具有一定的消减作用。基于溃坝原理生成海啸波,进而研究红树林对海啸波消减作用及红树林防护下的海啸冲击集装箱的变迁表征。对闸门处溃坝研究结果表明,溃坝过程包含突然下降、相对稳定、缓慢下降三个阶段,且蓄能水位越高溃坝发生得越剧烈。海啸波冲击搬运集装箱可分为初始冲击、加速、匀速三个阶段,其动力成因包含了冲击力和浮力。红树林消减海啸波的流态表明尾涡重叠产生的紊动水流是消能的主因,合理密植、对称排布、交错排布有利于海啸波能的消减。此外,三角形交错红树林排布、海啸波强度减小、集装箱重度增加、以及海岸坡度增加均有利于减小集装箱的变迁距离。基于试验数据提出了红树林消波系数计算公式,本试验中红树林消波系数范围为0.02至0.42。  相似文献   

何飞  陈杰  蒋昌波  赵静 《海洋学报》2018,40(5):24-36
海草所形成的植物消波体系能有效防止岸线的侵蚀。利用Sánchez-González等的实验数据分析了波浪非线性对海草消波特性的影响。研究结果表明,相对水深和波陡对海草床的波能衰减系数影响依赖于海草淹没度。相对波高一定时,拖曳力系数随相对水深的增大而增大。对给定的相对水深,拖曳力系数随波陡的增大而减小。波浪非线性对于规则波和非规则波海草消波特性的影响并不一致。用无量纲参数(邱卡数、雷诺数、厄塞尔数)表达拖曳力系数的效果取决于拖曳力系数与无量纲参数的关系中是否充分考虑波浪非线性对拖曳力系数的影响。  相似文献   

为实现建造、运行和维护等方面的资源共享,将振荡水柱(oscillating water column,简称OWC)波能转换装置与现有海工结构集成耦合,已成为目前海洋波浪能转换利用的热点问题。以集成于方箱防波堤的双气室OWC装置为研究对象,借助开源代码平台OpenFOAM和造/消波工具箱waves2Foam,采用流体体积法(VOF)捕捉自由面和6自由度(6DOF)动网格求解器模拟垂荡运动响应,对在不同规则波作用下,中墙相对宽度、中墙相对吃水对装置波能转换效率及水动力特性的影响进行数值研究。结果表明,较大的中墙相对宽度能够增强装置的波能转换效率(ξtotal(max)=73%)、降低结构物的相对垂荡位移并对装置前后气室内水柱的振荡幅度与压强变化产生影响;增加中墙相对吃水能显著提高气室在中高频波段波能提取效率(ξtotal(max)=78%),并显著拓宽气室的高效频率带宽(0.9≤ω2h/g≤2.2)。  相似文献   

似三核线虫属的两个新种似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)和似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)在本文中分别被描述,标本分别采自中国厦门同安湾红树林和海门岛红树林。两个新种都具有6根较粗的外唇刚毛,雄性标本不具有肛前附器,尾部圆锥圆柱形且不具有末端突起。似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)口器分成两部分,化感器圆形,尾部具有显著的近端圆锥形和远端纤细的圆柱形,圆柱形部分占尾部的2/3。似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)口器分成3部分,具有小齿,化感器小,双环状,尾部1/3部分为圆柱形,引带有4个小齿。  相似文献   

