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Melting of continental ice sheets and glaciers, changes in ocean circulation pattern and in sea level, variations of surface and ground water levels and river discharge, glacial-isostatic adjustment, mantle convection and tectonics, all this causes transport and (re-) distribution of mass inside the Earth and at its surface. Equipped with precise sensor systems, gravity field and altimeter satellites observe these mass-transport processes. During 2006–2012, the German Research Association DFG had established the SPP 1257, ‘Mass distribution and Mass Transport in the Earth System’ as a coordinated research programme to facilitate integrated analysis of these data, to improve our knowledge about several transport processes within the Earth system and to investigate their interactions. This special issue reports about the findings of the first 4 years within the programme.  相似文献   

A number of uncertainties of forecasts of changes in the annual runoff depths at global scale, obtained using information on results of integration of 21 IPCC climate models is studied. Following possible errors of these forecasts are calculated: errors of models; differences between main (IPCC) scenarios of emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and resultant changes of global temperatures; mistakes in estimates of average long-term observed values of the runoff depths for the “control” period. Global maps of a “significance index” of forecasted changes in the runoff depths (estimations of changes in the annual runoff depths divided by mean square root values of errors of these estimations) for 2025, 2050, 2075 and 2100 are presented. It is shown that the most significant global changes of the runoff depths (growth in the north of Eastern Siberia, of the Russian Far East, of North America, falling in the “Greater Mediterranean Region”) are predicted for the second quarter of 21st century. Further changes of the runoff amplify only in the Amazon basin (reduction, by 2075). Almost everywhere else (including almost all European territory of Russia, Western Siberia, south of Eastern Siberia and of the Far East) the significance of changes in the runoff depths during 21st century is negligible.  相似文献   

The search for the Figure of the Earth is rooted in the age-old wonder about the world we live in. The ancient mythical notions have developed, under the tutelage of Greek systematic thought, into specific questions of the shape and size of the Earth. The history of these questions, now spanning more than two millenia, shows a continuous refinement in formulation, as each bona fide answer prompted refined measurements which, in turn, started a new round of problems. The change in concept of what one was looking for was, and still is, closely connected with the technical capability and its potential for further development. This change in concept is traced here from ancient times to the present throungh some of its milestones: Anaximander's partly invisible celestial sphere and Pythagoras' spherical Earth; Eratosthenes' exemplary combination of astronomy and land surveying for the dual purpose of determining the size of the spherical Earth and making a map of the habitable world; the identical dual purpose followed by the Académie Royale des Sciences in the 17th century, but on a more sophisticated technical level; the challenge to the spherical concept by Newton's gravitational theory and the absorption of that theory into a wider concept of the Figure of the Earth; the acknowledgment of the irregular geoid by Gauss, Bessel, and Helmert, and the changed significance of the ellipsoid; Heiskanen's and Vening Meinesz' ‘Basic Hypothesis of Geodesy’ concerning the hydrostatic equilibrium of the Earth, and O'Keefe's contradiction on the basis of satelite data; the dream of global surveys come true through satellite geodesy and the accompanying inclusion of the outer gravity field of the Earth into the concept of its Figure; and lastly, the present and projected capability of high precision measurement and the widening of the concept of the Figure of the Earth from 3-dimensional rigidity to 4-dimensional time-dependence.  相似文献   

A monitoring operation conducted over more than seven years has been addressing chemical fluctuations displayed by several cool, low-discharge springs located close to the highly seismic Vrancea area (Romania). Those outflows compositions proved to be strongly controlled by binary, essentially isochemical mixing between a deep-origin brine and meteoric freshwater. By taking advantage of this particular setting, there have been constructed diagrams aimed at investigating how the groundwater-discharges Na–K–Mg geothermometric parameters fluctuated as a function of the chloride content (taken to be an estimator of the freshwater-induced dilution). We made use of the reciprocal algebraic relationships existing between the equations describing the Na–K–Mg geothermometric parameters “Na–K temperature” and “K–Mg temperature” on the one hand, and the so-called “maturity index” (MI) on the other. In an accordingly derived plot of MI against the logarithm of the chloride concentration, a series of data-points being quite uniformly off-set from the MI dilution-curve constructed for an apparently “regular” period, suggested that, episodically, all concerned springwaters were simultaneously subject to some similar changes in the controlling geochemical processes. One such modification intervened 3–4 months before the occurrence of the strongest earthquake ( \(M_{\text{w}} = 5.8\) ) of the hydrochemical monitoring period. The consequently derived interpretation was that then, the numerical values of certain geothermometric coefficients were likely altered: such a process could be consistent with changes in the alkali feldspars solubility relationships, possibly in response to episodic Al–Si complexing which might develop within a hypothesised, still active, exhumation-channel.  相似文献   

