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本文从整个地球陆地分布及地形地貌的客观特征提出了:陆地应在两极形成及必然向赤道进动挤压和朝西方移动压缩的假说。用物态变化及地球自转轴与公转面间有一倾角等理论从陆地受力情况对陆地为什么必然向赤道进动挤压和朝西方移动压缩作了分析。地球的陆地分布,地形特征,板块与地震,山系与高原,“两岸边缘吻合”,江河流向,“大陆桥”,陆地海洋3:7比例,地球年天数递减规律等地球宏观地形地貌特征,既是该假说的证据,而该假说又能对这些都给出满意的解释。该假说还对洋底与陆地形成及运动动力机制不同以及陆地处处发现海相沉积的原因作了推测,并对陆地运动的最终归宿作了预言。  相似文献   

1.创设问题情景,问题的设计应具有确切性 在地球公转的教学中,有教师问:“今天是10月9日,太阳直射点与赤道之间有什么关系?”学生不明白老师提问的意思,无从回答,后来老师改问:“今天是10月9日,太阳直射点位于赤道以北还是以南?”学生异口同声的回答:“赤道以南”。课堂实践证明,教师提问的问题非常的确切,学生才容易明确题意,才能准确回答。反之,学生不明白老师提问的意图,答非所问。  相似文献   

西伯利亚板块旋转漂移运动刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西伯利亚板块是世界上古老的地质构造单元之一。根据板块构造理论,该板块当今的地表形态和地理位置,是其经过不断迁移,与其它板块不断发生碰撞的结果。本文试从展现板块的水平运动特点出发,着重揭示西伯利亚板块在各地质时期的运动状态,从而阐述该板块自寒武纪以来的旋转漂移的全过程。  相似文献   

秦铎 《地理教学》2001,(4):33-33
教学中的具体做法是:对一些重点教学内容,作业的设计尽可能多角度、多方位的设问。如在学习完“影响盐度大小的因素”一节后,可设计如下作业比较两地的盐度大小:①赤道海区与副热带海区;②赤道海区与红海;③红海与温带海区;④波罗的海区与赤道海区;⑤波罗的海与副热带海区等,通过这一组作业让每一位学生都能获得不同程度的尝试,激发学生的潜能,最终使他们都达到了深层次认识问题本质的目的。  相似文献   

地图出版社编制,1977年出版的等差分纬线多圆锥投影世界地图,图上标出的比例尺为1:25000000。在该图上量得赤道长133厘米,依据比例尺,换算成实地距离33250千米。众所周知,地球赤道是40000余千米。可量算下来的结果,比实际的竟然少了近7,000千米!  相似文献   

在讲地球的运动时,可由王勃诗句“闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋”设问:“此句中‘星移’的原因是什么?”从而自然引入地球的运动,在讲完地球自转的周期和速度后,可用“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”作小结,并要学生分析该句蕴含的地理意义(诗中“日”为“太阳日”,“八万里”大致点出赤道的周长及赤道处的自转线速度,“巡天遥看一千河”隐含在赤道地区可观察全天星座。)这样的导入和小结,形式独特,学生兴致很高。  相似文献   

上海市九年制义务教育《自然地理》中的“地球仪”一课,包括两部分内容:一是地球仪上的地轴、两极和赤道;二是经纬度的划分和经纬网的作用。地轴、两极和赤道是讲清经纬线概念的前提,掌握经纬线和经纬度知识又是学会看地图、  相似文献   

飞机在下降,正临近厄瓜多尔首都的基多国际机场,凭窗俯瞰,安第斯山脉重峦叠嶂,基多的白色建筑群错落有致,宛若美丽的白衣少女,安然静卧于苍翠的狭长山谷之中。“厄瓜多尔”在西班牙文里就是“赤道”的意思。其首都基多,则是从古代居住在这里的古印第安人“基图贝”部落的名字演绎而来的。七八百年前,印第安人就在这里建立了基多王国;15世纪末,基多实际上成为印加帝国的第二首都,是著名的印加文明的中心之一。如今,它作为“赤道之国”的首都,依然闪烁着赤道文明的光辉。赤道碑 赤道线将地球分成南北两半球。世界上不少城市位于赤道两侧,但真正坐落在赤道线上,横跨南北两半球的城市却是少见的。然而,早在18世纪初,当巴黎科学院的学者们想弄清地球的形状,对大地进行实地测量时,基多就被称为“赤道的土地”,现在则是世界各国中最接近赤道线的首都。世界上最精确的  相似文献   

