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A new species belonging to the genus Haloschizopera Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae, Diosaccinae) was identifi ed based on the samples collected from the East China Sea, near the off shore of Zhejiang Province, East China. The new species is closely related to H . pygmaea Norman & Sccot T., 1905 and shares a combination of the following features: A1 eight-segmented;A2 exp-2 with one distal seta, exp-3 with three setae;P1 endopodal segments subequal, enp-1 not exceeding exp-2;exp-3 of P3 with one inner seta, of P4 with two inner setae. The new species is characterized by the presence of one inner seta on P2 exp-3 of both sexes. It can also be distinguished from its congeners by the characters of female: P5 exopod subcircular, endopodal lobe extending beyond half-length of exopod;genital doublesomite ornamented with three dorsolateral rows of spinules on anterior part.  相似文献   

施之新 《海洋与湖沼》1998,29(3):261-268
于1975-1985年,相继在湖北、湖南、云南和陕西等省进行淡水藻类标本的采集,然后进行裸藻门分类研究,发现了裸藻类的新分类单位。它们是无色裸藻类中2个属的10个新种类;隶属于变换藻属(Aatasia)的有5新种和1个7新变种,即梭形变胞藻(A.acus)、棒形变胞藻(A.clcviformis)、纺锤变胞藻(A.fusiformis)、梨形为胞藻(A.pyriformis)、矩形变胞藻(A.re  相似文献   

胶州湾滨海湿地的水禽多样性特征及保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在利用相对数量法进行水禽种群调查基础上,研究胶州湾滨海湿地水禽区系的构成及多样性特征.研究区共有水禽9目20科140种,区系的地理成分以古北界鸟类占绝对优势,季节型成分以冬候鸟和旅鸟为主,生活型成分以涉禽为主;在不同季节研究区水禽的优势种群不同,夏季鸥科和鹭科为优势种群,春、秋季鴴科、鹬科、鹭科为优势种群,冬季雁鸭类、鸥科为优势种群.与青岛市陆禽、鸣禽、猛禽、攀禽等鸟类相比,胶州湾滨海湿地水禽的多样性指数、均匀度指数最高,说明胶州湾滨海湿地对青岛市鸟类多样性保护非常重要,生境破坏是当前水禽多样性保护面临的主要问题,提出了水禽生境保护的对策.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚北苏拉威西蓝碧海峡浮游动物种类组成及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on oceanographic survey data in June 2012 in the Lembeh Strait, the zooplankton ecological characteristics such as species composition, individual abundance, dominant species and distribution were analyzed. The results showed that 183 species(including 4 sp.) had been recognized, most of them belonged to copepoda.Cnidaria followed with 43 species(including 1 sp.) were identified. The average abundance of zooplankton was(150.47±58.91) ind./m~3. As to the horizontal distribution, the abundance of the zooplankton was higher in the southern waters than in the northern waters. The dominant species in the study area were Lensia subtiloides,Sagitta enflata, Lucifer intermedius, Oikopleura rufescens, Diphyes chamissoni, Creseis acicula, Subeucalanus subcrassus, Temora discaudata, Aglaura hemistoma, Doliolum denticulatum, Canthocalanus pauper, Oikopleura longicauda and Nanomia bijuga. Zooplankton biodiversity indexes were higher in study area than previous study in the other regions. The findings from this study provide important baseline information for future research and monitoring programs.  相似文献   

This first survey of fish in the Betty's Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA), on the south coast of South Africa, was conducted using baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs). A total of 58 deployments recorded 42 species in 20?km2, including reef, kelp and sand habitats in protected and exploited zones, at between 5 and 40?m depth. Chondrichthyans accounted for 28% of diversity. Teleost diversity was dominated by Sparidae, Cheilodactylidae, Sciaenidae and Ariidae. Diversity (H′) was highest in kelp and lowest over sand. Species composition differed among habitat and depths, but protection had no effect. Among four commercial species, only Pachymetopon blochii responded positively to protection. The apparent failure of protection may attest to poor compliance, but an investigation into fish size might show an effect. Many species were detected at the western extreme of their range. Diversity in Betty's Bay was predictably lower than in the more eastward Stilbaai MPA, but also lower than in the westward Table Mountain National Park MPA. Fish diversity did not follow a linear increase eastwards from Cape Point. Betty's Bay includes the most easterly protected kelp forests and contains seven species not recorded in the other two areas, and is therefore an important element in the MPA network.  相似文献   

