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语言是文学的工具,海外华文文学就是以其使用工具之文字国别来划分的。海外潮人文学作为海外华文文学大家庭的一分子,在文字国别上,选取的也主要是"用华文作为表达工具而创作的文学",但它与海外华人文学一样,并不排除用其他国别文字作为表达工具。从文化人类学的事业考察,海外潮人文学与海外华人文学注重的都是其海外华人这一创作主体,是具有中华文化传统和海外各国各地区文化特色的海外华人。而海外华文文学则不限制创作主体的人类文化种属。海外潮人文学是海外华人文学的一部分,与海外华文文学一样,都是大中华文化圈里催生出来的文学。略为区别的是,它是由一种地域范畴的人文现象——潮人文化产生的,是中华大文化圈里的潮人文化催生出来的一种"类族群文学"。  相似文献   

彝风异俗·连载一 著名作家黄佩华现任广西民族大学艺术学院党委书记,是文学影视创作研究专业硕士生导师,著作颇丰,有长篇、中篇、短篇小说,长篇传记等等文学著作和剧作。本刊曾经连载过他的地理文化散文《话说壮族》,那独到的文化视角和散文化的语言,深受本刊读者的关注和喜爱。从本期开始,我们将连载他以同样的文风,以不同于社会历史学家和文化学者的语言"话说彝族"的新作《彝风异俗》。  相似文献   

一个新移民文艺家,即便是"扎根"澳门再久、再深,他们的作品也难以真正对澳门社会文化实现"零距离"的表现。由于文化认同与心理、情感认同产生的机制不同,移民文人对于异地文化元根的表现总会有些隔膜,他们表现的文化可以描述为文化气根——一种与深入到泥土内部的文化元根并不一样。文化气根既彰明较著又相当浅显,这是移民文学家普遍的创作现象,对于澳门新移民文学而言,这是它的部分特色。  相似文献   

在《小说界》为我所用的传播策略中,作为期刊转型的有力武器,留学生文学在"可读性、世界性和新闻性"的视野中得到了整体凸显;它亦作为文学上海的重要表征被整合进入了海派文学传统之中,获得了继续发展的空间。但《小说界》对其定位也有随意含混的一面,与学术话语保持了一定距离,未能形成有关"留学生文学"的理性认知与整体观感。正是媒介话语在有序与无序间的张力关系,为考察文学存在的复杂流变提供了可能,《小说界》为留学生文学的研究保存了鲜活的文学现场。  相似文献   

中国结艺术历史悠久,始于上古,兴于唐宋,盛于明清,贯穿于人类文明始终,漫长的文化积淀使得中国结渗透着中华民族特有的、纯粹的文化精髓,蕴涵着丰富的文化内容。除对中国结的定义进行了必要的阐述外,还对中国结文化进行了论述。通过研究中国结的现代造型、色彩、寓意与神韵,将其应用于现代首饰设计中,把中国结融入时尚和新的视觉语言,必将焕发其新的艺术生命力。  相似文献   

孙启高 《地质论评》2009,55(4):605-608
1 科学术语的意义及术语"活化石" 众所周知,术语问题是科学研究中不可回避的基本问题.笔者认为,科学术语属于学科自身发展过程中各个历史阶段的研究成果,是构成人类科学体系的知识内容,是丰富人类语言文化的重要来源.  相似文献   

砂拉越华文作家协会成立于1986年8月31日,宗旨在于团结砂拉越华文写作人,推动砂拉越华文文学创作与研究,促进砂拉越各民族文化交流。协会设立"李志明文学出版基金",已赞助  相似文献   

正古驿道,狭义上是指古代供官员、使节来往以及邮递文书的交通路线。广义上则可以泛指古代沟通区域之间的人员、文书与物资交流的主要交通路线[1]。南粤古驿道是历史上中原汉人入岭南商贸活动的主要路径,源源不断地将人员、文书、商贸货物在其中往来输送,组织起了"港口-内地"、"内地-岭南"、"岭南-海外"的物流、人流、意识流环线,铸就了广东多民族民系文化形成发展的历史轨迹,串起了海外侨胞家国情怀的归根纽带,是  相似文献   

王伟 《化工矿产地质》2020,42(2):188-192
企业文化是企业的软实力,企业文化建设可以促进企业发展。地勘单位企业文化随着地勘行业体制机制转变及改革发展而产生和变化。"三光荣、四特别"优良传统是地勘人的文化基因。中国地勘单位的特殊地位也决定着目前地勘文化建设有着一定的局限和不足。新时代建设地勘文化,应着力于坚持党建引领企业文化建设,立足优良传统,贯彻以人为本,在四个层面统筹推进,不断建设和完善。  相似文献   

西藏蕴藏丰富的水力资源,但由于其独特的高寒、缺氧、高温差、交通不便,语言沟通困难,查勘工作需要精心组织,明确任务,选择人员,尽可能全面收集资料,对危险源进行分析,做好防范措施。查勘过程中,根据具体情况适时调整,每一阶段完成后,及时总结,布置下一步工作。  相似文献   

