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我国的海洋倾废管理制度和体系日臻完善,既制定了《海洋环境保护法》等国内海洋法律、法规,又相继批准了《联合国海洋法公约》和加入了《1972伦敦公约》,在原则上与国际公约保持一致。但随着海洋经济的蓬勃发展,海洋倾废活动日益频繁,不断出现新的处置方式,从而导致对海洋倾废的定义有不同的理解,并因此引发了一些争议。文章从法律的角度,结合倾废管理实践,对海洋倾废的定义进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

本文从<联合国海洋法公约>和<伦敦倾废公约>两个公约中关于"倾倒"的规定入手,分析了"倾废"的定义,简要论证了修订我国现行的1985年<海洋倾废管理条例>的必要性和可行性,并从海洋意识、配套制度、执法管理、国际合作4个方面提出了构想和对策.  相似文献   

海洋健康的保证──1996议定书陈越国家海洋局国际合作司人类关注海洋的健康,提出海洋自净能力的概念,应该说始自1972年签汀的《防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约》(简称《1972伦敦公约》或原公约),此后,倾废与反倾废的国际间的斗争从来就没有停止...  相似文献   

伦敦倾废公约,即“防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约”(Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter,简称LDC),它产生于1972年。当时人们认识到海洋并非能够接收一切废物的“垃圾桶”,由于海洋自身净化能力有限,任意向海洋倾倒大量废物,特别是有害工业废物,会导致严重的海洋污染,从而对海洋生物及人类健康造成危害;因此,有必要在全球范围内对海洋倾废活动加以限制。根据1972年斯德哥尔摩联合国人类环境会议的建议,近100个国家和地区于1972年底在英国伦敦召开了政府间海洋倾废公约会议,会议正式通过了伦敦倾废公约。伦敦倾废公约于1975年8月30日生效。截止到1989年7  相似文献   

海洋倾废最早从疏浚物开始。1875年美国费城就在海上设置了疏浚物倾倒区。目前,无论国际或国内,疏浚物海上倾倒数量均居所有废弃物之首。疏浚物的海上处置已成为目前海洋倾废管理中最重要的任务之一。 1.伦敦倾废公约附件应用于疏浚物处置指南伦敦倾废公约附件一规定了禁止向海洋倾倒的物质,但含有这些物质的阴沟淤泥和疏浚物,若为“痕量沾污物”或能“通过海  相似文献   

《1972年伦敦公约》(下简称公约)自生效以来近20年的实践证明,该公约的基本框架和大部分条款是行之有效的,在全球的海洋倾废管理和海洋环境保护方面发挥了重要作用。随着公约实施的不断深入及世界范围  相似文献   

人类早就把富饶的海洋作为猎取食物及其他资源的一个基地。那么,如果要保持或增加这种食物和资源,则必须对海洋倾废施加管理,需要从法律上确立对海上处置废弃物实行管制。我国《海洋环境保护法》和《海洋倾废管理条列》的颁布实施,是海洋环境管理走上法治道路的标志。从而结束了我国海洋倾废史上因无法规造成的放任自流、盲目倾倒的状态,开创了海洋倾废管理新的历史时期。  相似文献   

如何将海洋要素测量数据用于海洋管理和其他社会公益服务,一直是制约我国海洋研究事业发展的主要因素,同时也是保障海洋研究投入与产出良性循环的关键。本文作者试图从海洋倾废区监测的角度出发,就监测设备和方法,数学模型的建立,以及如何将倾废区监测和模型计算结果用于倾废区监查管理问题,提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

尽管我国倾废立法近30年,但较之欧、美发达国家,尚处于发展的初期阶段,当前海洋倾废法律体系较之于我国海洋开发的现状以及今后的需求呈现出滞后性。目前,有关倾废法律正在修订中,而正确、科学的立法修订指导思想是构建先进倾废管理立法的前提要件。文章针对当前我国海洋倾废新形势,对倾废法规修订的指导思想进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章分析上海市海洋倾废管理在法制建设、资源化利用、倾倒活动控制、采样检测和评价标准、审批效率以及倾废监管机制等方面存在的问题,针对问题提出加快推进海洋倾废管理法制建设、引导促进疏浚泥的资源化利用、科学调控海洋倾废活动、制定新的疏浚物采样和成分检测评价标准、通过审批标准化提高审批效率、建立海洋倾废综合监管机制6个方面的对策措施,从管理、审批和执法3个环节对海洋倾废活动实施全方位、全覆盖和全过程监管,为上海市海洋环境综合管理提供保障。  相似文献   

