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磁层亚暴和磁暴是太阳风—行星磁层耦合过程中发生的能量存储和爆发式释放现象,伴随着复杂的等离子体动力学,对磁层以及整个行星都具有强烈的影响.它们的发生不仅会通过粒子沉降引发绚丽多彩的极光,还可以通过电磁场影响人类以及其他生物的生产生活.对地球上的亚暴和磁暴现象的描述与研究至今已有近百年的历史,然而对其他行星上的亚暴以及磁...  相似文献   

行星系日心经度和行星会合指数是行星系统运动的两大重要指标,在研究行星系统运动特征及演化规律方面具有特殊作用.行星会合指数可用于表征行星系统会合与分离的程度;行星系日心经度可用于表征行星系质心的准确方位,在研究行星系质心方位变化特征方面具有重要意义.本文对行星系日心经度的长期变化规律进行研究,利用索周法分析发现行星系日心经度具有准11.5年的主周期变化规律;利用功率谱分析表明近两千年的行星系日心经度数据中具有显著的11.893年的周期性变化规律;利用Morlet小波分析表明200年的数据中行星系日心经度周期规律分布在10~20年的时域内;三种分析方法均表明行星系日心经度具有准11.5年的变化规律.同时,借助索周法对行星系日心经度和行星系统对太阳引潮力进行周期对比分析,存在相似的周期性规律.因此,行星系日心经度和太阳引潮力指标均可用于分析太阳活动变化规律.为研究行星系统运动对太阳活动的影响方面具有一定意义.  相似文献   

行星会合指数和太阳引潮力指数是行星系统相对于太阳的两个重要指标,在分析行星系统对太阳影响方面具有重要意义.为探究行星系统会合运动及其引发太阳引潮力的周期吻合性,本文对行星会合指数和太阳引潮力指数两指标进行数值模拟,提供了百年、千年尺度的时间序列.对1450—2000AD期间的行星会合指数和太阳引潮力指数进行索周分析,显示行星会合指数存在显著的准19.88年、39.37年、12.94年、25.54年的周期规律,其中19.88年、39.37年的周期性较强、12.94年、25.54年的周期性较弱;太阳引潮力指数存在准11.99年、24.04年、35.99年、48.03年的强周期和4.0年、5.97年、7.98年、16.01年的弱周期.同时,利用功率谱和Morlet小波分别对行星会合指数和太阳引潮力指数进行周期性分析,分析结果与索周分析结果一致.行星会合指数和太阳引潮力指数存在相近的周期性规律又存在不同的周期性特征,反映了两指标的变化特征;行星对太阳正、反垂点产生大小近似相等、方向相反的引潮力,当行星会合指数处于极大或极小值时太阳引潮力指数都将达到极大值.行星对太阳引潮力的复杂性导致太阳引潮力...  相似文献   

1、本刊系中国地震局主管、中国地震局地球物理研究所主办、中国地震局地球物理勘探中心协办的地球物理与行星物理方面的学术刊物.双月刊.以国内外科技工作者及大专院校师生为读者对象,报道地球物理与行星物理前沿领域的研究进展.办刊宗旨:刊载地球与行星物理领域研究新思想、新技术、新进展,促进学术交流,推动学科发展,提高我国在该领域的科研水平.2、本刊涉及地球物理和行星物理的许多领域,包括地球物理学、行星物理学、空间物理学和大气物理学等.  相似文献   

1.地区和资料的选取众所周知,太阳系有九大行星。当地球和其它行星运行到太阳同一侧,最外两颗行星与日心的连线夹角最小时,叫做九星联珠,我们简称为甲型联珠。另外还有一种类型的九星联珠,即地球独处太阳一侧,其余行星处太阳另一侧,最外两颗行星与地心的连线夹角最小。我们把这种类型的简称乙型联珠。两种类型的联珠,其准周期皆为178.7年(但其周期长短  相似文献   

1、本刊系中国地震局主管、中国地震局地球物理研究所和中国地球物理学会主办、中国地震局地球物理勘探中心协办的地球与行星物理相关的学术刊物.双月刊.以国内外科技工作者及大专院校师生为读者对象,报道地球与行星物理相关领域的研究成果.办刊宗旨:刊载地球与行星物理领域研究新思想、新技术、新进展,促进学术交流,推动学科发展,提高我国在该领域的科研水平.  相似文献   

