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A major arc batholith, the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) in Fiordland, New Zealand, exhibits irregular, spatially restricted centimetre-scale recrystallization from two-pyroxene hornblende granulite to garnet granulite flanking felsic dykes. At Lake Grave, northern Fiordland, the composition and texture of narrow (<10–20 mm across) felsic dykes that cut the orthogneiss are consistent with an igneous origin and injection of melt to form orthogneiss migmatite. New U–Pb geochronology suggests that the injection of dykes and migmatization occurred at c . 115 Ma, during the later stages of arc magmatism. Recrystallization to garnet granulite is promoted by volatile extraction from the host two-pyroxene hornblende granulite via adjacent dykes and the patchy development of garnet granulite is left as a marker adjacent to the melt migration path. New mineral equilibria modelling suggests that a two-pyroxene hornblende assemblage is stable at <11 kbar, whereas a garnet granulite assemblage is stable at >12 kbar, suggesting that garnet granulite may have formed with <5 km crustal loading of the batholith. Although the garnet granulite assemblages signify that the WFO experienced high- P conditions, the very local nature of these textures indicates widespread metastability (>90%) of the two-pyroxene hornblende granulite assemblages. These results indicate the strongly metastable nature of assemblages in mafic lower arc crust during deep burial and demonstrate that the degree of reaction in the case of Fiordland is related to interaction with migrating melts.  相似文献   

The Arthur River Complex is a suite of gabbroic to dioritic orthogneisses in northern Fiordland, New Zealand. The Arthur River Complex separates rocks of the Median Tectonic Zone, a Mesozoic island arc complex, from Palaeozoic rocks of the palaeo‐Pacific Gondwana margin, and is itself intruded by the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. New SHRIMP U/Pb single zircon data are presented for magmatic, metamorphic and deformation events in the Arthur River Complex and adjacent rocks from northern Fiordland. The Arthur River Complex orthogneisses and dykes are dominated by magmatic zircon dated at 136–129 Ma. A dioritic orthogneiss that occurs along the eastern margin of the Complex is dated at 154.4 ± 3.6 Ma and predates adjacent plutons of the Median Tectonic Zone. Rims on zircon cores from this sample record a thermal event at c. 120 Ma, attributed to the emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. Migmatitic Palaeozoic orthogneiss from the Arthur River Complex (346 ± 6 Ma) is interpreted as deformed wall rock. Very fine rims (5–20 µm) also indicate a metamorphic age of c. 120–110 Ma. A post‐tectonic pegmatite (81.8 ± 1.8 Ma) may be related to phases of crustal extension associated with the opening of the Tasman Sea. The Arthur River Complex is interpreted as a batholith, emplaced at mid‐crustal levels and then buried to deep crustal levels due to convergence of the Median Tectonic Zone arc and the continental margin.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircons from a distinctive suite of previously undated granulite facies metaplutonic rocks, here termed the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO), in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, indicate synkinematic magmatic emplacement between 120 and 130 Ma ago. These rocks were previously interpreted as possibly being of Precambrian age. Initial Pb and Sr ratios are consistent with arc/subduction related magmagenesis with little or no involvement of ancient continental crust. Subsequent high pressure (>12 kb) metamorphism of the WFO may reflect a major collision event involving crustal thickening by overthrusting of a >15 km thick sequence. Metamorphism ceased 116 Ma ago based on206Pb/238U ages of zircon from a retrogressed granulite. U-Pb isotopic analysis of apatite, along with previously published Rb/Sr mineral ages, indicate that final uplift and cooling to <300–400° C was largely completed by 90 Ma. The average uplift rate during this period is inferred to have been in excess of 1 mm/yr.Unmetamorphosed gabbronorites of the Darran Complex in eastern Fiordland, inferred by some investigators to be the granulite protolith, yield concordant U/Pb zircon ages of 137±1 Ma. U-Pb ages of apatite, and previously published K/Ar mineral ages indicate that these rocks experienced a rapid and simple cooling history lasting only a few million years. The high-grade WFO and unmetamorphosed Darran Complex are now separated by a profound structural break. However, the ages and similarities in initial Pb and Sr isotopic ratios suggest that both suites are products of the same Early Cretaceous cycle of subduction-related magmatism. The timing of Early Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism, collision and resultant crustal thickening, and subsequent great uplift and erosion in Fiordland has important implications for terrane accretion and the evolution of relative plate motions along the New Zealand segment of the Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