The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972 (the London Convention, or LC) established a global regime for the protection of the marine environment from pollution caused by ocean dumping and incineration at sea. In 1996, at the Special Meeting of the LC, the Contracting Parties to the LC adopted the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter 1972 (the London Protocol, or LP), which updates and improves the LC and should eventually supersede it. On March 24, 2006, 10 years after its adoption, the LP entered into force. Not all of the LC Parties have ratified the LP; many countries are still working towards accession, and some countries not Party to either regime are still ratifying the Convention instead of the Protocol. The LP Parties have striven to develop a well-functioning compliance mechanism and at the same time address newly emerging issues threatening the marine environment. Conversely, the LC Parties have agreed not to amend the LC further. This tension makes it increasingly uncomfortable to continue to hold the meetings of the two governing bodies concurrently, as is now done to maximize organizational efficiency. This paper attempts to remove some of the confusion caused by the existence of these two seemingly identical but in fact distinct global marine environment treaties. It further proposes some transitional measures to merge the LC into the LP to form a single global dumping treaty to protect the marine environment in the 21st century.  相似文献   

It was common along China's coastal region to throw wastes, including domestic and industrial, to the sea at random and without care. This has caused severe environmental problems, not only harming the marine environment, but also damaging the residential habitats of the coastal region itself. Unfortunately, before 1982 offshore wastes dumping was not regulated in China. The actual regulations governing such dumping in China formally began in 1982 when the basic law on marine environmental protection, i.e., the Marine Environmental Protection Law came into being.The significance of the regulation of wastes dumping lies in the fact that it consists of an indispensable part of the comprehensive marine environmental protection system in China. What is more significant is that under the current circumstance that China has been building a harmonious society for its people, the reach of the harmony between Nature and human beings is critical. Thus effective control of wastes dumping at sea is a necessary component in the efforts towards that reach. Since China is the biggest country and has longest mainland coastal line in East Asia, its laws and practice in this regard concerns with the marine environmental protection of the whole East Asian seas.This paper will address the wastes dumping issue in a legal perspective, including analyzing and assessing the relevant laws and regulations, their implementation and enforcement in China. In addition, it will compare the Chinese regulations with relevant international laws to see whether the Chinese law and its implementation are in line with them. For the purpose of the better explanation of China's law and practice, some relevant cases regarding wastes dumping will be addressed.  相似文献   

The marine ecological environment and fishery resources can be severely polluted or destroyed by waste oil from fishing vessels if they are emitted directly into the ocean without any proper pre-treatment process. International conventions such as MARPOL 73/78 regulate waste-oil emissions and require the installation of a waste oil–water separator only for ocean-going ships of over 400 gross tons. Hence, these international conventions are not applicable to most fishing ships due to their low gross tonnages. In addition, space on most fishing vessels is too limited to allow waste-oil storage tanks or a waste oil-water separator to comply with international maritime regulations. Because a significant amount of waste oil is produced by fishing vessels around the world every day, effective strategies or measures are needed to prevent this waste oil from polluting the marine environment. This study thus investigates strategies and measures for improving the effectiveness of waste-oil collection from fishing vessels. This study found that existing procedures for the collection and treatment of waste lubricating oil on land could be applied to the management of waste oil and bilge water from fishing vessels. Sufficient oil–water separators and storage facilities for the collection of waste oil should be placed at each fishing port and shipyard. Fishermen should then be required to deliver their waste oil to these storage facilities, from where it can be transported to legal recycling companies for further treatment. In addition, fishing harbor authorities should bear definitive responsibility for monitoring the illegal dumping of waste oil and for checking the waste-oil record books of fishing vessels. Each maritime country should enforce relevant laws and regulations to reduce the emission of waste oil from fishing vessels into the ocean.  相似文献   

海洋倾废是海洋空间资源环境效益的重要体现,对其进行科学有效的管理,是保护海洋环境及海洋资源的一项重要内容和主要任务。文章对我国海洋倾倒区分布及使用现状进行了分析,对目前海洋倾倒区使用与监管中存在的海洋空间资源利用不合理、倾倒区空间布局与已有区划冲突、部分省、市倾倒需求得不到满足、倾废记录仪利用效率不高、倾倒执法监察与监管效率低下等问题进行了研究,并在此基础上提出海洋倾倒管理应加强法制化管理;科学合理地规划、设置和使用海洋倾倒区;加强对海洋倾倒区审批后的监视监控;加快构建海洋倾废综合管理信息平台等对策建议。  相似文献   

《伦敦公约》(下简称公约)是1972年在伦敦召开的政府间关于海上倾倒废物公约会议上通过的。该公约的问世,是鉴于到本世纪70年代初期,已认识到海洋环境净化人类工业活动废物的能力并不是无限的,海上倾倒作为处置废物的一种手段所带来的弊端,已逐渐引起国际社会的关注,在这种背景情况下召开的特别国际会议,终于通过一项防止海上倾倒造成海洋污染的多边公约。公约自1975年生效以来,已成功地对海上倾倒实施了管理,完善了控制海上倾倒体系,交流处置废物科学方法的信息等方面起到了积极作  相似文献   