1、本刊系中国地震局主管、中国地震局地球物理研究所主办、中国地球物理学会和中国地震局地球物理勘探中心协办的地球与行星物理相关的学术刊物.双月刊.以国内外科技工作者及大专院校师生为读者对象,报道地球与行星物理相关领域的研究成果.办刊宗旨:刊载地球与行星物理领域研究新思想、新技术、新进展,促进学术交流,推动学科发展,提高我国在该领域的科研水平.  相似文献   

行星会合指数变化与太阳绕太阳系质心运转的周期   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘复刚  王建 《地球物理学报》2013,56(5):1457-1466
本文创建了行星会合指数(K)运动学方程,通过定义的行星会合指数可以指代行星会合与相背离的程度,进而发现太阳(S)绕太阳系质心(C)运动的轨迹、形态变化特征.对该运动学方程构建的图像分析发现,太阳绕太阳系质心转动有近半程时间,太阳系质心是处于太阳本体之内.以质量为权重求出了行星系质心运日运动的恒星周期,从而获得了太阳绕太阳系质心运转的真正周期为21.8192年(约22年),并得到了太阳绕太阳系质心运动的轨迹.  相似文献   

通过讨论天体运行背景介质理论的连续轨道及离散轨道这二个研究方向的基础假设,介绍了天体运行轨道的具体方程形式及理论框架概要;进一步地通过讨论天体运行轨道Binet方程的一般形式及其行星近日点进动角的解,给出了连续轨道理论与Newton理论及Einstein广义相对论的联系与区别;通过讨论天体运行轨道的分维扩展方程,给出了包括太阳系行星、天王星卫星、地球卫星、绕月航天器等在内的离散轨道(稳定性轨道)方程及其预言数据.特别地,作为对天体在较为广泛区域作用曲线的初步探讨推论,指出仅由天体引力难以形成质量密度趋于无穷大的理想黑洞.通过讨论一般函数的分维导数的位置假设及幂函数的分维导数的形式假设,进一步明晰了幂函数的分维导数、分维微分及分维积分的具体方程形式,给出分维导数与分数阶导数的区别,随后讨论了基于一般分形测度的分维微积分形式定义导出的自相似分形的测度计算方程具体形式,给出了其与目前Hausdorff测度方法(覆盖方法)的区别,并对包括三分Cantor集合、Koch曲线、Sierpinski垫片及正交十字星形等自相似分形在内的测度进行了计算分析.  相似文献   

标识行星会合或排成直列程度的方法,是分析行星系统与太阳活动关系的关键.两颗行星会合可以给出准确的会合周期.行星越多获得准确的会合周期就越困难.以往表达多个行星排成近似直列的方法多采用I指数,I取值在0和1之间.但I指数无法呈现多个行星排成直列程度的连续变化过程,也无法区分行星在I指数构成中是位于太阳一侧还是分居在太阳两侧,更无法确定行星系质心与太阳位置关系的变化.K指数是将8大行星轨道半径按质量权重构成的矢量和的模除以一个天文单位的距离长度.K取值在0和7.5105之间.研究表明,行星引潮力会合指数KJ-M具有指代对太阳造成引潮力和引力周期规律的作用.行星质量权重会合指数KJ-N具有指代行星系质心绕太阳系质心的运动规律,进而指代太阳绕太阳系质心的运动规律.这为进一步探讨太阳轨道运动和太阳活动关系研究提供一种有效方法.  相似文献   

黎元  张宇 《地球物理学报》1975,18(3):149-152
最近,一些西方资产阶级学者提出“九星成线”灾难说:当太阳系九颗行星在太阳同侧排成一线时,将会骤然“刹住”地球自转,引起灾难性的大地震。本文对这种错误观点进行了批判。 根据中国二千七百多年历史地震的丰富记载,七级以上的大地震共发生过一百二十多次,同期“九星成线”有十五次,可这百余次大震没有一次发生在“九星成线”的年份上。迄今为止,世界上最大的一次地震,既与“九星成线”无关,也并未“摧毁地球”。对地球引力的主要影响来自太阳和月球,其他行星影响总和的最大值,不过是月球的万分之一而已。地震是地球内部的一种矛盾运动,不能把行星间引力对某些地震的影响片面夸大加以绝对化。“九星成线”灾难说,缺乏事实根据,在科学上是说不通的。 这种错误观点的提出并非偶然,科学技术的发展总是为一定的政治路线服务的。早在我国西汉末年(公元一世纪初年),孔孟之徒曾对这同一种自然现象宣扬过“五星联珠”吉祥说,妄图挽救反动奴隶制的崩溃。同儒家曲解自然现象的下场一样,西方资产阶级宣扬灾难说,欺骗人民,以掩盖资本主义世界的政治经济危机,也必然是完全徒劳的。  相似文献   

