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The evolution of energy, energy flux and modal structure of the internal tides(ITs) in the northeastern South China Sea is examined using the measurements at two moorings along a cross-slope section from the deep continental slope to the shallow continental shelf. The energy of both diurnal and semidiurnal ITs clearly shows a~14-day spring-neap cycle, but their phases lag that of barotropic tides, indicating that ITs are not generated on the continental slope. Observations of internal tidal energy flux suggest that they may be generated at the Luzon Strait and propagate west-northwest to the continental slope in the northwestern SCS. Because the continental slope is critical-supercritical with respect to diurnal ITs, about 4.6 kJ/m~2 of the incident energy and 8.7 kW/m of energy flux of diurnal ITs are reduced from the continental slope to the continental shelf. In contrast, the semidiurnal internal tides enter the shelf because of the sub-critical topography with respect to semidiurnal ITs.From the continental slope to the shelf, the vertical structure of diurnal ITs shows significant variation, with dominant Mode 1 on the deep slope and dominant higher modes on the shelf. On the contrary, the vertical structure of the semidiurnal ITs is stable, with dominant Mode 1.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):131-143
The eastern Atlantic barotropic dynamics (in a region spanning from 20° N to 48° N and 34° W to 0°) are studied through numerical modelling and in situ measurements. The main source of data is the tidal gauge network REDMAR, managed by Clima Marítimo (Puertos del Estado). The numerical model employed is the HAMSOM, developed both by the Institut für Meereskunde (Hamburg University) and Clima Marítimo.In this paper, tidal and storm surge dynamics are studied for the region, focusing particularly on the nonlinear transfer of energy between the different forcings.The results of tidal simulations show good agreement between semidiurnal harmonic components and the values obtained from the tidal gauges (both coastal and pelagic) and current metres. The nonlinear transfers of energy from semidiurnal to higher order harmonics, such as M4 and M6, were mapped. Those transfers were found to be important in only two areas: The French continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay and the widest part of the African shelf, south of Cabo Bojador. The modelled diurnal constituents show larger relative differences with measurements than semidiurnal harmonics, especially in data concerning the phase.A method to isolate the nonlinear transfers of energy between tidal and atmospheric forcing during a storm surge was developed. These transfers were found to be significant in the same areas where tidal nonlinear activity was present. The effect of short period wind generated waves on sea surface elevation was also investigated. The magnitude of the spatial derivatives of radiation stress was compared with wind-induced stress. As a result of this comparison, we found the inclusion of a forcing term that depends on radiation stress in ocean model simulations at this scale and resolution to be not essential. The effect of computing wind-induced stresses, with a formulation that explicitly depends on sea state, was also explored by means of a coupled run of the HAMSOM and the spectral wave model WAM for a storm surge event in the Spanish coast. This formulation was not found to be an improvement over a classical parameterisation which only depends on wind fields.  相似文献   

The coast of Zhejiang Province is a zone of maximum tidal ranges in China. One of the causes is the influence of the adjacent continental shelf. A model is presented in this paper, whose theory suggests that the amplitudes of semidiurnal tides should be amplified on the southern continental shelf of the East China Sea, while those of diurnal tides should not. The values computed from the equations are basically in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

Based on the surface drifters that moved out from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Pacific, the surface velocity fields of mean, eddy, and tidal components in the Oyashio region are examined for the period September 1999 to August 2000. Along the southern Kuril Island Chain, the Oyashio Current, having a width of ∼100 km, exists with velocities of 0.2–0.4 m s−1. From 40°N to 43°N, the Subarctic Current flows east- or northeastward with velocities of 0.1–0.3 m s−1, accompanied by a meandering Oyashio or Subarctic front. Between the Oyashio and Subarctic current regions, an eddy-dominant region exists with both cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies. The existence of an eastward flow just south of Bussol' Strait is suggested. The 2000 anticyclonic warmcore ring located south of Hokkaido was found to have a nearly symmetric velocity structure with a maximum velocity of ∼0.7 m s−1 at 70 km from the eddy center. Diurnal tidal currents with a clockwise tidal ellipse are amplified over the shelf and slope off Urup and Iturup Islands, suggesting the presence of diurnal shelf waves. From Lagrangian statistics, the single-particle diffusivity is estimated to be ∼10 × 107 cm2s−1.  相似文献   