中国近海团水虱科种类记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团水虱科(Sphaeromatidae)是甲壳动物等足目中最常见的类群之一。它们的地理分布范围很广,淡水、半咸水、潮间带及1800m的深海均有分布。通常营自由生活,在木头中钻洞、泥沙里、礁石下、海藻丛中以及海绵动物的孔隙中均可生活。 团水虱科的种类雌、雄异型,幼体时雌、雄的区别不太明显,随着个体的成长,雌、雄差异越来越大。雄性个体通常大于雌性个体,而且雄性个体体表往往比雌性个体体表具有更多的突起或刚毛。雄性个体可通过精荚以及位于第2腹肢内肢的雄性附肢来识别,雌性个体可以通过孵卵片或育卵室来识别。由于团水虱科种类雌、雄两性通常异型,加之幼体、成体的形态差别特别大,因而同一种的不同性别或发育的不同时期常被误认为是两个种,甚至两个属。 目前,世界上已报道的团水虱科共93属634种,国内过去仅有零星报道,尚缺乏系统研究。本文作者在对中国科学院海洋研究所历年采集的等足类标本进行整理时,分检出团水虱科12种,分隶于8属,其中5种为中国新记录,这些标本大部分来源于全国海洋综合调查(1958~1960年)和潮间带及沿岸调查。其种类名称如下(带*者为中国海域新记录种)。  相似文献   

缩头水虱科(Cymothoidae)是甲壳动物等足目中重要的类群,迄今共发现42属347种,广泛分布在世界各地的淡水或海洋中。由于它们主要营寄生生活,寄生在鱼类的体表、口腔或鳃腔,因此,鱼类的生长发育和繁殖受到了极大的影响。缩头水虱科的种通常雌、雄异型,且雌性个体往往较雄性个体大,这与它们寄生的生活习性相适应。不同种的雄性个体在形态上很接近甚至相同,因此在鉴定过程中主要根据成熟的雌性的特征来鉴别。另外,缩头水虱科中同一种的不同个体经常有形态上的差异,鉴定难度较大,因此此科的分类状况非常混乱,同物异名及名称误用的现象常有发生。我国对此科的研究较少,仅有零星记载,缺少系统研究。本文作者对保存在中国科学院海洋研究所标本馆内的6属10种标本进行了鉴定和描述,其中7种为我国首次记录。名录如下(其中带*为我国新记录种):  相似文献   

种的概念及种的界定与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种是生物学研究中的基本单位,但是种的概念和种的界定却一直是个难题。有关种的探讨延续了几个世纪,种概念的争论也持续了半个多世纪,但是至今仍无定论。种的界定近年来已成为种问题研究的焦点。尽管已提出了多种方法,但由于没有统一的种的概念,种的界定也一直没有标准的原则和统一的方法。种的鉴定随着DNA分类和DNA条形码的提出受到了越来越多的关注。快速准确的种鉴定/界定可以为分类、物种多样性以及遗传演化等研究提供有力的支持。本文综述了种的概念、种的界定和种的鉴定,主要评价了DNA条形码及整合分类法在种鉴定/界定中的应用。  相似文献   

