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海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,建构海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章对英国、比利时、荷兰、德国、挪威、美国、澳大利亚和智利等世界主要海洋发达国家的海洋空间规划体系发展状况进行概述,结果表明:各国已逐步形成基于各自国情、适应海洋行政管理体制的海洋空间规划体系,其中既存在"国家-区域-地方"的层级控制体系,也存在"战略-结构-使用"的内容控制体系,还存在"国家管辖与地方管辖并行"的独立自由型控制体系。可为我国生态文明建设下的海洋空间规划体系研究实践以及开展区域海洋管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是重要的海洋空间管理工具,构建科学高效的海洋空间规划体系是海洋生态文明建设的重要组成部分。文章基于对海洋空间规划及其体系的基本认知,结合国家生态文明建设和海洋空间治理需求,提出海洋空间规划体系构建的时代背景、着力点和基本路径。研究表明,海洋空间规划体系是由各类海洋空间规划组成的,具有一定逻辑组织关系的管理制度集合,是海洋空间发展与资源环境管制的基础性机制集合;其构建应满足时代发展要求和海洋空间治理需求,体现国家海洋生态文明意志和海洋空间治理现代化,以总结多样化实践、建立完善协调机制和统一技术体系为基本路径。  相似文献   

为促进我国海洋空间规划体系建设,文章采用案例研究法,分析英格兰东部海洋空间规划的制定过程、主要内容和实施现状,总结可供我国借鉴的相关经验。研究结果表明:海洋空间规划的范围应尽可能地与陆域空间规划相对接,以推进陆海统筹理念的落实;设立明确和清晰的海洋开发与保护总目标尤为重要,同时依靠政策、空间规划和海域使用许可制度,逐层将总目标予以细化和落实;公众和利益相关者的参与是海洋空间规划的必要环节,对规划的制定和实施发挥重要的促进作用;海洋空间规划是适应性管理过程,须开展持续性监测和评估,情境监测、过程监测和结果监测三者相结合的综合性监测和评估方式值得参考。  相似文献   

为完善我国海洋功能区划制度,提高海洋功能区划的编制和实施水平,促进其在我国海洋空间规划乃至国土空间规划中发挥应有作用,文章对我国现行海洋功能区划的实施情况进行回顾性评价,并对新一轮海洋功能区划的编制提出建议。研究结果表明:我国海洋功能区划法律地位高、管控范围广,现行海洋功能区划实施以来,通过建立定量目标管控体系、协调保障行业用海和保护海洋生态环境,对我国海洋经济和海洋生态环境的可持续发展做出巨大贡献;针对实施过程中存在的问题,新一轮海洋功能区划的编制应扩大海洋保护区的规模和种类、提高前瞻性和动态适应性、加强公众实质性参与以及完善技术体系。  相似文献   

文章系统梳理并比较国内外主要海洋空间规划研究中应用生态系统服务的情况,揭示各类海洋空间规划中应用生态系统服务的异同点,对于海洋空间规划中吸纳生态系统服务知识来促进“多规合一”实践进程,以及实现海洋生态文明具有重要意义。结果表明:不同类型海洋空间规划对生态系统服务的应用各有侧重,国内外相同类型规划中应用生态系统服务的范围和深度也存在差异。总体上,国内外海洋空间规划中将生态系统服务作为技术工具、评价指标和沟通媒介,以构建合理的海洋空间格局、优化管控成效并增强规划协调性。国外研究侧重运用生态系统服务来创新规划制度安排,国内学界则聚焦于为区划管控提供技术支持和决策依据。建议深化海洋空间规划与生态系统服务的多维度整合研究,推进海洋空间规划更好地融入国土空间规划体系、践行海洋生态文明建设战略要求。  相似文献   

我国目前海洋空间规划方面的研究,主要从国家、省级角度出发进行区划与规划,选择省级管辖海域以及大范围的重点海域进行区划,但在小尺度、精细化的海洋空间规划上,仍然缺乏系统的理论与技术方法研究。本文借鉴国土空间开发适宜性评价方法,构建适用于小尺度海洋空间的分区适宜性评价方法,将海洋空间分为“三区一线”(海洋生态空间、海洋生物资源利用空间、建设用海空间和海洋生态保护红线)。并以大连金普新区为例进行验证,提出合理的大连金普新区海洋空间规划方案,为区域海洋综合管理工作提供策略指导和管理参考,并为小尺度海洋空间规划的分区研究提供理论与技术依据。  相似文献   

海洋空间规划是海洋利用管理的一种有效措施.对于推动促进以生态系统为基础的海洋综合管理具有重要的意义.在综述第一次国家海洋空间规划研讨会情况的基础上,介绍了当今国际上对海洋空间规划的认识和研究状况,以及国际海洋空间规划的发展趋势,并结合海洋空间规划对我国开展相关工作进行了探讨,为我国改善海洋功能区划和海洋利用管理提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

