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贺灿飞  刘鸿雁  李双成 《地理学报》2017,72(11):1933-1936
地理学研究地球表层要素间相互作用、空间分异格局及其变化过程,人地关系是地理学的核心问题,区域研究是地理学的特色。地理学是国家可持续发展和生态文明建设的支撑学科,在解决国家经济发展过程中面临的资源、环境、城镇化等方面的问题中发挥着不可替代的作用。北京大学立足地理学科前沿,服务国家战略需求,国际影响力不断提升,形成了自然地理学和人文地理学两个国家二级重点学科,并发展了生态学一级学科。  相似文献   

In this paper we address the revival of interest in recent years in the relevance of geographical research and highlight problems of politicization faced by researchers through cases of policy-oriented research in the UK and Belgium. We argue that geographers should be aware of the possibilities and constraints for critical engagement in the context of policy-oriented research. We identify at least two important opportunities for researchers to avoid clientelistic relationships with contractors and enhance their political relevance. First, researchers can stick to letter of the contract and maintain academic standards while at the same time interpreting their tasks according to their own ethical and political judgements. Second, relevance can be increased by forming alliances within and beyond the formal hierarchies of the state and the academy. The identification and utilization of these 'spaces of relevance' can be seen as the first step towards an approach that strategically seeks a balance between societal engagement on the one hand and contractual obligations, policy relevance and academic standards on the other.  相似文献   

中国地学类SCIE收录期刊的学术影响力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张春丽  盛春蕾  倪四秀 《地理学报》2014,69(11):1725-1733
依据美国科技信息所 (ISI) 公布的2009-2013年连续5年JCR数据,选择17种中国地学及相关学科英文版期刊作为研究对象,对其影响因子、五年影响因子、总被引频次、源论文数、自引率等指标进行了五年的统计分析,同时利用web of science检索平台分析了各期刊的篇均被引频次、单篇被引最高频次、国际论文比情况。分析表明,五年间SCIE收录的地学类期刊的学术影响力有所增大,各刊的影响因子总体上呈逐年上升的趋势。但从国际论文比来看,大多期刊国际稿源量少,国际化水平较低;而且中国地学类期刊虽然研究范围较广,但影响因子、被引频次、篇均被引频次均不高。因此,需要着眼于刊文的高质量和知识创新,进一步提高期刊的学术质量;实现从稿源、编辑加工、出版和发行等方面与国际接轨。  相似文献   

汤茂林 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2695-2703
我国学者在从事学术写作时,基于学术史意识进行诚实引证的观念还有待改进,只在基金项目申请中才做得比较好,使我们的一些学术观点无法归因到最初提出的人,这直接影响了我国学术的积累、提高和影响力。那种不与同行认真对话的意识,不注意学术史并认真诚实地引证的学术文化是到了该改变的时候了。遵守学术规范是学术的基本要求,学者要自律,才能赢得他人的尊重;在自律可能失效的背景下,加强学术产品标准建设,并建立专门的学术诚信办公室,尤为必要,据此可能扭转学术风气,形成正向激励,这是成为学术强国的必由之路。  相似文献   

中国人口城市化的影响要素与空间格局   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
利用2000年第五次人口普查数据和相关统计资料对中国人口城市化的影响要素和空间格局进行分析和研究。从城市角度分析中国人口城市化的影响要素后发现:中国城市人口规模与经济实力要素、社会发展要素和消费要素显著相关,与经济结构要素相关性不显著;运用GIS技术分析中国人口城市化的空间格局发现:中国县级人口城市化空间格局存在明显的东北、中部和西南"三元"结构,省级人口城市化体现出"三区(即京津沪区、渝鄂区和藏新区)、三带(东部带、中部带和北部带)"的空间格局。  相似文献   

Academics and development organizations approach fieldwork with somewhat different motivations, constraints and challenges. In many instances, fieldwork might be improved if greater collaboration occurred between these two parties. Rural communities are also important yet frequently taken for granted partners in the research process that deserve greater respect. This paper explores and describes the real and imagined impediments to greater collaboration between academics, development organizations and rural communities. The findings are based on 18 years of working with rural communities in Africa, both as a development practitioner and academic researcher. This reflection makes three contributions to the broader literature on fieldwork. First, it explicitly links two ongoing discussions, one on relationships with institutional partners, the other on interactions with rural communities. Second, it articulates the concerns of development organizations in their partnerships with academic researchers, a perspective rarely heard in a literature dominated by academic voices. Third, while feminist scholarship on fieldwork methods often wrestles with issues of positionality and engagement at the scale of the individual researcher, this reflection is aimed at the broader scale of the professional (academic and practitioner) communities involved in development praxis and scholarship.  相似文献   