Cretaceous granulite facies metamorphism in the Fiordland area of New Zealand has distinctive mineralogical, textural and structural features that set it apart from most other regional metamorphic belts. The metamorphism, developed over a 30×150-km area and the consequence of a 20-km-thick increment to crustal thickness, is closely associated in space and time with a large plutonic complex, the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO). Although temperatures and pressures as high as 700  °C and 12  kbar were attained, the metamorphic overprint on earlier low-pressure assemblages is weak and incomplete. Little strain accompanied the metamorphism. The temperature threshold at which metamorphic recrystallization is recorded is over 500  °C. Zoned garnets are preserved at unusually high temperatures, indicating duration of metamorphism on the order of 10 times shorter than in most other regional terranes. This pattern of features bears close similarity to metamorphism in the Coast Plutonic Complex in North America, where a mechanism of 'magma loading' has been invoked. In Fiordland, the high-pressure metamorphism can be explained by depression of country rock under a crustal zone that is inflated by intrusion of the WFO. Regional structure of the WFO as a horizontally sheeted complex suggests that the pluton was emplaced by vertical displacement of country rock, and supports the magma loading model.  相似文献   

The experimental crystallization of staurolite in two mafic compositions at high pressures (24–26 kb) and temperatures (740 °–760 ° C) is reported. This, together with a recent report of staurolite from metamorphosed basic igneous rocks from Fiordland, New Zealand, leads to the conclusion that Staurolite may be an important subordinate phase in the subducted lithosphere. The synthesized staurolites are more magnesian than those occuring in natural metapelitic assemblages and are characterized by relatively high Si, Ti, Mg, Ca, and low Al, Fe.  相似文献   

A series of striking migmatitic structures occur in rectilinear networks through western Fiordland, New Zealand, involving, for the most part, narrow anorthositic dykes that cut hornblende‐bearing orthogneiss. Adjacent to the dykes, host rocks show patchy, spatially restricted recrystallization and dehydration on a decimetre‐scale to garnet granulite. Although there is general agreement that the migration of silicate melt has formed at least parts of the structures, there is disagreement on the role of silicate melt in dehydrating the host rock. A variety of causal processes have been inferred, including metasomatism due to the ingress of a carbonic, mantle‐derived fluid; hornblende‐breakdown leading to water release and limited partial melting of host rocks; and dehydration induced by volatile scavenging by a migrating silicate melt. Variability in dyke assemblage, together with the correlation between dehydration structures and host rock silica content, are inconsistent with macroscopic metasomatism, and best match open system behaviour involving volatile scavenging by a migrating trondhjemitic liquid.  相似文献   

Green Lake Landslide is an ancient giant rock slide in gneiss and granodiorite located in the deeply glaciated Fiordland region of New Zealand. The landslide covers an area of 45 km2 and has a volume of about 27 km3. It is believed to be New Zealand's largest landslide, and possibly the largest landslide of its type on Earth. It is one of 39 known very large (106–107 m3) and giant (≥108 m3) postglacial landslides in Fiordland discussed in the paper. Green Lake Landslide resulted in the collapse of a 9 km segment of the southern Hunter Mountains. Slide debris moved up to 2.5 km laterally and 700 m vertically, and formed a landslide dam about 800 m high, impounding a lake about 11 km long that was eventually infilled with sediments. Geomorphic evidence supported by radiocarbon dating indicates that Green Lake Landslide probably occurred 12 000–13 000 years ago, near the end of the last (Otira) glaciation. The landslide is described, and its geomorphic significance, age, failure mechanism, cause, and relevance in the region are discussed, in relation to other large landslides and recent earthquake-induced landslides in Fiordland. The slope failure occurred on a low-angle fault zone undercut by glacial erosion, and was probably triggered by strong shaking (MM IX–X) associated with a large (≥ M 7.5–8) earthquake, on the Alpine Fault c. 80 km to the northwest. Geology was a major factor that controlled the style and size of Green Lake landslide, and in that respect it is significantly different from most other gigantic landslides. Future large earthquakes on the Alpine Fault in Fiordland are likely to trigger more very large and giant landslides across the region, causing ground damage and devastation on a scale that has not occurred during the last 160 years, with potentially disastrous effects on towns, tourist centres, roads, and infrastructure. The probability of such an event occurring within the next 50 years may be as high as 45%.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe dating of zircon and monazite from high-grade gneisses has been used to (1) determine the timing of metamorphism in the Western Province of New Zealand, and (2) constrain the age of the protoliths from which the metamorphic rocks were derived. The Western Province comprises Westland, where mainly upper crustal rocks are exposed, and Fiordland, where middle to lower crustal levels crop out. In Westland, the oldest recognisable metamorphic event occurred at 360–370 Ma, penecontemporaneously with intrusion of the mid-Palaeozoic Karamea Batholith (c. 375 Ma). Metamorphism took place under low-pressure/high-temperature conditions, resulting in upper-amphibolite sillimanite-grade metamorphism of Lower Palaeozoic pelites (Greenland Group). Orthogneisses of younger (Cretaceous) age formed during emplacement of the Rahu Suite granite intrusives (c. 110 Ma) and were derived from protoliths including Cretaceous Separation Point suite and Devonian Karamea suite granites. In Fiordland, high-grade paragneisses with Greenland Group zircon age patterns were metamorphosed (M1) to sillimanite grade at 360 Ma. Concomitant with crustal thickening and further granite emplacement, M1 mineral assemblages were overprinted by higher-pressure kyanite-grade metamorphism (M2) at 330 Ma. It remains unclear whether the M2 event in Fiordland was primarily due to tectonic burial, as suggested by regional recumbent isoclinal folding, or whether it was due to magmatic loading, in keeping with the significant volumes of granite magma intruded at higher structural levels in the formerly contiguous Westland region. Metamorphism in Fiordland accompanied and outlasted emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) at 110–125 Ma. The WFO equilibrated under granulite facies conditions, whereas cover rocks underwent more limited recrystallization except for high-strain shear zones where conditions of lower to middle amphibolite facies were met. The juxtaposition of Palaeozoic kyanite-grade rocks against Cretaceous WFO granulites resulted from late Mesozoic extensional deformation and development of metamorphic core complexes in the Western Province.  相似文献   

