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为构建多鳞(Sillago sihama)遗传连锁图谱并鉴定生长等重要经济性状数量性状位点(QTL),实验通过基因分型测序(GBS)技术对163个多鳞个体(2个亲本和161个全同胞家系F1代)进行测序及标记分型,并通过复合区间定位法对该物种的体重、体高、体厚、眼径、体长和背鳍前长6个生长性状进行QTL定位分析。结果显示,多鳞首张高密度遗传连锁图谱全长2 154.803 c M,标记间平均遗传距离0.455 c M,共有4 735个SNP标记分配到24个连锁群。QTL定位分析结果发现在6个生长性状中共检测到20个生长显著相关QTL位点,分布在8个连锁群上,单个QTL的LOD值范围为3.02~4.23,可解释的表型变异范围为0.14%~8.42%。其中,在连锁群LG08聚集了8个生长性状显著相关的QTL。通过对候选QTL区间内的基因进行功能注释,共筛选到了19个潜在生长调控相关基因,包含igf1、igf2、sstr5、sst1a、tgfbr2、gas1、igfals、gfg6、gfg20、bmp7、kdm5c、tti1以及rbm10等。实验获得的遗传标记及相关候选基因是多鳞生长相关性状标记...  相似文献   

摆动尾鳍水动力性能的试验和数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏玉民  张曦  杨亮 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):150-158
鱼类能够在水下高速度、低噪音、高效率地游动。鱼类出色的推进性能通过其摆动尾鳍实现。这种摆动尾鳍推进方式已经用在了水下无人航行器上。因此研究摆动尾鳍的水动力性能是非常有意义的。对摆动尾鳍的推进水动力性能进行了详尽的研究。设计、装配了一套仿尾鳍推进系统,并对其进行了相应的水动力试验。在试验中研究了运动参数对摆动尾鳍水动力性能的影响。与此同时,采用基于雷诺平均N-S方程的数值方法对摆动尾鳍的水动力性能进行了研究。在数值计算中采用了k-ωSST湍流模型和有限体积法。数值计算结果和水动力试验结果进行了比较。对尾鳍表面的压力分布和流场中的尾涡结构进行了分析。水动力试验和数值计算都表明摆动尾鳍可以产生推进力和较高的推进效率。  相似文献   

为全面了解■属鱼类表型性状的种间差异,描述了我国养殖的黄条■(Seriola lalandi)、高体■(Seriola dumerili)和五条■(Seriola quinqueradiata)的形态学特征,测量了群体的表型数据,通过单因素方差分析、通径分析、主成分分析、判别分析和聚类分析等多元统计方法,对3种■鱼共计190尾样品的形态种质特征和可量可数性状进行了比较研究。单因素方差分析显示,除叉长/体长(FL/SL)、体长/尾柄长SL/PL)、头长/眼间距(HL/ID)和下颌长/上颌长(LJL/UJL)外,其余9个指标均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。通径分析显示,黄条■的体长(SL)、体高(BH)、尾柄长(PL)和尾柄高(PD)是主要影响其体质量的4个表型性状;高体■的体长(SL)、体高(BH)、眼间距(ID)、下颌长(LJL)和眼后头长(POL)是主要影响其体质量的5个表型性状;五条■的体高(BH)、下颌长(LJL)和全长(TL)是主要影响其体质量的3个表型性状。主成分分析构建了4个主成分,其中第一项主成分贡献率为34.974%,其他3个主成分的贡献率依次为23.897%、...  相似文献   

The larvae and larval development of Galaxias maculatus are described from a freshwater lake and a saline river in southwestern Western Australia. The size at hatching (7.0 mm total length) was similar to that recorded elsewhere for G. maculatus and the sequence of fin development (i.e., caudal, dorsal, anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins) was identical to that recorded for galaxiids generally. There were relative increases in the proportions of head length and body depth with larval growth and a decrease in proportion of pre‐anal length. Larvae from river habitats were smaller throughout larval stages of development than those from the lake. Fins of riverine fish began and completed development at a smaller size of fish than the lacustrine population, presumably as a response to the need for great motility at a smaller fish size in lotic environments.  相似文献   

以虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)优良品系选育群体作为试验群体,采用单性状动物模型估计头长、体长、体高、体厚、尾柄长、尾柄高、背吻距、背鳍基长等8个主要体尺性状的遗传力。结果显示,上述8个性状的遗传力在0.131—0.313之间,多为中等或偏低遗传力,其中背鳍基长遗传力最低,为0.131±0.039,体高遗传力最高,为0.313±0.086。采用皮尔逊相关法估计上述性状之间的表型相关,结果显示,上述性状间表型相关变化范围为0.016—0.815。采用两性状动物模型估计上述性状间的遗传相关,结果表明,上述性状间遗传相关变化范围为0.065—0.866。在本研究中,比较分析表型和遗传相关结果发现,虽然体厚与尾柄长的表型相关最低,仅为0.016,相关性不显著(P0.05),但是遗传相关为0.247,似然比检验(likelihood ratio test,LRT)统计分析达到显著水平(P0.05)。体厚与背鳍基长的表型相关为0.647,t检验达到显著水平(P0.05);但遗传相关仅为0.305,LRT统计分析未达到显著水平(P0.05)。上述结果说明,在该群体中各体尺性状的表型相关和遗传相关水平不完全相同,在设计育种方案时应综合考虑各个性状间的表型相关及遗传相关。  相似文献   

蔡难儿 《海洋与湖沼》1993,24(3):242-247
于1984—1985年应用PEG(聚乙二醇)浸泡不同发育时期的金鱼卵子,运用UV(紫外线)辐射卵子植物性半球卵质,进行尾鳍发育实验。结果表明,两种处理方法均可以导致双尾鳍金鱼变成单尾鳍鱼。在5%—18%PEG溶液中浸泡96h,单尾鳍形成率为16%—83.3%;UV辐射10—20min,单尾形成率为40%—66.7%。作者认为,是PEG和UV影响卵子中某些细胞质而诱导金鱼产生单尾鳍的。为此,可以提出一个假说,即金鱼卵子中存着一种调控物质,这种物质一旦被损伤、切除,便导致单尾鳍的形成。此种物质位于植物性半球之中,它随着胚胎的发育而流向胚盘。实验表明,性状的表达为细胞质所控制。  相似文献   

Characteristic organisms are tabulated, and the substrate conditions briefly described for seven habitats in the Avon‐Heathcote Estuary, Christchurch, New Zealand. Temperatures and water movements within the estuary are outlined.

From April 1965 to April 1966, samples were collected by short otter‐trawl shots, gill netting, beach seine hauls, and dip netting; the limitations of the gear are noted. The distributions and movements are recorded for nine fish species : sand flounder, Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson) ; yellow‐bellied flounder, Rhombosolea leporina (Hutton) ; common sole, Peltorhamphus novae‐zeelandiae (Gunther) ; ye'llow‐eyed mullet Aldrichetta forsteri (Cuvier and Valenciennes); kahawai, Arripis trutta (Bloch and Schneider); spotty, Pseudolabrus celidotus (Bloch and Schneider); cockabully, Tripterygion nigripenne (Cuvier and Valenciennes) ; common bully, Gobiomorphus basalis (Gray); and globe fish, Spheroides richei (Freminville).

Length‐frequency distributions showed that most of the nine species of fish used the estuary as a feeding area for adults and as a nursery area. Only two species did not migrate to and from the sea.

Length‐weight relationships for eight species showed that weight was a function of length approximately cubed, and that the exponential equation could be used to predict weight from length.

Regressions of caudal fin length on standard length for four species gave a positive correlation (r = +0.95). Relative proportions of body length to caudal fin length were related to habitat; fish of benthic habits had proportionally shorter caudal fins than pelagic fish.  相似文献   

对海水养殖尼罗罗非鱼Oreochromis niloticus尾鳍腐烂病(烂尾病)病原菌的形态、生理生化特性进行了研究。经鉴定为嗜水气单胞菌无气亚种Aeromonas hydrophila subsp.anaero-genes Schubert.菌体细胞为直杆,单个,以单极鞭毛运动,革兰氏染色阴性。患病鱼行动迟缓,常浮在水面上游动,鱼体变黑至死亡。  相似文献   