A global climate prediction system(PCCSM4) was developed based on the Community Climate System Model, version 4.0, developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR), and an initialization scheme was designed by our group. Thirty-year(1981–2010) one-month-lead retrospective summer climate ensemble predictions were carried out and analyzed. The results showed that PCCSM4 can efficiently capture the main characteristics of JJA mean sea surface temperature(SST), sea level pressure(SLP), and precipitation. The prediction skill for SST is high, especially over the central and eastern Pacific where the influence of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) is dominant. Temporal correlation coefficients between the predicted Ni?o3.4 index and observed Ni?o3.4 index over the 30 years reach 0.7, exceeding the 99% statistical significance level. The prediction of 500-hPa geopotential height, 850-hPa zonal wind and SLP shows greater skill than for precipitation. Overall, the predictability in PCCSM4 is much higher in the tropics than in global terms, or over East Asia. Furthermore, PCCSM4 can simulate the summer climate in typical ENSO years and the interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon well. These preliminary results suggest that PCCSM4 can be applied to real-time prediction after further testing and improvement.  相似文献   

Three points raised in the paper by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) are dealt with. (1) The inconsistency between the water partial pressure calculated by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) and saturation pressure is due to the improper use of the water-gas-shift reaction as a geothermometer. In fact Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) do not take into account the distribution of gas species between the coexisting vapour and liquid phases. (2) The depth of the “steam reservoir” is evaluated by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) in too simplistic a way. This matter should be treated with greater care owing to the high social impact of any consideration on the Phlegraean Fields system. (3) The reliability of carbon monoxide determination at the concentration level encountered at Solfatara depends on the collection method rather than on the gas-chromatographic technique.  相似文献   

We apply a newly developed numerical method to improve the Moho geometry by the implementation of gravity data. This method utilizes expressions for the gravimetric forward and inverse modeling derived in a frequency domain. Methods for a spectral analysis and synthesis of the gravity field and crust density structures are applied in the gravimetric forward modeling of the consolidated crust-stripped gravity disturbances, which have a maximum correlation with the (a priori) Moho model. These gravity disturbances are obtained from the Earth’s gravity disturbances after applying the topographic and stripping gravity corrections of major known anomalous crust density structures; in the absence of a global mantle model, mantle density heterogeneities are disregarded. The isostatic scheme applied is based on a complete compensation of the crust relative to the upper mantle density. The functional relation is established between the (unknown) Moho depths and the complete crust-stripped isostatic gravity disturbances, which according to the adopted isostatic scheme have (theoretically) a minimum correlation with the Moho geometry. The system of observation equations, which describes the relation between spherical functions of the isostatic gravity field and the Moho geometry, is defined by means of a linearized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. The Moho depths are determined based on solving the gravimetric inverse problem. The regularization is applied to stabilize the ill-posed solution. This numerical procedure is utilized to determine the Moho depths globally. The gravimetric result is presented and compared with the seismic Moho model. Our gravimetric result has a relatively good agreement with the CRUST2.0 Moho model by means of the RMS of differences (of 3.5 km). However, the gravimetric solution has a systematic bias. We explain this bias between the gravimetric and seismic Moho models by the unmodelled mantle heterogeneities and uncertainties in the CRUST2.0 global crustal model.  相似文献   

