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基于GEO-STUDIO软件,运用统计岩体力学理论,对新疆CHE水利枢纽不同工况下的边坡稳定性进行分析。结果表明:研究区工程地质条件复杂,断层、挤压破碎带及岩脉广泛发育,左右岸均存在5组优势结构面;对左右岸参数敏感性分析,两岸强卸荷岩体的粘聚力c对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率远大于摩擦角φ对应的稳定性系数的曲线斜率,因此在一定范围内,坡体稳定性对粘聚力c值的变化更为敏感;研究区边坡在自然条件、蓄水条件及库水快速降升条件稳定系数K1,即边坡处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

为研究岩质边坡中结构面几何参数及力学参数对边坡安全稳定性的影响,文中采用离散元软件3DEC进行数值模拟试验;以安全系数为指标,结合响应面分析法,研究边坡结构面几何参数倾向、倾角及力学参数法向刚度(Kn)、切向刚度(Ks)、粘聚力(c)、内摩擦角(φ)对影响边坡稳定性敏感程度;结果显示,结构面的几何参数是边坡的稳定性的前提条件,在具备滑塌条件的情况下,结构面的力学参数,将进一步影响边坡的稳定性;其中结构面的切向刚度和内摩擦角对边坡稳定性有高敏感度,按照敏感度由大到小排序,为切向刚度内摩擦角粘聚力法向刚度;同时发现内摩擦角和切向刚度与边坡安全性因素之间呈相互促进作用。  相似文献   

以日照市岚山区某弃土场为研究对象,通过对现场调研并采样开展直剪试验,在压实度分别为90%、92%和95%的情况下取得不同的黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ值,通过MIDAS GTS NX进行数据模拟,选取MohrCoulomb模型,采用有限元强度折减法(SRM)算出边坡的等效应变塑性区及安全系数,以此分析边坡稳定性。利用数值模拟的结果,分别绘制坡高、坡比与安全系数的关系图,归类分析不同坡高和坡度对边坡稳定性系数的变化规律。通过边坡稳定影响因素的敏感性分析,分析影响边坡稳定性各因素与边坡安全系数之间的相关性,即分析各因素的变化对于边坡安全系数的影响程度。  相似文献   

在边坡稳定性上极限分析中, 由于考虑了材料的理想弹塑性本构关系与相关流动法则, 相比极限平衡法更符合岩土材料的特征。在以往的二维边坡极限分析上限法中, 要求坡面形态为规则的直线, 而无论是天然边坡还是人工边坡, 边坡的坡面形态往往并非规则的直线。此外, 以往的边坡极限上限分析中得到的稳定数Ns=c/γH主要针对土坡的临界高度计算, 且未考虑孔压等外力对边坡施加的外功率。不同于传统极限平衡法采用静力学的平衡条件, 本研究针对非直线型坡面边坡稳定性问题, 假定滑动面为对数螺旋线, 基于极限分析上限定理和虚功原理, 提出了一种边坡发生旋转破坏时旋转中心的确定方法, 推导出了非直线型坡面边坡的重力虚功功率和能量平衡方程的解析解, 并提出了基于内、外功率之比的稳定系数K用以评价边坡的稳定性。通过算例比较了不同形态天然边坡的稳定性和人工削坡对边坡稳定性的影响, 并分析了边坡的坡度(β)、土体的内摩擦角(φ)、黏聚力(c)以及孔压系数(ru)对稳定系数K的影响规律。对于坡度较大的边坡, 通过削坡改变坡面形态提高了边坡的稳定系数K。稳定系数K随黏聚力的增加而非线性增大, 随孔压系数的增加而降低。当黏聚力相对于孔压系数对边坡稳定性影响更大时, 稳定系数K随内摩擦角的增加而增大; 反之, 稳定系数K则随内摩擦角的增加而减小。以上结果符合对边坡稳定性分析的普遍认知, 验证了模型的合理性。另外, 通过将该方法与传统的Bishop法的计算结果进行对比, 发现安全系数Fs=1与稳定系数K=0的临界状态物理意义相同, 稳定系数K随黏聚力非线性增加, 更符合边坡的渐进破坏过程。   相似文献   

使用双参数折减方法分析边坡稳定性的研究较多, 如何把两个折减系数定义为单一的综合安全系数是目前研究的一项重要内容。Isakov提出的最短折减路径法能够保证在不同工况下得到最小安全系数, 但是该方法的缺点在于计算复杂, 不适合工程应用。通过有限元数值模拟, 利用最短折减路径方法计算不同强度黏土构成的不同坡度均质土坡的最小安全系数和对应的折减系数, 探索了最小安全系数与土的初始黏聚力、内摩擦角以及边坡坡度的关系, 分析了初始强度对折减系数的影响。结果表明, 相同坡度下不同强度的黏土边坡在失稳时, 最小安全系数对应的临界破坏强度相同。临界破坏强度与坡度近似成线性正相关关系。由此基于最短折减路径法提出了一种新的计算最小安全系数的方法, 该方法得到的安全系数与目前常用的极限平衡方法所得结果相近, 并且计算简单, 因此可以用于边坡稳定性分析。   相似文献   