将经直接消化的斑马鱼头肾细胞或经短暂培养的尾鳍细胞核移植到同种成熟具核卵子中 ,移核卵可发育到原肠晚期 ;将移核卵发育成的囊胚细胞核作供体进行第 2次核移植 ,受体卵可发育到尾芽期或肌肉感应期。流式细胞仪测定 DNA含量表明 ,受体卵发育形成的囊胚细胞 DNA含量与正常囊胚细胞 DNA含量相同 ,由此可知 ,移核卵中的雌原核没有参与移核胚胎的发育。  相似文献   

黄梓荣  梁沛文 《台湾海峡》2012,31(3):437-439,449
2011年4月17日在南沙海域调查时,采集到2尾棘箱鲀属(Kentrocapros)标本,经鉴定为黄带棘箱鲀(Kentrocapros flavofasciantus),标本现保存在南海水产研究所标本馆.标本体长分别为108、135 mm.无鳍棘和腹鳍,背鳍和臀鳍各1个.背鳍鳍条数目为11,胸鳍鳍条数目为12,臀鳍鳍条数目为10,尾鳍鳍条数目为11.体长为体高的2.41~2.57倍,体宽的3.07~3.09倍,头长的3.38~3.48倍,吻长的4.35~4.70倍.头长为眼径的2.22~2.38倍,眼间隔的1.35~1.54倍,鳃孔长度的3.10~3.33倍.除尾柄、胸鳍基部、背鳍基部、臀鳍基部、肛门附近之外,体披硬体甲,体甲刚好在背鳍前方闭合,体甲为6棱形,无刺平滑,从肛门连续沿纵线到胸鳍基部下前方形成裸褶.体侧无侧线.上下颌每侧具8个小柱状切牙.胸鳍最上第一鳍条很短,长度约为第二鳍条的1/6.体为褐黄色,体甲有两条较宽的纵向黄带.唇为褐棕色,牙为红褐色.所有鳍条为黄色或略显褐黄色.  相似文献   

Regression models are developed and presented to predict dry mass (mg) from two linear dimensions (mm) for 17 benthic macroinvertebrate taxa common to littoral zones of New Zealand lakes. We also provide regression models to predict body length from head capsule width for the major insect taxa. Dry mass was best explained as a power function of all linear dimensions: M = aL b .Parameters are presented in the log10‐transformed linear form of this power function. Body length was a simple linear function of head capsule width for all insect taxa, hence parameters for these models are presented as untransformed values. We also provide family level models for the Chironomidae, and compare our chironomid body length‐mass model with other published Chrionomidae length‐mass models. There was a very high degree of variability in parameter values among published length‐mass models for the family Chironomidae (mean coefficient of variation for mass at length = 148%). We discuss the potential causes and implications of this variability.  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝两个与生长性状相关QTL 的验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2个马氏珠母贝群体对遗传连锁图谱已经定位的,与马氏珠母贝生长性状相关的数量性状位点(Quantitative trait locus,QTL)中的两个进行验证。结果显示:m59标记在2个群体中与壳高、壳长、壳宽和总重具有显著的相关性(P0.05),其GT基因型的个体壳高、壳长、壳宽和总重均显著高于GG基因型的个体;154165标记在湛江群体中与壳高具有显著相关性(P0.05),而在深圳群体中与壳宽具有显著相关性(P0.05);表明QTL标记m59在2个群体中是共享QTL,而154165标记在群体中是特异QTL。基于这两个QTL在这2个群体中分别构建二倍型,发现在湛江群体中二倍型C_1(AAGT)和深圳群体中D_1(AGGT)型和D_2(AAGT)型对马氏珠母贝生长最为有利,可作为优先的基因型组合。  相似文献   

