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IPCC《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》评估了全球和区域海洋的气候变化及其对生态系统和人类社会的影响、风险及应对措施。结果表明,近几十年来,海洋的物理和化学性质发生了明显变化,如升温、酸化、脱氧和营养盐减少等气候致灾因子(事件)的危害(险)性不断加剧(高信度)。这种变化正在影响从上层到底层的海洋生态系统和人类社会的可持续发展,如海洋初级生产力的下降、物种地理分布的变迁、渔业资源潜在渔获量的下降以及食品供应的减少(高信度)。在气候变化与非气候人为干扰因素的综合影响下,随着温室气体排放的增加(从RCP2.6到RCP8.5情景),到21世纪末,几乎所有类型的海洋和海岸带生态系统将处于高或很高的风险水平(高信度);其中,暖水珊瑚礁生态系统尤其严重,如果全球升温1.5℃和2℃,将分别消失70%~90%和99%以上(很高信度)。然而,当前多种减缓气候变化的海洋应对措施的作用较小,有的可能带来生态危险,而许多降低气候风险的海洋适应措施的作用也很有限,特别是在RCP8.5情景下的作用更小;未来海洋生态系统的风险水平在RCP2.6情景下均低于RCP8.5情景(很高信度)。因此,这凸显了减缓气候变化尤其是减缓和适应气候变化综合治理的重要性。  相似文献   

IPCC第六次评估报告第一工作组报告第九章综合评估了与海平面相关的最新监测和数值模拟结果,指出目前(2006—2018年)的海平面上升速率处于加速状态(3.7 mm/a),并会在未来持续上升,且呈现不可逆的趋势。其中低排放情景(SSP1-1.9)和高排放情景(SSP5-8.5)下,到2050年,预估全球平均海平面(GMSL)分别上升0.15~0.23 m和0.20~0.30 m;到2100年,预估GMSL分别上升0.28~0.55 m和0.63~1.02 m。南极冰盖不稳定性是影响未来海平面上升预估的最大不确定性来源之一。区域海平面变化是影响沿海极端静水位的重要因素。  相似文献   

利用CMIP5耦合模式RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景预估结果,以1890一1900年为基准气候,确定了2℃全球变暖时间、对应时期青藏高原平均气候和极端气候事件变化幅度,多模式集合平均结果表明:RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2℃全球变暖分别发生在2063年、2040年和2036年;对应着2℃全球变暖,三种情景下青藏高原平均气温分别升高2.99℃、3.22℃和3.28℃,均超过全球2℃的升温水平;年降水量亦增加,分别增加8.35%、7.16%和7.63%。受气温升高和降水量增多影响,RCP4.5情景下霜冻日数、冰封日数减少,暖夜日数、暖昼日数增多;RCP4.5情景下中雨日数、强降水量、降水强度均增加,持续干期天数减少。从各地平均气候和极端气候事件变化结果来看,柴达木盆地是青藏高原气候变化的敏感区。  相似文献   

工业革命以来,大气中温室气体不断增加,驱动了全球变暖。IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)指出,人类排放的温室气体导致的地球系统能量增加中90%以上都被海洋吸收,使得海洋增暖,海洋热含量增加。IPCC最新发布的《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》(SROCC)发现:自1970年以来,几乎确定海洋上层2000 m在持续增暖。1993—2017年间的增暖速率至少为1969—1993年的2倍,体现出显著的变暖增强趋势。此外,在20世纪90年代以后,2000 m以下的深海也已观测到了变暖信号,尤其是在南大洋(30°S以南)。在1970—2017年间,南大洋上层2000 m储存了全球海洋约35%~43%的热量,在2005—2017年期间增加到45%~62%。基于耦合气候模型预估,几乎可确定海洋将在21世纪持续增暖,2018—2100年间海洋热含量上升幅度可能是1970—2017年间的5~7倍(RCP8.5情景)或2~4倍(RCP2.6情景)。变暖导致的热膨胀效应贡献了1993年以来全球海平面上升的约43%。  相似文献   