由于传统搜索方法对岩质边坡滑裂面的确定无法兼顾效率与精度, 如何迅速准确确定潜在滑裂面仍然是个难题。极限平衡法在岩质边坡稳定性分析中备受认可, 采用岩质边坡平面剪切滑动模型, 以滑裂面的倾角来表征潜在滑裂面的位置; 基于极值法, 推导了极限平衡条件下平面剪切破坏型岩质边坡潜在滑裂面的解析解, 并结合香港秀茂坪路边坡对其准确性进行了验证, 进一步对四川宜宾打营盘山公路多级边坡进行了整体稳定性分析。结果表明: 香港秀茂坪边坡采用本文方法确定的边坡潜在滑裂面倾角与实际滑坡倾角基本一致。实际工程应用中, 采用Slide软件中布谷鸟搜索法和模拟退火法两种搜索方法得到的滑裂面倾角分别为38.0°和37.0°, 本解析法所得倾角为34.8°; 选用Janbu法、Morgenstern-Price法和Sarma法分别计算对应的稳定系数, 结果均为1.04左右, 本文所得稳定系数为1.15, 可见本文方法所得结果基本准确。通过参数敏感性分析发现, 随着黏聚力的增加, 边坡滑裂面倾角越来越小, 稳定系数也随之增加; 而当内摩擦角增大时, 边坡滑裂面倾角和稳定系数也随之增大。   相似文献   

丹崖山边坡稳定性是关系古文物蓬莱阁安全的关键问题。丹崖山边坡高差大、断层裂隙发育、岩体卸荷深度大,地质条件十分复杂,边坡在施工期和运行期的稳定性问题特别突出。该文介绍了丹崖山岩体加固后的监测布置,并对岩体表面变形趋势、空间分布形态、加固后变形趋势进行分析,通过对多点位移计、锚杆测力计、锚索测力计、表面裂缝计及地表变形等监测结果进行综合分析,得到边坡岩体的变形规律。  相似文献   

敏感性分析结果,可对边坡加固位置提出设计改进,将有限的加固措施加于敏感性较高的位置,能够更有效地提高边坡的稳定性。   相似文献   

基于可靠度理论建立顺层岩质边坡稳定的可靠性分析方法,获得顺层岩质边坡可靠指标和失稳概率的计算表达式。以某高切坡为例分析其稳定状态和失稳概率,并据此探讨不同粘聚力、内摩擦角、炸药量和爆心距条件下边坡失稳概率的变化规律。计算结果表明,粘聚力对边坡的失稳概率影响较大;随着内摩擦角的增加,边坡失稳概率近乎线性减小;当单孔药量从10 kg增大到160 kg后,失稳概率增幅97.10%;当爆心距小于20 m时,边坡的失稳概率减小的速度很快,而爆心距超过20 m后边坡失稳概率减小的幅度较小。考虑爆破振动的时效性,爆破荷载使边坡失稳概率增大49.61%,单次爆破振动的影响时间约6 s。  相似文献   

为了探究降雨条件对边坡稳定性的影响,确定降雨阈值曲线,利用FLAC2D 7.0数值模拟软件对安徽省3个小型边坡进行饱和-非饱和渗流及稳定性分析,获取了边坡安全系数随降雨强度和历时的变化趋势。边坡监测位置处孔隙水压力与饱和度的变化结果显示:降雨对边坡的影响是有限的,降雨历时越长,极限降雨强度越小并趋于稳定,边坡趋于饱和,此时安全系数达到最小值,后续降雨对边坡安全系数影响很小;为确保安全,假设临界安全系数为1.15,对应降雨强度为临界降雨强度,降雨历时越长,临界降雨强度越小并趋于稳定,3个边坡临界降雨强度趋于稳定时分别为13、12和16 mm·d-1,对应的降雨历时分别为5、9和12 d,表明前期降雨对边坡稳定性影响很大。利用这3个边坡的临界降雨强度数据进行降雨阈值曲线拟合,并以435组安徽省2008~2022年历史灾害降雨数据验证该降雨阈值曲线。结果表明:95%以上的灾害数据点可以被该降雨阈值曲线预测。  相似文献   

