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“伽利略”捕获的木卫新图象陈丹经过NASA(美国航天局)长期精心策划安排的木星探测器“伽利略”号,于1989年10月发射升空。首先飞越金星和地球,利用它们引力加速,然后向木星轨道飞去。1995年12月进入环绕木星的轨道,在其后23个月期间,将环绕木星...  相似文献   

主带小行星深空探测可接近性与多目标探测轨道的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小行星探测是当前深空探测的热点之一,探测目标的可接近性又是探测任务首先要解决的问题.根据直接转移轨道方式下太阳系中可以探测到的区域和小行星的空间分布,确认发射能量C_3=50 km~2/s~2的直接转移轨道,可以探测大部分主带小行星;使用少量的速度修正还能够实现多目标飞越任务.同时指出,这种多目标的飞越可以达到△V-EGA轨道方案中的深空机动同样的效果,经地球引力助推,以较小能量实现小行星伴飞或更遥远小行星的探测;据此提出了一个探测器先飞越多颗主带小行星,然后借助地球引力助推探测更遥远小行星的轨道设计方案,并给出了设计实例.  相似文献   

一、引言紫金山天文台于1954年开始从事小行星摄动的研究,八年多来进行了近10颗小行星的特别摄动计算和轨道改进.鉴于国内计算技术的迅速进展和小行星研究的迫切需要,1962年秋季,在经过较多的准备以后,我们利用中国科学院计算技术研究所的快速电子计算机,初步成功地建立了小行星特别摄动计算的工作程序.我们考虑了在太阳-内行星的质心综合引力下,小行星所受木星、土星的摄动,按照科  相似文献   

李培俊  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(4):394-401
介绍了N体模拟的Hermite算法,并利用该算法研究了不同质量行星在小行星主带上轨道的演化情况.采用的演化模型是太阳系N体模型(N=7),即把水星、金星、地球的质量加到太阳上,忽略冥王星,同时在小行星主带附近增加一个假想行星,系统演化时间为1亿年.数值模拟显示能够稳定存在于小行星主带上的单个天体的质量上限其量级为10~(25)kg.模拟同时还显示在某些情况下,假想行星与木星之间的低阶共振可以增强系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

在小行星探测任务中,航天器轨道设计需要充分考虑到小行星的非球形引力场的影响.太阳系中大部分小行星具有形状不规则、密度不均匀的特点,因此,在没有绕飞轨道数据的情况下,精确计算其引力场非常困难.利用不规则小行星的多面体模型,采用体积离散方法通过直接积分计算小行星引力场球谐系数和表面重力场分布情况.将该方法与多面体方法进行了比较,并以(433)Eros为例,通过该方法计算得到的结果与NEAR(Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous)探测器的轨道数据反演结果比较,C20项误差不超过2%,使用该方法对我国小行星探测任务拟探测的(1996)FG3小行星的重力场进行了计算.以嫦娥二号探测器飞越的(4179)Toutatis小行星为例,结合相应的雷达观测数据提供的小行星形状模型,计算其表面引力势情况,为通过飞越任务获取的光学图像分析其表壤的分布、流向等提供了相应的理论依据.该方法适用于密度不均匀天体,可为小行星探测任务轨道设计和着陆提供可靠的小行星引力场数据.  相似文献   

田伟 《天文学报》2021,62(2):16-62
作为一颗与地球共轨道的小行星,(469219)Kamo'oalewa是一个具有很高研究价值的近地小天体,也是中国首次小行星探测计划的目标天体之一.针对其轨道特性,建立了兼顾太阳、地球和月球非球形引力作用的小行星动力学模型.并在该模型的基础上,利用国际小行星中心(Minor Planet Center,MPC)提供的2004|2018年间的光学观测数据对该小行星的轨道进行确定.拟合后观测残差的均方根误差约为0:2″(与美国喷气推进实验室的Horizons在线历表系统相当),其中2004年期间数据的观测残差有所改进.最后,对小行星(469219)Kamo'oalewa的轨道误差进行了详细分析,并预报了2020-2025年期间该小行星的轨道误差.  相似文献   

一个跨度为5千米的小行星被证认是月亮的小妹妹。3753号小行星是1986年发现的,看上去完全是一颗一般的小天体,它和其他一些小行星都是跨越地球绕日轨道运行的。但在加拿大约克大学的威格特等人用计算机模拟的方法对这些小行星的轨道进行计算以后,才发现3753号小行星被地球的引力所吸引而"陷在"一个复杂的轨道上运行。威格特说,"没有一个人预见到3753号小行星会是地球的小卫星。"许多小行星被木星的巨大吸引力锁定在绕木星运行的轨道上,近来又发现一颗小行星被火星所"擒获",但这些小行星的轨道的形状是简单的,不复杂。3753号小行星不…  相似文献   