淮河流域水文极值预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索气候变化影响下水文极值的非平稳性和预测方法,建立了水文极值非平稳广义极值(GEV)分布的统计预测模型。利用1952-2010年淮河上游流域累计面雨量和流量年最大值资料、同期500 hPa环流特征量资料以及17个CMIP5模式对环流特征量的模拟结果,筛选出对水文极值影响显著的年平均北半球极涡强度指数作为GEV分布参数的预测因子。分析了在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2006-2050年淮河上游流域水文极值对气候变化的响应。结果表明,10年以下与10年以上重现期的水文极值在非平稳过程中呈现前者下降而后者上升的相反变化趋势;多模型预测的集合平均在未来情景中均呈现上升趋势,情景排放量越大增幅越大,重现期越长增幅也越大。与极值的常态相比,极值的极端态更易受气候变化影响。  相似文献   

2019年9月,IPCC正式发布《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》(SROCC),这是IPCC首次以高山地区与极区冰冻圈和海洋为主题的评估报告。报告全面评估气候变化背景下海洋和冰冻圈变化及其广泛影响与风险,其核心结论包括:气候系统变暖背景下高山地区和极区的冰冻圈普遍退缩,未来冰冻圈将继续消融,高山地区和极区将面临更高的灾害风险;20世纪70年代以来全球海洋持续增暖,未来海洋将继续变暖、加速酸化,影响海洋生物多样性并危及海洋生态系统服务功能和人类社会;近几十年全球平均海平面加速上升,未来数百年海平面仍将持续上升,极端海面事件频发将加剧沿海地区社会-生态系统的灾害风险。报告强调,采取及时、积极、协调和持久的适应与减缓行动,是有效应对海洋和冰冻圈变化,实现气候恢复力发展路径和可持续发展目标的关键所在。本研究认为,需要高度重视海洋和冰冻圈在气候系统变化中的长期和不可逆影响,强化应对气候变化紧迫性认识;高度重视我国冰冻圈和沿海地区面临的气候风险,强化适应能力建设;推动我国牵头的国际大科学计划,强化跨学科、跨领域协同创新,持续提升我国在相关领域的国际影响力和科技支撑能力。  相似文献   

研究地球工程对海洋酸化的影响对于评估地球工程对全球气候和环境的影响有重要意义。文中使用中等复杂程度的地球系统模式,模拟了典型CO2高排放情景RCP8.5下,实施太阳辐射管理地球工程对海洋表面的pH和文石(碳酸钙的一种亚稳形态)饱和度的影响,并定量分析了各环境因子对海洋酸化影响的机理。模拟结果表明,在RCP8.5情景下,到2100年,相对于工业革命前水平,全球海洋表面平均pH下降了0.43,文石饱和度下降了1.77。相对于RCP8.5情景,2100年地球工程情景下全球海洋表面平均pH增加了0.003,而文石饱和度降低了0.16。地球工程通过改变溶解无机碳、碱度、温度等环境因子影响海洋酸化。相对于RCP8.5情景,实施地球工程引起的溶解无机碳浓度的增加使pH和文石饱和度均减小,碱度的增加使pH和文石饱和度均增大,温度的降低使pH增大而使文石饱和度减小。总体而言,太阳辐射管理地球工程可以降低全球温度,但无法减缓海洋酸化。  相似文献   

利用国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)中的21个气候模式的RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景预估结果,分析了全球变暖1.5℃和2℃阈值时青藏高原气温年和季节的变化特征。结果表明,对应1.5℃和2℃全球变暖,青藏高原变暖幅度明显更大,就整体而言,在RCP4.5/RCP8.5情景下,高原区域平均的平均、最高、最低气温变暖分别为2.11℃/2.10℃和2.96℃/2.85℃、2.02℃/2.02℃和2.89℃/2.77℃、2.34℃/2.34℃和3.20℃/3.14℃,冬季平均气温的变暖幅度(2.19℃/2.31℃和3.13℃/3.05℃)较其他季节更大;从空间分布形势上看,年变暖呈西南高东北低的分布,而春、冬变暖呈南高北低的分布,夏、秋变暖则呈西高东低的分布。到达同一温升阈值时,RCP4.5与RCP8.5情景下高原气温的响应也存在区域差异。高原年与各季平均气温对全球变暖1.5℃与2℃的响应差异均>0.5℃,其中冬季最明显,区域平均差异可达0.94℃,局地差异超过1.1℃。  相似文献   