基于有限元修正节理岩质边坡稳定性计算的解析解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用有限元方法探讨在人工开挖或自然侵蚀环境下,岩质边坡体内应力场的变化及节理发育形成机理,并采用有限元强度折减法对后缘具有张节理边坡的稳定性影响因素进行敏感性对比分析,进而得出具有非贯通节理边坡稳定性计算的修正解析解.结果表明:卸荷及风化作用导致边坡体由表及里出现应力重分布及应力集中的现象,使边坡后缘由顶部向下发育一簇...  相似文献   

The E24 profile slope analyzed belongs to a series of excavated slopes of the Haizhou Opencast Coal Mine. It seems to be divided into Downslope Part and Upslope Part. Its profile comprises two noticeable coal seams, called the 8# and 9# weak layers, considered as the potential failure surfaces. In consideration of the actual configuration as in the perspective of any modification, assessing the stability of this slope with various profile forms under given conditions, and assessing the risk of instability and quantifying the influence of earthworks or other modifications to the stability of this slope, have constituted the primordial objectives carried out. From assumed potential failure surfaces, any specific profiles and specified slip surfaces are defined. A factor of safety (FoS) is computed for each specified slip surface; the smallest FoS found corresponds to the least favorable slip surface. The safety factor values obtained are compared to the suggested safety factor. Limit equilibrium methods of vertical slices implemented in Slope/W, computer program for slope stability analyses, have been adopted to perform the E24 slope stability analysis. The safety factor values computed with 9# weak layer are lower than for 8#; the factors of safety obtained with Sarma's method are the smallest; more, without groundwater (long term) overall values are greater than those determined under groundwater condition (short term). The lowest safety factor value is found for a profile depending on an adopted earthwork sequence. The E24 profile slope stability analysis shows the instability risk for the deepest weak layer, and also shows the short and long term stability of this slope for the envisaged earth movements. However it demonstrates the existence of instability risk for any earthwork firstly affecting the downslope part.  相似文献   

The E24 profile slope analyzed belongs to a series of excavated slopes of the Haizhou Opencast Coal Mine. It seems to be divided into Downslope Part and Upslope Part. Its profile comprises two noticeable coal seams, called the 8# and 9# weak layers, considered as the potential failure surfaces. In consideration of the actual configuration as in the perspective of any modification, assessing the stability of this slope with various profile forms under given conditions, and assessing the risk of instability and quantifying the influence of earthworks or other modifications to the stability of this slope, have constituted the primordial objectives carried out. From assumed potential failure surfaces, any specific profiles and specified slip surfaces are defined. A factor of safety (FoS) is computed for each specified slip surface; the smallest FoS found corresponds to the least favorable slip surface. The safety factor values obtained are compared to the suggested safety factor. Limit equilibrium methods of vertical slices implemented in Slope/W, computer program for slope stability analyses, have been adopted to perform the E24 slope stability analysis. The safety factor values computed with 9# weak layer are lower than for 8#; the factors of safety obtained with Sarma's method are the smallest; more, without groundwater (long term) overall values are greater than those determined under groundwater condition (short term). The lowest safety factor value is found for a profile depending on an adopted earthwork sequence. The E24 profile slope stability analysis shows the instability risk for the deepest weak layer, and also shows the short and long term stability of this slope for the envisaged earth movements. However it demonstrates the existence of instability risk for any earthwork firstly affecting the downslope part.  相似文献   

The stability of rock slope is often controlled by the existing discontinuous surfaces, such as discrete fractures, which are ubiquitously distributing in a geological medium. In contrast with the traditional approaches used in soil slope with a continuous assumption, the simulation methods of jointed rock slope are different from that of in soil slope. This paper presents a study on jointed rock slope stability using the proposed discontinuous approach, which considers the effects of discrete fractures. Comparing with traditional methods to model fractures in an implicit way, the presented approach provides a method to simulate fractures in an explicit way, where grids between rock matrix and fractures are independent. To complete geometric components generation and mesh partition for the model, the corresponding algorithms were devised. To evaluate the stability state of rock slope quantitatively, the strength reduction method was integrated into our analysis framework. A benchmark example was used to verify the validation of the approach. A jointed rock slope, which contains natural fractures, was selected as a case study and was simulated regarding the workflow of our framework. It was set up in the light of the geological condition of the site. Slope stability was evaluated under different loading conditions with various fracture patterns. Numerical results show that fractures have significant contributions to slope stability, and different fracture patterns would lead to different shapes of the slip surface. The devised method has the ability to calculate a non-circular slip surface, which is different from a circular slip surface obtained by classical methods.  相似文献   

