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事件性消费是中国特色的饮食消费方式,其中的食物浪费问题尤为突出。论文基于2015年餐饮业食物浪费调研,开展北京、上海、成都、拉萨食物浪费对比分析,研究结果表明:事件性消费的人均食物浪费量[95.43 g/(人·餐)]大于非事件性消费[59.28 g/(人·餐)];事件性消费的食物浪费量存在较大的区域差异性,其中成都浪费量最高,为101.20 g/(人·餐);不同类型的事件性消费的食物浪费量存在较大差异性,其中朋友聚会的食物浪费量最高,为103.61 g/(人·餐)。论文选取典型事件性消费——婚宴为案例开展研究,以2015年9月至2016年11月在北京的婚宴调研一手数据为基础,研究发现:婚礼婚宴和答谢宴的食物浪费量分别为295.32 g/人和144.27 g/人,远大于一般事件性消费(商务/公务餐、家庭聚餐、朋友聚餐);从结构上看,婚宴的肉类和水产品类浪费比例明显高于一般事件性消费,分别占总浪费量的22.05%和20.96%,一般事件性消费肉类和水产品浪费量仅占总浪费量的15.93%和8.57%。婚宴食物浪费的影响因素主要包括区域因素、经济收入、面子、打包等,未来应该从国家、社会、行业和消费者等不同层面出发,倡导绿色节约、营养导向的婚宴模式,多路径减少中国婚宴的食物浪费。  相似文献   

The catering industry is an important industry related to the growth of the national economy and the needs of daily life. After 2012, the central government has successively introduced and implemented a series of policies to limit the official consumption and catering waste. These policies have had a huge impact on China's catering industry, especially the development of high-end catering. Based on expert scoring and interviews with government managers, the catering industry organizations, catering enterprises, researchers and consumers, this paper studies the impacts of the policies before and after 2012 on the sustainable development of the catering industry. The results show that: (1) Policies after 2012 have been very strong in their strength and duration, and this can ensure that the policies can effectively perform their restraint and management functions in the long term. (2) As affected by policies after 2012, the frequency and amounts of public expenditures in China have dropped significantly, and mass consumption is developing faster. (3) The impact of policies on income is quite controversial. On the whole, the policies have continued to promote the increasing of catering income after 2012, and have played a significant role in optimizing the catering structure and reducing food waste. However, the policies have had little effect on the improvement of industry standards and environmental protection. (4) The sustainable development of the catering industry requires the efforts of the government, industry organizations, restaurants and consumers. Steady income growth, a reasonable and healthy industry structure, sound industry standards, and low food waste are important standards and goals for the sustainable development of the catering industry.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部互助县域土地利用变化对粮食安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国既是一个人口大国,又是一个农业大国,粮食安全在国家安全系统中具有重要地位。青藏高原是一个高海拔的少数民族聚居区域,区域粮食安全有其独特性。互助土族自治县是青藏高原东北部主要的农业县之一,同时,又是国家商品粮建设基地和青海省粮、油、肉、蛋、禽生产基地,其土地利用变化对粮食安全的影响具有一定的典型性。利用互助土族自治县1986年土地利用现状详查数据,2000,2005年土地利用变更数据、2008年TM数据,在ERDAS及ArcGIS软件支持下分析了其土地利用变化态势并计算了该县最小人均耕地面积和耕地压力指数,对因土地利用变化引起的粮食安全问题进行分析和评估。结果表明:(1)互助县耕地总量及人均粮食产量均呈现下降趋势,这与近几年的退耕还林(草)工程、基础设施建设及人口增长相关联,而粮食单产呈现上升趋势,表明科学技术的进步在起作用。(2)从粮食生产来看,人均粮食消费水平为300 kg,互助县当前粮食生产能满足其基本需求,人均粮食消费水平为400 kg时,互助县当前粮食生产不能满足其基本需求,表明需要从区外调入粮食。(3)从耕地压力指数来看,近20年来,互助县最小人均耕地面积及耕地压力指数呈现持续增长态势。  相似文献   

