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Within the last century, water pollution has become a major problem throughout the world. Aquatic systems are endangered by many different types of pollution but one of the most threatening is contamination by heavy metals, for example, Cd, etc. The presence of these metals is mainly due to industrial wastes or mining wastes being improperly treated and dumped into the water supply. The contamination may damage marine organisms or create changes in the aquatic environment. For these reasons, monitoring the concentrations of trace elements in rivers, coastal waters and open seawater is very important for environmental conservation. Like many countries in the world, China is facing the serious problem of water pollution in its aquatic system. Areas like the Yangtze River have been industrialized very quickly, and without proper waste control practices the pollution levels have increased with the economic growth. The Yangtze River covers thousands of square kilometers and crosses more than half of China before reaching the East China Sea.  相似文献   

重庆三峡水库生态经济区农业生态环境问题与重建研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业生态环境是农业可持续发展的基础。重庆三峡水库生态经济区是重庆市确立的以生态建设为重点的经济区。鉴于该区农村面积广、农业人口多、贫困面大、农村移民任务重的基本情况,决定了农业及农村在社会经济可持续发展中的重要战略地位。深入分析了重庆三峡水库生态经济区农业生态环境存在的水土流失、水环境污染、土地污染、生物多样性破坏、自然灾害频繁等主要问题及其对农业生产的影响,从因地制宜合理利用农业资源、调整农业产业结构、优化农业空间布局,大力发展生态农业,控制并治理各种工业及生活污染、推行清洁生产,控制人口增长、实施生态移民、协调人地关系,加强生态环境法制化管理、依法保护农业生态环境等方面提出了保护及建设的对策。  相似文献   

Y. Tang  J. Bi 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):3-7
The relationship between water pollution and economic development, its regional differentiation and its temporal trend is analyzed. With the uneven distribution of water resources, the regional differentiation of water pollution in China is very obvious. Based on the index RSR (the ratio of sewage to runoff), water pollution can be divided into five grades across the whole country. Overall, water pollution is more serious in north and northeast China. On the other hand, economic development level is not the only factor associated with water pollution. As for temporal change, with current economic growth and urbanization, it is impossible that water quality in China will be improved in the near future.  相似文献   

黑龙江省在矿产资源开采过程中产生了诸多的矿山环境地质问题。这些矿山环境地质问题可分为资源毁损、地质灾害、环境污染3大类。又可细分为土地资源压占、植被资源破坏、地下水位下降、风景景观和地质遗迹破坏、地面塌陷、地裂缝、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、煤层自燃、煤矸石自燃、水土侵蚀、土地沙化、盐碱化、草原退化、水污染、土壤污染、大气污染等种类。这些矿山环境问题给黑龙江省的经济发展和生态环境造成了巨大的损失和危害。论文阐述了主要矿山环境问题及其危害,并提出了有关防治对策建议,以促进黑龙江省矿山环境保护与治理工作的进步。  相似文献   

重庆市环境污染地球化学调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1:20万重庆幅区域化探显示Hg、Pb、Cd,Cu,Zn,Sb,Bi,F,P等元素在重庆市主城区异常发育,除Hg,Zn外重庆市均高于成都市。重庆市的污染更严重,Hg,Pb,Cr等元素在制药、造纸、化工、炼油和农药等工厂排污污染严重,河流污染长江,嘉陵江支流重于主流,主河流经过城区污染明显,长江污染重于嘉陵江,重庆市是长江的重要工业污染源,主要风景区和饮水源地球化学背景良。区域化探在生态环境调查中取得了重要成果。  相似文献   

Review: Safe and sustainable groundwater supply in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exploitation of groundwater has greatly increased since the 1970s to meet the increased water demand due to fast economic development in China. Correspondingly, the regional groundwater level has declined substantially in many areas of China. Water sources are scarce in northern and northwestern China, and the anthropogenic pollution of groundwater has worsened the situation. Groundwater containing high concentrations of geogenic arsenic, fluoride, iodine, and salinity is widely distributed across China, which has negatively affected safe supply of water for drinking and other purposes. In addition to anthropogenic contamination, the interactions between surface water and groundwater, including seawater intrusion, have caused deterioration of groundwater quality. The ecosystem and geo-environment have been severely affected by the depletion of groundwater resources. Land subsidence due to excessive groundwater withdrawal has been observed in more than 50 cities in China, with a maximum accumulated subsidence of 2–3 m. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems are being degraded due to changes in the water table or poor groundwater quality. This paper reviews these changes in China, which have occurred under the impact of rapid economic development. The effects of economic growth on groundwater systems should be monitored, understood and predicted to better protect and manage groundwater resources for the future.  相似文献   

山西是一个资源大省、传统的粗放型经济增长模式给这个环境承载力本来就有限的区域造成了严重的环境污染和生态破坏。应该抓住经济增长模式变粗放型为集约型的大好机遇,采用先进工艺,推行清洁生产并施以强化管理,实现废物最少化。  相似文献   