Mass movements are very common problems in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey due to its climate conditions, geological, and geomorphological characteristics. High slope angle, weathering, dense rainfalls, and anthropogenic impacts are generally reported as the most important triggering factors in the region. Following the portal slope excavations in the entrance section of Cankurtaran tunnel, located in the region, where the highly weathered andesitic tuff crops out, a circular toe failure occurred. The main target of the present study is to investigate the causes and occurrence mechanism of this failure and to determine the feasible remedial measures against it using finite element method (FEM) in four stages. These stages are slope stability analyses for pre- and postexcavation cases, and remediation design assessments for slope and tunnel. The results of the FEM-SSR analyses indicated that the insufficient initial support design and weathering of the andesitic tuffs are the main factors that caused the portal failure. After installing a rock retaining wall with jet grout columns and reinforced slope benching applications, the factor of safety increased from 0.83 to 2.80. In addition to slope stability evaluation, the Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Rock Mass Quality (Q) and New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) systems were also utilized as empirical methods to characterize the tunnel ground and to determine the tunnel support design. The performance of the suggested empirical support design, induced stress distributions and deformations were analyzed by means of numerical modelling. Finally, it was concluded that the recommended stabilization technique was essential for the dynamic long-term stability and prevents the effects of failure. Additionally, the FEM method gives useful and reasonably reliable results in evaluating the stability of cut slopes and tunnels excavated both in continuous and discontinuous rock masses.  相似文献   

The long-term stability of a prestressed anchored slope might be influenced by the durability of the anchorage structure. To understand long-term stability of anchored rock slopes, the research presented herein evaluated the performance evolution of a prestressed anchored bedding slope system in a corrosive environment by model test. The corrosion process in a prestressed anchor bar was monitored in terms of its open-circuit potential(OCP), corrosion current density(CCD), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). The stability of the prestressed anchored slope was evaluated by monitoring changes in anchorage force and displacements. The experimental results show that prestress and oxygen could reduce the corrosion resistance of the anchor bar, and anchor bars in a chloride-rich environment are very susceptible to corrosion. Prestressed tendons in a corrosive environment suffer a loss of anchorage force, the prestress decreases rapidly after locking, and the rate thereof decreases until stabilising; in the later stage, corrosion leads to the reduction of the cross-sectional area of the steel bar which may cause the reduction in anchorage force again. Anchorage force controls the deformation and stability of the anchored slope, the prestress loss caused by later corrosion may lead to an increased rate of displacement and stability degradation of the prestressed anchored rock slope.  相似文献   

夏日哈木镍钴矿为大型镍钴硫化物矿床,现拟建大型露天采场,边坡采用分台阶式高边坡,最高边坡高度超过600m。该工程具有开挖成本高,边坡一但失稳后果严重的特点。为此需要选择一个即节约经济成本又保障整体边坡稳定的最佳边坡角。本文采取Geostudio软件中的Slope模块极限平衡方法对拟建露天采场假设开挖边坡角的整体边坡稳定性进行分析,提出最佳设计边坡角。 本次边坡角优化的思路:首先根据场地工程地质条件和拟建边坡的高度等因素将拟建边坡划分为5个区,选择典型边坡工程地质剖面并进行工程地质岩体分段,然后通过岩石强度指标折减计算(本文采用费辛柯法、M.Georgi法和经验法)给各分段的岩体赋予凝聚力、内摩擦角等计算参数,采用极限平衡方法(Geostudio软件中的Slope模块法)对不同角度下对各分区边坡的破坏形式及安全系数进行计算,最后提出了各分区边坡的最佳设计边坡角。  相似文献   

Rainfall induced shallow landslides are known to be extremely dangerous since the sliding mass can propagate quickly and travel far from the source. Although the sliding mechanism in sloping ground is simple to understand, the problem may be complicated by unsaturated transient water flow. The flow behavior of rainwater in unsaturated sloping ground and the consequent factor of safety must be clearly understood to assess slope stability under rainfall conditions. A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to examine the critical hydrological states so that assessment of slope stability under rainfall condition can be performed. Based on the test results, a unique relationship between critical hydrological states, rainfall intensity, and soil properties was formulated. Sequential stability analysis provided insights into the stability of slopes subjected to variations in soil properties, slope angles and rainfall intensities, and the consequent variation in the depth of the failure plane, vital in landslide risk assessment, was determined through this analysis.The variation of rainfall intensity was found to strongly affect the depth of the failure plane in cohesionless sloping ground. Furthermore, the influence of rainfall intensity on the depth of the failure plane may be alleviated by a small magnitude of cohesive strength. The results of this study will reinforce knowledge of landslide behavior and help to improve mitigation measures in susceptible areas.  相似文献   

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