以2001—2011年美国NOAA长波辐射数据为背景数据,利用涡度背景场法研究2010年9月3日新西兰南岛M7.1级地震前后卫星长波辐射数据变化特征。结果表明,地震当月在震中西南侧出现显著的长波辐射异常变化,这种变化在全年各月及2001—2011年11年历年同月变化中都是最为显著的,认为其是本次地震的1次映震表现。用同样方法对区内2001—2011年11年间发生6次7.0级以上地震的长波辐射数据进行分析,结果在3次陆地地震发震前都检测到了长波辐射异常变化,而海域地震前则未发现这种现象。检索前人的相关研究结果,发现仅有2次海域地震(2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门答腊西北海域8.7级地震和2010年1月12日海地7.0级地震)前有长波辐射异常变化的报道,而根据全球云量分布资料显示,这2个地震所发生的区域是全球洋面云量分布最少的2个区域,而新西兰地震发生的区域位于全球洋面云量分布最多的区域。因此,认为由于水汽和云层对地表红外辐射的强吸收作用,长波辐射捕捉陆地地震红外辐射异常变化更加灵敏,对陆地地震的映震效能要强于海洋地震。  相似文献   

Three texturally distinct symplectites occur in mafic granofels of the Arthur River Complex at MtDaniel, Fiordland, New Zealand. These include symplectic intergrowths of clinopyroxene and kyanite, described here for the first time. Pods of mafic granofels occur within the contact aureole of the Early Cretaceous Western Fiordland Orthogneiss batholith. The pods have cores formed entirely of garnet and clinopyroxene, and rims of pseudomorphous coarse‐grained symplectic intergrowths of hornblende and clinozoisite that reflect hydration at moderate to high‐P. These hornfelsic rocks are enveloped by a hornblende–clinozoisite gneissic foliation (S1). Narrow garnet reaction zones, in which hornblende and clinozoisite are replaced by garnet–clinopyroxene assemblages, developed adjacent to fractures and veins that cut S1. Fine‐grained symplectic intergrowths of (1) clinopyroxene and kyanite and (2) clinozoisite, quartz, kyanite and plagioclase form part of the garnet reaction zones and partially replace coarse‐grained S1 hornblende and clinozoisite. The development of the garnet reaction zones and symplectites was promoted by dehydration most probably following cooling of the contact aureole. Maps of oxide weight percent and cation proportions, calculated by performing matrix corrections on maps of X‐ray intensities, are used to study the microstructure of the symplectites.  相似文献   