In floodplains located in temperate regions, seasonal variations in temperature affect biological communities and these effects may overlap with those of the flood regime. In this study we explored if and how timing (with regard to temperature seasonality) influences the responses of planktonic and free-floating plants communities to floods in a warm temperate floodplain lake and assessed its relevance for determining state shifts. We took samples of zooplankton, phytoplankton, picoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and free-floating macrophytes at four sites of the lake characterized by the presence-absence of emergent or free-floating macrophytes along a 2-year period with marked hydrological fluctuations associated to river flood dynamics. We performed ANOVA tests to compare the responses of these communities to floods in cold and warm seasons and among sites. Planktonic communities developed high abundances in response to floods that occurred in the cold season, while the growth of free-floating macrophytes was impaired by low winter temperatures. Spring and summer floods favored profuse colonization by free-floating plants and limited the development of planktonic communities. The prolonged absence of floods during warm periods caused environmental conditions that favored Cyanobacteria growth, leading to a “low turbid waters” regime. The occurrence of floods early in the warm season caused phytoplankton dilution and promoted free-floating plant colonization and a shift towards a “high clear waters” state. Zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio was very low during floods in warm seasons, thus zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton seemed to play a minor role in the maintenance of the clear regime.  相似文献   

The present work is a continuation and improvement of the method suggested in Pisarenko et al. (Pure Appl Geophys 165:1–42, 2008) for the statistical estimation of the tail of the distribution of earthquake sizes. The chief innovation is to combine the two main limit theorems of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) that allow us to derive the distribution of T-maxima (maximum magnitude occurring in sequential time intervals of duration T) for arbitrary T. This distribution enables one to derive any desired statistical characteristic of the future T-maximum. We propose a method for the estimation of the unknown parameters involved in the two limit theorems corresponding to the Generalized Extreme Value distribution (GEV) and to the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). We establish the direct relations between the parameters of these distributions, which permit to evaluate the distribution of the T-maxima for arbitrary T. The duality between the GEV and GPD provides a new way to check the consistency of the estimation of the tail characteristics of the distribution of earthquake magnitudes for earthquake occurring over an arbitrary time interval. We develop several procedures and check points to decrease the scatter of the estimates and to verify their consistency. We test our full procedure on the global Harvard catalog (1977–2006) and on the Fennoscandia catalog (1900–2005). For the global catalog, we obtain the following estimates: \( \hat{M}_{{\rm max} } \)  = 9.53 ± 0.52 and \( \hat{Q}_{10} (0.97) \)  = 9.21 ± 0.20. For Fennoscandia, we obtain \( \hat{M}_{{\rm max} } \)  = 5.76 ± 0.165 and \( \hat{Q}_{10} (0.97) \)  = 5.44 ± 0.073. The estimates of all related parameters for the GEV and GPD, including the most important form parameter, are also provided. We demonstrate again the absence of robustness of the generally accepted parameter characterizing the tail of the magnitude-frequency law, the maximum possible magnitude M max, and study the more stable parameter Q T (q), defined as the q-quantile of the distribution of T-maxima on a future interval of duration T.  相似文献   

The present study utilises different satellite and ground-based geodetic observations in order to assess the current evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Satellite gravimetry data acquired by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment are used to derive ice-mass changes for the period from 2003 to 2012. The inferred time series are investigated regarding long-term, seasonal and interannual variations. Laser altimetry data acquired by the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) are utilised to solve for linear and seasonal changes in the ice-surface height and to infer independent mass-change estimates for the entire GIS and its major drainage basins. We demonstrate that common signals can be identified in the results of both sensors. Moreover, the analysis of a Global Positioning System (GPS) campaign network in West Greenland for the period 1995–2007 allows us to derive crustal deformation caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and by present-day ice-mass changes. ICESat-derived elastic crustal deformations are evaluated comparing them with GPS-observed uplift rates which were corrected for the GIA effect inferred by model predictions. Existing differences can be related to the limited resolution of ICESat. Such differences are mostly evident in dynamical regions such as the Disko Bay region including the rapidly changing Jakobshavn Isbræ, which is investigated in more detail. Glacier flow velocities are inferred from satellite imagery yielding an accelerated flow from 1999 to 2012. Since our GPS observations cover a period of more than a decade, changes in the vertical uplift rates can also be investigated. It turns out that the increased mass loss of the glacier is also reflected by an accelerated vertical uplift.  相似文献   