近年来食物浪费以及食物浪费的资源环境问题越来越成为全球关注的焦点,尤其是在发展中国家,食物浪费成为威胁食物安全的另一关键因素。尽管如此,在中国,人们仍然对食物浪费缺乏认识,尤其是餐饮业中消费者的食物浪费。因此,基于国内主流媒体报道的大量餐饮业食物浪费的案例数据资料,本研究针对餐饮业中的食物浪费做了系统的阐述。针对餐饮业食物浪费的初步估计,本研究揭示了我国餐饮业食物浪费的严重性。通过分析国际上大量食物浪费的相关文献资料,本研究具体阐述了食物浪费的资源环境代价。最后,本研究基于生命周期评价方法提出了针对餐饮业食物浪费及其资源环境效应研究的概念框架,以便更有效地减少食物浪费。  相似文献   

降低食物供给的非均衡性是实现“零饥饿”的重要途径。论文在分析1986—2018年全球食物生产时空演变特征的基础上,基于洛伦兹曲线和锡尔系数,对全球与区域食物生产非均衡性及贸易影响进行了测度。结果表明:(1) 1986—2018年,全球各类食物产量均呈增加趋势,产出结构发生了显著变化,谷物在植物性食物中的比重减小,油料、蔬菜和水果所占比重增加。不同区域和国家食物营养来源具有显著差异,且尺度越小,差异越大。(2)谷物、糖料和水果生产的集中程度相对较低,蔬菜、油料、薯类、水产品生产集中程度较高。豆类、蔬菜、油料、糖料和嗜好类人均产量非均衡性呈增加趋势,薯类、水果、畜禽类和水产品的人均产量非均衡性呈降低趋势。人均热量产出非均衡较低,脂肪和蛋白质产出的非均衡性较高。(3)贸易对全球人均食物及营养供给的非均衡性具有显著的降低作用,且其影响程度逐年增加。贸易对糖类、油料和嗜好类非均衡性降低作用最显著,对脂肪供给非均衡性的降低作用较大。制定以营养为导向的食物生产和贸易政策,对提升食物供给均衡性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人类对生态系统的过度利用使得维持生态系统服务功能和食物消费需求间的矛盾日益突出。哈萨克斯坦作为全球生态问题最突出的国家之一,人地、草畜矛盾非常严峻。因此,探究哈萨克斯坦食物消费模式及影响因素,进而提高食物消费可持续性、维持生态系统服务功能显得尤为重要。本文以2012年、2016年哈萨克斯坦食物消费数据为基础,通过对消费模式的划分及其变化分析,得到了以下主要结论:受消费习惯、食物供给和社会经济发展影响,哈萨克斯坦存在三种食物消费模式,分别为以奶、谷物消费为主的模式,以奶、谷物和肉类为主的模式,以奶、谷物、肉类、蔬果消费为主的模式,三种消费模式特征差异明显,分别分布在哈萨克斯坦的北、中、南地区;值得注意的是,哈萨克斯坦的食物消费有向以奶、谷物和肉类为主的模式变化的趋势。面对不同的食7品消费模式及其变化趋势,政府可通过转变食物生产观念、加大国内外区域间交流合作来增加当地居民的福祉。  相似文献   

Food resources play a great role in human livelihood, so it is meaningful to investigate their utilization and structural evolution, especially in developing countries. This study takes data from FAOSTAT and the World Bank, and applies the emergy method to analyze Uzbek food consumption changes and characteristics from 1992 to 2019. Two main results were obtained: (1) National food consumption showed a persistent increase and had a remarkable change in stages, with the first stage of low-level repetition, the second stage of speeding up and the third stage of high development. The increase of animal-based food consumption was more notable than that of plant-based food consumption. (2) Per capita annual food consumption had a tendency of change that was similar to that of national food consumption. The proportion of animal-based food in the total per capita annual food consumption usually remained about 2-fold higher than that of plant-based food consumption. The main food consumption pattern was the combination of crops such as wheat and rice with meat such as beef. The fruit and vegetable consumption also increased. With the growing population, various changes in food demand will inevitably happen, so it is necessary to take sustainable measures in time to satisfy the new demand and to protect resources and the environment.  相似文献   