The Canterbury (New Zealand) earthquake sequence of 2010–2012 caused unexpectedly extreme levels of damage and disruption, being an unparalleled event in New Zealand in terms of the damage extent. Christchurch’s heritage buildings were seriously damaged during these events, with churches especially affected in 22 February 2011 M w 6.2 earthquake. During this earthquake, a total of 84% of the heritage unreinforced stone and 81% of the clay brick masonry churches in the Canterbury region were either considered unsafe (receiving red placards) or with restricted access (yellow placards). Following the earthquakes, authorities across New Zealand are reassessing the capacity of older buildings to resist earthquakes. Current legislation requires that a building judged as earthquake prone either be strengthened by retrofitting or be demolished within a legislated number of years. Many building owners are facing the problems of owning earthquake-prone buildings and lacking the funding to upgrade. This affects both community and heritage buildings, resulting in the likely abandonment or demolition of some buildings. To address the problem of the balance between life safety and preservation in the Wellington Region, this project gathered and compared the perspectives of the general public, church communities, heritage specialists, professional engineers, and local authorities to assist in balancing the interests of these stakeholders. As a result of the findings, several recommendations have been provided that include standardizing structural assessment processes and training, feasibility of additional public funding to upgrade buildings, new signage to increase public awareness of earthquake-prone buildings, and regular communication among stakeholders to understand and resolve differences.  相似文献   

On February 22, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred very near to the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The consequence came as a shock to many seismologists and earthquake engineers as New Zealand is known as the homeland of modern earthquake-resistant design techniques. After the earthquake, the focus of discussion has been on the collapse of buildings, while few queried the adequacy of design requirements. Importantly, similar “inadequacy” seems to repeat all around the world more frequently than expected. Hence, the question statement in the title concerns not only Christchurch, but anywhere in the world.  相似文献   

The catastrophic earthquakes that recently (September 4th, 2010 and February 22nd, 2011) hit Christchurch, New Zealand, show that active faults, capable of generating large-magnitude earthquakes, can be hidden beneath the Earth’s surface. In this article we combine near-surface paleoseismic data with deep (<5 km) onshore seismic-reflection lines to explore the growth of normal faults over short (<27 kyr) and long (>1 Ma) timescales in the Taranaki Rift, New Zealand. Our analysis shows that the integration of different timescale datasets provides a basis for identifying active faults not observed at the ground surface, estimating maximum fault-rupture lengths, inferring maximum short-term displacement rates and improving earthquake hazard assessment. We find that fault displacement rates become increasingly irregular (both faster and slower) on shorter timescales, leading to incomplete sampling of the active-fault population. Surface traces have been recognised for <50% of the active faults and along ≤50% of their lengths. The similarity of along-strike displacement profiles for short and long time intervals suggests that fault lengths and maximum single-event displacements have not changed over the last 3.6 Ma. Therefore, rate changes are likely to reflect temporal adjustments in earthquake recurrence intervals due to fault interactions and associated migration of earthquake activity within the rift.  相似文献   

本文介绍了新西兰的地震背景以及城市防震减灾工作的组织机构、动作及相关措施。  相似文献   

Yang  Siyuan  Huang  Duruo 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(12):5655-5674
Acta Geotechnica - Recent earthquake case histories in Japan and New Zealand revealed that soil sites can experience liquefaction multiple times under a sequence of earthquake shaking. Field...  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study investigating cross-cultural equivalence in predictors of earthquake preparedness. Data were collected from Napier (New Zealand) and Kyoto (Japan). These locations were selected because they face comparable levels of seismic risk but differ with respect to their cultural characteristics. This mix of hazard similarity and cultural differences provided an opportunity to assess the degree of cross-cultural equivalence in predictors of earthquake preparedness. Cross-cultural equivalence was examined by assessing the degree to which individual hazard beliefs (outcome expectancies) and social characteristics (community participation, collective efficacy, empowerment, trust) could explain levels of hazard preparedness in each location. Structural equation modelling analyses revealed similarity in the pattern of relationships between predictor variables and intention prepare in the Napier and Kyoto data. It is argued that this provides support for the existence of some universal, cross-cultural equivalence in how hazard beliefs and social characteristics interact to predict the degree to which people adopt earthquake preparedness measures. Differences between the data sets are discussed in the context of the fundamental cultural differences between Japan and New Zealand. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Continental transform boundaries in detail consist of zones of fault-bounded blocks adjacent to the principal active transform fault(s). Relative movement of these blocks in response to plate boundary motions gives rise to differential vertical displacements of the earth's crust and hence exercises a degree of control on the tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins adjacent to the transform boundary. The Cenozoic sedimentary basins of southwest New Zealand have several features in common that may be attributed directly to the movement on the adjacent plate boundary. However, their location, detailed sedimentary evolution and tectonic development may best be understood in the context of the relative displacements of a number of fault-bounded blocks, in response to the plate motions. In particular, movements of the Fiordland block, bounded by the Alpine and Moonlight fault zones, exercised a large measure of influence on the development of the basins. The tectonic model presented is consistent with plate boundary motions inferred from marine magnetic anomalies while at the same time providing an explanation for many of the more detailed features of the basins.  相似文献   