飞行器近小行星轨道动力学的特点及研究意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文在介绍小行星及对其探测意义的基础上,以NEAR、Muses-C(Hayabusa)小行星探测器为例,重点分析了飞行器与小行星距离较近时(near asteroid)的动力学环境及其对环绕小行星飞行的飞行器设计的影响.并以旋转的二阶二次重力场和小行星Castalia为例,进一步阐述近小行星轨道动力学的一些特点和结论.此外,还给出了小行星探测的一些建议和设想.  相似文献   

问天 《天文爱好者》2014,(10):42-46
根据太阳系行星物质的主要性态和大小,人们通常将其分成行星(包括类地行星和类木行星)、卫星、小行星、彗星和流星体。类地行星包括水星、金星、地球和火星;类木行星包括木星、土星、天王星和海王星;质量较大的小行星和卫星的内部结构与类地行星相似,质量较小的小行星和卫星以及流星体主要由岩石和金属组成;彗星是含有太阳系形成时期物质且没有经过太多物理和化学演化的冰态小天体。  相似文献   

太阳周围的星云盘的初始温度分布使得小行星和木星的边界区成为冰物质从不凝聚到凝聚的过渡区。化学组成间断性使得木星区内侧固态可吸积物质的面密度比小行星区的平均值大,使尘粒沉降所需时间和小行星区相差不多。尘层由于引力不稳定而瓦解为粒子团,粒子团转化为星子,其质量是木星区的比小行星区的大,星子的生长率也是木星区的较大。木星区内侧大星子间的摄动和相遇改变了它们的轨道,产生了较大的相对速度。一部分大星子进入小行星区,拉走了大部分物质,增加了留下的小行星的随机速度,使该区内形成不了大的行星。本文通过定量分析,证明上述论点。  相似文献   

Trajectory Analysis and Design for A Jupiter Exploration Mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trajectory design for a Jupiter exploration mission is investigated in this paper. The differences between the Jupiter exploration trajectory and the Mars or Venus exploration trajectory are mainly concerned about. Firstly, the selection of the Jupiter-centered orbit is analyzed based on the Galileo Jupiter mission. As for the Earth-Jupiter transfer orbit, the fuel consumption of the direct transfer is too large. So the energy-saving technologies such as the planetary gravity assist should be used for the trajectory to the Jupiter. The different sequences of planetary gravity assists are examined by applying the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). According to the searched result, the Venus-Earth-Earth sequence (VEEGA) is the most effective one for the Jupiter mission. During the Jupiter mission, the spacecraft will pass though the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and may encounter multiple asteroids. Therefore the Jupiter mission is able to combine with the main-belt asteroid flyby mission. The design method of the intermediate asteroid flyby trajectory is also considered. At last, an entire trajectory for the Jupiter mission launched in 2023 is presented.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(5):383-397
We illustrate the energy transfer during planetary flybys as a function of time using a number of flight mission examples. The energy transfer process is rather more complicated than a monotonic increase (or decrease) of energy with time. It exhibits temporary maxima and minima with time which then partially moderate before the asymptotic condition is obtained. The energy transfer to angular momentum is exhibited by an approximate Jacobi constant for the system.We demonstrate this with flybys that have shown unexplained behaviors: (i) the possible onset of the “Pioneer anomaly” with the gravity assist of Pioneer 11 by Saturn to hyperbolic orbit (as well as the Pioneer 10 hyperbolic gravity assist by Jupiter) and (ii) the Earth flyby anomalies of small increases in energy in the geocentric system (Galileo-I, NEAR, and Rosetta, in addition discussing the Cassini and Messenger flybys). Perhaps some small, as yet unrecognized effect in the energy-transfer process can shed light on these anomalies.  相似文献   

The mission designed to explore asteroids has nowadays become a hot spot of deep space exploration, and the accessibility of the explored objects is the most important problem to make clear. The number of asteroids is large, and it needs an enormous quantity of calculations to evaluate the accessibility for all asteroids. In this paper, based on the direct transfer strategy, we have calculated the accessibility for the different regions of the solar system and compared it with the distribution of asteroids. It is found that most main-belt asteroids are accessible by the direct transfer orbit with the launch energy of C3 = 50 km2/s2, and that with an additional small velocity correction, the designed trajectory is able to realize the multi-target flyby mission. Such a kind of multi-target flyby can reach the same effect of the orbit manoeuvre in the ΔV-EGA trajectory scheme[1,2]. Being assisted by the earth's gravity, the accompanying flight with asteroids or the exploration of more distant asteroids can be realized with a lower energy. In the end, as an example, a trajectory scheme is given, in which the probe flies by multiple main-belt asteroids at first, then with the assistance of the earth's gravity, it makes the accompanying flight to a more distant asteroid.  相似文献   

