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基于人地关系的旅游地理学理论透视与学术创新   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
黄震方  黄睿 《地理研究》2015,34(1):15-26
针对旅游地理学理论研究比较薄弱和研究内容相对泛化的现状,提出将旅游人地关系作为旅游地理学研究的核心,阐述了旅游人地关系的理论内涵,认为旅游地理学是研究地球表层人类旅游活动与地理环境关系并服务于人类生活和社会经济发展的一门科学,其研究对象是"旅游地域系统"。基于人地关系的理论视角,按照旅游地理学理论体系化和科学化的发展要求,充分考虑旅游地理学旅游性、区域性、综合性和应用性的学科属性,初步构建了以旅游活动系统和地理环境系统为基础,以人地关系理论为核心,融合相关学科理论的旅游地理学理论框架。论文还梳理了旅游地理学的基本研究内容、主要科学问题和重要研究方法,强调应大力倡导地理学科学精神,改变低水平应用导向和过于偏重技术导向的研究现状,切实运用旅游地理学研究和解决国家与地方旅游发展中的重要现实问题,并在此基础上强化理论导向的思想型研究,将深刻揭示旅游人地关系地域系统的基本特征、功能结构、时空演化、基本规律、动力机制和调控途径作为旅游地理学研究的重点,通过学科特色创新、研究范式创新、理论成果创新、研究方法创新和应用价值创新,推动旅游地理学理论研究的深化、学术水平的提高和学科体系的完善,促进现代旅游地理学的本土化和中国旅游地理研究的国际化。  相似文献   

2018年是中国改革开放40周年,也是“科学的春天”40周年。随着中国进入特色社会主义新时代,人文与经济地理学也将迈入新时代。青年学者恰好处在承前启后的这一时期,围绕学科传承和创新发展需要,面向新时代国家和经济社会发展的现实需求,青年学者积极行动起来,努力学习和传承人文与经济地理学前辈所建立的学科体系,并力图继续开拓和创新。一是助力建设学科文化,打造具有学科认同感和归属感的学术共同体。二是在向西方学习的同时,加强中国特色的自主理论建构与创新。三是向相关学科方向学习,加强交叉与综合的数据和方法创新,建设科学化、多元化的研究方法体系。四是青年学者更需要踏实认真的态度,找准个人研究领域方向,求真务实并力图创造新的知识,不断提升研究深度。人文与经济地理学的学科梦必将在一代代青年学者的接力奋斗中变为现实。  相似文献   

地理学空间研究的转向:从自然到社会、现实到虚拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍地理空间内涵与学科内分异的基础上,重点介绍了地理学空间研究的两个转向,即从自然空间转向社会空间、从现实空间转向虚拟空间。研究表明:地理空间是一个相对明确的概念,但其内涵也在不断发展之中,特别是在人文地理学从自然地理学中分离出来以后;地理学三大分支所关注的地理空间差别极大,其中自然地理学对应自然空间,人文地理学对应社会空间,地理信息科学对应地理信息空间;地理学空间研究的第一个转向是由自然空间转向社会空间,其包括地理空间研究重点的转变以及对空间本质认知的转变两方面;地理学空间研究的第二个转向是由现实空间转向虚拟空间,这里的虚拟空间包括感知空间和网络空间;地理空间由自然向社会的转向反映了与人类发展的同步性,而由现实向虚拟的转向则反映了与技术进步的一致性。  相似文献   

朱连奇 《地理研究》2021,40(8):2397-2398
新时代的中国地理学是推动可持续发展和促进构建人类命运共同体的应用基础学科,不仅要建构和完善现代地理学学科体系,而且要在服务国家需求方面担当重要角色.福建师范大学朱鹤健教授总结长期教学和研究成果,出版了《地理学思维与实践》一书(科学出版社出版,2018).书中集成了地理学的研究范式,阐明其独特性,为建构和完善地理学现代科学体系做出了新贡献.全书对服务社会是地理学存在的生命根基、地理学研究范式的独特效应和地理学家要挺身在国民经济的主战场3个论题做了深刻阐释.敬佩作者对地理学精髓孜孜不倦地探求精神.2020年12月中国地理学会发出以地理科学为主体或基础的高校院系应该将"地理"或"地理科学"置于机构名称中的呼吁书,强调地理学回归学科、回归本分、回归初心、回归梦想.这使我对本书增添了新感觉,认为本书还是一本地理学回归学科本色的召唤书,有其现实指导意义.由此我认为《地理学思维与实践》是地理学工作者增强学科自信的好教材,值得认真研读.  相似文献   