Larval specimens ofHalicampus punctatus were collected off Ulsan and Uljin in December 2002 (three specimens) and off Ulsan in December 2003 (one specimen). These specimens are characterized by the following morphological characteristics: rings, 14 + 35 = 49; subdorsal rings, 1 + 3 = 4; dorsal fin rays, 19 – 20; pectoral fin rays, 14 – 15; anal fin rays, 9; head length (HL), 5.8 – 6.7 in the standard length; snout length, 1.9 in HL; snout depth, 3.7 – 5.2 in snout length. The number of caudal fin rays 9 is less than those of the other species in the same genus 10. Wide stripe bands composed of small pigments are shown in the trunk and the tail. Melanophores are not found in the dorsal fin, the pectoral fin, and the anal fin except the caudal fin. The supraoccipital crest is on the head. The frontal ridge is on the dorsal side of front trunk. The blanched ridges on the opercular are fused with a main ridge like a tree branch. A few branched ridges that are small and narrow on the trunk and the tail are fused with the main ridges. We report these specimens as the first record in Korea and name them ‘Byeol-silgo-ki’ in Korean.  相似文献   

Rhinochimaera africana, a new species (Chondrichthyes, Chimaeriformes, Rhinochimaeridae), is described from five specimens from the Western Cape and KwaZulu coasts of southern Africa and from the Moçambique Channel between South-Western Madagascar and Europa Island. Two more specimens are known from off the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. It differs from the partially sympatric R. atlantica Holt and Byrne, 1909, and the Pacific R. pacifica (Mitsukuri, 1895) in its darker coloration, longer, broader, paddle-shaped snout, tooth plates of different shape, a more elongate-oval clasper glans, a shorter caudal fin with very short filament, and possibly a smaller dorsal fin and longer interdorsal space. R. africana males are mature at 568 mm body length (BDL), females adolescent at 476 mm BDL. A large, probably adult female of 650 mm BDL is larger than any recorded R. atlantica or R. africana. Wounds on two specimens indicate possible "cookie-cutter" bites by squaloid sharks, and one has a possible bite by another Rhinochimaera. Data on R. pacifica and R. atlantica, including 45 specimens from off Namibia and South Africa, are presented for comparison with R. africana. Caudal tubercle counts of R. africana (40–46) are intermediate between those of R. atlantica (most with 19–33, rarely up to 43) and of R. pacifica (41–68, rarely as low as 25–34). Southern African R. atlantica agree with North Atlantic R. atlantica in having few caudal tubercles, but there is slight overlap with R. pacifica in the case of higher counts recorded for R. africana. The systematics and distribution of the genus Rhinochimaera are reviewed, a terminology and abbreviation system for morphometries presented, and a key to species provided. The separation of R. atlantica and R. pacifica on caudal tubercle counts is provisionally accepted but considered problematical until adequate samples of both species can be critically compared. Proportional measurements and counts of caudal tubercles were highly variable in Rhinochimaera, with much allometry in proportions with growth and much individual variation. Selected morphometrics are plotted to show allometric trends in proportions that separate R. africana from other species.  相似文献   

横带髭鲷(Hapalogenys mucronatus)是我国优质近海岛礁性鱼类,具有较高的经济、营养和观赏价值,有着良好的发展前景。为研究横带髭鲷野生群体的表型性状对体重的影响效果,测定了全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、躯干长(X4)、尾部长(X5)、眼径(X6)、体高(X7)、尾柄高(X8)、体宽(X9)、眼间距(X10)10个表型性状及体重(Y),利用相关分析、通径分析、回归分析等方法探究了表型性状对体重的影响,并建立多元回归方程,分别以列入回归方程的4个表型性状为自变量,体重为因变量进行曲线模型拟合,筛选出最优拟合模型。结果表明,体重的变异系数最大,而表型性状则相对较小。横带髭鲷各性状之间均呈现极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),全长与体长的相关系数(0.967)最大,体高与体重的相关系数(0.958)次之。通径分析发现体高对体重的直接作用最大(0...  相似文献   

