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李勇 《探矿工程》2016,43(11):48-51
郑州地区煤矿水文观测孔以前均在地面施工,由于施工和维护成本较高,近年来逐渐推广在井下施工。2013年国家煤矿安全监察局将《高压水探放技术与装备》列入《水害防治关键技术与装备研究课题》。随着井下钻探技术和装备日趋成熟,特别是井下专用探放水钻机、孔口防喷装置、松软破碎地层跟管钻进技术、硬岩层高效定向钻进技术等方面的难题相继被攻克,煤矿井下钻探已实现了安全型作业。针对井下钻探施工的特殊性,主要从水文观测孔施工难点和解决方法进行了详细阐述,包括设备选型、钻孔定位、破碎地层潜孔锤跟管钻进、固井和井控防喷以及成孔后酸化洗井等方面。  相似文献   

刘宪 《探矿工程》2011,38(12):18-21
境外钻探施工不但有施工技术方面的难题,更重要的是会遇到境外的施工环境、语言等诸多让人担忧让人却步的从未接触过的问题。介绍了在老挝巴勉岩金矿进行钻探施工遇到的各种难题及解决办法。  相似文献   

罗治奇 《探矿工程》2010,37(12):9-12
核废液的永久性处置是一个世界性难题,其技术和安全可靠性要求极高,因此,对处置场的勘察和钻探技术质量要求极严。我国某压裂场是强自然造斜地层,其场地勘察和监测井的钻探施工孔斜是关键难题。在处置场的勘察和γ监测井的钻探施工中,通过采取相应的防斜纠斜工艺和技术方法,取得了良好的防斜纠斜措施,达到了勘察和监测井设计要求的各项质量指标,保证了勘察和钻探施工质量。  相似文献   

介绍了与地勘钻机施工浅层气井配套的轻便防喷器,采用了可调式顶密封,组合式铁心艰及链轮轴承传动方式,具有设计合理,结构新颖,密封可靠,操作方便等特点。  相似文献   

江志安 《岩土工程技术》2009,23(5):268-270,F0003
针对胶济客运专线某段路基沉降加大的状况,提出以潜孔钻机开孔、以高压旋喷注浆加固地基的方案。在施工过程中,对高压旋喷注浆的工序进行合理打破常规的优化,既保证了既有铁路的运营安全,也保证了处理线路的质量,有效解决了本工程的难题。优化后的方案经过实践的检验,有进一步研究分析和推广的价值。  相似文献   

康定县地热资源丰富,但开发利用少,仅2008-2009年由四川省地质工程勘察院在中谷地区实施地热勘探井2口,钻探深度共计184.96m。DZK02井是部署在四川省雅拉河中上游热水塘区块地热资源大盖沟沟口雅拉河右岸一级阶地上的第一口预探井,设计井深2 000m。钻井施工主要面临地层倾角大、地层出水量大、温度高、岩性破碎等施工难题。施工队伍采用螺杆纠斜、清水控压等钻井工艺,圆满完成了该井的施工任务。为该地区地热水的开发利用进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

沿海复杂抛填地基处理一直是困扰地基施工的一大难题,介绍了第29届奥运会青岛帆船中心陆域工程媒体中心采用高压旋喷桩处理该类地基的成功实例,并对高压旋喷桩的设计和处理参数进行了论述。  相似文献   

张纯峰  孙贵生 《探矿工程》2012,39(Z2):209-212
随着岩心钻探向深部发展,作为钻探施工“血液”的冲洗液,是实现和确保施工顺利进行的基本保证。在对厚覆盖层及深部煤系地层钻孔的钻进工艺上,坚持不同的地层条件,有针对性使用不同类型的冲洗液体系,并通过改变双管钻具长度和改换取心钻头的切削具,满足软硬互层对钻头钻进效率的影响,更重要的是使深部见煤的判断与取煤质量上,增加了一项保证措施,不仅解决了生产中的一些难题,提高了钻进效率,而且满足了质量要求,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡GHW2井是在陕西府谷庙沟门施工的一口页岩气探井,地层主要为千5、盒8、山西组、太原组、本溪组,钻进过程中坍塌掉块、破碎严重。针对现场破碎、坍塌掉块及水敏性地层钻探遇到的主要难题,研制了双聚防塌冲洗液体系。该体系具有护壁性、抑制性和胶结性。通过在GHW2井中的应用,取得了较好的护壁、护心效果,有效地保证了该项目的顺利施工。  相似文献   