Coastal mangroves, dwelling at the interface between land and sea, provide an important contribution to reducing risk from coastal hazards by attenuating incident waves and by trapping and stabilizing sediments. This paper focusses on relations between vegetation densities, wave attenuation rates, sediment characteristics and sedimentation rates in mangroves. These processes were studied along two cross-shore transects through mangroves fringing estuaries in the southern Andaman region of Thailand. Volumetric vegetation densities in these mangroves were ranging up to 32‰, depending on the water depth. Generalized total wave attenuation rates increased from 0.002 m 1 in the sparsely vegetated forest fringes with Avicennia and Sonneratia species, up to 0.012 m 1 in the dense Rhizophora vegetation in the back of the forests. The total wave attenuation rates integrate effects of shoaling and energy losses due to various bio-physical interactions within the mangrove ecosystem. Wave attenuation in the mangroves is presumably dominated by energy losses due to vegetation drag, since wave attenuation due to bottom friction and viscous dissipation on the bare mudflats is significantly lower than those inside the mangrove vegetation.Additionally, wave attenuation in the mangroves was found to facilitate enhanced net sediment deposition and a gradual fining of the bed material. These findings corroborate the coastal defence function of mangroves by quantifying their contribution to wave attenuation and sediment trapping. The explicit linking of these properties to vegetation composition and structure facilitates modelling studies investigating the mechanisms determining the coastal defence capacities of mangroves.  相似文献   

采用野外监测的方法对海南东寨港三江湾秋茄和无瓣海桑红树人工林的消波效应进行了量化研究。结果表明,裸露海滩的消波作用较弱,波浪在经过裸滩50m后,1/10波高、1/3波高和平均波高分别减低2.9%、4.4%和5.8%。红树林的消波作用显著,总体来说,波浪在经过秋茄林50m后,1/10波高、1/3波高和平均波高分别减低46...  相似文献   

Due to its rapid growth, the introduced mangrove species Sonneratia apetala from Bangladesh has been widely used in mangrove restoration in southeastern China since 1985. As an indigenous mangrove species in Hainan, China, Sonneratia caseolaris was also planted in Guangdong Province for afforestation purposes. Both species have developed well in their new habitats, but their ecophysiological differences with the native mangrove species have not been studied. In this study, leaf gas exchange, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of two Sonneratia species were compared with those of selected native mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel, and Excoecaria agallocha) in Hainan and Shenzhen. The introduced S. apetala maintained lower carbon assimilation rate (A) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) than the indigenous S. caseolaris. In Shenzhen, the two introduced Sonneratia had comparable photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency (WUE) with the native mangrove species, except that PNUE in S. caseolaris was significantly higher than in the native mangrove species. The two Sonneratia species showed significant overlap in PNUE and long-term WUE. Photosynthetic parameters derived from leaf photosynthetic light–response curves and ACi curves also suggested lower carbon assimilation capacities for the introduced Sonneratia than for the native mangrove species in both study sites. The lower light compensation point (LCP) of two introduced Sonneratia in both study sites also indicated a better adaptation to a low light regime than the native mangrove species. The results of photosynthetic capacities indicated that the introduced mangrove species have little competitive advantage over local native mangrove species in their respective new habitats.  相似文献   