形态学研究是海洋生物学的基础,对了解渔业资源的群体组成有重要意义。根据2018年7月至2019年6月在汕头—台湾浅滩渔场采获的940尾中国枪乌贼(Uroteuthis chinensis)的形态学数据,对其群体组成、胴长与体质量关系进行了研究;对各形态参数比进行了主成分分析;采用线性、指数、幂函数、Logistic4种函数对各形态学指标即右第一至第四腕长、右触腕长、鳍长和鳍宽与胴长的关系进行了拟合并选出最优方程。结果发现:中国枪乌贼的胴长范围为50.00~300.00 mm,平均胴长为111.44 mm,体质量范围为7.43~301.00 g,平均体质量为53.95 g,雌、雄生长系数b值分别为2.269 6和2.067 5,雌性比雄性生长速度更快,并存在个体小型化持续的趋势。主成分分析表明各形态参数比的差异可简化为2个主成分,第1主成分主要解释了各腕长、鳍宽的差异;第2主成分主要解释了鳍长的差异,因子荷载可视化雌雄在第2主成分具有明显偏离态势。各腕指标及鳍长、鳍宽与胴长关系以线性函数拟合最佳,协方差分析表明雌性与雄性个体之间存在显著差异(p0.05)。研究结果可为中国枪乌贼渔业生物学积累基础资料,加深对该资源种群组成及变动的了解,从而为实现资源的可持续利用和科学管理提供依据。  相似文献   

2015年10月中旬,在浙江省舟山市近海的渔业资源调查中采集到天竺鲷标本,经鉴定发现其中黑边银口天竺鲷为浙江新纪录种。本文对采集的6尾黑边银口天竺鲷标本拍摄照片并开展形态特征和DNA条形码研究,对该种的拉丁学名进行校正。黑边银口天竺鲷的有效学名为Jaydia truncata(Bleeker,1854)。具有以下主要形态特征:背鳍鳍条数VII+I,9,胸鳍鳍条数16—17;背前鳞数4;第一鳃弓总鳃耙数3—4+11—13,发达鳃耙数1+9—10,角鳃弓上的鳃耙数9;前鳃盖骨边缘锯齿状;第一背鳍上端黑色,第二背鳍及尾鳍边缘黑色,第二背鳍与臀鳍中部各具一黑色纵纹。本研究分析了浙江海域5种天竺鲷科鱼类的形态差异,并编制了检索表。测定了6尾标本的DNA条形码,结合Gen Bank中所有学名为Jaydia truncata及其同种异名的同源序列分析,发现所有个体明显分为两个分支,且两者遗传距离达到0.149,表明两分支可能为不同的有效种,Gen Bank中只有AB890050和JQ681488与本研究序列结果相近。  相似文献   

红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)形态性状对体重的影响效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用通径分析方法,对红鳍东方鲀表型形态性状对体重的影响效果进行研究.结果表明,所测各表型性状与体重之间的相关系数均达到显著水平(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01);体周长1对体重的直接影响(0.533)最大,对体重的决定程度(28.41%)最高,是影响体重的主要因素;全长对体重的直接作用(0.369)较大,间接作用(0.259)最小;体高、尾柄高对体重的直接作用(0.228,0.145)相对较小,主要通过体周长1的间接作用(0.363,0.296)影响体重.所选表型性状对体重的复相关指数R2=0.950,表明所选性状是影响体重的主要性状.利用逐步回归分析方法建立以体周长1、体高、尾柄高为自变量估计体重的多元回归回归方程为:y =-2154.095+42.072x1+33.936x2+72.687x3+50.538x4.  相似文献   

随机抽取3月龄脉红螺稚螺103粒,开展其表型性状对体质量性状影响分析,以期为脉红螺人工选择育种提供较好的测度指标。实验测量了脉红螺壳长(X1)、壳宽(X2)、壳厚(X3)、壳口长(X4)、壳口宽(X5)等5种表型性状和体质量性状(Y),运用相关性分析、多元回归分析、通径分析及决定系数分析等方法分析了表型性状对体质量性状的影响。结果表明,脉红螺各性状间的相关性均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),拟合的多元线性方程为Y=-18.484 4+0.348 35X1+0.463 79X2,经自助法检验,在95%置信区间条件下,该方程决定系数(R2)范围为0.863 5~0.939 4,拟合度较好;壳长和壳宽对体质量的决定系数之和大于0.85,是最适宜用来预测体质量性状的两个表型性状指标。本研究成功分析出对脉红螺体质量直接影响作用最强的表型性状,为脉红螺选择育种理想测度指标的挑选提供了依据。  相似文献   

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