利用2003年6月和2006年6月在长江口及邻近海域进行的两次大面调查所采集的浮游动物网采样品,对长江口及邻近海域水母类的种类组成、优势种、数量分布及生态类群等进行了探讨。结果表明:研究水域共记录水母类77种,其中水螅水母60种,管水母12种,钵水母1种,栉水母4种。优势种有:五角水母(Muggiaea atlantica),双生水母(Diphyes chamissonis),拟细浅室水母(Lensia subti-loides),四叶小舌水母(Liriope tetraphylla),两手筐水母(Solmundella bitentachlata),嵊山秀氏水母(Sugiura chengshanense)和瓜水母(Bere cucumis)等。其中水螅水母类的优势种存在较大的年际变化,2003年为嵊山秀氏水母,2006年为四叶小舌水母和两手筐水母。研究水域内水母类平面分布不均匀,2003年平均丰度为13.3个/m3,除在长江口外存在一个由河口低盐种贝氏拟线水母(Nemopsis bachei)大量聚集形成的高值区外,在舟山群岛南部还存在一个密集中心;2006年水母类丰度略有上升,平均丰度为16.0个/m3,与2003年相比,其密集中心向东北部偏移。2006年6月研究海域温、盐较2003年同期均大幅升高是造成两航次优势种类更替及水母类分布变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The production of resident (Pomatoschistus minutus and Pomatoschistus microps) and marine juvenile fish species using the Mondego estuary (central Portugal) as nursery grounds (Dicentrarchus labrax, Platichthys flesus, Solea solea), was assessed in order to: (1) understand the potential of the estuary for fish production; (2) know the production of nursery fish species likely to be exported to the coastal stocks; and (3) how anthropogenic and natural stress could influence the estimated production. Sampling occurred from June 2003 to May 2006 and together the 5 species in study comprised around 70% of the whole fish community numbers and biomass. Increasing drought conditions were observed, starting with a normal hydrological year in 2003 until attaining a severe drought in 2005, which resulted in low river discharges (1/3 of the mean river discharges in 2003). Additionally, high water temperatures were observed in 2003 and 2005 (24 and 26 °C, night temperatures). The secondary production was estimated using the increment summation method, after recognition of the cohorts. Production was in general lower in the Mondego estuary when compared to other systems, which was associated to the estuary's small area (only 3.4 km2, less than 1/4 of area compared to other studied systems). Dicentrarchus labrax was among the most productive species. Production decreased in the drought year for all species, especially evident for D. labrax, P. minutus and P. flesus. No direct effects could be attributable to the salinity and temperature variations and to the low freshwater discharges (resulting from the drought and high temperatures), yet these were pointed as probable major reasons for the decreased production. A significant reduction (15–45% reduction in the estuarine production) was also concluded for the potential production to be exported for coastal areas by the nursery species in the drought conditions.  相似文献   

于1988年,中国科学院南海海洋研究所在南沙群岛进行综合考察,在采集到的多毛类标本中,发现了背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia的一新种,其与代表种背褶沙蚕T.fauveli和东方背褶沙蚕T.orientalis在眼、双背须出现的刚节数以及背须的形状等有明显的区别,故定名为中华背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia sinica,模式标本保存于中国科学院南海海洋研究所。  相似文献   

It is known that the fauna of the exposed sandy beaches are primarily controlled by physical variables; but how these variables operate along and across the beach still remains fairly under discussion. In our study, we sampled a range of exposed sandy beaches along the Northwest coast of Spain to determine the relationship between the principal physical variables of the beaches (including beach morphodynamic state), and the macrofaunal community. The fauna of these beaches comprise truly marine species along the intertidal zone as well as semi-terrestrial species in the upper and supratidal environments. These two groups respond in a different manner to the physical environment. The first group is directly controlled by the morphodynamic state of the beach, and variations in the physical environment; the second group is not clearly affected by these physical conditions. In this case, other variables such as food availability and the human uses of the upper limits of the beach seem to be more relevant in explaining the patterns observed in the macrofaunal community.  相似文献   

本文审查了中国南海感棒水母科、触丝水母科、玛拉水母科和帽冠水母科有关种类。记述了二个新种:隆脊真唇水母,新种Eucheilota carinata sp.nov.和南海盐生水母,新种Halopsis nanhaiensis sp.nov.和二个新记录属种:十字胃水母Staurostoma sp.及阿弗罗八拟杯水母Octophialucium aphrodite(Bigelow,1928)。编制了触丝水母科和玛拉水母科所有已知属和分种的检索表。此外,还简介了中国南海感棒水母科、触丝水母科、玛拉水母科和帽冠水母科已知种类名录及分布。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   

蓝文陆  黄凌风  郭丰  潘科 《海洋学报》2005,27(6):131-137
2001年8月至2002年7月,对厦门岛东海岸黄厝沙滩底栖甲藻的种类组成和优势种的时空分布进行了为每月一次的调查,共鉴定甲藻种类46种,其中底栖种39种,常见种14种,优势种4种.Amphidinium britannicum和Adenoides sp.为冬春季优势种,Herdmania litoraris和Peri-dinium quinquecorne为夏秋优势种,优势种的季节更替比较明显.夏秋季节的种数多,冬春季节的种数少,细胞数量高峰出现在春夏季,秋冬两季数量很少,由夏季的200多个每克干沙减少到冬末的0~4个/g干沙;多样性指数和均匀度呈双峰型分布,峰值出现在10和2月,谷值出现在12月和7月.空间分布上,底栖甲藻的总细胞密度和优势种的细胞密度呈现由高潮带向中、低潮带增加的趋势.分析了影响厦门东海岸沙滩底栖甲藻时空分布的主要因素,并探讨了沙滩底栖甲藻与近岸赤潮及着色砂现象的关系.  相似文献   