We report the results from a search for statistically significant (at a significance level of <0.05) periodicities that synchronize the occurrence of large shallow (h ≤ 100 km) earthquakes in the eight world regions with the highest level of seismicity. The periodicities in question include the synodic periods of planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter), as well as the precession period of the lunar orbit. In five of the eight regions we have found statistically significant results for the period T ≈ 780 days, corresponding to the synodic period of Mars. The lunar cycle and the period of Mercury were significant in two regions. These results cannot be accounted for by invoking the disturbing influence of gravitational and tidal forces due to planets other than the Earth. The significant periodicities were used to develop a forecast (for the period 2004–2009) of the most probable time intervals for the occurrence of large earthquakes in four regions: Kamchatka, the South Kurils, northeastern Japan, and the Nankai trough.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - According to data on earthquakes with a magnitude of М ≥ 4.5 recorded on the planet in 1973–2017, a UT variation in the number of earthquakes with an...  相似文献   

Detailed observations of the solar system planets reveal a wide variety of local atmospheric conditions. Astronomical observations have revealed a variety of extrasolar planets none of which resembles any of the solar system planets in full. Instead, the most massive amongst the extrasolar planets, the gas giants, appear very similar to the class of (young) brown dwarfs which are amongst the oldest objects in the Universe. Despite this diversity, solar system planets, extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs have broadly similar global temperatures between 300 and 2500 K. In consequence, clouds of different chemical species form in their atmospheres. While the details of these clouds differ, the fundamental physical processes are the same. Further to this, all these objects were observed to produce radio and X-ray emissions. While both kinds of radiation are well studied on Earth and to a lesser extent on the solar system planets, the occurrence of emissions that potentially originate from accelerated electrons on brown dwarfs, extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks is not well understood yet. This paper offers an interdisciplinary view on electrification processes and their feedback on their hosting environment in meteorology, volcanology, planetology and research on extrasolar planets and planet formation.  相似文献   

本文指出地震学在天文和行星学科里的重要作用.我们主要介绍最近提出的“潮汐—地震波共振”(tidal-seismic resonance)效应,并且讨论它对卫星轨道演化的作用.当在同步轨道以下周期运动的卫星引起的引潮力的频率和行星内部自由震荡频率吻合时,就会发生潮汐—地震波共振.此时,行星内部的地震波将被激发并引起行星表面的显著位移.升高和下降的地面会对卫星产生一个力矩从而使得卫星轨道下降.因为潮汐共振引起的动态地面位移可以比单纯引潮力引起的位移大两个数量级,所以潮汐共振会显著加速卫星下降速率.我们用我们开发的三维地震波场模拟程序AstroSeis数值计算了潮汐—地震波共振对轨道的影响,进而推测这一共振效应可能对行星早期吸积速度有显著影响.另外,因为行星内部的Q值和S波的波速对潮汐共振影响很大,未来研究微重力环境下的小行星或陨石内部地震波的速度和Q值对研究行星演化和太阳系的形成至关重要.  相似文献   