The article proposes that we rethink our time-honoured conceptions of nation. The idea of nation as it emerged through the conceptual changes of the term nation is scrutinised. Secondly, a discussion on political and cultural nationalism is introduced, drawing mainly on the European background. It is argued that although routes to the formation of nations as well as nation-states have been different, ideologies of nations are essentially the same. The conceptual roots of the idea of patria are looked at in the following section, helping to explain how the nation became the ultimate object of political identity and loyalty. Finally, based on the findings of previous sections, it is predicted that in the envisaged European supranational state, the idea of nation will eventually regain its cultural significance in unity with the idea of patria entering an era of de-nationalisation.  相似文献   

Croatia is a country of tourism, and this is primarily due to its position by the warm Adriatic Sea, its varying and picturesque landscapes, its diverse and generally favorable climate for tourism, its rich Mediterranean and Central European cultural heritage and its proximity to the leading European consumer countries.In the international tourism market, Croatia presents itself with the slogan A Small Country for a Great Vacation, because its 4.8 million inhabitants and surface area of 56,538 km2 place Croatia in the ranks of the world's smaller countries. Its significance is increased by an additional 33,200 km2 of territorial waters, of which a large part is considered internal waters because of its location within the limits of a series of islands.The tourism offering of Croatia is very diverse, but its basis is formed by three differing and mutually complimentary regions, through their natural characteristics and cultural heritage: coastal, montane and Pannonian and peri-Pannonian Croatia. The total tourism offering of Croatia includes 900,000 beds, of which over one-fifth are in hotels or similar places, two-fifths are in private rooms and one-third in camps.The tradition of tourism in Croatia is over one hundred years old, and according to the number of foreign tourists it is ranked as the fifth country for tourism in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Historical and present century instrumental data have been used to determine seismic hazard in 35 sites of Greece by the application of Cornell's method (Cornell, 1968) and the mean value method. The macroseismic intensity has been considered as a measure of seismic hazard. Comparison of the results of the two methods showed that, in general, the mean value method gives higher values, particularly for low probabilities of exceedance. In addition, for some sites, the differences of the expected intensities resulting from the two methods, indicate that finer tuning of the seismogenic souce model is required, or suggest time dependence. Although each one of these methods has its own merits, the method based on seismic zonation (Cornell's method) has several advantages and must be preferred when an accurate zonation is possible by the use of macroseismic and instrumental seismic data, together with geological and geomorphological information. However, reliable estimates of seismic hazard at a particular site require work on a microzoning scale, incorporating historical, archaeological, and recent geological data.Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Sofia, 1988.  相似文献   

作为第五批国家重点文物保护单位的“中华第一井”文物遗址区被考古专家誉为“进入21世纪以来最重大的发现”。遗址区自2002年部分发掘以来,产生了各种环境地质病害,水文地质病害尤为严重。由于文物保护工程的特殊性,文章以科学的勘察方案为基础,以无损或低损综合勘察方法准确获得相关地质信息的前提下,分析了碗米坡水库修建后遗址区的主要水文地质病害,为遗址区的进一步发掘和长期保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Planning strategies in Barcelona are linked to its capital city aspirations. Like other European cities, capitals and non-capitals, Barcelona throughout the course of the 20th century has drawn upon a number of different planning strategies, directed towards reinforcing its prestige at both a national and international level. During this period Barcelona has sought to become Spain's second capital, the cultural capital, the industrial capital, capital of Catalonia, capital of the West Mediterranean, etc. Always in competition with Madrid, the aspirations of capital status ranking have been ambiguous. The dream of the great monumental Barcelona of the start of the century tried to emulate the European capital cities (especially Paris). By contrast more recent strategies emphasise the new role that Barcelona can play within a south-west European macro-region. The subject raised in this paper then is two-fold. On the one hand the continuity or not in the capital aspiration starting from the recuperation of Catalonia's autonomy, with its corresponding urbanistic and architectonic connotations. On the other hand the originality and analogies between strategies carried out in Barcelona, in relation to other European cities, capitals and non-capitals.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems in southern Europe are relatively poorly known, although much progress has been made during the past decade, principally with regard to the microvertebrate components of these ecosystems. The Maastrichtian terrestrial deposits of the Haeg Basin, at the easternmost end of the South European archipelago and well known for reptilian fossils (e.g., turtles, crocodilians, pterosaurs and dinosaurs), have been thoroughly screened during the past five years. Important microvertebrate assemblages, both quantitatively and qualitatively speaking, were found at Pui (Sînpetru Formation), Tutea and, particularly, Vlioara (Densu-Ciula Formation). Several new taxa are noted here for the first time for the Haeg Basin, including gars, discoglossids, albanerpetontids, scincomorphan and anguimorphan lizards; dromaeosaurids and multituberculates are confirmed. Most of the microvertebrate remains are poorly preserved and precise systematic assignment has proved difficult. The Haeg fauna appears to be primitive and endemic, with a Neopangean core composition, and suggests a composite palaeobiogeographic origin for the Late Cretaceous European ecosystems, confirming conclusions reached in studies of the larger vertebrates.  相似文献   