A vertically integrated 2D numerical model was developed for the simulation of major tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1) in the Bay of Bengal. The bathymetry for the model domain was derived from an improved ETOPO5 dataset prepared in our earlier work. The simulated tidal elevations showed good agreement with the hourly tide gauge observations at Paradip, Visakhapatnam, and Chennai. The amplitudes and phases of M2, S2, K1, and O1 at the coastal stations, obtained from harmonic analysis of simulated tides, were found to agree well with those obtained from Admiralty Tide Tables with the RMS misfit 9.2, 5.6, 2.9 and 3.1 cm, respectively. In the Bay of Bengal, semi-diurnal tides (M2, S2, and N2) attain highest amplitudes (180, 80, 30 cm, respectively) in the Gulf of Martaban while amplitudes of diurnal tides (K1, O1) reaches maximum (20, 12 cm, respectively) in the Malacca Strait. The continental shelf in the head bay and along the southern coast of Myanmar is about 200 km wide and the amplitudes of semi-diurnal tides are doubled in these regions while the diurnal tides amplify only marginally, which is consistent with Clarke and Battisti theory. In the north eastern end of the head bay and the Gulf of Martaban, the geometrical configuration of the coastline, in addition to the wide continental shelf, could contribute to the amplification of both semi-diurnal and diurnal constituents. In the Malacca Strait, the amplitudes of both semi-diurnal and diurnal tides are found to increase gradually from the northern end to the 2.5°N and decreases towards southern boundary. The co-tidal and co-range charts of M2 and S2 tidal constituents also show the presence of two degenerate amphidromic points in the head bay. A virtual amphidromic point for M2 is identified in the Malacca Strait.  相似文献   

基于非结构三角形网格的FVCOM(finite-volume coastal ocean model )数值模型, 对南海北部海域的潮汐、潮流进行了精细化数值模拟研究, 并根据模拟结果详细分析了M2, S2, K1, O1 分潮的潮汐和潮流特征。研究结果表明: 神泉港到甲子港海域表现为正规全日潮性质, 珠江口附近海区潮汐以不正规半日潮为主, 其他海域主要表现为不规则全日潮; 陆架海域和深水海域主要表现为往复流, 陆架坡折区存在较强的旋转流, 陆架坡折区为不规则半日潮流和不规则全日潮流的分界线; 东沙群岛附近海域以不规则全日潮流为主, 旋转方向为顺时针; 整个海域的最大流速分布与等深线基本平行, 东沙群岛附近速度明显变大, 最大值出现在台湾浅滩附近, 最大值超过70 cm/s; 南海潮波系统以巴士海峡传入的大洋潮波为主, 分为三支潮流, 以不同的形式进出南海北部海域; 余流在台湾浅滩附近达到最大, 超过6 cm/s, 自南向北进入台湾海峡, 近岸余流自东向西沿岸流动。本研究在东沙群岛周边的模拟结果与前人基于实测资料的分析吻合较好, 并且由于采用了高精度的三角网格, 本文对东沙群岛周边海域的潮汐潮流结构和性质的刻画和分析是迄今为止较为精细的, 同时本研究还提高了对沿岸验潮站调和常数的模拟精度。  相似文献   