I.TheStudyArea:SagarDivisionSagardivisionliesinthenorthcentralpartofMadhyaPradeshbetween23°10′and26°35′Nlatitudesand78°04and80°38′Elongitudes.Thegeographicalaresis38223km2whichissbout8.65percentoftheState.TheSagaradministrativedivisionconsistsoffivedistrictsviz.Sag…  相似文献   

以河北省地价空间分布特征分析为基础,从地理区位、经济发展、城市规模和潜力、基础设施状况以及环境条件等方面选取9个地价影响因子,通过构建GWR模型,探索各因子对河北省地价影响程度的空间差异性,以期为京津冀协同发展提供建议.结果表明:① 河北省不同地区地价受各因子的影响程度存在差异性.距京津距离和人口密度对环京津区地价影响最大;人均地区生产总值、城镇化率和公路里程对沧州地价影响大;医疗卫生机构床位数对冀中南区地价影响最大,单位GDP能耗对该地区影响程度次之;对太行山沿线地价驱动力最大的是城镇居民人均可支配收入;冀西北区地价受在岗职工平均工资影响大,受单位GDP能耗影响小;唐山、秦皇岛地区地价受单位GDP能耗影响最大.② 京津冀协同发展突出了地理区位对河北省地价的影响,建议完善公路、铁路基础设施以缩短各地区距京津的最短距离,并且在各地区制定差别化的土地政策.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scenario-based assessment of global future food security. To do that, the socio-economic and climate change scenarios were defined for the future and were linked to an integrated modeling framework. The crop yields simulated by the GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model and crop areas simulated by the crop choice decision model were combined to calculate the total food production and per capita food availability, which was used to represent the status of food availability and stability. The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) simulated by IFPSIM model was used to reflect the situation of food accessibility and affordability. Based on these two indicators, the future food security status was assessed at a global scale over a period of approximately 20 years, starting from the year 2000. The results show that certain regions such as South Asia and most African countries will likely remain hotspots of food insecurity in the future as both the per capita food availability and the capacity of being able to import food will decrease between 2000 and 2020. Low food production associated with poverty is the determining factor to starvation in these regions, and more efforts are needed to combat hunger in terms of future actions. Other regions such as China, most Eastern European countries and most South American countries where there is an increase in per capita food availability or an increase in the capacity to import food between 2000 and 2020 might be able to improve their food security situation.  相似文献   

基于空间模型的全球粮食安全评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper presents a scenario-based assessment of global future food security. To do that,the socio-economic and climate change scenarios were defined for the future and were linked to an integrated modeling framework. The crop yields simulated by the GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model and crop areas simulated by the crop choice decision model were combined to calculate the total food production and per capita food availability,which was used to represent the status of food availability and stability. The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) simulated by IFPSIM model was used to reflect the situation of food accessibility and affordability. Based on these two indicators,the future food security status was assessed at a global scale over a period of approximately 20 years,starting from the year 2000. The results show that certain regions such as South Asia and most African countries will likely remain hotspots of food insecurity in the future as both the per capita food availability and the capacity of being able to import food will decrease between 2000 and 2020. Low food production associated with poverty is the determining factor to starvation in these regions,and more efforts are needed to combat hunger in terms of future actions. Other regions such as China,most Eastern European countries and most South American countries where there is an increase in per capita food availability or an increase in the capacity to import food between 2000 and 2020 might be able to improve their food security situation.  相似文献   