The works on geodetic monitoring of the contemporary crustal motions (CCMs) in the region of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Komandor Islands for the 40-year history of instrumental observations are reviewed. The examples of CCM recording by the classical geodetic methods and, since 1996, by the Global Positioning System (GPS) are presented. The deployment of the regional network for GNSS observations by the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KAMNET) made it possible to study the geodynamical processes at the junction of three major plates (Eurasian, North American, and Pacific) and smaller plates (Okhotsk and Bering). The interpretation of the examples of recorded CCMs is presented. The prospects of further development in the field of studying the geodynamics of the Koryak-Kamchatka region are outlined.  相似文献   

Recent developments of the Middle East catalog   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
This article summarizes a recent study in the framework of the Global Earth model (GEM) and the Earthquake Model of the Middle East (EMME) project to establish the new catalog of seismicity for the Middle East, using all historical (pre-1900), early and modern instrumental events up to 2006. According to different seismicity, which depends on geophysical, geological, tectonic, and seismicity data, this region is subdivided to nine subregions, consisting of Alborz–Azerbaijan, Afghanistan–Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Caucasus, Central Iran, Kopeh–Dagh, Makran, Zagros, and Turkey (Eastern Anatolia; after 30° E). After omitting the duplicate events, aftershocks, and foreshocks by using the Gruenthal method, and uniform all magnitude to Mw scale, 28,244 main events remain for the new catalog of Middle East from 1250 B.C. through 2006. The magnitude of completeness (Mc) was determined as 4.9 for five out of nine subregions, where the least values of Mc were found to be 4.2. The threshold of Mc is around 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, and 4.0, for the time after 1950, 1963, 1975, and 2000, respectively. The average of teleseismic depths in all regions is less than 15 km. Totally, majority of depth for Kopeh–Dagh and Central Iran, Zagros, and Alborz–Azerbaijan, approximately, is 15, 13, and 11 km and for Afghanistan–Pakistan, Caucasus, Makran, Turkey (after 30° E), and Saudi Arabia is about 9 km.  相似文献   

Erosion processes on active volcanoes in humid climates result in some of the highest sediment yields on Earth. Episodic sediment yields after large eruptions have been evaluated, but not the long-term and continuous patterns on persistently active volcanoes. We have used high-spatial resolution satellite imagery and DEMs/DSMs along with field-based geologic mapping to assess accurately sediment budgets for the active Semeru Volcano in Java, Indonesia. Patterns of aggradation and degradation on Semeru differ from that of other active volcanoes because (1) both episodic pyroclastic density currents (PDC) and continuous supplies of tephra generate pulses of sediment, (2) sediment is transferred via cycles of aggradation and degradation that continue for >15 years in river channels after each PDC-producing eruption, and (3) rain-triggered lahars remove much greater material than fluvial transport during long, intense rainfall events. The geomorphic response of two of Semeru’s rivers to volcanic sediment migration indicates that (1) each river experiences alternating aggradation and degradation cycles following PDC-producing eruptions and (2) spatial patterns of sediment transfer are governed by geomorphic characteristics of the river reaches. Usually high degradation in the steep source reach is followed by a long bypassing middle reach. Aggradation predominates in the depositional reaches further down valley on the ring plain. Average sediment yields (103–105 t/km2/year) at persistently active volcanoes are two to three orders of magnitude lower than sediment yields after large and infrequent eruptions, but the continuous and steady sediment transfer in rivers removes more sediment on a mid-term (10 years) to long-term (30 years) basis. In contrast to the trend observed on composite cones after large and infrequent eruptions, decay of sediment yields is not exponential and river channels do not fully recover at steadily active volcanoes as episodic inputs from BAF eruptions, superimposed on the background remobilization of daily tephra, have a greater cumulative effect.  相似文献   