利用ADCP对东海大陆架定点(26°30.052′N,122°35.998′E)连续观测6个多月的海流数据进行分析研究,结果表明:层化对该海域潮流的垂向结构有显著影响,层化导致潮流流速、潮流椭圆长轴、椭圆率和倾角在通过密度跃层时发生较大改变。9月份,东海大陆架存在较强的密度跃层,层化加强,海流流速、M2分潮潮流倾角和M2分潮潮流椭圆率在跃层深度以浅随深度显著增大,跃层处达最大,跃层以深随深度迅速减小;2月份,上层海洋混合较强,密度跃层强度最弱,潮流流速、潮流椭圆长轴、椭圆率和倾角在垂向上变化不大。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架海域内潮特征的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2014年南海东沙岛西北部海域70余天的流速剖面高频观测资料,研究分析了该海区正压潮、内潮的时空分布特征。结果表明,观测海区正压潮流以O_1,K_1,M_2,S_2为主;斜压潮流中,除四大分潮之外,MU_2与2Q_1分潮能量也较强;内潮的主轴方向基本沿东南-西北方向,近似与局地等深线垂直。全日内潮的锁相部分占全日内潮能量的17.5%,而半日内潮的锁相部分占半日内潮能量的30%;进一步研究发现半日内潮主要由第一模态主导,而全日内潮第二模态占比50%,约为其第一模态能量的两倍;内潮模态能量占比显示出显著的大小潮调制的半月周期。对比不同垂向模态计算方法发现,当流速观测深度有限时,利用全水深温盐资料计算观测范围内流速垂向模态是更为准确的方式。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of coastal currents around southern New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Results are presented from direct measurements of subsurface currents at ten coastal positions around the southern half of New Zealand, and from geomagnetic electrokinetograph measurements of surface currents between these positions. Currents on the continental shelf were predominantly tidal. Strongest mean flows were found on the continental slope adjacent to areas where the continental shelf is narrowest. The flow on the west coast of the South Island was southwards south of 44° S, with a maximum mean speed at a depth of 100 m of 0.64 m.s‐1. On the east coast of the South Island the flow was generally towards the north, with a maximum speed at a depth of 100 m of 0.21 m.s‐1 near latitude 42° 30’ S.  相似文献   

A tide circulation model of the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula has been constructed. This regional numerical model covers the whole continental shelf. The finite element computational grid is made of some 16,300 triangular elements with sizes ranging between 13 km (on the offshore boundary) and 1 km (near the coast), with local refinements on the continental shelf and in the area of Figueira da Foz. This site was selected as experimental site for the study of waves and currents in the frame of the MAST2/WAVEMOD research project.Boundary conditions along the three oceanic limits of this widely open domain are obtained from the North-Atlantic component of a World Ocean tidal numerical model known as FES94 [Le Provost, C., Genco, M.L., Lyard, F., Vincent, P. and Canceil, P. (1994) Spectroscopy of the world ocean tides from a finite element hydrodynamic model, Journal of Geophysical Research, Topex-Poseidon Special Issue]. A new radiation-like boundary condition has been introduced in the modelling system used (Telemac-2D), which solves the Shallow Water Equations (SWE), in order to interface the two models and to allow for the tidal wave to leave the northern limit without reflection. Model calibration has been performed on the dominating M2 constituent. The introduction of the astral static potential generating the tide in the SWE improved this regional model.A long duration run (1 month) has been performed, the model being forced by the eight major tide constituents. Harmonic analysis of results has been performed on 17 tide constituents, due to non-linear interactions of constituents on the continental shelf. Comparisons with the FES94 model on one hand, and with a set of coastal tide gauges on the other hand, are good. A database of tidal harmonics is now available for forecasting sea levels and currents in this area.This work has shown that diurnal shelf trapped tide waves exist in some places along the Portuguese continental shelf, which induce diurnal dominant tidal currents in these places (North of Figueira da Foz).  相似文献   

The distribution of amplitude and phase for eight ocean tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1) is presented as tidal maps for the New Zealand area. The distribution was calculated using a barotropic tidal model driven by TOPEX/ Poseidon data on the outer ocean boundaries. The maps exhibit the known features of the tides in this area such as a complete rotation of the semi‐diurnal tides around New Zealand and the reduced spring‐neap variations on the east coast. They also point out several new features for which there are few or no observations, such as diurnal trapped waves and shelf waves. A comparison of the model results with observations shows that sea level errors are within 0.1 m in amplitude and 10° in phase for the largest constituents at all locations, including sites where the data are of low quality and where the geometry is not adequately resolved. For locations where the geometry is adequately represented and the observations are of high quality, sea level errors are within 0.02 m in amplitude and 7° in phase. These results represent the most accurate and highest resolution calculations of tides and currents yet attained for this area.  相似文献   