中国粮食安全脆弱区的识别及空间分异特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
殷培红  方修琦 《地理学报》2008,63(10):1064-1072
从粮食获取能力和粮食安全保障阈值的角度, 综合考虑粮食供需平衡、粮食安全储备、 经济补偿能力等因素, 构造综合评价指标-粮食安全保障的财政压力水平, 以粮食安全保障 费用不超过地方财政收入水平的25%作为可接受水平, 共识别出6 个不同类型的粮食安全区。 在没有重大灾害事件发生和现有粮食播种面积不变的前提下, 全国有14.5%的县(市) (1 级和3 级粮食安全区) 能够通过粮食生产或者经济补偿能力保障小康水平的粮食安全。全国29.4% 的县(市) 属于2 级粮食安全区, 其中57%的地区是中国的主要余粮区, 约占全国主要余粮区 中的72%, 因财政收入低、人口密度大, 不能负担庞大的小康水平粮食安全储备费用。中国 粮食安全最脆弱的地区(6 级区) 占全国县(市) 总数的30%, 不具备温饱水平粮食生产能力和 经济补偿能力, 主要包括两类地区: ① 夏季季风区边缘地带的农牧交错带及秦岭地区, 以及 南方贫困的丘陵地区属于“资源型粮食短缺地区”; ② 广西、广东南部以及东部沿海地区等 富裕地区属于“结构性粮食短缺地区”, 过低的粮食自给率已影响到粮食安全应急保障能力。  相似文献   

基于物元模型的民勤绿洲土地生态安全评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
齐鹏  张仁陟  王晓娇  陈英  马国军 《中国沙漠》2012,32(5):1494-1500
针对生态脆弱区民勤绿洲土地与生态环境系统的特点,运用“经济-环境-社会”模式和层次分析法构建了该区域土地生态安全评价的指标体系和权重,基于物元理论建立了土地生态安全的复合物元模型,对民勤绿洲土地生态安全进行了研究。结果表明:①2005-2007年民勤绿洲土地生态安全整体上呈现出“不安全-较不安全”的上升趋势,并有向更好等级发展的动向,说明近年民勤绿洲环境保护投入和治理绩效明显。②各单项指标存在明显的分异。人均水资源、化肥施用量、森林覆盖率、荒漠化程度、工业废水排放达标率、贫困人口比例和能耗成为制约该区域土地生态安全水平提升的重要因素,也反映了该区域土地生态系统环境容量低,极其脆弱。  相似文献   

章锦河  李曼  陈静  周晶  王楠楠 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1537-1546
旅游废弃物的资源消耗性与环境吸纳性, 是其产生环境与生态影响的根本原因。文章以黄山风景区为例, 利用1979-2010 年的固态、液态、气态3 类6 种旅游废弃物的排放量指标的时间序列数据, 进行旅游废弃物的环境库兹涅茨曲线拟合检验及其效应分析。结果表明:(1) 固态与液态旅游废弃物的排放量与旅游发展之间具有环境库兹涅茨倒U型曲线关系, 而气态废弃物则不具有。(2) 固体废弃物排放量的倒U型曲线的转折点为4596.01 t, 液态的污水与粪便的转折点分别为731491.46 t, 15866.43 t, 转折点时间在2015 年。(3) 科技应用对改善景区空气质量的作用较大, 万元旅游收入的能耗每下降1%, SO2、NO2、PM10 值分别下降3.38%、4.25%、0.78%;环保规制对景区水体的质量控制作用明显, 污水达标排放率每提高1%, 地表水的COD值下降3.41%。(4) 旅游废弃物的排放不一定必然造成风景区环境质量的下降, 调整产业结构、加大科技应用与强化环保规制, 是控制旅游废弃物环境污染与生态影响的关键手段。  相似文献   

