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东海陆架盆地南部构造样式及分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东海陆架盆地南部为重点研究对象,基于区域地震反射资料,结合盆地的结构特征,分析、总结了其构造样式特征。结果表明:根据构造样式形成的动力学机制,可以将东海陆架盆地南部划分为伸展型构造样式、挤压型构造样式和复合型构造样式3类;伸展型构造样式可继续分为半地堑(箕状断陷)构造组合、复式地堑式构造组合、多米诺式断裂构造组合、掀斜断块和火成岩构造;挤压型构造样式分为挤压背斜、断背斜和叠瓦式断裂组合;复合型构造样式分为正反转构造和负花状构造。  相似文献   

东海西湖凹陷断裂系统几何学特征及其成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
断裂系统几何学特征研究表明,西湖凹陷断裂样式具有显著的"东西分带、南北分块"特征。西部斜坡带北部和南部为断阶式构造样式,中部的平湖斜坡带主要为单断式;中央-洼陷反转构造带自北向南构造样式呈规律性变化,反映出断裂反转强度自北向南减弱的趋势;东缘陡坡断隆带北部以西倾的同向断阶式为主,南部以东倾的反向断阶为主,中部黄岩边缘断裂带呈过渡特征。各主要构造带南北构造样式的转换部位也具有特殊的构造现象,凹陷中南部主要表现为晚期近E—W向断裂的集中发育,两侧NE、NNE向断层多尖灭或横向错移,中北部主要表现为断裂走向的变化。构造带南北构造样式的转换部多位于区域NW、NWW向基底断裂的延伸线上,这类NW、NWW向基底断裂多具有走向平移特征,据此,笔者认为这种构造特征的南北差异可能与早期NW、NWW向基底调节断裂的限制或再活动有关,在此基础上提出了西湖凹陷断裂样式南北差异的成因演化模式。  相似文献   

瓯江凹陷自晚白垩世形成以来受多期构造运动的影响,构造应力场不断发生变化,导致其盆地演化及构造特征复杂,形成多种形态的构造样式。通过对全区的新老地震资料处理、解释,总结了研究区内构造样式类型及分布区域,分析了其形成机制。结果表明:研究区内主要发育伸展、挤压及复合3种构造样式。其中伸展构造样式在凹陷西部和东部都有发育,可分为地垒式、地堑式、半地堑式、堑式铲式、多米诺式;挤压构造样式发育于凹陷西南部,主要为断鼻构造;复合型构造样式分为火山岩构造、花状构造、反转构造,主要发育于凹陷中南部地区。  相似文献   

西湖凹陷裂陷期构造样式及其对沉积充填的控制作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西湖凹陷裂陷期构造主要是指从断陷开始形成(Tg界面)至始新世末(T30界面)的构造,它控制着盆内裂陷期地层的发育和沉积体系的总体展布特征.裂陷期原盆地的构造格架总体为一复杂的半地堑结构,主要受控于三组NE向的断裂带:东缘陡坡断裂带、中央洼陷断裂带、西部缓斜坡断裂带.西湖凹陷裂陷期古构造格局对裂陷期构造层序沉积、沉降中心...  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地西部坳陷为整个盆地内重要的二级构造单元之一,发育有多个次级凹陷,完整记录了盆地及周边晚白垩世以来的构造变形信息,能够为解决太平洋板块俯冲、东亚陆缘类型转换等相关科学问题提供参考。基于二维地震剖面解释,并综合前人研究成果,通过对东海陆架盆地西部坳陷的构造分析认为,该坳陷发育有中—新生界两大构造层,由一系列中—新生代裂陷盆地组成,为早白垩世晚期应力场由挤压环境转换为拉张伸展环境下的产物,以伸展构造样式为主,半地堑、掀斜断块、多米诺式断裂等上述伸展构造样式发育。同时,伴随晚白垩世末期的应力反转,坳陷内长江凹陷局部可见有正反转构造样式。坳陷内断裂展布具有不同时期、方向不同、性质各异的特征,而岩浆岩发育则表现出了广泛分布、不同时代、规模和岩性各异的特点,二者皆与区域构造方向基本一致。白垩纪以来,太平洋板块的漂移方向、俯冲角度的多次变化为坳陷现今中—新生代构造格局形成的主要因素,此外后期菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块的碰撞、挤压、俯冲作用使得整个构造格局更加复杂化。  相似文献   