Current velocity and suspended sediment concentration measurements at anchor stations in the downstream extremity of the Gironde estuary indicate that during periods of high river discharge, a significant amount of suspended sediment is transported out of the estuary onto the adjacent continental shelf. The vertical profile of the residual (non-tidal) suspended sediment flux is similar to that of the residual current velocity, with a net upstream flux near the bottom and an overlying seaward-directed transport. The overall, depth-integrated result is a net seaward transport of suspended sediment out of the estuary. It appears that this net seaward transport varies directly with tidal amplitude.Aerial photography and water sampling indicate that during high river inflow, the downstream extremity of the turbidity maximum extends onto the continental shelf at ebb tide. The tidal and coastal current patterns of the inlet and inner shelf induce a northward transport of the turbid estuarine water, and at each tidal cycle, a certain amount of suspended sediment leaves the estuary; part of this sediment is deposited in a silt and clay zone on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):345-351
A recapitulation of the records of tropical fishes from European Atlantic waters shows that 67.6% were fishes caught from the upper slope, between approximately 200 and 600 m; 19.8% were fishes caught from the continental shelf; and 13.5% were specimens caught from the middle slope, between 700 and 1 300 m. Since 1963, the upper slope species have made regular northward range extensions off of south Portugal to north-western Ireland (about 55° 30′N), more and less rapidly, about 30 years for Cyttopsis roseus and only 6 years for Sphoeroides pachygaster. The continental shelf species, observed from 1969 but mostly from 1981, have a northward range to south-eastern Ireland (about 52° N), but 65.2% of them have been caught off the south of the Bay of Biscay. The middle slope species, recorded only from 1991 according to the development of the deep fishery, were caught between 48° N and 60° N. The northward range extension of upper slope species and the higher frequency of records of continental shelf species from the southern part of the Bay of Biscay coincide with the investigations on the warming of the south-north current in the upper slope of northern Spain and of the south French Atlantic continental shelf.  相似文献   

毛颚动物是浮游动物中的重要类群,是典型的海洋浮游动物(仅Spadella属的种类生活于浅海岩石或海藻之间)。它的分布遍及世界海洋。在数量上也相当可观,根据1976年我们在东海两次采集的资料,夏、秋季它在浮游动物总生物量中的比例可达40%。 毛颚类是肉食性浮游动物中的饕餮者,不仅大量消耗桡足类,有时也能吞噬个体较小的燐虾、端足类和仔稚鱼等。它的数量高峰往往出现在其他草食性浮游动物的数量高峰之后。然而,它本身又是一些鱼类和肉食性浮游动物的食料。可见它在海洋食物网中所处地位的重要。在水域生产カ研究中,毛颚类的研究是了解某一海区生态转换效率的一项重要内容。 许多毛颚类是水团或海流的良好标志,例如,强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)可以作为黄海水团和日本内海低盐水的指标种,秀箭虫(Sagitta elegans)可以作为亲潮和里门寒流的指标种,锯齿箭虫(Sagitta serratodentata)在大西洋可以作为湾流的指标种,而多变箭虫(Sagitta decipiens)在印度西岸可以作为上升流的指标。又如人们所熟知的,Russell曾根据毛箭虫(Sagitta setosa)和秀箭虫的分布来推断北海低盐水团和天西洋高盐水团在英吉利海峡的相互推移和消长的情况。这类例子很多,兹不赘述。总之,毛颚类作为海流或水团的指标已日益受到各国海洋学工作者的重视。 本文根据东海陆架区综合考查1976年6-7月及8-9月,在127°E以西,北起32°N,南至26°30′N(6-7月在黄海南部增加一斜断面),用大型浮游生物网自底到表垂直拖网样品85份加以分析,对调查期间此海域内毛颚动物的分布作一概述。  相似文献   

In order to clarify detailed current structures over the continental shelf margin in the East China Sea, ADCP measurements were carried out in summers in 1991 and 1994 by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing diurnal and semidiurnal tidal flows from observed flows, together with CTD measurements. We discussed the process of the Tsushima Current formation in the East China Sea. The Tsushima Current with a volume transport of 2 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1) was found north of 31°N. A current with a volume transport of 0.4 Sv was clearly found along the 100 m isobath. Between the Kuroshio and the current along the 100 m isobath, southeastward component of velocity was dominant compared to northwestward one. Four eastward to southeastward currents were found over the sea bed shallower than 90 m depth. Total volume transport of these four currents was 1 Sv, and they seemed to be originated from the Taiwan Strait. Intrusion of offshore water into the inner shelf northwest of Amami Oshima was estimated to have a volume transport of 0.6 Sv. It is concluded that the Tsushima Current is the confluence of these currents over the continental shelf margin with the offshore water intruding northwest of Amami Oshima.  相似文献   