黑河中游甘州区居民文化类型及其对自然环境的认知   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人的行为受文化价值观影响, 辨明居民不同文化类型及影响因素, 探讨不同文化类型居民的自然环境认知特征, 无疑是人地系统中人文因素作用研究的基础性问题.综述了文化人类学中格-群文化理论及其在不同领域的广泛应用; 开发调查问卷并对甘州区进行了实证调查, 初步判定了15个乡镇居民不同文化类型的比例, 分析了年龄、 教育程度、 收入等因素对文化类型的影响, 验证了甘州区各文化类型居民对自然环境认知的特征与理论分析的相符程度.结果表明: 在三类判定准则下, 甘州区居民文化类型有效判定比例分别为总调查样本的30.94%, 30.39%及54.70%, 各种文化类型比例由高到低分别为宿命论者、 等级主义者、 个人主义者与平均主义者.年龄等居民个体特征因素对文化类型的影响符合理论假设, 可初步解释居民不同文化类型的形成.实际调查获得的不同文化类型居民对自然环境的认知特征及偏好, 符合格-群文化理论对各文化类型居民的理论分析假设, 这验证了格-群文化理论在西北干旱区内陆河流域的适用与有效性.在此基础上探讨了关注居民文化类型差异对自然资源管理政策制定和实施的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

城市旅游开发规划研究进展评述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在总结国内旅游开发规划工作经验的基础上,从理论和实践两方面探讨了综合与整体规划、配套建设、滚动开发的操作模式以及当前旅游开发重点等,强调要突出旅游文化背景和旅游形象策划,并归纳了旅游开发规划需要研究的一系列问题。  相似文献   

Conclusion The fact that Arab and Muslim geographers had contributed in a substantial way to geographical thought is well-recognized by many scholars of international standing including orientalists. It has now also been proved beyond any doubt that Muslim geographic thought was transmitted through Spain (Andalusia), Italy and Sicily during the Middle Ages to Europe. The Muslims had more advanced culture than did most of medieval Europe, and had made great discoveries in various fields of study (Hasan 1967). They had also preserved many of the writings of ancient Greek, Roman and other oriental civilizations. It was through Spain that the Muslims made these works as well as their own contribution available for European scholars. The centres of learning in Muslim Spain were thriving, with scholars from many places and particularly so from Europe. As Arabic was the language of culture and learning, many books were translated from Arabic into Latin and other European languages including German, French and English (Ahmed 1947; Hasan 1967; Kish 1978; James & Martin 1981; Muhammadain 1988).It is also understood that when geographical works were not translated some of the ideas and concepts revealed in them were adopted in other translated works. With the final collapse of Muslim rule in Spain (1492 AD), Muslim intellectual centres were opened to Christians from all over Europe. Indeed, translations from Arabic into European languages continued well into the 16th century, and some of the translated books remained in use until the 17th century.To ignore, as did some writers, the contribution of Muslims to geography during the Middle Ages, and to claim that the European Renaissance developed independently of what was happening in the Islamic world, is to dismiss seven centuries of Muslim leadership of world culture. Surely, no one nation or group of people can claim all the achievements of our present civilization. Present-day civilization is actually the sum total of all the past human efforts which have been accumulated over the long years of man's existence on earth, and as such there can be no gaps in human cultural history. While accepting the fact that the contribution of the various groups of people to the advancement of culture has not been the same, all are participants and have shared in its building and development. By looking at human cultural history in this spirit, it would not be difficult to appreciate the positive role played by the Arabs and Muslims in the advancement of knowledge during the Middle Ages. One of these branches of knowledge, which we have been trying to explain in this essay, is geography. To put the contribution of Arab and Muslim geographers into even more perspective, one can say that their most outstanding and original contributions, as has been stated before, were in the field of regional and mathematical geography as well as surveying. Although most of the studies were concerned with regions or individual countries, some contributions were highly specialized dealing with only one topic, such as climate or plants. The regional approach is represented by the many books written with the title: Al-Masalik wa Al-Mamalik or Roads and Provinces, and those with the title: Al-Bilad or Countries. As has been indicated earlier in this essay, treatment in these regional studies has beencomprehensive covering almost all aspects of physical and human geography.To contemporary Muslim people the science of geography will continue to be as appealing as it was to their predecessors, partly because of religious needs and partly because of the Muslim love for his environment. To sum up, in the following quotations from the Holy Quran Muslims are asked to contemplate four things: qu]Do they not look At the Camels, How they are made? And at the sky, How it is raised high? And at the mountains, How they are fixed firm? And at the Earth, How it is spread out? (Holy Quran: Sura LXXXVIII, verses 17\2–20).The contemplation of these things does not only make Muslims sense the absolute powers of their Creator, but also makes them constantly aware of their geographical surroundings.  相似文献   

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