我国畜禽养殖业粪便污染风险与控制策略   总被引:90,自引:0,他引:90  
随着我国畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,畜禽粪便排放不断增加。2002年,我国畜禽粪便产生量达27.5亿吨,畜禽粪便农用地的平均负荷为4.19吨/公顷,畜禽粪便每年流失至水体的总氮、总磷、BOD、COD分别为87万吨、34.5万吨、600万吨和647万吨。聚类分析结果显示,如果将我国各省农用地受畜禽粪便污染的风险分为4级;上海受污染的风险等级最高,其次是河南、天津和山东,北京、江苏、河北、安徽和湖南再次之,其余22个省份农用地受污染的风险相对较小。加强畜禽粪便的管理和资源化利用是解决畜禽粪便污染的主要手段。  相似文献   

山岳型酒店能源强度与碳排放特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以黄山西海饭店为山岳型景区案例酒店,采用能源消费账户法与碳足迹法对样本数据进行深入分析,系统地研究了案例酒店近5 a来的能耗与碳排放情况。结果表明,水电是案例酒店的主要能耗,其中,用电能耗在酒店总能耗中占比最高,平均为98%左右;用水占比最小,只有总能耗的1%左右。案例酒店能源消耗总量每年约500 t标准煤,年均碳排放量约为3 695.5 tCO2,呈现逐年增加趋势。2014?2018年,水电能源消耗最大的部门不是客房部和餐饮部等酒店主营部门,而是园林绿化、公用等酒店辅助部门,用水量达到用水总量的39%~58%,用电量达到用电总量的59.41%~66.68%。酒店年平均能源强度约为0.06 t标准煤/万元,每晚游客人均能耗约0.001 t标准煤。案例酒店碳排放量为217.17~257.84 kgCO2/m2,年均碳排放量为236.79 kgCO2/m2。案例酒店年碳排放量与能耗强度呈正相关,且随着酒店能耗强度的上升,碳排放总量也随之增加。  相似文献   

王玉婷  徐红罡  劳丽芬 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1246-1257
饮食符号是旅游目的地符号系统的重要组成部分,以地方特色饮食为基础的旅游餐饮也是旅游地的重要经济活动。文章以阳朔啤酒鱼为例,分析旅游地饮食符号经济的特点与形成机制。研究发现,1)旅游地饮食符号的形成既是对地方特色的营销与建构,也是特定饮食产品生产与消费集聚的路径依赖结果。2)从饮食生产的角度,就地取材、利润高、制作工艺简单等特点使啤酒鱼餐饮能够大规模、低成本地发展;从饮食消费的角度,啤酒鱼既具有地方特色又能够被大众口味所接受,同时满足游客的符号性和支持性的餐饮体验。3)消费性服务业的集聚能够营造良好的氛围并产生累积吸引力,使得啤酒鱼的营销成本更低、销量更高,从而形成正反馈机制。  相似文献   

河南省碳源碳汇的时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碳源、碳汇是影响低碳发展的重要因素,由其形成的碳盈亏是区域低碳经济发展战略及政策制定的重要依据。本文基于能源消耗数据、主要工业产品产量,参考IPCC的碳排放标准,结合其他相关研究,计算了河南省能源消耗及水泥、钢铁、合成氨生产过程中产生的碳排放;在对研究区遥感影像处理的基础上,通过归一化植被指数(NDVI),将河南省的碳汇分为耕地、林地和草地,根据各种植被的碳排放和碳吸收系数,计算了河南省的碳汇及其变化,并对碳盈亏及其空间变化进行分析。结果表明:①研究期内,河南省碳排放及人均碳排放呈上升趋势,碳排放总量及人均碳排放年均分别增长11.22%和10.72%,而且空间差异明显,豫西、豫北、豫中地区人均碳排放相对较高,而豫南、豫东南地区则相对较低。②能源消耗是河南省的主要碳源,其碳排放量呈逐年增加趋势,但所占比重在不断下降;水泥、钢铁是除能源消耗外的另一种主要的排放源,其碳排放量及所占比重则呈逐年上升趋势。③河南省碳汇主要以林地和耕地为主,草地所占比重很小;全省碳汇呈减少趋势,2005-2013年期间减少了7.40%(47.05万t),年均减少5.88万t。④河南省总体上呈现碳亏状态,研究期内碳亏呈增长趋势,且碳亏的地区数量也在增加,总的来看,豫南、豫东南、豫西地区处于碳盈或弱碳亏状态,豫中及豫北地区处于较严重的碳亏状态。⑤河南省应通过改善能源结构、调整产业结构、优化用地布局等措施,减少碳源,增加碳汇,通过区域碳补偿或生态补偿等手段鼓励碳盈地区减源增汇,为低碳发展创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

