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波动方程基准面延拓研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
复杂的地表采集条件是地震偏移成像必须面对的问题.地形高程起伏变化较大,以及近地表低速层速度的横向变化,是导致反射地震数据非双曲时差特征的主要原因,严重影响了后续速度估计和偏移成像的精度.对于复杂地表条件,基于地表一致性的时移法静校正很难满足高精度资料处理的要求.波动方程基准面延拓方法不受地表一致性限制,很好地保持了波传播的动力学特征,而且在改善成像质量方面效果显著,应用广泛.本文探讨了消除地表因素影响的基准面延拓方法,对一些意义比较突出的方法进行了详细介绍.  相似文献   

复杂地表条件下共反射面元(CRS)叠加方法研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
在地表地形复杂的情况下,静校正不易做好,这是制约山地资料处理质量的一个很重要的因素.复杂地表共反射面元(CRS)叠加不需对叠前数据做静校正,而且在得到叠加剖面后可以利用叠加得到的波场参数剖面实现基准面重建.地震数据的试算表明,复杂地表CRS叠加得出的剖面与常规处理剖面相比有着较高的信噪比和同相轴连续性.与水平地表CRS叠加不同的是,在复杂地表CRS叠加的时距公式中,波场三参数耦合,难以通过简化CRS道集的方法将它们全部分离并逐个优化.引入模拟退火算法后,有效地解决了这一组合优化的难题.  相似文献   

由于鄂尔多斯黄土塬探区的地貌特点和表层复杂的地震地质条件,地震资料存在很严重的静校正问题;层析反演静校正和剩余静校正基本解决了短波长静校正,但仍有部分长波长静校正未解决,因此,识别和解决残留的长波长静校正问题,恢复地层真实形态是地震资料处理的重点内容之一.本文系统地总结了长波长静校正常用方法的三种思路及其适用限制,在分析长波长静校正成因的基础上,详细给出了五种长波长静校正问题的识别方法:水平叠加剖面法、共炮检距剖面法、分偏移距叠加法、地形相关法、交会图法,并对这些方法的应用效果及其适用条件进行分析研究,最后提出采用测井实钻深度约束的井控静校正方法消除剩余长波长静校正量.应用表明,识别方法可以准确地辨别长波长静校正问题,而且井控静校正能有效解决鄂尔多斯黄土塬长波长静校正问题,效果显著,为长波长静校正研究提供了借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

起伏地表煤田地震资料静校正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
由于地表起伏和近地表结构变化产生的静校正问题严重影响了煤田地震资料的成像质量.为此,首先利用低速带分片拟合的广义线性反演技术进行折射波静校正,解决长波长静校正问题和部分短波长静校正问题,然后,利用叠加能量最大静校正技术进一步解决剩余静校正问题,最后,利用非地表一致性剩余时差校正技术,解决速度和射线等误差引起的非地表一致性剩余时差问题.实验结果表明,在以串连的方式应用了三种校正方法之后,在共炮点道集上,折射渡同相轴的线性形态得到了恢复;在动校正后的共中心点道集上,煤层反射的双曲线同相轴被拉平;在叠加剖面上,煤层反射的信噪比得到了改善.  相似文献   

针对复杂探区因模型道品质差导致反射波剩余静校正效果不好的难题,本文提出了一种基于样条曲线拟合的二维初至波剩余静校正方法.该方法相对直线拟合法,可以用的初至信息更多,统计的短波长静校正量更为准确;相对折线拟合法,它不用拾取折射拐点,操作方便快捷,更具有可操作性.它采用三次样条函数将应用了长波长静校正量的初至拟合成一条光滑曲线,根据地表一致性原则将延迟时分解为炮点、检波点短波长静校正量.实际资料应用结果表明,基于样条曲线拟合的单炮初至变得光滑,叠加剖面同相轴连续性得到增强,可为反射波剩余静校正提供较好品质的模型道,对低信噪比资料剩余静校正问题的解决具有实际意义.  相似文献   