阙维民 《地理研究》2010,29(11):2099-2107
地理学研究中的"构想"意识,其语言结构及其词义均可追溯到古希腊时代,由哲学、心理、艺术、社会等学科逐渐渗透到地理学科,社会学构想是激发地理学构想的直接对应因素。地理学构想的运用范畴是今日异域、往日本土与往日异域。地理研究中的构想研究,包括四个部分:地理现实、地理的构想、地理学构想、构想的地理。在哲学意义上,即现象、感知、认知与表述四个环节。地理学构想中的构想,具有思想、分析、探索、批评、发现、观念、视野、设计、设想等多层含义,是想像或想象、印象与意象的总称。在理论与方法上,"地理学构想"包括了传统地理学的历史叙述分析方法、现代地理学的科学实证主义方法与当代地理学的人文主义方法。所谓"构想",即"研究";所谓"地理学构想",实质上是贯穿了近代科学启蒙主义、现代科学实证精神与后现代人文关怀的地理学研究。  相似文献   

冯仁国 《地理科学》2001,21(4):323-326
在分析中国经济地理学研究存在问题的基础上,对经济地理学今后发展提出了若干建议 ,开展现代自然过程及其驱动力研究,促进地理学各分支学科的高层次综合,完善并发展地理学基础,理论,逐步走向国际科学研究前沿;面向国家宏观决策需要,开展与可持续发展有关的政策性研究,高度重视研究方法,手段的更新,提高经济地理学研究的科学性,引进相关学科人才,促进学科交叉,是经济地理学发展的捷径,面向社会需求,开展区域规划与产业布局研究。  相似文献   

<正>历史是有空间属性的,同样地理也具有时间属性。历史地理学是古地理学和现代地理学的中间段,从学理而言属于地理学。同时,从沿革地理走来的中国历史地理学也有着深厚的历史学传统,为这门探究时空属性的学问增添了一份厚重,在现实的学科体系中也往往被划入历史学范畴。历史地理学的交叉特征带给其更长远的发展空间和学术活力。为迎接在北京召开的第33届国际地理学大会,中国的历史地理学也集众人之力,总结了近80年来学科发展取得的成果,创作出了一份献礼之作:《历史与现代的对接:中国历史地理学最新研究进展》(商务印书馆,2016年)。  相似文献   

近30年来中国地理学及相关学科期刊的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1978年以来的30年间,中国地理学及相关学科期刊取得了飞速发展.地理学及相关学科期刊种类增加,覆盖了自然地理、经济地理和地球信息科学等各专业;主办地理学及相关学科期刊的机构包括中国科学院所属研究所、省级科学院所属研究所和高等院校;地理学及相关学科期刊的版面迅速增加.与此同时,地理学及相关学科期刊的学术质量和国际影响力在不断提高,获得了国家期刊奖和各部委的多项奖励,英文版地理学及相关学科期刊被SCI等国际著名检索机构和数据库收录.  相似文献   

地理院系调整研究旨在通过对地理学认同产生不利影响的高校地理院系调整的解析,揭示地理学发展存在的学科与体制认同问题。基于对高校地理院系调整的回顾,分析地理院系调整的原因及影响,并结合当前地理院系发展态势阐明其启示。结果显示:学科认同与院系调整互为关联,尽管地理院系调整导致的解体并不表明地理学的终结,一般意义的调整也存在积极影响,但不同类型地理院系调整对地理学(特别是人文地理学)学科认同的不利影响仍然明显,并影响着体制层面的学科再生产。地理院系调整的发生是多因素共同影响的结果,复杂多样的因素及其影响表明地理院系面临竞争,需要地理学者既“正名”(塑造科学性、统一性的学科形象)又“指实”(完整的院系体制建设);既“向内”(地理院系及地理学家的努力)又“向外”(维护地理学及地理院系的完整性认同)的集体努力,在强化地理学综合性基础上形成“多轨发展”机制,强化地理学学科与体制认同。“跨学科典范”的塑造或许是当前地理院系应努力的现实目标。  相似文献   