As with many countries, the Korea government has made a variety of efforts to meet the precautionary principle under the London Convention and Protocol acceded in 1994 and 2009. However, new strategies for the suitable marine dumping of waste materials have since been developed. In this study, the distribution and contamination of heavy metals including Al, Fe, Mn, Li, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb and Hg in bottom sediments were analyzed and compared to various criteria in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of the East Sea-Jung (ES-Jung) dumping site by the Korea government. The results indicate that the average metal concentrations were significantly lower than Effects Range Low (ERL) values, and generally similar to or lower than the Threshold Effect Levels (TEL) from the Sediment Quality Guidelinces (SQGs). According to analyses of various metal contamination indexes (Enrichment Factor: EF, Pollution Load Index: PLI and the Index of Geoaccumulation: Igeo), most areas were found to be uncontaminated by heavy metals with the exception of several moderately contaminated stations (ESJ 33, 54, 64 and ESJR 20). Heavy metal concentrations in areas grouped as G1, G2, DMDA, N-Ref and S-Ref which showed similar characteristics between 2007-2013 and 2014, were compared. Unexpectedly, most concentrations in the northern reference area (N-Ref) were much higher than those in the actual dumping areas (G1 and G2), may be due to the influences from nearby cities to the west of the ES-Jung site, rather than from the dumping site itself. Additionally, heavy metal concentrations in the dredged material dumping area (DMDA) were found to be low although they have slightly increased over time and those in the southern reference area (S-Ref) were found to have gradually decreased with year. The concentrations of most metals in the East Sea-Jung dumping site were similar to or less than those in the Earth’s crust and approximately the same as those in continental sediments. As a result, this site can be considered as uncontaminated or slightly contaminated. This implies that the efforts made by the Korea government to manage and govern the dumping site through various policies, including ‘the focal point system’, ‘the responsibility zones system’ and ‘the principle of pollution causing party liability’, have been successful.  相似文献   

Past decades have shown a constant increase in the number of international agreements regulating marine areas. Environmental changes as well as technological developments resulting in an increased use of oceans ensure the need for further governance in the future of high seas. At the same time, compliance by States with international obligations remains a considerable challenge in international law. In particular, regulations governing areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are at risk of not being obeyed due to factual challenges posed to the control of high seas territories and the (legal) limits of the law of the sea. This article evaluates a stronger cooperation between States through the incorporation of compliance control systems in agreements regulating ABNJ in order to enhance compliance by States. For this purpose, provisions on compliance control measures which have already been established in two agreements regulating ABNJ, namely the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, are analyzed. It is argued that the incorporation of compliance control elements into agreements regulating ABNJ is a promising avenue to secure improved compliance among States Parties and further implementation of this approach is recommended.  相似文献   

近年来海洋工程建设项目随着海洋经济的繁荣日益增多,在带动海洋经济发展的同时也增加了危害海洋环境的可能性,过度的海洋开发活动加重了对海洋环境的污染及生态系统的破坏程度。我国虽在立法上制定了一系列法规政策、专门条例为海洋工程污染防治保驾护航,但是目前海洋工程污染防治并未引起法学界的过多关注和深入研究。在我国海洋工程污染防治中仍然存在如下问题亟待解决:海洋工程环境影响评价制度的程序及责任设定问题、海洋工程听证制度公众参与度不足、海洋工程环境高风险领域责任保险制度不够完善、监管力度不足、公民对海洋工程污染防治知情权的缺失等。通过对以上问题进行法律分析及原因分析,对相关条例、法律及政策进行总结评析,提出解决对策。通过完善环境影响评价制度,健全听证制度相关规定,加强环境污染责任保险制度建设,提升对海洋工程污染防治的监管力度,明确公民知情权等方式来解决所提出的问题,为海洋工程污染防治提供更多的法律助推力量。  相似文献   

将现代信息技术引入海洋信息化建设从而提高海洋行政执法科学化水平,是保证合理开发利用海洋和海洋经济健康可持续发展的有效途径。文章研究新形势下的海洋行政执法信息化机制,以例行执法检查和专项执法行动为主线,以航空监察、案件报备、行政审批和法律法规等为辅助,集成各类执法数据信息,运用软件编程和网络技术建立具有海洋行政执法业务流转和地图服务综合功能的信息监管系统,逐步实现海洋行政执法工作由传统监管模式向科学化、标准化和规范化的现代空间管理方式过渡,推进海洋行政执法监管的信息化进程,提升执法效率和监管力度。  相似文献   

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