有这样一道选择题:当3月21日和9月23日时.下列叙述正确是的是:A、太阳直射赤道;B、太阳高度角由赤道向两极递减;C、地球位于远日点和近日点附近;D、全球各地均是6点钟天亮,18点天黑。  相似文献   

基多,厄瓜多尔共和国首都,位于南美洲北部,地处赤道以南安第斯山区皮钦查火山东南麓的谷地中。由于基多临近赤道,且海拔较高,气候宜人,四季如春,年平均气温在13—14℃之间,加之基多距赤道仅有25公里,因而被称为世界上距赤道最近的首都,素有“赤道上的避暑胜地”之称。基多原为古老的印第安人城市,是印加帝国北部疆土的首都,城市建设与自然环境巧妙地融为一体,1979年被联合国教育、科学及文化组织列入世界文化与自然遗产保护名录。因海拔2879米,被称为“世界上海拔最高的首都”之一。  相似文献   

Experiments about working mechanism and mechanical characteristics of the DX model pile foundation under lateral dynamic and static loading were conducted by using a model system of the dynamic frozen ...  相似文献   

从南极半岛南设得兰群岛地区的43个采样点采集了334个定向火山岩样品进行古地磁研究。火山岩层的地质时代为早第三纪。火山岩样品的古地磁学研究表明,早第三纪时,南设得兰群岛及南极半岛已经处于或接近于现今的地理位置。早第三世以来,本区未有明显的相对运动。古地磁资料还表明,古新世南极半岛的北缘出现了小规模的逆时针转动(约15°)。这与南美板块与南极板块的相对移动有关。随着南大西洋的扩张,南美板块向西漂移,南极半岛北部受此西向漂移的带动,出现了小规模的逆时针转动  相似文献   

Summary. Previous attempts to deduce the stress distribution in the bending lithosphere near a consuming plate margin have relied on the observed bathymetry and an assumed constitutive relation for lithospheric behaviour, e.g. perfectly elastic, viscous/perfectly plastic, or elastic perfectly plastic. From the point of view of rock mechanics, each of these approximations fails to describe one or more of several basic phenomena, including brittle failure of rock, temperature dependence of elasticity, and temperature and/or strain rate dependence of ductile behaviour. In order to formulate a more realistic constitutive relation, a limiting yield strength curve, which is primarily a function of temperature, is constructed from data from brittle failure and ductile flow experiments. The moments which can be supported by plates with this constitutive behaviour are compared to the moments calculated from bathymetric profiles. The comparison indicates that moments required by the bathymetric data are consistent with moments supported by plates with experimentally determined constitutive laws as extrapolated to geologically reasonable temperatures and strain rates. The stresses developed in such models are required to reach values greater than 100 MPa† in the depth range 25–45 km. Geotherms necessary for strength curves consistent with moments calculated from the bathymetric data match those derived from heat flow data for the Aleutian, Bonin, Mariana and Tonga trenches. Of the trenches studied, only the geotherm inferred from the Kuril trench data is significantly different, perhaps implying that the Kuril plate is weaker than the others. The strength curves show that as a first approximation it is better to assume that bending moment is independent of curvature of the plate than to assume that bending moment and curvature are linearly related.  相似文献   