Diatoms are a globally successful and eukaryotic photosynthetic organism with an ornamented silica external wall. The relationship between their valve morphology and habitat means that diatoms can be used as bioindicators to characterize the aquatic environment. To estimate the differential distribution and diversity of diatom assemblages along the coastal line, we collected phytoplankton samples from 114 coastal sites of waters of R. O. Korea. We applied the unweighted pair-group technique usin...  相似文献   

Sponges are sessile organisms capable of colonizing diverse substrata. In the Caribbean, coral reefs have suffered a drastic decline, and branching corals of the genus Acropora have been widely decimated. On dead coral skeletons and around surviving tissue the settling of sessile organisms can be observed, sponges being common. In order to investigate whether or not sponges have a preference for a particular species of coral, or for specific microhabitats of the colonies, we evaluated species composition, cover, richness and diversity of sponges colonizing the dead parts of still live colonies of the branching corals Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis in five locations of the Tayrona National Natural Park in the Colombian Caribbean. Ten colonies of Ac. palmata were quantified in each of the five locations, and eight Ac. cervicornis colonies in each of two locations. Quantification was carried out using video taken within 0.625‐m2 photoquadrats. Seventeen sponge species were found, 13 of them associated with Ac. palmata and seven with Ac. cervicornis. Desmapsamma anchorata, Clathria venosa and Scopalina rutzleri were found to be common to all Ac. palmata locations, while De. anchorata occurred in the two Ac. cervicornis locations. On Ac. palmata, encrusting sponges dominated, while on Ac. cervicornis branched and lobed sponges predominated. Significant differences in sponge cover were not found among locations but were observed in the sponge species present. On Ac. palmata the species with highest cover were D. anchorata and Cla. venosa, while on Ac. cervicornis it was De. anchorata. The richness and diversity of sponges were low for both coral species, and their varying distribution can be attributed to the differences in available substrate for attachment, given coral colony morphology; for Ac. palmata, sponges predominated on the underside of the branches, semi‐cryptic areas and colony bases, whereas for Ac. cervicornis, they were located over the entire area of the cylindrical branches. Surviving colonies of Ac. palmata and Ac. cervicornis that are still erect offer additional microhabitats for reef sponges, some of which can be found directly interacting with live coral tissue, further threatening their recovery.  相似文献   

黄土中铁的形态分布及其组合特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对采自陕西各地马兰黄土上部样品中8种形态铁和全铁含量以及碳酸盐、有机质、pH等有关因素分析,发现黄土中不同形态铁的含量差异很大。其中铝硅酸盐矿物铁、晶形铁和无定形铁是黄土中铁的主要存在形态,三者的含量合计可占全铁量的99.8%以上,其余代换态铁、松结有机铁、碳酸盐结合铁、氧化锰结合铁和紧结有机铁5者的含量合计不到全铁量的0.2%。黄土各形态铁的含量变化具有同步消长特征,而全铁含量是各形态铁含量的主要制约因素,在区域上黄土碳酸盐和全铁含量的极显著正相关关系主要与颗粒和矿物成分的变化有关,黄土有机质的积累过程不但有益于有机结合铁形成,同时亦有益于其他各形态铁以及全铁富集,而黄土的碱化作用过程不利于铁的形态分异。  相似文献   

匙指虾除少数为大型个体外,多数均为体长仅20-30mm的小型淡水虾类。在中国已报道有7属100多种。在检查多年来从全国各地收集的匙指虾标本中,发现有三个新种,现报道如下。  相似文献   

中国海域一些水螅水母类种类名的订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许振祖 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):197-204
本文订正了中国海水螅水母类分类学名31种,其中有3种新组合,例如青岛双手水母,新改级;厦门枝刺水母,改隶新组合;胶州和平水母,改级新组合。并报道一种我国新纪录的柯氏侧丝水母。  相似文献   

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