This paper continues recent discussions on the (geo)politics of the production of academic knowledges, in relation to the recent rise of narratives of 'the creative economy'. Creativity and the 'creative industries' are increasingly common components of urban economic development discourse, especially following the release of a set of key books – most notably Charles Landry's The Creative City (2000), and Richard Florida's The Rise of the Creative Class (2002) – that have become popular among economic development planners and cultural policy makers. This paper focuses on the traffic of these books, and their authors, beyond the Anglo-American core. It also briefly discusses policy discourses interpreted from these texts. It is principally, though, a critique of the ways in which academic knowledges circulate, stemming from theorization of academics as creative producers, and of knowledge production as part of the creative economy. The article seeks to critique the means by which particular northern economic knowledges become normative, framed as universal and 'global', and are distributed and absorbed via intellectual 'scenes' and an academic 'celebrity' circuit.  相似文献   

城市区位条件与企业区位动态研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
刘颖  郭琪  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2016,35(7):1301-1313
随着新新经济地理理论的发展,企业异质性的研究逐渐受到重视,不同效率企业的区位选择被认为是造成城市生产效率差异的重要原因。验证企业区位选择对城市生产效率的影响,以及探讨企业区位选择的城市影响要素是研究的关键问题。沿用Baldwin和Melitz等学者的研究思路,从企业区位主动选择与被动选择的视角,理解中国城市生产效率的差异及其变化,分析企业区位自选择效应的空间差异。在此基础上,采用2002-2007年的规模以上工业企业面板数据,通过建立基于企业进入、退出区位动态的回归模型,揭示企业区位自选择效应的作用机制和城市影响因素。研究发现:企业区位自选择效应确实存在,不同效率企业的主动选择和被动选择都会影响城市的生产效率。生产率较高的工业企业倾向于选择科技研发水平高、市场潜力大、产业相对集聚的城市,生产率较低的工业企业更容易因城市高昂的要素成本和激烈的行业竞争,尤其是同行企业竞争而被挤出。此外,政府的政策优惠可以吸引高效率企业进入,但这种政策倾斜也会加剧其他企业的退出。因此,提高科技水平、扩大市场规模、促进产业集聚、合理运用政策调控是提高城市竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

张机  徐红罡 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1057-1065
以社会角色与角色冲突的相关理论为指导,以云南丽江白沙村当地纳西族居民家的微观空间为研究对象,对当地居民与游客在互动过程中的角色冲突质性进行了研究。研究发现,当地少数民族居民与汉族游客在家空间的互动过程中,双方各自存在角色内冲突的现象,同时彼此之间也存在两种角色间冲突现象。互动双方在处理这些角色冲突的过程中,既反映出当地居民对经济利益的诉求,也反映出当地居民与游客在家空间中的地位与权力关系。  相似文献   

Progress of economic geography in China’s mainland since 2000   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Economic geography in China’s mainland has developed in a different way from that in many other countries. On the one hand, it has been increasingly active in participating in academic dialogues and knowledge development led by Anglophone countries; on the other hand, it takes practice-based and policy-oriented research, i.e. satisfying the demands from the Chinese government and society, as the linchpin of research. Since there has been a lot of literature reviewing the development of economic geography in the country before the new millennium, this paper will make a comprehensive analysis of the discipline in 2000–2015, based on a bibliometric survey and research projects done by Chinese economic geographers. The analysis indicates that (1) economic geography research in China’s mainland is unevenly distributed but concentrated in several leading institutions; (2) traditional research fields like human-nature system, regional disparity, industrial location and transportation geography remain dominant while new topics such as globalization, multinational corporations and foreign direct investments, information and communication technology, producer services, climate change and carbon emission emerge as important research areas; (3) Chinese economic geography is featured by policy-oriented research funded by government agencies, having considerable impacts on regional policy making in China, both national and regional. To conclude, the paper argues that the development of economic geography in China’s mainland needs to follow a dual track in the future, i.e. producing knowledge for the international academic community and undertaking policy-oriented research to enhance its role as a major consulting body for national, regional and local development.  相似文献   

唐卡是第一批进入国家级非物质文化遗产名录的民间美术,并被联合国教科文组织列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。鉴赏唐卡、购买唐卡已经成为西藏旅游的重要内容之一。如何进一步发挥旅游在传承和保护唐卡中的作用,更好地借唐卡提升西藏旅游的文化艺术品位,把非物质文化遗产的保护与旅游开发有机地结合起来,是学术界和地方政府密切关注的问题。本研究通过调查游客对唐卡的感知,对保护唐卡的措施的态度发现:一方面,游客对唐卡作为非物质文化遗产的认知度不高、对唐卡画面的象征意义了解不够、对唐卡的历史文化和艺术价值的感知比较肤浅;另一方面,游客对"多元参与"的唐卡保护模式的认同度高,对提高唐卡的旅游吸引力的外在辅助措施的认同度高,对改变唐卡的传统形式的分歧大。基于上述分析得出:旅游为唐卡的"活化"提供动力;唐卡为西藏旅游增加文化艺术品味;"动态本真"是唐卡旅游应遵守的基本原则。  相似文献   