In our present understanding of the Solar System, small bodies (asteroids, Jupiter Trojans, comets and TNOs) are the most direct remnants of the original building blocks that formed the planets. Jupiter Trojan and Hilda asteroids are small primitive bodies located beyond the ‘snow line’, around respectively the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of Jupiter at ~5.2?AU (Trojans) and in the 2:3 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter near 3.9?AU (Hildas). They are at the crux of several outstanding and still conflicting issues regarding the formation and evolution of the Solar System. They hold the potential to unlock the answers to fundamental questions about planetary migration, the late heavy bombardment, the formation of the Jovian system, the origin and evolution of trans-neptunian objects, and the delivery of water and organics to the inner planets. The proposed Trojans’ Odyssey mission is envisioned as a reconnaissance, multiple flyby mission aimed at visiting several objects, typically five Trojans and one Hilda. It will attempt exploring both large and small objects and sampling those with any known differences in photometric properties. The orbital strategy consists in a direct trajectory to one of the Trojan swarms. By carefully choosing the aphelion of the orbit (typically 5.3?AU), the trajectory will offer a long arc in the swarm thus maximizing the number of flybys. Initial gravity assists from Venus and Earth will help reducing the cruise time as well as the ΔV needed for injection thus offering enough capacity to navigate among Trojans. This solution further opens the unique possibility to flyby a Hilda asteroid when leaving the Trojan swarm. During the cruise phase, a Main Belt Asteroid could be targeted if requiring a modest ΔV. The specific science objectives of the mission will be best achieved with a payload that will perform high-resolution panchromatic and multispectral imaging, thermal-infrared imaging/ radiometry, near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy, and radio science/mass determination. The total mass of the payload amounts to 50?kg (including margins). The spacecraft is in the class of Mars-Express or a down-scaled version of Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter. It will have a dry mass of 1200?kg, a total mass at launch of 3070?kg and a ΔV capability of 700?m/s (after having reached the first Trojan) and can be launched by a Soyuz rocket. The mission operations concept (ground segment) and science operations are typical of a planetary mission as successfully implemented by ESA during, for instance, the recent flybys of Main Belt asteroids Steins and Lutetia.  相似文献   

Recently, with new trajectory design techniques and use of low-thrust propulsion systems, missions have become more efficient and cheaper with respect to propellant. As a way to increase the mission’s value and scientific return, secondary targets close to the main trajectory are often added with a small change in the transfer trajectory. As a result of their large number, importance and facility to perform a flyby, asteroids are commonly used as such targets. This work uses the Primer Vector theory to define the direction and magnitude of the thrust for a minimum fuel consumption problem. The design of a low-thrust trajectory with a midcourse asteroid flyby is not only challenging for the low-thrust problem solution, but also with respect to the selection of a target and its flyby point. Currently more than 700,000 minor bodies have been identified, which generates a very large number of possible flyby points. This work uses a combination of reachability, reference orbit, and linear theory to select appropriate candidates, drastically reducing the simulation time, to be later included in the main trajectory and optimized. Two test cases are presented using the aforementioned selection process and optimization to add and design a secondary flyby to a mission with the primary objective of 3200 Phaethon flyby and 25143 Itokawa rendezvous.  相似文献   

Satellite-aided capture is a mission design concept used to reduce the delta-v required to capture into a planetary orbit. The technique employs close flybys of a massive moon to reduce the energy of the planet-centered orbit. A sequence of close flybys of two or more of the Galilean moons of Jupiter may further decrease the delta-v cost of Jupiter orbit insertion. A Ganymede-Io sequence can save 207 m/s of delta-v over a single Io flyby. A phase angle analysis based on the Laplace resonance is used to find triple-satellite-aided capture sequences involving Io, Europa, and Ganymede. Additionally, the near-resonance of Callisto and Ganymede is used to find triple-satellite-aided capture sequences involving Callisto, Ganymede, and another moon. A combination of these techniques is used to find quadruple-satellite-aided capture sequences that involve gravity-assists of all four Galilean moons. These sequences can save a significant amount of delta-v and have the potential to benefit both NASA’s Jupiter Europa orbiter mission and ESA’s Jupiter Ganymede orbiter mission.  相似文献   