<正>由于全球海平面的变化与海洋热容量的变化和海洋与陆地冰盖(或冰川)的融化密切相关,因此全球海平面变化是衡量全球气候变化的重要指标。IPCC第五次科学评估报告继续强调,全球变暖和全球海平面上升密切相关[1]。但是,由于海洋观测资料的获取困难和气候模式的不确定性等因素,提出对全球变暖与海平面上升有必要进行更深入的研究,近年世界气候研究计划(WCRP)召开了海平面变化研讨会[2],给出了自IPCC第五次评估报告以来的进展,由于研究涉及的领域宽  相似文献   

以全球气候模式NorESM1-M产生的RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0、RCP8.5气候变化情景数据和原环保部推荐的土壤风蚀扬尘计算方法,模拟分析了未来气候变化对河北坝上砂粘壤土、粘壤土、壤粘土、砂壤土、砂粘土和风沙土草地土壤风蚀扬尘总可悬浮颗粒物(Total Suspended Particle,TSP)、PM10和PM2.5的季节及年排放速率的影响。结果表明:气候变化影响下坝上地区气温上升,年降水量和风速波动较大、并存在上升和下降的趋势。相比基准情景,在RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下,各土壤风蚀扬尘TSP、PM10和PM2.5季节排放速率在春季分别高15%、47%、28%和46%;秋季分别高17%、54%、45%和38%;冬季分别低36%、42%、39%和44%;夏季,在RCP2.6情景下低1%,在RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下分别高14%、3%和7%;未来气候变化情景下,各土壤风蚀扬尘TSP、PM10和PM2.5年排放速率分别高25%、54%、35%和54%。基准和未来气候变化情景下,土壤风蚀扬尘TSP、PM10和PM2.5的季节和年排放速率及其差异从高到低均依次为砂粘壤土、风沙土、砂壤土、粘壤土、壤粘土和砂粘土。表明未来气候变化将使河北坝上地区草地土壤风蚀扬尘排放速率增加,但存在季节和气候变化情景方面的差异。  相似文献   

To reveal the steric sea level change in 20th century historical climate simulations and future climate change projections under the IPCC’s Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) scenario, the results of two versions of LASG/IAP’s Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS) are analyzed. Both models reasonably reproduce the mean dynamic sea level features, with a spatial pattern correlation coefficient of 0.97 with the observation. Characteristics of steric sea level changes in the 20th century historical climate simulations and RCP8.5 scenario projections are investigated. The results show that, in the 20th century, negative trends covered most parts of the global ocean. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, global-averaged steric sea level exhibits a pronounced rising trend throughout the 21st century and the general rising trend appears in most parts of the global ocean. The magnitude of the changes in the 21st century is much larger than that in the 20th century. By the year 2100, the global-averaged steric sea level anomaly is 18 cm and 10 cm relative to the year 1850 in the second spectral version of FGOALS (FGOALS-s2) and the second grid-point version of FGOALS (FGOALS-g2), respectively. The separate contribution of the thermosteric and halosteric components from various ocean layers is further evaluated. In the 20th century, the steric sea level changes in FGOALS-s2 (FGOALS-g2) are largely attributed to the thermosteric (halosteric) component relative to the pre-industrial control run. In contrast, in the 21st century, the thermosteric component, mainly from the upper 1000 m, dominates the steric sea level change in both models under the RCP8.5 scenario. In addition, the steric sea level change in the marginal sea of China is attributed to the thermosteric component.  相似文献   