进入信息全球化时代,SCI/SSCI 论文越来越成为中国各高校及科研院所等单位衡量其基础研究实力的评价标准,甚至出现“唯‘SCI/SSCI’论”的现象,中文权威核心期刊论文的学术价值评定和认可度则相应降低,这在一定程度上对中文权威核心期刊的发展造成了不小的冲击。基于探索性因子分析,构建了中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的结构方程假设模型,以地理科学工作者为例,通过验证性因子分析,实证研究了地理工作者对中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的影响因素。结果显示:① 学术成果影响力是影响中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的关键因素,科研评价和学术地位认定政策及学术影响力评价是影响中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的重要因素;② 学术成果影响力对认可度影响程度最大,其影响路径系数为0.52,其次为学术影响力评价,路径系数为0.25,科研评价和学术地位认定政策影响程度较小;③ 学术成果影响力和学术影响力评价与认可度表现为正相关关系,而科研评价和学术地位认定政策与认可度之间则表现为负相关关系。最后,提出了增强科研工作者对中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的相关对策,以期提升作者发表中文权威核心期刊论文的意愿度,来促进中文权威核心期刊的持续发展。  相似文献   

The academic job search process, and the applications and reference letters that are constitutive elements of that process, are central to the creation and re‐creation of a discipline. Disciplines and departments renew and re‐create themselves — or do not, and merely replicate themselves — through hirings. A job search process can serve to hinder changes in the membership, culture, “look,” and the norms of the discipline, or it can facilitate dramatic and often rapid transformations. Job search materials thus provide an insight into the prevailing norms and conventions of a discipline. A review of a recent set of such materials reveals subtle gendered and racialized differences in the job search process. Such differences are apparent in the composition of referee committees, in the evocation of marital status both by applicants and by referees, and in the surprising persistence of themes of robust manhood. The referee pool, the applicant pool, and the search committee pool in an academic discipline are interlocked constituencies, and the job search process plays a “gatekeeping” role. The extent to which gender or racial differences are inserted into the job process thus has a bearing on the long term social construction of the discipline.  相似文献   

朱晓华  高春东 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1351-1360
深入解读中国科研评价中存在的3个现象,即过度重视SCI(Science Citation Index)/SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)、“唯高影响因子”和“唯发表成果为王”。其中,过度重视SCI/SSCI直接或间接造成了“唯高影响因子”和“唯发表成果为王”现象的出现,成为中国学术界当前亟待解决的重要问题。“科研评价和学术地位认定政策”“学术成果影响力”和“学术影响力评价”是影响中文权威核心期刊学术论文价值认可度的3大公因子。结合对中国地理学领域为主的近千位科研人员的感知调查,构建了包括期刊影响因子、论文被引频次、论文下载量、论文社会价值以及论文创新性5个指标的新的学术论文价值综合评价模型。最后从国家、部委、学会、期刊和学者层面分别提出改革过度推崇SCI/SSCI的学术评定政策、树立科研成果服务国民经济主战场的导向;强化政策执行力与构建服务于学术本质的考核标准;发挥桥梁和纽带作用及制定和完善评价体系;提升文化自信、凸显特色化和差异化、强化市场化和增值多元化;增强母语成果自信和提升在中文权威核心期刊建立学术地位的动力等实践建议。  相似文献   

刘天宝  陈子叶  陈爽 《地理科学》2022,42(8):1402-1412
利用2015年大连市初中学校多维数据,在分析社会群体间分异状况及其空间表现的基础上,概括了学校的基本类型及其空间分布特征,总结了义务教育校际分异的空间模式。在市域范围内存在4类学校,即成绩较好的城市综合社会群体子女学校;成绩一般的产业工人及一般技术人员子女学校;成绩优异的教师、政府和企事业单位管理者及专业技术人员子女学校;成绩落后但生均教育资源充沛的农村地区学校。4类学校在市域范围内分异明显,形成了从内向外的5个教育圈,即城市中心教育圈、城市郊区教育圈、城市新区教育圈、外围城镇教育圈和外围乡村教育圈。教育资源在教育圈之间呈高低相间分布的特点,教学成绩和学生家庭社会经济地位呈现出从中心向外围逐步降低的特征。  相似文献   