The planet Mercury, a difficult object for study by astronomical observation and spacecraft exploration alike, poses multiple challenges to our general understanding of the inner planets. Mercury’s anomalously high uncompressed density implies a metal fraction of 60% or more by mass, an extreme outcome of planetary formational processes common to the inner solar system. Whether that outcome was the result of chemical gradients in the early solar nebula or removal by impact or vaporization of most of the silicate shell from a differentiated protoplanet can potentially be distinguished on the basis of the chemical composition of the present crust. Our understanding of the geological evolution of Mercury and how it fits within the known histories of the other terrestrial planets is restricted by the limited coverage and resolution of imaging by the only spacecraft to have visited the planet. The role of volcanism in Mercury’s geological history remains uncertain, and the dominant tectonic structures are lobate scarps interpreted as recording an extended episode of planetary contraction, issues that require global imaging to be fully examined. That Mercury has retained a global magnetic field when larger terrestrial planets have not stretches the limits of standard hydromagnetic dynamo theory and has led to proposals for a fossil field or for exotic dynamo scenarios. Hypotheses for field generation can be distinguished on the basis of the geometry of Mercury’s internal field, and the existence and size of a fluid outer core on Mercury can be ascertained from measurements of the planet’s spin axis orientation and gravity field and the amplitude of Mercury’s forced librations. The nature of Mercury’s polar deposits, suggested to consist of volatile material cold-trapped on the permanently shadowed floors of high-latitude impact craters, can be tested by remote sensing of the composition of Mercury’s surface and polar atmosphere. The extremely dynamic exosphere, which includes a number of species derived from Mercury’s surface, offers a novel laboratory for exploring the nature of the complex and changing interactions among the solar wind, a small magnetosphere, and a solid planet. Recent ground-based astronomical measurements and several new theoretical developments set the stage for the in-depth exploration of Mercury by two spacecraft missions within the coming decade.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSeveMmethdsdPOtential analyslsfor medium-and short-termpredlctlon dl’l;lln shocks weredevelopedbaseduponthe pnnclpledInaccufatemeasurementoffOCfOCustheoryaMthepattemdmainshocks.These analytic methods can be used to predict strong earthop拙es In shallow layers on thesubducting plate boundeq In squeezed zones.More than a half of strong earthquakes In the world。located inthe shallow depth tthe suMuctingplate boundw In s仰eezed zones.This paPerfirst Statesthe philoso…  相似文献   

Peter Schröder, Robert Smith and Kevin Apps take a speculative look at what the future may hold as the Sun becomes a supergiant.
Astronomy textbooks tell us that one day the Sun will expand to become a red supergiant of enormous size, finally swallowing its inner planets, including Earth. However, recent solar evolution models, which account for a realistic amount of mass loss, suggest a (slightly) less catastrophic future for our planet.  相似文献   

It is not possible to consider the formation of the Earth in isolation without reference to the formation of the rest of the solar system. A brief account is given of the current scientific consensus on that topic, explaining the origin of an inner solar system rocky planet depleted in most of the gaseous and icy components of the original solar nebula. Volatile element depletion occurred at a very early stage in the nebula, and was probably responsible for the formation of Jupiter before that of the inner planets. The Earth formed subsequently from accumulation of a hierarchy of planetesimals. Evidence of these remains in the ancient cratered surfaces and the obliquities (tilts) of most planets. Earth melting occurred during this process, as well as from the giant Moon-forming impact. The strange density and chemistry of the Moon are consistent with an origin from the mantle of the impactor. Core-mantle separation on the Earth was coeval with accretion. Some speculations are given on the origin of the hydrosphere.  相似文献   

Formation,history and energetics of cores in the terrestrial planets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cores of the terrestrial planets Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars differ substantially in size and in history. Though no planet other than the Earth has a conclusively demonstrated core, the probable cores in Mercury and Mars and Earth's core show a decrease in relative core size with solar distance. The Moon does not fit this sequence and Venus may not. Core formation must have been early (prior to ~4 · 109 yr. ago) in the Earth, by virtue of the existence of ancient rock units and ancient paleomagnetism and from UPb partitioning arguments, and in Mercury, because the consequences of core infall would have included extensional tectonic features which are not observed even on Mercury's oldest terrain. If a small core exists in the Moon, still an open question, completion of core formation may be placed several hundred million years after the end of heavy bombardment on tectonic and thermal grounds. Core formation time on Mars is loosely constrained, but may have been substantially later than for the other terrestrial planets. The magnitude and extent of early heating to drive global differentiation appear to have decreased with distance from the sun for at least the smaller bodies Mercury, Moon and Mars.Energy sources to maintain a molten state and to fuel convection and magnetic dynamos in the cores of the terrestrial planets include principally gravitational energy, heat of fusion, and long-lived radioactivity. The gravitational energy of core infall is quantifiable and substantial for all bodies but the Moon, but was likely spent too early in the history of most planets to prove a significant residual heat source to drive a present dynamo. The energy from inner core freezing in the Earth and in Mercury is at best marginally able to match even the conductive heat loss along an outer core adiabat. Radioactive decay in the core offers an attractive but unproven energy source to maintain core convection.  相似文献   

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