A generalised crustal structure of Fiordland is proposed.Detailed mapping in part of Western Fiordland has led to the recognition of a basement granulite facies lower crustal material, probably Precambrian in age) separated by a regional thrust zone from a cover sequence (amphibolite facies gneisses, of Lower Paleozoic age). With the recognition of the basement—cover relationship and the aid of aeromagnetic anomalies Fiordland has been divided into four, generally north-northeast trending, regions. The Western Fiordland region is composed chiefly of basement rocks. The Central Fiordland and Southwestern Fiordland regions are made up predominantly of amphibolite and greenschist-facies metasediments and gneissic granodiorites of the cover sequence, which in Central Fiordland have a regional dip to the east, off the basement. The Eastern Fiordland region is characterised by a series of basic, intermediate and acid intrusive rocks. The more prominent magnetic anomalies in Eastern Fiordland, Southwestern Fiordland, and a large anomaly off the coast of Western Fiordland, are all considered to be caused by intrusive bodies. The presence of a positive gravity anomaly over Western Fiordland, coupled with a gravity low offshore, is consistent with the lower crust being uplifted and exposed in this area. Continuing shallow and intermediate-depth seismic activity beneath Fiordland, as well as the large size of the gravity anomaly, suggest that tectonic forces are currently acting to maintain Western Fiordland at its unusually high level.Fiordland thus displays a cross-section of continental crust: Precambrian(?) metaigneous granulites in the lower crust; Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary amphibolitefacies gneisses and melted equivalents in the middle crust; Mesozoic intrusives, and overlying Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Four aluminosilicate-bearing, amphibolite facies pelitic schists sampled from the root of the long-lived eastern Gondwana continental magmatic arc now exposed in southwest Fiordland, New Zealand, record remarkably different P–T–t histories. The four samples were collected from within 20 km of each other within the Fanny Bay Group and Deep Cove Gneiss near Dusky Sound. Integrated petrography, mineral chemistry, mineral equilibria modelling and in situ electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite shows that the sample of the Fanny Bay Group south of the Dusky Fault records a Carboniferous history with peak conditions of 4–4.5 kbar at 570–590 °C, while one sample of the Deep Cove Gneiss from Long Island records a Cretaceous history with apparent peak conditions of 7.5 kbar at 650 °C. Two other samples of the Deep Cove Gneiss from Resolution Island record mixed Carboniferous and Cretaceous histories with apparent peak conditions of 7 kbar at 650 °C and 3–7 kbar at 640–720 °C. The metapelitic schists on Resolution Island were intruded by arc magmas including the voluminous high- P Western Fiordland Orthogneiss, yet they lack mineralogical evidence of the Cretaceous high- P (>12 kbar) event. Analysis of water isopleths in a model system shows that the amount of water accommodated in the rock mineral assemblage increases with pressure. With the exhaustion of all free water, and without the addition of external water, these rocks persisted metastably within the deep arc during the high- P event. The emplacement of large volumes of diorite (i.e. the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) into the root of the Early Cretaceous continental magmatic arc did not lead to regional granulite facies metamorphism of the country rock schists, as large volumes of amphibolite facies rock metamorphosed under medium- P conditions persisted metastably in the deep arc crust.  相似文献   

New fossils of dinosaurs and pterosaurs have been found in the conglomeratic facies of the Maungataniwha Member of the Tahora Formation (Campanian) of New Zealand. These derive from a large theropod, a sauropod, an ankylosaur and a pterosaur. Together with previously described material they indicate at least five, maybe seven, taxa from the Late Cretaceous terrestrial fauna of New Zealand. At that time New Zealand was an island near Antarctica, so this represents an insular, polar fauna.We assume a vicariance model for the origin of this fauna, which probably samples that present in Antarctica at the time New Zealand rifted away from it. The fauna differs from other well known Cretaceous Gondwana faunas in including an ankylosaur, but is similar to that from the Late Early Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia. The inclusion of both an ankylosaur and sauropod lend a relict, Early Cretaceous aspect to the fauna. There seems to be no particular similarity to known polar faunas from the Early Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, or the Late Cretaceous of Alaska and Antarctica.Dinosaurs, both large and small, were capable of surviving in the cool to cold-temperate, seasonal climate of New Zealand at this time.  相似文献   

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