本文分析了静校正中不同浮动基准面的特点及确定方法。通过理论模型试验对平滑地表、平均静校正量与最小静校正误差等浮动基准面的静校正效果进行比较,验证了在最小静校正误差基准面上得到的叠加速度仅取决于低速带底界下伏地层的速度,而与地形起伏、低速带结构无关,得到的叠加剖面具有较好的同相叠加效果。另外为了更加符合实际资料处理情况,本文中采用波动方程模拟数据进行理论模型试验,并由此给出了一种新的基于波形的目标函数计算方法。同时修改了最小静校正误差计算公式,使其适用于起伏底界非均匀速度模型的实际资料静校正处理。最后部分对实际资料的处理进一步证明了该方法的优越性。  相似文献   

复杂山区初至波层析反演静校正   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提高静校正精度是取得复杂山区良好地震成像的一个重要条件.而建立在水平折射面假设基础之上折射波静校正方法,无论是假设前提还是实际应用效果,都不适应于地表剧烈起伏,速度纵、横向变化大的复杂区.为此本文提出使用初至波层析反演静校正方法,即利用地震记录中初至旅行时反演出表层速度模型,计算出炮点和检波点的静校正量.通过正演模拟数据和实际资料的验证,很好的解决了复杂地表引起的静校正问题.  相似文献   

陆地勘探中地表起伏是资料处理一个非常重要影响因素,常规处理通过静校正使观测处在一个水平表面上.但静校正技术中射线垂直出射的假设往往不能成立,带来校正误差,而煤层因其埋深较浅,由地表起伏带来的这种误差尤为突出.起伏地表叠前偏移通过还原炮检点真实位置,能有有效消除静校正带了误差.针对YCN区域,分析了地质条件和表层状况,采用起伏地表叠前偏移处理流程.构建了成像基准面,建立基于成像面的速度模型,采用起伏地表的叠前偏移方法进行成像.实际资料处理结果表明,相对常规叠前偏移处理,提高了目的层分辨率,改善了成像聚焦效果.  相似文献   

针对鄂尔多斯盆地西南部黄土塬地震资料严重的静校正问题,本文提出利用层析反演静校正,折射波静校正方法分别计算静校正量,按照地表一致性原则,将两种方法计算的炮点,检波点校正量各自分解为高频校正量和低频校正量,然后进行最优化组合,从而获得全新的炮点和检波点静校正量.鄂尔多斯盆地西南部黄土塬地区地震资料实际应用表明,应用本文方法计算的静校正量的地震剖面与单独应用层析静校正量或折射静校正量的地震剖面相比,其层位同相轴连续性和信噪比得到了很大的改善,从而证明本方法的正确可靠性.同时表明,本方法能够很好的解决本区静校正问题.  相似文献   

在浅层地震勘探中,测线常常由于场地的限制而不能沿直线布设.而弯线地震勘探施工过程中炮检中点比较分散,影响共面元道集的叠加和最终剖面的真实性.加之浅层地震资料又有其自身的特殊性,所以选择合理有效的浅层弯线采集与处理技术非常必要.本文以甘肃陇南山区新文县一中测线为例,结合弯线共中心点面元叠加的时间、空间条件,在采集和处理两个环节分析控制炮检中点分散范围的具体方法,获得了真实且高品质的地震剖面.剖面有效波的能量较好,同向轴连续清晰,各种干扰波得到了压制,说明浅层弯线地震勘探的方法在理论上和技术上都是可行的.  相似文献   

In this case study we consider the seismic processing of a challenging land data set from the Arabian Peninsula. It suffers from rough top‐surface topography, a strongly varying weathering layer, and complex near‐surface geology. We aim at establishing a new seismic imaging workflow, well‐suited to these specific problems of land data processing. This workflow is based on the common‐reflection‐surface stack for topography, a generalized high‐density velocity analysis and stacking process. It is applied in a non‐interactive manner and provides an entire set of physically interpretable stacking parameters that include and complement the conventional stacking velocity. The implementation introduced combines two different approaches to topography handling to minimize the computational effort: after initial values of the stacking parameters are determined for a smoothly curved floating datum using conventional elevation statics, the final stack and also the related residual static correction are applied to the original prestack data, considering the true source and receiver elevations without the assumption of nearly vertical rays. Finally, we extrapolate all results to a chosen planar reference level using the stacking parameters. This redatuming procedure removes the influence of the rough measurement surface and provides standardized input for interpretation, tomographic velocity model determination, and post‐stack depth migration. The methodology of the residual static correction employed and the details of its application to this data example are discussed in a separate paper in this issue. In view of the complex near‐surface conditions, the imaging workflow that is conducted, i.e. stack – residual static correction – redatuming – tomographic inversion – prestack and post‐stack depth migration, leads to a significant improvement in resolution, signal‐to‐noise ratio and reflector continuity.  相似文献   