中国北方岩溶地下水污染分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,受气候变化和强烈人类活动的影响,环境物质及能量多频次、大范围的输入,极大程度上改变着岩溶水系统的水环境质量,岩溶水生态环境遭受不同程度的威胁和破坏,岩溶水水质日趋恶化。本文归纳分析了我国北方岩溶水系统水质特征、污染现状、污染来源及污染途径。我国北方岩溶水水质类型中硫酸盐型水和氯化物型水的分布逐渐增加,主要污染组分为总硬度、SO42-、F-、NO3-和TDS等。其中硫酸盐和硝酸盐污染强度和范围最大,呈现出显著的人类活动影响特征。依据我国北方岩溶系统结构及水力学特征,将岩溶水污染途径概括为:①连续入渗型——主要包括岩溶区地表水(河流、水库等)渗漏污染,城镇污水渠或排污管道破损引起的污水渗漏污染;②越流型污染——污染孔/裂隙水(含矿坑水/老窑积水等)越流污染岩溶水;③间歇入渗型——固废淋溶入渗和污水灌溉渗漏污染等。据此提出了推进岩溶水水资源保护和污染防治的合理化建议。   相似文献   

区域污染物排放总量分配是水污染总量控制的重要内容,分配合理与否将直接影响总量控制工作成效。以陆域排污-水体水质响应空间单元为基础,构建了综合考虑水环境质量、排污及污染治理水平、区域经济实力等因素的总量分配指标体系,提出一套单元的水污染物总量分配综合权重系数计算方法。并将该方法应用于北京市,结果表明本方法较好地解决了目前分配方法中总量目标与水质改善需求衔接不足、分配指标体系过于单一的问题。  相似文献   

保护水资源是山西工农业经济发展的首要条件,功能区的划分,从计划、规划和水环境容量多角度考虑,为有前提、有目标、有标准的进行水资源管理与保护提供了科学依据和措施,是解决山西水源污染,缓解水源危机的根本举措。所确立的功能目标实现后,不但能达到控制污染的目的,而且也会产生可观的环境、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

针对榆林地区水资源相对贫乏,煤炭资源不合理的开采对地下水资源造成巨大破坏,严重威胁着该地区的可持续发展的问题,应用系统工程方法,将水资源放在社会、经济、资源、生态、环境所组成的复合系统中进行整体研究,构建地下地下水资源-生态环境-社会经济系统模型,可以为水资源的优化配置、开发利用规划、管理决策、落实最严格的水资源管理制度提供技术支撑。分析结果表明榆林地区在水资源、环境和经济目前处于不协调阶段,经济发展较快,但水资源相对贫乏,经济的发展对环境造成很大有破环并且对于环境的治理和保护投入的资金较少,采矿区水资源污染较为严重。  相似文献   

趵突泉泉域岩溶水典型污染组分变化特征及污染途径   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
孙斌  邢立亭  李常锁 《中国岩溶》2018,37(6):810-818
济南趵突泉水闻名天下,自20世纪50年代以来岩溶地下水水质发生较大变化。利用收集与实测的近60年的水化学数据,选取矿化度、NO3-、SO42-、Cl-典型水化学指标,结合水文地质条件及人类活动影响,对山前三个典型富水地段岩溶地下水化学变化特征进行研究,并揭示泉域西部、中部、东部三个富水地段岩溶水水质污染途径。结果表明,1986年以前,三富水地段水质变化特征相似,均呈小幅增长趋势,而1986年以后差异显著。其中,西部富水地段除90年代以外,岩溶水中典型污染组分含量总体涨幅较小,地下水主要污染途径为点源—表流阶段入渗型;中部富水地段岩溶水中典型污染组分呈稳步增长趋势,地下水主要污染途径为面源—降雨间歇入渗型;东部富水地段岩溶水中常规离子组分涨幅最大,地下水主要污染途径为点源—开采越流入渗型。研究结果对泉域三个富水地段岩溶地下水保护具有重要指导意义。   相似文献   

基于污染损失率的呼伦湖功能损害程度量化评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以呼伦湖为研究区,根据2008年冰封期与非冰封期实测水质资料,运用水污染损失率为基础的评价方法,对呼伦湖湖泊使用功能损害程度进行评价,结果表明:无论是冰封期还是非冰封期呼伦湖水已不适宜作为饮用水源和游泳用水,作为渔业养殖用水、居住环境用水及农业灌溉用水其水质还是可以的,但旅游娱乐用水功能损害方面为中污染、中损害,并接近重污染、重损害水平,湖泊功能整体损害程度比较严重.  相似文献   

为更好的探究聚类分析在地下水环境评价中的应用,结合重庆市藻渡水库工程,采用系统聚类法分析了水库枢纽和库区位置的地下水监测点与周围煤矿污染源之间的相互关系,运用灰色聚类法和改进的灰色聚类法对地下水监测点进行综合评价,并分析了两种方法的优缺点。最终将17个地下水监测点划分为未超标天然地下水和受煤矿开采污染的地下水两大类,分析了污染物来源并评价了污染程度,为藻渡水库工程的地下水污染防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