基于POI数据的上海市餐饮业空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐锦玥  何益珺  塔娜 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1015-1025
以上海市为研究对象,基于兴趣点(POI)数据,运用核密度分析刻画餐饮业空间格局,并构建OLS模型、空间滞后模型、空间误差模型探究餐饮业空间分布的影响因素。结果发现,餐饮业空间分布呈块状聚集、多中心发展的格局。其中,西餐业高度集中于内环线以内,呈东西向延伸;快餐业在中心城区和高校集聚的城郊结合部大规模集聚。空间计量回归结果表明,餐饮业分布受到人口、经济、交通、空间4类要素的影响:区域经济发展水平高、人口规模大、交通优越、相关业态丰富会促进集聚,而周边业态的混合度过高则会抑制集聚,城市空间结构也会影响餐饮业分布,商圈、中心城区的餐饮业密度更高;中餐、西餐、正餐、快餐4类餐饮业分布的影响因素存在差异性,西餐企业倾向于分布在地价较高的地区,中餐企业对交通可达性有更高的需求,正餐企业的分布与当地区域经济发展水平显著相关,快餐企业的分布与各类文娱公共设施的分布有密切联系。  相似文献   

Research on ecosystem service consumption not only helps to reveal the utilization intensity and management level of the ecosystem in Guilin, but it also provides a scientific basis for ecosystem investment, trade, subsidies and taxation by the Guilin government departments. Based on household survey data of urban and rural ecological consumption, the physical quantity accounting method is adopted for multivariate statistical analyses, such as analysis of variance and multiple comparison. This analysis reveals the differences and changes in the consumption level, consumption structure and consumption pattern of the main ecological products in Guilin among the various counties. The results fit into four main themes. (1) The annual per capita consumption of the main ecological products in Guilin varies either extremely significantly or significantly among the counties, but the consumption level of ecological products varies according to the type of products. There are significant or extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of cereals, melons and fruits, pork, poultry, beef and mutton, fresh eggs and milk between urban and rural residents. (2) There are extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of fruits, pork, poultry, beef and mutton, fish, fresh milk and vegetable oil among urban residents in different counties. There are also extremely significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of cereals, pork, poultry and alcohol among rural residents in different counties, and significant differences in the annual per capita consumption of fresh eggs and milk. The consumption level of ecological products by urban and rural resident varies with the type of products. (3) The ecological consumption patterns of all counties in Guilin mainly follow the “cereal + vegetable + fruit + meat” pattern for urban residents and the “cereal + vegetable + meat” pattern for rural residents (except for the rural residents in Pingle, which show the “cereal + vegetable” pattern). The consumption structure of urban residents is better than that of rural residents. (4) There is a large gap between the ecological consumption of urban and rural residents in Guilin and China's recommended standards, except for cereals and meat. The main problems are excessive meat intake, and insufficient intake of dark vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and fish. Therefore, we should make full use of forestland, grassland, water and other resources in the area, and vigorously develop fishery, fruit and vegetable production and herbivorous animal husbandry to meet people's ecological needs for dark fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and fish in Guilin City.  相似文献   

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