The tidal current data observed off Hamada on San'in coast have shown the diurnal tidal currents to be larger than the semidiurnal ones by a factor of 5–8, although the ratio (K1+O1)/(M2+S2) for the tidal heights at Hamada is 1.3. Furthermore, the diurnal currents are found to be more remarkable on the shelf slope than on the shelf. We consider such diurnal current features as being due to the vortical mode waves, and show that the broad shelf and steep shelf slope off San'in coast allow 1st-mode interior shelf waves (ISWs) at a diurnal-period. Using a simple shelf model, it is shown that ISWs occur in response to the seaward component of diurnal tidal oscillations on the shelf and their propagation originates from the western entrance of the Tsushima Straits.  相似文献   

The continental-shelf morphology is dominated by glacial erosion and deposition. Erosion is prominent on the near-shore shelf and deposition along the outer shelf edge. The continental slope is characterized by delta-shaped progradations (glaciomarine-sediment fans) seaward of the shelf channels. Canyons cross the continental slope only in the region southeast of Cape Farewell. The continental rise is incised by a number of submarine canyons. Broad sediment ridges on the upper continental rise are probably canyon-eroded remains of extensive Plio-Pleistocene fans. A mid-ocean channel which crosses the continental rise is possibly related to the axis of maximum depth of Denmark Strait. Despite the presence of strong bottom currents, there is no indication of depositional sediment drifts along the continental margin of Greenland between Cape Farewell and Denmark Strait. This may be a function of high current velocity or low sediment load.Sea floor older than 60 m.y. B.P. is present just seaward of the Greenland continental margin implying either downwarped continental material or an early rift formed prior to the separation of Greenland from the European plate. A left lateral offset of anomalies 20 and 21 at 65°N indicates a major fracture zone related to the Greenland continental margin offset nearby.  相似文献   

Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects.  相似文献   

南海北部相干内潮和非相干内潮演变特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过南海北部跨越陆坡和陆架区的3套潜标数据,对全日和半日相干、非相干内潮的动能变化特征进行了研究。研究表明,全日内潮沿陆坡区向陆架区传播的过程中,在陆坡区主要以全日相干内潮生成为主,平均动能生成率为2.32 J/(m3·s);在陆架区以全日相干内潮耗散为主,平均动能耗散率为0.44 J/(m3·s)。全日非相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区均增长,平均动能生成率分别为0.39 J/(m3·s)和0.03 J/(m3·s)。全日与半日相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区的表现不同,陆坡区的全日相干内潮动能明显大于陆架区的全日相干内潮动能,而半日相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区没有明显差别;陆架区的全日和半日非相干内潮动能要大于陆坡区的全日和半日非相干内潮动能。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N,31°49.70'E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), I. E., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, local inertial motion combines with diurnal fluctuation, and makes the spectral peaks in clockwise components much higher than those in counterclockwise ones;except for the fluctuations of above main periods, there is also the peak at 3 d period for counterclockwise components in the upper and lower layers; (3) the calculation of cross spectra between two time series of current velocities at the 30 and 45 m depths shows that both the current fluctuations at the 30 and 45 m depths are much alike, I. E.,they are synchro; this shows that the flow field here is rather vertically homogeneous; (4)power spectra of temperature time series at both the 30 and 45 m depths show that the semidiurnal peak is the most predominant, and the second highest peak is the diurnal period; besides spectral peaks at above periods, there are also obvious spectral peaks at 6.8 h and 2 d; (5)plots of temperature time series at 16,30,35,45 and 50 m depths show that the temporal variations of temperature at these depths are synchro, which are like those in the velocity field; temperature records also show a gradual rise in temperature, which are also like those in the velocity field.  相似文献   

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