文学地理学日益受到文学和地理学两大学科的重视,但是两大学科下的文学地理学研究的路径"大相径庭"。通过现有文献综述,对文学地理学的"文学面"与"地理面"进行梳理比较,发现目前文学学科对文学地理学的研究较为成熟,地理学科对文学地理学的重视程度与文学相比仍不足,且本土化研究基本缺失。现有基于学科的研究框架体系,造成了两个"文学地理学"的假象,亟待打破学科边界,从研究意义、研究理论和研究方法上逐步走向融合并轨。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that researchers need to carefully distinguish the concepts of subjectivity and positionality in feminist reflexive practice, as an explicit focus on researcher subjectivity has the potential to provide additional insights into the research process that go beyond a focus on relational positionality. Drawing on examples from my own research, I argue that examining one's subjectivity as a researcher opens up a consideration of emotional reactions to research; lets us reconsider the importance of feelings of (dis)affiliation and (dis)comfort in the research process; and helps us to recognize that the dreams and desires of researchers about themselves and their research participants can play an important role in the research process. Moreover, researcher subjectivity attunes us to ways in which our subjectivities shift through the research process and are intimately connected to and mediated by the process of research and our interactions with our research participants.  相似文献   

Different approaches to outdoor recreation research influence how recreational values are articulated. The article presents a theoretical comparison between two recreation research traditions that have been influential in both Norwegian outdoor recreation research and American wilderness research and management. The authors compare how both research traditions fit two predefined valuation models, with one model oriented towards economists’ perception of values and the other oriented towards humanistic philosophy. They contend that the two research traditions are connected in their conceptual construct of values. Studies labelled ‘motivational recreation research’ fit with an economic-oriented value model, whereas ‘place-oriented recreation research’ puts greater emphasis on non-utilitarian values compatible with a constitutive value model. Consideration of the kind of values that a given research tradition promotes is very important for research outputs and management practice.  相似文献   

Research on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, particularly projects aiming to contribute to practical adaptation initiatives, requires active involvement and collaboration with community members and local, regional and national organizations that use this research for policy-making. Arctic communities are already experiencing and adapting to environmental and socio-cultural changes, and researchers have a practical and ethical responsibility to engage with communities that are the focus of the research. This paper draws on the experiences of researchers working with communities across the Canadian Arctic, together with the expertise of Inuit organizations, Northern research institutes and community partners, to outline key considerations for effectively engaging Arctic communities in collaborative research. These considerations include: initiating early and ongoing communication with communities, and regional and national contacts; involving communities in research design and development; facilitating opportunities for local employment; and disseminating research findings. Examples of each consideration are drawn from climate change research conducted with communities in the Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

Sarah Marie Hall 《Area》2009,41(3):263-272
This paper addresses the difficulties and dilemmas that may occur when friendships are formed with participants during an ethnographic research project. The ongoing, reciprocal relationships developed with participants are considered essential in the data collection of ethnography, as an avenue through which research can be carried out. However, while friendships in the field may open new doors to research, they can also create new (ethical) challenges. This paper revisits these issues, alongside research ethics guidelines, using three different scenarios: the negotiation of methods of contact, the maintenance of contact with participants and the sharing of research diaries with participants. From these discussions, two issues arise that may have implications for future ethnographic research: the obstacle of social networking websites and the negotiation of appropriate research ethics when participants become our friends.  相似文献   

丁玲玲  郑景云  傅辉 《热带地理》2015,35(6):890-894
总结和分析了利用历史文献代用资料重建具有代表性的华南气候序列(包括温度变化和降水/干湿变化序列)的状况,认为华南地区历史时期气候变化研究虽已取得丰硕成果,但存在时间分辨率较低、空间范围宽泛、数据的统一性和可靠性较差,以及缺乏气候变化的相关机制和气候变化周期研究等方面的问题,指出应进一步挖掘华南地区高分辨率气候代用资料(历史文献),提升气候变化研究的时间分辨率和空间覆盖度、加强重建序列的可靠性、增加其周期性和趋势性分析等是解决该地区气候变化研究问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