略论浙江省地方性海洋法规的建设与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地方性海洋法规是指有立法权的地方国家机关,制定、修改和废止在本地区适用的海洋或涉海地方性法规和规章的活动。地方性海洋法规作为国家海洋法律体系的重要组成部分,对沿海地区经济和社会发展正起着越来越重要的规范、调整和保障作用。但是由于地方立法水平有限,相关部门利益冲突等原因,地方性海洋法规存在许多亟须完善的地方。  相似文献   

王江涛 《海洋信息》2019,34(3):59-64
新时期国家着力构建陆海统筹、区域统筹、城乡统筹的国土空间规划体系,为更好的服务国土空间规划体系与海岸带专项规划的建立实施,满足新形势下海域海岛管理的新要求,深化落实主体功能区制度,本文对已经建立的海洋空间规划管控平台进行了总结。海洋空间规划管控平台主要目标是实现海洋空间“一张图”、海洋主体功能区监测评估、海洋空间综合决策,主要功能包括多规分析与一张图、海洋主体功能区监测评估、海洋空间分区辅助编制与审查、海洋空间符合性判断等.  相似文献   

欧美国家海洋空间规划研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人类活动向海洋不断扩张和海洋环境面临严重生态危机的现实背景下,欧美等海洋发达国家逐步形成了以生态系 统为基础的海洋空间规划理念。自2006 年联合国教科文组织召开第一届海洋空间规划国际研讨会以来,国外海洋空间规划 比较重视建立系统的空间规划理论与方法体系。一方面,注重构建海洋空间规划的理论基础,包括多类型的空间范畴,多目 标的规划管理,基于生态系统的管理,跨部门的综合管理等;另一方面,注重建立海洋空间规划的实施框架和方法,包括逐 步走向生态系统管理的技术框架,相关利益者的识别,海洋环境影响评价和生态价值评估等;此外,欧美等海洋发达国家从 用海现状、环境影响、海洋生态价值功能等进行区域实践论证,产生了许多对我国有借鉴意义的区域实践经验。  相似文献   

Numerous national governments and supranational organizations such as the OSPAR Commission, the European Union and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have underlined the importance of maritime spatial planning (MSP) for balancing and solving conflicts between the needs of different sectors and conservation in the marine space. In the last decade, many maritime spatial plans have been developed around the world. The drivers to develop these plans and the approaches to find solutions for the particular problems differ significantly. The Portuguese national marine jurisdiction is one of the largest in Europe. For the continental part, a maritime spatial plan was initiated in 2009, and entered in 2010 in the final stage of approval. One of the driving forces for this MSP initiative was the claim to extend its continental shelf. The development process was led by a multidisciplinary team. Despite the challenges, the existing as well as potential future marine resources and activities were characterized, mapped and categorized. To overcome conflicts resulting from the many overlapping uses and to assure sustainable development of all sectors, a conflict analysis and evaluation of potential future uses were necessary. The applied zoning scheme represented an exercise of conflict solving and proved to be a powerful tool to promote discussion and participation among stakeholders. The successful implementation of Portuguese MSP will rely largely on its ability to provide efficient management, financial and legal mechanisms to achieve the integration of all strategies and spaces under the Portuguese maritime jurisdiction.  相似文献   

广西钦州湾海域北岸有诸多中、小型河流注入,形成海岸线曲折绵长的狭长形河口,冲积和三角洲平原基本缺失,海域空间狭窄,水动力较差,受陆源影响较大,生态系统脆弱,增加了海域空间规划的难度。文章以钦州湾金鼓江河口海域为例,借鉴区域规划和功能区划方法,寻求生态维护和合理利用之间的平衡点,提出金鼓江海域岸线利用和海域空间利用的设想,并提出海域综合整治的方向,为河口区的开发规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

This article summarizes briefly the principal conclusions from papers presented in this special issue on marine spatial planning. It identifies potential economic, ecological, and administrative benefits (and costs) that might be realized from the implementation of MSP. Finally, the article summarize lessons learned and identifies future challenges and directions for MSP, including the development of international guidelines for its implementation.  相似文献   

The assessment and management of marine resources is an increasingly spatial affair dependent upon emerging geo-technologies, such as geographic information systems, and the subsequent production of diverse layers of spatial information. These rapid developments are, however, focused on biophysical processes and data collection initiatives; the social landscape of the marine environment is undocumented and remains a “missing layer” in decision-making. As a result, the resource areas upon which stakeholders and communities are dependent are neither mapped nor integrated into planning processes. We report on a participatory method to map the presence of fishing communities at-sea. The lessons learned concerning the spatial representation of communities informs not only fisheries, but other sectors struggling to incorporate similarly the human dimensions of the marine environment in assessment and planning.  相似文献   