Using Shen’s method (Shen et al., 1996), deformations of the Earth’s crust in Azerbaijan were studied based on GPS measurements. For estimating the rate of deformation, we used the field of velocity vectors for Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, and Armenia that were derived from GPS measurements during 1998–2012. It is established that compression is observable along the Greater Caucasus, in Gobustan, the Kura depression, Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, and adjacent areas of Iran. The axes of compression/contraction of the crust in the Greater Caucasus region are oriented in the S-NE direction. The maximum strain rate (approximately 200 × 10?9 per annum) is documented in the zone of mud volcanism at the SHIK site (Shykhlar), which is marked by a sharp change in the direction of the compression axes (SW-NE). It is revealed that the deformation field also includes the zones where strain rates are very low approximating 5 × 10?9 per annum. These zones include the Caspian-Guba and northern Gobustan areas, characterized by extensive development of mud volcanism. The extension zones are confined to the Lesser Caucasus and are revealed in the Gedabek (GEDA) and Shusha (SHOU) areas, as well as in the zone located between the DAMO and PIRM sites (Iran), where the deformation rate amounts to 100 × 10?9 per annum. It is concluded that the predominant factor responsible for the eruption of mud volcanoes is the intensity of gas-generation processes in the earth’s interior, while deformation processes play the role of a trigger. The zone of the epicenters of strong earthquakes is correlated to the gradient zone in the crustal strain rates.  相似文献   

Most paleomagnetic applications require a precise, rationally organized and up-todate catalogue or database of paleomagnetic results worldwide. These include reconstructions of continents, calculations of the Apparent Polar Wander Paths (APWPs) or paleolatitude drift curves, testing the Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) model, studies of geomagnetic paleosecular variation or reversal asymmetries, comparison of coeval results obtained from different types of rocks, estimation of inclination shallowing in sedimentary rocks and understanding the delay in remanence acquisition caused by slow cooling in large intrusions. For this purpose, various databases, such as the Global Paleomagnetic Database (GPMDB), and the Magnetics Information Consortium Database (MagIC) have been generated. This paper presents a new relational database (PALEOMAGIA) where 3278 entries of Precambrian data have been split geographically, sorted according to age and rock types and ranked using a revised version of the Van der Voo grading scheme. The latest geochronologic information is included wherever available. Significant effort has been put to the retrieval and archiving of data published in the last decade, which are virtually nonexistent in GPMDB. Here we present the database and its browser-based user interface from a scientific and a technical point of view.  相似文献   

RWI_TOPO_2015 is a new high-resolution spherical harmonic representation of the Earth’s topographic gravitational potential that is based on a refined Rock–Water–Ice (RWI) approach. This method is characterized by a three-layer decomposition of the Earth’s topography with respect to its rock, water, and ice masses. To allow a rigorous separate modeling of these masses with variable density values, gravity forward modeling is performed in the space domain using tesseroid mass bodies arranged on an ellipsoidal reference surface. While the predecessor model RWI_TOPO_2012 was based on the \(5'\times 5'\) global topographic database DTM2006.0 (Digital Topographic Model 2006.0), the new RWI model uses updated height information of the \(1'\times 1'\) Earth2014 topography suite. Moreover, in the case of RWI_TOPO_2015, the representation in spherical harmonics is extended to degree and order 2190 (formerly 1800). Beside a presentation of the used formalism, the processing for RWI_TOPO_2015 is described in detail, and the characteristics of the resulting spherical harmonic coefficients are analyzed in the space and frequency domain. Furthermore, this paper focuses on a comparison of the RWI approach to the conventionally used rock-equivalent method. For this purpose, a consistent rock-equivalent version REQ_TOPO_2015 is generated, in which the heights of water and ice masses are condensed to the constant rock density. When evaluated on the surface of the GRS80 ellipsoid (Geodetic Reference System 1980), the differences of RWI_TOPO_2015 and REQ_TOPO_2015 reach maximum amplitudes of about 1 m, 50 mGal, and 20 mE in terms of height anomaly, gravity disturbance, and the radial–radial gravity gradient, respectively. Although these differences are attenuated with increasing height above the ellipsoid, significant magnitudes can even be detected in the case of the satellite altitudes of current gravity field missions. In order to assess their performance, RWI_TOPO_2015, REQ_TOPO_2015, and RWI_TOPO_2012 are validated against independent gravity information of current global geopotential models, clearly demonstrating the attained improvements in the case of the new RWI model.  相似文献   

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