Using an integrated approach including satellite imagery analysis, field measurements, and numerical modeling, we investigated the damage to mangroves caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape in Pang Nga Province, Thailand. Comparing pre- and post-tsunami satellite imagery of the study area, we found that approximately 70% of the mangrove forest was destroyed by the tsunami. Based on field observations, we found that the survival rate of mangroves increased with increasing stem diameter. Specifically, we found that 72% of Rhizophora trees with a 25–30 cm stem diameter survived the tsunami impact, whereas only 19% with a 15–20 cm stem diameter survived. We simulated the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami using the nonlinear shallow-water wave theory to reproduce the tsunami inundation flow and investigated the bending moment acting on the mangrove trees. Results of the numerical model showed that the tsunami inundated areas along the mangrove creeks, and its current velocity reached 5.0 m s−1. Based on the field measurements and numerical results, we proposed a fragility function for mangroves, which is the relationship between the probability of damage and the bending stress caused by the maximum bending moment. We refined the numerical model to include the damage probability of mangrove forests using the obtained fragility function to investigate the tsunami reduction effect of mangrove forest. Under simple numerical conditions related to the mangrove forest, ground level, and incident wave, the model showed that a mangrove forest of Rhizophora sp. with a density of 0.2 trees m−2 and a stem diameter of 15 cm in a 400 m wide area can reduce the tsunami inundation depth by 30% when the incident wave is assumed to have a 3.0 m inundation depth and a wave period of 30 min at the shoreline. However, 50% of the mangrove forest is destroyed by a 4.5 m tsunami inundation depth, and most of the mangrove forest is destroyed by a tsunami inundation depth greater than 6 m. The reduction effect of tsunami inundation depth decreased when the tsunami inundation depth exceeded 3 m, and was mostly lost when the tsunami inundation depth exceeded 6 m.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of mud crabs were studied in a replanted mangrove forest in Buswang, Aklan, Philippines. Two fishing gears, lift nets and bamboo traps, were used to monitor relative abundance of Scylla spp. populations from March 2002 to December 2003 inside the mangrove forest. A third gear, a stakenet set across a creek, was used to monitor crabs migrating out of the mangroves during the ebb tide. Scylla olivacea formed 99.3% and 70.3% of the catch in the mangrove and the stakenet, respectively. The percentage of Scylla tranquebarica increased from <1% in the mangrove catches to 29% in the stakenet. Scylla serrata was present at very low levels in both catches. The lack of modal progression in the size–frequency plots and the year-round catch rate of gravid females suggested that recruitment was constant throughout the year. Even though relative abundance decreased over the study period indicating that the stock is being over-exploited, mud crab production is more than equivalent to that of most natural mangroves.  相似文献   

We reviewed the geological record of mangroves based on fossil pollen, fruits, and wood evidence of Nypa, Avicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizophoraceae, and mangrove associates to trace the origin, distribution, extinction, and range contraction of paleo‐mangroves during the Late Cretaceous–Miocene time. Our study region covers paleocoastal areas of Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) and Atlantic East Pacific (AEP) region. First, we compiled the mangrove fossil records from the Late Cretaceous till Miocene and identified the migration pattern for Nypa, Avicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizophoraceae members, and mangrove associates such as Acrostichum, Wetherellia, Pelliciera, Aegiceras, Heritiera, Excoecaria, and Barringtonia. Second, we interpreted the paleoclimate shifts which caused the dispersal/extinction of this specialized ecosystem. Lastly, we proposed the future consequences of mangrove diversity for restoration and conservation strategies. First mangroves appeared during the Late Cretaceous, 100–65 Ma, since then their evolution is closely related to sea‐level changes in geological times. The oldest geological record of Nypa palm which prefers broad ecological tolerance is a good example for pantropical distribution of mangroves. High sea‐level and humid climate offered sufficient coastal regions and climate for the development of 12 genera of mangroves in nine families and subsequent proliferation into newer areas during early to middle Eocene (~50–40 Ma). The Eocene/Oligocene boundary crisis heralds the beginning of a biogeographical split between the present‐day eastern and western provinces of mangroves with records of Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Pelliciera, Barringtonia, and Acrostichum. However, during Oligocene and Middle Miocene mangroves occupied the present geographical position with addition of Nypa, Avicennia, and Excoecaria species. Re‐evaluation of Cenozoic records suggests that the climatic conditions of Late Paleocene, end of Eocene, and middle Pliocene were the driving force that led to the evolution and expansion of mangrove flora. During the Neogene, latitudinal contraction, extinction, and migration of mangroves led to the present bipartite distribution. The Himalayan uplift and establishment of Asian summer monsoon toward Late Neogene further affected the coastal dynamics which tailored the mangrove distribution of the Indian subcontinent. Loss of ecological habitats and local extinction forming disjunct distribution of mangroves during the Quaternary have also affected its overall biogeography.  相似文献   