Against a background of climate change, Macau is very exposed to sea level rise(SLR) because of its low elevation,small size, and ongoing land reclamation. Therefore, we evaluate sea level changes in Macau, both historical and, especially,possible future scenarios, aiming to provide knowledge and a framework to help accommodate and protect against future SLR. Sea level in Macau is now rising at an accelerated rate: 1.35 mm yr-1over 1925–2010 and jumping to 4.2 mm yr-1over 1970–2010, which outpaces the rise in global mean sea level. In addition, vertical land movement in Macau contributes little to local sea level change. In the future, the rate of SLR in Macau will be about 20% higher than the global average, as a consequence of a greater local warming tendency and strengthened northward winds. Specifically, the sea level is projected to rise 8–12, 22–51 and 35–118 cm by 2020, 2060 and 2100, respectively, depending on the emissions scenario and climate sensitivity. Under the +8.5 W m-2Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP8.5) scenario the increase in sea level by2100 will reach 65–118 cm—double that under RCP2.6. Moreover, the SLR will accelerate under RCP6.0 and RCP8.5, while remaining at a moderate and steady rate under RCP4.5 and RCP2.6. The key source of uncertainty stems from the emissions scenario and climate sensitivity, among which the discrepancies in SLR are small during the first half of the 21 st century but begin to diverge thereafter.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone heat potential (TCHP) in the ocean can affect tropical cyclone intensity and intensification. In this paper, TCHP change under global warming is presented based on 35 models from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5). As the upper ocean warms up, the TCHP of the global ocean is projected to increase by 140.6% in the 21st century under the RCP4.5 (+4.5 W m-2 Representative Concentration Pathway) scenario. The increase is particularly significant in the western Pacific, northwestern Indian and western tropical Atlantic oceans. The increase of TCHP results from the ocean temperature warming above the depth of the 26°C isotherm (D26), the deepening of D26, and the horizontal area expansion of SST above 26°C. Their contributions are 69.4%, 22.5% and 8.1%, respectively. Further, a suite of numerical experiments with an Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) is conducted to investigate the relative importance of wind stress and buoyancy forcing to the TCHP change under global warming. Results show that sea surface warming is the dominant forcing for the TCHP change, while wind stress and sea surface salinity change are secondary.  相似文献   

Global Warming and Coastal Erosion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
One of the most certain consequences of global warming is an increase of global (eustatic) sea level. The resulting inundation from rising seas will heavily impact low-lying areas; at least 100 million persons live within one meter of mean sea level and are at increased risk in the coming decades. The very existence of some island states and deltaic coasts is threatened by sea level rise. An additional threat affecting some of the most heavily developed and economically valuable real estate will come from an exacerbation of sandy beach erosion. As the beach is lost, fixed structures nearby are increasingly exposed to the direct impact of storm waves, and will ultimately be damaged or destroyed unless expensive protective measures are taken. It has long been speculated that the underlying rate of long-term sandy beach erosion is two orders of magnitude greater than the rate of rise of sea level, so that any significant increase of sea level has dire consequences for coastal inhabitants. We present in this paper an analytical treatment that indicates there is a highly multiplicative association between long-term sandy beach erosion and sea level rise, and use a large and consistent data base of shoreline position field data to show that there is reasonable quantitative agreement with observations of 19th and 20th century sea levels and coastal erosion. This result means that the already-severe coastal erosion problems witnessed in the 20th century will be exacerbated in the 21st century under plausible global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

使用UVic地球系统气候模式,在4种CO2典型浓度路径(RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0、RCP8.5)情景下,对1800-2300年海洋环境变化及珊瑚礁周围海水环境进行模拟分析。结果表明,海洋将继续吸收大量碳,从RCP2.6到RCP8.5情景,海表温度将在21世纪末上升1.1~2.8 K,pH值将下降0.14~0.42,[CO32- ]将减少20%~51%。珊瑚礁周围环境的文石饱和度(W)下降迅速。在工业革命前,99%的浅水珊瑚处于W>3.5的外环境中,87%的深水珊瑚处于W>1的海域。在21世纪末,除了RCP2.6,其他情景下均仅剩不到1%的浅水珊瑚还能被W>3.5的水域包围。在RCP8.5情景下,21世纪末全球平均文石饱和线将从工业革命前的1138 m水深提升到308 m水深,使得73%的冷水珊瑚暴露在不饱和水域,而2300年这一比例将超过95%。  相似文献   