Microearthquake swarms: scaling and lacunarity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The continental collision between the African and Eurasian plates in the Iberian peninsula is solved with a NW-SE compression with an extensional basin, the Alboran Sea. To explain this paradox, several models have been proposed, including the subduction process of a lithospheric plate. In this study a relocation of the seismicity of the area using a JHD algorithm for the period 1950–1995 has been performed, which shows a specific hypocentre pattern that is not compatible with plate subduction. In addition, the direction of the stresses acting in the area has been determined through a comprehensive study of all existing focal mechanisms, together with calculations for 19 new earthquakes with sufficient data to determine the focal solution. After considering all these data, the absence of intermediate shocks in the central part of the Alboran basin and the predominantly thrusting mechanisms at the borders of the basin, with pressure axes perpendicular to the front, we consider a delamination process as a possible mechanism acting in the area  相似文献   

重构南极区域的古水深和历史地质格局,首先需要对研究区域进行板块重构,即在特定的时间点将洋壳和陆壳恢复到他们原来的地理位置上。本文采用Greiner阐述的欧拉旋转法进行板块重构。欧拉极参数主要参考Muller等基于大西洋-印度洋热点参考系的有限欧拉极,并将部分参数进行了必要的转换和统一。对于指定的重构年代,地壳年龄比重建年代年轻的区域需被移除。本文借助于Matlab等编程工具,恢复了南极及周边区域自130 Ma以来15个特定时间段的位置。综合多种数据,将现代水深根据热驱动地壳沉降、沉积作用和均衡作用的影响进行调整,对30°S以南区域的古水深进行重构,绘制了研究区域不同年代的古水深图,分析了南大洋自130 Ma以来的形成演化过程。  相似文献   

Summary. The elegant geometrical rules of plate tectonics do not allow for a gradual shift in plate motion directions, or the gradual, as opposed to sudden, cessation of subduction. At the scale of the small plates in the NE Pacific, imperfections in boundary processes have a large effect on the net torque on the plates, and heavily influence the evolution of the geometry. In this area, the rotation of the spreading directions and the diminution of true subduction along the southern Canadian coast has not occurred by the sudden switching of plate motions from one stable condition to another. Instead, it appears as if the dominant factor for the evolution is the resistance of the ocean floor to formation of new, smoothly slipping transform faults. Compressive deformation of even young lithosphere is not only mechanically unlikely, but is not helpful to the particular configurations found in this area. Instead, a migrating shear zone and an episode of highly en echelon spreading along a new axis nearly perpendicular to the present Juan de Fuca ridge have resulted: the present Sovanco ridge was never a transform fault. Neither is the Nootka fault a shear zone, but the locus of stretching between plates whose motions are congruent at the Juan de Fuca ridge, but diverge toward the continental margin.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new classification scheme—head/tail breaks—to find groupings or hierarchy for data with a heavy-tailed distribution. The heavy-tailed distributions are heavily right skewed, with a minority of large values in the head and a majority of small values in the tail, commonly characterized by a power law, a lognormal, or an exponential function. For example, a country's population is often distributed in such a heavy-tailed manner, with a minority of people (e.g., 20 percent) in the countryside and the vast majority (e.g., 80 percent) in urban areas. This new classification scheme partitions all of the data values around the mean into two parts and continues the process iteratively for the values (above the mean) in the head until the head part values are no longer heavy-tailed distributed. Thus, the number of classes and the class intervals are both naturally determined. I therefore claim that the new classification scheme is more natural than the natural breaks in finding the groupings or hierarchy for data with a heavy-tailed distribution. I demonstrate the advantages of the head/tail breaks method over Jenks's natural breaks in capturing the underlying hierarchy of the data.  相似文献   

A fractal can be simply understood as a set or pattern in which there are far more small things than large ones, for example, far more small geographic features than large ones on the earth surface, or far more large-scale maps than small-scale maps for a geographic region. This article attempts to argue and provide evidence for the fractal nature of maps and mapping. It is the underlying fractal structure of geographic features, either natural or man-made, that make reality mappable, large-scale maps generalizable, and cities imageable. The fractal nature is also what underlies the beauty of maps. After introducing some key fractal concepts such as recursion, self-similarity, scaling ratio, and scaling exponent, this article demonstrates that fractal thought is rooted in long-standing map-making practices such as series maps subdivision, visual hierarchy, and Töpfer’s radical law. Drawing on previous studies on head/tail breaks, mapping can be considered a head/tail breaks process; that is to divide things around an average, according to their geometric, topological and/or semantic properties, into the head (for those above the average) and the tail (for those below the average), and recursively continue the dividing process for the head for map generalization, statistical mapping, and cognitive mapping. Given the fractal nature of maps and mapping, cartography should be considered a perfect combination of science and art, and scaling must be formulated as a law of cartography or that of geography in general.  相似文献   