常规的转换波静校正的基本思想都是从地震波的运动学特征出发,基于地表一致性假设.在地表条件复杂和地表高程相差较大的地区,它不仅无法解决严重的静校正问题,反而会带来新的畸变.本文基于频率波数域波动方程偏移原理,采用波场延拓方法实现转换波静校正,其关键点在于时间空间域和频率波数域的相对应.文中通过坐标变换将起伏地表转化为新坐标系下的水平地表,把炮点和检波点映射到同一水平面上,然后在新坐标系下推导频率域波动方程延拓公式,接着对下行波P和上行转换波SV分别利用近地表速度向上延拓到基准面,恢复起伏地表到基准面之间的真实波场,最后转换到原始坐标系取出基准面数据完成转换波静校正.通过对模拟和实际数据处理,证明该方法是正确和有效的.  相似文献   

Static correction is a common step in a seismic data proccessing flowchart for land data. Here we propose a new algorithm for automatic short‐period static correction. The algorithm is based on the assumption that seismic events after short‐period static correction should be locally plane nearly everywhere. No other assumptions are made. Therefore the proposed method does not require a preliminary velocity analysis. The algorithm consists in two main parts: evaluation of second spatial differences of trajectories and subsequent regularized integration of these differences. The proposed method proves its robustness and shows results comparable with conventional residual static correction based on improving common‐midpoint stacking. In contrast to the conventional residual static, the proposed algorithm can estimate short‐period statics in complex cases where common‐midpoint stacking fails because of non‐hyperbolic events.  相似文献   

三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于地面微地震监测台站布设在地表,会受到地表起伏、低降速带厚度和速度变化的影响,降低了微地震事件的识别准确度和定位精度,限制了地面微地震监测技术在复杂地表地区的应用.因此,将三维地震勘探技术的思路引入到地面微地震监测中,提出了三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法,将油气勘探和开发技术更加紧密地结合在一起.根据三维地震数据和低降速带测量数据,通过约束层析反演方法建立精确的近地表速度模型,将地面微地震台站从起伏地表校正到高速层中的平滑基准面上,有效消除复杂近地表的影响.其次,根据射孔数据和声波测井速度信息,通过非线性反演方法建立最优速度模型,由于已经消除复杂近地表的影响,在进行速度模型优化时不需要考虑近地表的影响,因而建立的速度模型更加准确.最后,在精确速度模型的基础上,通过互相关方法求取剩余静校正量,进一步消除了复杂近地表和速度模型近似误差的影响.三维地震与地面微地震联合校正方法采用逐步校正的思路,能够有效消除复杂近地表的影响,提高微地震数据的品质和速度模型的精确度,保证了微地震事件的定位精度,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

When topography and low velocity zone differences vary greatly, conventional vertical static time shifts will cause wavefield distortion and influence wave equation seismic imaging for seismic data acquired on a complex near surface. In this paper, we propose an approach to datum correction that combines a joint tomography inversion with wavefield continuation to solve the static problem for seismic data on rugged acquisition topography. First, the near surface model is obtained by refracted wave tomography inversion. Second, the wavefield of sources and receivers are continued downward and upward to accomplish datum correction starting from a flat surface and locating the datum above topography. Based on the reciprocal theorem, Huygens' and Fresnel principles, the location of sources and receivers, and regarding the recorded data on the surface as a secondary emission, the sources and receivers are upward-continued to the datum above topography respectively. Thus, the datum correction using joint tomography inversion and wavefield continuation with the condition of a complex near surface is accomplished.  相似文献   

In the case of onshore data sets, the acquired reflection events can be strongly impaired due to rough top‐surface topography and inhomogeneities in the uppermost low‐velocity layer, the so‐called weathering layer. Without accounting for these influences, the poor data quality will make data processing very difficult. Usually, the correction for the top‐surface topography is not perfect. The residuals from this correction and the influence of the weathering layers lead to small distortions along the reflection events. We integrated a residual static correction method into our data‐driven common‐reflection‐surface‐stack‐based imaging workflow to further eliminate such distortions. The moveout‐corrected traces and the stacked pilot trace are cross‐correlated to determine a final estimate of the surface‐consistent residual statics in an iterative manner. As the handling of top‐surface topography within the common‐reflection‐surface stack is discussed in a separate paper in this special issue, the corresponding residual static correction will be explained in more detail. For this purpose, the results obtained with a data set from the Arabian Peninsula will be presented.  相似文献   