南黄海盆地北部坳陷的东北凹、北凹、中凹、南凹等凹陷发育有多种类型的正反转构造,包括穿透断展型、挤压褶皱型、逆断层型等。主要反转期为渐新世和上新世末,其中渐新世的构造反转影响较大。太平洋—欧亚板块汇聚速率变化是控制南黄海盆地北部坳陷新生代反转构造发育的重要因素。正反转构造有利于油气藏的形成,但反转强度较大时可能使油气藏的保存条件变差。  相似文献   

济阳坳陷地质构造经历了反复的拉张裂陷和挤压隆升,而使盆地内构造具有多幕次、多期性特点,导致济阳坳陷的盆地构造样式具有多样性,单纯的以盆地构造样式来分析控藏作用就显得不足,根据惠民凹陷试油实测压力数据分析,济阳坳陷存在低压含盐流体.从济阳坳陷走滑伸展构造样式的特征入手,发现油气藏的分布与走滑构造带具有一致性,再结合低压含盐流体作用,以构造一流体角度分析控藏作用,为油气勘探提供了一条新的研究思路.  相似文献   

渤中坳陷断裂构造有其独有的特征,表现在(1)郯庐断裂表现出明显的分段性,负花状构造发育;(2)坳陷主体渤中凹陷周围主要断裂面陡且对断,使得中凹陷成为“平底锅”式地堑,而不是中国东部盆地中广泛发育的箕状断陷;(3)耙式断裂系是渤中坳陷上第三系中广泛发育的一种独特的断裂样式,其特征为断裂密集,断面陡,断距小,是浅层油气藏的有利聚集场所。  相似文献   

扎格罗斯前陆盆地是由于阿拉伯板块和欧亚板块发生陆陆碰撞而形成的周缘前陆盆地。自造山带向西南方向推进可分为叠瓦冲断带、强烈褶皱带、宽缓褶皱带和前渊凹陷带4个构造单元。扎格罗斯型周缘前陆盆地具有与常规前陆盆地模式不同的构造样式,该区域前隆带和隆外凹陷不发育,褶皱变形区则分为叠瓦冲断带、强烈褶皱带和宽缓褶皱带3个部分。叠瓦冲断带和强烈褶皱带构造变形破坏强烈,不利于圈闭油气后期聚集和保存,因此较少发现油气;而宽缓褶皱带和前渊凹陷带褶皱变形较为舒缓,该区域油气富集。可见,扎格罗斯前陆盆地不同构造单元中不同的构造样式对应各异的圈闭类型。扎格罗斯前陆盆地的形成受控于陆陆碰撞引起的挤压应力,其不同单元间构造形态各异,褶皱形态等受走滑断层和滑脱地层的影响。通过对扎格罗斯前陆盆地的构造样式进行分析,对比了传统前陆盆地和扎格罗斯前陆盆地的异同,较系统地总结了扎格罗斯前陆盆地的圈闭类型和成藏模式。  相似文献   

苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带是印尼乃至东南亚最大的油气产区,由于勘探程度高,近十年来勘探成效差,盆地油气发现进入瓶颈期。为了指明苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带勘探方向,以盆地带构造演化为主线,以构造带为研究对象,在构造特征、构造对成藏模式控制作用等多方面研究的基础上,预测了苏门答腊盆地带有利勘探领域。根据构造特征分析,苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带可划分为近岛弧带、中央反转带和远岛弧带3个构造带。近岛弧带以继承性隆起为构造特征,油气主要通过断裂垂向运移,聚集在局部构造高部位生物礁和背斜之中,近岛弧带为旁生侧储型成藏模式,基底潜山圈闭是近岛弧带未来的勘探方向;中央反转带构造样式为挤压反转的半地堑、铲式正断层,中央反转带油气来自底部深凹陷,上部多层系做储层,垂向断层或侧向砂体发育,沟通烃源岩与圈闭,具有近水楼台的优势成藏条件,为下生上储型成藏模式,该带基底潜山圈闭和源内构造—岩性圈闭也具有较好的烃—运—储匹配关系,可能形成好的油气藏;远岛弧带以单斜构造背景为主,局部发育深洼陷,远岛弧带局部洼陷具有一定的生烃能力,该构造带钻井揭示了地层超覆油气藏,但目前勘探程度较低,尚存在较大勘探潜力。  相似文献   