喷锚支护技术在深基坑开挖边壁加固中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了喷锚支护技术的定义及其对基坑边壁加固的原理,土层锚杆和挂网喷射混凝土结构的设计,施工工艺和技术措施。提出了喷锚技护技术与钻孔灌注桩,锚拉桩和槽钢张拉结合的技术措施,解决了大深度,陡坡角,高荷载基边壁加固中难题。提出了稳妥而有效的降水措施,为在含水量高的淤泥和淤泥土中进行施工提供了可能性。最后,从技术上,经济上分析了该技术的优越性。  相似文献   

在空气潜孔锤钻进时,孔口安装防喷装置可将高速返出的粉尘或泥浆导离孔口,防止喷向工作台而污染孔口工作环境。综合考虑ZMK5530TZJ60型车载钻机孔口工作台结构特点、配套的斜坡钻杆外形特征、钻进工艺特点以及装卸操作环境等因素,设计了一款适用于顶驱车载钻机的空气潜孔锤钻进用低压防喷装置。该低压防喷装置具有结构简单、安装方便;通过胶芯与钻具之间的过盈实现孔口密封,密封胶芯补偿量大,可密封外径变化较大的斜坡钻杆;可在加接钻杆时更换密封胶芯;设置了2个导流口,上返流体在此压降变化小,有利于排渣的通畅等优点。现场试验表明,该低压防喷装置能够有效密封粉尘泄漏、明显改善孔口施工环境,达到了设计的目的。  相似文献   

针对煤田勘查中钻孔涌水和瓦斯煤屑突出的问题,设计出一种上部为卸压阻挡式防喷,下部为单闸板对卡式防喷,两个部分可组合在一起使用,也可拆开单独使用的多功能井口防喷装置。该装置的工作原理是:当钻孔涌水或瓦斯突出时,关闭第一道单闸板对卡式防喷,使钻孔的涌出水量减小到99%,剩下的经第二道进一步进行阻挡防喷。经在放水钻孔和煤层注水井中应用,防喷效果可达96%以上。  相似文献   

为应对柴达木盆地资源环境科学钻探工程项目施工地区岩层中固结程度松软、碎脆、富水、易变形、怕冲刷及易溶蚀等特点,钻进中不易采取岩矿心,钻进粘土及淤泥时缩径严重,孔壁不稳定及地层内广泛分布着层间高承压卤水和天然气,极易发生涌水或井喷的问题,机械岩心深孔钻进施工中合理解决岩心采取率低,护孔压井防喷。是确保科学钻探工程顺利实施的关键点。本项目采用专为资源环境科学钻探设计的隔水单动三重管取心钻具。常规钻杆取心;适宜的钻进方法;借鉴石油钻井泥浆压喷护壁工艺和压喷设施及措施。保证了环境科学钻探工程的施工要求和实验要求。  相似文献   