Pre-stack depth migration velocity analysis is one of the key techniques influencing image quality. As for areas with a rugged surface and complex subsurface, conventional prestack depth migration velocity analysis corrects the rugged surface to a known datum or designed surface velocity model on which to perform migration and update the velocity. We propose a rugged surface tomographic velocity inversion method based on angle-domain common image gathers by which the velocity field can be updated directly from the rugged surface without static correction for pre-stack data and improve inversion precision and efficiency. First, we introduce a method to acquire angle-domain common image gathers (ADCIGs) in rugged surface areas and then perform rugged surface tomographic velocity inversion. Tests with model and field data prove the method to be correct and effective.  相似文献   

静校正问题是地震勘探的关键问题,直接影响地震勘探精度和准确性.实际地震采集过程中,当在相同接收点位置上不同时间内插拔布设了不同的检波器时,对于目前基于地表一致性理论假设的基准面静校正和剩余静校正,以及非地表一致性剩余静校正都不具备适用条件.为解决这一问题,本文提出了基于共姿态道集的静校正方法,将相同接收点位置上不同时间布设的检波点所接收的地震数据抽成不同的共姿态道集,在共姿态道集内实施地表一致性静校正;当某接收点位置上具有若干个共姿态道集时,该接收点位置上可能会存在多个检波点静校量;炮点静校问题仍然采用地表一致性静校正方法解决.该方法解决了同一接收点位置上不同共姿态道集之间的非地表一致性静校正问题,同时也解决了全区的检波点和炮点的地表一致性静校正问题,在实际数据应用效果明显.  相似文献   

The widespread use of common depth point techniques has emphasized the need for accurate static corrections. Manual interpretation methods can give excellent results, but a computer technique is desirable because of the great volumn of data recorded in common depth point shooting. The redundancy inherent in common depth point data may be used to compute a statistical estimate of the static corrections. The corrections are assumed to be time-invarient, surface-consistent, and independent of frequency. Surface consistency implies that all traces from a particular shot will receive the same shot static correction and all traces from a particular receiver position will receive the same receiver correction. Time shifts are computed for all input traces using crosscorrelation functions between common depth point traces. The time shift for each trace is composed of a shot static, a receiver static, residual normal moveout if present, and noise. Estimates of the shot and receiver static corrections are obtained by averaging different sets of the measured time shifts. Time shifts which are greatly in error are detected and removed from the computations. The method is useful for data which has a moderate to good signal to noise ratio. Residual normal moveout should be corrected before estimating the statics. The program estimates the statics for correctly stacking common depth point traces but it is not sensitive to constant or very slowly changing static errors.  相似文献   

三维复杂地形近地表速度估算及地震层析静校正   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
在地表一致性模型的基础上提出一种可适用于宽线剖面、弯曲测线、传统的二维和目前广泛使用的三维地震观测.在地形及近地表低降速带地质结构复杂的探区,低降速带厚度及速度估算的精度是静校正处理的关键.本研究根据三维地震观测的初至走时数据,利用最小平方与QR分解相结合的算法,在三维空间重建近地表低降速带速度模型,根据重建速度模型实现了静校正长波长分量与短波长分量的同步计算.分析了复杂的近地表低降速带模型初至波的性质,在观测值的自动拾取以及理论值的计算中充分考虑了可能成为初至波的直达波、折射波和反射波的利用,提高了低降速带速度模型反演的精度.在初至走时观测数据的拾取中,本研究采用分形算法克服了初至波波形差异以及折射波相位反转导致的拾取误差,实现了三维初至拾取的大规模全自动化运算.在射线路径与初至波理论走时的计算中,本研究采用一种计算量与模型复杂程度无关的三维射线追踪方法,该方法以最小走时射线路径保证了与观测数据有同等意义的初至波的射线追踪及理论走时的计算.野外实际资料的处理结果表明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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