Population geography (PopGeo), although a sub-discipline of human geography, should have been well developed in China in light of its national population size and unique demographic issues, regional socio-economic development, and biophysical differences. Yet it typically lags behind the development of its parent disciplines, especially demography and geography. Specifically, PopGeo in Chinese higher education is still at a low level in terms of the three major aspects of disciplinary development: academic majors for higher education, academic conferences, and journals. The research content of PopGeo in China has focused on the growth, composition, change, distribution, and carrying capacity of population at the meso- and macro-spatial scales. As the most populated country in the world, questions about how and why the population changes, where the population settles and migrates to, its maximum carrying capacity, and how to guide sound development of population matter to society and the economy, are always important topics in the PopGeo studies in China. In contrast, some new population phenomena such as human space–time behaviors (commuting, remittances, and friends’ interaction), popular in the scientific community abroad, are not fully investigated at the micro-level. Presently, PopGeo in China may face both challenges and opportunities because of the adjustment of fertility policies and implementation of national new urbanization plans at the national level. It is this occasion that calls for a state-of-the-art review of the development of PopGeo since the 1980s, the turning point of an increasing number of PopGeo studies in China. We aim to reveal the current status of PopGeo in China to the world, and shed light on its further study.  相似文献   

中国政治地理学研究进展评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚  王韬 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1506-1517
当前世界正面临“百年未有之大变局”,在此背景下政治地理学的发展日益受到关注。得益于得天独厚的发展环境和旺盛的学科需求,政治地理学在中国近年再度复兴,在本土化概念创新、多源研究数据和方法拓展等方面取得一系列显见的成果。另一方面,学科发展亟待跨越的一些“门槛”也日益显现,如共识核心概念缺乏、学科范式不统一、多尺度研究视角不足等,制约了其学术研究与政策应用的深入互动。在此背景下,本文基于对中国政治地理学发展动态的梳理,探讨了制约学科发展的若干基本问题,指出目前的当务之急是加强多/跨尺度研究、政策研究、区域研究,加强东西方思想交流,以此推动知识导向的批判性研究、实证主义的学术研究和实用主义的政策研究相辅相成的知识生产格局形成,从而构建起求真务实、经世致用的东方政治地理学特色,为全球治理和国家长治久安做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

土地类型研究的意义、功能与学科发展方向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
申元村 《地理研究》2010,29(4):575-583
土地类型是综合自然地理学的基本研究对象,反映的是中小尺度地段分异规律和综合整体的环境特征。对土地类型研究的学术意义、功能和对未来学科发展方向进行界定,对促进土地类型学的发展和应用功能的发挥有重要作用。文章总结了土地类型研究的学术意义与功能,认为土地类型研究是自下而上论证综合自然区划、确立区域土地结构、进行生态研究和生态建设设计、进行农林牧合理用地布局和用地结构调整、灾害成因和防灾减灾研究的基础性学科;在分析国内外研究现状与问题的基础上,指出当前该学科存在的关键学术问题是土地类型划分的基本分级体系不确定,各级土地类型划分指标体系未建立,遥感与多元数据计算机制图与分类指标体系未实现技术连接;从学科发展方向着眼,当前应通过遥感、地理信息系统与野外考察相结合,通过典型区解剖方法,确立土地类型基本分级体系,建立各级类型划分指标,以及遥感与多元数据计算机制图与分类指标体系的技术连接,并对未来需要研究的课题作了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,由于水资源不合理利用引发的水资源污染、短缺以及自然灾害的加剧,制约着城镇、区域和国家的社会经济发展,对生态环境安全及人类的可持续发展造成威胁。如何保证在环境演变、城镇发展的过程中,水资源得到可持续开发利用,水文化的地方性得以保持和丰富,成为当下生态环境保护、城市规划设计的一大挑战。2018年9月25-29日在北京召开的中德双边研讨会聚焦环境变化,以“可持续视角的水环境保护利用与水空间规划设计”为主题,在规划、地理、景观、建筑、旅游、生态、水利、历史等多学科领域,就中德双方在不同的城镇化发展阶段面临的水资源保护与可持续开发问题及其相关经验和解决对策。中德两国的29位专家学者,就城镇化过程中水环境保护与利用的挑战、水资源的可持续利用、水空间的规划设计策略等三个主题展开交流与讨论,并就双边学术研究、人才培养和成果交流方面的合作渠道和模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether marriage‐related migration promotes socioeconomic mobility and how class belonging and educational background affects Thai women's migration experience and socioeconomic mobility. Drawing on qualitative interviews, supported by a questionnaire survey with Thai women living in Austria and who are in a relationship with a Western male citizen, we seek to dismantle simplistic notions about hypergamy and question common assumption about marrying up or down in migration contexts. We compare socioeconomic indicators such as formal education, occupation, and income before and after the migration and analyse migrants’ experiences in Austria. The results show a complex picture of upward and downward socioeconomic mobilities. Two distinct scenarios of paradoxical mobilities have been identified. On the one hand, some migrants feel empowered (when experiencing economic downward mobility) as they enjoy the freedom of living in Austria, while on the other hand, those migrants experiencing upward mobility feel a loss of their personal autonomy.  相似文献   

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