Jon Day   《Marine Policy》2008,32(5):823-831
An increasing number of scientists and resource managers recognise that successful marine management approaches, including marine spatial planning (MSP), cannot occur without effective monitoring, evaluation and adaptation. These basic components are necessary to ensure that any marine planning or marine management measures are both effective and efficient. While a number of fundamental principles for marine monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management exist, there are varying levels of understanding about how these should be undertaken and what they may achieve. Challenges include the development of realistic and measurable objectives and indicators against which effectiveness can be practically measured. The matter becomes even more complicated as the focus of marine planning and management strategies changes from ‘single species’ to ‘habitats’ and ‘ecosystems’ that may enable a diversity of permitted uses consistent with a variety of overall objectives. Over the last 30 years, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) has successfully established a multiple-use spatial management approach that allows both high levels of environmental protection and a wide range of human activities. Drawing on this unique long-term experience in the GBRMP, this article discusses key aspects of effective monitoring and evaluation, and summarises lessons learned from over two decades of adaptive management.  相似文献   

“多规合一”的海洋空间规划体系设计初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王鸣岐  杨潇 《海洋通报》2017,36(6):675-681
本文分析了我国海洋空间规划中存在的矛盾,即规划内容重叠,规划部门盘根错节和空间事权分散。究其根源,在于各规划间存在技术障碍,规划体系不成熟以及缺乏与陆域规划的衔接。海洋空间规划"多规合一"的关键在于理清规划层级之间、规划主体之间、海洋空间规划与其他涉海规划之间的关系,并据此提出了"一个市县,一本规划、一张蓝图、一个平台、一套制度"的总体构想,以及目标战略融合、数据与标准融合、规划范围与规划期的融合、规划与政策融合、主体部门融合的建议。  相似文献   

From 2009 to 2011, marine spatial planning (MSP) rapidly gained visibility in the United States as a promising ocean management tool. A few small-scale planning efforts were completed in state waters, and the Obama Administration proposed a framework for large-scale regional MSP throughout the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. During that same time period, the authors engaged a variety of U.S ocean stakeholders in a series of dialogs with several goals: to share information about what MSP is or could be, to hear stakeholder views and concerns about MSP, and to foster better understanding between those who depend on ocean resources for their livelihood and ocean conservation advocates. The stakeholder meetings were supplemented with several rounds of in-depth interviews and a survey. Despite some predictable areas of conflict, project participants agreed on a number of issues related to stakeholder engagement in MSP: all felt strongly that government planners need to engage outsiders earlier, more often, more meaningfully, and through an open and transparent process. Equally important, the project affirmed the value of bringing unlike parties together at the earliest opportunity to learn, talk, and listen to others with whom they rarely engage.  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is advocated as a means of managing human uses of the sea in a manner that is consistent with the maintenance of the ecological goods and services of the marine environment. Support for the process is evident at international and national levels but the degree to which it is acceptable to local level stakeholders is not clear. An Daingean (formely Dingle) is a small sea-oriented town situated on the southwest coast of Ireland in which marine-based tourism and other relatively new uses of the sea are pursued along side traditional fishing activities. Stakeholders in An Daingean are found to be positively disposed to a local process of MSP that incorporates meaningful local involvement.  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) has a need for spatial delimitation and for the identification of spatial classes. This paper reports on the findings of a pilot study that was undertaken to test the development of a data informed spatial typology for the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is a comparatively shallow sea with nine adjoining countries and intense anthropogenic activities. The aim of the study was to assess the applicability and value of such a spatial typology for MSP. A spatial typology with seven different spatial classes was identified. The approach used here to identify a spatial typology could be used for seas worldwide.  相似文献   

Policies are arising around the world, most recently in the United States, that mandate the implementation of marine spatial planning as a practical pathway towards ecosystem-based management. In the new United States ocean policy, and several other cases around the globe, ecosystem services are at the core of marine spatial planning, but there is little guidance on how ecosystem services should be measured, making it hard to implement this new approach. A new framework is shown here for practical, rigorous ecosystem service measurement that highlights contributions from both natural and social systems. The novel three-step framework addresses traditional shortcomings of an ecosystem services approach by giving managers and scientists the tools to assess and track: (1) the condition of the ecosystem (supply metrics), (2) the amount of ocean resources actually used or enjoyed by people (service metrics), and (3) people's preference for that level of service (value metrics). This framework will allow real world progress on marine spatial planning to happen quickly, and with a greater chance for success.  相似文献   

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