南黄海盆地中部隆起区发育2套海相构造层,以下志留统高家边组泥岩滑脱带为界可划分为海相上构造层和海相下构造层。海相上构造层构造相对较复杂,以冲断结构为主,褶皱及叠瓦状逆冲断裂发育。对南黄海盆地中部隆起区多道地震资料进行处理解释表明,中部隆起区广泛发育海相上构造层,平面上总体表现为自西向东厚度呈厚—薄—厚的沉积格局。断裂系统发育,以近EW向断裂最为发育,其次为NE向断裂,NW向断裂则较为零星。构造应力以挤压和走滑为主,主要发育挤压、压扭和张扭3种构造样式。  相似文献   

钟建强  黄慈流 《台湾海峡》1996,15(2):120-126
通过地震剖面、地形-地貌、断裂构造、地壳结构、中新生代沉积盆地、第四纪地质特征等分析,认为南海北部陆缘存在滨岸岛链、陆坡北缘和陆坡南缘三条反“S”型构造带。它们形成于晚第三纪,较“新华夏系”和“南海系”晚。反“S”型构造带新生代晚期的活动方式,对南海北部陆缘的地质演化影响显著,同时控制了这一区域的灾害性地质因素的活动方式和分布。  相似文献   

西非被动大陆边缘重力滑脱构造体系下的塑性构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了西非被动大陆边缘深水环境下的重力滑脱构造体系中的塑性构造。研究发现塑性地层在整个西非被动大陆边缘都有分布,且盐岩塑性层主要分布在西非被动大陆边缘的西南部和西北部,发育层位为过渡期(J-K)构造层之内;中部尼日尔三角洲等塑性层主要为泥岩塑性层,发育层位为古近系和新近系。根据重力滑脱构造体系发育特征可划分为:以正断裂和塑性焊接构造为主的上部重力滑脱伸展构造、以底辟构造为主的中部重力滑脱底辟构造、以冲断裂、塑性褶皱和塑性冲断构造为主的下部重力滑脱冲断构造。根据塑性构造上覆地层的变形过程,塑性构造演化主要经历了后生变形期和同生变形期。塑性构造变形机制主要受基底掀斜作用和上覆地层的沉积速率控制。塑性构造中的底辟、褶皱、冲断及塑性焊接构造对油气成藏的控制作用依次减弱。  相似文献   

论反转构造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
反转构造指同一断裂面出现两期力学性质和运动方向都相反的构造组合。依反转构造的尺度有断层的反转,盆地的反转及盆地系的反转。负反转包括三类型式,发生在裂谷期的正反转有三类型式,发生在后裂谷期的有四种型式。反转构造的成因有应力型,重力型的热力型。大型的负反转与裂陷作用复合可以使地壳厚度显著减薄。  相似文献   

Fold-thrust belts formed above a ductile detachment typically contain detachment folds, whereas those formed above frictional detachments contain fault-related fold complexes, such as imbricate thrust systems. Analog models, using silica sand to represent sediments and silicone gel to represent salt were conducted to study the fold geometry, fold-fault relations, and sequential development of structures formed in each setting and at the boundaries between the two settings. The results showed a relatively thinner wedge above a ductile detachment, so that the deformation front propagated farther forward than that above a frictional detachment. The thrust front connects across the two settings with a significant change in position and a resulting change in orientation. The geometry of the deformation front is strongly controlled by that of the detachment boundary, so that an oblique detachment boundary results in an oblique thrust front in the transition zone. Modifications in the taper geometry also result from the presence of a frictional belt behind a ductile belt, the width of the ductile detachment which limits the location of the deformation front, and the lateral propagation of thrust faults between the two regimes. The experimental models can be used to explain observed geometries in natural examples of fold-thrust belts marked by transitions between frictional and ductile detachments.  相似文献   