The mangrove, Avicennia marina var. resinifera in a tidally-flooded explosion crater, Tuff Crater, near the southern latitudinal limit of mangroves in New Zealand adopts two distinct growth forms, taller tree-like mangroves up to 4 m tall along the banks of the tidal creek, and low stunted shrub mangroves less than 1 m tall on the mudflats. Twelve trees were felled and on the basis of a biomass/height relationship for the taller trees and a biomass/canopy width relationship for the lower, above-ground biomass (excluding pneumatophores) was estimated. Average above-ground biomass for the taller mangrove was estimated to be 104·1 t ha?1 and for the lower 6·8 t ha?1. While the value for the taller mangroves is similar to figures reported for more complex tropical mangroves, the fact that 94% of the basin is covered by low generally sparse mangroves means that total biomass for the basin is estimated to be 153 t, an average of only 7·6 t ha?1. Litter-fall beneath the taller mangroves is estimated as 7·6±2·5 t ha?1 a?1 and beneath the lower mangroves 3·3±0·5 t ha?1 a?1. The value for the taller mangroves is similar to that reported from mangroves in many other parts of the world, but because of the extensive low sparse mangroves the total for the basin is estimated as 53·7 t a?1, an average rate of 2·7 t ha?1 a?1, a very low rate of litter-fall when compared with elsewhere. Decomposition of mangrove leaves occurs relatively rapidly with leaves losing half their dry weight in 10 weeks and then continuing to degrade but at a slower rate. Substrate sediment samples contain high organic matter content, and although some organic matter appears to be exported via the tidal creek, a proportion of the detrital production is evidently recycled in situ.  相似文献   

The study aims to compare the differences of macrofauna communities of wetlands at 3-year-forest- age, 5-year-forest-age Sonneratia apetala artificial mangroves, 5-year-forest-age Kandelia candel ar- tificial mangroves with the same restoration background, and the naked tidal flat in the Qi’ao Island Mangrove Nature Reserve of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. The results show that there were signif- icant structural differences in macrofauna communities among four kinds of habitats. The increase of biomass and species diversity of macrofauna at 3-year-forest-age S. apetala artificial mangroves was obviously faster than that at 5-year-forest-age K. candel artificial mangroves whose average tree height was close to that of 3-year-forest-age S. apetala artificial mangroves. The BIOENV analysis shows that it was related to the rapid growth of S. apetala, which rapidly changed the light level and shading conditions in the forests. The 5-year-forest-age S. apetala artificial mangroves had lower macrofauna species diversity but higher density and biomass than K. candel artificial mangroves with the same forest age. This was due to the rapid changes of physical and chemical properties of habitat soil by the ecological restoration of S. apetala artificial mangroves as well as the changed food sources possibly caused by the leaf-litter of such non-indigenous mangrove species S. apetala. However, further survey should be conducted on whether there are any negative ecological impacts of large-scale cultivation of S. apetala on macrofauna communities, so as to evaluate correctly S. apetala’s role in the restoration of coastal mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

Wave set-up may be significant in determining water levels on coral reefs particularly in microtidal environments and hence is an important factor for the design of reef-top structures and for the stability of reef-top islands. Laboratory experiments have been made on a two dimensional model of an idealised horizontal reef under two different conditions corresponding to a fringing reef (or closed lagoon) situation and a platform reef (or open lagoon) situation. Both wave set-up on the reef-top and the wave-generated flow across the reef were measured and related to wave and tide level conditions.All other factors being the same, wave set-up is greatest at low tide levels whereas wave-generated flow is greater at higher tide levels. The magnitude of the set-up on a platform reef with a wave-generated flow is less than on a fringing reef without any net flow by an amount equal to the velocity head of the flow across the reef. Dimensionless parameters and q/√gHo3 are found to be functions of relative submergence parameters hr/Ho or . For values of ( ) Ho > 1 waves break on the reef-top and radiation stress theory can be used to calculate set-up. For ( )Ho < 0.7 waves break on the reef-face and set-up is determined by broadcrested weir control at the reef-edge. (The symbols are defined as follows: g is gravitational acceleration; hr is still water depth over horizontal reef-top; Ho is offreef wave height (equivalent deep water value); q is discharge per unit length of reef edge; T is wave period and is maximum wave set-up on reef-top.)  相似文献   

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