J. Bi  C. Yu 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):9-15
Considering the concept of cost-of-remediation (COR), water indices such as a quality index, a hazard index and a risk index are established to describe the water pollution in China. Sustainability analysis associated with water pollution is also addressed. The spatial variations of these indices in different provinces and the related reasons are considered. It is obvious that water pollution is mainly caused by the economic development, though economic development does not always bring higher risks.  相似文献   

基于系统聚类分析的西部地区环境污染程度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会经济的不断发展,环境污染问题在西部地区经济发展中越来越凸显出来,不同省区受到不同程度的影响.同时,不同地区的环境污染问题有一定的相似性.应用系统聚类分析方法,通过提炼选取11类指标,对西部地区12省区环境污染程度的距离相似情况进行了评价.结果表明:贵州、甘肃、广西、云南、重庆和陕西等省区的距离相似归为第一类聚类;内蒙古和四川归为第二类聚类;西藏、宁夏和青海等省区的距离相似属于第三类聚类;新疆归为第四类聚类.要处理好生态系统和社会经济发展之间的关系,需要对二者进行协调,并坚持走可持续发展的道路.  相似文献   

我国农村水环境非点源污染研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
董维红 《世界地质》2002,21(1):57-62
农业非点源污染是导致水质污染最主要原因之一。我国农村非点源污染研究之初采用的研究方法主要有两种,一种是应用与水文模型紧密相关的模型来模拟和估算非点源污染负荷;另一种是通用土壤流失法。最近又提出了一种简便易用的流域非点源污染负荷估算方法-平均浓度法。将农业非点源污染负荷与3S技术结合、与水质模型对接用于流域水质管理成为农业非点源污染研究的新生长点。近年来,农村非点源污染研究也开始探索非点源污染负荷与河流水质模型接口问题。  相似文献   

为研究城市化作用下的岩溶区地下水水质演变状况,基于2008-2012年对老龙洞地下河的pH值、电导率、水温、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-、PO43-等水物理化学指标的连续监测,分析了老龙洞地下河流域水质的演变趋势,并对2011年8月的单场降雨条件下地下河水质的动态变化进行主成分分析(PCA)。结果表明,在城市化过程中,地下河水Na+、Cl-、PO43-、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-等离子浓度受人类活动影响而明显上升,NO3-、SO42-浓度则因为城市化效应增强和农业活动强度的降低而下降。老龙洞地下河水补给来源复杂,其中碳酸盐岩地质背景、人类活动及水土流失对地下河水质变化起着决定作用。城市化水平的提高、区域环境的变化,使得老龙洞地下河的水质也处于不断变化中,从硝酸盐、硫酸盐的年际变化看,地下河水质已有较大改善。   相似文献   

This paper analyses the temporal dynamics and spatial trends in water quality changes in the Elbe River basin in the context of the post-socialist economic transition of the Czech Republic (Czechia). During the 1990s, the Czech portion of the Elbe River Basin underwent significant changes in the quality of surface waters. After a long period of massive discharges of pollution, which reached a peak at the end of the 1980s, a reduction in effluent from industrial and municipal sources led to a substantial decrease in the pollution of the Elbe River and its principal tributaries. The scope and speed of such water quality changes was unprecedented in Czechia as well as throughout Europe. The classification of the spatial distribution of water quality trends revealed that the majority of streams in the Czech Elbe River basin displayed improvement of surface water quality. However, the decrease in pollution levels was spatially concentrated mainly in the Elbe River and its main tributaries. Many of the peripheral streams are, on the contrary, experiencing deteriorating water quality, even in regions where water quality improved in the early 1990s because of a decline in local economic activity associated with political changes in the former Eastern Block countries. Further improvements in water quality are thus dependent on measures adopted across the entire river basin, including the numerous minor streams. The current economic revival in a number of regions where decreases in water pollution were not based on systematic pollution reduction measures, but only on the decline of industrial or agricultural production, may result in a return to deteriorating water quality, primarily in the outer regions of the catchment.  相似文献   

岩溶城镇区人类活动对地下水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重庆市南山老龙洞地下河流域为研究单元,通过主成分分析和实地调查,研究该区域人类活动对岩溶地下水水质的影响,并探讨污染物的来源。结果表明,受城镇区人类活动影响,老龙洞地下河流域地下水 NO3--N和PO43--P污然最为严重,按 GB5749-2006规定,研究区的地下水已不可作为饮用水源。老龙洞地下河水NO3--N含量逐年在减少,而PO43--P却在增加,赵家院子泉水PO43--P增长也十分迅速,老龙洞地下河流域地下水受城镇化影响越来越明显。老龙洞地下河水受城镇人类活动、工业活动、农业活动的共同影响,污染比泉水严重。老龙洞地下河中NO3-和SO42-含量的减少,说明采取一些积极的措施,地下水的污染是可以得到治理的。  相似文献   

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