The Gebel Yelleg area includes a number of folds belonging to the northern Sinai Syrian Arc structures. Detailed surface structural mapping and subsurface (seismic and borehole) data show that the Gebel Yelleg structures are related to Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary inversion of a Jurassic asymmetric (or half) graben formed during the opening of Neotethys. The inversion structures include a large (45-km long) asymmetric fold (Yelleg Anticline) with a steep flank overlying the southeastern (main) bounding fault of the inverted half graben as well as some right-stepped en echelon folds overlying the northwestern bounding fault of the half graben. The large inversion anticline is dissected by a large number of long, nearly orthogonal normal faults whereas the en echelon folds are dissected by transverse normal faults and two sets of oblique-slip faults. Inversion of the northern Sinai extensional basins is related to Africa-Eurasia convergence and was probably transpressional with a small component of dextral slip. This study shows that the magnitude of inversion in the northern Sinai fold belt decreases toward the southern boundary of the Jurassic extensional province.  相似文献   

This paper is a report of geological observations made using the submersible ALVIN on the crest of the East Pacific Rise near 21°N. The profile is 6 km long and crosses a 5–10 km wide plateau which rises 100 m±above the rise flanks. At the axis are exposed fresh glassy pillow lavas with no sediment accumulation in a region termed the neovolcanic zone. This zone is about one kilometer wide and includes elongate ridges of pillow lavas and seventeen hydrothermal vent fields in the study area. Outside the neovolcanic zone the seafloor is extensively fissured in another zone which is up to two kilometers wide. The neovolcanic zone and the fissured zone are included within a rift valley or graben about 3 to 5 km wide and 50 m±deep. This rift valley is asymmetrically located on the west side of the axial plateau; the neovolcanic zone in the study area is asymmetrically located on the east side of the rift graben. Fissured crust is not common outside the rift graben or in the neovolcanic zone; similarly, large throw faults such as those which form the edges of the graben are not found outside of it. These observations can be interpreted according to a volcanic-tectonic cycle in which volcanic eruptions and hydrothermal circulation are followed by a tectonic phase which includes fissuring and vertical movements. When a new cycle starts it may involve a lateral shift of the spreading axis. Lavas along the dive profile are suggested to be no older than a few thousand years based on sediment accumulation. In contrast, seafloor spreading rates here predict crust up to 105 yr old. This observation suggests that lavas from the neovolcanic zone can spread laterally about a kilometer or more and overlap on older crust.  相似文献   