There has been much debate about the importance of policy-relevant research in geography over the last decade. There has also been an increasing recognition by policymakers of the importance of integrative (interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) approaches to policy-relevant research. However, geographers have been more reluctant than their colleagues in other social and natural sciences to embrace integrative research collaborations. For integrative research to achieve its full potential and to encourage greater participation from the geographical research community, we need to increase our understanding of its potential value, but also some of the challenges that it poses, and how these can be overcome. In this paper, we consider the processes involved in conducting successful integrative research from the perspective of researchers involved in these projects. We base our analysis on the results of a questionnaire survey of international integrative research programmes on environmental issues in rural areas, combined with our own experiences of working in integrative research. We conclude that effective integrative research depends on the establishment of a clear conceptual framework, the use of appropriate temporal and spatial scales in the research, effective language and communication, time and commitment, and trust and respect. We also highlight the value of stakeholder involvement in integrative research to ensure the policy relevance of the work and provide a mechanism to assist with effective knowledge transfer of the results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issues of research ‘relevance’ and ‘use’ to reflect upon a cultural geography research project on bushfire that did not begin with any specific aim of being useful to policy makers but which has garnered considerable and ongoing interest from a broad audience. It provides an example of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods and data can enhance research into cultural aspects of natural hazards whilst simultaneously playing a key role in ensuring that the research results are of interest to a wide range of groups. Using a mixed-methods research approach was found to provide insight into complex factors that influence attitudes and actions towards bushfire amongst diverse landholders in rural–urban interface areas in south-east Australia. We argue that mixed-methods research is a powerful tool in building and enhancing a cultural geography that has policy relevance, retains analytical depth, and is acceptable to risk managers. The ability of cultural geography through mixed-methods research to illuminate how socio-cultural processes are central to environmental attitudes and preparedness behaviour has direct relevance to recent international discussions of how to manage the vulnerability of the growing number of people living in bushfire-prone rural–urban interface areas.  相似文献   

Mary Louise Pratt uses the term autoethnography to refer to those instances in which members of colonized groups strive to represent themselves to their colonizers in ways that engage with colonizers' terms while also remaining faithful to their own self‐understandings. This paper extends Pratt's conceptualization of autoethnography and describes how it may be used to inform field research in transcultural settings in the formerly colonized world. Drawing from research in a village in northern Pakistan, we argue that approaching fieldwork with an “autoethnographic sensibility” can yield important epistemological, methodological, and political insights into our research practices. The paper concludes by suggesting that these insights extend beyond a postcolonial, or even cross‐cultural, research context, to inform more general debates in human geography about how to achieve a critical and reflexive research practice.  相似文献   

After the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 a number of academics published texts in attempts to make sense of the disaster. Frustrations and feelings of inability to do something useful to assist were expressed. The academic discussions arising from the disaster may be linked with more general discussions around conducting relevant and responsible research in the social sciences. This paper addresses the role of researchers in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka and explores how the debate following the tsunami can move on to refine researchers' roles in geography by way of participatory action research (PAR), a research strategy that has received limited attention in research on disasters. The paper begins by situating the debate in the spatial politics of humanitarian work and academic research. Then discussions that arose among geographers in the aftermath of the tsunami are presented and potentials for conducting responsible research by engaging with the field are introduced. In the final section, starting with the notion of responsible research, how PAR can potentially bring us forward in developing principles and tools for more responsible geographical research in the context of emergencies is discussed.  相似文献   

Fungal disease epidemics have the potential to bring about drastic innovations. However, in the case of the Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) fungus in bananas, producers and international traders are still awaiting a breakthrough in crop protection research. Using the cases of Brazil and Colombia, this paper examines different agricultural research responses to the disease. Brazil opted to replace susceptible varieties with resistant ones, whereas in Colombia chemical control by private actors dominated. We argue that these different responses result from at least three interrelated factors. First, producer type—smallholder farmers or larger export‐oriented plantations—influences the setting of crop protection research priorities. Second, a central, state‐led role versus a private sector response influences the size and time perspective of research activities. Third, domestic markets with multiple crop varieties versus Cavendish‐only export markets leads to differences in control practices and research responses. From this case study, we argue that the currently proposed innovation systems approaches in international agricultural research should adopt a broader perspective that assesses how research is interwoven with agrarian dynamics, commodity chains and particular state roles to elucidate how state–producer–researcher networks perform disease control and where and how to find new solutions.  相似文献   

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