Spencer  John  Buie  Marc  Young  Leslie  Guo  Yanping  Stern  Alan 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》2003,92(1-4):483-491
Development of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is now fully funded by NASA (Stern and Spencer, this volume). If all goes well, New Horizons will be launched in January 2006, followed by a Jupiter gravity assist in 2007, with Pluto arrival expected in either 2015 or 2016, depending on the launch vehicle chosen. A backup launch date of early 2007, without a Jupiter flyby, would give a Pluto arrival in 2019 or 2020. In either case, a flyby of at least one Kuiper Belt object (KBO) is planned following the Pluto encounter, sometime before the spacecraft reaches a heliocentric distance of 50 AU, in 2021 or 2023 for the 2006 launch, and 2027 or 2029 for the 2007 launch. However, none of the almost 1000 currently-known KBOs will pass close enough to the spacecraft trajectory to be targeted by New Horizons, so the KBO flyby depends on finding a suitable target among the estimated 500,000 KBOs larger than 40 km in diameter. This paper discusses the issues involved in finding one or more KBO targets for New Horizons. The New Horizons team plans its own searches for mission KBOs but will welcome other U.S, or international team who wish to become involved in exchange for mission participation at the KBO.  相似文献   

The announced missions to the Saturn and Jupiter systems renewed the space community interest in simple design methods for gravity assist tours at planetary moons. A key element in such trajectories are the V-Infinity Leveraging Transfers (VILT) which link simple impulsive maneuvers with two consecutive gravity assists at the same moon. VILTs typically include a tangent impulsive maneuver close to an apse location, yielding to a desired change in the excess velocity relative to the moon. In this paper we study the VILT solution space and derive a linear approximation which greatly simplifies the computation of the transfers, and is amenable to broad global searches. Using this approximation, Tisserand graphs, and heuristic optimization procedure we introduce a fast design method for multiple-VILT tours. We use this method to design a trajectory from a highly eccentric orbit around Saturn to a 200-km science orbit at Enceladus. The trajectory is then recomputed removing the linear approximation, showing a Δv change of <4%. The trajectory is 2.7 years long and comprises 52 gravity assists at Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Enceladus, and several deterministic maneuvers. Total Δv is only 445 m/s, including the Enceladus orbit insertion, almost 10 times better then the 3.9 km/s of the Enceladus orbit insertion from the Titan–Enceladus Hohmann transfer. The new method and demonstrated results enable a new class of missions that tour and ultimately orbit small mass moons. Such missions were previously considered infeasible due to flight time and Δv constraints.  相似文献   

The Solar System Odyssey mission uses modern-day high-precision experimental techniques to test the laws of fundamental physics which determine dynamics in the solar system. It could lead to major discoveries by using demonstrated technologies and could be flown within the Cosmic Vision time frame. The mission proposes to perform a set of precision gravitation experiments from the vicinity of Earth to the outer Solar System. Its scientific objectives can be summarized as follows: (1) test of the gravity force law in the Solar System up to and beyond the orbit of Saturn; (2) precise investigation of navigation anomalies at the fly-bys; (3) measurement of Eddington’s parameter at occultations; (4) mapping of gravity field in the outer solar system and study of the Kuiper belt. To this aim, the Odyssey mission is built up on a main spacecraft, designed to fly up to 13 AU, with the following components: (a) a high-precision accelerometer, with bias-rejection system, measuring the deviation of the trajectory from the geodesics, that is also giving gravitational forces; (b) Ka-band transponders, as for Cassini, for a precise range and Doppler measurement up to 13 AU, with additional VLBI equipment; (c) optional laser equipment, which would allow one to improve the range and Doppler measurement, resulting in particular in an improved measurement (with respect to Cassini) of the Eddington’s parameter. In this baseline concept, the main spacecraft is designed to operate beyond the Saturn orbit, up to 13 AU. It experiences multiple planetary fly-bys at Earth, Mars or Venus, and Jupiter. The cruise and fly-by phases allow the mission to achieve its baseline scientific objectives [(1) to (3) in the above list]. In addition to this baseline concept, the Odyssey mission proposes the release of the Enigma radio-beacon at Saturn, allowing one to extend the deep space gravity test up to at least 50 AU, while achieving the scientific objective of a mapping of gravity field in the outer Solar System [(4) in the above list].   相似文献   

Spacecraft have successfully landed on the Moon, Venus, and Mars, and have penetrated the atmosphere of Jupiter. On 2001 February 12, the Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker spacecraft landed on the surface of the asteroid (433) Eros after a year of observations in orbit about the asteroid. NEAR Shoemaker was not designed to land on an asteroid, complicating the design of operations needed to accomplish this feat. However, the NEAR Shoemaker team wanted to attempt a landing after the year of orbital operations that consumed most of the remaining spacecraft fuel, operations funding, and planned Deep Space Network tracking. This would be a fitting end to the mission, and it would be possible to obtain images at much greater resolution during the descent than could be obtained from orbit. The operations were more successful than the NEAR Shoemaker team had hoped, obtaining 70 high-resolution images during the descent and two weeks of gamma-ray spectrometer data from the surface after the successful soft landing.  相似文献   

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