利用CMIP5耦合气候模式的模拟结果,分析了不同排放情景下1.5℃和2℃升温阈值出现的时间。多模式集合平均结果表明:RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下,全球地表温度将分别在2029年、2028年和2025年达到1.5℃升温阈值;RCP2.6情景下直至21世纪末期都未达到2℃升温阈值,RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下达到2℃升温阈值的时间分别为2048年和2040年。伴随着排放情景的升高,完成从1.5℃升温阈值到2℃升温阈值所需要的时间缩短。区域尺度上,达到同一升温阈值的时间主要表现为陆地比海洋早,且陆地对排放情景差异的敏感性相对较差,而海洋达到升温阈值的时间则随着排放情景的升高而明显提前。中国达到相应升温阈值的时间要早于全球,且以东北和西北地区出现的时间最早。  相似文献   

鉴于热带气旋(TC)对我国沿海地区的影响,研究全球变暖背景下未来登陆我国TC活动的变化,对于我国沿海地区的防灾减灾具有重要意义。基于CMIP5中全球气候模式HadGEM2-ES数据,文中利用区域气候模式RegCM4开展了历史时期和3种情景(RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5)下未来东亚区域气候的动力降尺度模拟,检验了模式对历史登陆我国TC活动及其相关大尺度环境场的模拟能力,并预估了3种情景下2030—2039年、2050—2059年和2089—2098年,登陆我国TC的路径、强度和频率的变化特征。结果表明:模式能合理地再现东亚区域历史时期(1986—2005年)大气环流场的空间结构以及登陆我国TC的特征;在3种情景下未来登陆我国TC的平均强度和数量均有不同程度的增加,尤其是台风及以上级别TC的总数明显增加,其中RCP8.5情景最突出,到21世纪末期(2089—2098年)登陆我国TC的平均强度、台风及以上级别TC总数的年平均值较历史时期将分别增加7.56%和1.05个;不同情景下未来登陆我国TC的路径均有不同程度的北移趋势,且全球升温的幅度越大,北移趋势越明显,这可能与未来中国近海显著变暖和垂直风切变减弱有关。未来我国沿海地区尤其是中高纬度很可能将面临日益严峻的TC灾害风险,亟需尽快开展防灾减灾及对策研究。  相似文献   

We present climate responses of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) using the coupled climate model HadGEM2-AO for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5). The RCPs are selected as standard scenarios for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and these scenarios include time paths for emissions and concentrations of greenhouse gas and aerosols and land-use/land cover. The global average warming and precipitation increases for the last 20 years of the 21st century relative to the period 1986-2005 are +1.1°C/+2.1% for RCP2.6, +2.4°C/+4.0% for RCP4.5, +2.5°C/+3.3% for RCP6.0 and +4.1°C/+4.6% for RCP8.5, respectively. The climate response on RCP 2.6 scenario meets the UN Copenhagen Accord to limit global warming within two degrees at the end of 21st century, the mitigation effect is about 3°C between RCP2.6 and RCP8.5. The projected precipitation changes over the 21st century are expected to increase in tropical regions and at high latitudes, and decrease in subtropical regions associated with projected poleward expansions of the Hadley cell. Total soil moisture change is projected to decrease in northern hemisphere high latitudes and increase in central Africa and Asia whereas near-surface soil moisture tends to decrease in most areas according to the warming and evaporation increase. The trend and magnitude of future climate extremes are also projected to increase in proportion to radiative forcing of RCPs. For RCP 8.5, at the end of the summer season the Arctic is projected to be free of sea ice.  相似文献   

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