The deep seismic reflection profile Western Approaches Margin (WAM) cuts across the Goban Spur continental margin, located southwest of Ireland- This non-volcanic margin is characterized by a few tilted blocks parallel to the margin. A volcanic sill has been emplaced on the westernmost tilted block. The shape of the eastern part of this sill is known from seismic data, but neither seismic nor gravity data allow a precise determination of the extent and shape of the volcanic body at depth. Forward modelling and inversion of magnetic data constrain the shape of this volcanic sill and the location of the ocean-continent transition. The volcanic body thickens towards the ocean, and seems to be in direct contact with the oceanic crust. In the contact zone, the volcanic body and the oceanic magnetic layer display approximately the same thickness. The oceanic magnetic layer is anomalously thick immediately west of the volcanic body, and gradually thins to reach more typical values 40 km further to the west. The volcanic sill would therefore represent the very first formation of oceanic crust, just before or at the continental break-up. The ocean-continent transition is limited to a zone 15 km wide. The continental magnetic layer seems to thin gradually oceanwards, as does the continental crust, but no simple relation is observed between their respective thinnings.  相似文献   

ten Veen  & Postma 《Basin Research》1999,11(3):243-266
Crustal thickening north of the Hellenic subduction zone continued in the most external zones (e.g. Crete) probably until the late middle Miocene. The following period of predominant extension has been related by various workers to a number of causes such as: (1) trench retreat (roll back) driven by the pull of the African slab and (2) gravitational body forces associated with the thickened crust, both in combination with NNE motion of the African plate combined with westward extrusion of the Anatolian block along the North Anatolian Fault. To verify these hypotheses an inventory of fault orientations and fault-block kinematics was carried out for central and eastern Crete and adjoining offshore areas by combining satellite imagery, digital terrain models, and structural, seismic, sedimentary and stratigraphical field data, all set up in a GIS. The GIS data set enabled easy visualization and combination of data, which resulted in a relatively objective analysis. The geological results are discussed in the light of a numerical model that investigated the intraplate stresses resulting from the above mentioned forces. Our tectonostratigraphic results for the late Neogene of central and eastern Crete show three episodes of basin extension following a period of approximately N–S compression. In the earliest Tortonian, N130E- to N100E-trending normal faults developed, resulting in a roughly planar, arc-parallel fault system aligning strongly asymmetric half-grabens. The early Tortonian to early Messinian period was characterized by an orthogonal fault system of N100E and N020E faults resulting in rectangular grabens and half-grabens. From the late Tortonian to early Pleistocene, deformation occurred along a pattern of closely spaced, left-lateral oblique N075E faults, orientated parallel to the south Cretan trenches. Deformation phases younger than early Pleistocene are dominated by normal to oblique faulting along WSW–ENE (N050E) faults and dextral, oblique motions along NNW–SSE (N160E) faults. Many faults that were generated during previous deformational episodes appear to be reactivated in later periods. Our tectonostratigraphy points to a three step anticlockwise rotation of active fault systems since the late middle Miocene compressional phase. We suggest here that the rotation is associated with a reorganization of the stress field going from SSW–NNE tension in the early late Miocene to NE–SW left-lateral shear in the Quaternary. The rotation is likely to be a response to arc-normal pull forces combined with a progressive increase of the curvature of the arc. During the Pliocene to Recent period, the SSW-ward retreat of the arc and trench system relative to the African plate was accomplished by transform motions in the eastern (Levantine) segment of the Hellenic Arc, resulting in, respectively, NNW–SSE and NE–SW left-lateral shear on Crete.  相似文献   

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