Well blowout rates in oil fields undergoing thermally enhanced recovery (via steam injection) in California Oil and Gas District 4 from 1991 to 2005 were on the order of 1 per 1,000 well construction operations, 1 per 10,000 active wells per year, and 1 per 100,000 shut-in/idle and plugged/abandoned wells per year. This allows some initial inferences about leakage of CO2 via wells, which is considered perhaps the greatest leakage risk for geological storage of CO2. During the study period, 9% of the oil produced in the United States was from District 4, and 59% of this production was via thermally enhanced recovery. There was only one possible blowout from an unknown or poorly located well, despite over a century of well drilling and production activities in the district. The blowout rate declined dramatically during the study period, most likely as a result of increasing experience, improved technology, and/or changes in safety culture. If so, this decline indicates the blowout rate in CO2-storage fields can be significantly minimized both initially and with increasing experience over time. Comparable studies should be conducted in other areas. These studies would be particularly valuable in regions with CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and natural gas storage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Anatolia region is one of the most seismically active regions in the world and has a considerably high level of geothermal energy potential. Some of these geothermal resources have been used for power generation and direct heating. Most of the high enthalpy geothermal systems are located in western part of Turkey. Alasehir is the most important geothermal site in western part of Turkey. Many geothermal wells have been drilled in Alasehir Plain to produce the geothermal fluid from the deep reservoir in the last 10 years. A blowout accident happened during a geothermal well drilling operation in Alasehir Plain, and significant amount of geothermal fluid surfaced out along the fault zone in three locations. When drilling string entered the reservoir rock about 1000 m, blowout occurred. As the well head preventer system was closed because of the blowout, high-pressure fluid surfaced out along the fault zone cutting the Neogene formation. In order to understand the geothermal fluid effects on groundwater chemistry, physical and chemical compositions of local cold groundwater were monitored from May 2012 to September 2014 in the study area. The geothermal fluid was found to be of Na–HCO3 water type, and especially, arsenic and boron concentrations reached levels as high as 3 and 127 mg/L, respectively. The concentrations of arsenic and boron in the geothermal fluid and groundwater exceeded the maximum allowable limits given in the national and international standards for drinking water quality. According to temporally monitored results, geothermal fluid has extremely high mineral content which influenced the quality of groundwater resources of the area where water resource is commonly used for agricultural irrigation.  相似文献   

As a type of negative topography in sand land, blowout has always been one of the main research object of aeolian geomorphology. Especially, multi-directions and long-term research has been conducted internationally on basic morphology, development process and dynamic mechanism of coastal sandy blowout. Based on the systematic review of research on coastal sandy blowout, the main progress of research on coastal sandy blowout in morphological evolution, morpho-dynamic process, and research methods was summarized. In consideration of the disadvantages of research on coastal sandy blowout, it was proposed that, at present, the research on coastal sandy blowout in China should strengthen the further research on the evolution mechanism, morphology-material-dynamic process and numerical simulation of different types of blowouts, and attach importance to the influence of blowout on the beach-dune dynamic environment and foredune restoration.  相似文献   

利用控制压力钻进技术有效解决了姚庄煤田石千峰组砂岩涌水、砂泥岩坍塌问题,对提高钻进效率、降低施工风险起到了重要作用,为今后该区钻探施工提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

涪陵页岩气田属川东南地区川东高陡褶皱带包鸾-焦石坝背斜带焦石坝构造,主要开发上奥陶系五峰组—下志留系龙马溪组页岩气层,岩性主要为灰岩、泥岩、页岩,钻井施工中易漏、易塌、易喷。井型为三开结构水平井,一开、二开采用水基钻井液体系。通过技术研究,确立了以氯化钾、聚胺页岩抑制剂等为主剂的水基钻井液体系,形成了适合涪陵页岩气田勘探开发的浅层气预防、井壁稳定、降摩减扭、防漏堵漏等系列水基钻井液技术,较好地满足了钻井施工要求。  相似文献   

注水井泄压对井壁围岩应力场的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
注水井泄压过程中的套管损坏现象在中国许多油田十分普遍,根据油藏流体渗流与地应力场耦合作用理论,建立了套管承载计算的力学模型,利用有限元方法,通过数值模拟的手段研究了泄压过程中井壁围岩应力场的变化规律以及油层孔隙压力的变化规律。根据计算结果提出,控制注水井泄压流量是有效防治泄压过程中套损的一种有效手段,并给出了具体的计算方法,从而,为油田现场预防和减少套管损坏提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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