Highly concentrated gas hydrate deposits are likely to be associated with geological features that promote increased fluid flux through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). We conduct conventional seismic processing techniques and full-waveform inversion methods on a multi-channel seismic line that was acquired over a 125 km transect of the southern Hikurangi Margin off the eastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Initial processing, employed with an emphasis on preservation of true amplitude information, was used to identify three sites where structures and stratal fabrics likely encourage focused fluid flow into and through the GHSZ. At two of the sites, Western Porangahau Trough and Eastern Porangahau Ridge, sub-vertical blanking zones occur in regions of intensely deformed sedimentary layering. It is interpreted that increased fluid flow occurs in these regions and that fluids may dissipate upwards and away from the deformed zone along layers that trend towards the seafloor. At Eastern Porangahau Ridge we also observe a coherent bottom simulating reflection (BSR) that increases markedly in intensity with proximity to the centre of the anticlinal ridge. 1D full-waveform inversions conducted at eight points along the BSR reveal much more pronounced low-velocity zones near the centre of the ridge, indicating a local increase in the flux of gas-charged fluids into the anticline. At another anticline, Western Porangahau Ridge, a dipping high-amplitude feature extends from the BSR upwards towards the seafloor within the regional GHSZ. 1D full-waveform inversions at this site reveal that the dipping feature is characterised by a high-velocity zone overlying a low-velocity zone, which we interpret as gas hydrates overlying free gas. These results support a previous interpretation that this high-amplitude feature represents a local “up-warping” of the base of hydrate stability in response to advective heat flow from upward migrating fluids. These three sites provide examples of geological frameworks that encourage prolific localised fluid flow into the hydrate system where it is likely that gas-charged fluids are converting to highly concentrated hydrate deposits.  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1915-1931
Highly concentrated gas hydrate deposits are likely to be associated with geological features that promote increased fluid flux through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). We conduct conventional seismic processing techniques and full-waveform inversion methods on a multi-channel seismic line that was acquired over a 125 km transect of the southern Hikurangi Margin off the eastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Initial processing, employed with an emphasis on preservation of true amplitude information, was used to identify three sites where structures and stratal fabrics likely encourage focused fluid flow into and through the GHSZ. At two of the sites, Western Porangahau Trough and Eastern Porangahau Ridge, sub-vertical blanking zones occur in regions of intensely deformed sedimentary layering. It is interpreted that increased fluid flow occurs in these regions and that fluids may dissipate upwards and away from the deformed zone along layers that trend towards the seafloor. At Eastern Porangahau Ridge we also observe a coherent bottom simulating reflection (BSR) that increases markedly in intensity with proximity to the centre of the anticlinal ridge. 1D full-waveform inversions conducted at eight points along the BSR reveal much more pronounced low-velocity zones near the centre of the ridge, indicating a local increase in the flux of gas-charged fluids into the anticline. At another anticline, Western Porangahau Ridge, a dipping high-amplitude feature extends from the BSR upwards towards the seafloor within the regional GHSZ. 1D full-waveform inversions at this site reveal that the dipping feature is characterised by a high-velocity zone overlying a low-velocity zone, which we interpret as gas hydrates overlying free gas. These results support a previous interpretation that this high-amplitude feature represents a local “up-warping” of the base of hydrate stability in response to advective heat flow from upward migrating fluids. These three sites provide examples of geological frameworks that encourage prolific localised fluid flow into the hydrate system where it is likely that gas-charged fluids are converting to highly concentrated hydrate deposits.  相似文献   

We present a detailed stratigraphic and structural study of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt in NE Iran, which is an investigation of the complex polyphased tectonic history of this belt and its links with the adjacent South Caspian Sea and Amu Darya basins. Based on numerous field surveys, a large amount of 2D and 3D seismic data, borehole data and more than 150 new biostratigaphic datings, a new detailed biostratigraphic chart and 4 main regional cross-sections illustrate the importance of lateral facies variations and structural inheritance in the present-day structure of the belt.After the Cimmerian orogeny corresponding to the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean in Late Triassic/Early Jurassic times, a Middle Jurassic post-collisional rifting event was associated with the deposition of one of the main source rocks of the Kopeh Dagh and the Amu Darya Basin (Kashafrud Formation). Following this rifting event, over 7 km of sediments were accumulated until the Tertiary above a regional post-Triassic unconformity. The occurrence of local uplifts during the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene is interpreted as a consequence of regional-scale modification of plate-slab coupling in the Neotethys subduction zone. The main inversion of the Kopeh Dagh occurred at Late Eocene times, when the far-field deformation developed in Eurasia as a consequence of the locking of the Neo-Tethys subduction. This folding phase is sealed in the western part of the belt by a major Eocene-Oligocene unconformity at the base of the thick sedimentary series belonging to the South Caspian Sea Basin. The bulk of sedimentary infill in the South Caspian Sea Basin is Oligocene and younger, and it is probably related to syn-compressional downward flexure of the resistant basement basin at the onset of the Alpine phase. In the eastern part of the Kopeh Dagh, this deformation is characterized by Middle Jurassic graben inversion with evidence of forced folding, short-cuts and as well by larger scale basement uplifts. In contrast, the northwestern part of the belt shows thrust faults involving basement and fault-propagation folds within the sedimentary sequence. The Kopeh Dagh presents tectonic structures that are parallel to the Paleotethys suture zone, which emphasizes the importance of the structural inheritance and inversion processes during the structural evolution of the belt. Finally, a change from a mostly dip-slip to a mostly strike-slip tectonics occurred during the Pliocene within the Kopeh Dagh as a consequence of a major tectonic reorganization in North-East Iran.  相似文献   

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